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Resist exorcism (as 22 HD creature)

Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +11; dual mind (single reroll of failed
Will save)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), 40 ft. while psionically focused
Melee +2 deep crystal spiked chain +13/+8 (2d4+5)
Base Atk +9; Grp +11
Atk Options Combat Expertise, deep crystal weapon
(expend 2 pp, +2d6), Greater Psionic Weapon (expend
focus, +4d6), Improved Trip, Power Attack
Combat Gear dorje of body adjustment
Power Points/Day: 85; Psychic Warrior Powers Known
(ML 12th):
4 th —energy adaption, psionic dimension door, weapon of energy
3 r d —greater concealing amorpha, hostile empathic transfer (DC 18),
ubiquitous vision
2 n d —animal affinity, hustle, psionic darkvision
1st—expansion, force screen, inertial armor
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 10th):
At will—far hand (range 60 feet, 15 pounds), mindlink, psionic rage
A du'ulora (DC 18)
champion is a 3/day—id insinuation (4 targets, DC 19), inertial armor (+8 AC),
fearsome foe psionic scent, psionic true seeing, trace teleport (range 200 feet)
1/day—body adjustment (4d12), recall agony (9d6, DC 20)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 19
Feats Combat Expertise B , Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked
chain) B , Greater Psionic Weapon EPH,B , Heroic Spirit ECS ,
Improved TripB, Power Attack, Psionic MeditationEPH, Psionic
rank and file of the Sleeping Sword, and they sometimes
Weapon EPH,B , Quicken PowerEPH, Speed of ThoughtEPH
serve as officers within the Harmonious Shield.
Skills Autohypnosis +32, Bluff +15, Concentration +28,
This section presents two additional Inspired, the
Diplomacy +17, Disguise +5 (+7 to impersonate humans or
du'ulora champion and the tsucora dreamblade.
act in character), Intimidate +28, Knowledge (the planes)
+8, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Listen +15, Move Silently
DU'ULORA CHAMPION + 14, Psicraft +10, Search +19, Sense Motive +17, Sleight of
The du'ulora are the warlords of the quori, and their Hand +7, Spot +24, Survival +17
vessels are among the mightiest soldiers the Inspired
Possessions combat gear plus faceted personality (Dexterity) +2,
can bring to bear. The vital kintams and the most elite
faceted personality (Wisdom) +2, glamerweave cloak of resistance +2, +2
units of the Sleeping Sword are usually commanded by
deep crystal spiked chain, glamerweave noble's outfit
du'ulora Inspired. They are also found as the bodyguards
of especially important bastion lords. Exorcised Absent the quori spirit, the champion has the
A du'ulora champion uses ubiquitous vision any time following ability scores: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10,
he believes he is in danger. He maintains his psi-like Wis 17, Cha 10. His skills are Autohypnosis +15, Bluff +4,
inertial armor (+8 to AC) at all times. If he has time to pre­ Climb +6, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate
pare for combat, he uses animal affinity (8 pp, 12 minute + 11, Knowledge (psionics) +1, Listen +3, Search +2,
duration, + 4 to Strength and Constitution) and force Spot +9.
screen (9 pp, 12 minute duration, +6 to AC). By spending Psi-Like Abilities Psi-like abilities manifest as if powered by
9 pp, he can use expansion to increase his size to Huge for power points equal to the manifester level (EPH 184). Psionic
12 minutes. rage is identical to the rage spell, but it is 4th level and can
This character is designed as a combatant. A du'ulora be used against an unwilling target. When a du'ulora uses
general should replace Heroic Spirit and Speed of id insinuation, add +10 to the d% roll to determine actions
Thought with Leadership (DMG 106) and Inspirational each round.
Leadership (Heroes of Battle). A few du'ulora champions also Hook "I strike with the force of Riedra."
have levels in the legendary leader prestige class.
Dreamblades are assassins. Although dreamblades are
DU'ULORA CHAMPION CR 13 primarily tools of the Dreaming Dark, the Thousand
Du'ulora Inspired psychic warrior 12 Eyes has a few of them.
LE Medium humanoid (human, psionic) This dreamblade is a nightmare warrior who fights
Action Points 3 with blades formed of pure darkness. She cannot go toe
Init +2; Senses Listen +15, Spot +24 to toe with a fighter of the same level, and she knows it.
Languages Common, Infernal, Quori, Riedran She relies on stealth and surprise, seeking to overwhelm
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 her target with a devastating first attack followed with recall
(+2 Dex, +7 armor) agony. Should this initial attack fail, she uses her psionic
hp 81 (12 HD) tattoo of dimension door and her burst power to flee.

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