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Ready for CAE p 93. Health.

Extra Speaking

MORE Useful Language:

- Tickle: a slightly uncomfortable feeling in a part of your body: to have a tickle in your
throat (= that makes you want to cough)

- Caesarean: [sɪˈzeəriən] an emergency Caesarean. The baby was born by Caesarean

section. She had to have a Caesarean

- Medical profile: cuadro clínico.

- I have a sore throat

- Runny: (of your nose or eyes) producing a lot of liquid, for example when you have a

- Hay fever: allergic to pollen (allergic (to sth) having an allergy to sth: I like cats but
unfortunately I’m allergic to them.

- Antihistamine: [ˌæntiˈhɪstəmiːn] a drug used to treat allergies, especially hay fever.

- Chickenpox: varicela

- Diagnose sb (as / with) (sth) diagnose sth (as sth) to say exactly what an illness or the
cause of a problem is: The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases. The illness
was diagnosed as cancer. He has recently been diagnosed with angina [ænˈdʒaɪnə]
angina pectoris [ˈpektərɪs]. He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64.

- Itch: to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to
make your skin feel like this.

I itch all over. Does the rash itch? This sweater really itches.

Itchy: adjective: having or producing an itch on the skin: an itchy nose / rash. I feel itchy
all over.

(Get / have) itchy feet(informal) to want to travel or move to a different place; to want to
do sth different

- Wrist: muñeca

- Homeopathy [ˌhəʊmiˈɒpəθi] (BrE also homoeo-) noun[U] a system of treating

diseases or conditions using very small amounts of the substance that causes the
disease or condition

- Homeopathic (BrE also homoeo-) adjective: homeopathic medicines / remedies /


- Acupuncture: [ˈækjuˌpʌŋktʃə]

- WHO: World Health Organization

- Well-being: noun general health and happiness: emotional / physical / psychological
well-being. To have a sense of well-being. State of well-being

- GP: (BrE) a doctor who is trained in general medicine and who works in the local
community, not in a hospital. (abbreviation for ‘general practitioner’). Family doctor: Go
and see your GP as soon as possible. There are four GPs in our local practice.

- Myopia: [maɪ ˈəʊp iə]the inability to see things clearly when they are far away

SYN near-sightedness(US), short-sightedness(UK),

Myopic: a myopic child / eye

- Life expectancy (also expectation of life) noun[U, C] the number of years that a
person is likely to live; the length of time that sth is likely to exist or continue for

- Swell swelled swollen: a swollen hand

- Food poisoning: an illness of the stomach caused by eating food that contains harmful

- Gastro-enteritis [ˌgæstrəʊˌentəˈraɪtɪs]noun[U] (medical) an illness of the stomach and

other food passages that causes diarrhoea [ˌdaɪəˈrɪə] and vomiting.

- Amoxicillin [əˌmɒksɪˈsɪlɪn]

- Stretcher noun: a long piece of strong cloth with a pole on each side, used for
carrying sb who is sick or injured and who cannot walk: He was carried off on a

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