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Dr. Alberto Martín Ríos Carranza (QP)

CEO – Alberto Rios Geological Consulting

MSc. José María García Jiménez

CEO – Latitude Base Metals

The so-called Rare-Earth Elements (REE) are 17

metallic chemical elements: scandium, yttrium and the
15 elements of the lanthanide group: lanthanum,
cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promise,
samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium,
dysprosium, holmium , erbium, tulium, ytterbium and
lutetium. It should be noted that the actinide series are
not considered in this classification.

Although the name "REEs" could lead to the

conclusion that they are rare elements on the Earth's
crust, this is not the case. Elements such as cerium,
yttrium, and neodymium are abundant. The part
"Earth" in the name is an old name for oxides.

Fig. 2.- Uses and Applications of The Rare Earths (REE).

Source: Lynas Corp.


Fig. 1.- Rare Earth Elements (REE)
China supplies approximately 90% of the planet's Rare
USES OF REE Earths, being the remaining 10% provided by the
United States and Australia, with Molycorp and Lynas
Rare Earth Elements are used in the manufacturing of Corp as the main producers.
a variety of devices in the telecommunications industry It is estimated that between 125,000 and 140,000
including cell phones, GPS, rechargeable batteries, metric tons of REE are traded each year worldwide,
hard-drives, fiber optic cables and even space with China accounting for 60% of the world’s demand.
satellites. They have also contributed to the
emergence of clean technologies, such as hybrid cars, Today’s REE market is estimated to be around US $ 2
solar panels, and wind turbines, among others; and billion, a significant drop from the almost $5B it was
are essential in the internal parts of aircraft, detectors five years ago. The market dwindled when China
for underwater mines, and missile guidance systems. decided to restrict their export, leaving Five years ago
They are also used in treatments and in laser and X- it ranged from $ 4,000 to $ 5 billion. But its size fell
ray medical equipment. when China decided to curb its exports, putting the big
technology manufacturers in check. Over the last
years, we have witness a RE rush, with 200-400
exploration companies. Today there are around 700
identified REE deposits in the world.
Jr. Francisco de Cuellar 285 – 101, Lima – Peru

The REE deposits of greatest interest are those of

igneous origin, associated with carbonate rocks and
per-alkaline silicate rocks. In addition, and to a lesser
degree or interest, various elements are found in some
pegmatites associated with very aluminous granites.
Most pegmatites are sterile from an economic point of
view, but when mineralized they are the only source of
some of this REE.

Some of the former deposits, especially those related

to the lixiviation of carbonates, are gigantic
occurrences such as Araxá in Brazil, Tomtor in
Fig. 3.- World Rare Earth (REE) Production Russia, or Mount Weld in Australia.

Fig. 4.- World’s REE Reserves


REE IN PERU in Central and Northen Peru. There is also significant

potential lint eh Cordillera Oriental, at the Paleozoic
We have evidence of REE occurrences in Peru since Massif of Querobamba and some facies of intrusives
1908, with Eugen Weckwarth’s publication: "The Rare at the Cordillera Blanca (Miocene).
Metals and their existence in Peru". Back in those
years, a Chinese company called Kerui, may have REE are also found in the black sands of some
exported small quantities of REE in concentrates. beached in Tumbes, or the Santa River in Ancash.
They have also been found in sediments in Cusco,
According to the Peruvian Geological Survey Huánuco, Cajamarca and Madre de Dios. The region
(INGEMMET), REE deposits are present in Peru in of Puno has also a special potential, associated with
some intrusive at the Cordillera de la Costa (Ica), the the presence of Uranium, whose nature is related to
Cordillera Blanca (Ancash), the Cordillera Oriental REE.
(Puno), the mountains of the department of La
Libertad and the department of Huancavelica. REE EXPLORATION
Nonetheless, there is no mention to their potential
REE deposits are often associated with occurrences of
economic relevance.
other metals such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), copper
(Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), as in the particular case
In Peru, REE can be found in some rocks related to
of the Huajoto exploration project in the department of
intrusive extending across batholiths and "stocks" with
Huancavelica; or as the case of the Mountain Pass
an alkaline to per-alkaline tendency. A clear example
Mine in California (United States), which hosts the
of this is the San Nicolás batholith, a Paleozoic
world’s largest concentration of REE .
formation found in the Cordillera de la Costa.
So far there are only two companies with a specific
The intrusive of Adamelita de Pacococha, the San
interest in these metals: Alturas Minerals, which
Ramon batholith and the Pataz batholith are examples
according to its website would have found Lanthanum
Jr. Francisco de Cuellar 285 – 101, Lima – Peru
anomalies alongside zinc, copper, gold and silver; and
Peruvian Strategic Metals (Pstrametals), which carries
exploration activities in the area of Chicama, in the
region of La Libertad.

Fig. 5.- Rare Earth (REE) occurrences in Peru

While Peru offer an outstanding potential for REE
exploration, only the aforementioned companies have
initiatives activities.

It would be very beneficial to carry out a compilation of

all available bibliography related to REE occurrences.
This would serve to generate a regional distribution
map of those occurrences, define their nature and its
association with the different geological formations.
Finally, some pilot exploration campaigns should be
carried out in order to define some exploration targets,
thereafter, defining a systematic exploration strategy
for REE in Peru.

- Enlace Minería (2014): Los Metales de
“Tierras Raras”, el Nuevo Oro Minero -
Informe Completo.
- Piper, D. et al. (1988): Rare Earth Elements in
the Phosphatic-Enriched Sediment of the Peru
- ProActivo.- (2013): Dos
Empresas Exploran en el Perú el Potencial de
las Tierras Raras.
- Vázquez, F. (1996): Geología Económica de
los Recursos Minerales.
Jr. Francisco de Cuellar 285 – 101, Lima – Peru

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