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Screen Time And Screening Time Aaron Torres


The future, as it may sound, is also a bad place to live in. It introduces us to many new

things that our previous generation never even thought possible. Our technology advanced

quickly in our last 20 years as a world. Not only does technology bring ease to everyday life, it

also brings out the bad in people. Not only do people in our society who are glued onto their

screen just get affected physically, their bodies also deteriorate mentally, and socially.

For most people, they don’t even know if they’re addicted, since everyone has a

electronic device and uses it constantly, it starts getting hard to tell if it’s an addiction, or just a

way of life. Saying this though, it would be the same as saying that if everyone started doing

cocaine and heroin, it would be normal, because everyone does it. It’s a whole mentality that is

ruining not just our country, but other places around the world, and it’s affecting the way we live,

for the bad. There has been an increase of obesity throughout America, arguably one of the most

tech savvy countries. Our child obesity rates have gone up, the study “Prevalence and Trends of

Severe Obesity Among US Children and Adolescents”, by Joseph A. Skelton, MD, shows that

throughout the last 25 years our obesity rates have tripled. Obesity is closely tied to technology,

closer than we think it is. A study done by Hogan MJ. a pediatrician, has showed that 20% of

obese children limit their screen time versus 31% of normal weight children do.

Physically, the people are getting worse, but it might just be a little sacrifice to improve

the world for the better. With the last 10 years with improved technology though, people are just

getting worse the more technology expands into our life and makes us use it. While the internet
Screen Time And Screening Time Aaron Torres
maybe the biggest archive of information ever, it just gives us less reason to research into

something and learn why it is, rather, we just get the conclusion. Not only that, but it wears our

brains out, putting too much streams of information being processed, which a lot of people think

they can handle, but truly its the complete opposite. Multitaskers who think they can multitask,

actually only 2% can multitask effectively. For example, A person names Mr. Campbell, has his

whole life revolving around technology. There has been many examples, on technology messing

him up. He has a personal statement, where he says that technology is too cluttered, he passed by

an important business email. You might say that he could’ve just set up his programs correctly so

they don't cover the emails, but technology makes it nearly impossible to not have everything

cluttered, for example, pop-up ads, they always appear on random websites and even have the

chance to give you a virus. He also claims to be multitasking at a lower efficiency, because he

can’t handle how much streams of information he’s trying to process.

Physically, and mentally, these kids are being worn down from too much exposure to

modern technology electronics. Though, most of the kids can also suffer from a loss of social

life. It’s true that technology can connect the whole wide world, but that isn’t true. Some

countries have blocks on the world wide web. People who think have genuine “connections”

virtually, are probably suffering from a shortage of social life. Hogan MJ. a pediatrician also says

that people need more face-to-face connections rather than screen-to-screen connections. People

are replacing real life intimate connections with fake virtual connections. It’s unhealthy because,

through the internet, people don’t have social cues, and they miss the physicality that an actual
Screen Time And Screening Time Aaron Torres

relationship has. Matthew Brashears, a sociologist showed through a study that people today

have fewer intimate ties than 20 years ago. With the common knowledge that technology heavily

speeded up during that time span, can be connected on people having less relationships in real


People of this generation, the millennials, and Gen Z, are heavily reliant on electronics,

and are being ruined mentally, socially, and physically. This goes to show that technology can

also have a lot of cons compared to its cons, and is sometimes good to let go of it for a week.

Due to the speeding advancement of technology, people are being more physically separated,

even though people are trying to bring them outside and be more social, they still prove that

technology is needed for everything. Getting rid of technology can take technology to


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