Effectiveness of The Manchester Triage System On Time

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Effectiveness of the Manchester Triage System on time

to treatment in the emergency department: a systematic
review protocol
Emilia A. Cicolo 1  Fernanda Ayache Nishi 1,2  Heloı́sa H. Ciqueto Peres 3 
Diná de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz 2,3
University Hospital, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2The Brazilian Centre for Evidence-based Healthcare: a Joanna Briggs
Institute Centre of Excellence, and 3School of Nursing, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Review question/objective: The review aims to find the best available evidence on the effectiveness of the
Manchester Triage System on time to treatment in the emergency department.
Keywords Emergency department; Manchester Triage System; time to treatment
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2017; 15(4):889–898.

Background and the aim was to organize the UK urgent care system
mergency department (ED) overcrowding with and establish a consensus for a triage pattern. In the
E patients suffering from illnesses of increasing
severity is common in countries worldwide and
following years, the MTS was introduced in the UK
and other countries in Europe. The MTS is based on
threatens public health and safety.1 From 1994 to evidence from and conforms to international stand-
2011, visits to American hospital EDs increased ards of good practice.6 It shows good results regarding
from 93.4 million to 136.2 million, representing a validity, sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility in
45.8% increase.2,3 These data confirm the import- urgent and emergency services.8-14
ance of triage and that the use of criteria to determine The MTS has been validated in numerous stud-
case severity can prevent emergency situations from ies.15,16 Despite the occurrence of under- and over-
escalating due to long wait times.4 Triage, or risk triage, studies show good validity for adult and
classification, is a clinical management tool used by pediatric patients, including patients with coronary
emergency service providers to guide patient flow syndrome and pulmonary embolism.10,12,17-19
when the need for medical attention exceeds the Despite these findings, one study published in
available resources.5 2016 showed that the MTS misclassified a substan-
Several countries have introduced triage systems, tial number of children requiring intensive care unit
and the most commonly used include the Australian admission. However, this study used MTS with
Triage Scale, Canadian Emergency Department modifications for febrile children and did not con-
Triage and Acuity Scale, Manchester Triage System sider two new flow charts present in the latest edition
(MTS) and Emergency Severity Index.6 The MTS is an of the MTS that are specifically aimed at neonates
important tool that is used to ensure patient safety by and young children.20
determining the wait time suitable for every patient The MTS is composed of 55 flowcharts and uses a
who comes to the ED.5-7 In 1997, the MTS was methodology that defines clinical priority by deter-
created in Manchester, United Kingdom (UK), by mining the maximum allowed waiting time for the
the Manchester Triage Group. This group was estab- different levels of urgency: emergent (red) needs
lished in 1994 by a group of physicians and nurses, immediate medical evaluation, very urgent (orange)
within 10 min, urgent (yellow) within 60 min, stand-
ard (green) within 120 min and non-urgent (blue) up
Correspondence: Emilia A. Cicolo, emiliacicolo@gmail.com to 240 min.21 The MTS logic is that more serious
There is no conflict of interest in this project. cases must have less waiting time for medical care
DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003119 and, therefore, shorter time to starting treatment.

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Figure 1: Factors that affect Time to Treatment (TtT) in hospitals, according to the linear logic model.
ED: Emergency department; MTS: Manchester triage system

Time to treatment (TtT) is the time interval outcomes. Patient age, health condition severity,
between symptom onset and therapy initiation. This available staff and available resources are factors
term is also used to describe the time between a that can also interfere with TtT.30 The influential
patient’s arrival to the ED and receipt of therapy as factors are represented in the linear logic model
antibiotics, analgesia and procedures.22 A shorter (Figure 1). All of these factors require consideration
TtT is critical to treatment success for many con- as they may affect TtT.
ditions, for example, acute coronary syndromes and Evaluating and understanding the available
sepsis.23 Factors such as patient acuity and staff evidence regarding the effectiveness of the MTS in
qualification can influence TtT. Several studies have reducing TtT in the ED may help to improve patient
correlated ED crowding with an increased TtT.24-26 safety.
Priority levels can be used to adjust TtT. One Input components are determined by patient
study of patients with myocardial infarction found demand in the ED and can influence results. Output
that cases classified as severe were treated more components are factors that can affect service
quickly.27 This demonstrates that correct triage of capacity to achieve favorable patient outcomes.
patients in the ED is critical in adjusting TtT. For Result components are those that may influence
example, in patients with ST-segment-elevation the initially proposed outcome. The linear logic
myocardial infarction, the fundamental objective is model shows how the input and output components
to minimize the time between symptom onset and can influence TtT.
initial reperfusion therapy (door-to-needle or door- Some studies investigating TtT after use of triage
to-balloon time).27 Reduced time to receive anti- systems show lower TtT in urgent screening
biotics has been shown to reduce mortality due to levels.31,32 One study investigated the delay between
severe sepsis and septic shock.28,29 arrival at emergency and discharge, assessing TtT
Many factors can interfere in TtT, and the triage before and after the implementation of the MTS.
system is only one of the factors that can affect these This study concluded that wait times were better

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distributed across urgency levels but that triaging priority for medical care and that with its use,
patients resulted in a shorter TtT. Information patients with more severe conditions will experience
obtained from triage could lead to more efficient shorter TtT.
initiation of treatment.31 Another study investigated
the times between emergency arrival, and diagnosis Inclusion criteria
and onset of treatment using the MTS. This study Participants
found an association between higher MTS categories The current review will consider studies that include
and TtT, with high triage levels presenting lower patients (adults or children) visiting the ED with any
TtT.32 complaints or medical diagnoses that have been
Time to treatment was also the focus of a study classified by the MTS and in which TtT is measured.
that evaluated patients with acute myocardial infarc-
tion and assessed the influence of the MTS on time to Comparator and intervention(s)/phenomena of
access reperfusion therapy. This study showed lon- interest
ger TtT due to incorrect classification by the MTS of The current review will consider studies that evalu-
patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial ate the use of the MTS by nurses or doctors without
infarction.27 modification for patient risk classification. Studies
Another study investigated the different phases of comparing the use of MTS with other triage systems
emergency care, including TtT. This study found or the absence of triage systems will be included.
that patient mode of arrival influenced TtT.33
A search for systematic reviews or protocols Outcomes
about triage and TtT was conducted at the begin- The current review will consider studies that include
ning of 2016, which included the MEDLINE, the following outcomes: TtT (interval between ED
CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase, arrival and receipt of medical treatment) for patients
Scopus, PROSPERO and Cochrane databases but who have been evaluated by the MTS.
did not find any reviews specifically focusing on
this subject. One systematic review evaluated the Study types
efficacy of the MTS on patient risk classification The current review will include experimental and
and described and analyzed its use through the epidemiological study designs, including random-
identification of relevant articles but did not con- ized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled
sider the influence of the MTS on TtT.18 Two trials, quasi-experimental studies, before and after
systematic reviews published in 2011 evaluated studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies,
the influence of triage-related interventions on and analytical cross-sectional studies.
patient flow in the ED.4,34 However, the focus
of these reviews was not on evaluating a specific Search strategy
triage system; the studies described triage but did The search strategy aims to find both published and
not refer to a specific triage system such as unpublished studies. A three-step search strategy will
the MTS. be performed in this review. An initial limited search
The abovementioned studies evaluated different of MEDLINE and CINAHL will be followed by an
triage systems or different outcomes with respect to analysis of the text words contained in the title and
the MTS (e.g. time to doc).4,18,34 Time to doc or time abstract, as well as the index terms used to describe
to doctor is the time to first examination by a doctor the article. Second, a search using all identified key-
for patients attending an ED.35 The current review words and index terms will then be performed across
will differ from these studies in that it will focus all included databases. Third, the reference list of all
primarily on assessing the effect of a specific triage identified reports and articles will be searched for
system (MTS) on TtT. additional studies. Studies published in English,
A sufficiently short TtT is necessary to avoid Spanish, Portuguese, French and German will be
complications. For example, shorter TtT of patients considered for inclusion in this review. Studies pub-
with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction is lished after 1994 (year that Manchester Triage
associated with reduced mortality and morbidity.27 Group was created) will be considered for inclusion
It is expected that the MTS can determine the correct in this review.

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The databases to be searched include MEDLINE, groups with different degrees of severity or triage
CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus categories will be considered.
and Cochrane Register of Control Trials.
The search for unpublished studies will include Acknowledgements
Google Scholar, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, The authors acknowledge the University of São
Banco de Teses – CAPES and Digital Dissertations. Paulo and the University Hospital for providing
Initial keywords will include: Manchester Triage, the acquired knowledge and encouragement to per-
emergency, time-to-treatment, time, waiting times, form the study.
door-to-needle, door-to-balloon, time to antibiotics,
time to analgesia
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Appendix I: Appraisal instruments

MAStARI appraisal instrument

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Appendix II: Data extraction instruments

MAStARI data extraction instrument

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