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Education 110

Classroom Observation Guidelines and Log Information

(This assignment fulfills course outcomes 4 &5 and NAEYC Standards 1c, 4a, 4b, 6c, 6d)

● You will need to complete a total of 10 hours of classroom observations in the assigned Head Start location.
● There are three logs to complete. You must visit your site at least 3 times. If you go more than that, choose three visits to complete
the assignments.
● Take clearances with you on all visits.
● Take and complete the Field Placement Attendance Form (online in the handbook and attached in the module) for each visit.
● When visiting a school, it is important to “go with the flow.” You are a guest observer and do not want to intrude. Some important
things to remember:
○ Sometimes the unexpected can occur…fire drills, early dismissals, a substitute on the day you are scheduled. Be prepared.
○ Non-instructional activities (lunch, recess, daily routines) can still be part of your observational time.
○ Your primary task is to sit quietly and observe. Do not interrupt or join activities unless the teacher has invited you. NEVER
be with a child without another adult present! Use common sense.

Dress appropriately. You are required to wear the HACC Education shirt (can be purchased in our bookstore) and either black or khaki
pants. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum and hair should be neat and tidy.
Confidentiality is vital. It is NOT acceptable to talk about what you have seen/heard in classrooms outside of that classroom…with
the exception of our college classroom. You may discuss situations you have observed in our classroom if they are appropriate and as long as
you do not specifically identify the teacher, school, and students you are discussing. Violations of confidentiality will be taken seriously.
Be responsible and respectful. If you can’t make it to a scheduled observation due to illness or other emergency, please let the teacher
know. Be on time and have the materials you need.

● Turn in all log info/reflections at the same time.

● There are three logs to complete. You must visit your site at least 3 different times. If you go more than that, choose three visits to
complete these assignments.
● Be thorough…your details will help when writing your reflection.

Attached Log Information=200 points total


Malina Muzzy
Your Name ____________________________ Observation Site __________________ Grade/Age Level _______

The Educational Setting (20 pts)

Describe the physical setting of the classroom.
Throughout all of the videos, the theme for the classroom setup was generally the same. The classrooms had a group area somewhere in the classroom, with desks that were grouped or paired together for group or
partner work (if the desks were shown in the video). The classrooms were decorated with attention grabbing decor. By this I mean colorful lettering on the walls or boards with colorful paper, decorations that could
bring that could possibly bring attention to what is being displayed. In some of the videos you could tell that the classrooms had some decor that relating to what the kids may learn or have already learned (ie. vowels
and the alphabet).

Give your opinion about the setting. Like it/Dislike it? Why? What would you change?
I enjoyed all of the settings, it was interesting to see the similarities between different teachers and different grades. Even though the videos portrayed different grades the classroom set ups were very similar with
maybe some slight differences. If I could change anything, I think I would have enjoyed seeing more videos that had the pairing setup with their desks. In the 1st grade student engagement video the students were
sat in pairs and I personally think that would work better especially with younger kids, because they may get more easily distracted with more partners or in group seating.

ON the back, draw a sketch of the classroom.

How has the teacher created a “caring community”? (Comment on the teacher/student relationship, social-emotional supports--ch. 6)
Each teacher had different, but also similar ways in which they created a caring environment for their students. In video 1, Danielson Framework - Classroom Observation, the teacher had the students sit in a group
and corrected some students whenever they weren’t sitting how they were suppose to be or when they would interrupt other students.Although, he did this in a caring matter, he didn’t yell or physically upset any
students. He often would remind students to listen when another student was speaking, this was him acknowledging the speaking student, as well as showing the other students what they should be doing. Similar to
other teachers throughout the videos, this teacher established behaviors that the students should be doing. In ‘Whole Brain Teaching Study Video: Five Step Lesson: Second Grade: Pronouns’, this teacher
demonstrated a caring community through positive encouragement. Meaning that when a student would be up in front of the classroom demonstrating the lesson and needed a little help or didn’t quite demonstrate the
skill correctly, the teacher would tell the class to give that student encouragement and then the student would try again. By doing this the teacher created a safe, non-judgmental learning environment for the students.
The students may even develop a secure attachment to their teacher and each other, because of this. Then, in ‘TPSD Kindergarten, Phonics First, Lesson 16 Level 1’ one of the support teachers as well as the primary
teacher demonstrated great emotional support for a struggling student. The student seemed to be struggling and off task, so initially just the support teacher redirected him without being to critical towards him. Then
the primary teacher came over and helped him with his work without giving him the entire answer. This is another example of a caring community that could allow the student to form a secure attachment to both the
primary teacher as well as the support teacher.
Arts and crafts corner White Board Bookshelf


Desk seats

Desk Desk Desk

Desk Desk

Teacher 's Desk
Area §
Desk Desk
Desk Desk


1St Grade
.. ..
*. .÷.

Desk Desk




i.EE Bookshelf
Rules and Routines (20 pts)
List the classroom/school rules. Reflect on these rules. (i.e. Are the rules posted? Who do you think wrote the
Group setting rules? Good/bad?)
1. Students should be seated criss cross
2. Hands in their laps The teacher reviewed these rules with the students once they were seated in their group setting. I like these rules
3. Voices off (No talking) especially for a group setting, it tells the students what is expected of them. Reviewing them one final time once seated in
4. Eyes on their teacher a group setting reminds them one more time. These are not posted, but repeated to the students once in the group setting. I
believe the teacher wrote these, because they are the rules that suite her classroom, and they are good rules.

I liked when the teachers quickly review the older material before moving
List any classroom/school routines you observe. Ones you liked/disliked? Why? on to a new lesson. This allows for the students to ask any questions or
for the teacher to correct anything that may be being done incorrectly. Repetition is a really good thing for students. This type
1. Quickly reviewing older material before starting new lesson of teaching allows for them to get involved in their education and also helps to ensure that the students are paying attention, I
2. Saying material and having the students repeat it back really like this routine and I am glad multiple of the teachers in these videos were doing this. I didn’t like the quite spray and
3. Not establishing a caring community for students the not establishing a caring community for students. In the math lesson video, the teacher used something called quite spray
4. Quite spray which is probably just water in a nice bottle. I feel like this could be taken badly if a parent were to see it, because that is a
method pet owners use to train their animals and children aren’t animals. Also, in the 2nd grade vocabulary video, I felt like the
teacher was giving off a lot of hostility in her tone of voice. She wasn’t doing anything specifically towards them but her tone
of voice may discourage a secure attachment between her and her students.

Classroom Management (20 pts)

3 Strategies that I saw the teacher use Effective? Why/why not?

1. Whole Brain Teaching

Y or N
I loved this whole method of teaching. All together it got the kids all involved in their education and got them excited to

Y or N This method gets the kids really involved in their learning and makes it fun at the sane time. By making it fun it keeps the kids
more focused on their learning.
2. Vocabulary relay races

3. Repetition 0
Y or N By doing repetition with the students this keeps the kid engaged. The more engaged the children are, the more likely they are to
remember what they are learning about.

Reflections (10 pts) (typed in paragraph form) Using a classroom discussion or your reading from the text, think about something you observed and
relate it to your learning. How are they connected?
Reflection #1:
Throughout a lot of our readings we learned a lot about being intentional teachers. A lot of
the videos had teachers that demonstrated being intentional teachers. They were involved
with their students and weren’t just giving them work to do and sending them off. A lot of
them were intentional along with creating a caring and safe environment. Two teachers that
I noted specifically that did this were the teachers from ‘1st Grade Student Engagement’
and ‘Whole Brain Teaching Study Video: Five Step Lesson: Second Grade: Pronouns’.
These two teachers provided engaging environments for their students and gave them
opportunities to be involved in their own learning physically and mentally. Giving them
safe and caring environment also leaves a doorway open for the students to form secure
atttachments to each other and their teachers. Having secure attachments in general as we
know from our reading is very good for the students. This can help them develop
emotionally as they develop physically and mentally.

Your Name ____________________________ Observation Site __________________ Grade/Age Level _______

Transitions in the Classroom (60 pts) (typed in the attached chart)

Find and record 6 transitions used in PreK-4th grade settings. Be as specific as possible. (Do not say, “sang a song..” Instead, say, “They sang
Lunchtime is Time to Eat as they got ready and lined up for lunch.”)
A. 3 transitions must be from your observation placement.
B. 3 transitions must be from your textbook or an outside source (give credit where it is due, please.)
C. For each transition, include the following:
a. Where did you see/find it (source)?
b. Is it an effective technique? Why/why not? Discuss developmental appropriateness.
c. What learning is promoted while using this transition?
d. A reflection on the transition: Would you use it? Why/why not? Comment on child development theory in your reflection.

Reflections (10 pts) (typed in paragraph form)

A. Describe in detail a highlight of your observation time. This might include a successful or interesting strategy, a humorous story, a
particular student’s discovery (confidentiality!), something that relates to a discussion we had in class, something that relates to a chapter you
read, something you want to know more about, etc.

B. Describe in detail one challenge. This might be about a student that concerns you, a behavioral/class management situation, something the
teacher said or did that was unusual/sad/frustrating, or something you’d do completely differently.

Ex: Sang “Clean Up, Saw this on my 1st When a bell rang, all children began Organization, responsibility, For preschoolers and Kdgn, I would
Clean Up” as center day at Head Start- singing & cleaning up. It took less than 3 timing, respect for each other and probably use it. It’s a catchy, easy song
time was ending and York location mins to get everything back in place. All property, memorization of a song. and can be repeated until all children are
story time was going to were engaged and busy with their own These are skills found in the PA where they need to be. Physical and
begin. jobs. No issues! Songs are appropriate to early learning standards Language development are enhanced
use with preschoolers. (Approaches to Learning and with this transition.
Language and Literacy)
“When I say go we are This is an effective technique. It helps teach the children Timing/time management, organization, I would use this method for 1st-2nd grade because
coming to the meeting spot 2nd Grade how to follow directions and move quickly into the next respect, self-control they have more self control than that of the younger
without our voices”… then Vocabulary Lesson learning material. It also teaches them respect for their grades. Therefore, they understand need to move
the teacher counted down Video teacher, because they are respecting her request by more quickly and quietly. Social developments are
starting at 10 seconds. moving quietly. enhanced with this transition.

Teacher says “Seats” as a This is an effective technique. By giving a command Respect for their teacher,
Whole Brain Teaching I would use this method for all elementary grades. It’s
direction for the students to
return to their seats. The Study Video: Five Step and then having the students repeat it back, this lets memorization. a good method to get the kids involved in their
Lesson: Second Grade: the teacher know they are paying attention. Also, education and excited about learning. This transition
students repeats back to her having the children repeat the instructions can help
Pronouns promotes cognitive and social development.
“seats, seats, seats” as they them better understand what they are expected to do.
return to their seats.
Teacher says the students should This is a good transition. By giving the kids a little Improves attention, respect for their I would use this method, maybe I would try to make
TPSD Kindergarten,
get a little exercise before they physical exercise before moving right into the next teacher the exercise break a routine thing. Perhaps instead of
Phonics First, Lesson 16
start learning about their new lesson the teacher is giving them a little break. just being a transition, I would make it like a 2
Level 1
sound. She then shows them their Therefore, making it a little easier for them to focus, minute exercise break so everyone could loosen up
signal for stand up, and tells them because they aren’t being forced to sit for a long time. their muscles. This transition promotes cognitive
to tip toe to their seats. development.
Transition music allows students to loosen up a little Improves attention, memorization of song I would use this method for younger grades possibly, but before the next activity. If I were to need time to (if I use the same songs) mostly 2nd-4th grade. This transition method helps keep
Transition music transition-ideas-for-pre- prepare for the next activity, I would put on a the children active and also gives them a chance to have
k-to-grade-1/ transition song and let the children stand and talk a mental break and make it easier for them to refocus.
within their desk groups while I prepare. This transition promotes cognitive and possibly social
When ready to transition to the next activity, say development if I allow them to talk to each other.
https:// Improves attention, respect for their
education.yourdictionary. “Let’s play a game of simon says boys and girl”, and teacher, self-control I would use this method to switch with other transitions.
Simon Says com/for-teachers/what- then I would give them directions on what I wanted I do enjoy this method, making a game out of
transition-ideas-can-be- them to do next. instructions will help the kids want to follow the
used-between-activities- instructions more. This transition promotes cognitive
at-preschool.html and social development.
https:// Signal phrases can be used to let the children know Respect for their teacher, memorization of I would not be as inclined to use this method. If I have a
education.yourdictionary. when it time to move on without having to say anything. hand gestures generally calm class I may use this method, but it might
com/for-teachers/what- I can point to the ground to gesture for them so sit, not be as effective with a more chaotic classroom. This
Signal Phrases transition-ideas-can-be- cover my mouth or put a fist in the air to demonstrate transition method promotes cognitive development.
used-between-activities- that I want them to be quite.
Reaction #2:
The one strategy that stuck with me most that a few of the teachers use in the videos, is the
hand gestures and the excitement they assign to them. Especially in ‘Whole Brain Teaching
Study Video: Five Step Lesson: Second Grade: Pronouns’, ‘1st Grade Student
Engagement’, and ‘Grade 2 Narrative Writing Lesson’. All three of these videos widely
used hand gesture or short phrases that some what made the lesson into a fun game for the
children. I loved this, it kept the children engaged and having fun and the teachers are also
able to check throughout their lessons how engaged their students are. This is definitely I
will be looking more into and hopefully use when I become a teacher.

The one negative item I would have to say I had with any of these videos was the teacher in
the ‘2nd Grade Vocabulary Lesson’ video. She seemed to give off a negative tone towards
the children in general and kids can be very perceptive of that. So by doing this she may be
hurting a child’s feelings without even knowing it. I know some people have bad days and
all, but she just seemed to give off an annoyed tone towards her students and I did not
appreciate that.

Your Name ____________________________ Observation Site __________________ Grade/Age Level _______

Instruction (40 pts) (Typed in the chart)

List 3 instructional Small groups, whole What are the students learning or How is learning being evaluated?
activities/lessons you class, or individually? supposed to be learning? (formal/informal: observation, questioning, art
observed. What format? project, writing, quiz)

ex: Teeth brushing small groups of 4-6 should be learning how to brush their
children, actual teeth correctly, self-help/life skill informal: teacher observation, some
practice questioning and assistance as needed
Should be learning how the sound rice changes based off of Formal-worksheet with questions to answer
Science experiment with Small groups of 5 with
1. sound glass collaboration
where, how quickly, and how hard the students tap the cup.

Class Should be learning how to properly place pronouns throughout Informal-Classroom quiz with thumbs up and thumbs down
2. Pronoun lesson a sentence and where and when to use them.

Informal-Vocabulary Relay Race

Class Should be learning about the words and their definitions
3. Vocabulary lesson
Write 3 questions that you heard the teacher ask the children. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy of questioning, which level is each question?

ex: What day is it? Remembering

1. What are you going to write?
2. What do we do with the 10 frame?

3. How does sound travel?

If you could change the way any of the instructional activities

were taught, what would you change and why?
I would take notes at least 2 times a week when I observe each child with
ex: I would change the way the teeth brushing was evaluated. this task until I see that an individual is consistently (2 weeks) brushing
correctly. This way I have a record of what I saw, what I asked, how I
I would change how the vocabulary lesson was evaluated, because while a relay race is a good
review it is not testing if everyone know the information individually which is very important. corrected. etc.

When changing this activity I would probably give each child a worksheet that has them match
the word to the definition. Then do the relay for a test review. By doing it this way I can see
who knows the words individually without the assistance of a group.

Reflections (10 pts) (typed in paragraph form)

How has this experience influenced your thoughts about becoming a teacher? It is to be written with a personal reflective tone and show original
thought and “voice”. Be specific. Please do not say, “I had fun. It was a good experience.” Dig deep and be honest!

Professionalism (10 pts) For all logs: 10=0-2 errors, 5=3-5 errors, 0=>5 errors
Reflection #3:
This observation experience taught me a lot of different things, definitely some stuff I
want to bring into my own classroom one day. I loved discovering how some teachers
keep their students engaged in their lessons, I will for sure be using those methods in some
way shape or form. These videos also showed me just how much a tone of voice can actual
change the setting of a room, so I have to keep that in mind when I do eventually become
a teacher. I have be able to keep emotions from my personal life or whatever it may be
separate from my classroom. I don’t want those emotions to spill over onto my students. I
do still want to be a teacher and am very excited to have actual in person observations.
Watching these videos was a good first introduction to what I may see when I actually get
to go out into the field.

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