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First of all, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ho Chi Minh City
University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology. Especially, we
would like to express our deep gratitude to the subject's lecturer – Mr. Nguyen Quoc
Hung for inspiring and conveying valuable knowledge to us during the past study.

Having received the final report for this subject, we would also like to express our
gratitude and send our deep gratitude to Nam Sai Gon International General
Hospital. Especially, your human resources department has provided us with your
documents to be able to complete this report.

The department of performance management is a very meaningful and practical

subject. Provide a full range of knowledge for the practical needs of students.
However, because of the limited knowledge, our essay is difficult to avoid the
shortcomings of respectfully expecting teachers to consider and comment so that
our essay can be more complete.

Thank you very much!

In any organization or enterprise, human resources always play the number one
important role in production and business activities of enterprises. In order to
achieve the objectives of business activities, it is necessary to have a stable human
resource and ensure quality. One of the measures to stabilize human resources is the
employee's remuneration and remuneration policy, which will help to connect
workers and employers together. Saigon South International Hospital is also
working hard to improve its remuneration and welfare policies to provide workers
with better benefits. This is also the direct cause affecting the labor efficiency of
hospital staff. In this essay, we will point out the limitations and some methods to
better improve the employee pay policy and benefits.
1. Overview of company
Saigon South General Hospital (NGH) is a branch of Phuc Thinh Medical Joint
Stock Company, was established and put into operation in October 2020. As a new
hospital, but the hospital with a team of experienced nurses and doctors was invited
from major hospitals across the country, along with the efforts of all staff, so after
only a short time The hospital has stabilized and received the trust of many patients.
The hospital was built with an area of 18,000 square meters with a total investment
of nearly 1,000 billion VND at 88 Street 8, Trung Son Residential Area, Binh Hung
Commune, Binh Chanh District (01km from Nguyen Van Cu Bridge) with 16
specialized tissues, 200 beds, 08 modern operating rooms and 01 O-Arm operating

Chart 1: Organizational Chart ( Administration Area )

Chairman Of The Board

Deputy Director General


Hospital Director

Hospital Deputy Director


Department of Neurosurgery General Pediatric

Anesthesia Department Department

Pediatric Diagnostic
Intensive care unit Imaging Pharmacy
(ICU) Department

Emergency Nutrition
Orthopaedic Surgery Functional
Department – Department
Center Exploration
Outpatient Clinic

ENT-Ophthalmology- Infection
General Surgery Laboratory
Odontology Control
Department Department
Department Department

General Surgery Physiotherapy

Fertility Clinic

Chart 2: Organization - Expertise Chart

2. Vision
From the motto of serving "All for the sick" - determination to take the patient as
the center, bring solutions to optimal health care for the people of Vietnam. By
aspiration to pioneer, with a strategy of sustainable development and strong
integration. Saigon South General Hospital (NGH) has steadily grown to become
the leading model and professional hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.

3. Mission
For the sick - Bring to the patient the perfect choice for health care and disease
treatment. Create comfort and satisfaction for patients and families with the most
reasonable cost.

With employees - Build a professional working environment, create opportunities

for employees to develop their potential and strengths, improve their profession and
develop careers for all members.

With the social community - Develop a modern development strategy for the
hospital, providing the community with the best specialist services. At the same
time, creating medical examination and treatment opportunities for people in
difficult circumstances.

4. Core Values

Saigon South General Hospital always puts the word TIN first to build trust
with its customers, with the entire community. This is also a measure of the overall
development of the hospital.

Saigon South General Hospital is customer-centric. Put customers' interests

and desires first to make efforts to develop each day, change to bring customers
services from TAM.
From sincerity, Saigon South General Hospital always wants people to have a
more PRESTIGE, PROFESSIONAL AND MODERN address so that they can be
assured of medical examination and treatment.
1. Defination of Welfare regime
1.1. The concept of wages under Article 90: Wages
Salary is the amount an employee receives from an employer to perform a work
agreed upon by both parties, including amounts based on the job, title or job
characteristics, allowances and additional amounts. other. The salary the employee
receives must not be lower than the minimum wage set by the Government. (Labor

1.2. The concept of bonuses is under Article 103. Bonuses

Bonus is the amount an employee receives from an employer based on the results
of production and business of the enterprise, the level of work completion that on
special occasions an enterprise rewards employees a money is called bonus. (Labor

1.3. Welfare regime

Welfare includes the payments the employee receives in addition to their main
salary. Includes insurance, pension, scholarship, union ... and programs related to
health, safety, and other benefits of workers when working for a business. Most
organizations today recognize the importance of these regimes for workers.
Organizations have to pay a certain amount of money to provide a welfare regime
for workers. However, the employee will not be received directly and not attached
to the performance of the work. Most businesses will choose one of two forms of
paying full or part of the cost to buy insurance for their employees. That money the
employees will not receive directly but is received from the insurance programs
bring. The differentiation in the salary, bonus and welfare policy will help
businesses compete with rivals in the labor market. Not only that, the appropriate
salary, bonus and welfare policy will bring satisfaction to employees, thus creating
work motivation, increasing labor productivity. With good policies and regimes,
businesses will encourage employees to work well, create good products and
services for customers, make customers happy, so the business will be productive,
be profitable and able to meet the most reasonable needs of employees.

The welfare regime usually accounts for 30% of the employee's financial
remuneration. Currently, in some high-paying countries, companies tend to increase
welfare regimes to retain workers.

Paying salary and bonus so that it is reasonable, suitable to the business situation,
operating budget and still ensures profitability for the business is always a question
that needs an answer, a satisfactory solution. when building an appropriate salary
and bonus regulation for each company. You can see the importance of a clear and
appropriate remuneration policy in the business through the following specific

 A suitable salary and bonus mechanism will ensure that the operations of the
business are carried out according to the plan, and can create satisfaction and
confidence in employees working in the enterprise.
 Adequate remuneration mechanism ensures fair treatment to everyone, effectively
improving labor productivity and quality, helping businesses attract and maintain
good employees.
 As one of the important factors to build an employer brand with attractive values to
employees, it helps to attract potential employees in the recruitment work of each

2. Previous Study
 Research by Eduviet News Group has taken a view of the great compensation
policy for businesses in Vietnam. Research shows that many large companies that
aim to thrive need to promote their quantitative competitiveness, in which
competitiveness attracts people through compensation and compensation policies..
and welfare is considered one of the top priorities. Companies must redesign the
system of salary, bonuses and benefits to suit the new situation in order to both meet
the expectations of employees (especially workers) and help businesses achieve
their development goal development. According to the author's research above, high
salary is no longer the only factor to help companies attract and retain talent.
Although wages are still an important factor, one-third of workers are satisfied with
the off-pay benefits.
 In addition to the above research, the authors Hoang Van Hai, Nguyen Anh Tuan
and Nguyen Phuong Mai gave research on Renewing the personnel remuneration
policy of enterprises in post-WTO accession period. WTO accession has had a
direct impact on the personnel remuneration policy of domestic enterprises. Facing
the challenges of joining the WTO, in order to renew the employee remuneration
policy, businesses and authorities must start from the basic philosophies, which are
the philosophy that goes through all the treatment policies. Therefore, it is necessary
to change from only human compensation to a clear philosophy.
Chapter 3. Analysis
1. Strength and Weakness
1.1. Strength:
- Employees are entitled to all benefits as per the Vietnam Labor Law.
- Full payment for employees insured under the Law.
- Lunch support for the employees.
- Increase salary once a year for the employee.
- Extra allowance for employees when they have to be on duty at night or overtime.
- Annual health check.
- Employees are entitled to annual leave based on their time working at the company.
- Support for gasoline, travel, laptop, uniform ... depending on the work of the staff.
- During holidays such as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Vietnamese Physician
Day ... staff and staff are all awarded a gift in kind or in cash.
- Each year, the Company will organize for employees to take a one-time vacation
trip to create opportunities for exchange, union and attachment among the members
of the company.
- Set rules for employees to work more efficiently:
 Discipline the employees that affect the assets and reputation of the Company.
 Commend the staff with good performance.
Example: Holding a Nursing Skills Competition, employees with high results will
be rewarded to encourage everyone.

Reward the typical managers and employees.

 Open training classes to improve the capacity of employees. When new training
courses are available, the Hospital will review and send staff to major hospitals to
 Support for new graduates who have the conditions to work, receive salary and be
provided with a certificate of eligibility to be able to obtain a practicing certificate.
This is something very few hospitals are willing to help.
1.2. Weakness:
As a newly established hospital, the hospital still has some bad things such as:

- The general salary level of employees is low compared to other private institutes. So
the status quitting when there is a new job with a much higher salary.
- Regulations and sanctions are not strict, so many errors still occur in the working
- Have not created favorable conditions for employees to join the welfare fund (Trade
Union). Because employees can give them the most practical suggestions.

2. Conclusion
Saigon South General Hospital fully implements all the terms of the current
Vietnam Labor Law and more. All these efforts are aimed at creating the best
working environment for employees both physically and mentally in the capacity of
the Hospital.

However, the shortcomings in the Labor Law also affect businesses and workers in
part, but it is not widespread to people but merely those who want to know, this will
make many people do not know their rights when working.

First of all, the Labor Code is a general code with generality and principles, so that
too many documents are issued under the law (nearly 300 guiding documents)
making it difficult for those who want to learn, some documents issued untimely,
making it difficult to implement. Although supplemented and remedied, it has not
met the practical.

Secondly, the principle of equality between workers and employers is not fully
expressed in a living stipulated by the law. Employers are employers, managers and
employers so they have certain advantages. To handle this, the law has the
principles and mechanisms to adjust accordingly. However, because of its focus on
protecting workers, the Labor Code provides for more liability for employers, which
put pressure on employers. Examples: Regulations on minimum wages,
construction of payroll scales among enterprises not of the same level, the limitation
of labor contracts, the right to unilaterally terminate contracts, conditions for
termination of labor contracts ... This inequality has indirectly created protections
that are inconsistent with today's reality. Therefore, inadvertently giving either party
an advantage and in some cases, they use those advantages to behave with a lack of
goodwill, not to cooperate with the other party in the process of implementing the
rights and obligations of the Labor Law.

Thirdly, the salary mechanism in the current process is not really open, the State
intervenes too much in its own matters between employees and employers. In
essence, wages are the labor force prices that workers receive based on labor
productivity and agreement between the two parties and based on supply and
demand factors in the market. Direct intervention and salaries of the State
inadvertently created a drag on the agreement between the two sides.

Fourthly, the provisions on the resolution of disputes between the parties to

industrial relations have been elaborately revised, but it remains deadlocked when
applied in practice. Typically, in resolving collective labor disputes and strikes, not
only can not be limited but also make the problem more serious, this is an error
because the current Labor Code has not provided a reasonable negotiating
mechanism between the parties. When a dispute arises, the law can only be
sanctioned when the incident is already at a serious level but the nature of the
dispute requires dialogue and institutions from the beginning of the problem.

Fifth, the Labor Code sets out too many administrative procedures for parties to
labor relations. From the declaration of labor, registration of collective labor
agreements, labor rules, salary scales, payrolls, reports on the status of employers ...
it's very easy to make mistakes when there are too many issues to look out for.

Some fundamental shortcomings raised to show that the gaps in the management
and handling mechanisms of the Code are incomplete and cause many shortcomings
in labor relations.

Saigon South General Hospital has also reached a collective labor agreement
between the management and workers (Trade Union) to be more harmonious
between the two sides.
Chapter 4. Recommendation & Conclusion

1. Recommendation
The desire to develop in the context of opportunities, advantages and difficulties
and challenges requires us to have a correct view, suitable to society, and welfare
policies that have a strong impact on the situation economy, politics, society to
each employer and, most importantly, to each employee, an important part of the
members of society.

Welfare policy must balance the forms of distribution, with the most attention being
the results-based distribution and economic efficiency.
Welfare policies must study and adhere to the law of value, the law of supply and
demand of labor force in the labor market.
Welfare policy must ensure that income can be afforded for the lives of workers and
their families, pay wages, which is an investment in human resource development,
creating a driving force to improve labor productivity and efficiency. work of the
The employee welfare management platform for businesses is a solution so that
businesses do not have many paperwork difficulties, spend time taking care of
employees, and increase work efficiency. The provision of insurance and welfare
packages by businesses is an indispensable thing to do to ensure the health of
employees. Welfare policies are not only an obligation of the enterprise but also a
concern for its employees, and it is also a policy to attract and retain talents. But
how to manage employee benefits most effectively is still a challenge in many
organizations. Here are 4 benefits from applying the welfare management model to
your business.
o The first difficulty of human resources when managing employee benefits lies in
having a lot of papers and procedures, then the management or storage makes it
more difficult than ever. Currently, many businesses have applied the employee
welfare management model to reduce part costs and save more time, all working
processes will certainly not go through paper but be saved on the system.
communication. Manage employee benefits information in the most effective and
scientific way - all benefit information will be displayed in full and detailed
information with one click. There will be no time to manage information manually
by taking notes in books or excel files.
o Second, to ensure human resources. Having a management platform not only helps
in terms of data storage, but also helps managers understand more about their
employees when you can know the needs and health of employees, thereby creating
benefits. right on the foundation to foster them without spending much time and
effort. These not only retain employees, increase productivity, but also help
businesses gain more talents, ensuring stable human resources.
o Third, provide reports. Using the platform also makes it easier for businesses to
manage their welfare budgets. On time, the platform will produce reports in the
simplest way, providing instant analysis of benefit usage and balances are entirely
within their capabilities. Since then, it also helps human resources understand more
to realize the strategy and improve the company's welfare policy.
o The fourth is the flexibility benefits. Not only is it beneficial for businesses in terms
of management, but through the platform, employees can also select and use a wide
variety of benefits quickly. For each benefit plan, employees can enroll or refuse to
participate in that program directly in the system. It also allows the aggregation of
list of participants with their family or friends from those welfare programs.
o The fifth, many businesses pay closed-door salaries, with complicated salary
calculation methods that lead to workers not understanding and calculating their
salary. Promulgating the regulations on salary and bonus in the business in writing
and publicly available to all employees. The clearer and more transparent the salary
and bonus regulation, the higher morale and motivation of employees. The salary
of each person is confidential, but the method of calculating the salary must be
clear. On the other hand, the business should pay attention, the payment and benefit
mechanism or policy should be reviewed and evaluated to suit the new business
environment and requirements.
- Method of calculating salary payment: depending on the business characteristics
of each business, the enterprise can choose whether to pay a fixed salary or a
contract, or both at the same time. The hard salary is a fixed amount that the
enterprise pays the employee every month for the position of that person's job. Flat
wage is the amount an employee is paid on the volume, quantity and quality of work
completed. The flat wage can be by time (hour), or per unit of product, or on
revenue, or even gross profit in the month. Each method of payment has its own
characteristics. Hard salary ensures employees feel secure and stable in work and
life, from which they can focus entirely on work. The contractual salary creates
incentives to encourage, maximize the capacity of each person, making it easier to
estimate. In fact, SMEs should apply both of these methods of payment.

- If through surveys of employees, businesses can know the pros and cons of the
current salary payment process and the problems that need to be overcome.
Enterprises can clearly understand the wishes and aspirations of employees about
the reasonableness and fairness in salary calculation. This helps businesses avoid
subjective and imposing mistakes. Besides, it also makes the employees feel
respected and the salary is contributed and decided by themselves.

To increase competitiveness in today's market, leaders must really pay attention to

the employee welfare policy. Delivering effective benefits and managing them is
no longer difficult for businesses. Applying the employee welfare management
model will be a quick solution for businesses when they want to build welfare
policies, take care of employees' lives and develop brands.
2. Conclusion
In the factors that make up the success of a business, people are the main factor and
also important factors to help a business develop comprehensively. Therefore, in the
current competitive economic environment, the factors of salary, bonuses, welfare
regime are the factors for a business to attract and retain employees. This research
topic also the basic reasoning by using many methods of research to evaluate,
analyze the data and assess the status of welfare at Saigon South General Hospital
thereby propose solutions to help improve the remuneration regime at this company.
On the other hand, this study also affirms the importance of the remuneration
regime with a business, thereby helping businesses have a more overview to
improve and improve the efficiency of human resource regulation as well as
competitive advantages of enterprises .

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