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-- P

Table 3.8 Form and area of shear reinforcement in beams I
I 1
Vslue ot v
1~lrnm;l 1
Form of shear reinforcement to be
Area o f shear reinforcement t o be
providad 1
I Lesr than 0.5 vc throughout See note 1

1 beam

i Minimum links for whole length of beam

Links or links combined with bent-up

A„ 2 0.4 b,,sv/0.87 f „
(see note 2 )

Where links only provided:

bars. Not more than 50 % of the shear
A „ 2 bvsv ( V - vc)/0.87 f y v
resistance provided by the steel may be
in the form of bent-up bars (see note 3) Where links and bent-up bars
pro vided:

i! 9STE ! :'!hile minirnum links shouid be orovided i n all beams of srructural irnoortance. it will be satisfactory t o omit them
in marnoors OI minor structural irnoorrance such as lintels where the rnaxirnum oesign shear stress is iess than half V,.

1 linrs orovioe a aosiqn shear resistance o f 0.4 ~ l r n m ' .

i NOTE 3 . See 3.C.5.5 tc>r quidance on soacing of links and benr-up bars.

I Tablc 3.9 Values of vc, design conciete shear mess

ICOA, i Effecrive depth (in rnml
1 125 j 150 175

Nlmm" ~ l r n m '
0.39 0.38
0.46 0.45
0.58 0.56
0.66 0.65
0.73 0.71
0.83 0.81 '

0.92.' 0.89
1.05 1.02

N O T E 1. Allowance has boen made in these figures for a ,

7 of 1.25.
N O T E 2. The values in the table are derived from the expression:
0.79 (100A,l(b,dll 1'3f400/d I ?:',

- shouia nor be rar<enas arearer lhan 3:


shouia no: 32 :aKen as IOSS inan 1.
FOTcnaracteristic concreie sivnqrhs qrraier t h a v 25 t,: mrn- u ; i i i i t ! r ii: '.:ni(: .: ~ t f i \ .

be muiriplied bv (i:;;:fjl' The value o! f„ ;nould n n i nl? iaren 3,) n r i z t r r in??.4 0 !

2 .J
XVd 8 P : Z T C O , CO/PO
CP 110 : Part 3 : November 1972
UDC 624.01 2.3/.4 + 624.075.23/.24 : 624.012.3/.4 : 624.04(083.58) +
624.072.2 : 624.01 2.46 : 624.04(083.58)

Code of Practice for

The structural use

of concrete

Part 3. Design charts for circular columns

and prestressed beams

British Standards Institution 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS

Telephone 01 -629 9000
Telex: 266933
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

THISCODEOF PRACTICE has been prepared by a Committee convened by the Codes of Practice Committee for Building. Having
been endorsed by the Council for Codes of Practice it was published under the authority of the Executive Board on 23rd
November. 1972.
0British Standards Institution, 1972.
ISBN: 0 580 07890 6
Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This does not preclude the free use. in the wurse of
implementing the Standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type o r grade designations. Enquiries should be
addressed to the BSI Secretariat.
Contract requirements
Attention is drawn to the fact that this Code of Practice does not purport to include all the nccessary provisions of a contract.
Revision o f British S t a n d a r d s
In order to keep abreast of Progress in the industries wncerned, British Standards are subject to periodical review. Suggestions
for improvements will be recorded and in due Course brought to the notice of thc w m m i t t m charged with the revision of the
Standards to which they refer.
British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either of amendment slips or of revised editions. It is important that
wem of British Standards should ascertab that they are in possession of the latest amendments or editions. Full information on all
BSI publications, numbering over 6000, will be found in the Bcifish Standards Yearbook. This information is supplemented by
details published each month in BSI News of new publications, revisions and amendments.
BSI News is available to Subscribing Members of the Institution. All other publications may be purchased direct from Sales
Department. Enquiries wncerning subscribing membership, which has considerable advantages, will be welcomed, and should
be made to Subscriptions Department. Both departments are located at:
101 Pentonville Road, London N1 9ND (Telephone 01-8378801;Telex 23218).
The following BSI references relate to the work o n this Code of Practice:
Committee reference BLCP/7, BLCP/8, BLCP/35 Draft for wmment 69123007
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

Code Drafting Committees

This code was drafted by the following Code Drafting Committees:
BLCP/7 Reinforced concrete
BLCP/8 Prestressed concrete
BLCP/3S Precast concrete
The comments were considered by and the final draft prepared by Code Drafting Committee BLCP/80.

Code Drafting Committee BLCP/80

The structural use of concrete
Dr. D. D. Matthews (Chairman)

Mr. M. E. R. Little Association of Consulting Engineers

Mr. B. Rhodes
British ~recastConcrrte Federation
Mr. A. Sparke
*Mr. J. A. Walton
British Railways Board
t M r . N. J. Nicholls
Mr. K. Newman British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
f M r . J. L. Bannister
Mr. A. W. Hill
. British Steel Corporation

Dr. R. E. Rowe )Cement und Concrete Association

Mr. R. I. Lancaster Concrete Reinforcement Steel Association
Mr. J. D. Llewellin
Mr. J. Rodin Concrete Sociery
Mr. G. J. Zunz
Mr. P. E. Bucher Departmenr of rhe Environmenr
Mr. W. C. Adams J
Dr. S. C. C. Bate
Mr. J. A. Loe
.\ Department of the Environment, Road Research Laboratory
Department of the Environmenr, Building Research Esfablishment

Mr. R. Hardman J
Mr. G. A. Bettany District Surveyors Association
Mr. J. A. Derrington
Mr. R. B. Hill
)~ederationof Civil Engineering Contractors
Mr. A. H. Ferrier Federation of Concrete Specialists
Mr. E. W. Bunn Greater London Council
Mr. R. M. Silber Incorporated Association of Architects und Surveyors
Prof. A. M. Neville
Mr. N. Borg
-. Institution of Civil Engineers
)Institution of Municipal Engineers
Mr. M. C. Leney
Prof. A. L. L. Baker 1
Mr. F. G. Cofin
Mr. J. E. Guest
Dr. F. W. Gifford
Mr. J. B. Price I Institution of Structural Engineers
Dr. D. D. Matthews
4Mr. H. McClusky
Mr. R. Milne
IIMr. D. H. Orme
TMr. D. J. Pearce /,
**Dr. W. W. L. Chan
t t M r . R. Pontin
)~ a t i o n a Building
l Agency
Mr. P. B. Chaston National Federation of Building Trade Employers
Mr. A. T. Clarke Reinforcement Manufacturers Association
Mr. A. E. J. Morris Royal Institute of British Architects
Dr. F. Walley Chairman of Code Drafting Committee BLCPI8 Prestressed concrete
Mr. W. Hunter Rose Chairman of Code Drafting Committee BLCPI35 Precast concrete
Mr. P. B. Kenyon British Stamiards Institution

Resigned July 1971

t From July 1971
f From October 1971
8 From April 1972
II kesigned July 1971
7 From July 1971
** Resigned April 1971
tt From April 1971
Specialist assistance has been given by the Code Servicing Panels of the Institution of Structural Engineers and also by
Dr. W. B. Cranston and Dr. G. Somerville on design ~ n Mr.
d B. W. Shacklock and Mr. D. C. TeychennC on materials.

This Code of Practice represents a Standard of good practice and therefore takes the form of recommendations. Compliance with it
d m s not h i e r immunity from relevant statutory and legal requirements.
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

fcU hs/h Chart number
Page fy
Foreword iii

1. General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Symbols
1.3 Use of charts

Prestressed beams
2. Design charts
a = tendons of aiioy steel bars
Circular columns
b = tendons of normal and low relaxation
hJh Chart number
fy fcu products
250 25 C = tendons of 'as drawn' wire or 'as spun'
Tendon Chart number
a 139
a 140
a 14 1
a 142
b 143
C 144
b 145
C 146
b 147
C 148
b 149
C 150
b 15 1
C 152
b 153
C 154
b 155
C 156
b 157
C 158
b 159
C 160
b 161
C 162
b 163
C 164
b 165
C 166

b 167
C 168
b 169
C 170
b 171
C 172
b 173
C 174
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

Page Page
A. Notes on t i derivation
~ of the design
- charts V 2a Design stress-strain curve for reinforcement
B. Design examples in tension and compression vii
B.l Circular columns xi 26 Design stress-strain curve for normal and
B.2 Prestressed beams xi low relaxation produc ts ...
2c Design stress-strain curve for as drawn wire
and as spun strand ix
Design stress-strain curve for concrete in
compression X
1. Conditions of stress and strains assumed at 4. Arrangement of bars assumed in design
the ultimate limit state vi charts for circular columns X

CP 110 deals with the structural use of concrete. It is published in three Parts:
Part 1. Design, materials and workmanship
Part 2. Design charts for singly reinforced beams, doubly reinforced beams and rectangular columns
Part 3. Design charts for circular columns and prestressed beams
The design charts in Part 2 and Part 3 have been prepared in accordance with the assumptions laid down in Part 1,
with the intention that they may be used as standard charts and so avoid duplication of effort by individual
.>' . design Offices. They were prepared by fhe Cement and Concrete Association and presented to the British
\tanda1d\ \nsf\u(\~n,The qeC'\&\~\work invohed was cariied out by D[. A. W. Beeby arid D<.H. P.J . Taylor.
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

British Standard Code of Practice for

The structural use of concrete,

Part 3. Design charts for circular columns
and prestressed beams

1. General

This Part Covers design charts for circular columns and prestressed beams. These design charts cannot be used to
obtain the complete detailed design of any member but they may be used as an aid when analysing the Cross
sections of a member at the ultirnate limit state. The charts have been based on the assumptions laid down in Part
1, use being made of a parabolic-rectangular stress block throughout. Full details of the derivation of the charts
are given in Appendix A.

1.2 Symbols
The symbols are as used in Part 1 of this Code.

1.3 Use of charts

Design examples illustrating the use of the charts are given in Appendix B.

2. Design charts
Design charts Nos. 9 1- 174 are given on the following pages.
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 :1972

,I II --

0 V:,
4 a o
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
ASc = total area &
of reinforcement .:

fcu 40
fy 250
hs/h 0-90
Circular columns
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
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9 -

Ln -

m -
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I > ,'.
I .
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1, I1 --

o L
4 o
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C') C')
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
Asc = total area
of reinforcement P>

fcu 40
f y 425
hs/h 0.90
Circular columns
CP 110 : Part 3 :1972
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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

1, II .0
6 0




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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
V) E'
22 V)
fpe = effective prestress 6
in tendons 73
fpu = characteristic st rength +
of tendons

fcu 30
fpu 1550
Prestressed beams Tendons ~f ks drawd wire or k S ~ M * strand
CP 110 : Part 3 :1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
fpe = effective prestress ..
in tendons -0
fpu = characteristic strength +

of tendons

W P r e ~ressed
f beams Tendons of normal and IOW reiaxation prodt~cts
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

fpe = effective prestress 6

in tendons 7
fpu = characteristic strength 2
of tendons

fcu 30
fpu 1700
Prestressed beams Tendons of a s drawn' wire or a s spun' strand
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

(I) 2
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CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

Appendix A

Notes on the derivation of the design charts

All the charts have been derived using the assumptions given in and of Part 1 for the analysis of
cross-sections. These assumptions are shown diagrammatically in Figs. 1-3. Figs 2a, b and c show the stress-strain
curves assumed for the reinforcement and prestressing tendons; Fig. 3 the stress-strain relationship for the
concrete at the ultimate limit state. For rectangular cross-sections where the neutral axis remains within the
section, expressions can easily be derived to give the total compressive force developed in the concrete and the
position of the centroid of this force at failure. These are given below.
Concrete compressive force at failure

Distance from compressive face of section t o centroid of concrete compressive force.

(2 - E- 10.0035)~+ 2
4 (3- Ea/0.0035) I
X = k2x

These expressions were used in the production of all the design charts for prestressed beams. In producing the
charts for circular columns, the force and moment contributed by the concrete in the compression Zone was
assessed numericaily by splitting the compression Zone into 2 0 elements, caiculating the stress and chord length
at each boundary of each element and then integrating using Simpson's rule.
n i e figures from which the charts were drawn were produced by solution of the equations for equilibrium of
moments and forces for successive vaiues of neutral axis depth.
Two assumptions of a minor nature have been introduced in the production o f the charts in addition to those
giien in Part 1.
(1) In the charts for circular columns, the reinforcement has been assumed to consist of six bars arranged relative
to the axis of bending as shown in Fig. 4. Slight differences arise as the axis of bending is rotated, and also if a larger
number of bars is used. These differences are smail and aimost aiways o n the side of safety. The charts can thus be
used with confidence for any bar arrangement.
(2) The stress-strain curves for prestressing tendons shown in Figs. 2b and 2 c have all been constructed with an
initiai elastic modulus (Es) vaiue of 175 kN/mm2. Although an Es vaiue of 200 kN/mmZ is allowed in Part 1 for
some tendon types, this value was not used in preparing charts to keep down the number, and 175 kN/mmZ was
used as this always gives conservative results and the discrepancies are negligible.
neutral - -
ax i s

Section Strain S t r e s s in Stress in

concrete prestressing tendons

Fig. 1. Conditions of Stress and strains assumed at the ultimate Iimit state
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

1- I
5000 0
.- Strain
1: 1.",?700
: -i o.r47<ir
L ,; , t.r , ,'.,.
:, ' @,C@ f + :

Fig. 3. Design stress-strain curve for concrete in compression

Fig. 4. Arrangement of bars assumed in design charts for circular columns

CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

Appendix B

Design exarnples
The use of each type of chart is illustrated by an exainple.

B.1 Circular colurnns

Design the Cross section of a circular column to cornply with the following requirements at the ultimate limit
fcu = 50 ~ / m m ~
= 425 N/mm2
Cover = 3 0 m m to longitudinal bars
column diameter = 400 mm
M = 153.5 kNm
N = 2400 kN
Assume 2 0 m m bars. :.hs/h = -- 0.80 therefore use Chart No. 136 30
~ / h= ~
~ / h= ~15.0
From Chart No. 136 100Asc/Ac = 2.40
A c = 3020 mm2
Therefore a suitable solution is t o use 1 0 No. 2 0 m m cold worked bars (i.e. 3140 mm2)
As stated in Appendix A, slight differences arise with different bar arrangements. However, the charts rnay be
used for any arrangernent.

B.2 Prestressed bearns

Check that the cross-section of the prestressed bearn given below is adequate for the given ultirnate rnornent.
M = 397 kNm
6 =2SO
A ~ s
Prestress after all losses
= 616mm2
= 54 %
Tendon is of low relaxation wire with n
t--l - 7

Assume neutral axis is within the flange.

Chart No. 173 rnay be used as this is using the correct stress-strain curve and has f slightly less than the 1872
N/rnm2 required. It will therefore give conservative answer.
Fron1 Cliart No. 173 M/hd2 = 6.52 ~ / r n r n ~
xld = 0.33
As the ratio of flange depth to eflective depth is 0.36, the assumption that the neutral axis is within the flange
is correct. Also.
IM = 406 kNrn
This is greater than the design requirernent of 397 kNm. The design is therefore satisfactory at this Iirnit state.
CP 110 : Part 3 : 1972

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