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Morgan Colquitt

Journal Week 14


This week I spent some time out of town, so I was working for my internship remotely. I

was gathering materials that we needed for our upcoming presentation. On Thursday we had a

COVID-19 reminders and tips presentation for the clients. We felt this presentation was needed

because some of the clients continue to break the COVID-19 protocols that are in place. Some

clients still share food, pull their mask down, and do not follow social distancing.

This presentation allowed for the other interns and I to educate the clients on the

importance of following COVID-19 protocol. While on my trip, I gathered video material that we

used in the presentation to grab the client’s attention and start conversations about how to be

safer at the center. We showed videos about wearing your mask properly and what types of

masks are the most effective in preventing droplet spread. We also discussed the importance of

making sure that your mask is clean when you wear it. Many of the clients wear dirty masks, so

we stressed the importance of washing your mask. Many of the clients engaged in

conversations about COVID-19 procedures and they were very vocal about their own ways of

protecting themselves.

On Friday, the other interns and I worked together on our presentation and how we

would format all of the activities we have done during this. We discussed ways to make our

presentations better and more unique. We also prepared for our “Monday Mini Camps “at

Lockerly and got all of our supplies ready. We also had a meeting with Jay Warren about the
upcoming creative expressions concert that is next week. This concert will feature a large

amount of our clients plus Georgia College music therapy students. This meeting allowed for us

to prepare for the event and understand the COVID-19 regulations that the venue has. We look

forward to the concert because the clients have worked so hard, and they have weekly


Monday April 19th 2-4 2

Tuesday April 20th 2-4 2

Wednesday April 21st 7-5:30 10.5

Thursday April 22nd 9-3 6

Friday April 23rd 9-4:30 7.5

Sunday April 25th 10-12 2

Total Weekly Hours 30

Total Hours to date 450

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