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Dawson Collage Pre-lab Videos

Chemistry of Solutions

Colligative Properties

The Object

Colligative properties of solutions depend on the quantity of solute dissolved in the rather than
the identity of the solute the phenomenone of freezing point lowering will be examined
quantitatively as an example of a colligative property there are there parts in this experiment.



Determination of the freezing point of a fure solvent insert a solid rubber stopper into a clean
dry 200 milliliter test tube and place the stopper test tube in a clean dry 150 milliliter beaker way
this apparatus on a balance put aside the beaker and the stopper as they will be used for weighing
again in. the fume hood pour approximately 25 milliliter of solvent into the test tube.

Cap the test tube with a rubber stopper that has two holes in it.

Clamp the test tube to the stand.

Make sure the temperature sensor is immersed in the solution.

Immersed in the solution open the logger pro program and the appropriate file for the

Make sure to the ch1 input of the lab quest mini interface and that lab quest interface is active
there should be a green LED on fill a 400 milliliter beaker with approximately 300 milliliter of
tap water ice mixture.

Immerse the test tube in the ice water bath and begin string the solution immediately with a
copper wire stir without disturbing the temperature sensor.

Click on the logger pro collect button. The contents of the test tube must be stirred continuously
for the duration. Of the experiment after 10 minutes the data collection will automatically stop
remove the test tube from its ice bath and replace the rubber stopper with the two holes do not
discard the solvent it will be used in Part B analyze the data as described in the lab manual to
find the freezing point of the pure solvent.

Determination of the freezing point of a benzophenone. Solvent solution warm the solvent from
part A in your hands until its melts.

Way approximately 0.4 grams of benzophenone to three decimal places.

Transfer that benzophenone benzophenone to the test tube containing the melted solvent and mix
thoroughly until the solute is funy dissolved .

Cover with the rubber stopper and weigh the test tube using the same 150 milliliter beaker as
before replace the rubber stopper with the to holes in it fitted with the temperature sensor and stir
clamp the test tube to the stand make sure the temperature sensor is immersed in the solution as
much as possible.

Open up the appropriate file in the logger pro monitor the temperature of the solution on the
logger pro status bar it should not differ from room temperature by more than one degree celcius
immerse the test tube into the ice water bath and click on collect stir the solution continuously
during the data collection when the data collection stop analyze the data as in part A to obtain the
freezing point temperature of the solution discard the contents of the test-tube in the container
labeled organic liquid waste.


Determination of the freezing point of a solution of an unknown solid in cyclohexane obtain

another clean dry 200 milliliter test tube and rubber stopper insert the rubber stopper into the test
tube and weigh them in 150 milliliter beaker. Repeat part A to determine the freezing point of the
pure solvent using the same logger pro program file.

Remember to stir the solution continuously during the data collection and two weigh the test tube
after the freezing point data has been collected and the solvent has melted.

Obtain a sample of an unknown solid. Mean sure out a mass of the solid within the range listed
on the bottle and transfer this quantity into the test tube containing cyclohexane.

Stir the mixture warming it if necessary in order to dissolve all the solid. Cap the solution and
weigh the test tube in the 150 milliliter beaker as before replace the rubber stopper with the
rubber stopper that have the two holes in it fitted with the temperature sensor and the stirrer. Use
logger pro again to collect the temperature data open up the program immerse the test tube into
the ice water bath and click on collect. Stir the solution continuously during the data collection
when the data collection stops analyze the data as in part A to obtain the freezing point
temperature of the solution discard the contents of the test tube in the container labeled organic
liquid waste. Wash the test tube thoroughly with soap and place it in the oven to dry.

Clean the glassware and put away the equipment.

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