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An update on bacterial brain abscess in immunocompetent patients

Article  in  Clinical Microbiology and Infection · May 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.05.004


3 332

9 authors, including:

Romain Sonneville Nur Benzonana

Hôpital Bichat - Claude-Bernard (Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Nord Val de Seine) Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital


Jean-Marc Tadié Piau Caroline

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes


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Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620

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An update on bacterial brain abscess in immunocompetent patients

 6, C. Piau 7,
R. Sonneville 1, R. Ruimy 2, N. Benzonana 3, L. Riffaud 4, A. Carsin 5, J.-M. Tadie
6 6, *
M. Revest , P. Tattevin , the ESCMID Study Group for Infectious Diseases of the Brain
Intensive Care Medicine and Infectious Diseases, AP-HP, Bichat Hospital, and UMR1148, LVTS, Sorbonne Paris Cite, INSERM/Paris Diderot University, Paris,
2) ^te d'Azur University, Nice, France
Microbiology, Archet Hospital, Nice Co
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Dr Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Neurosurgery, Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France
Radiology, Maison Blanche University Hospital, Reims, France
Infectious Diseases and Intensive Care Unit, Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France
Microbiology, Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: A brain abscess is a focal infection of the brain that begins as a localized area of cerebritis. In
Received 24 March 2017 immunocompetent patients, bacteria are responsible for >95% of brain abscesses, and enter the brain
Received in revised form either through contiguous spread following otitis, sinusitis, neurosurgery, or cranial trauma, or through
29 April 2017
haematogenous dissemination.
Accepted 1 May 2017
Available online 10 May 2017
Aims: To identify recent advances in the field.
Sources: We searched Medline and Embase for articles published during years 2012e2016, with the
Editor: Dr. C. Pulcini keywords ‘brain’ and ‘abscess’.
Content: The triad of headache, fever and focal neurological deficit is complete in ~20% of patients on
Keywords: admission. Brain imaging with contrastdpreferentially magnetic resonance imagingdis the reference
Abscess standard for diagnosis, and should be followed by stereotactic aspiration of at least one lesion, before the
Brain start of any antimicrobials. Efforts should be made for optimal management of brain abscess samples, for
Metronidazole reliable microbiological documentation. Empirical treatment should cover oral streptococci (including
milleri group), methicillin-susceptible staphylococci, anaerobes and Enterobacteriaceae. As brain ab-
Stereotactic aspiration
scesses are frequently polymicrobial, de-escalation based on microbiological results is safe only when
Streptococcus milleri
Third-generation cephalosporin aspiration samples have been processed optimally, or when primary diagnosis is endocarditis. Otherwise,
many experts advocate for anaerobes coverage even with no documentation, given the sub-optimal
sensitivity of current techniques. A 6-week combination of third-generation cephalosporin and metro-
nidazole will cure most cases of community-acquired brain abscess in immunocompetent patients.
Implications: Significant advances in brain imaging, minimally invasive neurosurgery, molecular biology
and antibacterial agents have dramatically improved the prognosis of brain abscess in immunocompe-
tent patients over the last decades. R. Sonneville, Clin Microbiol Infect 2017;23:614
© 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Introduction Indeed, an unlimited ‘Pubmed search’ performed in March 2017

retrieved 68 710 papers with the keyword ‘meningitis’, 58 880 with
Among the ‘big three’ central nervous system infections, brain ‘encephalitis’ and only 10 548 with ‘brain abscess’. However, brain
abscess has always been the last in terms of research priority. abscess is a fascinating disease, with complex diagnostic challenges
and potentially severe consequences [1e3]. Due to significant
progress in imaging studies, surgical techniques, microbiological
tests and antimicrobial agents use, based on pharmacokinetic/
* Corresponding author. P. Tattevin, Infectious Diseases and Intensive Care Unit,
Pontchaillou University Hospital, 2, rue Henri Le Guilloux, 35033 Rennes Cedex,
pharmacodynamic principles, prognosis has improved over the last
France. decades [4]. Although brain abscess has been the subject of a few
E-mail address: (P. Tattevin). recent reviews and meta-analysis elsewhere [1e3], none took into
1198-743X/© 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620 615

account the multidisciplinary nature of this disease. As a group of sufficient to establish an abscess in brain tissues [7]. Second,
authors, with a combination of expertise in infectious diseases, although strict anaerobes or microaerophilic bacteria were unable
intensive care, microbiology, neurosurgery and imaging, we to establish brain abscesses in a rat model, synergistic infectivity
reviewed the state-of-the art for brain abscess, in 2017, focusing on between strict anaerobes and other bacteria is a key factor in
immunocompetent patients, with special emphasis on recent pa- pathogenesis [8]. Third, capsule tends to be less robust on the
pers. We searched Medline and Embase for articles published ventricular surface, compared with the cortical surface of a brain
during years 2012e2016, with the keywords ‘brain’ and ‘abscess’. abscess. This may be due to differences in vascularization between
Papers that specifically addressed immunocompromised patients, grey and white matter, and may explain why the rupture of a brain
and case reports, were excluded. Although we applied no age re- abscess mostly occurs into the ventricular systemdwith severe
striction, our research retrieved no paper specifically dealing with consequencesdrather than into the subarachnoid space.
brain abscess in children. In immunocompetent patients, bacteria are responsible for
>95% of brain abscesses [2]. They enter the brain either through
Pathogenesis contiguous spread (e.g. following otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis,
neurosurgical procedures or cranial trauma) in 40%e50% of cases,
Brain abscess is a focal infection of the brain, that begins as a or through haematogenous dissemination in 30%e40% of cases,
localized area of cerebritis, and develops into a collection of pus especially in the case of infective endocarditis, in patients with
surrounded by a well-vascularized capsule [5]. A landmark exper- predisposing conditions associated with pulmonary circulation
imental model with systematic histological and computed tomog- shunt (e.g. congenital heart disease, pulmonary arteriovenous fis-
raphy (CT) studies in dogs estimated the time course of untreated tulas, as in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia), or as a conse-
streptococcal brain abscesses as follows: early cerebritis (days 1e3), quence of distant infectious foci (e.g. dental infection, pulmonary
late cerebritis (days 4e9), early capsule formation (days 10e13) and abscess) [1,9]. For the management of an individual patient with a
late capsule formation (after day 14) [6]. In lesions that were well brain abscess, the clinician should aim to identify the pathogenesis,
encapsulated (14 days and older), five distinct histological zones as this has consequences regarding the main bacteria to be sus-
were apparent: (a) a well-formed necrotic centre; (b) a peripheral pected, the investigations to be performed (e.g. echocardiography
zone of inflammatory cells, macrophages and fibroblasts; (c) the when endocarditis is suspected), the therapeutic strategy (e.g.
dense collagenous capsule; (d) a layer of neovascularization asso- source control, in selected cases, for otitis or mastoiditis), and
ciated with continuing cerebritis; and (e) astrogliosis, and cerebral secondary prevention (e.g. reinforced dental hygiene). Table 1 de-
oedema external to the capsule. Other seminal studies in animals picts the major points to be considered during this important step.
have described valuable concepts for pathogenesis. First, the brain
is highly susceptible to bacterial infections once the bloodebrain Epidemiology
barrier has been crossed. Indeed, injections of 104 CFUs of Staphy-
lococcus aureus, or 106 CFUs of Escherichia coli, had no consequence Limited data are currently available on the epidemiology of
in skin tissues, whereas 102 CFUs of the same organisms were brain abscess [9]. The incidence has been estimated at 0.3e0.9 per

Table 1
Pathogenesis of brain abscess and its consequences for patient management

Predisposing condition Bacteria Comments

Haematogenous (30%e40% of brain abscess in immunocompetent patients)

Infective endocarditis Staphylococcus aureus, oral streptococci, Even with no previously known
HACEK bacteria underlying condition,
echocardiography must be performed
in all patients with bilateral or
cryptogenic brain abscess
Pulmonary circulation shunts Polymicrobial, including streptococci, Careful skin examination to detect skin
(congenital heart disease, anaerobes (Actinomyces sp., Prevotella lesions related to hereditary
arteriovenous fistulas) sp., Bacteroides sp., Fusobacterium sp.) haemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu
eOslereWeber syndrome)
Dental infection Polymicrobial, mainly Streptococcus Preferentially affect frontal lobes
milleri group (S. anginosus, Orthopantogram and dentist
S. constellatus, S. intermedius), consultation to be performed
anaerobes (Actinomyces sp., Prevotella May require dental extraction
sp., Bacteroides sp., Fusobacterium sp.) Secondary prevention is key (reinforced
dental hygiene)
Contiguous spread from local infection (40%e50% of brain abscess in immunocompetent patients)
Otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis Polymicrobial, mainly streptococci, Preferentially affect temporal lobes
Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus (otitis, mastoiditis, sphenoid sinusitis),
pneumoniae, anaerobes (Prevotella sp., or frontal lobes (other sinusitis)
Bacteroides sp.), Staphylococcus aureus Systematic ENT examination for
(sinusitis) patients with unilateral brain abscess
Selected cases may require surgery for
source control
Cranial trauma Polymicrobial, mainly Staphylococcus Risk factors: open wound contaminated
aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, with environmental flora (telluric
anaerobes (Clostridium sp., Actinomyces bacteria), sub-optimal or delayed
sp.) wound care
Neurosurgery Polymicrobial, mainly Staphylococcus Risk factors: foreign devices, including
aureus, coagulase-negative ventricular derivation, bone graft, etc.
staphylococci, Enterobacteriaceae
Cryptogenic brain abscess (10%e20% of brain abscess in immunocompetent patients)

Abbreviations: ENT, ear, nose and throat; HACEK, Haemophilus spp., Aggregatibacter spp., Cardiobacterium spp., Eikenella corrodens and Kingella spp.
616 R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620

100 000 inhabitants per year in developed countries [10e12], with 95%, respectively, to differentiate abscesses from tumours [25,26],
a male-to-female sex ratio of 2: 1 to 3: 1, and a median age of one of the major challenges with brain imaging until recently.
30e40 years. Of note, a meta-analysis of literature data found that Pyogenic abscesses appear as a mass with a continuous capsule,
the distribution of bacterial pathogens was not significantly respectively hyperintense and hypointense in T1-weighted and T2-
different from one continent to another, and has been stable over weighted sequences, with regular rim enhancement after gado-
the last 60 years [2]. However, a study from Finland suggested that linium injection (Fig. 2). The necrotic centre is hypointense in T1-
the proportion of brain abscesses due to dental infections might be weighted sequence, hyperintense in T2-weighted sequence and
on the rise [10]. On the other hand, the incidence of brain abscesses hyperintense in diffusion-weighted imaging. Moreover, it typically
may decrease when the general health of the population improves, presents with low values of apparent diffusion coefficient, and
according to studies performed in the USA during years 1935e1981 peaks corresponding to lipids, lactate and amino acids in MR
[12], and in South Africa during years 1983e2002 [13]. spectroscopy [25].
A systematic review of 9699 cases of brain abscess reported No biological test has any added value for the diagnostic
between 1935 and 2012 found that the most common predisposing workout at this stage. Blood leucocyte count and serum C reactive
conditions were contiguous foci of infection: otitis or mastoiditis protein are increased in ~60% of patients, and may be abnormal in
(33%), sinusitis (10%) and meningitis (6%) [2]. Brain abscess was most differential diagnoses. Blood cultures (40e60 mL) should be
related to haematogenous spread in 33% of cases, mostly with collected before initiation of antibacterial treatment, as it was
endocarditis (13%), pulmonary infection (8%) or dental infection found to be positive in 28% of patients with brain abscess (135/484)
(5%). Others were attributed to recent neurosurgery (9%), or cranial in a recent meta-analysis [2]. Human immunodeficiency virus
trauma (14%), whereas the source could not be identified in 19% of testing should be proposed for all patients with brain abscess, as
cases, so-called ‘cryptogenic brain abscess’. cerebral toxoplasmosis may be the first opportunistic infection in
The risk of brain abscess is estimated at 5%e9% in patients with patients with previously undiagnosed human immunodeficiency
hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia [14], <5% in patients with virus infection. Both tests are especially relevant in patients with
infective endocarditis overall (7% in critically ill patients) [15] and bilateral brain abscess (Fig. 3).
0.2% after cranial surgery [16]. Brain abscess was encountered in
only 0.5% (14/950) of patients with bacterial meningitis in the Neurosurgery
2006e2011 nationwide prospective cohort from the Netherlands
[17], and in 2% (6/252) of patients with neurolisteriosis in the Progress in neurosurgical techniques is one of the key factor
2009e2013 nationwide prospective cohort from France [18], much behind the improved prognosis. Stereotactic surgeryda minimally
less than the 10% proportion of brain abscess among patients with invasive form of surgical intervention that makes use of a three-
neurolisteriosis previously estimated, based on literature review dimensional coordinate system to locate small targets inside the
[19]. bodydallows the aspiration of any brain abscess 1 cm with good
tolerability, regardless of its location [27]. Development of neuro-
Diagnosis navigation assistance in routine neurosurgical practice allows the
planning of the optimal trajectory from the point of brain entry to
The classical triad of headache, fever and focal neurological the abscess, with the aim of avoiding any areas critical for neuro-
deficit, is present in only ~20% of patients with brain abscess on logical functions. As a consequence, the neurosurgical approach has
admission. Headache is reported in 69% of patients, fever in 53% dramatically changed for brain abscesses: (a) total resection
and focal neurological deficit in 48% [1,2,4,5,13,20e23]. Other through craniotomy is now rarely considered first, except for pa-
common neurological symptoms include seizures (25%), and tients with a large multi-lobulated abscess and severe cranial hy-
altered consciousness (43%). The mean duration of symptoms pertension; (b) stereotactic aspiration by neuronavigation, either
before diagnosis is 8.3 days [2]. The location of brain abscess im- CT- or MRI-guided, is indicated for all patients with undocumented
pacts the neurological presentation, and may be estimated from a brain abscess 1 cm; (c) although not based on robust evidence, an
careful clinical examination, although major discrepancies between abscess size 2.5 cm is considered as a stand-alone indication for
clinical findings and imaging studies are not rare. In a patient with a drainage, even in patients with microbiological documentation (e.g.
brain abscess, the abrupt onset of meningeal signs, associated with through positive blood cultures) [28]; (d) drainage should be dis-
worsening of headache and neurological status, should prompt cussed in case of periventricular lesions at high risk of intraven-
clinicians to order urgent brain imaging, to rule out rupture of an tricular rupture, and in case of infections with difficult-to-treat
abscess into the ventricular space with ventriculitis, carrying a high bacteria or fungi [1,9].
risk of obstructive hydrocephalus, and lethality of 50%e85% [11,24]. Other indications for neurosurgery include placement of an
Brain imaging is the cornerstone for the diagnosis of brain ab- external ventricular catheter for drainage and monitoring of
scess (Fig. 1). CT with contrast-enhancement typically shows, at intracranial pressure, in all cases of abscess rupture into the ven-
capsule stage, a peripheral rim-enhanced lesion including a hypo- tricular system, and in selected cases of large abscess with hydro-
dense centre (central necrosis), surrounded by a variable hypo- cephalus (personal opinion). The importance of adequate sampling
dense area (oedema). Brain abscesses appear as a single abscess in of brain abscess tissues and fluids cannot be overstated: these are
most cases with CT (81% in the meta-analysis), and will be mostly among the most precious surgical samples, with high risk of op-
located in frontal (31%) or temporal (28%) lobes [2]. Magnetic portunity loss in case of sub-optimal sampling and processing,
resonance imaging (MRI) should be preferred if readily available, as given the importance of accurate identification of the bacteria
it offers many advantages over contrast-enhanced CT, including (a) involved, the polymicrobial context, the fragility of some pathogens
better resolution, allowing identification of additional lesions; (b) (e.g. strict anaerobes when exposed to room air) [29] and the broad
earlier detection of lesions at risk of complications; (c) lower spectrum of differential diagnosis. Fast processing of surgical
toxicity of the contrast-enhancement agent (gadolinium) [1,9]. specimen, good anaerobic culture conditions, and the use of blood-
Lastly, the combined use of morphological sequences, proton MR culture bottles and molecular biology techniques when appro-
spectroscopy, diffusion-weighted imaging, and the calculation of priate, improve the yield of microbiological diagnosis from brain
the apparent diffusion coefficient has significantly improved the abscess samples [30]. In our institution, we build a specific protocol
performance of MRI, allowing sensitivity and specificity of 94% and for brain abscess sampling in the operating room, with a check list
R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620 617

Clinical suspicion of brain abscess

Headache, fever, focal neurologic deficit, seizures, mental status changes, etc.

Search for predisposing condiƟons

ConƟguous spread of local infecƟon
- OƟƟs, sinusiƟs
- Recent neurosurgery
- Recent cranial trauma

CondiƟons at risk of hematogenous spread

- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- EndocardiƟs
- Pulmonary infecƟon
- Dental infecƟon Brain MRI readily available (<24 h)


Urgent CT + contrast-enhancement

NO Brain imaging compaƟble with brain abscess

If first imaging was CT, order Brain MRI

If brain MRI not suggesƟve, look for other diagnosis YES

Collect 40-60 mL of blood cultures before iniƟaƟon of anƟbacterial treatment

HIV test
StereotacƟc aspiraƟon
- All abscess > 2.5 cm
- If no abscess > 2.5 cm, at least one of those > 1 cm (the most accessible)
- Microbiology tests: rouƟne (aero + anaerobes) +/- molecular biology (PCR 16S
rDNA, if negaƟve) + others if risk factors (tuberculosis, fungal, etc.)

Empirical anƟbacterial treatment

Third generaƟon cephalosporin (cefotaxime or ceŌriaxone) + metronidazole

Fig. 1. Algorithm for the management of patients suspected of brain abscess.

to ensure that the risk of non-contributing samples due to pre- mostly oral streptococci, including the milleri group, whereas
analytical adverse events will be kept to a minimum (Table 2). Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated from only 2.4% of patients.
Staphylococci were second (n ¼ 1076; 18%), of which 84% were
Microbiology Staphylococcus aureus. Gram-negative bacilli came third (n ¼ 861;
15%), mostly Enterobacteriaceae. However, these figures are prob-
Although significant progress has already been achieved, this ably not representative of the actual distribution of pathogens
field will most likely improve dramatically during the next few involved in brain abscesses, for the following reasons: (a) a sub-
years (personal opinion). According to a recent systematic review stantial proportion of these samples were obtained when patients
and meta-analysis, of the 6663 patients with brain abscess who had were already on antibacterial treatment, which dramatically de-
samples submitted for cultures during years 1935e2012, 4543 creases the sensitivity of cultures, especially for the most suscep-
(68%) yielded at least one potential pathogen, of which 902 (23%) tible bacteria; (b) limited information is available on sample
were polymicrobial. Streptococci predominated (n ¼ 2000; 34%), processing and culture techniques in these series, although it has a
618 R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620

Fig. 2. Typical brain abscess on magnetic resonance imaging. (a) Axial T1-weighted image: abscess with a thin hyperintense capsule (white arrow), hypointense central necrosis,
and a mass effect in the adjacent structures; (b) axial T2-weighted image: the same abscess with a thin hypointense capsule (white arrow), hyperintense central necrosis, and a
peripheral hyperintense oedema; (c) axial diffusion-weighted image: the centre of the abscess is hyperintense; (d) axial image, cartography of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC):
the central component appears hypointense on ADC map; (e) axial T1-weighted image after gadolinium injection: the peripheral capsule (right arrow) is enhanced.

huge impact on culture yield, especially for strict anaerobes such as sequencing on samples obtained from 71 patients with brain ab-
Prevotella sp., Bacteroides sp. and Fusobacterium sp. [31e33]. scess increased the proportion of patients with documentation
The advent of molecular biology, and metagenome sequencing (from 66% to 83%), with the identification of 186 strains, compared
have demonstrated the gap between bacterial species identified with only 58 with conventional cultures [34,35]. However, the
through conventional cultures, and bacterial genetic material that clinical significance of these large numbers of bacteria (as many as
can be amplified from brain abscess samples. 16S rRNA-based 16 distinct species in a single brain abscess), identified only through
amplification, cloning and high-throughput sequencing have metagenomics analysis, but not by conventional cultures, remains
dramatically increased the number of identified agents of brain to be proven. For example, Mycoplasma sp. were among the com-
abscesses [29]. The systematic use of multiple 16S ribosomal DNA monest bacterial species identified through molecular biology. Still,
>90% of brain abscesses resolve with a 6-week course of third-
generation cephalosporin combined with metronidazole [4],
although this regimen has no activity on Mycoplasma sp.

Antibacterial treatment

Although the level of evidence supporting the choice of anti-

bacterial regimens is limited, in the absence of randomized trials,
there is a global consensus for the following points: (a) antibacterial
treatment should be initiated as soon as possible, immediately after
stereotactic aspiration of one abscess has been performed, and
blood cultures have been sampled; (b) empirical treatment should
cover streptococci, staphylococci, strict anaerobes, and Enterobac-
teriaceae, pending results of aspiration samples and blood cultures;
(c) for community-acquired brain abscess, a combination of third-
generation cephalosporin (for adults, intravenous cefotaxime
8e12 g/day or ceftriaxone 4 g/day), and metronidazole (1.5 g/day),
Fig. 3. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography: bilateral brain abscesses with
would be recommended in most settings (personal opinion, and
hypodense centre (central necrosis), limited by a ring-shaped, contrast-enhanced [1,9]). One of the major controversies in this field is the opportunity
capsule, surrounded by a variable hypodense area (oedema). for de-escalation once microbiological results are available. Indeed,
R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620 619

Table 2 patients with persistent fever, or any neurological event (personal

Suggested protocol for the processing of surgical samples (stereotactic aspiration or opinion).
craniotomy), based on authors' opinion
When antibacterial treatment can be safely targeted to the
Laboratory Samples Targets, comments pathogen(s) identified through cultures, basic pharmacokinetic/
Bacteriology* 10 mL to be directly Streptococci, staphylococci, pharmacodynamic principles apply, including (a) use drugs with
inoculated on blood- anaerobes (blood-culture significant diffusion through the bloodebrain barrier, although
culture bottles (aerobic/ bottles increases the yield, brain diffusion cannot be directly extrapolated from concentrations
anaerobic) especially if previous use of
measured in cerebrospinal fluid [37]; (b) a preferential use of
Two separate dry tubes Gram staining agents that remain active in acid environments, which is the rule
At least 5 mL in each Cultures on routine media for bacterial abscess. For example, aminoglycosides will be avoided,
tube Molecular biology to be as probably not effective within abscess fluid and tissues, whereas
performed if cultures sterile
metronidazole (not affected by low pH) will be the preferential
after 48 h
Tests for mycobacteria if
drug for anaerobes (personal opinion). Another controversy relies
risk factors for tuberculosis in the preferential use of parenteral drugs. We routinely switch to
Histology One dry tube for fluid Differential diagnosis oral drugs, even early in the process, provided the bacteria targeted
sample (cancer) are susceptible to an effective oral drug, the drug is well absorbed,
If tissue, to be sent in
and adherence is not an issue. Table 3 depicts first-line antibacterial
sterile water
Mycology, Dry tube Only if treatment for the main pathogens isolated from brain abscess in
parasitology immunocompromised immunocompetent patients.
(human immunodeficiency
virus immunuppressive
agents, organ transplant, Symptomatic measures
malignant haemopathy)
Specific tests for Simple measures may be of importance in patients with intra-
Toxoplasma, invasive
cranial hypertension and/or altered mental status. Although not
mycosis (Aspergillus spp.)
Basic rules based on robust evidence, early intensive care unit admission
To be sent within 1 h to the microbiology laboratory, for immediate processing, should be considered in patients with co-morbidities, severe
24/24. neurological presentation (i.e. Glasgow Coma Scale 13 and/or
Two sets of blood cultures should be obtained, before and just after surgery, seizures), and/or cerebral lesion(s) with oedema and significant
optimally before antibiotic administration.
mass effect. A short course of adjunctive steroids may be proposed
Patient characteristics and clinical suspicions to be communicated to the
microbiologist. in case of warning signs of brain herniation. Primary seizure pro-
* phylaxis is not recommended (personal opinion).
The volume of samples to be inoculated on blood-culture bottles depends on the
volume that can be obtained, hence on abscess size.
Unmet needs and perspectives

given the large proportion of polymicrobial brain abscesses (>30%), Clinical research on brain abscess remains limited, in 2017, so
and the high risk of missing a co-pathogen in this context, many that unmet needs are quite large. In our opinion, the priorities
experts would advocate that, except for brain abscess associated
with endocarditis, it is reasonable to keep an adequate coverage for
anaerobes throughout the duration of treatment, even when ste- Table 3
reotactic aspiration found no anaerobes. Given this concern that First-line antibacterial treatment for main pathogens isolated from brain abscess in
immunocompetent patients
microbiological results might not identify all pathogens involved,
any additional suspicion that samples were sub-optimal (e.g. Bacteria Antibacterial treatment Comments
limited volume, samples obtained when antibacterial treatment Staphylococcus High doses i.v. oxacillin Brain diffusion of
was already initiated, long delay between sampling and analysis), aureus (150 mg/kg/day) cloxacillin and
should prompt clinicians to continue empirical treatment for the cefazolin probably
whole 6-week duration (personal opinion). However, the potential
Streptococcus sp. High doses i.v. amoxicillin or To be adjusted
neurotoxicity of 6 weeks of metronidazole should not be under- ampicillin (200 mg/kg/day), or based on MIC
estimated. Hence, when anaerobic infections have been reliably penicillin G (300e400 000 UI/
ruled out, metronidazole may be discontinued. kg/day), or ceftriaxone
Most experts recommend 6-week duration for bacterial brain (2 g twice daily) or cefotaxime
(200 mg/kg/day)
abscess in immunocompetent patients, based on their clinical Strict anaerobes Metronidazole, 500 mg/kg i.v. or oral
experience, and practices for abscesses in other locations, but no (Prevotella sp., three times per day theoretically
clinical study specifically addressed treatment duration for brain Bacteroides sp., similar, in terms of
abscess. Likewise, indications for follow-up imaging studies still Fusobacterium sp.) brain and blood
mostly rely on expert opinion, although a recent study found that
Actinomyces spp. High doses i.v. amoxicillin or
bacterial brain abscesses with favourable outcome decrease by 10% ampicillin (200 mg/kg/day), or
per week on MRI follow-up imaging studies [36]. In the absence of penicillin G (300e400 000 UI/
any systematic study in the field, it seems reasonable to perform kg/day)
systematic brain imaging at week 6 in patients with no clinical Enterobacteriaceae Ceftriaxone (2 g twice daily) or
cefotaxime (200 mg/kg/day)
complications. Some experts would continue antibacterial treat- HACEK bacteria Ceftriaxone (2 g twice daily) or Drug susceptibility
ment in patients with residual abscess cavity at 6 weeks, but we are cefotaxime (200 mg/kg/day) testing poorly
not aware of any study supporting these practices. Additional im- reliable
aging studies will be performed in the case of brain lesions at risk of Abbreviations: HACEK, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Aggregatibacter spp., Car-
complications (e.g. periventricular location, size >2.5 cm), or in diobacterium spp., Eikenella corrodens and Kingella spp.; i.v., intravenous.
620 R. Sonneville et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 (2017) 614e620

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