ER Manual Agency 21

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NUST Business School

Employment Relations and Employment Law Pakistan

Employment Relations Manual – Agency 21

Submitted to:
Dr. Zunaira Saqib
Submitted by:
Fatima Majid
Liza Batool
Mohammad Abdullah Najam
Samiya Firdous
Shahab Uddin
MS HRM 2k20

Date: 29th January 2021

In this manual, you will find everything
you need to know about Agency21,
from its management all the way to the
workplace environment. So, let’s get


Table of Contents
1.0. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Mission Statement ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2. About the Company ......................................................................................................... 4
2.0. Employment Policies ........................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Employment Categories ................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Equal employment opportunities ..................................................................................... 5
2.3. Sexual harassment ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4. Employment documentation ............................................................................................ 6
2.5. Attendance ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.6. Orientation ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.7. Probation .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.8. Layoffs ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.0. Workplace Environment ...................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Office Physical Environment ........................................................................................... 7
3.2. Work from Home ............................................................................................................. 7
3.3. Dress Code ....................................................................................................................... 7
4.0. Performance Management ................................................................................................... 8
5.0. Compensation ...................................................................................................................... 8
5.1. Bonus Policy .................................................................................................................... 8
6.0. Code of Conduct and Ethics ................................................................................................ 9
6.1. Statement on Harassment ................................................................................................. 9
6.2. Procedure of handling such cases..................................................................................... 9
6.3. Confidentiality.................................................................................................................. 9
6.4. Non-Discrimination policy ............................................................................................. 10
6.5. Conflict of interest .......................................................................................................... 10
7.0. Benefits .............................................................................................................................. 10
7.1. Company Car.................................................................................................................. 10
7.2. Employee Old Age Benefit ............................................................................................ 10
7.3. Employee Loans ............................................................................................................. 11
8.0. Discipline Policies and Procedures .................................................................................... 11
8.1. Violations of Discipline ................................................................................................. 11
8.2. Disciplinary Procedure ................................................................................................... 12
9.0. Grievance Policies and Procedure ..................................................................................... 13
9.1. The Procedure for Reporting .......................................................................................... 15


The aim of this Employment Relations Manual is to provide employees with a general
understanding of some of the staffing practices of the organization. This is not a contract for jobs
or legal record. Details found in this manual can be beneficial in getting to know the organization.

The manual is primarily based on recommended practice in terms of human resources strategy.
However, certain elements of existing processes that constitute good practice prevailing within the
organization, have been integrated as well. Although this handbook is not legally binding, but it is
necessary for all the workforce to be informed of the protocols to be implemented and the
guidelines and strategies to stick to. We will differentiate between procedure and policies so that
there is no confusion while reading the manual.

Procedure: A procedure outlines the steps in which a policy is to be implemented and the action
to be carried out.

Policy: A policy can be defined as a written declaration of rules and guidelines that must be
practiced by employer and employees. Every policy solves a problem essential to the purpose or
activities of the organization.

The Human Resources policies of Agency21 form the basic framework for this manual and
details and procedures are depicted in an easily understandable way.

1.1.Mission Statement
“With a motive to cater the growing needs of the real estate market, Agency21 works in a
way that makes property transactions undisturbed and transparent.”

1.2.About the Company

“Agency21 International is a sister concern of Steptons International UK. We have stepped
into Pakistan's Real Estate Market with the conviction of changing the image of this field in
Pakistan by providing you unparalleled quality of service, clarity of transaction and complete legal
cover, which is not happening in Pakistan currently.”

Our core services are mentioned below:

• Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

• Total Market Overview

• Broker's Price Opinion
• Exposure
• Facilitating a Purchase
• Facilitating a Sale
• Document preparation.
• Providing you legal cover

2.0.Employment Policies

2.1.Employment Categories
This policy intends on differentiating between the different categories of employees in the
organisation. It applies to all employees to differentiate their roles from one another within Agency

There is only one employment category at Agency 21 i.e., full-time employment. Full-time
employment requires employees to work the minimum weekly hours required by the employer.
Which is 48hrs in case of Agency 21. In case of any issues or ambiguities, employees are expected
to their immediate supervisor or the HR manager.

2.2.Equal employment opportunities

Under the Article 18 “citizens have the right to enter any lawful profession or occupation
and profession to conduct lawful business or trade” and Article 25 “the right to equality before
the law and prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of sex” of the Constitution of Pakistan,
this policy tends to serve the purpose of equal opportunity of employment within the Agency 21
workspace. It specifies that all the employees or the potential employees of Agency 21 are treated
fair and square.

Equal opportunity practices apply to all employment aspects at Agency 21 like, recruitment,
hiring, appointment, promotion, transferring, compensating, training, termination, and benefits;
unrelated to gender, caste, creed, race, or colour. It is to ensure that employment opportunities
posted on public websites and are open to everyone (except the underage as per Article 11 section
3) equally. The HR is responsible to ensure this policy is being executed within the organization
and may be approached concerning any ambiguities or queries.

2.3.Sexual harassment
Under the ‘Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010’, Agency
21 discourages all kinds of harassment within their workspace. It applies to all employees of the
firm – men and women alike. Agency 21 encourages a work environment that is safe and
harassment free for everyone. We have strict disciplinary actions and procedures planned in case
harassment takes place. The senior staff and HR personnel are required to look into the policy and
ensure its implementation.

2.4.Employment documentation
As per the Industrial and Commercial Ordinance 1968, the employer – employee
relationship at Agency 21 is documented into an employment contract. This serves to provide
employees with employment security. All the employees are provided with a written contract
signed by both the parties at the time of employment. This is carried out by senior management
and the HR of Agency 21.

Human Resources department is responsible for clearing out any sort of ambiguities and also to
ensure the documentation of each and every employee within the firm.

The attendance of employees coming in and at the time of leaving is recorded. It is to ensure
that the complete their 48hrs per week of work unless they are on leave. Below 70% attendance in
a month is unacceptable and the percentage of their attendance also affects their performance

This policy applies to all the employees of Agency 21. HR is responsible to keep a track of the
attendance of the employees.

After an employee is hired for a job role, Agency 21 provides them training in the relative
departments for 3 days and familiarizes them with the function of the company, their job
requirements, the culture, and the policies and procedures followed. HR is responsible for the
onboarding of employees. They are assigned to the managers of their respective departments for
the necessary training.

A 3-month probation period is required to assess the employee’s caliber to undertake the
job role as effectively as required. This takes place after the onboarding and is followed by a
performance evaluation of the employees. Their immediate supervisor is responsible for
monitoring their performance whereas, HR is responsible for assessing the performance. This then
leads to the full-time employment of the candidate.

As per the Standing Order 12 of the Industrial and Commercial Ordinance 1968, Agency 21
gives the employees one-month notice or one month salary instead of the notice prior to laying
them off. It applies to all the employees alike. This is only limited to the full-time workers only.
Layoffs may either be a result of workplace misconduct or poor work performance. These are
monitored by the immediate management and the HR.

3.0.Workplace Environment

3.1.Office Physical Environment

Agency 21 is liable to provide humane and just working conditions to employees under
Article 37(e) of the constitution. The physical environment of the offices is clean, hygienic,
airconditioned and facilitating to the employees concerning their needs. During the Pandemic, the
employees are provided with ample space to practice social distancing and sanitary equipment to
ensure health safety. Employees are provided with proper equipment and work systems. The
administration at Agency 21 ensures that these conditions are met.

3.2.Work from Home

At Agency 21, working from home has been thoroughly exercised during the Pandemic.
The employees have been facilitated with phones and laptops as per their job requirements so they
can work remotely. Working remotely refers to working from outside and/or away from the office
premises. This is administered by the HR and administration as per the requirement of a job role.

3.3.Dress Code
Employees at Agency 21 do not have to follow a strictly specific dress code. However, the
attire is expected to be modest and/or formal – semi-formal.

4.0.Performance Management

i. Performance Appraisals

Agency21’s main system of performance appraisal is based on a GRE Growth Index formula
which is compiled using a grading scale based on different categories such as Attendance, Attitude,
Line Manager Recommendation, etc. Each of these categories have their own total marks for
example Attitudes is out of 5 marks, Performance out of 10 marks which all adds up to a total of
100 marks. Even though 100 Marks is the total, based on employee performance they can gain
higher marks than 100 if they perform exceptionally and their appraisers decide to give them higher
marks than the regular total e.g., if an employee’s attitude is superb, they can receive a score of 7
out of 5. Any score above 100 is considered an outstanding employee score and any score less than
70 is filed under bad performance overall.

ii. Time Duration

In general, these performance appraisals are usually held in a biweekly and bimonthly
increments in order to maintain accuracy. However, for newer employees their first major
performance appraisal is done after a 3-month probation period where the company does an
overview of their performance and based on that decides whether they are going to make the new
employee permanent or not.

iii. Improving the performance

The performance appraisal system in place helps both the management figure out how each
employee is doing based on the Growth Index Formula where employees performing well are
provided with incentives in the form of rewards in order to motivate them to not only keep up the
good work but also perform better.


5.1.Bonus Policy
After probation period, based on employees’ performance a manager can recommend the
employee as a good candidate for a bonus based on marked increments. For employees that are
new to the company receive a review after their first 3 months. Agency21 usually operates in a

way that there are plans in place for bi-weekly and bi-monthly bonuses that add up and are granted
at the end of the year.

For the most part these bonuses apply to the Sales department. If the employee’s sales are high,
they are provided with further incentives in order to motivate them to work harder in the form of

6.0.Code of Conduct and Ethics

6.1.Statement on Harassment
Overtones of any unwelcomed conduct which is sexual in nature that annoys, make
uncomfortable, offends, or/and makes one feel unsafe at workplace underlines sexual harassment.
Agency 21 shall be intolerant to misconduct abusive in nature and sexual harassment of any kind.
The abuse is described of three types namely verbal/written, physical and visual which includes
sexual jokes, limericks, cat calling, inappropriate comments and physical contact, direct
inappropriate requests, phone calls, exploiting basic rights by asking for inappropriate sexual
engagement in exchange, physical assault/rape. The offender significantly affects the victim’s
engagement at work and fulfilment of his/her duties.
6.2.Procedure of handling such cases
Initial step requires the victim to immediately inform his/her most trustworthy companion
and then inform the HRM department to be guided accordingly in order to resolve the issue in
seven days while documenting it throughout if the victim chooses to proceed in that direction.
If the consultation does not satisfy the victim, he/she can brief a formal complaint in a detailed
written form which is forwarded to the respondent. The process takes one month through a formal
complaint since the complaint is keening observed by the committee head to hold the
abuser/offender responsible for his actions whether it lies in a misconduct or a criminal offence to
take legal actions when the accusation proved guilty.
The responsibility to take confidentiality serious and disclosure of confidential matters to
irrelevant sources that could harm the reputation, exploiting the company’s interest in any way for
personal welfare will be considered serious and taken an appropriate disciplinary action against
the person to violate the policy of safeguarding the sensitive matters of the corporation.

6.4.Non-Discrimination policy
Agency 21 shall give equal and unbiased opportunities for employment based on the
qualification and competence adhere to the applicant’s profile addressed in the application shall
be practiced. This includes the disintegration of biases arising regarding the ethnicity, racial, sex,
caste, ancestry, religious beliefs, nationality, or skin color of the applicant to give him/her a
complete chance to offer his/her services for the qualifications he/she holds.

If the policy is targeted by any kind of negligence, the corporates HRM department shall take
disciplinary actions following the complaint addressed.

6.5.Conflict of interest
Ethical conduct is required to be mindfully practiced while associated with the Agency 21
in order to adhere to the policy regarding participation in the best interest of the corporate.
Dishonesty and downfall of integrity involving the money transactions will is significantly
considered a misconduct, against the ethical policy and illegal standards.

Policy being exploited in any may be referred to HRM and other concerned committee for such
actions and they will further process the matter accordance with the gravity of misconduct.


The section that layouts the captivating and egalitarian benefits as motivators for the associates
working at the Agency 21 in term of increasing the employee engagement. HRM department sets
an outline that benefits the staff with the accordance of service position the employee is appointed
as. The corporate practices the following at their discretion:

7.1.Company Car
HRM department shall be responsible for the registration, assignment of car according to
the grade of the staff member. The selection of car including model will be thoroughly decided by
the HRM department and the procedure of retirement will require the employee to return the
vehicle to the corporate.
7.2.Employee Old Age Benefit
EOBI is a procedure that will deduct a certain amount of salary that will benefit the
associate after retirement. This policy is only applicable to old age, after serving a significant
number of years in the corporate to gain this benefit.

7.3.Employee Loans
Agency 21 shall allow a certain amount of loan that will not exceed the unnecessary amount
as provided in statement of purpose which will put forward the information that will support the
reason of the request addressed by the applicant. HRM department shall thoroughly go through
the document defining the purpose of the request for the loan and will conclude whether is reason
is considerable enough to be given loan for or not.
The staff member shall return the loan through certain amount of deduction from the salary he/she
is currently being paid after the loan is given. Documentation shall take place throughout the
procedure till the loan is not paid back.
8.0.Discipline Policies and Procedures

Discipline is an approach used by leadership through use of a specific action process to modify
unwanted behavior and performance. Managers are strongly advised to support employee relations
personnel for support at the beginning of any work performance or behavioral issues. Discipline
does not mean that employees will be penalized. Rather, in the workplace, the major objective of
a penalty is restorative instead of reformatory. At Agency21, disciplinary actions are always fair,
unbiased and are always meant to restore order in the organization. The policy for discipline is
beneficial for the employees because it safeguards their rights, keeps them aware of the
consequences of indiscipline and provides a uniform course of action in any case.

8.1.Violations of Discipline
There are times when an employee falls short of effective performance or is the cause of
disciplinary problems. In these cases, it is the company’s responsibility to take appropriate action.
There are different types of violations of discipline, some are outlined below:

• Repeated absenteeism
• Poor quality of work
• Slight negligence
• Attention deficiency at workplace.
• Behavioral issues
• Disobedience
• Harassment
• Ignoring precautions outlined by the organization.

• Late arrival at the workplace
• Negligence of company’s code of conduct
• Criminal offence against employer or company

8.2.Disciplinary Procedure
Agency21 follows the following procedure for a disciplinary course of action:

Informal Verbal Written

Suspension Investigation Dismissal
Discussion Warning Warning

i. Informal Discussion

In any case of misconduct, the employee will be brought in for an informal discussion with the HR
personnel and management. In this informal discussion, the details of the indiscipline will be
discussed, and the employee will be asked to correct their behavior.

ii. Verbal warning

A verbal warning will be communicated in the case of further violation of discipline policies.

iii. Written warning

A written warning is the next step in the case of a serious violation of code of conduct and is taken
very seriously. The employee is given a period of time to correct their course of action.

iv. Suspension

In case the employee still is not able to correct their behavior and continues to go against the code
of conduct, they are suspended, which can lead to their discharge, depending on the situation and
if criminal proceedings against him are being initiated.

v. Investigation

The matter is then sent forward for further contemplation and a thorough investigation is carried
out pertaining to the matter at hand.

In the case of the following conditions only, the employee is to be dismissed:

• Where the employee's presence in the office is deemed to be untenable during the process
of inquiries for some reason
• When it is confirmed that the employee has managed to get away from service
• When the charges against the employee are so serious that he there is no other alternative
for the matter

In any case, the employee is given the opportunity to defend himself. But the decision of the
management and HR committee is final and absolute.

vi. Dismissal

Depending on the extent of the misconduct, the Discipline Committee may suggest if the employee
is to be dismissed right away or with compensation of last month of working. The preceding phases
include thorough reporting that can render the case for a fair dismissal, according to the laws of
Pakistan. The termination of an employee is carried out in such a manner that other employees are
not affected by it and do not make the same mistakes in the future.

9.0.Grievance Policies and Procedure

The “Agency 21” provides a workplace where the employees are treated equally and fairly in every
possible way. But sometimes employees face situation or dispute that cannot be resolved in an
informal complaint procedure. Therefore, the company has a formal procedure to file an official
complaint about any unfair treatments like gender discrimination, poor working conditions,
harassment / bullying, health and safety, etc.

Then these disputes are resolved by a formal process are often called grievance procedure. The
grievance is a formal complaint about any issue that the employee faces in the organization. The
grievance policies of “Agency 21” describe that how the employees’ complaints are filed and
resolved in a formal way without creating problem for the employees and the organization.

The employees are encouraged to resolve their minor disagreement with help of their immediate
supervisor. If the disputes are not resolved constructively within 5 days, then the employees can
file a formal complaint or grievance.


The aim of the grievance policies is,

(1) “To describe the scope and define grievances”

(2) “Also explain the process of grievances reporting and procedure”

(3) “Defines the level of confidentiality measures”


All the employees of “Agency 21” are applicable to the grievance policy, which includes the senior
managerial and non-managerial employee’s (permanent, temporary, contractual and the internees.

The employee’s files grievances when the employees face organizational injustice and unfairly
treatment: the major grievances list is not exhaustive.

• Harassment and bully in the workplace

• Dispute with coworkers and immediate supervisors
• Poor Working conditions
• Gender discrimination etc.

9.1.The Procedure for Reporting
Phase 1: Filing of formal Complaint

Employees will be provided with multiple channels to launch their complaints. Firstly, the
employee can directly complain and discuss the issue with his/her immediate supervisor regarding
the issue being faced. If the employee is reluctant to directly talk to the immediate supervisor then,
an anonymous HR complaint Portal for all employees is available, where there will be a separate
Grievance Portal for employees to launch a complaint.

It will be ensured that the complaints will be kept anonymous. Your complaint will be most likely
be entertained within three (5) working days.

Phase 2: Pre-Grievance Hearing

If the employee and supervisor both are unable to resolve the issue, then a written grievance
is sent to the HR department. If the matter remains unresolved, then the Grievance Committee will
call a meeting about complaints received through both channels.

Phase 3: Call for Grievance Meeting

If the matter remains unresolved within 5 days, a Grievance Committee meeting will be
held, in which the members of the Grievance committee (Manager HR, Manager Employee
Affairs,) and the complainant will sit together. The meeting conversation will remain confidential
among the members and anonymity of the complainer will be ensured. The minutes of the meeting
will be recorded, and the Grievance Committee will be responsible for the verification of evidence
provided by both parties.

Phase 4: Final Decision – judgment

The final report prepared by the Grievance Committee will be sent to the Panel of Senior
Management of Agency 21. The punishment/rewards linked with the accused and complainant
will be finalized by the Senior Management.

The written final decision taken by the Senior Management will be communicated to HR
department, and the concerned department head.

Phase 5: Process of implementation

The decision will be implemented in seven (10) working days. The HR Manager will be
held responsible in case of non-compliance of decision.


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