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Paraguay has had some very horrible dictators
and has mostly had very restrictive policies. The
first, named Dr. Jose Gaspar Rodriguez, titled
himself the Supreme One and ruled with an iron

PARAGUAY fist. The second, named Carlos Antonio Lopez,

brought back a lot of the former dictators

DICTATORS restrictions. The third dictator started a war with

Uruguay and Bolivia which ending with his
death. The most relevant dictator and longest
ruling (thirty-five years) was named Alfredo
Stroessner. He was overthrown in 1989 and that
started the era of democracit presidents.
Paraguay has had a quite good history with
presidents and if they had any corrupt ones then
they would be prosecuted fairly quickly. This first
president was a military leader that overthrew
PARAGUAY Stroessner and his name was Andres Rodriguez.
Andres Rodriguez stayed in term for his four
PRESIDENTS years and attempted to run for a second term
but was banned from doing so. He oversaw his
Colorado Party member, Juan Carlos Wasmosy,
win the election and afterwards all is well in the
Paraguay government.

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A lot of Paraguay's dictators were seemingly
divine to the citizens living under them which is
similar to the Kim Jong-Un presents himself and
his forefathers. The way they are seemingly gods

MODERN-DAY and that they will live forever is quite twisted in

many ways. Dictators and evil politicians are

COMPARISON seemingly gone to the world but they still exist in

many parts of the world.

Be careful who you elect or assistance in any

way because they could become a bad leader
just like a lot of the leaders shown above. The
way most governments are structured would
make dictators like this impossible in a lot of
MESSAGE modern-day governments but similar things can
still happen. Also the top three images are the
images of the Paraguayan flag and the three
under it are the colours for the Spain flag.

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