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(Module for Midterm)


Relative equilibrium of liquid is a condition where the whole mass of liquid including
the vessel in which the liquid is contained, is moving at uniform accelerated motion
with respect to the earth, but every particle of liquid have no relative motion between
each other.

If the fluid particles in the moving fluid mass do not move relative to each other, then
they are said to be in static position and in this situation dynamics or relative
equilibrium exists between the fluid particles under the action of accelerating force.

If a container containing liquid is made to move with a constant acceleration, the liquid
particles initially will move relative to each other and after some time there will not be
any relative motion between the liquid particles and the walls of the container. The
liquid takes up a new position under the effect of acceleration imparted to the
container. The entire liquid mass moves a single unit. The liquid attains static
equilibrium in new position relative to the container and law of hydrostatic can be
applied to find out liquid pressure.

Mass of liquid in relative equilibrium is free from any shear stress due to the absence
of any motion between each particle and also between the liquid mass itsel and the

There are two cases of relative equilibrium that will be discussed in this section: linear
translation and rotation. Note that if a mass of liquid is moving with constant speed,
the conditions are the same as static liquid in the previous sections.

Horiziontal Motion
tanθ = a/g

Inclined Motion
tanθ = ah / (g±av)

Vertical Motion
p=γh(1± a/g)

tanθ = ω2x/g and y=ω2x2/2g

Rectilinear Translation - Moving Vessel

Horizontal Motion
If a mass of fluid moves horizontally along a straight line at constant acceleration a,
the liquid surface assume an angle θ with the horizontal, see figure below.

For any value of a, the angle θ can be found by considering a fluid

particle of mass m on the surface. The forces acting on the particle are
the weight W = mg, inertia force or reverse effective force REF = ma, and
the normal force N which is the perpendicular reaction at the surface.
These three forces are in equilibrium with their force polygon shown to
the right.

From the force triangle


Inclined Motion
Consider a mass of fluid being accelerated up an incline α from horizontal. The
horizontal and vertical components of inertia force REF would be respectively, x =
mah and y = mav.
From the force triangle above
tanθ = x / (W+y)
tanθ = macosα / (mg+masinα)
tanθ = acosα/ (g+asinα)

but a cos α = ah and a sin α = av, hence

tan θ= ah/(g+av)
tanθ = ah/(g±av)

Use (+) sign for upward motion and (-) sign for downward motion.

Vertical Motion
The figure shown to the right is a mass of liquid moving vertically upward with a
constant acceleration a. The forces acting to a liquid column of depth h from the
surface are weight of the liquid W = γV, the inertia force REF = ma, and the pressure F
= pA at the bottom of the column.

pA = γV + ma
pA = γV + ρVa
pA = γV + (γ/g)Va
pA = γ(Ah) + (γ/g)(Ah)a
p = γh+(γ/g)ha
p = γh(1+a/g)
p = γh(1±a/g)

Use (+) sign for upward motion and (-) sign for downward motion. Also note that a is
positive for acceleration and negative for deceleration.
For further elaboration here are some examples
Ex. 1. An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5m long, 2m wide and
2.5 m high is filled with water to a depth of 2m.
A) What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank
without spilling any water?
B) Determine the accelerating force on the liquid mass?
C) If the acceleration is increased to 6m/s2, how much water will be spilled

A) tan Ɵ = 1/5
tan Ɵ = a/g

a/g = 1/5
a = (1/5)(9.81) = 1.06 m/s2

B) F = ma
F = (W/g)a = (vol)(γ)/g)a
F = 5(2.5)(2)(9.81)(1.06)/9.81= 26.5 kN

C) tanƟ = a/g
Ɵ = tan-1(a/g) = tan-1(6/9.81) = 31.45˚
tanƟ = 2.5/x
x = 2.5/tan31.45 = 4.09 m
Volremain = ½(4.09)(2.5)(2) = 10.225 m3
Volspilled = 5(2.5)2 – 10.225 = 14.775 m3
2. An open rectangular tank 4m long x 2m wide x 2m high is filled with water
to a depth of 1.8 m. If the allowable force at the front wall of the tank is 20
kN, how fast can it be accelerated horizontally?

P = γh2/2(width)
20 = 9.81(h)2(2)/2
h = 1.428 m
1.8-h = 0.372 m
tanƟ = (0.2 + 0.372)/4 = 0.143
a = tanƟ(g) = 0.143(9.81) = 1,403 m/s2

3. A cylindrical tank used in lifting water to the top of a tower 1.5 m high. If the
pressure at the bottom of the tank must not exceed 16 kPa, what maximum
vertical acceleration can be imposed in the cylinder when it is filled with water.
p = γh(1+a/g)
16 = 9.81(1.5)(1 + a/9.81)
a = 0.856 m/s2
When at rest, the surface of mass of liquid is horizontal at PQ as shown in the figure.
When this mass of liquid is rotated about a vertical axis at constant angular
velocity ω radian per second, it will assume the surface ABC which is parabolic. Every
particle is subjected to centripetal force or centrifugal force CF = mω2x which
produces centripetal acceleration towards the center of rotation. Other forces that
acts are gravity force W = mg and normal force N.

tanθ = CF/W

Where tan θ is the slope at the surface of paraboloid at any distance x from the axis
of rotation.

From Calculus, y’ = slope, thus

dy=(ω2/g)x dx
∫dy = (ω2/g)∫x dx
y= ω2x2 / 2g
For cylindrical vessel of radius r revolved about its vertical axis, the height h of
paraboloid is
h = ω2r2/2g

Other Formulas
By squared-property of parabola, the relationship of y, x, h and r is defined by
r2 / h = x2 / y

Volume of paraboloid of revolution

V = (1/2) πr2h

Important conversion factor

1 rpm = (1/30)π rad/sec

For Close Container

Ex. An open cylindrical vessel having a height equal to its diameter is half-filled
with water and revolved about its own vertical axis with a constant angular speed
of 120 rpm. Find its diameter so that there can be no liquid spilled.

ω = 120 rpm = 12.566 rad/s

h = ω2r2/2g
h = 12.5662(h/2)2/2(9.81)
d = h = 0.497m

2. An open cylindrical tank, 2m in diameter and 4m high contains water to a

depth of 3m. It is rotated about its own vertical axis with a constant angular
speed ω.
a) if ω = 3 rad/sec, is there any liquid spilled?
b) what maximum value of ω (in rpm) can be imposed without spilling any
c) if ω = 100 rpm, how much area at the bottom of the tank is uncovered?

a) h = ω2r2/2g
h = (3)2(1)2 / 2(9.81) = 0.458m
1m > 0.458/2m, therefore
No water spilled
b) For maximum ω without water spilled,
h = 2m
2 = ω2(1)2 / 2(9.81)
ω = 6.264 rad/sec
ω = 59.82 rpm
c) ω = 100 rpm =10.472 rad/sec
h = (10.472)2(1)2/ 2(9.81)
h = 5.59 m
y = 5.59 – 4 = 1.59 m
By the square property of parabola
x2/1.59 = 12/5.59
x = 0. 533 m
Auncovered = πx2
Auncovered = π(0.533)2 = 0.894 m2

3. The drum 2m high is filled to the top with oil and placed on the plat form.
Determine the pressure the oil will exert on the cap at A if the maximum
pressure at the bottom of the drum is 80 kPa. ρoil = 900 kg/m3.

pbot/γoil = 2 + y1
80 / 9.81(900/1000) = 2 + y1
y1 = 7.061 m
h = ω2r2/2g
7.061 = ω2(0.35)2/2(9.81)
ω = 33.63 rad/sec

pA = γoil(y2)
pA = 9.81(900/1000)(33.632)(0.252) / 2(9.81)
pA = 31.81 kPa

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