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produce a plasmodium or plasmodium-like structures

Mycetozoa Dictyosteliida — cellular slime molds

Myxogastria — plasmodial slime molds
Plasmodiophoridae endoparasitic slime molds

Stramenopiles/ heteroconts, with two different flagella, one having hollow tripartite hairs
Chromista Oomycetes — have elongated nonseptate mycelium, biflagellate zoospores in zoospo
Chytridiomycota — have zoospores with a single posterior flagellum, round or elongated my
Zygomycota — produce nonmotile asexual spores in sporangia. Resting spore is
Ascomycota — produce sexual spores, ascospores, in asci. Produce nonmotile asexua
Basidiomycota — produce sexual spores, basidiospores, externally on a basi
lar slime molds
odial slime molds

artite hairs
biflagellate zoospores in zoosporangia, oospores
agellum, round or elongated mycelium
s in sporangia. Resting spore is a zygospore
asci. Produce nonmotile asexual spores (conidia)
sidiospores, externally on a basidium
Anamorphic Stage Certain or likely teleomorphic group
Geotrichum, G. candidum causing sour rot of fruits and vegetables Saccharo mycetales
Cleistothecial ascomycetes
Penicillium, causing blue mold rot of fruits Talaromyces
Aspergillus, causing bread mold and seed decays Eurotium
Paecilomyces, used as biological control agent against whiteflies Byssochlamys
Oidium, causing the powdery mildews Erysiphe, etc.
Perithecial ascomycetes
Chalara, causing oak wilt, tree cankers Ceratocystis
Acremonium, endophytic In grasses Epichloe
Sporothrix and Graphium, causing Dutch elm disease Ophiostoma
Trichoderma, used as biocontrol agent against other fungi Hypocrea
Verticillium, causing vascular wilts in many plants Hypocrea
Fusarium, causing vascular wilts, root rots, stem rots, seed infections Gibberella
Colletotrichum, causing anthracnoses in many plants Glomerella
Cercospora, causing Sigatoka disease of bananas Mycosphaerella
Septoria, causing leaf spots on many crops Mycosphaerella
Phyllosticta, causing black rot of grape Guignardia
Alternarla, causing many leaf spots, blights Lewia
Stemphylium, causing fruit rots on tomato Pleospora
Bipolaris, causing leaf spots and root rots in grasses Cochliobolus
Drechslera, causing leaf spots on grasses Pyrenophora
Exserohilium, causing leaf spots on grasses Setosphaera
Curvularia, causing leaf spots on grasses Cochliobolus
Cladosporrum, causing leaf mold on tomato (C. fulvum),
Fulvia, Venturia
and scab of peach and almond (C. carpophilwn)
Sphaeropsis, causing black rot on apple Botryosphaeria
Apothecial ascomycetes
Botrytis, B. cinerea causing gray mold rots on many plants Botryotinia
Monilia, causing the brown rot of stone fruits Monilinia
Marssonina, causing the black spot of rose Diplocarpon
Entomosporium, causing a leaf and fruit spot on pear Diplocarpon
Cylindrosporium, causing leaf spots on many kinds of plants Mycosphaerella
Melanconium, causing the bitter rot of grape Greeneria
Rhizoctonia, R. solani causing root and stem rots Thanatephorus
Rhizoctonia binucleate forms Ceratobasidiales
Sclerottum, S. rolfsii causing southern blight of many crops Aethalium

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