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NAEYC Code of Ethics Paper

The code sets forth a framework of professional responsibilities of four sections. Each section
addresses a are of professional relationships (1) with children, (2) with families, (3) among
colleagues, (4) with the community and society. The introduction is followed by a set of Ideals
that reflect exemplary professional practice and by a set of principles describing practices
that are required, prohibited, or permitted. Ideals reflect the aspiration of practitioners. The
principles guide conduct and assist practitioners in solving ethical dilemmas. The Ideals and
principles in this code present a shared framework or professional responsibilities that
affirms our commitment to the core values of our field. The code publicly acknowledges the
responsibilities that we in the field have assumed and in so doing supports ethical behavior in
our work.
Ethical responsibilities to children above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not
participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful,
degrading, dangerous, exploration, or intimidating to children. We are to educate and not
discriminate. We need to use two way communication, use appropriate assessments, and
build individual relationships with each child. Make adaptations in our teaching strategies.
We need to recognize child abuse, and reasonable cause to suspect abuse, neglect, report it
and follow up. We should also assist another staff or whomever suspects abuse and assist in
following proper procedure.
Ethical responsibilities to families we should be familiar with knowledge base related to
working effectively with families and to stay informed through continuing education and
training. We need to develop relationships of trust and partnerships with our families.
Welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program including
involvement in shared decision making. We should participate in building networks for
families. We also should report injury or incidents involving their child, or any risk of
communicable diseases. We should not exploit families confidentiality is very important for
families and their child.
NAEYC has taken reasonable measures to develop the code in a fair, reasonable, open,
unbiased and objective manner, based on currently available data.
I really like the Statement of Commitment. It really sums everything up for us as to what we
are supposed to do. It is really something that we as educators could make a copy of and
hang it in our classroom. It would be great for the parents to see posted and know that is
what we take pride in. That would be like our 10 Commandments of childcare. If we were
having a day of defeat or feeling like we just not getting through and doing anything good for
the children we can just look up and know that we are and we will continue to strive to do
what we do for the children in our care.

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