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1st Grade Diversity Lesson Plan

Book Title: Who’s in a Family

Author: Robert Skutch
Publication Date: February 28, 1997
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Social Justice Standard(s):
Diversity Anchor Standard #6: Students will express comfort with people who are
both similar to and different from them and engage respectfully with all people.

Diversity Anchor Standard #7: Students will develop language and knowledge to
accurately and respectfully describe how people (including themselves) are both
similar to and different from each other in their identity groups

Nevada Academic Content Standard(s):

English Language Arts Speaking and Speaking and Listening Standard 1.B.
1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
B: Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others
through multiple exchanges.

The student will be able to discuss the similarities and differences between both
themself and their partners family through a family diagram with 95% accuracy.

● (1) large 8 ½ by 11 in. paper
● Drawing utensils i.e. colored pencils, markers, crayons, paint
● Wooden craft sticks

1. Introduce: Introduce Who’s in a Family by Robert Skutch. Ask students what
they see on the front cover and what they think the book will be about.
2. Read the book.
3. Discuss (Think/Pair/Share): Have students in pairs and they will answer the
questions to each other. Afterwards, it will then be turned into a whole-class
discussion to who will volunteer and talk about their family.
1. “Do you have any family vacation traditions?”
2. “How many siblings do you have?”
3. “Do you live with both your parents or just one?”
4. “Do your grandparents live with you”
5. “Which one of your parents help you out with your
4. Activities:
a. Take a walk: Students will go outside and pick up rocks that represent
their family. Students will then get creative and paint them. Once they
are all done, each student will show their rocks to the class and explain
who in their family are the rocks.
b. House: Have students in groups of 4 and have them discuss who will
be mom, dad, brother, and sister. They will then grab a wooden craft
stick and label who they are.


Teacher will go around and listen to their student’s discussion with one
another if they fully understood the message from the book.

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