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EDUC 230 Lesson Plan 1

(adopted from Centenary University EDU2003 Lesson Plan Using the edTPA Framework)
Your Name: Grace Hoelzel
Grade level this plan is for: First Materials you’ll use: A shoe box, plastic animals or sticker animals (sea animals, land, and flying ones) ,
Grade glue, scissors, materials to make the habitats such as fake grass, color paper, fake bushes, markers, etc.

Central Learning Focus and Planned Learning Outcomes

Central Focus Are you able to understand the different habitats animals live in, and can identify which animals belong in the water,
(Content) land, or sky? Animals live in different habitats and I understand that certain animals belong in the water, land or sky.

ELA Anchor Standard MP.5 Use appropriate tools strategically. (1-PS4-4)

Standards for Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Mathematical Practice
Making and designing their animal’s habitats in a way where it is fit for that certain animal.
1-LS1-1 Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their
external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.
Learning Standard(s) for
the Central Focus 1-LS3-1 Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not
exactly like, their parents.

Students will be able to understand the different features in animals and how that makes them adapt in certain
Objectives based on the environments
Learning Standards listed
above Students will explain what a habitat is and why living things such as animals need it.

Students will be able to observe different animals and identify how they differ from one another.
Prior Academic Students should already know that animals live in different environments and adapt in different habitats.

Anticipated Issues Students may not understand why animals belong in their different habitats.
Academic Language Demands
Language Used Students will be learning why animals are in different habitats and what they do for animals
(Vocabulary, Syntax,
Discourse) Habitat- a place in nature where animals, plants and people grow in life.
Physical adaptations- are features that help a plant or animal better live in an environment
Meeting the Language Students will be encouraged to explain the different features in animals and connect it to their habitat. Such a butterfly
Demands has wings, so they belong in the sky. Or a fish has gills so they are able to breath under water.

Evaluation Criteria and Feedback for Students

Assessment Type Assessment Task Planned Modifications to (Teacher Tasks - What evidence of student learning related to the
(Informal or Formal) Description Assessment Tasks learning objectives and central focus does the assessment task
(Student Tasks)
provide? What feedback will you provide the students?)
Students will be asked to If it appears students are not During this activity, the teacher will be making sure the
create an environment using a grasping the concept extra students understand why all the animals are placed in their
shoebox for the different guidance and examples will be certain habitats. The teacher will observe where the students
animals they choose from and performed. Students are able placed their animals, and note down on a rubric how well
Informal label the ones that belong in to create their animal’s students were able to complete the idea of the lesson. If
(During Instruction) the sky, water, or land. environment in any way they students are able to properly categorize animals in their
want, as long as they are habitats, they can go on to explain why that is. For the
understanding the concept of students who could be putting them in the incorrect place, the
what animals go where. teacher will assist by explaining the difference in how animals
could live.
After the students create their If students are not able to Teachers will be examining which students can describe how
habitats for their animals, they comprehend why animals are each animal is different and why they live in that habitat and
will have to explain why all of made with different features explaining the kind of environments they are in.
Informal their animals are in those that make them have different
environments. living environments, then
(During Instruction)
explaining that animals are not
made to all live in the same
place will be the first step to
Students will be asked to Some students may need Teachers will be looking for the students that are able to give
Formal present their final product of more help than others when information about their animals and what those certain
their assignment to their peers discussing these topics.The animals need to be able to survive. Also explaining how their
(After Instruction)
and teacher. Explaining how students who are environments provide that for them.
they made their habitats and understanding the topic can
the animals they chose for the help the other students if
project. Also explaining why needed. If the majority still
each animal is placed in the doesn't understand, the teacher
area they are in. will go over what animals
need to survive and how
different environments give
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Launch / Motivation / To begin the lesson, students will be asked what are the different things that animals may need to survive, they
Anticipatory Set will be able to talk to others before answering outloud to the teacher. Students will hear an example of a popular
(Engage) animal and the basics they need to survive such as food, water, and shelter. Students will also learn about how
Instructional Core animals have different features from one another, and that is why they are in different environments, explaining that
Sequence they survive differently. A song about animal habitats will be given along with a video on the topic. Once the teacher
has explained the basics and students have heard and watched more about the topic, the teacher will have a chart on
(Explore, Explain, Elaborate)
the board to categorize different animals to get a further idea. The categories will be set up as water, land, and sky,
Structured Practice & and students will be able to raise their hand and name any animal that comes to mind and choose which environment
Application the animal goes in and why. After the class lesson, students will be directed with making animal habitats using a
(Formal Assessment or Evaluate) shoe box. Teachers will be able to identify the students that made their habitats and who put the correct animals in
the right environments. Grading will not be based on which students made a better environment, students are free to
creatively make their environments however they choose, as long as animals are in the right place. The teacher will
also know students understand the lesson by making sure the student can explain why the animals they chose are in
those environments, by explaining the different animal’s needs and what features they have. Closure for this lesson
will be for students to discuss with one another their family animal and which habitat their animal belongs to and
Lesson includes ways to be creative with making their own habitats and being able to describe what they made.
How does your lesson plan Identifying, analyzing patterns of weather throughout different environments. Understanding the various types of
include language arts, animals and where they live. Students also count how many animals are in each habitat, and compare where they
math, or social studies live.
- Math for analyzing and identifying, and comparing
Extension Activity Any group that completes and understands the activity will be able to color their own habitats for an animal of their
choice to further demonstrate their knowledge on the lesson.
Materials- An aid to help learners who could be struggling with the making of the different habitats can choose
Differentiation/Planned whether or not they would rather draw land, sea, and sky compared to creating it with different materials. Drawing or
Additional Support making something on paper may be easier than trying to create something with a box.

(Special Needs, ELL, Instruction- Students who need me assistance with memory or comprehending the difference in animals and their
Gifted, Apathetic) environments, the teacher will provide an example project for them to look back on. Students will also be given a
sample list of various animals and their environments to give students who need it a better idea of where to put each
animal for their own projects.
Teaching Analysis
(You do not need to complete this section.)
Which lesson aspects

Which did not work as

well as you planned?

What would you need to

say/do tomorrow, based on
how well this lesson
worked today?

Specific Changes


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