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Volume 15, Number 6, 2017

Ó Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 259–262
DOI: 10.1089/met.2017.0015

The Gut:
A Key to the Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes?

Jens Juul Holst, MD,1 Jens Pedersen, MD,1 Nicolai Jacob Wewer Albrechtsen, MD,1 and Filip Krag Knop, MD2

In this communication we discuss the role of the gut for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Gastric emptying rates importantly determine postprandial glucose excursions and regulate postprandial se-
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cretion of the incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), and glucagon-like peptide-
1 (GLP-1). It thereby also determines their powerful, amplifying effect on glucose-induced insulin secretion and
thus the ability of the body to regulate glucose disposal. Although disturbances in gastric emptying are not
consistent findings in type 2 diabetes, the incretin system is seriously impaired, probably associated with insulin
resistance and obesity. Both of the incretin hormones lose (part of) their insulinotropic activity resulting, together
with (genetically) defective beta cell function, in the impaired postprandial insulin secretion of T2DM. In
addition, glucagon responses are inappropriately increased and importantly contribute to both fasting and
postprandial hyperglycemia. This may involve stimulation by GIP, but evidence also points to a role of circu-
lating amino acids, which are elevated due to steatosis-induced impaired glucagon-mediated hepatic clearance, in
line with recent work suggesting that the alpha cells and the liver are linked in a close, amino acid-mediated
feedback circuit. Thus, the gut plays an important role in the development of T2DM spurred by overeating and
defective beta cells.

Keywords: glucagon-like peptide-1, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, glucagon, amino acids,

alpha cells

The Regulation of Postprandial Plasma Glucose gastric bypass) and the normal emptying rate is exceeded, a
by the Gastrointestinal Tract so-called dumping syndrome may be elicited.3 This syn-
drome, which includes nausea, malaise, desire to lie down,

T he gastrointestinal tract plays a predominant role

in the regulation of the postprandial plasma glucose
levels.1 The first regulating factor is the gastric antral mo-
maybe fainting, is caused by the increased osmotic load
presented to the small intestine which shifts fluid from the
circulation to the intestinal lumen through the leaky epi-
tility which, by incompletely elucidated neuroendocrine thelium in the proximal gut. The more or less constant
mechanisms, regulates the rate of emptying, and hence ex- emptying rate also means that the secretion and thereby the
posure of chyme to the small intestine. Thus, it is a main plasma concentration of some of the gut hormones, for ex-
function of the stomach to receive and retain the incoming ample, the insulin-stimulating hormone, glucose-dependent
meal, and eventually to expel the triturated, emulsified, and insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), which is dependent on the
partly digested contents, the chyme, at a slow and surpris- intestinal absorption rate of nutrients, quickly rises to a
ingly constant rate of maximally 4 kcal per minute. The certain elevated level, which is then maintained as long as
duration of gastric emptying thereby becomes regulated by there is emptying from the stomach, depending on the total
the energy content of the ingested meal.2 The exposure rate amount of stimulatory nutrients that were present in the
of the small intestine is similarly limited and relatively meal (and are being retained in the stomach).2 It is possible
constant. If the regulatory mechanisms are interfered with that hydrogen ions in the duodenum (released from the
(for instance with surgical procedures like pyloroplasty or stomach) play a role in the regulation of the emptying rate,

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Center for Diabetes Research, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.


but nutrients in the duodenum may also inhibit the emptying and restoration of the incretin effect with GLP-1 receptor
rate by neuroendocrine mechanisms.4 The hormone, GIP, agonists provides part of the explanation for the antidiabetic
has little effect on gastric emptying, whereas the other in- effects of these agents. The GLP-1 receptor agonists also
cretin hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), the se- powerfully inhibit the gastric emptying rate, at least acutely,
cretion of which follows a similar pattern, powerfully and this explains part of the effect on postprandial glycemia
inhibits gastric emptying.5 There is no doubt that the regu- of the short-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists (exenatide and
lation of gastric emptying plays a major role for the post- lixisenatide).18 Regarding the long-acting GLP-1 receptor
prandial glucose responses, again as illustrated in conditions agonists, tachyphylaxis rapidly develops regarding their ef-
of accelerated emptying rates (e.g., after pyloroplasty), fects on gastric emptying,19 whereas their incretin effect is
where particularly the early postprandial glucose excursions preserved, and when during meal intake the plasma glucose
may be dramatically increased.6 The increased secretion of concentration rises, they will exert their incretin action,
GIP and GLP-1 powerfully amplifies the glucose-induced which at the cellular level in essence consists of potentiation
insulin secretion, and thereby also the ability of the organ- of the glucose-induced insulin secretion.5,20
ism to limit and restore to normal the increased glucose
concentrations—indeed, postprandial reactive hypoglyce-
mia (sometimes designated ‘‘late dumping’’) may ensue, Hypersecretion of Glucagon in Type 2 Diabetes:
and is relatively often observed in individuals with accel- Friend or Foe?
erated gastric emptying.7 The amplifying effect of the gut
hormones on the glucose-induced insulin secretion is des- There is, however, an additional factor which plays a
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ignated the incretin effect, and this is responsible for the rather important role: patients with T2DM typically have
proportional increase in insulin secretion according to the increased plasma concentrations of glucagon, both in the
ingested amount of glucose (and other meal components). fasting state and postprandially.10 There is a general mis-
The effect is small after small meals (small amount of conception that meal intake should lead to inhibition of
glucose), but increases so that it may be responsible for up glucagon secretion; on the contrary, most meals, in par-
to 80% of the elimination of glucose from the circulation ticular protein-rich meals, will stimulate glucagon secre-
after larger meals (corresponding to 100 grams of glu- tion, but for patients with T2DM the increase is even
cose).2,8 By means of the regulation of gastric emptying and larger.21 Because glucagon stimulates the hepatic glucose
the incretin effect, it is ensured that postprandial glucose production, this rise has considerable consequences for the
excursions are normally moderate and in fact independent postprandial glucose excursions, as illustrated in experi-
of the ingested amount of calories (glucose).1 It is likely ments with glucagon receptor antagonists, which effec-
that these mechanisms are of major importance to pre- tively lower both fasting and postprandial glucose levels.22
vent complications elicited by hyperglycemia. As men- But what is the explanation for the elevated postprandial
tioned, these powerful mechanisms may also lead to severe levels of glucagon in the patients with T2DM? Several
postprandial reactive hypoglycemia.9 mechanisms have been proposed and they may all con-
tribute. First, there are probably signals from the gastro-
The Incretin Effect in Patients with Type 2 intestinal (GI) tract. Several hormones might be of
Diabetes Is Impaired importance, including GIP and glucagon-like peptide 2
(GLP-2), which stimulate glucagon secretion and GLP-1,
The question then arises whether the same mechanisms which inhibits secretion. Their combined influence was
play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus investigated in a systematic study, where T2DM patients
(T2DM)? The gastric emptying rates in patients with received intravenous infusions of each of these hormones
T2DM show great variability, and a consistent abnormal- (mimicking their postprandial plasma profiles) super-
ity does not seem to prevail (although abnormalities may imposed on an intravenous glucose infusion mimicking the
very well exist in selected groups). The early response (0– concentration curves resulting from an oral glucose toler-
60 min) to ingestion of a mixed meal of the two hormones, ance test.23 Individually, it turned out, each of the hor-
GIP and GLP-1, does not seem to be importantly affected mones had the mentioned, expected effects, but infused
in patients with T2DM, but GLP-1 secretion is more con- together, the resulting glucagon secretion profile was very
sistently impaired in the later phase (from 60 min and on- similar to that observed after oral glucose alone. Particu-
ward),10 and this may play a significant role. A similar larly GIP stimulated glucagon secretion. An increased
impairment (and a similar impairment of the incretin ef- activity of GIP might, therefore, contribute to the post-
fect) is seen in obesity.11,12 Probably it is of greater im- prandial hyperglucagonemia in T2DM. This together with
portance that the insulinotropic action of both hormones is the loss of its insulinotropic effect in T2DM might there-
also impaired. During the progressive development of fore suggest that GIP actually has diabetogenic effects.24
glucose intolerance, a gradual loss of the incretin effect, However, it is also possible that the postprandial hy-
as well as the insulinotropic action of the two hormones perglucagonemia is derived, not from the pancreas, but
are observed,13 and their effect is almost completely lost from the GI tract, where some of the endocrine cells, under
in full-blown diabetes as far as physiological amounts of certain circumstances, which may include T2DM, may be
the hormones are concerned.14 However, in contrast to the able to produce glucagon. This is clearly seen in individ-
almost complete loss of insulinotropic action of GIP, re- uals, after total pancreatectomy, who exhibit a large post-
gardless of dose, supraphysiological concentrations of prandial glucagon response after oral glucose.25 It can be
GLP-1 may still have considerable effect.15–17 Evidently, demonstrated that the response has important effects for
the loss of the incretin effect is of major importance for hepatic glucose production. Extrapancreatic glucagon may,
the postprandial hyperglycemia of the patients with T2D, therefore, contribute to the diabetic hyperglucagonemia.

FIG. 1. The figure illustrates how

increased food intake and a genetic
beta cell defect interact with gut
factors and hyperglucagonemia,
induced by disruption of the nor-
mal liver alpha cell feedback cycle,
eventually leading to diabetic hy-
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Is hyperglucagonemia in type 2 diabetes ance and hyperglycemia in the fasting state.31 As already
due to impaired liver function? mentioned, the GLP-1 secretion is often impaired in T2DM,
perhaps mainly related to simultaneously occurring obesi-
Furthermore, there is strong evidence from recent re- ty.11 Because the pathogenesis of T2DM also is associated
search that circulating amino acids play a predominant role with the development of obesity, a picture emerges where
in the regulation of glucagon secretion,26 and in view of decreased GLP-1 secretion leads to both an impaired in-
this, it should always be suspected that altered amino acid cretin effect and increased glucagon secretion, both with
levels underlie clinical hyperglucagonemia. The reverse also diabetogenic actions. As hepatic steatosis develops (because
seems to be true, in that the plasma level of glucagon plays a of increased calorie intake), the liver’s sensitivity to both
predominant role in the regulation of the plasma levels of insulin and to the actions of glucagon on amino acid (and
the amino acids; thus conditions with hyper- and hypoglu- glucose?) metabolism will be impaired. Furthermore, par-
cagonemia are associated with low and high levels of allel development of insulin resistance (because of ectopic
plasma amino acids, respectively.27 Indeed, amino acid fat) in the skeletal muscles results in impaired peripheral
metabolism and the glucagon-producing alpha cells in the glucose uptake. Together, all of these result in a vicious
pancreas seem to be coupled in a close, negative feedback diabetogenic cycle.
loop.26 Most recently, we examined patients with varying
degrees of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and found a
correlation between, on one hand, liver function and amino Conclusion
acid levels, and on the other hand, the plasma glucagon As discussed in the above sections, many factors may
levels.28,29 The hypothesis is that the steatosis impairs liver contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes; however, it
function which also comprises an impairment of the effects is clear that the gastrointestinal tract may play an important
of glucagon on amino acid metabolism and ureagenesis. As role. Thus, diminished secretion of GLP-1, and loss of GIP’s
a consequence, plasma levels of amino acids rise, which in insulinotropic effect may not only explain the inadequate
turn results in hyperglucagonemia. Because glucagon also insulin secretion, but may also contribute to hyperglucago-
influences glucose metabolism and hepatic glucose pro- nemia, both of which will promote glucose intolerance.
duction, this will also result in glucose intolerance and in- In addition, increased intake of nutrients increases the risk
creased postprandial glucose excursions. A lot of work still of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and thereby
has to be done with respect to unraveling these associations, impair glucagon signaling in hepatocytes leading to de-
but the recent application of glucagon receptor antagonists creased ureagenesis and increases plasma levels of amino
and the use of transgenic animals has greatly facilitated acids that in return stimulates the secretion of glucagon and
these studies in both people and experimental animals.30 causes proliferation of pancreatic alpha cells. This, together
with (a) defective beta cell function caused by loss of the gut
A Vicious Diabetogenic Cycle hormone-mediated incretin effect and genetic factors and (b)
both hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance resulting from
One final factor deserves discussion: there is actually a the increased nutrient intake, eventually results in overt
fasting level of the hormone GLP-1, and it can be demon- hyperglycemia (Fig. 1).
strated, also in humans, that blocking of the GLP-1 receptor
with a GLP-1 receptor antagonist (exendin 9–39) results in Author Disclosure Statement
increased glucagon secretion, decreased insulin secretion
and, presumably as a consequence of this, glucose intoler- No conflicting financial interests exist.

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