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Week 6

Recursos: Web
Past Perfect simple and Continuous
Nota: Recuerda que puedes realizar tu tarea en formato digital o en formato de tu


1. Read the text and enclose in a circle

examples of the past perfect simple and
past perfect continuous.

2. Underline the correct alternatives to

complete the rules.

Past and Perfect tenses

a. We use the past perfect simple / continuous
for a completed action that happened before
a specific time in the past.

b. We use the past perfect simple o continuous

to explain the cause of something in the past.
we use the past perfect simple / continuous
If the cause went on for some time.

c. With state verbs (know, be, like, etc..) we use

The past perfect simple / continuous with for
or since to say how long an action had been in

d. With action verbs, we use the past perfect

simple / continuous with for o since to say how
long and action had been progress.

3. Complete the sentences.

Use the past perfect continuous and phrase from the box.

Wear new shoes cook dinner play on the beach

Not pay attention travel for six hours use her
Not sleep very well
1. James looked tired because _ Not sleep very well __
2. When I got home, there was a lovely smell. Kate ____ cook dinner ___
3. When we finally got to London, we __travel for six hour___
4. Sam couldn’t do the exercise because _______________
5. I had sore feet because I ____ Wear new shoes ____
6. Stella was cross because her sister _ use her make-up

7. The children were covered in sand because they __ play on the beach ____

4. Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous.

a.The ground was wet because it had been raining (rain).

b.When the bus finally arrived, I had been waiting (wait) for over half an hour.
c.Jane changed (change) so much that I hardly recognized her.
d.Matthe’w hands were covered in oil. He . had been mending (mend) his bike.
e.had been knowing (know) each other for six years when they got married.
f.Their hands were freezing. They had been making (make) snowmen. Tom. had been
playing (play) the piano for three years when he took the exam.
5. Select the correct answer

1. My dad ________ smoking in the garage.

 had been

2. The printer ________ working well.

 had not been

 had not

3. Had the players _____ playing by the rules?


4. She ________ expecting the worst.

 'd been
 had being

5. Had the teachers ________ before the strike?

 been work
 been working

6. Our pool pump ________ running properly before the storm.

 had not have

 hadn't been
 hadn't being

7. My sister’s roommate was upset. She _____ been waiting for an hour.


8. I just heard about the accident. ________ been working all night?

 Had the driver

 Had the driving
 Have the driver

9. We were shocked to see her. ________ been expecting her.

 We are
 We have
 We'd not

10. I finally reached my mom. ________ her all day.

 I'd been calling

 I have called
 I called
Te invito a participar de la siguiente auto evaluación.

Ítem ¿Por qué?

He leído el material de estudio antes de Para poder realizarla

iniciar con la actividad. con facilidad
He preguntado a la tutora las dudas que han No he tenido dudas y
surgido con el material de estudio o con la si si las he resuelto
actividad X solo
Los temas de la semana los he comprendido X Claro
He buscado las palabras desconocidas en el X Para saber su
diccionario significado
¿La pasas bien en el material de apoyo? ¿Te X Aveces, trato de no
diviertes? ¿Encuentras siempre algo complicarme
interesante aunque el tema del día sea algo
He presentado esta actividad a tiempo (si no x No, y pido excusas
es así por favor indicar que sucedió.) ya que tuve un
problema con el wifi
La tutora ha respondido oportunamente mis Claro
mensajes (consultorio, Skype, mensajero

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la semana? x Todo

Has socializado la actividad con algún x No he tenido la
compañero de curso. oportunidad
Se evidencia compresión de la actividad x Comprendi la
asignada. mayoría de los

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