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the Four responsibilities of the Holy Prophet saw

In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and
is said to speak on behalf of that being, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering
messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people.

 Recitation of holy Quran.

The Qur'an is a guide and a sea of knowledge for those who are
affected by it. As the word of God revealed to the Holy Prophet (SWs), it contains historical
parables, jurisprudential information, moral advice and values that we need to set fire to our
lives. Although the Qur'an is meant to be a guide for all humanity, regardless of its beliefs,
identity, cultural background, age or gender, if we purify our hearts we have more to learn from
its guidance and knowledge. Capacity exists. God says. There are great benefits to reciting and
meditating on the Qur'an. Each of the Qur’an verses mentioned here stands as an incentive to
read and understand. The Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) summed up faith as advice
(sincerity). ... The Holy Prophet says, “The Qur'an is for you or against you. The angel Gabriel
recited it with the amulet of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he
recited it with the ta'aj of the Shaba. He recited it to his students to this day with an amulet.

When an attempt was made to preach the message of the Qur'an before this,
Muhammad's word was not obeyed and people turned against him. He spent most of his time in
the city of Medina, where he was a political and religious leader. Islamic belief teaches that
Allah wants to help people live good lives and so he sends messages about how to do this. Many
of these messages are found in the Qur’an. Muslims believe that messages from Allah are
communicated through prophets, or nubuwwah. There is a connection between the prophets of
God and humanity. There are 25 prophets in the Quran, although many believe that there may be
124,000 more. All prophets are considered equal: We make no distinction between any of them
God chose prophets to reveal His truth. They are responsible for the revelation of God's Word.
Messages were sent by Allah to the Prophets using angels. These messages are recorded in the
holy books. The prophets performed miracles, which proved that they were indeed prophets.
Muhammad is the last prophet in Islam, known as the seal of the prophets. This means that
Muslims consider Muhammad to be the last messenger of Allah, and the Qur'an is made of
Muhammad through the revelations of God, through the angel Gabriel. According to Islamic
beliefs, no other prophet will come after him. Islam means "submission to God." Muslims
believe in one God, Allah, and follow the teachings of Allah's Messenger, the Prophet of Islam.
Muhammad received the Holy Qur'an, the Islamic holy book, from Allah.

 Purification of Shaba’s hearts.

The Prophet said: “For everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts
is the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a person from
the punishment of Allah than the dhikr of Allah.” (Shih Ahmed)
so Here are 9 ways to purify our hearts .

Read the Holy Quran with Understanding.

The Quran is Allah’s message to humanity. It was sent to guide and heal our hearts. It was
sent to be reflected upon: “Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, in order that
you may understand

 Recite the “dearest phrases to Allah”.

The Messenger of Allah said, “The dearest phrases to Allah are four: Subhan Allah (Glory be
to Allah), Al-Hamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), La ilaha illa-Allah (There is no deity but
Allah), Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greater). There is no harm for you in which of them you
begin with (while remembering Allah). (Shih Muslim)

Call on Allah by His Beautiful Names

“And the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them” You can say for
example, Ya Rahman (The Most Compassionate), have mercy on me; Ya Ghaffer (The Oft-
Forgiving), forgive me, etc..

Seek Allah’s forgiveness by saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)

The Prophet Muhammad taught that seeking Allah’s forgiveness polishes the heart:
“Sometimes I perceive a veil over my heart, and I supplicate Allah for forgiveness a hundred
times in a day.” “Verily, when the believer commits a sin, a black spot appears upon his
heart. If he repents and abandons the sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished, but
if he increases in sin, the blackness increases. That is the covering which Allah has
mentioned in his Book: “Nay, but on their hearts is a covering because of what they have

Make dua (supplication) to Allah for all of your needs.

The Prophet  said, “The dua is worship.”

Then He recited (verse 40:60), “And Your Lord said: ‘Call upon me, I will respond to you.’
The Prophet explained the best way to make dua: “When one of you prays, let him start with
praise of Allah, then let him send blessings upon the Prophet, then let him ask whatever he
likes after that.” Then another man prayed after that, and he praised Allah and sent blessings
upon the Prophet. The Prophet said: “O worshipper, ask and you will be answered.” 

Send Salawat (peace and blessings) upon the Prophet 

“Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send you blessings
on him, and salute him with all respect” Saying “Allahummah Salli Ala Sayyidinaa
Muhammad” or “Allahumma Salli Ala Nabiyunna Muhammad” (Oh Allah please bless our
master/ prophet Muhammad) is an easy way to earn blessings, raise your spiritual station, and
grow closer to your Lord. You do not need to have Wudu to perform this act of worship. The
Prophet said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him
tenfold and will erase from him ten misdeeds and raise him ten degrees in status.”

Think Positive Thoughts about Allah

Remember His Mercy, His Help, His Wisdom, His Love, and His Goodness. Remind
yourself of this Hadith Quds: “I am to my servant as he expects of me. I am with him when
he remembers me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him to Myself, and if he
remembers me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly better than his, and if he draws
nearer to Me a hand’s span, I draw nearer to him an arm’s length, and if he draws nearer to
Me an arm’s length, I draw nearer to him a fathom’s length, and if he comes to me walking, I
rush to him at (great) speed.”

Express gratitude to Allah for His blessings upon you.

Every night, think of 3 things that you are thankful to Allah for. You can also think of the
best part of your day. By focusing your mind on what went well in your day, you are
counting your blessings. Allah connects remembering Him with being grateful to Him:
“Remember Me and I shall remember you. Be grateful unto me and deny me not.”
Allah describes a purified heart as being thankful: “Allah does not wish to impose hardship
upon you. Rather, He wishes to purify you; and to complete His blessings upon you; and in
order that you may be thankful.”

 Teaching of the Holy Qur’an

In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine

being and is said to speak on behalf of that being, serving as an intermediary with humanity
by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people. The new
religion of Islam taught that there was one God, and that Muhammad was the last and
most important in a series of prophets and messengers. Through his messengers God had sent
various codes, or systems of laws for living, culminating in the Qur’an the holy book
of Islam. The Quran (sometimes spelled Qur'an is considered the most important holy book
among Muslims. It contains some basic information that is found in the Hebrew Bible as well
as revelations that were given to Muhammad. The text is considered the sacred word of God
and supersedes any previous writings.

 Teaching of Hikma

Al-Hikmah or wisdom means a total insight and having sound judgment

concerning a matter or situation through understanding cause and effect phenomena. Al-
Hikmah constitutes one of the three major teachings of Prophet Muhammad of the Qur'an,
below, expresses Prophet Muhammad's mission with the three major categories: Al-Kitab
(The knowledge of the Holy Qur'an), al-Hikmah (the wisdom) and al-Tazkiyah (the inner-
self-purification). Each category is dependent upon the other. These three fundamental
teaching wisdom is an integral part of the mission of the earlier Prophets as well. The Qur’an
speaks of Prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus how they were sent to teach wisdom along
with their respective scriptures. For example, God speaks of Abraham saying: changes
combined are the foundations required to make up the character of a true Muslim.

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