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name designation meaning signature

1. Analyn Buscado San Agustin College Curriculum is a group

of courses offered in a
particular field of
2. Glee ann Riverside College Curriculum is any
Guardiana criteria, element,
aspect, that aids in
children's learning.
3. Decson Sto. CHMSC-TALISAY Curriculum is the "floor
Domingo plan" or blueprint for what
is going to be
... in the academic


In the most general sense, curriculum is a course of study. curriculum typically refers to the knowledge and
skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are
expected to meet.

Activity 2

Meaning of curriculum references

1. curriculum is what the school is
attempting to teach, which might include
social behaviors as well as content and
thinking skills.

2. A curriculum consists of the "roadmap" or

"guideline" of any given discipline. Both
the philosophy of teaching of the
instructors as well as of the educational
institution serve as two of the principles
upon which a curriculum is based.

My analysis

the curriculum is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and
responsible citizenship. Teachers in partnership with parents and community members collaborate
on the development of a curriculum that will instill character in students and reinforce positive

Activity 3
My reflections

1. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies
that students must demonstrate before advancing to the next level. Curriculum acts
as a road map for teachers and students to follow on the path to academic success.

2. Teachers should have a guide that includes on how to present rationale, goals and
organization. On that way they can enrich learning opportunities and to implement a better
instructional practice. For the curriculum development process to be successful, site and
district leadership need to be available and open to working with teachers and curriculum
developers as well.

Ep. 2

Activity 2
A teacher must be aware of hidden curriculum so that students will be able to attain
the intended learning outcome. There are times that the learner have difficulties and
struggle in school that is why there is hidden curriculum to help students overcome it
and for the teachers to understand.

My reflections

We need to know the different types of curricula so that we can come up with better
curricula that will improve the learning of students. It provides structure for an
educational course and having a goal for the students to attain. All of it are valuable
in different areas of education.

Ep. 3

Activity 1
1. starts with knowing about the curriculum, the subject matter or the content. As a teacher, one has to
master what are included in the curriculum
2. The teacher writes books, modules, laboratory manuals, instructional guides, and reference materials in
paper or electronic media
3. Implementation of a new curriculum requires the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that
the curriculum will enhance learning
4. As a curricularist im responsible on curriculum development and designing and

Activity 2

1. Initiates curriculum • In cases where the curriculum is recommended to the schools from DepEd, CHED,
TESDA, UNESCO, UNICEF or other educational agencies for improvement of quality education, the teacher
is obliged to implement
2. Innovates the curriculum • Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of an excellent teacher. A curriculum is
always dynamic, hence keeps on changing. From the content strategies, ways of holding, blocks of time,
ways of evaluating, kinds of students and skills of teachers, one cannot find a single eternal curriculum that
would perpetually fit.

3. Plans the curriculum • A good curriculum has to be planned. It is the role of the teacher to make a yearly,
monthly or daily plan of the curriculum. • The teacher takes into consideration several factors in planning a
curriculum. These are: learners, support material, time, subject matter or content, desired outcomes ,
context of the learners among others. planner

Activity 3
 teacher takes record of knowledge concepts, subject matter or content.
 The teacher writes books, modules, laboratory manuals, instructional guides, and reference
materials in paper or electronic media.
 Teachers use demonstrations and props to teach.
 Teachers develop lesson plans that teach students a variety of subjects.
 Teachers motivate and inspire youg children to develop lifelong love of
 Teachers play an important role in education and development of children.

My reflections

As a curricularist, the seven roles are essential in teaching. Initiator, planner, writer, knower,
innovator, implementer and evaluator are the keys to become a curricularist teacher. Each of it have
a important contribution to attain the desired goal of learners. a teacher must be a role model and
advocates in curriculum development. Doing those seven roles qualifies a teacher to be a
Ep. 4

There is a big difference between traditional and progressive. The people i interview have different
ways of describing both aspects but have the same point of view.


 Teacher centered
 Spoon feeding information
 More on individual work
 More on memorization
 Teacher talks more
 Direct instruction

 Evaluates students
 Student and teacher interacts
 Has teaching learning process

 Student centered
 More reasoning
 Develops critical thinking
 More group activity
 Students talk more
 Indirect instruction
 Students self evaluation

Personal insights
- I have noticed that both traditional and progressive curriculum has their differences but has the
same goal. I do believe that progressive is the most effective because it prepares the student to
become successful and ready for the real world.


Most of my friend chose the progressive curriculum and some chose both traditional and progressive, i
respect their own point of view. As long as it can contribute for the betterment of the curriculum there
is no problem on it.

Ep. 5


The three approaches to curriculum are the content , process and outcome. I learned that in every
curriculum there is a process to follow and it helps the learners to build their knowledge , skills and
ideas. I realized that curriculum is important.
Activity 2
1. If it develops the three domains of learning, the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills and
considers the cultural aspects of the learners
2. Content which may be valid in its original form may not continue to be valid in the current times
3. Give examples of this issue in your own major wherein skills to be developed to the students will not be
useful in the future.
4. The complexity of the content should be within the range of experiences of the learners
5. Can the subject content be learned within the time allowed, resources available, expertise of the teachers
and the nature of the learners
6. If the content is meaningful. And the contents can have in the present and future life of the learners.

My insights
The criteria in selection of subject matter are important to follow. it is very useful for all teachers out there. This
serves as a guide in formulating their subject matter for the learners to effectively understand the topic. I will follow
this criteria to achieve an effective teaching learning environment.

Ep. 6

Activity 1
Personal Insights
I do agree that teacher is a major input throughout the curriculum development. The teacher is the controller and
initiator of information here. On the other hand teachers must also plan different kinds of activities and resources
and ways to measure how well learners have accomplished various objectives.

Activity 2

1. Know your learners by giving them personality test. Apply learner centered approach.
2. Making objectives that is SMART.
3. Content that will meet learners level of understanding and their needs
4. Making it organize and following the process
5. Delivery of lesson based on the learners experience
6. Performance based test

Activity 3

1. Purposes of the school

Ex. school is developing MAPEH curriculum by creating an objective that student will choreograph a dance.

2. Educational experiences related to purposes

Ex. students need to attain the objective of choreographing a dance. The students now practice dancing. The
experience(choreographing a dance) is related to the purpose.

3. Organization of the experiences

Ex. its either the teacher or the students will be the first to do the dance. Its up for the teacher on which will the
students will learn more.

4. Evaluation of the experience

Ex. if the teacher let the students choreograph without her help then it is a success because students are able
to achieve their goal.
Ep. 7

Franklin Bobbit Werret Chaters William Kilpatrick Harold Rugg

1876-1956 1875- 1952 1875- 1952 1886-1960
He views curriculum He believes that He introduced the He introduced the
as a science that objectives along with use of small group concept of the
emphasizes the activities should be interaction and development of the
needs of the aligned with content. project method in whole child, the
students. w/c teacher and inclusion of social
student planned. studies.

Hollis Caswell Ralph Tyler Hilda Taba Peter Oliva

1901- 1989 1902- 1994 1902-1967 1992- 2012
He believes that the Believes that Contributed to the He believe that a
subject matter is curriculum should theoretical and model curriculum
developed around revolve around the pedagogical should be simple,
the learners and students needs and foundations of comprehensive and
their social function. interest. concepts systematic.
Activity 2

1. Educational planners and policy makers have philosophy, a belief about education and schooling
and 3R’s

2. It shows chronological development a long time line. It is where curriculum development came
from our great contributors.
3. Provides basis to understand the teaching and learning process.
4. Students who develop identity and self awareness are more likely to develop sense of morality.

Personal insights

I learned that there is foundations that build the development of the curriculum. Planning about the
development of curriculum is a huge job for those who contributed. Curriculum is important to cater
the needs and interest of the learners.
Activity 3





It shows the teaching and learning process. The diagram shows that all of the variables are
dependent to each other. The important and variables there are the teacher and students. The teacher
will be the one to provide the needs of learner in terms of knowledge, skills and values while the
learner will be a sponge that will absorb all the learning that the teacher will teach.

Ep. 8

1. Curriculum is dynamic. Schools and school system improve and develop in proportion to
meet the standards of the society and to adapt to sudden change of condition.
2. Accumulating knowledge and educational leadership at its moment in history. Curriculum
also changes to adapt to the timeline that is present.
3. Changes that happen to the curriculum can coexist. Curriculum could phase in and phase out.
4. The people behind the implementation of the curriculum contributes to the change that
5. The development of it is a process where group of knowlegable people plan to change and
give their ideas to come up with a better and effective curriculum.
6. There is a process to be follow on developing such thing. Broad range of stake holders to
gain their understanding, support and input.
7. Change is constant so as the development never stops. The methods and strategies to deliver
the curiculumand what type of school organization best support it must be consider.
8. The needs of people change, monitor and check from time to time the effectivess of the
curriculum. Technology improve so as the knowledge of the people.
9. The development of curriculum must be all planned. Procedures, modules and sequence of it
should be outlined.
10. Enhancing the curriculum should start from what is existing.

Learning portfolio

The mapeh lesson plan in highschool starts with answering the activity before going to the
lesson proper.

The mapeh lesson plan in elementary start with a game that introduces the lesson.

The mapeh lesson plan in HIGHSCHOOL starts with a video presentation that is connected
to the lesson.

 Ends with assignment
 Has 3 objectives stated
 Topic is about MAPEH
 Deductive method

Ep. 9

My insights

Upon answering the questions provided, i found out that the curriculum design model
is relevant to the school system. It helps the student become wholesome and well
educated person. The design focuses on the betterment of the child in school. The
learnings that students acquire can be applied on their daily living which is very
beneficial. The needs and interest of learners are the main focus of the curriculum
design model.

My insights
Most of the answers are the advantages of k-12 program. k-12 gives opportunities to
all to become globally competitive that is why it is an advantage for those who are
under that program.

Activity 2
My analysis
OBE syllabus serves as a guide for teachers on how they will teach. It helps the
students become ready for the course by identifying pre-requisite areas of knowledge.
OBE syllabus are categorize in table where you can find the specific objectives,
content, resources and assessment. The learning objectives are aligned to the
assessment given. All content are related to on another.

Ep. 10

Activity 2

1. Revising the old book into k-12 program book.

2. Allowing the use of calculator instead of using ballpen and paper
3. Getting the parents involve instead of the teacher only
4. Activities are now present in classroom that is why discussion of lesson will
5. Teacher undergo induction program for the newly hired teachers

Activity 3
We need o change the curriculum from time to time because learners evolve so as the learnings and
their needs. We are in the 21st century and technology improves from time to time. Learners learning
styles and multiple intelligences should be consider.

Learning portfolio

My insights

I do agree on the article that promotes the increase of the salary of teachers. Teachers work are very
loaded and they can’t even give much time for their family, even they are in their house paper works
are hunting them. Still their salary is not enough. Just like Recto said, we must recognize the hardship
of teachers.

Ep. 11


Stakeholders play a role in the development of the curriculum. We must give importance to those that
serves as foundation of the curriculum.

Activity 3

Curriculum development requires the input of different stakeholders such as teachers, school heads,
parents, community members, students, district administrators and school boards. The role of the
teachers involves defining different course components that are considered relevant, in line with the
latest technological development in the education sector. In addition to developing the curriculum,
teachers help in executing the curriculum development findings. Therefore, having a good curriculum
without the input of teachers cannot help in achieving the learning objectives and goals. The other
important group of stakeholders is the school administrators. Their role in curriculum implementation
cannot be underestimated since they are the people that monitor the implementation of the
curriculum. The parents on the other hand support and influence the implementation of the
curriculum through financial resources, that is, payment of school fees.
Ep. 12

Activity 1

1. To develop the curriculum

2. To ensure curriculum objectives are achieved

3. To provide feedback to teachers and faculty

4. To support applications for promotion and career development

5. To inform efficient allocation of learning resources

6. To ensure that students achieve their learning needs

Activity 2

Excerpts interview

They evaluate their school curriculum by giving the learners an assessment for teachers, facilities and
other resources in school premises. They usually assess the teacher since they are the one who teach
and influence the students. He said that evaluating the curriculum is important to maintain the
excellence of the school and for them to find out if there are they that they need to improve, remove
and to sustain.


I learned that in order to have an effective curriculum we must evaluate from time to time. Curriculum
evaluation helps the needs of students and teacher since they are the main focus in school. Achieving
the goals of school signifies that the curriculum is effective.

As a future educator, i will do good things that will contribute to the betterment of the school
curriculum. I will prioritize the needs of my students. I will become an effective teacher and mold my
students to become a competitive citizen of our country.

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