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Ava De Jonge Fieldwork Observation Log

BBED 407 Spring 2021

School: Lake Elmo Elementary - Amigos Unidos
Teacher: Jen Nelson

Time/Day Class/Subject Area Detailed Notes

4/21 Kindergarden Morning meeting

9am to 12pm - greeting eachother
- songs
- dictado (there was a letter written by the
teacher to the student and the students
identified what was incorrect in the letter)

Reading time
- some students sat one on one with teacher
for prewritten reading curriculum
- sight words identified
- students shared what they read about

Writting time
- the students wrote/drew a story
- students shared out what they wrote about

- playing
- writing
- planting

4/23 Kindergarden Morning meeting

9am to 12pm - greeting eachother
- songs
- dictado (there was a letter written by the
teacher to the student and the students
identified what was incorrect in the letter)

Reading time
- some students sat one on one with teacher
for prewritten reading curriculum
- sight words identified
- students shared what they read about

Writting time
- the students wrote/drew a story
- students shared out what they wrote about

Explicit instruction
- focusing on k, h, ll sound with vowels

4/26 Kindergarden This day the superintendent came to observe, I

9:30am to thought that this was very intestering because Jen
12pm invited the individual to observe. Jen felt it was
necessary because the immersion program
becomes “lost” within the school system.

Morning meeting
- greeting eachother
- songs
- dictado (there was a letter written by the
teacher to the student and the students
identified what was incorrect in the letter)

Reading time
- some students sat one on one with teacher
for prewritten reading curriculum
- sight words identified
- students shared what they read about

Writting time
- the students wrote/drew a story
- students shared out what they wrote about

4/28 Kindergarden This day the principal came to observe the

9am to 12pm classroom for similar reasons to the
superintendent’s observation opportunity. Jen took
advantage of the opportunity to have the students
practice their writing skills to write letters to the
principal about their wishes.
Morning meeting
- greeting eachother
- songs
- dictado (there was a letter written by the
teacher to the student and the students
identified what was incorrect in the letter)

Reading time
- some students sat one on one with teacher
for prewritten reading curriculum
- sight words identified
- students shared what they read about

Writting time
- the students wrote/drew a story
- students shared out what they wrote about

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