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Sayana-Nirayana Systems [The time itself is god Vishnu, eternal and is Siva. Those who know it
are respected. It is said (by the sages) that who else is greater than him
Prayer (than the one who feel the reality of time). Other ancient advices (Sastra)
ªÉäxÉɺªÉ Ê{ÉiÉ®úÉä ªÉÉiÉÉ& ªÉäxÉ ªÉÉiÉÉ& Ê{ÉiÉɨɽþÉ& are not visible, and the arguments are common; but Astrology is visible
iÉäxɪÉɪÉÉiºÉiÉÉÆ ¨ÉÉMÉÈ iÉäxÉ MÉSUÆô zÉÊ®ú¹ªÉiÉä** (provable) advice, Sun and Moon are witness for the same]
- ¨ÉxÉÖº¨ÉÞÊiÉ
[We should proceed through the same path our ancestors (the sages) EòɱɺÉÞVÉÊiÉ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊxÉ EòɱɺºÉƽþ®úÊiÉ |ÉVÉÉ&
followed. If we do so we don’t have to worry that we made a mistake] EòɱɺºÉÖ{iÉä¹ÉÖ VÉÉMÉÌkÉ EòɱÉÉäʽþ nÖù®úÊiÉGò¨É&*
EòɱÉäxÉ ¤ÉʱÉʦÉÊ®úxpùÉä(+)¦ÉÚiÉ EòɱÉäxÉ SÉ ÊxÉ´ÉÌkÉiÉ&
Our ancestors followed the path of search by self study and medita- EòÉ±É B´É {ÉÖxÉ& EòkÉÉÇ {ÉÖ®úÉhÉÉxªÉä´É¨ÉÚÊSÉ®äú**
tion. Intellect and felling (heart: experience of reality) were given equal - MÉÉÌMɽþÉä®úÉ
importance. The search of truth was of a balanced individual. Enlight-
enment and accumulated knowledge made them articulate in present- [Time creates everything, time destroys. Time makes us sleep, and
ing the reality they experienced. Thus the path (Dhyana=Tao) is of self time awakes. Time is impenetrable, impossible to go beyond. It is by
study (Swadhyaya) and meditation. Not only the knowledge, but also the power of time mind becomes strong, it is due to time that the ulti-
its application and the spiritual experience are important. The life is the mate gets revealed. It is the time that does everything. In Puranas also
path - the never ending search. It is search always because the frag- the same is told]
mented mind cannot encounter the reality - and when encountered it
Thus astrology is the study of time; the study of the ultimate; a
can not be put in words, since the words are of the mind.
philosophy; a beginning and end in itself; a branch of knowledge that
Time existed from the far past; and still continues to exist.
Astrology has a unique philosophy in the search of truth; Astrology
itself is a path. The path to the ultimate by the study of eternal time (the
time that can not be divided: Ananta) and the divisible time (Year, Month, History of astrology is a unique and mysterious subject. The literary
Day, Hour, Minute, Second etc). Time itself is part of the ultimate. history presented by available slokas from Rishi horas and our modern
VªÉÉäÊiɹÉɨɪÉxÉÆ ºÉÉIÉÉtkÉnÂù YÉÉxɨÉ{ÉÒÎxpùªÉÆ understanding about the history of India does not match. Even the liter-
|ÉhÉÒiÉÆ ¦É´ÉiÉÉ ªÉäxÉ {ÉÖ¨ÉÉxÉ ´Éänù{É®úÉ´É®Æú** ary history as interpreted from Vedas, Upanishads and Epics does not
- ¸ÉÒ¨ÉnÂù ¦ÉÉMÉ´ÉiÉÆ tally with the literary history of astrology derived from the available
[Astrology is the path. The knowledge of it is beyond that of the (five) Rishi hora slokas. The names of signs are neither mentioned in vedas
senses. This branch of knowledge is created by the god himself, who is nor in Upanishads. The Vedic literature seems to reflect more of Sayana
beyond the Vedas] system, and Nirayana system based on stellar divisions, even though
the division of zodiac into 12 equal parts are available in Vedas. Possi-
Eò±ÉÉäªÉÆ ¦ÉMÉ´ÉÉxÉ ʴɹhÉÖ®úxÉxiÉ& {É®ú¨Éä·É®ú&
iÉuäùkÉÉ {ÉÚVªÉiÉä ºÉÎnÂù¦É& {ÉÚVªÉ& EòÉäxªÉiɨÉÉä¨ÉiÉ&* bly the names of signs gets first mentioned in vedic literature in
+|ÉiªÉIÉÉÊhÉ ¶ÉɺjÉÉÊhÉ Ê´É´ÉÉnùºiɺiÉÖ Eäò´É±ÉÆ Yajnyavalka Smiriti, about the period of which we have no idea. The
|ÉiªÉIÉÆ VªÉÉäÊiɹÉÆ ¶ÉɺjÉ SÉxpùÉEêò ªÉjÉ ºÉÉÊIÉhÉÉè** names of days possibly gets its first mention in Boudhayana sulba sutra
- ºÉÚªÉÇVÉÉiÉEÆò (ºÉÚªÉÉǯûhÉ ºÉÆ´ÉÉnÆù) as far as vedic literature is concerned.

As per the Nirayana stream of astrology, the signs, planets, days * Epics and Puranas
etc gets mentioned and well described in detail in ancient texts like
- is necessary to attain the same, without which our clarity in under-
Skanda Hora. The first text of Nirayana astrology Skanda Hora (also
standing will not emerge.
known as Jyotishmati Upanishad) does not get mentioned in any other
Upanishad. Many slokas from this text is still available but the period There is one more unique bit of knowledge that should be kept in
this text undecipherable and the language very old and similar to vedic mind prior to such a study. Even though the Vedic literature might have
literature. Suryacharya (the guru who give rise to Surya Sidhanta, and a history of even BC 6000 or earlier, the Devanagari script did not
Surya Jataka, texts on astronomy and astrology) is thought to be one of existed prior to BC 200 as per our current archeological understanding.
the major gurus of this tradition. Possibly this branch of knowledge of The original Sanskrit texts like Vedas, Upanishads, Epics such as
Nirayana system of astrology is non-vedic in nature and as old as vedas Mahabharata and Ramayana might have originally been written using
itself. The most scientific approach of texts like Skanda hora and Surya a script similar to Sindhu-Saraswati script or Proto-Brahmi. Prior to
sidhanta giving maximum importance to rhythm of the solar system, that they might have been imparted to generations by memorizing the
breath pattern and minute time divisions indicates a the evolvement of slokas through guru-sishya parampara. With the advent of Devanagari
this science from Yogic or Tantic experience. Many associate this knowl- script all the texts must have been modified and rewritten using the
edge with the lost Sindhu-Saraswati civilization and the Tantric culture new rectified script and its grammar. The modifications and interpola-
prevalent in India in the ancient past. This path of knowledge seems to tions must have continued for generations there after and the texts that
be a bit different from that of the astrological knowledge reflected in are available to us are survival remains of all these tides turbulences
vedic literature. and cultural changes. There is no point in denying this fact out of na-
tional pride or religious fundamentalism. Being sacred texts Vedas,
The Epics (Mahabharata and Ramayana) and Puranas deal with Upanishads, and Epics might have withstood these modifications to a
astrology for sure but not in a comprehensive and perfect manner as large extend, and the inner thread of knowledge possibly we could lo-
depicted in Skanda Hora (Predictive astrology) or Surya sidhanta cate in them should point to the original knowledge as practiced and
(Nirayana astronomy). They some how seems to follow the Vedic path, perceived in far ancient past.
but missing link or a mix up is also visible at many places. These texts
give us the feel that there existed a system of predictive astrology com- To give a brief idea about these streams of knowledge, I will quote
pletely based on stellar divisions alone, prior to the origin of sign based some slokas from them to provide an introduction to the same.
predictive system. It is also possible that Sign based and stellar divi- Vedic Astrology
sions based astrology followed different paths in development and ap-
plication, prior to the mix up of the two to form the perfect system. There are many suktas available in Vedas that point to the existence
of both Sayana and Nirayana Zodiac.
This condition necessitates scrutinizing the subject in detail to have
a detailed understanding so that our views would more closer to truth,
uùÉnù¶É |ÉvɪɶSÉGò¨ÉäEÆò jÉÒÊhÉ xÉɦªÉÉÊxÉ Eò& = iÉÎSSÉEäòiÉ
than that of a passer by. A detailed study of ancient astrology depicted iÉjÉɽþiÉÉ ºjÉÒÊhÉ ¶ÉiÉÉÊxÉ ¶ÉÆEò´É ¹Éι`ö¶SÉ EòÒ±ÉÉ +Ê´É´ÉÉSɱÉɪÉä*
in- <nÆù ºÉÊ´ÉiÉÌ´É VÉÉxÉÒʽþ ¹É]Âõ ªÉ¨ÉÉ BEò BEòVÉ&
iÉκ¨ÉxÉ ½þÉÊ{Éi´ÉʨÉSUôxiÉä ªÉ B¹ÉɨÉäEò BEòVÉ&**
* Vedas and Upanishads - +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù
* Tantric Literature [One wheel with 12 spokes (12 signs). It has 3 fiducial points (120 deg,

240 deg, 360 deg). 360 nails (degrees) are fixed in it. Who knows this <ǨÉÉÇx´Éuù{ÉÖ¹Éä ´É{ÉÖ¶SÉGÆò ®úlɺªÉ ªÉä¨ÉvÉÖ&
unmoving wheel? (This is about Nirayana Zodiac). This solar year is {ɪÉÇxªÉÉ xÉɽÖþ¹ÉÉ ªÉÖMÉÉ ¨É¼xÉÉ ®úÉVÉÉÆ漃 nùÒªÉlÉ&**
composed of 6 seasons each season covering 2 months. This is one - @ñM´Éänù
wheel (This is about Sayana Zodiac)] [Oh! Aswin (Oh! Aswini Nakshatra!) you have directed one of your
BEòSÉGÆò ´ÉkÉÇiÉ BEòxÉä欃 ºÉ½þ»ÉÉIÉÆ |É {ÉÖ®úÉäÊiÉ {ɶSÉÉ wheels in your chariot to make sun radiant (This is about Sayana zo-
+lÉæxÉ Ê´É·ÉÆ ¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉÆ VÉVÉÉxÉ ªÉnù ºªÉÉvÉÇ C´É iÉnÂù ¤É¦ÉÚ´É** diac). You use the second wheel to grasp the whole world (This is
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù about Nirayana zodiac)]
[(Out of these) one wheel and its fiducial points with the circular boundary These suktas clearly indicate that the Vedic sages understood both
is moving continuously (This is about Sayana zodiac). The world (all the Sayana and Nirayana zodiacs.
the worldly time divisions) emerged from it. But where is the other
Ancient Astrologic Literature (Non-Vedic?)
part? (This is about Nirayana zodiac)]
Now let us look at some of the available slokas from the ancient
|ÉVÉÉ{ÉÊiɶSÉ®úÊiÉ MɦÉæ +xiÉ®úoù¶ªÉ¨ÉÉxÉÉä ¤É½ÖþvÉÉÊ´ÉVÉɪÉiÉä, astrologic literature such as Skanda hora, Surya Jataka etc of which
+vÉæxÉ Ê´É·ÉÆ ¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉÆ VÉVÉÉxÉ iÉnùºªÉÉvÉÇ EÞòiɨÉ& ºÉ& EäòiÉÖ&* we fail to determine the period of origin.
>ðnÂùvªÉÇ ¦É®úxiɨÉÖnùEÆò EÖÆò¦ÉäxÉä´ÉÉänù ½þɪÉÈ
{ɶªÉÎxiÉ ºÉ´Éæ SÉIÉÖ¹ÉÉ xÉ ºÉ´Éæ ¨ÉxɺÉÉ Ê´ÉnÖù& EòɱÉÉi¨ÉÉ Eòɱɰü{ÉÉä(+)ªÉÆ EòɱÉκjÉVÉMÉnùÒ·É®ú&
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù iɺªÉäSUôÉxÉֺɮÆú Eò¨ÉÇ UôɪÉÉ|ÉEÞòÊiÉ´Éiº´ÉMÉ&*
EòɱÉɪÉkÉʨÉnÆù ºÉ´ÉÈ ºÉ EòɱÉÉä oùι]õMÉÉäSÉ®ú&
[By living invisibly inside everything Prajapati* (The creator) revolves iÉiÉ EòɱÉEò±ÉxÉÆ ¶ÉɺjÉÆ ´ÉIªÉä VªÉÉäÊiɹɨÉÖkɨÉÆ**
and emerges in different forms (seasons). From its half the world - ºÉÚªÉÇVÉÉiÉEÆò (ºÉÚªÉÉǯûhɺÉÆ´ÉÉnÆù)
emerges (This is about Sayana zodiac). What is its other part? (This
is about Nirayana zodiac). Like water in the pot everybody sees what [The soul is time, the ultimate is time, time itself is the god of all three
is visible above from outside, with their eyes. But they fail to compre- worlds (Past, Present, Future). All the actions are as per time, like the
shadow that is natural. Everything is given by time, and that time is
hend it with their mind (and fail to see what is there inside, in depth)]
visible (visible divisions of time). I will tell about that science that is
This sukta depicts the worry of the sage about the extra importance known as astrology/astronomy]
given to Sayana zodiac in vedic period. The sage says, let others study ¶ÉÉÎxiÉEäò {ÉÉèι]õEäò ºxÉÉxÉ ½þ´ÉxÉÉÊnù¹ÉÖ Eò¨ÉǺÉÖ
the Sayana zodiac but he will study the Nirayana zodiac in which the +¨ÉÚkÉǺªÉÉÊ{É ¨ÉÚÌkÉi´Éä ®úɶɪÉ& {É®ú¨ÉäʶÉiÉÖ&
Nakshatra divisions are fixed. - ºÉÚªÉÇVÉÉiÉEÆò (ºÉÚªÉÉǯûhɺÉÆ´ÉÉnÆù)
ªÉjÉnäù´ÉɶSÉɨÉxÉÖ¹ªÉɶSÉÉ®úÉ xÉɦÉÉÊ´É´ÉʸÉiÉÉ& +{ÉÉ i´ÉÉÆ {ÉÖ¹{ÉÆ {ÉÞSUôÉʨÉ* [In auspicious for spiritual and auspicious for worldly actions, the divine
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù signs, even though without shape, imagined in particular shapes, reflect
[I search for that Narayana (Nirayana zodiac) in which like the spokes (their nature)]
of a wheel the Nakhatras (Devas: näù´ÉMÉÞ½þÉ ´Éè xÉIÉjÉÉÊhÉ) are fixed]
ºÉiªÉäxÉÉäkÉÆʦÉiÉÆ SÉGò¨ÉÖ{ÉɺÉxÉɱÉƤÉä xɦɺlɱÉä
VªÉÉäÊiɹÉɨÉäEò´ÉÉvÉÉ®ú¨ÉÉκlÉiÉÆ {ÉÊ®ú{ÉkÉÇiÉä*
* Prajapati is the lord of Rohini Nakshatra. In that period Rohini Nakshatra was
at the equinox and represented the beginning of Sayana zodiac. In the Yugadi
<iÉ {ɪÉǴɽäþhÉänÆù iÉkɶSÉ |ÉÉèfø¨ÉÖÎilÉiÉÆ
planetary position - which is the base for division of Nirayana zodiac into xÉɧÉiÉ& {ÉiÉÊiÉ C´ÉÉÊ{É xÉäʨɶSÉ xɨÉÊiÉ C´ÉÊSɱÉÂ**
signs and Nakshatras - also the equinox is at the center of Rohini Nakshatra. - ºEòxnù½þÉä®úÉ

[Without support in sky the wheel that forms the support of for the 1 min = 27 breaths.
movement of Sun and other luminaries fixed, and it stays eternal. Sup-
Zodiac = 12 x 30 x 60 = 21600 min = 21600 x 27 = 583200 breaths
ported by Gravity this wheel stays high, its center never fluctuates, and
the wheel never falls] 1 Sign = 1800 x 27 = 48600 breaths
¶É¡èò®úÉÊnùiªÉ ºÉ{iÉÒxÉÉÆ IÉÖhhɨÉäiÉnù½þÌxɶÉÆ ®úlªÉªÉÉ Thus the zodiac and the rhythm of the solar system get equated to
{ÉÉƺÉÖ¨ÉiªÉ±{ɨÉÊ{É xÉÉäÎnÂùMÉ®úÊiÉ C´ÉÊSÉiÉ xÉ iÉiÉ* human breath! The common thread is the measurement of time - the
¦ÉÚʨɯû{ÉÉnùùkÉä xÉ SÉÉ{ÉÉä xÉ ¨É¯ûiºÉJÉÉ study of time, by yogic experience (meditation) and observation of sky
xÉ ´ÉɪÉÖzÉÇ SÉ ÊEòzÉÖ tÉè®äú¹ÉÉ ºÉÞι]õʴɱÉIÉhÉÉ** (self study: Swadhyaya).
- ºEòxnù½þÉä®úÉ ¶ÉiÉÉxªÉ¹]õÉè ºÉ½þ»ÉÆ SÉ Eò±ÉɺiÉÉ <½þ ʱÉÎ{iÉEòÉ&
[Even though in the path of sun, no dust emerge from it (when the ʱÉ{iÉÉ Ê´ÉʱÉÎ{iÉEòɶSÉäÊiÉ ºÉYÉÉʦɺºÉÆ|ÉMÉÒªÉiÉä**
chariot of sun pass through). This wheel is not made of earth, water, - ºEòxnù½þÉä®úÉ
air, fire, or sky. It is not physical, and is mysterious] [Such 1800 minutes forms a sign. This could be further divided as Lipta,
Vilipta etc]
iɺªÉ ºÉƺlÉÉxɨÉɶSɪÉǨÉ޹ɪÉ& {ÉÊ®ú¨ÉÉÐMMÉhÉ&
|ÉκlÉiÉÉ xÉ ÊxÉ´ÉkÉÇxiÉä ¶É®úÎi¦É& Eò±{ɱÉIÉhÉè&* Look at the beauty of presentation! This is Jyotishmati - a sample of
iɨÉ& EÖòºÉ֨ɪÉÚvÉÉÊxÉ Ê¤É¦ÉkªÉæiÉÊnùiɺiÉiÉ& the ancient advice of astrology as depicted in the first authentic work
+¨±ÉÉxÉÉÊxÉ ºÉÖMÉxvÉÒÊxÉ Eäò¶É¦ÉÚ¹ÉÉ& Ê{ÉxÉÉÊEòxÉ& on predictive astrology, Skanda hora. The language seems to be vedic,
- ºEòxnù½þÉä®úÉ and who knows when and where it was written!
[The sages who start in search of its shape, couldn’t decipher it com- May be the text and the knowledge depicted in it has a Vedic origin
pletely even after these thousands of years. This wheel bears the flow- or may be a non-vedic tantric or yogic origin.
ers of darkness (stars at night) of god Siva]
The study of stellar astrology as depicted in Epics and Puranas is
|ÉVÉÉ{ÉiªÉɶSÉiÉÖ¹{ÉtºiÉä¹ÉÖ ´Éè ºÉ{iÉ˴ɶÉÊiÉ& another big subject that should be systematically studied.
+ÉPxÉÎxiÉ iÉɶSÉ ºÉƦÉÚªÉ xÉ´ÉʦÉzÉÇ´ÉʦÉ& {Énèù&
Predictive Astrology in Vedas
®úɶɪÉÉä xÉÉ¨É MÉÒªÉxiÉä iÉnùɴɽþxÉ ¦ÉڨɪÉ&
uùÉnù¶ÉÉ´ÉÊvÉEäò®úºªÉ |ÉÉhÉÉxÉÉÆ ºÉ{iÉ˴ɶÉÊiÉ& Vedic culture gave too much importance to Yaga, Homa (fire wor-
- ºEòxnù½þÉä®úÉ ship) etc and for conducting such ceremonies in Auspicious time (fixing
the proper Season, Month, Nakshatra, Muhurta etc); all of which be-
[The 27 Nakshatras that are part of this wheel, the daughters of God comes important only when we accept the existence of the divine, re-
Brahma, are each composed of 4 quarters. Their names starting with sults of action (karma) and predictive astrology; whether it be Sayana
Aswini Nakshatra, they in groups with their 9 quarters rotates the above or Nirayana, Sidereal or Tropical, Lunar-Solar or Luni-Solar. The sys-
wheel. The places where these 9 quarters fall is known as signs start-
tem they used may or may not be the same that we follow today, it may
ing with Aries. Every minute it in zodiac circle is composed of 27 breaths]
have only the seeds of predictive astrology reflected in them (Vedas
Zodiac = 12 signs = 9 x 12 = 108 Nakshatra quarters. are not intend to be books to teach us neither astrology nor astronomy)
but the existence and acceptance of a predictive system of astrology is
1 Sign = 30 degree = 1800 min
clearly visible in them. Some suktas are quoted to prove the same-

+¹]õÉ˴ɶÉÊiÉ Ê¶É´ÉÉÊxÉ ¶ÉM¨ÉÉÊxÉ ºÉ½þªÉÉäMÉÆ ¦É´ÉxiÉÖ ¨Éä {ÉÖxÉ´ÉǺÉÖ ºÉÖxÉÞiÉÉ SÉɯû {ÉÖ¹ªÉÉä ¦ÉÉxÉÖ®úɶ±Éä¹ÉÉ +ªÉxÉÆ ¨ÉPÉÉ ¨Éä
ªÉÉäMÉÆ |É{Étä IÉä¨ÉÆ SÉ IÉä¨ÉÆ |É{Ét ªÉÉäMÉÆ SÉ xɨÉÉä(+)½þÉä®úÉjÉɦªÉɨɺiÉÖ {ÉÖ¹ªÉ {ÉÚ´ÉǦÉɱÉMÉÖxÉÉè SÉÉjɽþºiÉ& ÊSÉjÉÉ Ê¶É´ÉÉ, º´ÉÉÊiÉ ºÉÖJÉÉä
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù ¨Éä +ºiÉÖ ®úÉvÉä ʴɶÉÉJÉä ºÉÖ½þ´ÉÉxÉÖ®úÉvÉÉ VªÉä¹`öÉ ºÉÖxÉIÉjɨÉÊ®ú¹]õ¨ÉÚ±ÉÆ
[Let all the 28 Nakshatras that provide ‘beneficial results’ be equal in +zÉÆ {ÉÚ´ÉÉÇ ®úɺÉiÉÉÆ ¨Éä +ɹÉÉføÉ >ðVVÉÈ näù´ªÉÖkÉ®úÉ +ɴɽþxiÉÖ
providing ‘beneficial results’ to me. Let me be efficient in attaining the +ʦÉÊVÉx¨Éä ®úɺÉiÉÉÆ {ÉÖhªÉ¨Éä´É ¸É´ÉhÉ& ¸Éʴɹ`öÉ& EÖò´ÉÇiÉÉÆ ºÉÖ{ÉÖϹ]õ
invaluable things and preserve them with the help of these Nakshatras. +ɨÉä ¨É½þSUôiÉʦɹÉEÂò ´É®úÒªÉ +ɨÉä uùªÉÉ |ÉÉä¹`ö{ÉnùÉ
I bow to day and night (to the eternal time and its divisions)] ºÉֶɨÉÇ +É®äú´ÉÊiÉ SÉɷɪÉÖVÉÉè ¦ÉMÉÆ ¨Éä +ɨÉä®ú軃 ¦É®úhªÉɴɽþxiÉÖ
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù
This prayer to the Nakshatras asking them to provide ‘beneficial
results’ indicate existance of Sayana or Tropical astrology in that pe- Then again he prays-
riod. The Nirukta meaning of the word ‘Nakshatra’ (28 Nakshatras ªÉÉÊxÉ xÉIÉjÉÉÊhÉ Ênù´ªÉxiÉ®úÒIÉä +{ºÉÖ¦ÉÚ¨ÉÉè ªÉÉÊxÉ xÉMÉä¹ÉÖ ÊnùIÉÖ
are mentioned in the above sukta) is ‘xÉ IÉ®úxiÉÒÊiÉ xÉIÉjÉ&’ (one which does |ÉEò±{ªÉ¶SÉxpù¨ÉÉ ªÉÉxªÉäÊiÉ ºÉ´ÉÉÇÊhÉ ¨É¨ÉäiÉÉÊxÉ Ê¶É´ÉÉÊxÉ ºÉxiÉÖ
not move is Nakshatra). It is clear that Nakshatras never had regularly - +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù
modifying boundaries; they where either associated with the lunar path
[Those Nakshatra that are imagined to provide auspicious and inauspi-
or with the ecliptic with fixed boundaries. The mention of vernal equi-
cious results in heaven, air, water, earth, mountains and directions (thus
nox moving through Nakshatras (in Rohini, in Kartika, in Aswini in dif-
everywhere), because of the movement of moon, let those Nakshatras
ferent periods of time) itself indicate that even the vedic Sayana sys-
bestow auspicious results to me]
tem used the fixed reference frame of Nakshatras to refer to the move-
ment of equinoxes, and the month divisions like Madhu, Madhava from If you still don’t believe that predictive astrology existed in that pe-
there onwards. The year system based on this fixed frame of Nakshatras riod, view this clear and doubt clarifying sukta that predicts the results
was also in place - ‘xÉIÉjÉÉÊhÉ ºÉƴɺiÉ®úºªÉ |ÉÊiɹ`öÉ’ (The year is based on for children born in various Nakshatras (fixed stellar divisions).
Nakshatras) tells Titireeya Brahmana. VªÉä¹`öPxÉÆ VÉÉiÉÉä Ê´ÉÊSÉiÉÉæªÉǨɺªÉ ¨ÉڱɤɽÇþhÉÉiÉ {ÉÊ®ú{ÉÉÁxÉå
See another sukta that prays to Nakshatras to provide auspicious - +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù
results. [The son born in Jyeshta Nakshatra cause the destruction of elders
ÊSÉjÉÉÊhÉ ºÉÉEÆò ÊnùÊ´É ®úÉäSÉxÉÉÊxÉ ºÉ®úÒºÉÞ{ÉúÉÊhÉ ¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉä VÉ´ÉÉÊxÉ (elder brothers), the son born in Moola Nakshatra cause the destruc-
iÉǪ̈ɶÉÆ ºÉ¨ÉÊiÉʨÉSUô¨ÉÉxÉÉä +½þÉÊxÉ MÉÒ̦É& ºÉ{ɪÉÉÇ欃 xÉÉEÆò tion of the whole clan]
- +lÉ´ÉÇ´Éänù Beyond this crystal clear statement what proof we need for the
[Nakshatra constellations with many shapes stay radiant in the sky. existence of predictive astrology in vedic period?! Of course it is pos-
Looking from earth, man feels that they are fast revolving round the sible that the system existed in vedic period was a bit different from the
earth. I praise those stellar divisions with these words, because I want system that is currently in use - but the changes and growth, destruc-
to have the auspicious intellect provided by them] tion and turbulences are natural to any branch of knowledge; astrology
is no exception.
Then the sage goes on to mention the auspicious result each
Nakshatra can provide- Vedas and Upanishads are not books intended to teach as astrology
ºÉÖ½þ´É¨ÉMxÉä EÞòÊkÉEòÉ ®úÉäʽþhÉÒ SÉɺiÉÖ ¦ÉpÆù ¨ÉÞMÉʶɮúÉ ¶É¨ÉÉpùÉÇ (even though proof for the existence of predictive astrology in Vedic
period is available from them), but instead they are search of the ulti-

mate, seeking the truth, spiritual, the prayers and thoughts of the sages the subject that is more important than the subject itself. If the mirror is
about existence and the divine. To learn the ancient system of astrol- not clean and clear, no clear image will reflect in it, but only the frag-
ogy, as it existed in the far past, we should look in to the available slokas mented shapes, which won’t convey much understanding.
from Rishi horas such as ‘Skanda hora’, ‘Vasishta hora’, ‘Garga hora’,
The knowledge is vast and we are so small - so be humble; towards
‘Surya Jataka’ etc because, they were texts on astrology intended to
existence, towards the vastness, towards the eternal time, and towards
pass the astrological knowledge to future generations. If we want to
the path, towards the effort to understand, towards the mysterious.
learn astronomy we should look into and study the available compila-
tions of age old books like ‘Surya Sidhanta’, ‘Brahma Sidhanta’ etc; What we read from cover to cover will impart us just the fragments,
because the original treatise are lost. In astronomy the oldest reference our consciousness so feeble, and reading just touching the periphery
available today to us is ‘Pancha sidhatika’ which contains the ‘Surya incapable to go deeper. Only a highly resonating brain that is par with
sidhanta’, ‘Brahma sidhanta’ etc as collected and compiled by Mihira. the authors of Vedas and Upanishads could realize what they meant,
Vedanga Jyotisha is a text that imparts us the knowledge of astronomy only a resonating brain with the excellence of the author of Surya
that prevailed in vedic period, even though the text itself is written by sidhanta in astronomy, Skanda Hora in astrology could either deny them
‘Suchi’ the student of sage ‘Lagadha’ in BC 1400 only. Texts in every or extend them. What are our contributions to search of ultimate (Vedas
branch of knowledge (let it be search of the ultimate, astrology or and Upanishads), to astronomy (Surya sidhanta), Astrology (Skanda
astronomy) has their own purpose and searching the knowledge in wrong hora, Surya Jataka) to either deny or to extend them? Do we have a
place will give us only wrong knowledge, if not right knowledge is ac- resonating brain that is in par with their excellence? This is one of the
quired first from the authentic texts in the right branch. This should be questions we should meditate upon.
kept in mind by every true seeker of knowledge and wisdom. - Sreenadh
Conclusion >Æð xɨÉ& ʶɴÉɪÉ**
I think this small sample is enough to prove how small our knowl- Note: This article was written in response to some queries put for-
edge is, how much knowledge and texts we lost, how small our under- ward by Avatar Krishnan Kaul, a learned scholar, who rejects the vedic
standing is, and also that the mere cover to cover reading of any an- or non-vedic existence of predictive astrology in ancient past and is
cient texts will not impart much info if not approached with a humble after the western tropical school of astrological thought.
consciousness (without ego) with an intention of learning. Construction Every body follows swadharma (own nature). The Tantric culture
of the ancient temple of knowledge from its fragments is difficult, but that finds its origin in Sindhu-Saraswati civilization in Kashmir is the
making fun of the ruins, and making sarcastic statements easy, even same. It is said that-
though not much worthy. EòÉè±ÉÉä vɨÉÇ& {É®ú¨ÉMɽþxÉÉä ªÉÉäÊMÉxÉɨÉ{ªÉMɨªÉ&**
- EÖò±ÉÉhÉÇ´ÉiÉxjÉ
Be constructive any time when in search of knowledge and be medi-
tative - self study (Swadhyaya) and meditation are the only path to true [The Dharma (path) followed by Kaul is mysterious even to the yogis] :)
knowledge, as told by the sages. Re-create and ancient structure, in- - What is swadharma for a Tantric of Kashmir origin, the cradle of
stead of faultfinding. Put hard effort in collecting the ancient knowl- civilization? Is it not to search and reveal the contributions of Tantrics
edge available in lone quotes scattered here and there, in palm leaves to various branches of knowledge?
buried in manuscript libraries, various versions of the same texts and so Don’t worry; it is just a fancy joke. Just making a friendly comment
on - of course never forget that it is the consciousness that looks into to my dear astro friend Avatar Krishnan Kaul. :)

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