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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Student Khadeeja Ahmed Alhosani Student ID: H00298810

MCT name: Mouza Alayyan Course code: EPC 4909
MST name: Avishka Ramdaw Placement AlBteen school
Subject: English Lesson (Phonics) Date: 21st February 2021

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to
formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected
teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Strengths: Khadeeja has been committed to the profession from day one. She is always on
time and is well prepared for the lesson.

Planning for Learning

Strengths: Khadeeja has been planning English PowerPoints for her lessons. She included
elements such as a starter, whole class activities, assessment for learning and self- evaluations
in her PowerPoints.

Areas for improvement:

Font of letters need to be bold and student friendly.
Managing Learning

Strengths: Khadeeja had a very good English lesson with Grade 1D. She ensures that her
students feel safe and confident in her virtual classroom. She encouraged students of all
abilities, throughout the lesson, to participate in verbal and Chat Box responses.

Implementing Learning

Strengths: khadeeja’s lesson with Grade 1D was scaffolded effectively and her tracking of
students included differentiated tasks in live worksheets and wordwall.

Areas for improvement: I would have liked to see another challenge for students who
completed the wordwall activity as part of extending the higher ability students.
Khadeeja checked in on students throughout the lesson. She also used assessment for learning
in her plenary.
Areas for improvement:
I would like to see some self and/or peer assessment in her next lesson.

Reflection on Practice

Strengths: Khadeeja has been reflecting on her teaching and making improvements in the next

Action Plan (next steps):

Continue to encourage more students to participate, so you can track more students’ progress.
Keep up the great work!

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