Journal Week 10

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Morgan Colquitt

Journal Week 10


This week started out really well on Monday at Locklery Arboretum. We began our “mini

camp” where the clients participated in many different activities. I lead the art station, while

Brayden and Josh led recreation, and Anna led the cooking course. It was nice to switch it up

and have the clients outside at Lockerly in the morning. The clients enjoyed all of the different

rotations and throughout the week they continued to ask when we will be going back. We had a

meeting with Abigail Hasty about our 12- week health promotion program and we decided to

focus on a smaller group of clients for her to meet with throughout the program. This will allow

for her to work with a smaller group before (hopefully) the program expands to the whole


Since we are now doing the cooking classes at Lockerly on Mondays, this was my last

Wednesday doing Eat Your Heart Out. I decided to show the clients how to make sweet potato

slices with cinnamon. I talked to them about the health benefits of sweet potatoes and

cinnamon, and they got to taste it at the end. On Wednesday afternoon we were informed that

the center would be closing for a while due to COVID precautions. We had a meeting with our

supervisor to discuss a smooth transition to Zoom, while the center is being deep cleaned. On

Thursday and Friday, we interacted with the clients over Zoom facilitated activities to get the

clients engaged. The other interns and I Zoomed from the Greenway and came up with new

games to play online. I led a Zumba class over Zoom and the clients said that is something they
wish to do more of. During the afternoons, I have been working on my cookbook that has all of

the recipes that I have done during Eat Your Heart Out.

Next week we will be online as well, which means that I will not be getting as many

hours as I would get in person, but I will be using my time to expand the cookbook and work on

getting that out for the clients. Hopefully we can all be back at the center soon, but this away

time is needed because we must keep the client safe and protected from COVID. We will still be

doing our regular programming on Zoom, but I wish we could all be together at the center.

Monday March 22nd 9-4 7 hours

Tuesday March 23rd 9-4 7 hours

Wednesday March 24th 9-4:30 7.5 hours

Thursday March 25th 9-4 7 hours

Friday March 26th 9-3 6 hours

Weekly hours 34.5

Total Hours To Date 311

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