Jami Personal Statement

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Jami Gonzalez: Personal Statement

Growing up I always thought I would work my way into the medical field. Several family
members and friends have been in this reqarding field and that’s right where I wanted to be
because I love to help people. Unfortunately, my path took a turn before the pandemic. I attended
a school that changed my way of thinking into a negative light for the medical field and came to
realize it was not for me. With two daughters of my own and wanting to provide the best life
possible for them, I was back to square one with where I wanted to be in life. After applying to
State College of Florida and getting accepted, I started out majoring in Business/Accounting.
But, my path quickly changed again and I switched my major to Paralegal/ Legal Assisting. In
more ways than one I have had to help friends and family members understand legal papers that
either they were filing or were being filed upon them. I sat down and had some major thinking
and realized my heart was within the law. With this path I am still able to help others and also do
what my heart and head is striving for. The experience I have had over the years, personally and
also helping others, I knew this is where I am meant to be.

Currently, I am a student at State College of Florida: Manatee-Sarasota, pursuing and Associate

of Science in Paralegal/ Assisting. With this second semester I was enrolled in my first financial
accounting class, but with switching my major I had to drop this class as well as being enrolled
in more classes than I could handle this time. Although this upcoming summer semester I look
forward to dipping my toes into the legal classes and I am excited. Outside of my courses at the
college, I am currently a stay at home mom. I also have a small side business where I customize
cups, and I help run my husband’s business.

During my thought process on short-term goals, I plan to finish through my Associates of

Science degree, as well as take the last couple classes I would need to also graduate with an
Associates of Arts degree.

After graduation I plan to apply to a law firm or within the judicial system to start gaining the
experience I need. Also start classes going forth for my Bachelor’s degree with State College of
Florida. In ten years my dream would be to hopefully become a lawyer, but I also know that this
would be a long road. My biggest motivation to continue my education would my two girls, I
want them to be proud of their mom for always striving for what is best for them, as well as them
understanding that there is always time to learn, no matter your age or where you are in life and
its okay to change your mind and go in a different direction.

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