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Summary of Speech: Give me Liberty or Give me Death

In his famous speech at St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, Patrick Henry is trying to raise
awareness for the topics that are surrounding the US at that time. His main purpose in writing this
speech is caused by the conflict between the US and Britain. The causes of the conflict must have
really affected him that he decided as a small lawyer in West Virginia to give this speech. We can
understand that he is affected because he worded in a way that is sincere and concerned but also not
letting his emotion poison his head.

He is using religion as a great tool. What we mean with that is he is using religon as persuasive tool
that would even get people who are unfamiliar or cold to his ideas. He had a way wording that was
confident yet was not overly confident way that will get him executed. He did it perfectly by making
the reader getting used to the topic that he is talking about. He uses the past as a guide to look fort
he future because the past has given him the experience that he needs. The point that he makes is
why we shouldnt surrender. He gives reasons to the foundation of the country and points ou that
they did not govern this country easily and they will not be letting strangers to claim what has
already been claimed. He points out the lives that could be taken and so does the civil rights. He talks
about what could happen if they are still searching for a hope of an agreement with the UK
government and persuade them about the war and obtaining and protecting their freedom.

In the conclusion part of the text he once again points out that the war has begun and there should
not be a going back. He asks god for the banishing of counter forces which proves that his main
target audience is a little conservative. He finish his speech stunning wise words: Give me Liberty or
Give me Death. This means that until he is dead he will be looking out fort he peoples freedom and
their rights

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