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Consciousness Expansion 1: Alchemy, Metaphysics, Lucid Dreams

1. Prosperity: Awakening to Abundance

2. Butterfly Effect: Alchemical Transformation
3. Transformation: Alchemy and the "The Pearl of Great Price"
4. Jumpstart on the Spiritual Path: Astrology, Alchemy & Metaphysics
5. Astrology: A Guide for Past Life Reading
6. Improving Self Esteem: Personal Authenticity
7. NDE: Near Death Experience: Coming Back to Life
8. War what is it good for?: The Belief Wars
9. Neptune and Saturn the Planet: What Can You Believe?
10. Positive Thinking: The Attitude of Certainty
11. Consciousness of Christ- Part 1
12. Consciousness of Christ- Part 2
13. Consciousness of Christ - Part 3
14. Consciousness of Christ- Part 4
15. Call it Courage: Personal Evolution through Courage and Letting Go
16. Techniques for Creative Visualization
17. Words of Wisdom: The Power of Decision
18. Addiction-Therapy: Denial and Effects of Addiction
19. From Christianity to Tantric Yoga: The Divine Relationship
20. Lucid Dreams and Dreamworking in Metaphysics
21. Depression Test: The Emptiness Inside

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Home > Consciousness Expansion

Prosperity: Awakening to Abundance

By Jeri Noble

You already have everything you’ve ever wanted. This includes money, home, recreation, relationships and
creative fulfillment, along with anything else you can imagine. In understanding the secrets of abundance, it’s
helpful to assume that all that we could possibly wish for, is with us right here, right now. Universal Mind, or God,
or whatever your idea is of the Higher Power, is timeless. It/He/She encompasses everything, including time.

Since consistent and stable manifestation occurs through the vehicle of this Higher Energy, accepting it’s reality
structure is essential. The Higher Power wants for nothing. Everything exists within it. This is it’s reality. This
means that we can assume the presence of all things, whether we can see them or not. I find it extremely helpful
in my manifestation work to understand that I don’t know everything. This causes channels that I may be unaware
of, to become open to me. If I feel that I understand all of the possible means through which my prosperity can
manifest, I’ve severely limited myself. This applies to accepting the possibility that my abundance may already be
here, but I just haven’t seen it yet. Then all I need to do is work on allowing it to be revealed. "Reveal" is the

What we want is right here with us, it requires only that we be able to see it. In the Divine Scheme of things, lack,
scarcity and want are illusions. If we view them in this way, they lose their apparent tangibility and the reality of
fulfillment takes their place. When we awaken to the possibilities inherent in our lives as they exist here and now,
abundance is revealed. I’ve found it helpful to look at this as I would look at waking from a bad dream. Mystics
have told us for centuries that earthly life is an illusion. Well, for me, I see economics as being most symbolic of
"earthly life".

We are held to belief in scarcity and limitation as we might be held in the grip of a nightmare. How do you feel
when you wake up from a nasty dream? Isn’t there a sense of relief and wonder that it wasn’t real after all, no
matter how real it may have seemed while it was occurring? I incorporate that feeling into my prosperity work. I’ve
found that when I allow myself to realize that desire of any kind is simply an illusion and that the reality of life is
that my desires are meant to be completely fulfilled, good inevitably happens. Our manifestation techniques must
include feeling in order to work. Allowing ourselves to experience the feeling of joy and relief that, "Oh, right. It’s
already here and has always been here," is a lovely compliment to our work. This is why gratitude for blessings
already received is so powerful. It opens our eyes to the good that’s already occurring, and allows us to see even

I like to look around in my life for the good that I know is there. Invariably, I find that there’s something extra,
something I had forgotten, that was the fulfillment of a previous desire. This acts as ongoing proof that
manifestation techniques work. When I imagine that all of my good is surrounding me, waiting only on my ability to
perceive it and take advantage of it’s benefits, manifestation occurs. Of course sometimes this brings up my
vested interest in believing that good can’t be available to me. I may be holding onto anger at my apparent lack. I
could be attached to the accolades which (I hope) go to martyrs. These are examples of a vested interest in
scarcity and limitation. I’ve got lots more which have served me in the past. In the present however, it’s more
important to me to receive my good than it is to serve negative ego.

So, I go ahead and release the supposed benefits of staying unconscious of my good. I permit myself to accept that
my good is patiently waiting on me, surrounding me. I surrender that portion of my ego which seeks to deny that
Divinity is eternally present. I also surrender my fight against my good, i.e. I quit boxing with the shadows of
unreality. I accept that I don’t know everything and that my good is ready to reveal itself in ways that I may never
have imagined. Waking up to abundant good is wonderful. It’s right here.


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Home > Consciousness Expansion

Butterfly Effect: Alchemical Transformation

It's currently accepted that the basis for alchemical transformation has to come from the inner being of the

Changing lead into gold is the concept most people think of when it comes to alchemy. This type of transformation
is accepted as a possiblity in alchemy and many magical operations. Where alchemy and metaphysics come
together however, is in the inner work necessary to make these rituals work.

Transformation is a word sometimes lightly used in New Age terminology. When we look at the reality of the
concept it actually means a complete change, a metamorphosis like a caterpillar to a butterfly, where the effect is
a total transformation. This is not a superficial endeavor.

In Eastern Philosophy there's a belief system called Raja Yoga. This form of yoga is less involved with physical work
than the types of yoga we normally hear about. It is known as the yoga of nobility or "The Royal Path". This defines
very well the activities required for deep inner transformation. The premise is that you actually change yourself
into a different person.

In order to accomplish this, one must get a visual image of the kind of person you want to be. This can be someone
of higher integrity, great wealth or beauty, or ability. Then you project yourself into the image, playing "let's
pretend", imagining that you are that person. A variation on this that I've found works very well, is to be looking
into a mirror while doing it.

If you want to change, from a sad person to a happy one, from a shyster to someone legitimate, action must be
taken. Yes, inspiration can most definitely assist, but your willingness to do the work is essential.

This kind of alchemical transformation is a reality, observable and proveable. Ancient alchemists were frequently
known as hermits, in my opinion because they required the deep privacy necessary to change. Privacy is often
essential to this process, because we have surrounded ourselves with people who are compatible with our "old
self". Our new self may not be interested in whatever "boo-hoo" club we have erected around ourselves and others
will realize this.

Interestingly enough, your environment will show you that this technique as practiced by yogis and you is working.
You may not notice that anything has changed, but the people around you definitely will. There may be baffled
looks, questions, or some may become antagonistic. You can know then that the process is working.


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Home > Consciousness Expansion

Transformation: Alchemy and "The Pearl of Great Price"

By Jeri Noble

There are many terms for the "Pearl of Great Price" in Alchemy as well as ways of attaining it. As with many
concepts in this ancient art, it tends to work best when approached from the viewpoint of mind over matter.

"The Pearl of Great Price" is supposed to be that magical catalyst for manifestation; that which will "turn lead into
gold". Although shrouded in mystery in medieval times, when the ordinary person was illiterate and uninformed,
today the only mystery is how to wrap our brains around this particular concept.

Attainment of this "pearl" requires tremendous purification of the soul, an ability to allow the putrification of old
energies and the patience to allow the transmutation of the Self. These are 3 of the defined steps to attainment of
this miracle:




It all seems very esoteric doesn't it? There are modern day concepts, rituals and practices which easily translate to
the same procedures, although I would never presume to imply that the activity is easy.

In today's terminology, what is this Pearl? Simplistically speaking, it is that part of our heart, our psyche, which is
imbued with the essence of the Divine. Knowing what it is however, is not quite enough to effect manifestation.
Many spiritually inclined people have plugged into this and still live lives of poverty and despair.

To allow that putrification that the ancients spoke of, means to accept and forgive our guilts, resentments and
negative judgements of ourselves and others. We have to be willing to experience these things (our dark side) and
fully embrace them as part of the Divine Essence. This is amazingly difficult even for a tolerant person because we
aren't playing at being "bad" or "nasty" like a small child, but instead are honestly trying to understand how all of
the parts can add up to a Divine whole.

The Transmutation is an automatic process which occurs when the putrification has gone it's course. All the
ugliness has been consciously absorbed and absolved, creating a purity of being which is clear and honest. Then it's
just a matter of time and often, repetition. Purification and putrification until the transmutation takes place.
When it does occur, the individual becomes fully aware of their connectedness to the Divine and is then capable of
beginning to accept the gift. The acceptance is a whole process unto itself.

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Home > Consciousness Expansion

Jumpstart on the Spiritual Path: Astrology, Alchemy & Metaphysics

How do these three fields of study relate?

I have found that all three of these areas, astrology, alchemy and metaphysics give a major "jump start" to
progress on the Spiritual Path. Although most people have a working knowledge of astrology, fewer know what
alchemy and metaphysics are. Let's look at each one.




Tying it together

Astrology is an ancient art and science of viewing the macrocosm of our Universe and interpreting it's energies
within the microcosm of our lives. If you subscribe to the Gaia theory, which is that all life is interconnected or the
Hermetic philosophy of "As above, so is it below", you understand how our lives can mirror the activity of larger
forces. Very few astrologers today are willing to claim that the planets actually cause events to occur, however
there is a substantial correlation. The interaction of the planetary bodies in our solar system can make it possible
to predict the activity of human affairs, and even define the very nature of our being. Notice I said, "define", not

Planetary energies do reflect the goings on in human affairs. Through understanding their positions, movements
and interaction, we can gain valuable insights. Similar to how genetic scientists can read the whole of the human
body from a single strand of DNA, so can the astrologer read a birth chart. Patterns in the physical universe tend to
repeat themselves in many different forms. Astrology is one method of deciphering these patterns.

The ancients looked on this as the Gods in action. With the planets representing the Gods, the corresponding
energies of those gods, were mirrored here on earth. If the god Saturn, for instance, was feeling vile that day, you
must be prepared for restrictions and limitations showing up in life. And this god's mood could be deciphered by
how he/she was interacting with the other gods, like Mars.

A substantial number of astrologers (like myself), became interested in astrology from an effort to discredit it. In
terms of modern science, astrology has insufficient "proof" to warrant it's existence. However, the fact remains
that it works. Most astrologers are born skeptics, and must have empirical evidence of workability before they will
commit to any system. The history of astrology contains tons of empirical evidence that it works.

Alchemy is the art and science of transformation. To change one substance into another is the goal. Even in
medieval times, it was understood that the Alchemist had to do a great deal of work on him/herself in order to
make the process work. They were frequently hermits, often ascetics, for whom the goal was all important. This
dedication came from the viewpoint that man was far more than he'd previously believed himself to be, and that it
was his duty to elevate himself to his full potential. Full potential including the ability to affect matter.

Today's human potential movement has strong similarities to this. The dissatisfaction evident in our world today is
a form of "growing pain", of having reached a ceiling of achievement in the old paradigm of material reality. We
understand that we're capable of more, but it requires stepping outside the boundaries of conventional existence.

The art of alchemy is in the combination of chemistry and ritual. Alchemists often rely heavily on astrology to
determine the best times for certain procedures. You may find the fruits of their labors in many shops, where hand
blended incenses, creams and tonics are sold. In these same shops, you may see beautiful ritual wands and
amulets. These are all products that alchemists market (although all of these products aren't produced by

Many modern alchemists focus on inner purification. This clarifies the mind and produces an objectivity which is
invaluable in the process of manifestation. Subconscious conflicts and childhood conditioning can seriously affect
the quality of our manifestations. Every conceivable technique for purification is used; fasting, yoga, and special
concentration exercises are just a few.

Metaphysics defines the nature of cause and effect outside the realm of Newtonian physics. It's become more
scientifically accepted with the advent of the particle accelerator. Scientists discovered that when broken down
into it's components, atomic energy was measurable as either a wave or a particle depending on who was viewing
it and what they expected to see. This proved that human causation in the behavior of matter was a far more
important factor in the construction of the physical universe than had previously been considered.

This is the scientific perspective. As early as the Bible however, Jesus was quoted as saying, "It shall be done unto
you as you believe". At the turn of this century, many new philosophies and religions came into being under the
umbrella of "New Thought". The basic tenet of each of these was that the power of belief could move mountains.
Thus came about concepts such as "The Power of Positive Thinking".

"Pure Metaphysics" is a debatable term. It's often been used to describe any New Age activity, but this wasn't the
original definition. A metaphysician uses meditation, visualization and/or prayer to achieve their results. Through
the activity of "embodying" their goal, they can produce it's equivilant on the material plane. Embodying is the act
of placing yourself inside the image; you see, hear, and most importantly, feel the experience of having already
achieved your goal.

It all ties together through the use of astrology to determine the barriers and opportunities to manifestation of
physical reality, alchemical techniques for purification of the Soul to enable the transformation process, and
metaphysics to bring it into reality. The goal is to causatively change our life, making it what we choose for it to

The exploration of human potential is a major new frontier. Although religion and later, psychology, have
attempted to reconcile the difference between what man is and what he could be, they have not been adequate to
the burden of need in today's world. These tools have proven workable for centuries, even when it wasn't the
popular thing to do. Certain interpretations have changed to accomodate a more sophisticated population, but the
principles have remained the same.

Through the combined use of astrology, alchemy and metaphysics, personal transformation can occur at a greatly
accelerated pace. At my website, you will find many more articles on these subjects as well as interactive
functions which can speed your progress.

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Astrology: A Guide for Past Life Reading

Astrology is both an art and a science, so many astrologers will emphasize certain tools of the trade more than
others. There is such an incredible quantity of information that can be gleaned from the birth chart, that one can
use different factors to come up with the same answer. So it is with past life astrology. There are many ways to do
this type of reading, and what I'll be describing is my preferred method. It's by no means the only one.

I'd been practicing professional past life regression therapy for about 12 years before I was trained in astrology.
This was therapy, done for the purpose of healing. This gives one a different perspective on time. A "long time"
just doesn't mean what it used to, and "soon" could be practically anything. A significant contribution to my
understanding, was learning why we suppress these memories in the first place. Anyone who's watched much TV
has heard the term "traumatic" or "hysterical" amnesia. Simply put, the mind blanks out what it doesn't feel it can
cope with. Since each lifetime ends with a death, it's easy to understand why we could habitually choose not to

When I began exploring the astrological possibilities of past life readings, I went first to the placement of the
moon. The moon is memory, and the past. Just looking at the sign, house and aspects to the moon could tell me
what the person was trying not to remember. Like many mental phenomena, what we deny, or put energy into
avoiding, we inevitably attract. Thus, the first part of childhood, when the effort to forget is strongest, is when we
act out much of what we're avoiding. As we grow older and the "forgettery" is well in place, we can impose new
conditioning on ourselves, and with luck, break free of some old patterns.

Neptune and the 12th house are important in my search for definition as well. The 12th house is known as the "dust
bin" of the zodiac because it seems to contain all the old garbage. Because it's such a hodge-podge of impressions,
it only rates about a "5" on a scale of 1 -10 in usefulness. Sometimes, if it's in interesting aspect to another planet,
it can yield constructive information.

Saturn is far more interesting. It points up a lack in our past life experience which we feel very deeply in this life.
Evidently, we have determined that this is where we must "straighten up and fly right" this go-round, since we've
encountered heavy punishment for not being adequate in this arena in the past. This is another one we carry into
this lifetime up until the first Saturn return at age 28. It's where we endure discipline, restriction and limitation,
eventually working our way up to being an authority in the matter.

The Lunar Nodes are critical in my estimation, particularly the South Node. This tells us where we did well in the
past, have achieved mastery. Conjunctions and squares to the nodes can describe the conditions of the previous
existence, as well as defining the requirements for evolution.

Finally, Pluto is instrumental in determining the cause of prior death(s) which are prominent in the subconscious.
We will go to great lengths to avoid the circumstances which lead to a prior death, and may miss out on important
elements of this life which are necessary for us to feel whole.

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Improving Self Esteem: Personal Authenticity

Personal authenticity as a spiritual topic came as a surprise to me. I was introduced to it in my metaphysical
practitioner training and found it exceptionally intriguing. Personal authenticity is the act of living up to your own
beliefs of yourself, being who you really are and living your life in accordance with that. It's really quite a tall
order and component for improving self esteem. We have role models for this. They include Joan of Arc, Albert
Einstein, Frank Loyd Wright and many others. These are all people who lived in accordance with their personal
beliefs about themselves and what they were capable of. I differentiate between individuals like these and others
such as Hitler or Ghengis Khan because their notoriety came about from using the beliefs of others, not expression
of their own beliefs which were mostly hidden. If their personal beliefs were more clearly expressed at the time,
everyone's karma could be quite a bit different.

Being the Truth of oneself can require great courage...or not. Sometimes it just requires a degree of detachment.
This is the detachment of objectivity regarding public opinion. Public opinion, the collective unconscious, peer
pressure, etc. are all ingrained into us from a long history of survival issues. In a group of brown monkeys, the
white monkey may not survive long. Mob violence in the smallest group is always a possibility and a natural leader
recognizes this instinctively. Group dynamics of all kinds, down to and including the family unit can include
ostracism due to irreconcilable differences. The individual who retains their individuality in spite of these factors
is either quite courageous...or simply prioritizes their importance differently.

What would you have to change in your life in order to make it conform to the reality of your needs, wants and
personal standards of excellence? Would you be associating with the same people? Would you dress the same way,
speak the same, work at the same place? If the answers to these are all "Yes", then congratulations! You've created
a lifestyle which will expedite your personal growth and evolution.

We are organic personalities. By this I mean that we are alive which means shifting and changing and growing just
as all other life forms do. We do this on spiritual, mental and emotional levels as well as the physical. Just as we
would with a plant, putting ourselves into an environmental situation which will activate our growth potential is a
good idea. In actual fact, restructuring our life in this way frequently solves the issues which made the previous
situation inhibiting to our growth in the first place. This is a metaphysical truism. Acting in alignment with our
thoughts causes a synchronistic alignment in the environment. In other words, the Universe swiftly acts to
accommodate the new situation in the form of different circumstances and opportunities which forward the

When we are being true to ourselves we are aligning a natural life force with it's own tendencies. When we go
through life with a continuous "public persona" we cannot experience our own life in it's fullness because we are
living someone else's life to a certain degree. The someone else can be mother or our minister or the boss, but it's
not us. Often if there is dissatisfaction between our associates and ourselves it's because the dispute is between
"personas" rather than people. Something like, "I am the cool one and uncoolness isn't acceptable". This isn't fun for
anybody and if the Truth were known about the real people behind the masks, there probably would be no
disagreement at all. Of course the possibility exists that the conversation would have been on an entirely different
subject if both were speaking their Truth.

For example:

Persona A - "I want you to stay home and do this household chore"
Persona B - "I'll go where I want, when I want"

Real Person Kathy - "I want you to want to be with me" Real Person George - "I want you to want me here for me,
not for what I can do"

These are considerably different conversations. Notice that the persona is far more interested in protecting itself
than it is in forwarding it's personal growth. The real person is trying to grow in experience and character. There is
a principle involved as well, which has to do with honesty. This is personal honesty rather than the general kind.
Personal honesty says, "Here I am, warts and all. Care for me or not based on who I am". Some people may
interpret this as a form of anger, but it isn't. It's a life choice, like getting married. I distinguish between personal
honesty and general honesty in that personal honesty doesn't have to include tactless or hurtful statements to
another. Personal honesty is simply telling the Truth about oneself.

Authenticity allows us to have a greater faith in ourselves, and thus in the Source of our being. It clears up a lot of
self-esteem issues very quickly. This is due to the fact that our self-esteem issues most often come from hidden
elements of the Self. When these are brought fully into the light, they no longer are nearly so negative. Living with
yourself as a slob could be a way of teaching you to be more observant about your environment. Sloppy people
have to learn not to fall over things and to be able to find stuff anywhere. This is an important life lesson and
when expressed consciously it can direct us toward an even greater awareness. Personal authenticity has quite a
few rewards.


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NDE: Near Death Experience: Coming Back to Life

By Jeri Noble

This is a story of a NDE, or near death experience. It is neccessarily brief due to the nature of the Web, but certain
highlights can be given.

Shortly after my 19th birthday, I found myself severely hemorrhaging from a 7 month pregnancy. An emergency
Caesarian was performed, but I'd lost a great deal of blood. I was dead on the table for approximately 6 minutes.

I experienced much of what is most commonly described in other's near death experiences (we easily recognize
each other's descriptions), but naturally my interpretations of the experience were unique to my understanding at
the time. Mine included no Christian symbolism, as I was not one, but many elements were similar in function.

There was no doubt in my mind as this was occurring that something extremely important was going on. I was able
to view my life and goals up to that point and vividly perceive the pattern that existed. What I call "the Big Why",
which is basically our bottom line question(s) about life, was made clear to me.

That was that we are each here to express our unique individuality as fully as possible. And that nothing was
impossible as long as we followed that imperative.

Naturally, you just can't live in Western Civilization without getting your share of Christianity so of course I had to
know, "What about Sin?" The answer was emblazed on my mind and heart permanently: The only sin is conformity.

Now I'm older and (hopefully) wiser, I'm quite willing to be open to the possibility that this may not be right for
everyone. However, in all of my counseling experience I can trace back for each client the exact point where life
went awry. It was invariably when they sacrificied themselves to a viewpoint that was not their own.

I've attempted to live my life by the premise that conformity is the only sin (although my perspective on
Christianity has changed) and tried to always keep my actions in line with what I believe instead of what others tell
me that I must. When I have failed to do this, I experienced Hell until I got back on track.


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War what is it good for?: The Belief Wars

War, what is it good for? Well, most of us experience at least a few battles for control of our reality system on a
daily basis. What might this look like?

If we watch television, read newspapers or magazines, or listen to the radio we are subjected to an effort to
persuade us to believe in a particular way. Usually this has to with a specific product that will make us more
beautiful, intelligent or charismatic. We are supposed to suspend our own point of view on this matter and accept
that this other perspective is more correct than our own.

If this were simple persuasion, where we felt that there were choices in the matter, perhaps this wouldn't be an
issue. Frequently the effort to control goes futher than this however. We are shown the penalties, the punishments
for not agreeing with the favored point of view. Images are presented of looking foolish, being ostracized and left
behind. Often, there are threats of abandonment. The subconscious mind takes in all of this information and
accepts it, especially if we're feeling vulnerable at the moment.

Due to the herd mentality which our species is subject to, we can be strongly affected by a sense that the group
has turned against us. The attacks by our peers in school can show how deeply such things can wound us. More
importantly though, is the way that we can allow ourselves to be manipulated into believing something which isn't
true for us at all. We can choose to change our beliefs for the sake of acceptance.

I had a powerful lesson in this phenomenon recently. I attended a family function where my viewpoint differed
strongly from that of every other person there. As it happened, I had information that the others either weren't
privy to, or had chosen to deny. I was present to show my support for one member of the family but not for the
event itself. The tension was palpable. Many people were waiting for me to cause a scene (I didn't) or to tearfully
recant my position (I didn't do that either).

There were no facts presented during this function to cause me to change my mind. No new information came up
and no one sat me down to get me to see "the error of my ways". However, I left with serious doubt about my own

It took me several hours to regain my perspective. I had been subjected to the focused attention of about one
hundred people who were being a tight "herd", all believing the same thing about what was occuring. Many of
these folks were people that I cared about and would have liked to have think well of me. Therefore I was
vulnerable to their expectations and judgements.

I've had experience with being the "odd man out" in group situations of differing realities. I've done group
counseling on such situations where mediation was required. Yet I was as vulnerable as the most raw teenager
looking for outside approval.

In metaphysics we must be aware of this constant push and pull for our attention, our support and our beliefs. This
inner and outer war on our beliefs can aspire us to move towards personal good. If we are to manifest the life that
we desire, we have to ensure that it is indeed our desire and not a power play that someone has foisted upon us.

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Neptune and Saturn the Planet: What Can You Believe?

By Jeri Noble

The planets Neptune and Saturn represent to a large degree the changes in our belief systems.

Neptune symbolizes our dreams.

The cynic: Heavily influenced by Saturn the planet in an effort to alliviate the disappointment of failed beliefs.
The missing logic here frequently involves a refusal to believe anything other than those issues drummed into him
from strict life lessons.

The cynic pretends to not believe in anything. But he is actively holding onto the belief that if he dares believe,
he's going to be hurt. This is rank superstition.

It is necessary to the human psyche to hold faith in something. Otherwise we move through our lives like robots,
acting and behaving in accordance with mechanical "rules" we've chosen to abide by. This is safe, but certainly not

Disillusionment is a function of Neptune, the planetary energy of dreams and idealism. When a dream is destroyed
or a principle has proven false, the first issue to deal with is mourning. This is because something important to us
has died.

A period of grieving is important to allow ourselves to appreciate what that belief has done for us in the past, lay
it to rest in the present and open ourselves to something new in the future.

Too often, we decide that everything is worthless, nothing holds any meaning and believing in anything that is
intangible is stupid. This is our child-like reaction to disappointment and is just about that logical. This is where
we must give ourselves the order to "Grow Up!"

We have grown and learned through the experience of using and then discarding a belief. Now we can start
establishing it's replacement. Doing this consciously will be a major milestone in our emotional maturity. Almost
always the lost belief was not originally yours. You accepted it from your parents, your church, your friends or
even the Constitution. This is why it doesn't work in all your life circumstances. You didn't fully create it yourself
based on your own experience and desires. Saturn the planet and Neptune can certainly help draw insight.


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Positive Thinking: The Attitude of Certainty

In metaphysical reality creation, there is one attitude that's more constructive than any other. This is the attitude
of certainty. Since all manifestation depends on our attitudes and beliefs about ourselves and about life, this is

Certainty seems to be the psycho-spiritual equivilant of mundane materiality. This is the bedrock of belief on
which we decide the nature of reality. When we are certain about something, that is our reality and reality
performs in an expected way, based on that. The deeper the certainty, the greater the effect upon surrounding

Each of us is capable of consciously generating a sense of certainty within ourselves if we choose to. This choice is
usually diluted by fear of believing something that may not be true, or making a mistake. We are frequently faced
with this sort of situation as metaphysicians, since we are trying to make ourselves believe something that is
currently outside of our belief system! In order to make it work we must use persuasion on ourselves, or talk us
into it. Certainty is a level of belief. In order to achieve manifestation, bedrock certainty sure doesn't hurt.

There are some people who refuse to accept any level of certainty at all. These are the uncommitted ones, those
who stay on the fence, don't rock the boat and "don't want to get involved". That's okay for them. Personal passion
is not a lifestyle choice. A metaphysician however, tends to be very passionate about life. The excitement, wonder
and mystery of playing games with the Universal Consciousness is irresitable. Passion is part of it. Certainty can
involve a type of passion as well. It involves more of the Self than being a disinterested bystander does. We are
saying, "I know for a fact that the Universal Consciousness responds to my thoughts and I choose to think the
thoughts that will help me to achieve my goals."

When we cultivate certainty into our metaphysical work, we will manifest those desires with far greater ease than
if we are "struggling to believe". Take the risk and let yourself know with certainty that life is good and that you
can experience your dreams in the here and now.


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Consciousness of Christ - Part 1

As we enter the holiday season, a new look at the meaning behind it is in order. Christ consciousness is an
important concept, not only in traditional Christianity, but in metaphysical practice.

Although the distinction isn't always acknowledged in some religions, we find it valuable to separate the beingness
of Jesus of Nazareth from Jesus Christ. As was often stated, Jesus was a man, a human being like anyone of us.
The Christ however, is evidently a different sort of thing altogether.

When one has studied a variety of religious and philosophical practices, it becomes evident that the same religious
or spiritual experience has occurred multi-denominationally, regardless of how the belief is worded. Frequently,
the terms are very similar, and the description of the experience becomes undeniably identical to that described
in other belief systems. So it is with Christ Consciousness.

The term was expounded on by the Christian mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and comparative ideas enumerated
by Sri Aurobindo. The Gaia theory is contained within it, and "Cosmic Consciousness" is another way of stating it.

"I am not a human being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience." In Christ
Consciousness we experience life, not as a body or as an element in the physical world, but as something distinct
from it, yet permeating all of it. This consciousness does not include any idea of separation, but instead, of unity.
There is a sense of connectedness to All That Is.

In scientific terms, this state of consciousness is speculated to be something that we're evolving into, that there is
a layer of consciousness or mind surrounding the earth which makes up the Gaia mind.

This is the unifying consciousness which Jesus Christ was famous for, the concept which makes cold hard sense out
of the idea that loving one's fellow man is a survival trait. After all, if we are all connected at some level, if
instead of being a multiplicity of entities, we are actually only one, then anything other than love is suicide.

The inner self and the Christ Light are also One. In meditation when one goes deeply within, is the time when
connection with the Christ Consciousness is most likely to occur. When we lose our focus on our physical bodies, on
the environment, and just experience an awareness of being, we have dropped the barriers to oneness.

According to some of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of our time, this awareness is the next step in human
consciousness. In true Aquarian style, we will be existing in a state of brotherhood and Oneness.

next > Part Two

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Consciousness of Christ - Part 2

Christ Consciousness is the awareness level of miracles. This is what Jesus Christ is most famous for, and when we
speak of Christ Consciousness we're looking at that capacity, to be able to create miracles, be a channel for them,
or have the awareness to comprehend them.

As mentioned in Part I of this series, when we're in the state of Christ Consciousness, we are not relying on the
physical world or material rules. This is the key to the matter. At this level of awareness, we know ourselves as
spiritual beings, unified with all life and senior to the physical world. We are co-creators with life, not the pawns
of it.

In metaphysics the Christ Consciousness is tremendously helpful in manifesting or creating our reality. From this
perspective we can let go of ideas that positive change is impossible, we can accept the experience of a loving and
generous Deity and there is a much more powerful ability to visualize and affirm.

I've often written of the nature of metaphysics, that this describes the laws of physics which are more Einsteinian
in nature, rather than Newtonian. We are finding that mental energy has a powerful effect on matter and that this
can be scientifically proven. Perhaps we are approaching that level in science where we can see the experience of
Christ Consciousness as well. In the higher levels of particle physics, we see that if we can let go of the idea of
objects being solid and immutable, and instead understand that that they are made up only of particles or waves
of energy, they will seem far more flexible to us. Then we can understand more clearly how our mental state can
influence these particles or waves.

I understand this situation as a "backing up", getting a different perspective, detaching or becoming objective to
ordinary physical experience. A hint: this cannot be done if you believe that you are a body. A brain or a skull
cannot step back from the physical universe because they are part of it. A spirit or a soul most certainly can.

This is probably why those who intentionally or by accident have experienced astral projection or near-death are
so transformed. Having irrefutable subjective proof that one is not their body has quite an impact on the
perspective of human experience.

When one is at the awareness of Christ Consciousness, the act of knowing that a particular phenomenon can occur
on the physical plane is pretty easy. Thus, it can be envisioned and an affirmative statement about it can be made
which has no doubt in it. This goes a long way towards ensuring manifestation.

Perhaps most important though, is the connection of the heart and soul. This is the place in which we can really
release any sense of unworthiness, despair, unlovability, etc. When we can know our connection with all of life,
know that we are the spiritual creations of an omnipotent Power, a big knot can be released from the soul. All
those negative judgements about the self are of the material world and by those who might find it useful to keep
others subjugated to it. But at the level of Christ Consciousness, there really is only love, acceptance and
forgiveness. After all, if we're all connected, all One, One with the Supreme, then there is no possible validity to
negative judgements.

If you'll remember, Jesus Christ had very little to say about sin. He had a whole lot to say about love. He tried to
live his live to be an example of what was possible for everyone, and to show that he was no different from anyone
else. Try looking at his teachings in the context of metaphysical Christ Consciousness. You may find that some of it
takes on a whole new meaning.
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Consciousness of Christ - Part 3

When we are living in Christ Consciousness is when we can be aware that we are One with God. I'd like to
distinguish between this state and the lower astral delusional awareness of believing that one *is* God. Although
there are superficial similarities between these conditions, they are not the same. Usually, a simple way of seeing
the difference is to look at what the individual is manifesting in their life. The person in the delusional state is
generally living a life of chaos. They may have several enemies, are probably misjudging their personal conditions,
such as believing that they are powerfully abundant when actually on the verge of bankruptcy, and tend to be
negatively judgemental about a number of people and elements in their lives. The delusional aspect of this
condition, while they believe that they are God, is apparent.

The individual who knows that they are One with God, generally has very good relations with others in their lives.
They have a clear understanding of the conditions in their lives and are happy with them. They ordinarily will
exhibit a sense of deep gratitude for their gifts and want to share them with others.

The mental state of Christ Consciousness has a similarity to a dissociative condition, in that one has to let go of the
'evidence' of the senses. So, if there is a report of violence on the evening news, the person experiencing Christ
Consciousness will know that both the perpetrator and the victim were, at some level, in on this together. The
violence was, at a deep spiritual level, planned in advance. At the level of Spirit, it was decided between them,
that a karmic obligation needed to be balanced, that a lesson had to be learned and this was a last ditch effort to
do so, or that there were other people who badly required the experience of this happening to a family member in
order to have the courage to intervene. There could be many different reasons. But the person in Christ
Consciousness, knowing that bodies are simply vehicles for the Spirit, understands that there was no *real*
damage, and that in the eternal perspective, this was just a passing phase of spiritual education.

So, the individual experiencing this degree of awareness is rather detached from the ordinary world, though he/
she must still function in it. What is significant though, is that the meaning of being here is very much altered. The
purpose for continuing in this life may no longer be survival, but instead could be to make a difference that will
last beyond a single lifetime, or to learn the lessons which will apply either in or out of human experience (such as
love lessons). Thus the old Zen saying that before enlightenment, one chops wood and carries water, and after
enlightenment, one chops wood and carries water. The actions are the same but the purpose and meaning is very

Many people will tend to move in and out of Christ Consciousness in daily life. It can be a challenge to maintain
that quality of perception in a life filled with depressing media input and materially oriented co-workers.
However, those who meditate on a daily basis will often experience a far greater consistency of experience with

There can be psychological challenges for people who continue to live in this world with this altered state of
consciousness. This can be easily seen in case studies of those who have had near-death experiences. Having had it
subjectively proven that the material world is far less significant than previously believed, these people can long
for a return to the after-death state, or find it difficult to re-enter a lifestyle based on material importance. They
can become misfits in their culture, families and work environments, as they struggle to find a reason why they are
still here. It is perhaps the reverse of the mindset of the survivor of loss, someone who has lost a loved one. In that
case, one might ask why the dearly beloved has passed on. A near-death survivor may ask why they didn't.

Some degree of this psychological reorientation may be necessary for anyone experiencing the Christ
Consciousness. Since this is a level of awareness, one is always capable of shutting down, denying or otherwise
moving away from the memory. When the choice is made to maintain this state, the issues of daily life must be
dealt with, and this can require a strength and committment all of its own.

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Consciousness of Christ - Part 4

Living with Christ Consciousness in the everyday, material world can sometimes be a challenge. Even with one's
most loved, dearest and trusted others, there can be a significant gap in understanding which can sometimes lead
to difficulties.

Perhaps the greatest chasm in understanding comes in the subject of tragedy. An individual living in Christ
Consciousness will have a *completely* different idea of what a tragedy is than someone who is not. Let me
present a few examples of this.

One person has a family member who is seriously ill, and diagnosed as terminal. They will naturally consider this to
be a tragedy. Another close friend, or even family member who is living in Christ Consciousness will not only not
see this as a tragedy, but may experience it as a joyful process, the reunion of a suffering loved one with the
Infinite. Depending on the level of tact of the person in Christ Consciousness, they may be able to empathize with
the pain of impending, apparent separation that the survivor is experiencing, but it would not be unusual for them
to feel forced to lie about their perception of the experience.

Does this seem less than Christ-like? Consider the adage, "Misery loves company". Perhaps the truth is more like,
"Misery demands company". The person in Christ Consciousness could be ostracized from the family unit, reviled as
unfeeling and generally treated as a pariah for 'flaunting' the truth of their feelings in the matter.

In matters such as this is where we see the great depth of difference in perception between the person who is
experiencing Christ Consciousness and their fellows who are not.

What of the situation, grown far more intense in our modern day, of the compulsion to earn money? The individual
in Christ Consciousness understands what a transient condition wealth is, and may find it actually cumbersome and
distracting. A simple life, unimpeded by conspicuous consumption or the cravings engendered by the media is far
more likely to be sought after, in order to focus on matters that have a more long-term effect. Matters such as
love, compassion, ethics, sharing, etc. These are issues which can take a lot of thought and focus and, to the
person experiencing the consciousness of being something more than a body, are of far greater consequence than
how many accumulated pieces of monetary paper one can put together.

I have seen it occur that for some individuals, they may actually forget how life in the material world works. This is
perhaps more common for those who have had this consciousness "sprung" on them, such as is the case with near-
death survivors. The impact of the new awareness of life after death, of a clear subjective reality of being a spirit
and not a meat body, can drive a lot of the old thoughts right out of their heads. This is where there are a great
many social gaffes, faux pas, and foot in mouth disorders may arise. For instance, it may not go over well to burst
out laughing in the middle of a solemn church service. Imagine how often this can happen under these
circumstances (a lot!).

The individual facing these situations, of being so completely out-of-step with the world around them, has choices,
of course. Some may be able to live in their old world, pretending to be what they once were, or to find ways to
take an interest in matters that no longer really concern them. Others can feel more relaxed in an alternative life
style or community, such as an ashram, or an artist's colony. Much depends on why this person is still here in the
physical world with us. Most often it has to do with a need to share their perspective with others, and to learn
further lessons in love and sharing.
Oddly enough, the circumstances of daily life may only be of passing or infrequent interest. For many on this path,
or at this awareness level, wherever they end up is where they need to be. Perhaps this is the most dramatic
indication that we can see of this consciousness. There is often a complete lack of fear in the areas of life where
most of us exhibit our fears and insecurities. Therefore, enjoying being wherever they happen to be, doing
whatever seems to be called for at the time, is not threatening to these people.

Imagine what it is like to be unconcerned about what life may hold for you in the next year, week or hour? To
know that you are invulnerable to the trials of everyday life, because you are not an object, but an immaterial,
yet very powerful spiritual being. To understand that you really are immortal, and that physical death is simply a
release, like taking off a set of overly tight clothing. To feel the reality that whatever you can conceive of in mind,
is what you can manifest in physical reality, because your mind is far senior to physical reality.

This is Christ Consciousness, the level of reality that Jesus Christ stated we were all heir to, and that is our natural

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Call it Courage : Personal Evolution through Courage and Letting Go

By Jeri Noble

Just what does a call to courage have to do with personal evolution, you may ask. We are told that letting go of
fear will contribute to our spirituality, to our sanity will expand our consciousness, and improve our way of life.
This makes a lot of sense because fear tends to hold us back, filters our perceptions to inaccuracy and defeats our
personal faith. Sometimes though, the effort to let go of fear just isn't enough. That is a somewhat passive
activity, wherein we let go of our grasp. Asserting our courage is different. This is movement forward, active and
vigorous. Even if we are simply "holding firm" we are generating a certain energy, and are not allowing ourselves to
be motivated by external forces.

Just as fear has both an inner and an outer expression, so does courage. The standards of either of these are
dependent on the individual, though the environment may see it differently. For example, the tight-rope walker
may see his activity as just his daily job, but feel that he's taking a terrible risk by asking an attractive woman on a
date. The environment will likely judge the fear and courage in these situations very differently than he would.

What counts of course, is our own perception. Fear and courage are subjective experiences, though our world may
watch and form its own interpretation.

Choosing to be brave, to implement our natural courage, is necessary if we want to advance spiritually. There are
many risks along the path, including, but not limited to, being socially ostracized, experiencing foreign states of
consciousness and having difficulty functioning in the "real" world. There are continuous questions of personal
ethics and integrity, wherein one must choose the best answer and not the easiest or most expected one. Any of
these situations can call upon one's reserves of courage, and will in fact, halt further progress until these reserves
are drawn upon.

There are those who choose to escalate their personal evolution, by deliberately bringing up such issues instead of
waiting for them to appear on the path. Such individuals will seek out areas of fear within their own psyche and
confront them. Sometimes, exercises to "let go of fear" are effective in such cases, but frequently more is needed.
When the "more" is required, we may have to stalk the fear, discover exactly what it is made of, ignore its
threatening manner and render it impotent.

This has the effect of knocking out both the original fear plus an entire area of psychic disturbance around it. This
can consist of negative self-esteem from having been cowed by the fear in the past, or avoidance of areas of
thought which were previously considered "taboo". Perhaps most importantly however, it prepares one for their
next spiritual step.

Once we have conquered a fear, we will open up an area of consciousness which had previously been blocked.
Some ways of doing this are:

View the fear as a thing, an object like a cube that is simply in your way. Kick it around, note how inflexible it is.

Assume that the fear is based on a false assumption. That's right, just assume it. You don't have to under- stand
why or how at the beginning, just start looking for evidence of its lack of validity.

Know that the fear is smaller than you are. Know that it is lying, being hallucinatory when it pretends to be bigger.
There are those who say that courage is simply a decision. We can decide to end the fear. Call it courage!


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Techniques of Creative Visualization

When I first attempted to use visualization techniques, I thought that I would never be able to do it. Images were
fuzzy and indistinct if they appeared at all, and I certainly couldn't hang onto one. Discouraged at first, friends
cheered me on until I felt that I was "getting it".

Human activity cannot occur without some form of visualization or "seeing with the mind's eye". Although we may
not be conscious of it, we have to do some kind of visualization in order to move our bodies around. We're
constantly imaging the expected objects which may appear in our path and using that image to navigate. It has
nothing to do with ability, since it's a basic mental function.

Just as we use images to help us get from point A to point B in the material world, we use them to get from point
A to point B in our personal world. And we are doing it constantly. When we head to work, we can be visualizing
the progress of our day. We see in our mind's eye our expectations of what we'll find when we get there, the
superiors we'll need to deal with, customers that have to be placated, etc.

Depending on our mood, the visualization will differ. If it's Monday morning for instance, we may be groggy and
visualize ourselves as less efficient and stumbling around. We needn't be surprised if our morning turns out to be
exactly that.

Our unconscious but continuous acts of visualization are the map-making activities of our lives. We "see" what we
expect to encounter, and chances are, that's what will happen. The metaphysics of creating our lives is happening
on a continuous basis.

Visualization is one of the most important tools someone on a spiritual path can use. Through the use of creative
visualization, we can propel ourself into new heights, remove barriers to our progress and establish a whole new
level of serenity.

Ok, how? The most basic visualization which must occur, is the image of ourself. We hear a great deal about "self
image" in psychological terms, but now we can get to the nitty-gritty of it. What is our self image now, and what
do we want it to be? It can be helpful to sit in front of a mirror to accomplish this.

Get a good look at yourself in the mirror and then close your eyes. Do you see a human being there? Or do you see
a composite of different parts? With many of my clients starting out, this is what they'll see:

● Bad hair
● Big nose
● Klutz

These are evaluation judgements which get tied up in the visualization process. Surely, you've known people who,
when taken apart in pieces, are not attractive (who is?). But, as a whole, they are striking, have an imposing
presence or you just feel good around them. Their physical appearance is irrelevant. To start off, look for
something like this in your self image. Visualize an "air about you", a charisma which draws others to you. At some
point in your life, you must have felt this. When life was particularly good, you were succeeding in some way, or
felt loved. See that person in the mirror surrounded by this kind of magnetic energy. Spend as much time as you
want, seeing it and feeling it.
Creative visualization works best if you have a foundation of experience to draw upon. Somewhere within you
there is a seed of what you want for yourself that you've glimpsed before. Start with this. If you want greater
peace in your life, remember a time when you felt peaceful and project that memory into your current
visualization. If you begin with something you've gone all of your life believing impossible, you're setting yourself
up for a fall. Allow yourself to improve at a pace which is realistic for you and your belief system.

It only takes one or two successes with visualization to calm down the mind enough to be more receptive. This is
why it's important to begin with something you consider to be do-able. Allow yourself the time to grow, and
exercise patience. This is not because visualization is a long and difficult process, because it isn't. It's only that
impatience makes the process far more difficult and is actually a counter-visualization of it's own. The counter-
visualization is something like "Never getting this done in time".

Giving yourself a simple visualization to practice with is important in any visualization endeavor whether it's your
first time or you've been doing it for years. If it's a big project, such as changing your whole life style, begin with
something like the way you would perceive your life in the new way. Leave out the details of a new wardrobe,
home or job and just see yourself enjoying life and feeling fulfilled. Carry that image with you throughout your
days. Feel it. Get comfortable with it, like an old, favorite robe. See it as perfectly right and natural for you, and
anything else would be inconceivable. There. You've got it.

Some people have a difficult time with visualization techniques when they first begin. I was one of them. My
problem was that my mind was unruly. Being something of a natural rebel, my mind tried to rebel against itself. I
would attempt to see my life going well and it would immediately start listing all the reasons this couldn't be so. I
learned that this was the "try not to think of a pink elephant" trick. The effort of not thinking of something brings
it immediately to mind. Many of us simply do not believe that we have control of our thought processes. This can

The neatest trick to handling this that I've found is the "comfy robe" approach mentioned above. This keeps the
mind from getting skittish like a nervous horse. Of course you can visualize. Blind people visualize in their own way
(frequently with greater effectiveness). It's easy. It's natural. You've been doing it all of your life. Now you're doing
it consciously, which only makes it more fun.

Some of us don't do so well with a static image. We require motion or a story to keep our mind from going off on
an expedition of it's own. This alternate method of starting visualization is to make your daydreams work for you.
Most of us will have one or two favorite daydreams that we play with a lot. Perhaps it's redecorating your house.
Or taking a cruise. Or telling off the boss. Whatever it is, no doubt you've rehearsed it well. You've added
something here, removed something there.

All that you have to do is add something different to the story. Choose a blue couch for the living room instead of
the brown one. Cruise to Tahiti instead of Maui. Leave the boss whimpering in a corner instead of stomping off.
See? You've done it! You're working with your everyday imaging abilities.

What if you feel you can't get any image at all? I got stuck in this one for awhile. Oddly enough, creative
visualization isn't only pictures. Mental images include all the senses, all the feelings. Some of us can bring up the
smell of bread baking or the scent of a loved one. What about the texture of a nubby carpet or soft satin? Can you
hear the way Mom used to call you to come home from playing? How about the bite of last night's salsa?

Being able to recreate any of the senses shows that you have the ability to image. In most "visualization" exercises
you can begin with the sense that you're able to work with most easily. Using our example of changing your
lifestyle, try smelling the beach bum's ocean breezes. Or tasting exotic East Indian food. Or feeling the desert heat.

It's important that you not convince yourself that you're incapable of doing this. Unless you're in a coma, you're
imaging constantly whether you're conscious of it or not.

Don't scare yourself. It's only images.


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Words of Wisdom: The Power of Decision

The Cambridge Dictionary Online defines the word "decide" as: "to (cause to) choose, esp. after careful thought
about several possibilities". This sounds like words of great wisdom.

In metaphysics, it is necessary that we be valiant in our choices, to make them consciously and with a clear eye
towards the future. Thus, decision-making is an essential element in the tools for metaphysical reality creation.

Each time we do a treatment, make an affirmation or visualize an outcome, we are deciding how life is going to
be. We are quite literally making a choice about what we will experience. There are those who are uncomfortable
with decision-making, putting off the necessity to do so or trying to have someone else do it for them. This has to
do with a fear of the responsibility of creating their lives. There is an inordinate concern about making a mistake.

This is the issue when we are caught in the throes of indecision. We are worried about making a mistake in our
choices, we create anxiety for ourselves that a decision may be irrevocable. There are certain laws of metaphysics
which may ease one's mind about these things.

Nothing is ever lost in Infinite Mind.

We can see this proven in life. As long as you hold your beloved item in mind, it will come back to you. This can
occur with a possession, a situation (such as a job), or even a person. What is remarkable about this is that it need
not be the same item. All that we need to hold in consciousness is that we have this good that we seek or
something better. Since we have often learned and grown from the original "loss", quite frequently we will come
into the "something better". If we were to get back the original loss, we might find that we had outgrown it
(almost always the case).

Thus, one needn't be concerned about loss from a wrong decision. If something leaves you, you may know that it
will come back in its original form or better.

There are no "wrong" choices.

As reflections of Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Good, it is impossible for us to make a wrong decision. We certainly may
choose something that causes us short-term discomfort, but ultimately, every action that we take, every choice
that we make, leads us closer to our Divine Destiny.

As we practice the consciousness of this, we will find that the so-called "consequences" of our choices become less
and less stressful. We are more easily able to see that we are guided by a Higher Consciousness and that even our
ego-based choices will ultimately bring us back to the Truth.

We cannot truly hurt another.

I can hear some of you howling already. But if the above two principles are true for you, they are also true for
those around you. In metaphysics, there are no victims. Even children are spiritual, immortal beings who have also
made their choices prior to birth, and with each choice they make in this lifetime.

These are concepts which are fully accurate from the perspective of a Higher Consciousness. This is not the same
as the viewpoint from a material perspective, where we have cause and effect reversed. Instead, we are
examining these principles with the idea that we are consistently creating our own reality. Therefore, we are the
cause in our own consciousness and what is attracted in the physical world is the effect.

In metaphysics, it is far better to make a decision than to avoid making one. This is because the avoidance is a
decision in itself, to do nothing. This allows whatever other factors which may be operative in your lower
consciousness to "act out", creating experiences from habit, fear or irresponsibility.

Yes, we want to make the best choices that we can. However, we cannot allow ourselves to put a portion of our
lives on hold while we avoid doing so. So, do your best and then move forward, making your decisions and creating
your life. You inner wisdom is there to guide you.


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Addiction-Therapy: Denial and Effects of Addiction

Psychological denial occurs when we are so afraid of looking at a situation or condition that we refuse to accept
that it exists. The term came into popular usage with 12-step programs, as a way of describing how addicts and
their families will avoid dealing with their problems. The difficulty with this is that until one accepts that there's a
problem, there is no way to effect a solution or move forward in addiction-therapy and healing.

In metaphysical reality creation there is sometimes confusion in this matter. Would not adequate visualization and/
or affirmations take care of the matter? Unfortunately, not usually. This is because of the fact that in order for a
healing to take place, the wound must be exposed. If I were to refuse to accept that my parent had a drinking
problem, I would have to resist the part of the healing that showed the problem. I would actively be holding the
healing away.

What we deny tends to be a "dirty little secret". There is often shame involved, and a deep embarrassment
regarding how the situation looks socially. It can seem far easier to downplay the matter, to fool oneself into
believing that things aren't as bad as they seem.

This comes up with addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex or people. Also to friends and family of these people. Friends
and family are well practiced in covering up for the addict, making excuses for them and generally, "pretending
the situation away". This is all part of denial.

If those around you are telling you that you're in denial, you probably are. This is one of the few situations that
you'll hear me tell you to give credence to the noise of the environment over what you hear coming from your
heart. This is because we have drowned out the real inner voice of the heart and what we're hearing is our own

Metaphysics gives us a way to overcome denial. Through the use of affirmative prayer and visualization we can
allow our love of Truth to come to the surface of our consciousness. This can be a gentle process. To begin with,
we can affirm that there is a loving truth that does not want to harm us, but to heal and comfort us.

Next, we can employ the use of metaphysical prayer to know that we are surrounded by love and fully forgiven for
any of our errors in judgement.

Finally, if it is our addiction, we can accept that what we think we are getting from the substance, activity or
person, is available in a much better form from Spirit.

There is no "quick fix" for addictions of which I'm aware. I do know though, that rarely is an addiction overcome
either by the addict or by those who are enabling the addiction, without the support of the Divine. The tools that
we have available in metaphysics are very valuable for this use and can help to make a hellish situation far better
for everyone. Addiction-Therapy begins by removing denial.

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From Christianity to Tantric Yoga: The Divine Relationship

The Divine Relationship has been described in religious, philosophical and occult teachings for centuries. What
does it mean for you personally?

You can find mention of the Divine Relationship in sources as diversified as Fundamental Christianity to Tantric
Yoga. Often, the definition of this is foggy and emotional to the point that it's incomprehensible or absurd.

There is a level of mind which we can each access which is called the superconscious. This is the seat of intuition
and inspiration. When we pray, meditate, talk to angels or guides or simply allow ourselves to drift in a peaceful
state, we are most often accessing that level of mind.

Too often however, we make this a one-way street of communication. We talk, make promises, even beg, but what
happens when we just listen? Sometimes, nothing. But when we decide on exactly who or what we are communing
with, change happens. Often, we are afraid to tune in clearly, with a defined image. This is like talking to
someone with our eyes closed and our hands over our ears.

If you're new to this kind of concept, this is the approach that I suggest you begin with: Visualize a being who loves
you unconditionally. There is no part of you which is not completely known, understood and loved. Next, see this
being as totally powerful and wanting very much to see you completely happy and fulfilled.

There. You have someone important to talk to. And when communication comes your way, you'll know where it's
coming from. There's a lot of stuff roaming around in the ethers and you don't need to be messing with all of it. Be

Frequently, incoming communication occurs after we've gone about our daily business and have our mind on other
things. Then perhaps we'll notice that we're suddenly feeling particularly secure or comforted. Or, life will take a
change for the better. The people around us become more responsive to us, more interested, more caring.
Remember, we're dealing with the superconscious. This is bigger and higher than our ordinary lives and can
manifest wherever it pleases, including through our associates.


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Lucid Dreams and Dreamworking in Metaphysics

In this article I use the term "metaphysics" in the sense of using some kind of mental or spiritual technique to
create a desired reality. The desired reality can be losing 10 pounds or finding our life mate. This metaphysical
technique can include prayer, mental affirmations and treatments, and various rituals. The prayer, "Please, God" is
a metaphysical technique. It goes on from there.

In my opinion, a powerful tool in manifesting one's reality is Dreamworking. Dreamworking is the conscious effort
to utilize the unconscious forces of the heart, mind and spirit. It includes dream interpretation and techniques to
induce lucid dreaming. There are many different forms of dreamworking and they're all valid. One's dreams are
intensely personal, and the only possible barometer of a form of dreamworking, is whether it works for you.

Here are some examples of how metaphysics combined with dreamworking can be used:

Discovering blocks to manifestation

Inducing dreaming to strengthen motivation

Acting Out manifestations

Discovering blocks to manifestation of your reality

Increasing the power of our manifestations is generally considered to be a good thing in metaphysics. There is
always the little "trip wire" in the works however, which is that we can only deal with what our conscious mind
knows. We may consciously desire a particular outcome of something with, what we think, is everything in us. If
the outcome isn't occurring, there is only one reason for it. Although we may deny it, the truth is that is that there
is something within us, which is reluctant to have that outcome occur. This is a proven metaphysical principle,
which is easily rationalized away, because the practice of metaphysics is such a subjective experience. We needn't
rationalize however, if there is a way to overcome the apparent limitations of ordinary, waking consciousness.

Adding the power of our unconscious mind can give an additional boost to the process of manifesting our preferred
reality. Frequently the real "heart" of the matter is in our deepest feelings, desires and instincts. It's not unusual
that these forces are more knowledgeable about our real needs and wants than our conscious mind is allowed to
be. There can be innumerable reasons for this, most of them having to do with early conditioning. So many of the
restrictions that we place on ourselves were relevant to a 5 year old child, but have nothing to do with who we are
here and now. Getting more of that knowledge conscious can add another dimension of fulfillment to our lives,
enriching them.

Sometimes, it's just trash in the unconscious, but that can be helpful as well. Let's say that you just cannot seem to
manifest that new job. Wouldn't it be helpful to realize that you would have to cross a railroad track in your
commute and that you hate railroad noise because you heard it when you hurt your foot at age 3? That's the sort of
thing that can throw a major monkey wrench into your plans, and you would have no idea why. The unconscious is
a storehouse for everything; the good, the bad and the ridiculous. There are definitely pearls amongst the garbage

If we are working on a specific metaphysical treatment, prayer or ritual, our attention is clearly focused. Since
many metaphysical activities rely upon repetition, those concepts embed themselves deeply in the mind. That's
what we want. The more deeply embedded the fulfillment of our metaphysical activity is, the easier it becomes
for Universal Energy to move into alignment with it. Whether this is working or not, your mind is full of it. This
focus inevitably shows up in dream content, as does anything that you pay a lot of attention to in your day. For this
reason, it can be very helpful to interpret a dream in the context of the metaphysical activity you're working on.

In this dream for instance:

"You're walking down a crowded city sidewalk. Inexplicably, you keep having these rough encounters with others;
you trip and bump into someone, somebody else steps on your toes, there's an elbow to your chin, you just can't
seem to make it even a full city block without someone getting hurt. You finally retreat to the doorway of a small
shop and huddle there, breathing hard. You're relieved to be out of all that chaos, yet wondering why it was so
difficult. Are you always this clumsy? Are people always this rude?" You wake up.

What reality are you trying to manifest at this time? Let's look at two interpretations for the same dream, but
within the context of different people with different metaphysical goals. We'll call Joe's goal, "Getting Ahead in
Life". The dream clearly indicates that he feels some opposition to his progress. However the possibility exists that
a lack of coordinated activity may be the cause of it. Was he trying to move against the flow? Is the dream trying
to inform him that there is a better route to what he wants?

Jane's goal is "Preparing for a Committed Relationship". Evidently, Jane senses competition. There's a struggle
involved as well. Would she have made it through the crowds with greater ease if a partner accompanied her? Is
the dream telling her that she needs additional protection?

You can easily see that the interpretations would be quite different, but either has the potential for
enlightenment. Either Joe or Jane could have a clearer idea of their unconscious messages to the environment and
what they were doing that was inhibiting gratification. Inducing dreaming to strengthen motivation for fulfillment:

Self-hypnosis for dreaming is a powerful technique. If you place yourself in a light trance as you're going to sleep,
you can give yourself a suggestion to dream on a specific topic. Dreaming for enlightenment is an ancient tradition,
used in many belief systems. Self-hypnosis or a purposefully generated trance state is also used in many mystic and
shamanistic traditions. The trance state is directed to practical use in dreamworking as well, providing an
additional outlet for visions, omens and signs.

For metaphysical purposes, you can work out the pros and cons of an important manifestation, like changing jobs.
In the dream state, the entirety of the mind can be used to evaluate an important decision. This is also a beautiful
method for strengthening your connection with the Divine. Working out any "spiritual communication blocks" in the
dream state can bring about lasting gain. Since most traditions rely upon a Higher Power of whatever definition,
increasing your personal certainty of being "tuned in" can't help but be good. Something else that can be done is to
induce lucid dreaming, wherein you know that you're dreaming during the dream. This is considered desirable in
every dreamworking system I've heard of. The greater the frequency and quality of lucid dreaming you experience,
the better off you are health-wise, in relaxation and mental clarity.

All of these techniques have been tested and most people take about 3 nights to get them to work. Depending on
your personal inclinations, these or some variation on them, should certainly strengthen your inner motivation.
This isn't the place for a treatise on self-hypnosis, but there are tons of books on the subject and probably many
resources available on the net.

Acting Out Manifestations

An affirmative suggestion would be "I'm experiencing all the positive benefits of (my current metaphysical
treatment) in my dreams tonight. I can feel, hear, taste, touch and smell all the activities of this new part of my
life in my dreams tonight and I clearly remember all of it." This creates a situation known as "embodiment". To
embody a metaphysical goal, you need to experience yourself within the goal, living it. Dreams are great for that.
Lucid dreams pretty well guarantee manifestation.
This suggestion may also bring up unconscious barriers to the fulfillment of the manifestations. We may find
ourselves living out a situation that is uncomfortable for us. Personally, I appreciate that, because then I can work
out whether it's a valid objection to manifestation or not, and consciously work with it from there. Perhaps there's
a modification required in my goal to make it completely fulfilling. This "rehearsal" provides an opportunity to
work out potential "bugs" in the plan.

Most practicing metaphysicians (of any belief system), sometimes find it necessary to overcome inner inhibitions,
obsolete beliefs or negative habit patterns. Additional tools that lead to the speedy resolution of these barriers to
manifestation can be very helpful.

Just a suggestion, of course. Happy Lucid Dreams!


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Home > Consciousness Expansion

Depression Test: The Emptiness Inside

Where does it come from, the sense of emptiness or aloneness that we sometimes experience? I've been getting
more than the usual number of messages asking for help for this sick feeling, and I certainly can empathize with it.
I lived with this for many years, and having found my way out of it, I'd like to share what I learned.

A simple word covers the situation, though what it describes isn't simple at all. The word is "alienation". This is
what we feel when we sense that no one cares about us, that we are not understood, that we simply are not
*connecting* with those around us.

There are any number of reasons why this has occurred. For some, there may have been a neglectful family life,
one in which your needs were ignored. No family at all, or one in which you were "the odd man out", different from
the others. This can happen on a temporary basis, such as after a divorce or a life-long friend moving away. What
has occurred is that there is not enough support of the "real you", the one that can relax and say what it thinks,
that can snuggle up like a puppy in a big litter. That "you", the natural Self, has gotten the eroneous idea that it is

Why is it eroneous? Because there is always something that will love you, exactly the way that you are, no matter
what. This is your Source, your Higher Power, God or Goddess. Most of us know what this is, no matter what term
we may use for it. The empty, soul-sickening feeling cannot be effectively dealt with until this is recognized. You
are already loved, and the more that you're willing to accept it, the more of it that can get through to you. If
you're unwilling to accept it, you've shut down that flow. If you're feeling alienated, you've been unwilling to
accept that you're already loved.

This isn't necessarily the officially approved, pious and dogmatic love that you're told you can get at your church
around the corner. No, this is your basic life blood of spirituality, that which is the Source of you, that which keeps
you alive. You are alive because there is something so wonderful about you, your life essence, that you were built
into the pattern of the Universe.

Contrary to what some belief systems may tell you, in metaphysics we know that "how good you are" has little to
do with how much you are loved and supported. You can make multitudes of mistakes, get angry, not always be
the best you can be, and you will still be loved. The point is that you are loved to the degree that you can accept
the love, not to the degree that you feel you have "earned" it.

Whatever you could possibly want for yourself, This wants for you, only more so. Depending on how much self-
esteem you can drum up, you could even accept that you are right here, right now experiencing as much love as
you are capable of accepting. This is what can fill up the empty places. There is an infinite quantity of this love,
and the human heart responds exceedingly well to large applications.

If we've been living with alienation for a long time, we have probably become very depressed, cynical, refusing to
accept that good can come to us in anything but a very limited, pre-defined form. If it comes in any other form, it
doesn't pass the test and isn't any good, and we push it away. This is a remarkable thing to see in action. I've seen
people lacking a family connection, ignore and push away wonderful potential spouses, for the reason that this
person was not their father or sister and therefore "couldn't give them what they needed". And conversely, I've
watched a divorced person turn away from the support of their family which could have made it all feel a whole
bunch better. There are those who stay at home and wonder why they haven't got any friends, or who spend time
in superficial partying, wondering why nothing meaningful is occurring in their lives.
I suspect that there's as many ways for alienation to manifest as there are human beings. The point is, that if we
connect on the spiritual level, we can connect on the physical. Allow yourself to feel loved and you will pass the
depression test.


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Consciousness Expansion 2: Goal Setting, Spiritual Healing, Intuition

22. Beyond Faithless: Taking that Leap into Faith

23. For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 1
24. For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 2
25. For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 3
26. Power of Positive Thinking: Your Right to Happiness
27. Spiritual Healing: Healing Images assist in Wellness
28. Peace of Mind: The Practice of Humility
29. Meditation Technique: Guided Meditaion for Finding Inner Peace
30. Connecting with Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Many Facets of the Heart
31. Superconscious Perceptions: The Nature of Intuition
32. Don't Worry Be Happy: Justifying Negativity
33. Karma, Reincarnation and Past Lives
34. Beyond Beliefs: Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Limitations
35. Affirmations Come to Mind: Your Beliefs Matter
36. Finding More Meaning in Your Life
37. Metaphors in Metaphysics: What's Your Paradigm?
38. The Metaphysical Use of Meditation
39. Using Spiritual Exercises to Expand your Metaphysical Muscles
40. Energy Healing: Writing a Metaphysical Treatment
41. As Seen Through our Inner Universe: The Nature of Miracles
42. Occult Symbolism in Meditation

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● Apollo College - Tucson
● Arizona School of Massage Therapy - Tempe
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● Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson
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● RainStar University - College of Therapeutic Massage - Scottsdale
● The Bryman School - Phoenix
● The Bryman School - Tempe


● White River School of Massage - Fayetteville


● Boulder College of Massage Therapy - Boulder

● Cambridge College - Aurora
● Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute - Greenwood Village
● Denver School of Massage Therapy - Aurora Campus
● Denver School of Massage Therapy - Westminster Campus
● Everest College - South Campus - Aurora
● Everest College - North Thornton Campus - Denver
● Heritage Institute - Denver
● Institute for Business and Medical Careers - Fort Collins
● IntelliTec Medical Institute - Colorado Springs
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● Kaplan College - Denver


● Branford Hall Career Institute - Branford

● Branford Hall Career Institute - Windsor
● Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy - Newington
● Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy - Westport


● Deep Muscle Therapy School - Wilmington - Continuing Education

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● Harris School - Wilmington, Delaware
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● Everest College – Brandon Campus - Tampa
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● Everest College - Pinellas Campus, Clearwater
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● Heritage Institute - Ft. Meyers
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● High-Tech Institute - Orlando
● Humanities Center School of Massage Institute of Allied Health - Pinellas Park
● Keiser Career College - Green Acres
● Keiser Career College - Miami Lakes
● Keiser Career College - St. Petersburg
● Keiser University - Daytona Beach
● Keiser University - Lakeland
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● MedVance Institute - Miami
● MedVance Institute - Stuart
● MedVance Institute - West Palm Beach
● National School of Technology - Ft. Lauderdale
● National School of Technology - Hialeah
● National School of Technology - Kendall
● National School of Technology - North Miami Beach
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● ACT - Riverdale Elite in Atlanta

● ACT - Morrow
● Everest Institute - Atlanta
● Everest Institute - DeKalb
● Everest Institute - Jonesboro
● Everest Institute - Marietta
● Everest Institute - Norcross
● Gwinnett College in Lilburn
● Herzing College - Atlanta, Georgia
● High-Tech Institute - Atlanta
● Lincoln College of Technology - Marietta
● Lincoln College of Technology - Norcross


● Remington College in Honolulu


● Apollo College - Boise

● Milan Institute - Boise


● Illinois School of Health Careers - Loop and O'Hare Airport Campus - Chicago
● Chicago School of Massage Therapy - McHenry County College - Crystal Lake
● Chicago School of Massage Therapy - The Loop - Chicago
● Everest College - Chicago
● Everst College in North Aurora
● Everest College - Burr Ridge
● Everest College - Skokie
● Northwestern Business College - Chicago, Bridgeview, and Naperville
● The Soma Institute - Chicago

● Professional Career Institute - Indianapolis

● Everest College - Merrillville
● Kaplan College - Hammond
● Kaplan College - Merrillville


● Body Wisdom Massage Therapy School - Urbandale


● Heritage Institute - Wichita

● National American University - Overland Park
● Pinnacle Career Institute - Lawrence


● Louisville School of Massage - Louisville

● Southwestern College in Florence

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● Blue Cliff College - Baton Rouge

● Blue Cliff College - Houma
● Blue Cliff College - Lafayette
● Blue Cliff College- Metairie
● Blue Cliff College- Shreveport
● Career Technical College - Shreveport


● SeaCoast Career School - Sanford


● Baltimore School of Massage - Linthicum-Baltimore

● TESST College of Technology - Beltsville
● TESST College of Technology - Towson


● Branford Hall Career Institute - Springfield

● Everest Institute - Brighton
● Everest Institute - Chelsea
● Lincoln Technical Insitute - Brockton
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Lowell
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Somerville
● Muscular Therapy Institute - Cambridge at Watertown
● Salter College - Worcester
● Spa Tech Institute - Westboro
● The Salter School - Fall River
● The Salter School - Malden
● The Salter School - Tewksbury


● Everest Institute - Dearborn

● Everest Institute - Detroit
● Everest Institute - Southfield
● Everest Institute - Grand Rapids
● Everest Institute- Kalamazoo

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Find USA Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

You can easily scroll down and click the link of USA Massage Therapy School Locations near you
to learn more about each of the schools and the massage school's training programs.


Featured Minnesota Massage College: Rasmussen College - Eagan

● Everest Institute - Eagan

● Duluth Business University - Duluth
● High-Tech Institute - Minneapolis
● Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Brooklyn Center
● Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Plymouth
● Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Richfield/Bloomington
● Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Rochester
● Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Shakopee
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Waite Park
● National American University - Bloomington, Mall of America
● National American University - Brooklyn Center
● National American University - Roseville
● Rasmussen College - Eagan
● Rasmussen College - Eden Prairie
● Rasmussen College - Mankato
● Rasmussen College - St. Cloud


● Blue Cliff College in Gulfport

● Virginia College - Jackson


● Sanford-Brown - St. Charles

● Allied College - North St. Louis
● Allied College - South Arnold
● Heritage Institute - Kansas City
● High-Tech Institute - Kansas City
● Massage Therapy Training Institute - Kansas City
● Pinnacle Career Institute - Kansas City


● Montana Institute of Massage Therapy – Kalispell and Billings


● Kaplan College - Omaha


● Everest-Henderson College - Henderson

● Heritage Institute - Las Vegas
● High-Tech Institute - Las Vegas
● Milan Institute - Sparks
● Nevada Career Institute, Las Vegas
● Nevada School of Massage Therapy - Las Vegas
● Nevada Career Institute - East Campus, Las Vegas
● Northwest Health Careers - Las Vegas

Locate Massage Schools by Clicking on Your State or By Zip Code Using the Search Box Below:

California | Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Delaware | Florida | Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, and Kentucky | Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan | New Hampshire and New Jersey | New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Pennsylvania | Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
and Utah | Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Canada

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Locate Massage Therapy Training Schools and Educational Courses In New

Hampshire and New Jersey

You can easily scroll down and click the link of a Massage School in New Hampshire or New Jersey
and learn about the location of each of the therapeutic massage schools and their training programs.

New Hampshire

● Hesser College - Concord

● Hesser College - Manchester
● Hesser College - Nashua
● Hesser College - Portsmouth
● Hesser College - Salem
● McIntosh College - Dover
● SeaCoast Career School – Manchester

New Jersey

● Berdan Institute - Totowa

● Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute - Piscataway
● Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute - Wall Township
● Dover Business College - Dover
● Dover Business College - Paramus
● Harris School of Business - Cherry Hill
● Harris School of Business - Linwood
● Healthy Choices & Holistic Massage School in Hillsborough
● Helma Institute - Saddle Brooke
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Edison
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Mount Laurel
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Paramus
● National Massage Therapy Institute - Turnersville
● National Massage Therapy Institute in Egg Harbor Township
● Somerset School of Massage Therapy - Piscataway
● Somerset School of Massage Therapy - Wall Township
● The Chubb Institute - Cherry Hill
● The Chubb Institute - Jersey City
● The Chubb Institute - North Brunswick
● The Chubb Institute - Parsippany

Locate Massage Schools by Clicking on Your State or By Zip Code Using the Search Box Below

California | Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Delaware | Florida | Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, and Kentucky | Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan | Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and
Nevada | New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Pennsylvania | Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah | Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Canada

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Locate Massage School Training and Educational Courses in New York, New
Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Find accredited Massage School Training courses near you. You can You can easily scroll down
and click the link to learn more about each of the schools and their various massage training

New Mexico

● Apollo College - Albuquerque

● Kaplan Career Institute - Albuquerque

New York

● Swedish Institute of Health Sciences - New York

● The Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy - Albany (Upstate New York)

North Carolina

● Miller - Motte Technical College - Cary

● Miller - Motte Technical College - Wilmington
● North Carolina School of Natural Healing - Asheville

North Dakota

● Aaker's College in Bismark

● Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage - Fargo


● Everest Institute - Gahanna near Columbus

● Hamrick School - Medina, Ohio
● Miami-Jacobs Career College - Springboro


● Heritage Institute - Oklahoma City

● Miami-Jacobs Career College - Dayton


● Everest College - Portland (Tigard)

● Cambridge College - Portland
● Concorde Career Institute - Portland
● Pioneer Pacific College - Health Career Institute - Wilsonville


● Allied Medical & Technical Institute - Forty Fort

● Allied Medical & Technical Institute - Scranton, Pennsylvania
● Baltimore School of Massage - York
● Berks Technical Institute - Wyomissing
● Career Training Academy - Monroeville
● Career Training Academy - New Kensington
● Career Training Academy - Pittsburgh
● Center for Certification and Adult Learning - Pittsburgh
● Keystone Technical Institute - Harrisburg
● McCann School of Business and Technology - Scranton
● McCann School of Business and Technology - Sunbury
● McCann School of Business and Technology - Hazelton
● National Massage Therapy Institute - Philadelphia
● Penn Commercial Business and Technical School - Washington
● Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy - Oaks
● Pittsburgh Technical Institute - Pittsburgh
● Schuylkill Institute of Business & Technology - Pottsville
● The Chubb Institute - Springfield
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Northeast Philadelphia
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Plymouth Meeting

Locate Massage Schools by Clicking on Your State or By Zip Code Using the Search Box Below:

California | Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Delaware | Florida | Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, and Kentucky | Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan | Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and
Nevada | New Hampshire and New Jersey | Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah | Vermont, Virginia,
Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Canada

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Find USA Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

You can easily scroll down and click the link of the US Massage School near you to learn more
about each of the schools and their various massage training programs.

Rhode Island

● Lincoln Tech - Lincoln

South Carolina

● The Whole You School of Massage - Rutherfordton

● Miller - Motte Technical College - Charleston

South Dakota

● Headlines Academy - Rapid City

● National American University - Sioux Falls, South Dakota


● Concorde Career Institute - Memphis

● High-Tech Institute - Memphis
● High-Tech Institute - Nashville
● MedVance Institute - Nashville
● Miller - Motte Technical College - Chattanooga


● ATI Career Training Center - Dallas Massage Therapy School - Dallas

● ATI Career Training Center - North Richland Hills
● Austin School of Massage - Austin
● Austin School of Massage - College Station
● Austin School of Massage - Corpus Christi
● Austin School of Massage - El Paso
● Austin School of Massage - Killeen
● Austin School of Massage - Lubbock
● Austin School of Massage - Midland
● Austin School of Massage - San Angelo
● Austin School of Massage - San Antonio
● Austin School of Massage - Waco
● South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Brownsville
● South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in McAllen, Texas
● South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Weslaco, Texas

● Everest College - Salt Lake City

● Provo College - Provo
● Utah College of Massage Therapy - Utah Valley Campus, in Lindon
● Utah College of Massage Therapy - Salt Lake City
● Utah Career College - Layton
● Utah Career College Located in West Jordan

Locate Massage Schools by Clicking on Your State or By Zip Code Using the Search Box Below:

California | Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Delaware | Florida | Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, and Kentucky | Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan | Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and
Nevada | New Hampshire and New Jersey | New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and
Pennsylvania | Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Canada

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Locate Schools for Massage Therapy in Vermont, Virginia, to Canada

You can easily scroll down and click the link of the Therapeutic Massage Schools in your area and
learn about each of the educational courses and massage training programs.


● International Bodywork - North Bennington


● Banner College - Arlington

● Everest Institute - Chesapeake
● Everest Institute - Newport News
● Heritage Institute - Manassas
● Medical Careers Institute- Newport News
● Medical Careers Institute - Richmond
● Miller - Motte Technical College - Lynchburg
● National Massage Therapy Institute - Falls Church


● Apollo College - Spokane

● Everest College - Fife
● Everest College - Seattle
● Everest College - Vancouver
● Brian Utting School of Massage - Seattle
● Brenneke School of Massage - Seattle
● Everest College - Bremerton
● Spa Massage Specialist Training

West Virginia Massage Schools

● Everest Institute - Cross Lanes

● Heritage Institute - Falls Church


● High-Tech Institute, Brookfield, Metro Milwaukee

● Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy – Germantown


● Institute of Business and Medical Careers – Cheyenne

Online Massage Schools

● Anthem College Online - A Division of High-Tech Institute

Canada - Ontario - Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care

● Everest College - Barrie

● Everest College - Hamilton Mountain
● Everest College - Mississauga South
● Everest College - Ottawa East
● Everest College - Thunder Bay, Ontario
● Everest College - Toronto College Park, Ontario
● Everest College - Windsor, Ontario
● Everest College - Newmarket, Ontario

Locate Massage Schools by Clicking on Your State or By Zip Code Using the Search Box Below:

California | Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Delaware | Florida | Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, and Kentucky | Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan | Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and
Nevada | New Hampshire and New Jersey | New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and
Pennsylvania | Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Massage Therapy: Resources for Therapists

Locate resources to help the practicing therapist build their massage practice. Along with information on music,
oils, massage chairs and beds, you will also find reviews on massage business building ebooks such as those written
by Amy Roberts, a well established massage therapist and educator. She offers easy to follow strategies for
building your massage business. If you would like us to review your supplies, massage chairs, tables, or massage
music please send us an email as we would be happy to.

Each week, you will find new articles and information, so be sure and bookmark this page and check back often.
We plan to build a great resource base for the practicing therapist.

Ebooks to Help You With You Build Your Massage Practice

● Business Building: Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice

● Business Building: Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists
● Massage Therapy Marketing and Business Plan eBook

Articles by Amy Roberts to Help with Building Your Massage Business

● Massage Techniques to Aid Digestion

● How To Write Fabulous Massage Brochures That Clients Will Love
● Amy Discusses Choosing The Right Massage Table
● Using Chair Massage At Public Events To Build Your Massage Therapy Business
● Building Client Trust in Your Massage Therapy Business
● How To Get More Clients Coming Back Through A Simple Method Of 'Advice'
● How To Make A Great First Impression In Your Home Massage Therapy Business

Articles on Massage Products and Equipment

● Types and Benefits of Portable Massage Tables

● More Tips on Finding the Right Table for Your Massage Therapy Practice


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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Physical Therapist Education and Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy


If you are looking into physical therapy as a career you will find a list of schools offering physical therapy courses
listed by area. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy schools offer both diploma and degree programs as well as
online continuing education to further your career training.

Arizona - Physical Therapy Schools

● Apollo College - Mesa

● Apollo College - Phoenix Westside
● Apollo College - Tucson

Florida - Occupational Therapist Training

● Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences - Orlando

● Keiser College - Melbourne

New Hampshire - Physical Therapy Training

● Hesser College - Concord

● Hesser College - Manchester
● Hesser College - Nashua
● Hesser College - Portsmouth
● Hesser College - Salem

Pennsylvania - Physiotherapy Training

● ICM School of Business and Medical Careers - Pittsburgh

Utah - Physical Therapy Courses

● Provo College - Provo, Utah

Virginia - Physical Therapist Education

● Medical Careers Institute- Newport News

● Medical Careers Institute- Richmond

Canada - PT Training School - Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care

● Hamilton Mountain Campus - Ontario, Canada

● Mississauga Campus - Ontario, Canada
● North York Central - Ontario
● Ottawa East Campus - Ontario
● Toronto South - Ontario

Canada - Occupational and Physiotherapy Training

● Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care

● Hamilton Mountain Campus - Ontario, Canada
● Mississauga Campus - Ontario, Canada
● Toronto South - Ontario

● TriOS College
● TriOS College - Hamilton, Ontario
● TriOS College - Kitchener, Ontario
● TriOS College - London, Ontario
● TriOS College - Toronto Campus
● TriOS College – Windsor, Ontario
● TriOS College - Mississauga, Ontario

Online - Occupational and Physiotherapy Training

● Penn Foster Career School – Online Studies

● Thomas Education Direct - Online Distant Learning

Online Distance Learning Courses - Physical Therapy

● Thomas Education Direct - Online Distance Learning


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Find a Holistic Healing School: Shiatsu, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Craniosacral,

Thai Massage Classes or an Oriental Medicine School

Find a Holistic Healing Schools in your area offering training in natural health modalities. If you are interested in
the healing arts you can locate a school in your area. Find Thai Massage classes and training, or learn basic
Reflexology, and Aromatherapy. You might be interested in an Oriental Medicine School that also offers training in
China as part of their coursework. Alternative healing is a growing industry as more people are interested in
incorporating natural health therapies as part of their wellness plans.

Feel free to ask for information from as many schools as you find in your area. It's easy to do so, first learn
about the school by reading about the school, then click the link following the article. Next fill out the
convenient form and you will receive information from each of the schools.

If you don't find a school in your area, then use the handy "Zip Code Locater" at the end of the page.

Thai Massage Classes and Training


● Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson

Reflexology Classes


● Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson

Shiatsu Courses


● Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson


● National Polytechnic College - Cerritos

● Western Career College - Emeryville
● Western Career College - Pleasant Hill
● Western Career College - Sacramento
● Western Career College - San Jose
● Western Career College - Stockton
● Concorde Career College - San Bernardino
● ICT - Los Angeles


● Advanced Career Training (ACT) - Atlanta

● ACT - Riverdale

New Jersey

● Helma Institute - Saddle Brooke


● Career Training Academy - Monroeville

● Career Training Academy - New Kensington
● Career Training Academy - Pittsburgh

Craniosacral Therapy

● RainStar University - Scottsdale, Arizona

Oriental Medicine Schools


● RainStar University - Scottsdale


● Samra University of Oriental Medicine - Los Angeles


● American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine - Houston, Texas

Aromatherapy Courses and Training in Washington State

● Everest College - Everett

● Everest College - Seattle
● Everest College - Tacoma
● Everest Institute - Portland
● Everest College - Vancouver

Natural Health and Holistic Health Programs

● Milan Institute - Boise, Idaho

● Milan Institute - Indio, California
● Maric College - San Diego North County - Vista, California
● Trinity College - Fairfield, California

● Online Natural Health Degrees

Health Care Continuing Education and Distance Learning Courses

● Kaplan Online - Healthcare Pathway Life Care Planning Continuing Education Course

Colon Hydrotherapy Training

● Colon Hydrotherapy Training - American Institute of Massage Therapy in Pompano Beach, Florida
● Colon Hydrotherapy Training - Northwest Health Careers in Las Vegas


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Personal Fitness Trainer Schools - Exercise and Health Club Management


Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools provide excellent education to prepare you for today's hot
career opportunities. If you are interested in getting a certificate or degree in exercise science or a related health
and fitness vocation, you will find leading training schools listed by area. Personal trainer courses can prepare you
to enter a growing industry as more people are turning toward fitness and exercise as part of there overall
wellness plan.

Feel free to ask for information from as many schools as you find in your area. It's easy to do so, just click on
the link of a school in your area, read the article about the school and offered training program, then click
the link at the end of the article. Next fill out the convenient form and you will receive information from
each of the schools.

If you don't find a school in your area, then use the handy "Zip Code Locater" at the end of the page.


● Northwestern College - Gold River


● Heritage Institute – Denver


● Heritage Institute - Ft. Myers

● New England Institute of Technology - West Palm Beach


● Pinnacle Career Institute - Lawrence


● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Brooklyn Center

● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Oakdale
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Plymouth
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Richfield/Bloomington
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Rochester
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Shakopee
● Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Waite Park

● Bryan College - Springfield

● Heritage Institute - Kansas City
● Pinnacle Career Institute - Kansas City


● Professional Fitness Institute - Las Vegas


● Everest Institute - Portland


● Letourneau University - Austin

● Letourneau University - Bedford
● LeTourneau University - Dallas
● LeTourneau University - Houston
● LeTourneau University - Longview
● LeTourneau University - Tyler


● Heritage Institute - Falls Church

● Heritage Institute - Manassas


● Ashmead College - Seattle

● Ashmead College - Everett
● Ashmead College in Fife/Tacoma
● Ashmead College - Vancouver

Online Schools

● Fitness Training Degrees Online

● Thomas Education Direct - Online Distance Learning

Health Club Management

● Online Health Club Management Degree

Health and Nutrition

● Affordable Online Health and Nutrition Degrees

Weight Management

● Online Weight Management Programs


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Nursing Schools: Online, Practical, LVN, LPN Courses and RN Continuing

Education Training Programs

If you are looking for a list of online nurse training programs or nursing colleges in your state you can scroll
down the list to find the best courses in your area.

Feel free to ask for information from as many schools as you find in your area. It's easy to do so, just click on
the link of the school of your choice. At the end of the article describing the school and courses offered, click
on that link and you can fill out a convenient form to request information from any of the schools of your

If you don't find a school in your area, then use the handy "Zip Code Locater" at the end of the page.

Online Nursing Programs

● Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences - Orlando

● Jacksonville University
● Davenport University Online
● Grand Canyon University Online
● Sentinel University - Online School - Master of Science in Nursing


● Apollo College - Phoenix Westside Campus


● Career Colleges of America - Los Angeles

● Career Colleges of America - San Bernardino
● Career Colleges of America - South Gate
● Career Networks Institute - Orange County
● Everest College - Alhambra & Anaheim
● Maric College - North Hollywood
● Maric College - San Diego


● Lincoln Technical Institute - Hamden

● Lincoln Technical Institute - New Britain
● Lincoln Technical Institute - Shelton

Contact any of the following Keiser University campuses for information about Green Acres, Miami Lakes, St.
Petersburg, Ft. Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines Nurising Programs

● Keiser University - Kendall

● Keiser University - Lakeland
● Keiser University - Melbourne
● Keiser University - Sarasota
● Keiser University - Tallahassee
● Keiser University - West Palm Beach

● MedVance - Miami
● MedVance - Stuart
● MedVance - West Palm Beach
● Rasmussen College - Ocala


● Everest College - Merrillville


● Kaplan University - Cedar Falls

● Kaplan University - Cedar Rapids
● Kaplan University - Des Moines
● Kaplan University - Mason City


● Health Care Training Services - Avon


● Olympia Institute - Grand Rapids


● Rasmussen College - Mankato


● Kaplan University - Lincoln

● Kaplan University - Omaha

New Jersey

● Dover Business College - Dover

● Dover Business College in Paramus

North Carolina

● ECPI College of Technology - Charlotte


● Pioneer Pacific College - Health Career Institute - Wilsonville

South Carolina

● ECPI College of Technology - Raleigh


● Texas Careers - San Antonio


● ECPI College of Technology - Northern Virginia Campus, Manassas

● ECPI Technical College - Roanoke, Virginia
● Liberty University - Lynchburg
● Medical Careers Institute - Newport News
● Medical Careers Institute - Richmond
● Medical Careers Institute - Virginia Beach


● Vancouver Career College - Abbotsford, British Columbia

● Vancouver Career College - Burnaby, British Columbia
● Vancouver Career College - Chilliwack, British Columbia
● Vancouver Career College - Coquitlam, British Columbia
● Vancouver Career College - Kelowna, British Columbia
● Vancouver Career College - Surrey, British Columbia
● Vancouver Career College - Vancouver, British Columbia

Enter your home zip code for targeted results:

Click for Nursing and Health Care Schools


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Health and Wellness: Weight Loss Programs, Products, Insights: Reviews and
Articles for a Healthy Life

Articles and Reviews on Health Programs, Products, and Books:

1. "Rebuild Your Vision: A 30-Day Program to Better Eyesight" by Orlin G. Sorensen

2. "Microtonal Healing" by Linda L. Nielsen, PhD
3. "Lose Weight Now...Stay Slim Forever" by Carol Solomon, Ph.D.
4. "How to Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight with EFT" by Carol Solomon, Ph.D.

Informational Health and Wellness Articles:

1. Poor Circulation Symptoms

2. Therapy Benefits of Hydro Massage Bed Units
3. Assessment Exercise Test
4. Increase Your Muscular Srength, Endurance and Flexibility
5. Tummy Exercises: Tips for Toning the Abs
6. Relieving Stress By Exercise
7. Managing Chronic Pain Without Drugs
8. Therapy Lasers: Hand Held Low Level Light Therapies
9. Benefits of a Health Product Endorser & Spokesperson

Articles on Diet and Foods

1. The Coffee Bean Bakery: Find the Best Organic Coffees

2. Beneifts of Organic Health Products
3. Advantages of Organic Food
4. Dried Organic Fruit: Sweetness without Guilt
5. Making Low Carb Condiments
6. Organic Kona Coffee
7. List of High Protein Foods
8. Raw Egg Protein Digestibility
9. Create Your Own Stevia Recipies
10. The Healthy Shopper: Creating Your List of Low Carbohydrate Foods
11. Low Carb Bake Mix: Only 1/2 the Guilt
12. Raw Food Health: One Healthy Bite at a Time
13. Dangers of Aspartame
14. Enjoy Heart Healthy Cake Recipes
15. The Microbiotic Diet? Or Should We Say Macrobiotic

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Benefits of Healthy Products and Programs: Antiaging Health, Cleansing Teas,

Natural Health Supplements...

Our Top 10 Healthy Programs and Products

● Alternative Herbal Medicine - Best Resource for Discount Herbal Supplements for What Ails You
● Optimal Breathing System: The Way You Breathe Can Make You Sick or Make You Well

Articles on Healthy Products and Personal Care and Happiness

1. It Takes Two to Waltz! - Tips for a Happy Marriage

2. Homeopathic Remedies for Pets
3. Healthy Living By Growing a Basic Herb Garden
4. Colon Cleansing Teas for Better Health
5. Finding the Best Natural Health Supplements
6. Appetite Suppressant Supplements
7. Soy Protein Dietary Fiber
8. Best Vitamin Supplements Through the Ages
9. Benefits of Antiaging Supplements
10. Antiaging Health
11. Anti Aging Products and Skin Care
12. Through the Ages: Beauty with Herbalife
13. Herbalife Nutrition Products
14. The Herbalife Program and Dieting


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Alternative Therapies: Detox Therapy, Colon Cleansing, Stress Relief, Light and
Sound Therapy

Effective Holistic Healing Products:

● Herbal Homeopathic Remedies for What Ails You

● Detoxing the Colon With Herbs and Colonics
● The Why and Hows on Detoxing Your Body

Informational Alternative Therapy Articles

1. Learn About IDD Therapy for Relief for Back Pain

2. Popularity Growing for Schools Teaching Acupuncture Therapy
3. Learn About Sound and Color Healing
4. Healing Ailments with the Power of Gemstones
5. Benefits of Using a Reflexology Foot Chart
6. Holistic Healing Blending Chiropractic and Homeopathic Therapies
7. Schools of Holistic Science Growing Popularity
8. Finding the Right Chiropractic Treatments
9. Chiropractic Insight on Carpal Tunnel
10. Bioenergetics Therapy
11. Alternative Healing Modalities for the Body, Mind, and Spirit
12. Bioenergetic Therapy Helps Reduce Stress, Release Energy Blocks
13. Video Feedback Occupational Therapy Shows Promise
14. Is Instant Healing Possible with Theta Healing?
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25 Healthy Habits: A Series for Building Your Body's Health

Creating a wellness plan includes being conscious about activities in your life that can promote physical, mental
and spiritual balance. Taking a consciousness effort to build better health not only takes a regular physical fitness
plan, but also the development of healthy habits that build personal strength and integrity when it comes to
supporting your physical body's needs. You will find twenty five tips for improving your health and many are also
tips that will help you loose weight along with it.

Check back each day as we will be continually adding new tips until we complete the series on tips for building a
healthy life.

Healthy Habits Series:

1. Volunteering From Working Vacations to Volunteer Work Locally

2. Take a Personal or Family Vacation - Weekend Getaways and Travel Destinations for the Body, Mind, or Soul
3. Stretching Fitness - Learn Simple Stretching Exercises to Maintain Body Flexibility
4. Finding Life Purpose - Two Personality Types for Finding Your Purpose
5. Develop a Competive Athletic Skill - Join a Team Sport
6. Learning Yoga Positions for Beginners Can Jumpstart Your Fitness Goals
7. Plants and Pets - Two of Natures Healers Help Balance Emotional Stress
8. Discovering Techniques on How to Meditate - Sit Back, Rest, Relax, and Become Stress Free
9. Studies on Laughter - The Lighter Side of Healing
10. The Adverse Effects of Drugs and Prescribed Medications - How Conscious are You About What You are
11. Journal Writing - Find the Therapuetic Benefits of Journaling
12. Nature for Life and Living in Balance
13. A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
14. Choose Your Favorite Form of Personal Growth Therapy
15. Exercise and Creating Your Own Work Out Tips
16. Braking the Habit - First You Have to Put on the Brakes
17. Energy Healing Therapy - East Meet West
18. Why Eating Right for Your Body Type Promotes a Long Life
19. Creative Workshops and Finding Creative Outlets
20. Benefits of Taking Vitamins
21. Stress Relief Management
22. Being Conscious of At Risk Behavior
23. Finding Your Own Spiritual Practice
24. Healthy Relationships Support Health and Wellness
25. Getting a Yearly Health Check Up and Eye Exams

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Personal Development: Make More Money, Build Self Esteem, Live Your Dreams

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1. A Self-Help eBook Review: How To Deal With Your Anger

2. More Money with EFT by Carol Solomon: Practical Insight into a User-Friendly, Hands-On Approach
3. Binaural Beat Brainwave Generator Products Alter Your Brainwaves
4. "Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams" by Mike Dooley
5. "Notes from the Universe" by Mike Dooley: A Hug for Humankind
6. The Lucid Dreaming Kit: Making Sweet Dreams a Reality
7. The Lucid Dreaming Kit: A Follow-Up Review for the New Eight-Hour CD
8. "Speaking of Everything" by Ken Wilber

Reviews on current best selling self help and personal development books.

1. Directed Dreaming eBook by Evelyn Grazini

2. "Buddha Never Raised Kids & Jesus Didn't Drive Carpool: Seven Principles for Parenting with Soul" by Vickie
3. YOU: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to the Body that will make you Healthier and Younger
4. Winners Never Cheat: Everyday Values We Learned as Children (But May Have Forgotten) by Jon M. Huntsman
5. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
6. Help Yourself: Finding Hope, Courage and Happiness by Dave Pelzer
7. The Body Sacred by Dianne Sylvan
8. Light on Life: The Yogi Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
9. "Emotional Intelligence : Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" by Daniel Goleman

Read helpful personal growth articles.

1. Practicing Staying Present to the Now

2. Kids and Prosperity: Teaching Your Kids the Value of Money
3. Helping Kids Build Self Esteem
4. Individualized Positive Affirmations for Improving Self-Esteem
5. A Simple Quiz for Self Esteem
6. Building Teen Self Esteem
7. What Causes Fear? Learn to Face your Fears, Change your Life

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Home > Previous Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope

NewsScope Astrology Articles on Current Events by Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly

1. NewsScope for January 14, 2008 - Hillary Clinton's Crying Incident - Political Candidates and the U.S. Moon -
Mark Rothko's "No. 15"
2. NewsScope for January 7, 2008 - Obama's Vision of Change and Hope - Musharraf's 1942 Horoscope - Saturn in
Britney Spears's Twelfth House
3. NewsScope for December 31, 2007 - The Cauldron of Pakistan - Benazir Bhutto, The Daughter of Islam -
Charlie Wilson's War
4. NewsScope for December 24, 2007 - The EPA's Balancing Act - Top Five Astro-Events for January - Jamie Lynn
Spears Gets Parents Talking
5. NewsScope for December 17, 2007 - Jupiter and Pluto in Early Capricorn - Astrology and The Star of
Bethlehem - Roger Clemens, the Biggest Loser
6. NewsScope for December 10, 2007 - Congress Calls for Criminal Investigation into the CIA - Jupiter-Pluto
Lifts Mike Huckabee - Oprah, Most-Watched TV Show in Iowa
7. NewsScope for December 3, 2007 - The Middle East Mandate Horoscope - Hillary Clinton's Day Disrupted -
DWTS Update: Helio Castroneves Wins One, Loses One
8. NewsScope for November 26, 2007 - Top Five Astro-Events for December - Superstar Lexan and the Toxic
BPA - Brad Pitt's "State of Play"
9. NewsScope for November 19, 2007 - Australian Elections - Pluto in Pakistan - Jupiter Attacks Barry Bonds
10. NewsScope for November 12, 2007 - Pakistan's National Horoscope - David Copperfield's Woes - The Inside
Scoop on Dancing With The Stars
11. NewsScope for November 5, 2007 - Musharraf Declares Emergency Rule - Ron Paul, Dark Horse - Stephen
Colbert, Radical or Conservative?
12. NewsScope for October 29, 2007 - California's Wildfires - Top Five Astro-Events for November - Femi Kuti's
Africa Rising
13. NewsScope for October 22, 2007 - Benazir Bhutto Returns - Did Robert Murat Take Madeleine? - DWTS:
Cheetah Girl Sabrina Bryan
14. NewsScope for October 16, 2207 - Al Gore Wins Nobel - The Dalai Lama Visits Washington - The Magnificent
Cate Blanchett
15. NewsScope for October 8, 2007 - The Global Village Enters the Age of Aquarius - The Prince of Blackwater -
DWTS Early Favorites: Helio and Julianne
16. NewsScope for October 1, 2007 - Burma: The Whole World is Watching - Top Five Astro-Events for October -
Gerry McCann's Horoscope
17. NewsScope for September 24, 2007 - Hillary Clinton's Health Care Plan - Kate McCann's Horoscope - Did She
Do it?
18. NewsScope for September 17, 2007 - Petraeus Buys Time - Civil War in Iraq - Jodie Foster as Anti-Hero
19. NewsScope for September 10, 2007 - Fred Thompson Announces - Osama bin Laden's Plans - Luciano
Pavarotti, King of the High C's
20. NewsScope for September 3, 2007 - Marriage in the Republican Party - Benazir Bhutto to Return to Pakistan -
Leona Helmsley's Trouble
21. NewsScope for August 27, 2007 - Pluto Enters Pakistani Politics - Top Five Astro-Events for September - Billy
Graham and the Presidents
22. NewsScope for August 20, 2007 - Russia Claims Arctic Ocean - Coming Soon: A Lunar and Solar Eclipse -
Jenna Bush Announces Engagement


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Home > Previous Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope

NewsScope for January 14, 2008

By Wolfstar

Hillary Clinton's Crying Incident

Going into New Hampshire's primary last week, all the polls indicated that Barack Obama would win. Hillary's upset
victory sent pundits scrambling for explanations, with one of the main reasons being Hillary's emotional, tearful
expression on the day before the election. For someone often seen as being scripted, the "crying incident" was a
welcome peek into a more human side.

Astrologically, the important turn-around confirms Hillary's birth time of 8:00 am (not 8:01 or 8:02am). Monday
afternoon, at the time of the crying incident, transiting Jupiter was at 4º35' Capricorn, where it formed a perfect
trine to her Midheaven at 4º35' Virgo. Jupiter's protective, beneficial influence inspired her to express herself in a
convincing and heart-felt way.

Currently, transiting Pluto is conjunct her natal Juno, empowering her projected image as socially engaging,
queenly, and having a supportive relationship with Bill. His chart indicates that he's in attack mode (progressed
Mercury and Mars are conjunct), which explains his impulse to bring Obama down a notch or two. Then in August,
with transiting Saturn entering his twelfth house, Bill will have to get used to being in the background.

Pluto's slow progress over the coming few years only further animates Hillary. The sextile to her Sun and the trine
to her Midheaven give her global recognition and a prominent position (reiterated by her progressed Sun trine her
Midheaven in 2009). The sextile to her Ceres in the sixth house of health in 2009 indicates that one of her first
projects (assuming she becomes president) will be heath care reform.

Political Candidates and the U.S. Moon

In light of Barack Obama's recent advances, many readers have asked me if I'm sticking to my prediction that
Hillary will win. The scenario that I set forth a year ago*, has so far played out fairly closely: Obama peaked in
August, and is having a good January. But I suspect February is Hillary's, and eventually she'll win in November.

That these two candidates would rise above all the rest is based on their strong connections with the U.S. Moon,
and the favorable conditions in their individual charts. In a national chart, the Moon represents the people and
their security needs, and – most significantly – their favorable disposition to specific candidates. Using the Scorpio
Rising horoscope (set for 2:21 pm; July 4, 1776), the U.S. Moon is at 25º28' Aquarius.

Over the last several decades, successful candidates have had close natal or progressed planets in very tight aspect
to the U.S. Moon, with orbs of 1/4º or less being common. Theoretically, this statistical anomaly should
demonstrate that the Moon is at this specific degree, not 26º Aquarius, as in the popular Sibley horoscope, and
certainly not 18º Aquarius, as found in the many Gemini Rising variations.

We don't have accurate birth times for many of the candidates, but using what we do have, John McCain, Fred
Thompson, Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton all have the key connections to the U.S. Moon.
This means that John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and the rest can be categorized as "also-rans". Obama's
chart looks charmed, especially with his progressed Jupiter to Uranus aspect. Sure, it's a judgment call, but I still
think Hillary will win.
Mark Rothko's "No. 15"

Last week, Christie's International announced that their May 13 auction in New York will feature a Mark Rothko
painting valued in excess of $40 million. The abstract painting is titled "No. 15", and to the untrained eye, looks
like a blotchy slab of red on a yellow background. However, to those who know, viewing a Rothko multiform is the
ultimate spiritual experience.

Rothko was born with his Libra Sun (September 25, 1903; Daugavpils, Latvia; time unknown) conjunct the asteroid
Pallas, a combination that gave him a keen sense of political and aesthetic awareness. His Sun-Pallas squares
Neptune, adding tremendous imagination which he readily translated into his art. This configuration also reflects
how he was buffeted about by trends in both the art world and geopolitics.

Artistic Venus is placed in technically-proficient Virgo, and as demonstrated in his early phase, Rothko could make
accurate renditions. But his Venus is retrograde, forcing him to re-think his expressionism. Venus is modulated by
hard aspects to outer planets, moving him toward the transcendent, so that his work is radically progressive
(Uranus), transformative (Pluto), and spiritually satisfying (Jupiter in Pisces).

As an idealistic struggling artist, Rothko had the misfortune of having his Neptune at 5º53' Cancer, exactly conjunct
the U.S. Jupiter, which naturally attracted some of America's wealthiest benefactors to his cause. In 1952, Fortune
magazine pronounced that his paintings were a great investment. Last year, Christie's sold a Rothko painting for
$72.8 million as transiting Jupiter and Uranus aligned with his Venus. This year, with Pluto squaring his Sun, we
might expect a quantum leap in his paintings' values.

* see

** For more on Rothko's work and intellectualism, see

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Home > Previous Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope

NewsScope Astrology Articles on Current Events by Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly

1. NewsScope for August 13, 2007 - Pluto Brings Control of Financial Markets - The Aztec Goddess Unearthed -
Matt Damon, Bourne Again
2. NewsScope for August 6, 2007 - Minneapolis Bridge Collapses - Obama's Plan for Pakistan - Michelle Pfeiffer's
3. NewsScope for July 30, 2007 - The Star-Crossed World of Sports - Top Five Astro-Events for August - UFOs
Sighted Over Shakespeare's Birthplace
4. NewsScope for July 23, 2007 - Venus Withholding Pentagon Budget - Senator David Vitter's Hypocrisy - Daniel
Radcliffe as Harry Potter
5. NewsScope for July 16, 2007 - Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal - The D.C. Madam - Victoria Beckham: Coming to
6. NewsScope for July 9, 2007 - Live Earth in the Age of Aquarius - Top-Tier Democrats Raise $62 Million - The
Fairy-Tale Wedding: Eva Longoria and Tony Parker
7. NewsScope for July 2, 2007 - From Star Trek to the iPhone: The Communicator Revolution - Pluto in
Capricorn - Crime Scene Investigation: Chris Benoit
8. NewsScope for June 25, 2007 - Michael Bloomberg Eyes Presidency - Top Five Astro-Events for July - Jessica
Alba, The Invisible Woman
9. NewsScope for June 18, 2007 - September Deadline for Iraq Surge Strategy - Hamas Takes Over Gaza - Nancy
Drew Returns as Emma Roberts
10. NewsScope for June 11, 2007 - Venus Softens Putin - Gerry McCann Spreads the Word - We'll Always Have
11. NewsScope for June 4, 2007 - Merkel Hosts G-8 Summit on Global Warming - Fred Thompson Tests the
Waters - LeBron James, the Promise Delivered
12. NewsScope for May 28, 2007 - Muqtada al-Sadr Returns - Top Five Astro-Events for June - Anton Corbijn
Takes Control
13. NewsScope for May 21, 2007 - Mitt Romney, A Mormon in the White House? - Odyssey's Black Swan Treasure -
The Abduction of Madeleine McCann
14. NewsScope for May 14, 2007 - Hillary in 2008 - Tony Blair gives way to Gordon Brown - American Idol Finalists
15. NewsScope for May 7, 2007 - GOP Candidates Debate Evolution - Rupert Murdoch Wooing Wall Street Journal
- Paris Hilton Heading for Jail
16. NewsScope for April 30, 2007 by Wolfstar - Democratic Candidates Take Center Stage - Top Five Astro-Events
for May 2007 - Drew Barrymore Lets her Freak Flag Fly
17. NewsScope for April 16, 2007 - Cho Seung Hui, The Sexually Wounded Outsider -Royal and Sarkozy Face off
For May 6 French Election - Spider-Man 3: Tobey Maguire as the Bad Boy
18. NewsScope for April 16, 2007 - Uranus and Pluto in 2012 - Pluto Sabotages Don Imus - Uranus Brings Larry
Birkhead Victory
19. NewsScope for April 9, 2007 - American Women Ready to Assume Power - Fred Thompson, Taking His Time -
Jackie Chan, Global Action Hero
20. NewsScope for April 2, 2007 - Mars Poised for Action over Iran - Presidential Politics - Sanjaya Malakar
Survives Another Week of American Idol
21. NewsScope for March 26, 2007 - John Edwards Faces Chiron - Top Five Astro-Events for April - Jim Cramer
and the Hedge Funds
22. NewsScope for March 19, 2007 - The Horoscope of Political Islam - February 5, 2008: Super Tuesday -
Heather Mills, the Wounded Dance Partner
23. NewsScope for March 12, 2007 - Hugo Chavez Battles Bush for the Hearts and Minds of Latin America - Astro-
Journalist's Notebook: Mercury on U.S. Moon - Ralph Fiennes Caught Frolicking
24. NewsScope for March 5, 2007 - Stock Market Jitters - Rudolph Giuliani Woos Conservatives - Prince Harry
Goes to War
25. NewsScope for February 26, 2007 - International Focus on Iran - Top Five Astro-Events for March - Astro-
Journalist's Notebook: Juno to Pluto
26. NewsScope for February 19, 2007 - North Korea Signs Regional Pact - Al Gore, Stealth Candidate? - Britney
Spears Freaks Out
27. NewsScope for February 12, 2007 - John McCain in 2008 - Lisa Nowak's Psychological Profile - Anna Nicole
Smith and Marilyn Monroe
28. NewsScope for February 5, 2007 - Global Warming Report - The Next President - Tara Conner, Miss USA
29. NewsScope for January 29, 2007 - Top Five Astro-Events for February - From the Foreign Desk - Ann Heche's
30. NewsScope for January 22, 2007 - Hillary Clinton's Wisdom - Solar Eclipse over Iran - Prince William and Kate


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Home > Previous Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope

Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope: Astrology Articles on Current Events

1. NewsScope for January 15, 2007 - Bad Omens over Iran - Maliki Headed for a Fall? - David Beckham Signs for
$250 Million
2. NewsScope for January 8, 2007 - Bush to Propose More Troops for Iraq - Parallel Lives: Mike McConnell and
Mick Jagger - Rosie versus The Donald
3. NewsScope for January 1, 2007 - Saddam Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity - Gerald Ford, The Accidental
President - James Brown, The Godfather of Soul
4. NewsScope for December 25, 2006 - Barack Obama, Part Two - Top Five Astro-Events for January- Queen
Elizabeth II and Princess Diana
5. NewsScope for December 18, 2006 - Chiron Advises Bush to Surge - Ban Ki-Moon, Push-over or Warrior? -
Jennifer Hudson, Show Stopper
6. NewsScope for December 11, 2006 - Saturn Brings Sea Change over Iraq - De Beers' Blood Diamonds - Dakota
Fanning Comes of Age
7. NewsScope for December 4, 2006 - Pluto Heads into Trouble - Barack Obama, Rising Star in 2008 - Lindsay
Lohan as Stevie Nicks
8. NewsScope for November 27. 2006 - James Baker III, America's Fix-It Man? - Top Five Astro-Events for
December - Michael Crichton's "Next"
9. NewsScope for November 20, 2006 - Bobby Kennedy - Mercury's Eclipsing of the Sun - Cheryl Burke, MVP
10. NewsScope for November 13, 2006 - Robert Gates Prepares New Iraq Plan - The Activated U.S. Moon - Borat
11. NewsScope for November 6, 2006 - Ted Haggard's Fall from Grace - Chaos Merges with Astrology - Tom
Cruise: All the World's a Stage
12. NewsScope for October 30, 2006 - Democrats Confident - Top Five Astro-Events for November - Missouri in
the Cross Hairs
13. NewsScope for October 23, 2006 - Chaos Spreads through Iraq - Mercury Connects the Dots - Kirsten Dunst as
Marie Antoinette
14. NewsScope for October 16, 2006 - North Korea Joins Nuclear Club - Muhammad Yunus, Banker to the Poor -
Sara Evans Quits Dancing
15. NewsScope for October 9, 2006 - The GOP's Gay Subculture - Pluto and School Shootings - America's
Obsession with Beauty
16. NewsScope for October 2, 2006 - Bob Woodward's State of Denial - The HP Way - Scarlett Johansson,
International Film Star
17. NewsScope for September 25, 2006 - King Bhumibol, the World's Longest Living Monarch - Top Five Astro-
Events for October - Richard Branson and Virgin Fuels
18. NewsScope for September 20, 2006 - Eris and the Apple of Discord - Eris in Pope Benedict's Horoscope -
Madonna and Eris
19. NewsScope for September 11, 2006 - Hillary Clinton and The Storm Goddess - Great Britain's Transition -
Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter
20. NewsScope for September 4, 2006 - Housing Market: Bubble or Soft-Landing? - U.S. Progressed Mars Turns
Retrograde - Andre Agassi's Last Tournament
21. NewsScope for August 28, 2006 - Pluto Demoted, Ceres Promoted - Top Five Astro-Events for September -
Marilyn Monroe Stages a Comeback, Part 2
22. NewsScope for August 21, 2006 - Democrats in Revolt - Ceres, The Next Planet - Ceres in the JonBenet
23. NewsScope for August 14 - Saturn Fortifies UNIFIL - Pluto in Capricorn - Marilyn Monroe Stages a Comeback
24. NewsScope for August 7, 2006 - International Force into Lebanese Buffer Zone - Altered Oceans in the Age of
Aquarius - Mel Gibson's Demons
25. NewsScope for July 31, 2006 - Nasrallah in Iranian Embassy - Top Five Astro-Events for August - Lance Bass
Comes Out
26. NewsScope for July 24, 2006 - Condoleezza Rice's Middle East Mission - Pluto and the Lunar Nodes - Pamela
Anderson to Marry Kid Rock
27. NewsScope for July 17, 2006 - Israel vs. Radical Islam - Mexico's Chaotic Election, Part 2 - Zinedine Zidane's
Curtain Call
28. NewsScope for July 10, 2006 - Mexico's Chaotic Election - Kim Jong-Il, International Pariah - Johnny Depp's
Captain Jack
29. NewsScope for July 3, 2006 - Jupiter Rekindles Hope and Faith - Israel Takes Center Stage - The Myth of
Superman Returns
30. NewsScope for June 26, 2006 - America as Uber-Power - Top Five Astro-Events for July - Nicole Kidman and
Keith Urban Wed in Sydney

For more, click > NewsScope


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Home > Previous Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope

Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope: From October 25th Through April 10th,

1. NewsScope for June 19, 2006 - Bill Gates' Investments - Wikipedia's Collective Intelligence - Britney Spears
Chased by Pluto
2. NewsScope for June 12, 2006 - Jupiter Kills Zarqawi - Ann Coulter's Shadow - Barbra Streisand Returns
3. NewsScope for June 5, 2006 - Jupiter and Saturn Bridge My Lai and Haditha - Rice Proposes Direct Talks with
Iran - Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt
4. NewsScope for May 29, 2006 by Wolfstar - Neptune Brings Constitutional Crisis - Top Five Astro-Events for
June - Angelina and Brad Have Baby, Relocated to Namibia
5. NewsScope for May 22, 2006 - Stock Markets Swoon - Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth - Paul McCartney and
Heather Mills Split
6. NewsScope for May 15, 2006 - Mars-Pluto Connects the Dots: Cheney, Russia, and Iran - CIA Appointee
Michael Hayden - Barry Bonds To Pass Babe Ruth
7. NewsScope for May 8, 2006 - Patrick Kennedy's Inheritance - Pentagon Spending, The Retreating Mars, Part 3
- Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code
8. NewsScope for May 1, 2006 - ExxonMobil, Global Behemoth - Top Five Astro-Events for May - American Idol,
Season Finale: May 23-24
9. NewsScope for February 13, 2006 - President Hu of China - Degree Disaster Zone Retreating Mars, Part 2 -
Suri Cruise, A Princess is Born
10. NewsScope for April 17, 2006 - 2008: John McCain vs. Hillary Clinton? - Pluto and the GC's Double Helix -
Gene Pitney, Died of a Broken Heart
11. NewsScope for April 10, 2006 - The Retreating Mars Archetype - The Gospel According to Judas - Antonio
Banderas and Melanie Griffith
12. NewsScope for April 3, 2006 - Echoes from 1846 - Chiron and The Power of Prayer - The Mercurial Naomi
13. NewsScope for March 27, 2006 - Saturn-Neptune and War Weariness Cosmos and Psyche, Part 2 - Top Five
Astro-Events for April - Barron William Trump Enters the World
14. NewsScope for March 20, 2006 - World Transits from Cosmos and Psyche - The Da Vinci Code Decoded - Oleg
Cassini, Fashion Designer
15. NewsScope for March 13, 2006 - Enceladus, Saturn's Brightest Gem - Milosevic Found Dead - Teri Hatcher's
Molestation Shocker
16. NewsScope for March 6, 2006 - Global Warming Reports - Al Qaeda and Zarqawi, Tactical Differences - Anna
Nicole Smith Goes to Washington
17. NewsScope for February 27, 2006 - Zarqawi and the Golden Mosque - The Top Five Astro-Events for March
2006 - Simon Cowell, America's Favorite Villain
18. NewsScope for February 20, 2006 - Dick Cheney Shoots a Man in Texas - Ben Bernanke Replaces Alan
Greenspan - Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon versus Keira Knightley
19. NewsScope for February 13, 2006 - Al-Jazeera, Broadcasting Islamic Views - U.S. Relocated to Tehran - Steve
Martin Evokes Peter Sellers
20. NewsScope for February 6, 2006 - Jupiter and Neptune Clash - The Dramatic Solar Eclipse of March 29, 2006 -
Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong Split
21. NewsScope for January 30, 2006 - Saturn and Neptune bring Tectonic Shifts - Pluto and the Galactic Center -
Dancing with the Stars: Stacy Keibler vs. Drew Lachey
22. NewsScope for January 23, 2006 - New Horizons Goes to Pluto - The Astrology of Baghdad - George Clooney
and Teri Hatcher
23. NewsScope for January 18, 2006 - Ceres and Global Warming - Alito and the Age of Aquarius - Angelina Jolie,
24. NewsScope for January 9, 2006 - Israel's Machiavellian Election - West Virginia Mine Mishap - Nicole Kidman's
25. NewsScope for January 2, 2006 - Jack Abramoff, Tempest in a Teapot - 9/11 Re-visited - Vladimir Bortko
Ends Russian Jinx
26. NewsScope for December 26, 2005 - Pension Crisis Looms - Scorpio Rising? - King Kong and the Pluto Cycle
27. NewsScope for December 19, 2005 - The National Security Agency Unveiled - Israeli Strike on Iran? - Howard
Stern Moves to Sirius
28. NewsScope for December 12, 2005 - Mars Turns Direct - MS13 and Oscar Romero - Matt Damon's Jupiter
Defies Bad Air over Hollywood
29. NewsScope for December 5, 2005 - Saddam Faces his Accusers - Alito and Roe v. Wade - Larry Page and
Sergey Brin: "Don't Be Evil"
30. NewsScope for November 28, 2005 - Mars and Jupiter Hit American Ascendant - Medicare Part D Overhaul -
The Revolutionary, "Merry Christmas"

For more, click > NewsScope


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Michael (WolfStar) O'Reilly's NewsScope: From May 2nd to October 17th, 2005

1. NewsScope for November 21, 2005 - December's Grand Cross - Burma and the Astrologers - Matthew
McConaughey, Sexiest Man Alive
2. NewsScope for November 14, 2005: The Torturous Mars-Saturn Square - Jordan's King Hussein, Peacemaker -
Joaquin Phoenix Walks the Line
3. NewsScope for November 7, 2005: Saturn and Neptune Shape Global Village - Iran's Hard-line President -
George Clooney, Filmmaker
4. NewsScope for October 31, 2005: Spotlight on Cheney - Parallels to the Past - John Coltrane's Aquarian
5. NewsScope for October 24, 2005: All Soul's Day Lunation - The GOP Horoscope - James Van Praagh, Ghost
6. NewsScope for October 17th, 2005 - Bird Flu Pandemic? - Warren Beatty Changes Careers - Daniel Craig, The
Next James Bond
7. NewsScope for October 10th, 2005 - Harriet Miers, Pit Bull in Size 6 Shoes - Patrick Fitzgerald, Special
Prosecutor - Tyra Banks, Top Venus
8. NewsScope for October 3, 2005 - Political Earthquake in Washington - Tom DeLay, On the Ropes - Bob Dylan,
Re-Born Again
9. NewsScope for September 26th, 2005 - Hurricane Rita Hits U.S. Pluto Line - Bush Drinking? - Brittney Spears
and The Six Million Dollar Baby
10. NewsScope for September 18th, 2005 - October's Shadow - Civil War In Iraq - Renee Zellweger Claims Fraud
11. NewsScope for September 12th, 2005 - New Orleans, Neptune's Harbor - Neptune's Epochal Return - Oprah,
and The Angel Network
12. NewsScope for September 5th, 2005 - Neptune Spawns Katrina - The Astrology of Hurricanes - Harry Connick
Jr. Returns to New Orleans
13. NewsScope for August 29th, 2005 - Pat Robertson and Hugo Chavez - First Flight's Part of Misfortune - Geena
Davis, The First Woman President
14. NewsScope for August 22nd, 2005 - Cindy Sheehan, Peace Mom - Saturn Heading Toward Hamas' Pluto -
Hunter Thompson Goes Out With a Blast
15. August 15th, 2005 - The American Occupation of Iraq - Political Astrology, The Book - Peter Jennings, News
16. August 8th, 2005 - International Crisis over Iran's Nuclear Intentions - Baidu, the Asian Google - Jessica
Simpson's Venus-Saturn Complex
17. August 1st, 2005 - Saturn Tests NASA - Xena, and Other Strange Objects - Lucy Lawless as Xena
18. July 25th, 2005 - John Roberts, Supreme Court Nominee - Mars-Pluto over the UK - Angelina Jolie and Zahara
19. July 18th, 2005 - Karl Rove and the Storm Goddess - Global Warming in the Age of Pisces - J.K. Rowling's Star-
Crossed Novels
20. July 11th, 2005 - Al Qaeda Hits London - Saturn Enters Leo - Michelle Wie, The Center of the Storm
21. July 4th, 2005 - Bush's 2005 Solar Return - Solar Eclipse Activated - War of the Worlds
22. June 27th, 2005 - Hillary Clinton in 2008 - Political Astrology, the Book, Available Soon - The Bewitching
Nicole Kidman
23. June 20th, 2005 - Guantanamo Bay, Shut It Down? - California Earthquakes - Sean Penn, Ace Reporter
24. June 13th, 2005 - Evo Morales, and the U.S. Nightmare in Bolivia - Pension Plan Shortfalls - Manu Ginobili, In
a Rhythm
25. June 6th, 2005 - Bob Woodward's Anonymous Source - France Rejects EU Constitution - Lindsay Lohan and
the Paparazzi
26. May 30th, 2005 - Bush Chart Update - Saudi Arabia in Transition - Renee Zellweger's Venus
27. May 23rd, 2005 - Saturn Heading for U.S. Mercury - Laura Bush Expresses her Inner Goddess - George Lucas,
and the Force
28. May 16th, 2005 - The Neptune Cycle - Classified Memo on Iraq Leaked - Eva Longoria's Venus
29. May 9th, 2005 - Kerkorian at GM - Relocating the Atomic Age Horoscope to North Korea - American Idol Top
30. May 2nd, 2005 - Neptune Conceals Iran's Intentions; Mary Kay Letourneau, Aquarian Extraordinaire; Katie
Holmes, TC's New Girl

For more, click > NewsScope


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4. Hypnosis - Part 4: In Day-to-Day Living
5. Hypnosis for Phobias: From Fear of Spiders and Even Clowns
6. Regain Confidence: Self Hypnosis Programs Can Help Build Self-Esteem
7. To Familiarize Yourself with Hypnotherapy: Free Online Self Hypnosis Resources
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"Free Tarot Readings by Alison Day give you information to inspire hope and

Alison Day has had a fascination with Reading Tarot Cards ever since she went for her first reading at the age of
sixteen. She found that each reading brought comfort and helped provide clarity when she was clouded with

Through meditation, Alison's ability to access the guiding voice of her intuition became stronger, and the constant
stream of messages and images became clearer and easier to understand.

However, it was only when a close friend expressed a desire for information on how
to give free tarot readings that Alison decided it would be fun to learn too. Little did
she know at that time how much a part of her life it would become.

Alison soon developed her own relationship with the Tarot cards deck and a unique style of interpretation. Now she
has an international client base, offering readings over the telephone as well as face-to-face.

We feel very fortunate that Alison has agreed to offer the Tarot readings on our web page, and dedicate a portion
of her busy schedule to corresponding with our visitors. We hope you enjoy her interpretations as much as we do.

To receive your free reading, click > Reading Tarot Cards

Here are Alison's own comments about the Tarot Deck

"I believe Tarot is an ancient form of counseling, rather than fortune telling. For me, a reading captures the
essence of the moment as experienced by the client, picking up on influences or lessons from their past and
showing possibilities for the future.

A responsibility comes with the Tarot, and the practice must be treated with respect and humility. The majority of
people consult the cards in a time of confusion or distress, hence the need to deal with people and their feelings

If I were asked what do I hope to provide for each of my clients, I would answer clarity of mind and boldness of
heart. For most of us it is our fear that causes distress, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of loneliness, and so
on. The Tarot can bring comfort and reassurance.

However, readings should never be used as an emotional crutch, which is sometimes very tempting to do,
especially on the Internet. We limit the number of daily readings on these site pages and suggest that it is counter
productive to address the same issue or question with more than one reading. In actual fact, it is always your first
reading for any issue that will be the most appropriate.

I believe the secret to happiness is to be able to truly live in the moment and embrace it as though it was your
last, with no regard or concern for the past or the future. I know how difficult that is to achieve for most of us and
I hope that by sharing the insights and messages of these tarot readings I can evoke hope and courage in all of you."

Receive Your Free Tarot Reading by Alison Day

We're thrilled and proud to be able to link up with Lotus Tarot, probably the best Free Tarot Card Readings site on
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By clicking on the link below you will be taken to Alison Day's site, where you will be able to access free on-line
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To get a free reading, you will need to register your email address with the site, which is perfectly safe (no
spam!). It takes about 30 seconds and is more than worth the effort! Alison's readings are both accurate and

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Reiki: An Energy Healing Therapy

Energy Healing and Therapy Technique Book Reviews on Reiki:

1. "Reiki Revolution" by Katharina Van Gend

2. "Simple Reiki for Self Healing" by Stephanie Brail
3. "Radical Reiki - Radical Life" by CT Conroy and JA Conroy
4. Chikara-Reiki-Do: The Way of Strength and Power Through Reiki

Free Reiki Mini Course where you can learn the Reiki Symbols and the potential to unlock the energy in your seven
different Chakra centers to start you on the path of learning the basics of Reiki energy healing as a therapy

1. Reiki: Security and Safety - Root Chakra: Part 1

2. Reiki: Pleasure, Fun and Creativity - Sacral Chakra: Part 2
3. Reiki: Giving and Receiving - Solar Plexus Chakra: Part 3
4. Reiki: Love - Heart Chakra: Part 4
5. Reiki: Communication and Expression - Throat Chakra: Part 5
6. Reiki: Intuitive, Knowing, and Focussing - Third Eye Chakra: Part 6
7. Reiki: Divine Love - Crown Chakra: Part 7

Articles on Reiki

● Answers on Healing Insecurity with Reiki and EFT by Judith Conway

● Reiki for Depression - And Other Useful Tips to Beat the Blues
● Using Tibetan Reiki Symbols for Mentally Balancing our Thoughts
● Reiki Tips for Getting You Through the Cold and Flu Season
● Choosing an Ethical, Responsible Reiki Practitioner
● "The Essence of Reiki" by Gerry and Adele Malone

Articles by Erica Rock (Reiki Practitioner and Creator of "Ride the Waves of Reiki," Meditation CD)

● The Gift of Reiki - A Personal Story of One Woman's Road to Self Healing
● Reiki Introduction: "The Hows and Why's of Reiki"

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Read This Month's Astrology Signs, and Yearly Astrological Forecasts including
Monthly Transit Reports for 2007 by Elizabeth Jones

Read current articles written by Elizabeth Jones, an exceptionally gifted astrologer, that describe how current
astrological events affect us all, regardless of our astrology sun sign.

Read a Special Report: Astrology Article for All Signs of the Zodiac: Living on Purpose in 2008

Transit Talk News Articles for Month's Current Events

1. Monthly Transit Talks (MTT) for Capricorn

2. Monthly Transit Talk (MMT) Sagittarius
3. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Scorpio
4. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Libra
5. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Virgo
6. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Leo
7. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Cancer
8. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Gemini
9. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Taurus
10. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT - Aries
11. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Pisces
12. Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) - Aquarius

Now that you have learned from the MTT reports how the months astrological influences affect all signs, learn
more about this month's astrology currents and their time duration and influences. Be sure and read through our
library of articles, because some influences last for many months at a time.

Click here for The Latest AstroCurrents Report

More Interesting Astrology Articles

● Q&A - When will I meet someone? When will I get married? Will the relationship I am in now develop into a
committed one?

Elizabeth Jones is an Astrologer living in Mt. Shasta, California. She began her study of Astrology and Metaphysics
at an early age under the tutelage of her grandfather, Ralph Jones. Her web site at gives
information on how current astrological events are affecting us all, as well as information on the Tarot.
StarPathways also offers valuable tools for astrologers that we highly recommend. Elizabeth can be reached at Her phone number is 530-926-1999.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Elizabeth Jones, Astrologer: Learn Effects of Lunar and Solar Eclipses, This
Month's Astrology Signs, and a Special 2008 Astrology Report

Read current articles written by Elizabeth Jones, an exceptionally gifted astrologer, that describe how current
astrological events are affecting us all, regardless of our sign.

Astrology Articles on Current Key Aspects and Transits for 2008

Read AstroCurrents, a monthly astrology article that explains how each month's key astrology aspects affect us all.
Be sure and read back reports because some influences run for a number of months.

1. AstroCurrents for January 2008 - Part One: Taking Precautions, Sense of Community, Getting in Touch with
Your Goals
2. AstroCurrents for December 2007 - Part Two: Good Fortune, Accomplishment, Breaking Habits, Sentiment,
Optimism & the Winter Solstice
3. AstroCurrents for December 2007 - Part One: Openness, Heightened Emotional States, and Increased Light
4. AstroCurrents for November 2007 - Part One: Improved Communication, Venus' Romantic Influences, and the
Mysterious Effects of a Scorpio New Moon
5. AstroCurrents for November 2007 - Part Two: Expansion, New Insights, and Communication
6. AstroCurrents for October 2007 - Part One: Focus on Nurturing and Health, Simplicity, and Expansion
7. AstroCurrents for October 2007 - Part Two: Focus on Motivation, Relationships, and Perceptions

Read Articles from the Astrology Archives

● Read Rest of 2007 Astrology Reports for All Zodiac Sign

● 2005 - 2006 Astrology Reports for All Sun Signs

Learn how this month's sun sign effects us all, click here > MTT Monthy Astrology Reports

Additional Library of Astrology Articles

● Special Report - Mercury Retrograde and How It Affects Us

Elizabeth Jones is an Astrologer living in Mt. Shasta, California. She began her study of Astrology and Metaphysics
at an early age under the tutelage of her grandfather, Ralph Jones. Her web site at gives
information on how current astrological events are affecting us all, as well as information on the Tarot.
StarPathways also offers valuable tools for astrologers that we highly recommend. Elizabeth can be reached at Her phone number is 530-926-1999.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Astrology Articles by Elizabeth Jones

Monthly Transit Talks (MTT) for Capricorn Characteristics

By Elizabeth Jones

This month's Sign: Capricorn

Date & Time of Suns Entry: December 21st, 2007 at 10:08 pm PST, 11:08 pm MST, and on the 22nd at 12:08 am
CST, 1:08 am EST

Type: Cardinal Earth sign

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Areas of Body Ruled: Skeleton, knees and skin

Key Phrase: I use and therefore achieve

Symbols: The mountain goat

This information is for all signs of the Zodiac. Whatever is going on in the skies Astrologically affects us all, all of the time. Below is
information regarding how the current emphasis on Capricorn may affect you personally and ways to work with this influence.


Capricorn rules how we relate to the physical plane. It directly addresses our willingness, capacity and natural
wherewithal to show up to our life and own and utilize the abilities and talents we've been given. It also rules how
we deal with our responsibilities~both karmic and everyday. If your chart is well aspected by Saturn and its ruling
sign, Capricorn, then it is likely that you relate well to the laws and rules that govern the physical plane and our
society. You probably keep your word and agreements and you naturally come from honesty and integrity. You may
well be conscientious, loyal, determined, persistent, organized and/or thorough.

It is interesting that the sign of Capricorn follows the sign of Sagittarius, since Sag rules freedom and
independence. Yet right on its heels is the sign that is the Keeper of the Rule Book of Life. Perhaps the message
here is that what truly maintains our freedom is this willingness to work within certain rules and laws. There are
many such rules that because we comply with them, we are afforded certain freedoms. And the influences of
Saturn and the sign of Capricorn are here to remind us of these rules that essentially hold life together. And in
fact, they rule the basic structures and forms of life, such as the skeleton of the body, the foundations of a
building and the roots of our heritage. And if we didn't have these things, order would dissipate and chaos would

Yet these very patterns can become too rigid and then entrenched into our lives, thus the need to occasionally do
a reality check, if you will, to see if we need to break up some of these patterns or habits or even belief systems.

During this time that Capricorn seek to find the balance between honoring the "rules" while not becoming a slave
to them.

If this part of your chart is "afflicted", either at birth or by transit, (an Astrology reading could advise you on this)
you will need to work on the above areas. Other things to consider are listed below. Indications of Capricorn
challenges (either at birth or by transit, whether you're a Capricorn or not):

● Issues around being present in a responsible way to your life and/or keeping your agreements.
● Staying with projects through completion. Procrastination, then rushing at the last moment.
● Problems staying focused and feeling scattered.
● Often late to appointments or missing deadlines.
● Being too rigid and unyielding.
● Feeling isolated and alone, or "against the wall" or trapped.
● Though you may know what you want, you may feel at a loss as to how to create it.
● You may also feel that life isn't fair or have feelings of deep weariness.

If you relate to any of these, they are indications that Saturn, or the sign of Capricorn, are in some way "afflicted"
in your natal chart or by transit. If you feel you are challenged by Saturn or the sign of Capricorn it is important to
see what is directly within your control. Such as what you eat, how you take care of your body and how you react
to your life. ("Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it".)


It is most helpful to realize that working with Saturn in a positive way is really just understanding and abiding by
the rules. It is then that we are able to manifest what we want, if it is in our highest good. Here are some other
ideas for how to best work with the energies of this sign:

● Use the wisdom that this sign offers, as it resides in each of us and is more accessible at this time.
● Seek to understand the reasoning behind any given "rule" or commitment as once you do so, it will increase
your level of willingness in complying and honoring them (this will also offer you clues as to when it is time
to leave behind those things that have become entrenched and no longer truly support you).
● Know that we all have an inherent resistance to change to one degree or another. Simply acknowledge this
yet do not let it be the only voice you listen to!
● * Saturn will be retrograde until 5/2/08 and so now is a perfect time for reflection, re-thinking and then
redefining as you examine your true motives and basis for the structure of your life, your goals,
commitments and what you call your "shoulds" or "must-dos".
● It might be helpful to consider that changes made now (through January) have a better chance of really
taking hold and then becoming a part of your new regimes.
● Seeking out those wiser and more experienced than you can be of great assistance now.
● Take simple and basic approaches to dealing with problems.
● Time spent alone in reflection may also offer the guidance needed at this time.

Remember that as you are reprioritizing the basic structure of your life, it this takes time, persistence and
patience! And so the challenges now are to revisit the beliefs and decisions that make up your personal set of rules
that you have come to live by. Hold onto the ones that still work for you and choose to let go of the ones that no
longer do.

Colors to enhance Capricorn energies: Colors to work with are royal shades of purple, blue and red. These will
enhance your ability to access the energies of this powerful and dynamic sign. Wear them, visualize them, or do
something creative using them!


Every sign has a higher, or more spiritual, vibration that if we tune into can help us during the time of its increased
Capricorn influence (12/21/07 to 1/20/08). Here are some things to think about with regard to this:
● To realize that we are in charge of creating our reality to the degree that our thoughts and our will are in
alignment with Higher will.
● To also consciously direct our will to align with the natural laws of karma and accountability.
● To release blame and accept responsibility for our life.
● This process is one of "spiritual maturing" and will bring a sense of order and purpose to our lives. This being
the sign associated with the birth of Jesus reminds us that humility and compassion are keys to learning
these lessons.


● I am aligned with my highest will and thereby create order and peace naturally.
● I release my struggle with life.
● I accept compassion and gentleness as Divine aspects of my being.
● I choose to manifest consciously.


Pyrite: Pyrite is excellent for assisting us in getting grounded and keeping focused. It helps to calm the mental
body, bringing it into alignment with our physical body. Pyrite encourages us to be practical and not get caught up
in glamour. It helps us to realize the natural abundance that is our birthright.

Tabular Crystals: Tabbies, as they are commonly called, are (usually) clear quartz crystals that have two sides
that are larger than the others. This makes them rather "flat" or thin. They operate at a different vibration than
other crystals, assisting us to bridge from one place or point in our lives to another. They are powerful tools during
life transitions and major shifts. They can help to bridge us to teachers at other levels. If you are attracted to
tabbies, it is a sign that you are ready to go to the "next level".

Smoky Quartz: Helps to build a foundation of Light by bringing the Light to the first chakra. Great for feeling
overwhelmed, fatigued or stressed. Increases our power to create our dreams on Earth.

Simple ways to work with crystals: Wear them. Put them next to your bed or under your pillow while you sleep.
Meditate with them. Carry them in your pocket. Put quartz or rose quartz in your drinking water. Give one to a

Copyright, 2007, written by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved. If you feel so inspired, feel free to forward this
webpage article onto others, but please do so without change or alteration.

For more information about Mt. Shasta, California, astrologer Elizabeth Jones, visit her website at www., or you can easily reach her at Her phone number is 530-926-1999.


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Home > Read This Month's Astrology Report

Astrology Article for All Signs of the Zodiac: Living on Purpose in 2008

By Elizabeth Jones

While a basic theme for 2007 was that of "finishing things up," many are sensing that 2008 is a year to move in
new directions - those that will bring them closer to living on purpose. And the Astrological alchemy to do so will
help you to reach this objective as the months go on, as three planets move from fire to earth signs.

Late January, 2008, Pluto is entering Capricorn, which will indicate what area of your life a transformation is likely
to occur as you move towards living with greater Purpose. In mid-December Jupiter also entered Capricorn, which
will offer the awareness leading to the essential truths that are integral to this shift. And Saturn entered Virgo in
September 2007 and offers practical keys to help create that change in your everyday life. Mars will be a strong
catalyst in January and February to start the year off with enthusiasm.

If you know your Rising Sign, be sure to read that as well for additional information.


You are entering a most powerful phase; one that calls you to greater responsibility in your career as Pluto begins
its transformative energies in this area of your solar chart. Jupiter brings awareness to your higher purpose through
seeing how your actions are a reflection of your ethics. Keys from Saturn: get your daily life and health regimes in
optimal order. Mars reminds you to pay extra attention to all communications in January and February.


Seeking higher knowledge from workshops, books, education or someone older and wiser than you is your arena for
Pluto's transformation. Jupiter will entice you to follow your enthusiasm as it will lead to your life purpose. You,
more than most, know that genuine, lasting change takes time. Embracing slow, steady growth and change is your
Saturn key. Mars prompts you to remember your values in January and February.


Activating your purpose through radical inquiry is how Pluto will be impacting you as it enters your solar 8th house.
Jupiter will pique your natural curiosity in seeking truths hidden in ancient mysteries. (Hint: follow the "cosmic
bread crumbs.") Saturn says Home is your place of meaning. The key is in seeking your true (i.e. universal) home.
The year begins with lots of activity as Mars is in your sign until 3/4.


Relationship is where Pluto will be seeking your personal transformation and where you find clues to living a more
purposeful life. See how others are a reflection of this. Jupiter offers insights through your closest associations.
Saturn is doing some major mental house cleaning as you let go of old thoughts and negativity and says, "common
sense goes a long way now." Mars brings you clarity from the past in January and February.

Pluto in your solar 6th will forge a deeper connection to your natural rhythms and cycles by making it clear that
changes to your daily regimes and life patterns are critical to living on purpose. Jupiter will offer help by making
that exercise class or new health regime actually seem like fun. Saturn is asking that you get your finances in order
to help create a simpler, less stressful life. Mars will bring you "a little help from your friends" in January and


Pluto will stimulate your creativity but don't be surprised if you feel challenged as you express yourself in new
ways. Jupiter will be your muse, making sure you find joy during this creative and dynamic year. Saturn in your
sign brings completions in some areas and beginnings in others as you feel the cycle of life turning all around you.
Focus and hard work really pay off by year's end. Mars activates your career sector in January and February.


Home, family and your basic foundation is where Pluto will be bringing you transformation and where deep healing
is possible. Jupiter's insights come through learning more about your roots and the generations that came before
you. Saturn helps you to find peace, meaning and a sense of purpose through simplicity in your spiritual practice
and life. Mars puts you on a search for truth early in the year.


Pluto ushers in a time of radical departure from your previous attitudes and ways of thinking. Open-mindedness is
a must now. Jupiter offers up lots of interesting and stimulating conversations. Saturn brings comfort, a sense of
belonging and stability from a few close, long-time friends as you journey into new mental territory. Mars activates
your natural transformative ways early in the year.


You may be feeling some relief as Pluto leaves your sign (it entered late in 1995) and enters your solar 2nd house,
where a transformation of your values, and thus purpose, is almost inevitable. As you open to these new insights
Jupiter brings financial security as a result of renewed self worth. Saturn brings recognition and reward, yet also
additional responsibilities, throughout the year. Mars brings help, but also possibly conflict, from others in January
and February.


2008 is the beginning of a major new life cycle as Pluto enters your sign and ignites an internal fire that will burn
away old patterns and life styles that have kept you from your true, and Soul-intended, purpose. Key: it's quite
likely that your Sagittarius friends have some valid info for you, as they have been Pluto-ed for years. Jupiter
brings optimism just when you need it most. Saturn helps you to focus as you seek higher truth. Mars ushers in
dynamic and productive health regimes in January and February.


Your spiritual life will deepen as Pluto enters your solar 12th house, bringing about a major transformation. Jupiter
says, "surrender to the path being laid before you, as your true Purpose is revealed." Further, Saturn is in Pluto's
home (the 8th house), which will provide you with both the perseverance and resources needed for the journey.
All combined, transformation in all areas is at hand. Mars ignites your creative process in January and February.


Pluto entering your solar 11th house brings friends and community into your circle of transformation, as they help
to revitalize the vision for your life. Jupiter will bring renewed hope and clarity as you explore your purpose.
Saturn will be influencing your personal relationships as some complete while others continue and deepen. Use
maturity, experience and wisdom as you choose which are which. Mars brings interesting developments on the
home front through February.

There will be a longer version of this article available on this website in early January, 2008, with additional
information for each sign. Be sure to check back then.

Copyright, 2007, written by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved. If you feel so inspired, feel free to forward this
webpage article onto others, but please do so without change or alteration.

For more information about Mt. Shasta, California, astrologer Elizabeth Jones, visit her web site at www., or you can easily reach her at if you would like to schedule a
reading. You can ask Elizabeth by email to notify you when her updates are available, too. Her phone number is


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Home > Read Previous Monthly Astrology Reports

AstroCurrents for December - Part Two: Good Fortune, Accomplishment,

Breaking Habits, Sentiment, Optimism & the Winter Solstice

The Astrological events listed below will affect us all, regardless of your sign.

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
--Dr. Robert Schuller

December 18 Jupiter enters Capricorn at 12:12 pm PST until 1/5/09. Jupiter will be in Capricorn all of 2008
and for the first time since 1996. Since Jupiter is the planet most associated with good fortune, and even luck,
and Capricorn the sign most associated with business, this may well be helpful for the economy in general. A
profitable year is especially likely for those businesses that offer a genuine service or product based on solid
business practices. In fact, this placement is wonderful for establishing or expanding a small or medium sized
business whose foundations are based on honesty, simplicity, truth and incorporating a back-to-basics approach.
Success may well be found through studying and implementing the business ethics and practices of a few decades
ago. The buying public will more and more be seeking out those products and services that are sound, of high
quality, well built, safe, genuinely helpful, a good value and/or will basically perform as promised.

Personally, Jupiter in Capricorn will be a time of reward and success for those who have put forth honest
efforts in the past, or who do so throughout this year. In other words, your hard work and sincere efforts may well
pay off at some point during this year. Some keys are to take those great ideas you came up with, or thought a lot
about, during the past year or two, develop a plan and then stick with it. You will find that this years planetary
placements are going to be most helpful towards being able to bring your plans and schemes into existence.

While this is certainly true for business ventures, it is also true for other things requiring concerted effort, such
as regaining health or loosing weight, getting on a budget and out of debt, getting a job you like, making a move
you've been wanting, etc. What is most important to think about as the year turns is:

● What do I really do want.

● What would I like to accomplish at this juncture of my life.
● What do I have to do to realize these things.

Here are some keys and things to consider as to how to best tune into and use this most auspicious celestial
shift to your benefit:

Adopt the attitude that those things worth having may take time. Have a plan. Be patient. Stay on task. And don't
be afraid of rolling up your sleeves and doing some extra work. This does not mean work harder, but rather work
smarter and more diligently.

1. Create a system for monitoring your steady growth. Using graphs, diaries and calendars will help you to see
progress and help to keep you on track and encouraged.

2. Consider seeking out the advice of those more experienced than you who have traveled the road you about to
embark on. They may well be able to offer a most valuable perspective.

3. Be practical and use common sense. Avoid excess. Quality counts a lot more than quantity now.
4. If you are feeling as though you just don't have the necessary resources to accomplish any given task, look at
what you have in your immediate environment to see if what you need is right in plain site. Jupiter in Capricorn is
very resourceful and will often provide just what you need right when you need it. Remember: "seek and ye shall

5. During those times you feel as though you may not "have enough", practice being grateful for what you do have,
as this will only create an opening for greater abundance in your life.

There are other astrological events currently taking place that will further support the shift towards this being a
most fruitful and productive year, though this will require some focused work on your part. You can read more at
my article "Living on Purpose in 2008" as to what each sign can expect.

"You have in your composition a mighty genius for expression which has escaped discipline."
--HG Wells

December 19 Saturn stations retrograde at 6:11 am PST (8°34' Virgo) until 5/2/08. Saturn stationing now is
clearly an indication that we must all be patient and practice diligence. Rushing and making impulsive
decisions or actions is not the order of the day, though neither is procrastination! It is time to reconsider the big
picture for the next phase of your life, and then adjusting your plans and focus accordingly. It is very likely that in
this process, you will find that eliminating those things that are taking too much of your time and effort are an
important piece to being able to create what you really want.

Especially while this station is it's strongest (until early in '08), but also anytime during the retrograde period,
it would be revealing and helpful to:

Look at what distracts you? (Such as too much time spent watching TV or browsing the internet.)

Another place to give some honest consideration is your daily regimes and health practices. Are there places you
could be using more common sense such as creating a schedule that would be gentler on your body, mind and
spirit? Is it time (past time?) to give up some habit or pattern that really isn't supporting your overall well-being?
Saturn is the planet of discipline and can provide just the boost needed to get going in the right direction.

Be somewhat conservative and mindful of where you are spending your time and money. Some of the Holiday stress
now can be avoided by staying aware of this simple thing.

Some simple hints as to how to best use these energies are to:

● Get organized, if only in simple ways such as making lists or clearing off your desk.
● Eliminate those "extra" tasks that send you into overwhelm.
● Apply simplicity whenever possible.
● Delegate as is possible and necessary.
● Consider the above quote by HG Wells…perhaps your genius is requiring some discipline in order to appear in
your life.

December 20 Mercury enters Capricorn at 6:43 am PST until 1/7/08. Mercury here will help you to apply the
suggestions offered above, as it inclines us towards being more mentally grounded and practical. While this isn't
the most inspirational placement for Mercury, it is a very industrious and pragmatic one. This is a good placement
for being honest and realistic in your communications, with self and with others. You may find that as the New
Year approaches you will be thinking about the next stage of your life. This will only facilitate the general tone
and direction of celestial energies these days and in the New Year.

December 21 Sun enters Capricorn at 10:07 pm PST (Winter Solstice). This is a most sacred time of the year as
the external light (in the northern hemisphere) is at its least, which is an invitation to go within, seeking your inner
Light and thus connection to Source. It is good now to spend time in meditation and reflection on the previous
year's spiritual growth and also on what is needed to deepen your own relationship to Spirit in the coming cycle of
increased Light (through the Summer Solstice). As you do so, you will likely find the Guidance and Truth you seek.

Be sure and read Capricorn Monthly Transit Talk (MTT) which gives information for all signs as to what to expect
from the influx of Capricorn energy at this time.

December 23 Full Moon at 5:16 pm PST (1°50' Cancer). It is not uncommon for this to be a most emotional
full moon as feelings of nostalgia and thoughts of days gone by make their way into our psyche. And occurring so
close to the Winter Solstice only increases this. But wait! There's more! Mars and Jupiter are also in the mix today
(see below) adding an intensity and energy to the already strong feelings and impressions emerging now. I don't
think that I ever seen this Capricorn/Cancer full moon quite this potent. All themes related to family, home, the
past, generational issues, mother/father, children and traditions are accented. Navigating this time is going to
require a good dose of personal mindfulness and awareness of others feelings, as many will be feeling quite
vulnerable and sentimental.

Perhaps the best way to approach these sensitive energies is to "Go to Greet" them directly and even invite
them into your life. Seek out and enjoy traditions, even if it is poignant; look over family albums and allow
yourself to feel those feelings of sadness over those who are no longer with you; and find ways to show your caring
to those you love.

Here are a couple of additional suggestions. Since this is very likely to be quite a sensitive time, avoid conflicts
as they may well explode. This is not the time for confrontations! Be extra gentle and thoughtful and practice
kindness. And do be careful out there! I'm afraid the likelihood of some people not using common sense and
perhaps even being careless and reactive are here.

Special Note: This full moon will be influential for at least a few days before and after the actual event. That said,
I fully expect the strongest impact to be Saturday, the 22nd, through Christmas Day, with Sunday the peak.

December 26 Mars (while retrograde) opposite Jupiter at 11:53 am PST (1°50' Cancer/Capricorn). As
mentioned above, this opposition occurs under the influence of this month's full moon, which is also an opposition
of the Sun and the Moon. Oppositions always bring us into contact with others, for better or worse. Hence, know
that first this will likely be a busy time in which you will be needing to take into consideration the needs, wants
and desires of those around you. The contact between Mars and Jupiter is always energizing and can be quite
dynamic, so it is likely this will be a week or so of lots of activity. This, of course, is quite typical for the Holidays,
but this year will be even more so. It will be very helpful seek out ways to express the potent energies afoot
physically, such as walking, yoga, exercising and dance!

One more thing, be a bit extra cautious regarding money now as this aspect can create over spending (or even
over doing in some way) a real possibility.

December 30 Venus enters Sagittarius at 10:02 am PST until 1/24/08. Venus in Sagittarius will be a most
welcome energy as almost everything else is in earth signs these days and this will add some levity and lightness,
reminding us all to enjoy ourselves while we get to the business the New Year ushers in. Relationships can be a
source of enjoyment now as Venus here reminds us not to take things so seriously. And in fact, you may find your
closest associations and partnerships, whether business or personal, infused with a spirit of optimism and hope.

Another thing to think of in regards to this placement of Venus is that our relationships will likely be seeking
greater levels of freedom. It is wise to remember that others need to be able to express themselves as sovereign
beings, as do you. So be sure to allow those you love their own version of independence while you seek out yours,

December 31 Mars (while retrograde) re-enters Gemini at 8:01 am PST until 3/4/08. Mars (while retrograde) re-
entering Gemini, the sign ruling communications, on NYE just spells of potential misunderstandings and
miscommunications. First, be sure to check and re-check and then check again, all plans, arrangements and
agreements. Travel is especially tricky now and for the next few days. So be sure to take extra care and stay
grounded while on the roads. And again, double check any flight plans, luggage tags, etc. During the entire Mars in
Gemini time period (until 3/4/08) watch your tone and how you speak in general. It can be only too easy to allow a
hint (or more) of sarcasm and criticism into your conversations during this time. This placement of Mars is good for
getting things done with regards to all writing, with a particular focus on re-writing or editing.

May God bless you in this Season of Light and in the New Year.

Elizabeth Jones

Also be sure and read:

1. AstroCurrents for December - Part One, as many aspects are still in effect.
2. Start the Year Off Right: AstroCurrents for January 2008
3. Special Report: Living on Purpose in 2008

Copyright, 2007, written by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved. If you feel so inspired, feel free to forward this
webpage article onto others, but please do so without change or alteration.

For more information about Mt. Shasta, California, astrologer Elizabeth Jones, visit her web site at www., or you can easily reach her at You can ask Elizabeth by email to
notify you when her updates or available, too. Her phone number is 530-926-1999.


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Home > Read Previous Monthly Astrology Reports

AstroCurrents for January 2008 - Part One: Taking Precautions, Sense of

Community, Getting in Touch with Your Goals

The Astrological events listed below will affect us all, regardless of your sign.

The events listed here are for the beginning of January. Please check back as the month progresses for additional

January 2 Mars opposite Pluto at 1:28 pm PST (29°12' Gemini/Sagittarius). This is a most volatile energy, one
that I am going to strongly suggest you be most careful during its influence (12/31 to 1/5 at least). Mars and Pluto
are both known to be quite problematic under certain astrological circumstances and this is certainly one of them.
Be extremely careful in all your communications and avoid making agreements during this time if possible.

Many will be feeling edgy, irritable and reactive during this time. It is most important to not take on more than you
can handle now so as to not feel rushed or pushed into meeting deadlines or making appointments. The best way
to handle these potent and potentially difficult energies is to slow down, don't say anything rash or likely to create
conflict, stay grounded and just wait it out. It may go without saying that during the influence of this energy,
there could be something going on in the news that is explosive and/or violent in nature.

January 7 Mercury enters Aquarius at 8:46 pm until 3/14/08. Mercury here can open the doors to humanitarian
concerns taking center stage. Our attention is drawn to the global community in some way, or perhaps even our
own communities and neighbors. Our minds can be quite innovative and creative in nature, coming up with all
kinds of interesting ideas and even solutions to long-standing issues or problems. Now is a good time to think
outside the box and be willing to view things from different, unique and new angles and perspectives.

NOTE: Mercury will be retrograde while in Aquarius, from 1/28 until 2/18-more on that later!

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."
--David Lloyd Geroge

January 8 New Moon at 3:37 am (17°33' Capricorn). This being the first New Moon (and in Capricorn) of the year
is a great time for beginnings and for initiating or starting projects. If you are looking for a time to plant seed ideas
and make goals for the year, this is a good day to do so. Spend some time reflecting on what you must leave
behind (such as limiting beliefs, old habits or defeating patterns) in order to enter this new cycle of promise.

Looking ahead to additional January AstroCurrents, here are some of the events I will soon be discussing:

● January 20 Sun enters Aquarius at 8:44 am until 2/18/08

● January 21 Jupiter trine Saturn at 1:15 am PST (7°36' Capricorn/Virgo)
● January 22 Full Moon at 5:35 am PST (1°54' Aquarius/Leo)
● January 24 Venus enters Capricorn at 12:06 am PST until 2/17/08
● January 25 Pluto enters Capricorn at 7:44 pm PST until 6/13/08
● January 28 Mercury stations retrograde at 12:30 pm PST (23°52' Aquarius) until 2/18/08
● January 30 Mars stations direct at 2:33 pm PST (24°04' Gemini)

Check back soon to read my new report for the upcoming year: "Living on Purpose in 2008"
Copyright, 2007, written by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved. If you feel so inspired, feel free to forward this
webpage article onto others, but please do so without change or alteration.

For more information about Mt. Shasta, California, astrologer Elizabeth Jones, visit her web site at www., or you can easily reach her at You can ask Elizabeth by email to
notify you when her updates or available, too. Her phone number is 530-926-1999.


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Reviews on Astrology Books and Products: Chinese Astrology, Susan Miller, Year

If you are looking for some of the best selling astrology books and related divination books you will find some great
in-depth book reviews, including popular Susan Miller astrology. Find a nice assortment covering Chinese and Indian
Astrology, Love Signs, Destiny Cards, too.

● Planets and Possibilities: Explore the World of the Zodiac Beyond Just Your Sign by Susan Miller
● What's Your Dosha, Baby?: Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love
● Chart Interpretation Handbook by Stephen Arroyo
● Light on Relationships: The Synatry of Indian Astrology by Hart Defouw
● Linda Goodman's Sun Signs
● Love Cards: What Your Birthday Reveals About You and Your Personal Relationships
● New Moon Astrology: Using New Moon Power Days to Change and Revitalize Your Life by Jan Spiller
● Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart
● Indian Astrology: A Practical Guide to the Ancient Star Signs of the East by Komilla Sutton
● Surviving Saturn's Return: Overcoming the Most Tumultuous Time of Your Life
● The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau
● Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
● Born on a Rotten Day: Illuminating and Coping with the Dark Side of the Zodiac by by Hazel Dixon-Cooper
● Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneide
● Cards of Your Destiny: What Your Birthday Reveals About You and Your Past, Present and Future by Robert
● Astrology of Midlife and Aging by Erin Sullivan
● Spiritual Astrology by Jan Spiller
● Political Astrology by Michael O'Reilly
● The Encyclopedia of Chinese Astrology
● The Invisible Garment by Connie Kaplan
● Your Chinese Horoscope 2006: What the Year of the Dog Holds in Store for You
● The Year Ahead 2005 by Susan Miller

If you love working with astrology and enjoy preparing charts, you will find these two tools resources that will
make preparing a horoscope chart much easier.

● The StarPathways 2007 Lunations Guide by Elizabeth Jones

● The Astro-Event Guide: A Unique Astrology Calendar Highlighting the Years Key Events

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Astrology Information and Educational Series: Sun Signs, Planets, Aspects

Articles Highlighting Characteristics of Each of the 12 Astrology Sun Signs and Their
Compatible Signs

1. Pisces Characteristics are Intuitive, Sensitive, and Kind

2. Characteristic of Zodiac Sign Aries: How to Spot Their Personality
3. Characteristics of Zodiac Sign Taurus: Solid Charm
4. Characteristics of Zodiac Sign Gemini – Two For One!
5. Cancer Horoscopes Show they Make Great Counselors and Loving Mates
6. Leo Compatibility with the Other Zodiac Signs
7. Astrology Reports and Charts Describe Libra Personalities
8. Characteristic of Zodiac Sign Virgo: Aesthetics and Intelligence
9. Scorpio Traits and Characteristics Point to a Fiery Heart
10. Sagittarius Zodiac is the Archer: An Adventurous Centaur
11. The Practical Capricorn Personality
12. Love and Aquarians: The Libra Woman and Aquarius Man

Educational Series to Help You Learn Astrological Terminology

● Finding Answers With An Astrology Almanac

● Compatibility and Zodiac Signs: Around the Circle by Thirds
● Introduction to Astrology: Natural and Birth Charts
● The Language of Astrology: Sun Signs and Planets
● Astrology Charts and the Astrological Houses
● Dictionary of Definitions and Astrology Terminology
● Astrological Aspects
● Astrological Qualities
● Astrology Natal Chart Interpretation Part 1
● Astrology Natal Chart Interpretation Part 2
● The Astrological Sun and Personalities of Astrology Signs
● The Elements of Astrological Opportunities: Understanding Aspects and Transit
● What Pet Horoscopes Reveal


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Spiritual Activism Articles by Robert Rabbin

Robert Rabbin, founder of Radical Sages, is a contemporary mystic, keynote speaker,

workshop leader, and executive coach who is currently living in Australia. He is a pioneer
of practical mysticism and a leading exponent of Silence and self-inquiry as a way of
revealing our authentic being and of living in wisdom, love, and peace.

For contact and further information, please visit >

1. Angelic Troublemakers
2. It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got that Swing
3. Psych Testing for Presidential Candidates
4. Winnowing the World's Wisdom
5. What is the Meaning of Free Will?
6. For Entertainment Purposes Only
7. An Example of Spiritual Action
8. The Elusive Now: The Yeti of Spiritual Life
9. The Healing Power of Silence
10. Learning from Silence
11. America, Rejoice!
12. The Super-Sized Self
13. Truth is a Pathless Land
14. Talking or Tying Shoes?
15. An Evolution of Spiritual Action
16. Principles of Growth - For a Life of Passion
17. My Sexual Orientation
18. Radical Sages
19. Soul at Work
20. It's Cold in Benares
21. Six Principles of Authentic Living
22. Being Peace
23. Political Higher Consciousness


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Aromatherapy eBooks - Articles on Using and Making Essential Oils

Topical Articles on Aromatherapy Oils

1. You Can Make Your Own Organic Aromatherapy Oils - Instructions To Make Essential Oils
2. Using Aromatherapy for Dogs and Other Pets
3. Organic Aromatherapy Oils
4. Find Wholesale Aromatherapy Products Online

Aromatherapy ebooks: Short Articles on Related Topics using Essential Oils

1. Opening Yourself to Trust

2. Learn to Release and Recharge Your Energy
3. When Laughter Beats the Stress
4. Enhancing Self-Love in Your Daily Life
5. Promoting Balance in Your Daily Life
6. Three Easy Recipes to Overcome Insomnia
7. Manifesting Your Heart's Desire
8. Using Aromatherapy to Overcome Loneliness
9. Indulge Your Skin with Three Homemade Facial Masks
10. Three Easy Recipes to Ease Migraines
11. Aromatherapy for Non-Attachment
12. Overcoming Your Fear of the Unknown

Ebook on Using Aromatherapy for Pregnancy

1. Herbal Remedies to Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy: Part 1 of 4

2. Herbal Remedies to Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy: Part 2 of 4
3. Herbal Remedies to Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy: Part 3 of 4
4. Herbal Remedies to Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy: Part 4 of 4

Series on Boosing Your Self-Esteem using Aromatic Blends of Essential Oils

1. Boosting Your Self-Esteem with Nurturing Aromatherapy Blends: Part 1 of 2

2. Boosting Your Self-Esteem with Nurturing Aromatherapy Blends: Part 2 of 2
3. Recovering from Emotional Shock or Trauma
4. Free Yourself from Deep-Rooted Beliefs

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Astrology Affirmations for the Zodiac Signs

Affirmations are statements of a desired reality that we repeat to ourselves or write down repeatedly. This
imprints the information deeply into our minds, and our behavior can change accordingly.

We've put together a series of affirmations for every sign of the Zodiac. This will help to bring forth the positive
elements of the sign in the personality and to channel the challenging energy into more positive directions and

Please click the link of the sign you want below:

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces

Book Reviews of some of the top selling books on affirmations, positive thinking, and creative visualization

● "Healing Visualizations: Creating Health Through Imagery," by Gerald Epstein

● "The Practical Guide to Creative Visualization: Manifest Your Desires," by Denning and Phillips
● "The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals" - Help for Choosing Gemstones
● "Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness," by Ann Marie Evers
● Two Books on Weaving Affirmations into Storytelling for Kids
● Learn the Benefits of Visualization and Affirmations by Learning to Create Your Own
● Learn About Negative Thought and Why its Important to Go Beyond Positive Thinking
● Guided Imagery Techniques to Help You Heal Yourself
● Lousie Hay Books
● I Can Do It, by Louise L Hay Helps with Building Self Esteem

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Tarot Card Reviews and Sample Tarot Card Readings by Gina Rabbin's

If you are a card reader you probably have a collection of divination cards and enjoy learning about new decks of
Tarot Cards. We are compiling in-depth reviews on the newest Tarot Card decks coming on the market to assist you
in having a variety of tools for your Tarot card readings. Be sure and check back often, for we will continue to new
reviews. If you would like us to review a particular deck, drop us a line and let us know.

● The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

● Ask the Kabala Oracle Cards
● Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
● The Revelations Tarot by Zach Wong
● The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti
● Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck
● Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals
● The Housewives Tarot: A Domestic Divination Kit with Deck and Instruction Book
● The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack
● DaVinci Tarot Kit: Modern Day Masterpieces for the Mind and the Soul
● Free Online Tarot Reading

Gina Rabbin, a life-long intuitive and catalyst for clarity, provides examples of how we can
access and connect to our Higher self via the Tarot. With descriptions of the various cards
and their significance to the questions at hand, we gain an understanding on reading Tarot
Cards and the meaning of each tarot card. Gina provides us with guidance and clarity. If you
are a student to Tarot and wanting to learn, reading Gina's articles will provide valuable
insight and training. You will learn much on reading Tarot Cards, learning Tarot Spreads,
and the meanings for Tarot Cards. Gina is available for tarot card readings in person or by
telephone. For more information, please visit

1. Execution of Tookie Williams: A Different Path to Peace and Healing

2. Man's Inhumanity To Man
3. The Directions of Our Lives
4. Secrets and Shadows
5. Beyond Limitation
6. The War on Terror
7. Legacy of Destruction
8. Tangled Webs
9. The Public Stoning of Amina
10. Taking Back Your Power
11. Remembering Joy
12. Choices, Choices, Choices
13. Creating Conscious Relationship
14. Outside the Box
15. What do I do now?


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Find Your Free Past Life Astrology Reading & Read Reviews on the Hottest Books
on Past Lives, the Afterlife, and Between Lives

Past Life Reading

Your Astrology sun sign provides valuable insight into your most recent past lives. It can help you discover how they
may present opportunity and challenges in this life. You don't need to take a past life quiz or test to learn some
basic information about yourself. Jeri Noble has provided a free past life reading for each of the signs.

● Aries
● Taurus
● Gemini
● Cancer
● Leo
● Virgo
● Libra
● Scorpio
● Sagittarius
● Capricorn
● Aquarius
● Pisces

Reviews of Books, CDs, and DVD's on Past Lives and Reincarnation

If you already own the Tibetan Book of the Dead, then the following DVD is a must have as an addition to your
collection. The narrator for the DVD is Leonard Cohen- a classic voice to tell the history of this great book.

● "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" DVD with Leonard Cohen, Ram Dass, and the Dalai Lama

Here you will find book reviews of some of the top selling books on the subject of past lives, reincarnation, the
afterlife, and what it is like between lives. You will frequently find new reviews, so be sure and bookmark this

● Children’s Past Lives and a Return from Heaven: Two Unique Perspectives about Reincarnation
● "Your Love Life and Reincarnation: Why The Past Is Affecting Your Present and How To Fix It"
● In Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, John Taylor
● "Good Life, Good Death: Tibetan Wisdom on Reincarnation" by Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek
● "Journey Of Souls" by Michael Newton
● "Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation" by Gina Cerminara
● "Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
● "I Have Lived Before: The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi" by Sture Lonnerstrand
● "Same Soul, Many Bodies" by Brian L. Weiss
● "What if God Were the Sun," by John Edward
● "Mystery Of Reincarnation" by J. Allan Danelek
● "Life Between Lives" by Michael Newton


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Astrology Software Reviews

Astrology Software Reviews provides in depth reviews of the most popular horoscope software programs to assist in
all facets of astrological interpretations and chart reading.

● Win*Star Express Astrology Software - Beginning Astrologers Find It Easy to Use

● Win*Star Plus by Matrix Software - Cast Your Own Yearly Horoscope
● Vedic Astrology Software - Parashara's Light
● Astro-Pocket - Astrology Charting Shareware Program
● Kepler Astrology Software - From Financial Astrology to Fabulous Wheels and Graphics
● AstroCartography Software: Relocation Astrology Reports
● Astrology for Dogs and Cats - Pet Astrology Software for Learning About Your Pet's Personality Traits
● Mapping Your Travels and Relocation: Using Astrology to Help You Make the Right Moves in Life
● Astrological Charts Made Easy with Solar Fire Astrology Software
● World of Wisdom's Horoscope Interpreter
● Daily Astrology Forecast Software: The Insight Calendar


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You Can Heal Yourself and Others

You can do this through the Power of your thoughts right now.

Participate right now in a Circle of Healing. "Imagine" if you will, linking in your consciousness with others who
have read this. Let yourself believe that the positive power of your thoughts is right now, helping to provide a
gateway of healing just by believing that a Higher Power can heal through you. This can be any form of healing:
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Use prayer, meditation, whatever form is comfortable for you. We will each contribute to the activity of healing
for all (including ourselves). I suggest that we each focus on something simple such as: "Whatever our most
heartfelt need or dream is, is now perfectly fulfilled."

Complete the form below and click the SEND button below once:

First Name:

Last Name:




Only your healing request will be publicly posted. We respect your privacy. Your name and email address will
remain confidential.

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Flower Essences: History of Flower Essences, Flower Essence Producers and

Remedies, Hawaiian Aromatherapy Flowers

Interesting articles on Flower Essences, Aromatherapy Benefits, and Essential Oils.

1. Learn How to Make Altars for Creating Your Own Sacred Space
2. The 38 Bach Flower Remedies for Various Ailments and Conditions
3. Bach Flower Remedies for Pets
4. Using Bach Flowers for Children's Health and Wellness
5. Bach Rescue Remedy - Rebalance Your Emotions During Stressful Times
6. Putting Flower Essences on the Map
7. Flower and Vibrational Essences: An Introduction to the Vibrational Frequencies of Flowers and Their Use
8. Aromatherapy Flower: Hawaiian Treats for the Body, Mind, and Spirit
9. Worldwide Flower Essence Producers: A Mere Snapshot of Many
10. Say Thank You to the Life Forces on Your Plate
11. Feel the Feelings and Be Free
12. A Tale of Three Essences


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Articles Offering Reflective and Inspirational Thought

Rhia's Corner: Topical Articles That are Both Inspiring and Reflective

Rhiannon Waits is a syndicated columnist with her column published in 14 different countries and translated into 4
different languages. She is also a Published author with her latest Book being released January 21,2006.

Rhiannon Waits travels the world as a motivational and spiritual speaker. She is know as an ancient Oracle or a
psychic medium in many arenas. Her column, "Rhia's Corner", has been published and translated in numerous
magazines through different countries.

Read an indepth book review of Rhia's new book, "Little Lessons on Love and Life": Timeless Messages with a
Modern Voice.

1. Hurricane Preparedness: More than Water and a Candle

2. The Holy Grail of Parking Spots
3. It is Not our Job to Give out Wings and Halos
4. John of God in America - Part One
5. Reflections on Unfaithful Partners and Infidelity
6. Just Because I Can - How a Random Act of Kindness Ripples to Touch Many Lives
7. The New Year’s Mirror – Is it different from the one in your bathroom?
8. Christmas Cards – 44 Cents a Smile
9. Maria a True Inspiration of the Power of Love
10. Writing From the Heart: "Listening to what is said instead of how it is said"
11. The Parent Who Keeps on Giving: Coping with Your Eighteen Year Old Teenager: Part 1 of 2
12. The Parent Who Keeps on Giving: Coping with Your Eighteen Year Old Teenager: Part 2 of 2
13. In an Age of Beautiful People are We Forgetting the Spirit?
14. Loving Ourself, Loving Others: Imagine what it would be like to have other people caring for others.
15. Honoring the Mother: "My Mother - Myself"
16. The Relationship Between Step Mom's, Dads, and Step Children: “They really are a part of me”
17. Nature Teaches Lessons on Life: “The Fainting Tree”

You can purchase her new book the book "Little Lessons on Love and Life." or book private sessions, schedule
speaking engagements or attend book signings by calling 850-941-4190. You can also visit her website: She lives in Pensacola Florida with her life Partner, Steve and her children. Rhiannon Waits is
a renowned Psychic/Medium.

Inspirational Thought: Contemplations by Peter and Helen Evans

1. Virtual Realities in Everyday Life: The Reality of the Situation

2. Problem Solving: Solution vs. Insight/Realization
3. Personal Identity: The "I Am" Factor
4. In This World But Not of It: Finding Inner Peace
5. Buddha Meditation: What if Today Was Your Last?
6. Finding the Voice of Intuition: Is it Intuition or just my Imagination?
7. It's an Old, Old Story
8. Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving: The Nature of Problems
9. The World is Full of Wonderful Things
10. Mean People: Distressing Disguises
11. The Purgatory of Our Own Making


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Horoscopes - Astrology Charts of Celebrities and Influencial People

When viewing each astrology reading you will learn about aspects in the celebrities and influencial people's
astrology chart. We choose a variety of charts to help you understand the various astrological incluences and how
they may present themselves. We choose individuals who incluenced the world in both good and bad ways to

1. Adolf Hitler
2. Dame Agatha Christie
3. Albert Einstein
4. Bill Cosby
5. Bill Gates
6. Cher
7. Dalai Lama
8. Della Reese
9. Erma Bombeck
10. Gloria Steinem
11. Haley Joel Osment
12. Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless
13. Howard Stern
14. John F. Kennedy, Jr.
15. Joseph Campbell
16. Madonna
17. Mel Gibson
18. Oprah Winfrey
19. Princess Diana
20. Robert Downey, Jr.
21. Saddam Hussein
22. Shirley Maclaine
23. Stephen King
24. Steven Spielberg
25. Susan Sarandon
26. Timothy McVeigh
27. Tom Hanks
28. Whoopi Goldberg
29. William Shatner

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Self and Guided Meditation Techniques: How to Meditate and Reviews on the
Best Books

Read Reviews on some of the Best Meditation CD's, Courses, Books, and Products

● Ribbon Breath Meditation - Complete Stress Relief Management in Just 15 Minutes

● "Cave of the Siddhars" CD by Turiya Nada
● Mindset for Meditation - Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate
● Finding Relaxation Techniques - Try Bodhipaksa's CDs with Guided Meditations to Open the Heart
● Indigo Dreams CD: Meditation and Relaxation Bedtime Stories for Children, Improve Sleep, Manage Stress and
Anxiety by Lori Lite
● Guided Meditation CD: I Am the Holy Grail: Your Personal Sacred Union with Source

Read articles on meditating, and find several free meditations to help you in your meditation practice.

1. Which Meditation Practice is Best for You?

2. 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Meditation
3. A Basic Lesson in Meditation Stages
4. Why People Don't Succeed at Meditation - Tips for Meditating
5. How to Meditate by Finding Your Center
6. How to Meditate by Entering the Silence
7. Meditation Method Through Opening the Heart
8. Relaxation Techniques: Meditation on Non-Judgement
9. Meditating for Manifestation
10. Benefits of Meditation: Expanding Your Consciousness
11. Techniques of Meditation: Creating a Safe Space
12. Meditating by Focusing on Prana and Purification
13. Meditation Techniques and the Near Death Experience
14. Meditation Experiences: Questions about Meditating
15. Breathe: Free Meditation for Increasing Breath Awareness
16. Connecting with your Sacred Symbols - Free Meditation for Awakening and Filling Your Senses
17. Free Meditation: Spark of Creation
18. Walking Meditation: The Awareness of Nature


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New Age Spirituality Articles and Book Reviews

Spiritual Book Reviews

1. The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot

2. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, by Malcolm Gladwell
3. "Not in Kansas Anymore: A Curious Tale of How Magic is Transforming America," by Christine Wicker
4. Ecoshamanism: Reconnecting with Nature on Multiple Levels
5. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
6. Is Your Ex Still Sleeping in Your Bed?
7. “(fear not): Venture to Inner Peace.” by Alan Lohner
8. "The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way" by Wayne W. Dyer
9. "The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves," by Dr. Masaru Emoto
10. "The Tarot of the Revelation," by Dr. Christopher Earnshaw
11. "If you could be anything, what would you be?" By Jeanne Webster, C.P.C
12. Article on Natural Spirituality by Katharina Wehrli, author of "The Why in the Road - Soul Healing for
Changing Times"
13. "Accepting Your Resurrection," by Christie Bates McKaskle

Reviews on Books on Psychic Abilities

1. Spiritualism and Clairvoyance for Beginners: Simple Techniques to Develop Your Psychic Abilities - Part 1 of 3
2. Part 2 or 3
3. Part 3 of 3

Reviews of Books on Wealth Building and Prosperity

1. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity; A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance: Part One - Tithing
2. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity; A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance: Part Two - Goals
3. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity; A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance: Part Three - Purpose

Creating Your Reality: A 4-Part Workshop on Affirmations and Meditations

A four-part series of articles provides a “workshop” introduction into the use of affirmations and meditation as
they relate to reality and the metaphysical process.

1. 100 Ways to Create My Own Reality: Introduction - Part 1 of 4

2. Science of Metaphysics: What is Reality? - Part 2 of 4
3. Taking a Life Inventory: Journaling Exercise - Part 3 of 4
4. Owning Your Life: Self Meditation - Part 4 - Part 4 of 4

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Spiritual Articles - End of World Theories, Destiny of Homo Sapiens, Living in a

Dream World

Metaphysical Articles by Jean-Claude Koven

1. The End of Times: How the Future May View the Present
2. The 2012 Predictions: You're Betting Your Life On It
3. Escaping the Illusion's Web: Part One of Five
4. Escaping the Illusion's Web: Objectifying the "I" - Part Two of Five
5. Escaping the Illusion's Web: You and the Universe from a Higher Perspective - Part Three of Five
6. Escaping the Illusion's Web: The Entire Solar System is Shifting - Part Four of Five
7. Escaping the Illusion's Web: Preparing Yourself for the Shift - Part Five of Five
8. Reversing the Curse: The Block in the Homo Sapien
9. Lighting Up the Chakras: Why Humans Make Lousy Lovers
10. Where in God's Name Did We Go Wrong? You May be Surprised!
11. We've Been Living in a Dream World
12. End of World Theories: Will the World Really End on December 21, 2012?
13. Do You Really Want to Know the Truth

Jean-Claude Gerard Koven is a writer and speaker based in Rancho Mirage, CA. He is a
featured weekly columnist for the UPI (United Press International) Religion and Spirituality
Forum and the author of Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes
No Sense, selected by both Allbooks Reviews and as the best metaphysical
book of the year. For more information, please visit:

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Home > Articles by Animal Communicator, Shirley Scott

Pet Communication and Spirituality Information by Pet Communicator, Shirley


Articles on Pet Communication and Spirituality Topics

● Part One: Methods of Communication: Mental Telepathy...its not just the words we say!
● Part Two: How Telepathy Works

1. Learn About Labyrinth Designs and Take a Spiritual Walk

2. There's No Excuse for Abuse!
3. Animal Psychic Shares What Some Animals Have Told Her
4. Read about Shirley's Near Death Experience and Meeting a Spirit Guide
5. Learn How a Psychic Animal Communicator Can Find Lot Pets
6. What Causes Fear? Learn to Face Your Fears, Change Your Life
7. Inspirational Thoughts on the Power of Positive Thinking
8. Spiritual Health - The Concept of Evil and How Can it Serve Us?
9. Telepathy and Swimming with a Bottle Nose Dolphin
10. Why you never see the headline: “Psychic Wins Lottery”!

Shirley Scott is an internationally known clairvoyant and animal communicator. Her skills were brought forward
after a near-death, out-of-body experience. Shirley does animal readings as well as
readings for humans and crosses the veil to talk to loved ones that have crossed.

She teaches people how to bring their clairvoyant, telepathic or intuitive skills forward
and also does aura healings, healing by touch and is a minister of the Progressive
Universal Life Church. She believes in helping people help themselves which is very
evident in her books and new CD, “Face your Fears, Change your Life.” You can learn
more about Shirley's book and CD, which are available on her website.

She also publishes a free monthly e-news letter and if you’d like to subscribe, or are
interested in receiving a private reading please email her at: Shirley@animaltalkhealing.

Be sure and learn more about Shirley's books, CD, and services by clicking the following link to visit her website:

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Indian Astrology: Jewelry Using Vedic System & The Planetary Influences of the
Twelve Houses of the Zodiac

From a Vedic worldview we take a look at gemstones placed in jewelry based on Vedic principles and how each
stone relates to an individual's chart.

● Using Vedic Astrology in East Indian Jewelry and Gems for Astrological Purposes
● Vedic System - Moon Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Chandra
● Vedic System - Sun Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Suyra
● Vedic System - Mercury Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Budha
● Vedic System - Jupiter Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Guru
● Vedic System - Mars Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Manghal
● Vedic System - Saturn Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Shani
● Vedic Astrology - East Indian Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Ketu
● Vedic Astrology - Venus Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Shukra
● Vedic Astrology - East Indian Gemstone Jewelry: Remedy for Rahu

G. Kumar provides information to help you learn Indian Astrology. The introduction and seven lessons will help you
understand the role of each of the planets through the vedic chart and houses of the Zodiac.

● Introduction to Vedic Astrology

● Lesson One: The Role of Jupiter the Planet in the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac
● Lesson Two: The Role of Planet Mars Through the Houses of the Zodiac
● Lesson Three: The Role of Planet Mercury Through the Zodiac Houses
● Lesson Four: The Role of the Moon in the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac
● Lesson Five: The Role of Planet Saturn Through the Zodiac Houses
● Lesson Six: The Role of the Sun Through the 12 Houses of the Zodiac
● Lesson Seven: The Role of Venus the Planet in the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

Find a list of Vedic Astrology Books and read in-depth book reviews on the best selling Indian Astrology books

● What's Your Dosha, Baby?: Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love
● Indian Astrology: A Practical Guide to the Ancient Star Signs of the East
● Light on Relationships: The Synatry of Indian Astrology

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New Moon Calendar Offers Insight Into the Power of Astrology

Interpreting the New Moon astrological phases can point to how the moon's significant influences can effect you
during the month. We can receive inspiration and guidance to renew, revise, and recharge ourselves and the goals
and dreams that we each possess. Inspired by "New Moon Astrology" by Jan Spiller, she shares with readers the
influence of the New Moon power each month.

The moon changes astrological signs approximately every two days. However, when the moon exactly conjuncts
the sun (shares it's astrological degree), it is no longer visible in the sky and at this point in the lunar cycle it is
called a "New Moon". This occurs once every month (in rare instances, twice) and marks the beginning of a new
monthly astrological cycle.

The new moon signifies a start of a new personal cycle each month. It's a time to renew or revise our goals, reach
for what we wish for most and renew ourselves. When setting goals or aspiring towards our dreams and desires it is
important to keep a few things in mind. First of all, our wishes can only involve ourselves. We cannot try to change
others, only our attitudes towards those people, in hopes that they will respond favorably to us. Another important
aspect of this process is to meditate on the qualities of the sign that the new moon is occurring in. These
astrological qualities will give us powerful hints on what to strive for, and how to approach or strategize towards
what we want to accomplish. It is a good idea to set approximately 10 goals or wishes each month. Jan Spiller also
suggests that you do not combine several wishes into one wish! Keep your thoughts clear and separate, and write
them down each month. We recommend a special notebook or journal exclusively used for this purpose.

Visualize Your Wishes First

It is often best not to include a wish unless you can clearly visualize it coming into fruition within your imagination.
If not, there may be preliminary steps you need to take first, so instead, try visualizing these. Trust your feelings
and intuition in this process- you will know instinctively what feels right. Some wishes become realized soon after
the new moon. Others are more resistant and can take many months. Keep repeating wishes each month until they
begin coming true as long as you continue to believe that they are right for you. When things in your life such as
people, events, and your own attitudes begin to "shift", welcome this new change as evidence that your life is
changing as a result of your positive intentions. Follow along each month reading the reflections on the new moon
based on the sign it moves into to help you in your own process. Using the New Moon power in such a way is
Astrology in action.

You may want to understand more about the various moon phases first. The moon schedule provides a method for
charting when to make decisions, plan goals, as well as when to relax and contemplate.

Click Here to First Read A Featured Moon Phase Article > Healing with the Moon

New Moon Sign Table of Astrological Phases for 2008

● January 8 New Moon in Capricorn at 11:37 am

● Feb 7 Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aquarius at 3:44 am
● Mar 7 New Moon in Pisces at 5:14 pm
● Apr 6 New Moon in Aries at 3:35 am
● May 5 New Moon in Taurus at 12:18 pm
● Jun 3 New Moon in Gemini at 7:23 pm
● Jul 3 New Moon in Cancer at 2:19 am
● Aug 1 Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Leo at 10:12 am
● Aug 30 Second New Moon in Virgo at 7:58 pm
● Sep 29 New Moon in Libra at 8:12 am
● Oct 28 New Moon in Scorpio at 11:14 pm
● Nov 27 New Moon in Sagittarius at 4:55 pm
● Dec 27 New Moon in Capricorn at 12:22 pm

All Calculations for the New Moon Sign Table are Greenwich Meantime.

● For Eastern Time Subtract 5 Hours

● For Central Time Subtract 6 Hours
● For Mountain Time Subtract 7 Hours
● For Pacific Time Subtract 8 Hours

* Be sure and add one hour to the times when Daylight Savings Time is in use.


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Read a Variety of informational articles: Articles on Consciousness, Biofeedback and Pranic Therapy, a Tribute to
Sigmund Frued, and articles to help you relieve anxienty.

Help for Anxiety Attack Symptoms and Tips for Panic Attacks

● New eBook Provides Concrete Help for Anxiety Disorders

Articles on Consciousness & Biofeedback Therapy

● "The Leap" by Constance Kellough: Are You Ready to Live a New Reality?
● The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity
● Can Dreams be Premonitions of the Future?

1. Biofeedback - Part 1: Mirrored Response

2. Biofeedback - Part 2: How It Works
3. Biofeedback - Part 3: Uses

A Tribute to Sigmund Freud

Celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of the life of Sigmund Freud, read a slice of Sigmund Freud Biography as a
reflection of his theories and contribution.

● A Slice of Sigmund Freud Biography - The Wizard of Dreams

Course on Pranic Therapy by G. Kumar

1. Pranic Therapy - Part 1: Introducion to Pranic Therapy and Rise of Holistic Health
2. Part 2: Chaos Theory, Integral Life, Holistic Health Awareness
3. Part 3: Qi or Ki Life Force Energy, Vedic Scriptures, Yogic and Tantric Models
4. Part 4: Ayurvedic Health Model and Effects of an Acid or Alkaline Body Balance
5. Part 5: Biorhythms, the Immune System and Holistic Health
6. Part 6: Prana Energy, Cause of Disease, Meditation, & the Balance of Yin and Yang
7. Part 7: Gemstone Therapy Chart, Medical Astrology Charts, Altered States and Cosmic Prana

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Personal Growth Articles: Money and Spirituality, Mentors, Fear and Hope

1. Numerology and Sacred Geometry: Wizards of Wall Street: Part 1 of 3

2. Numerology and Sacred Geometry: Wizards of Wall Street: Part 2 of 3
3. Numerology and Sacred Geometry: Wizards of Wall Street: Part 3 of 3
4. Lessons From the Animals: Part 1 of 3
5. Lessons From the Animals: Part 2 of 3
6. Lessons From the Animals: Part 3 of 3
7. The Hour Of Power
8. To Whom Much Is Given
9. On Developing Resiliency
10. Tsunamis, Tears & Hope
11. Your Power To Decide
12. Developing A Reflective Life In The Midst Of Turmoil
13. The Secret Of The Masters - Yours!
14. Your Life As A Mystery School
15. Using A Journal For Personal Development
16. In Search Of The Feminine Archetype
17. Money & Spirituality - Do They Mix?
18. Communing With The Universe: The Power Of Oracles
19. Ten Steps To Contacting Your Higher Self
20. Ten Things You Can Do To Produce A Quantum Leap In Your Life...Fast
21. The Search For Meaning
22. On Having A Mentor: A Lesson From Alexander The Great
23. Beyond Good And Evil: The Center Of Perfect Peace
24. Working in the Subtle Realm of Thought
25. A 3-Step Process For Remembering Your Dreams

Asoka Selvarajah is a writer on personal growth and spirituality, and the author of "The 7 Golden Secrets To
Knowing Your Higher Self". His work helps people achieve their full potential, deepen their understanding of
mystical truth, and discover their soul's purpose. You can subscribe to his FREE ezine, and get his FREE ebook
"Inner Light Outer Wealth" at:


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Parenting Guidelines: Helpful Articles for Developing Effective Parenting Skills

The job of a parent carries with it a huge responsibility. Not only does a parent provide care and security for their
child, but their role is to also give their children the love, structure, and education they need to grow into healthy,
well adjusted, and confident adults. Our future will be in the hands of today's children. The more that we can
teach through example, the better adjusted the little people of today will become.

There are so many important topics on parenting. Through the following parenting articles, you'll find an
interesting variety of subjects. We hope to answer your questions on issues of children of all ages, from tots to
teens-read on subject like building teen self esteem, causes of eating disorders in kids, facts about single
parenting, ways to discipline a child, and many other important topics. We will add new topics each week.

1. Define Responsibility When It Comes to Your Children and Sex

2. Parenting Advice on Toddlers and Learning to Listen
3. Be an Example When Defining Motivation for Your Teenager
4. Drug Prevention Posters Are Not Enough When Teaching Your Kids the Fact's of Drug Addiciton
5. Facts About Single Parenting - Becoming Your Child's Role Model
6. When Nothing Seems to Work - Help Kids Identify Their Motivation
7. Parenting Quotes - Inspiration for the Mom's Heart and Spirit
8. Parenting Adolescents and the Father-Daughter Relationship
9. Effects of Single Parenting and the Buddy Trap
10. Spanking and Shaming Doesn't Work
11. Parenting Guidelines for Giving Your Teens Their Privacy
12. Child Development - Play, Friends, and Really Weird Friends
13. Tips on Building Your Kid's Self Esteem
14. Defining Responsibility When Everyone Else is to Blame
15. Tough Love Parenting - When Kids Steal
16. Parenting Insight on Treating Teen Anger
17. Eating Disorders Among Early Adults
18. Teaching Kids Resonsibility - Chores for Children
19. Parenting the Attention Seeking Child
20. Pediatricians - Tips on Choosing the Right Doctor
21. Child Development Stages - Why is My Son in His Room All the Time?
22. Why is it Important to do Homework?
23. Milestones in Child Development - Meet My Imaginary Friend
24. Raising Healthy Children - Six Tips for Parents

more parenting articles >

Parenting articles written by L. Robyn O'Hara who is a freelancer and columnist. She has
written three children's books and is currently working on an anthology of short horror
stories. You may contact her at Photo courtesy of Terry Brennen.

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Parenting Guidelines: More Articles on Parenting

Raising children is a big job, and Robyn's articles provide practical wisdom for parents. Her wit and humor blended
with her wisdom give readers practical tips for raising their kids along with an entertaining article that is enjoyable
to read.

We are adding twenty four additional parenting articles on various subjects all parents face as their children go the
the various child development stages. Be sure and bookmark this page to read new articles as we publish them.

25. The First Day of Preschool - A Happy and Sad Occasion

26. Forms of Child Discipline - Effective Disciplining vs Punishing Your Children
27. Parenting Adolescents When it Comes to Report Cards
28. A Major Teen Parenting Topic Includes Discussions About Money
29. Don't Leave it to Drug Prevention Posters - Talk to Your Kids Honestly About Drugs and Alcohol Addiction
30. Parenting the Preschooler About Death and Grief
31. Chores for Kids - Defining Motivation and Responsibility
32. Parenting Tips for Your Preschooler - Parent Cooperatives and HeadStart Programs
33. Sibling Rilvary - When the New Baby Arrives
34. Various Forms Of Child Discipline - How to Parent Without Shaming
35. Facts About Single Parenting
36. Child Development Milestones - Fear and Change
37. Teen Parenting Advice - Discussing AIDS with Your Kids
38. Effects of Single Parenting - Life After the Divorce
39. Good vs Bad - How Absolutes effect Self Esteem in Young Children
40. Keeping Infants Safe - Preventing High Chair Accidents
41. Parenting Infants and Crib Safety Tips
42. Discipline vs Punishment - Tough Love Parenting Doesn't Mean Physical
43. Temper Tantrums at Bedtime - What is a Parent To Do?
44. Signs of ADHD and ADD in Kids
45. Pressures of Being A Child - Thoughts on Kid's Eating Disorders
46. Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on a Difficult Child
47. Parenting Infants - Installing and Using the Correct Child Safety Seat

< parenting articles 1-24

Parenting articles written by L. Robyn O'Hara who is a freelancer and columnist. She has written three children's
books and is currently working on an anthology of short horror stories. You may contact her at lrohara@hotmail.
com. Photo courtesy of Terry Brennen.


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Consciousness Expansion 3: Creative Visualization, Addiction, Perception

43. The Magic of Perception: What you Perceive Effects your Reality
44. The Power of Perception: Is the Glass 1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full?
45. Problem Resolution: Problem Solving Steps from a Spiritual Perspective
46. Overcoming Procrastination and Reality Creation
47. Human Evolution: The Secrets of the Psyche
48. Want a Quantum Leap: What's your Quantum Reality?
49. Saturn and Neptune: A Reality Check in Higher Consciousness and Practicality
50. Secondary Gains: What Keeps Your Reality From Manifesting?
51. Expanding Consciousness through Self Mastery
52. Building Self-Esteem: The Value of Self
53. When Bad Things Happen: The Storm Before the Calm
54. Thought for a Bad Day: Upheavals in Good
55. Visitations with Angels, Spirit Guides, and Dimensional Beings
56. Visualize Success for a Happy Life
57. Word of the Day: You Are What You Speak
58. Questions on Self Confidence: What's Wrong with Me?
59. Bill Clinton - A Metaphysical Healing
60. Consciousness Expansion Awareness on Prosperity
61. Celtic Rituals: Lughnasadh - The First Harvest
62. About Jeri Noble

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Articles on Empowerment by Linda-Ann Stewart - 1: Self Esteem, Affirmations,


1. Self Sabotage: Support Your Dreams

2. Universal Love: Eagerness to Accept Your Good
3. Principals of Empowerment: The Secret of Affirmations
4. Getting Back in Alignment with the Universe
5. Spiritual Healing: Accept Your Authority
6. Butterfly Effect: The Symbol of the Butterfly
7. Tools to Boost Self-Esteem: Are You Ready for Change?
8. Spirit Enhancement: Claiming Your Good is Spiritual
9. Empathy: And the Nature of Compassion
10. Spiritual and Mind Hypnosis: Tools for Developing Your Faith
11. Mantras: Empowerment for Releasing the Essence Of Fear
12. Manifestation Tip: Empower Your Affirmations with Feeling
13. Spiritual Growth: Can You Handle More Good?
14. Self Empowerment: How to Create Good in Your Life - Part 1
15. Self Empowerment: How to Create Good in Your Life - Part 2
16. Self Empowerment: How to Create Good in Your Life - Part 3
17. Self Empowerment: How to Create Good in Your Life - Part 4

next >


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Articles on Empowerment by Linda-Ann Stewart - 2: Awaken Your Spirit,

Thought Power, Past Life Regression...

18. Awaken Your Spirit: Your Everpresent Divine Guidance

19. Awaken Your Spirit: Honor Yourself
20. Awaken Your Spirit: Identify With Your Good for Creating a Happy Life
21. Mind Games: Judgement vs. Discernment
22. Learning Organization: Life is a Metaphor
23. Relationship Issues: The Mirror Principle
24. Past Lives 101 - Part 1: A Look at Past Life Regression
25. Past Lives 101 - Part 2: Your Past Life Regression Timeline
26. Past Lives 101 - Part 3: Past Life Regression for Self Healing
27. Opposites Attract: Your Shadow Knows
28. Daily Affirmations: The Universe Supports You
29. Problem Solving with Thought Power: You Are What You Think
30. Thought Power: The Universe is on Your Side

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Inspirational Articles - 1: Intuition, Consciousness, Astral Projection

1. Guide to Affirmations: Creating Power Through Affiramtions

2. Love and Light: Align with Light
3. Inducing Greater Consciousness: Increase Your Potential by Expanding Your Mind Power
4. Astral Projection: The Doorway to a New Dimension
5. Unity and Oneness: The Only Answer to War and Terrorism?
6. The Art of Channeling and The Anatomy of Spirit
7. Roots of Consciousness: The River of Connectivity
8. Inner Strength and Guidance: Crisis as the Adventure of a Lifetime!
9. Dalai Lama's Meditation for Millenium Practice
10. Are We Mystical Weavers?: Challenging the Myths
11. Medical Intuition: A New Frontier In Health Assessments
12. What is Fear and Why do We Have Fear?
13. The Game: An excerpt from "The Game of Life and How to Play It"
14. Average Enlightenment: Enlightenment As Possibility, Not Fantasy
15. Who am I? - An Intuition Exercise to Develop Your Intuitive Abilities
16. An Inspirational Short Story: A Serene Atmosphere to Savor
17. When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work: Steps of Positive Thinkers


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Inspirational Articles - 2: Spirituality, Transformation, Free Will Astrology...

18. Practical Spirituality: The Buddha on Belief from the Kalama Sutta
19. Astrology and the Universal Mind: Responsibility: Free Will Astrology Consciousness
20. Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual Well-being: Soul Restoration at Sunrise
21. Subjective vs. Objective Truths: A Spiritual Perspective to a Healthy Mind
22. Relationship with God: Moving Toward Unity
23. Inspirational Hardship Story: Utterly Useless People
24. Awakening the Senses: Gaia & A Visionary's Path
25. Healing Energy: The Sedona Vortex
26. Inspirational Short Story: The Power of Words
27. Article on Empowerment: Fear - The Thief of Dreams
28. Downloading Cosmic Mind Through Group Ritual
29. Use Your Senses to Create a Sacred Home: Magickal Essential Oils, Colorful Artwork, Fuzzy Slippers
30. Power of Love: Relationship Transformation
31. Tarot and the Sign of Aquarius
32. Astrological Birth Charts: Aging Gracefully: It's All a Matter of Timing
33. Classroom Avengers: The Astrology of School Shootings
34. Myth's of Woman's Roles: Woman as Lover or Mother


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Free Affirmations - Guided and Self Meditations - Part 1

1. Positive Affirmation Quote: I am at peace

2. Affirmation Quote: I trust myself
3. Positive Affirmation: I release all fear and know that I'm always protected
4. Positive Affirmation: I know the Truth of who I am
5. Daily Affirmation: I am exactly where I need to be at all times
6. Daily Affirmation: I am surrounded by Love
7. Positive Affirmation: I have faith in the goodness of life
8. Daily Affirmation: At the core of my being I am centered and secure
9. Affirmation Quote: Just Love
10. My highest good is manifesting in my life right now
11. My life is unfolding exactly as it should
12. The truth of my being is eternal
13. My connection to the divine is eternal
14. Affirmation Quote: Everything is fine
15. Serenity and calm are my birthright
16. This too shall pass
17. In my heart, I'm always at home
18. Affirmation Quote: It's safe for my truth to be right

next >


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Free Affirmations - Guided and Self Meditations - Part 2

19. Positive Affirmations: Light permeates my being and my life

20. Daily Affirmations: Self abuse has no place in my life
21. Positive Affirmation Quote: The hidden treasures of life are now revealed to me
22. Affirmation Quote: My selfhood is my gift
23. Daily Affirmation: All things in their right time
24. Positive Affirmation: Simplicity and divine order are mine
25. I am surrounded by peace
26. Self Meditation for Daily Life: Nature
27. I surrender to my good
28. Affirmation Quote: I remember the truth of who I am
29. I recognize the divinity in all things
30. Daily Affirmations: Let there be peace
31. Self Meditation for Daily Life: I am letting go
32. Self Meditation for Daily Life: Serenity
33. Self Meditation for Daily Life: Perfection
34. Meditation: Getting real
35. Your divinity
36. Releasing despair

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Free Affirmations - Guided and Self Meditations - Part 3

37. Self Meditation for Daily Life: Fear and faith

38. Self Meditation for Daily Life: A Hidden Cause of Stress
39. Positive Affirmation: It's All Good
40. Self Meditations: Personal Power
41. The Energy within Persistence
42. Daily Meditation: Rest and Relaxation
43. Meditation for Daily Living: Inner Peace
44. Mediation for Daily Living: Turn it over
45. Daily Mediation: Sharing
46. Positive Affirmation: I Belong
47. Connecting to Spirit Meditation: Knowing the Love
48. Connecting to Spirit Meditation: Where is your focus and intent?
49. Positive Affirmation Quote: We are one
50. Spirit Meditation: Live Life Effortlessly
51. Spirit Meditation: Reclaiming Yourself
52. Daily Meditation: Positive Support
53. Positive Quote: I Surrender to My Good

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Prosperity Destiny and Vision - 1: Personal Security, Wealth Building, Secrets to


1. Prosperity Traps to Wealth Building

2. The Abundance Barrier: Belief: Not Good Enough to Deserve
3. Limiting Prosperity Belief: I am not Lovable Enough to Receive
4. Limiting Prosperity Belief: I am the "Wrong Type" to Live an Abundant Life
5. Limiting Prosperit Belief: It's too Good to be True
6. Beliefs iIn Lack and Limitation are Real Wealth Building Inhibitors
7. Developing a Positive Prosperous Attitude: The Waking Dream
8. Prosperous Mindset: Let Me Count My Blessings
9. Secrets to Abundance: Allowing Prosperity To Occur
10. Mythical Weavers: It's Better to Give than to Receive
11. Creating an Abundant Life: Gratitude Before the Fact
12. Creating Personal Security: A Divine Business Partnership
13. Choosing Where You Focus: Creating a Prosperity Consciousness
14. Steps to an Abundant Life: Consistency Creates Momentum
15. Things aren't Always as They Appear: Abundance Affirmation for Releasing a Sense of Desperation
16. Anger Management Tips: Practice of Forgiveness
17. Anger, Fear, Envy and Remorse: Negative Emotions that Block Abundance
18. Prosperity Creation: Building Your Bank Account
19. Wealth Building Attitude: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
20. Natural Treatments for Anxiety: The Validity of Prosperity Work
21. The Million Dollar Question: What is the Real Source of Prosperity?
22. Prosperity Toolbox: Creative Visualization
23. The Timing Light: Prosperity Creation through Timing and Tangibility

Continue to > Prosperity Articles 24-46, Prosperity Articles 47-67


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Prosperity Destiny and Vision - 2: Financial Freedom, Wealth Building, Money,

Bad Debt

24. Prosperity Affirmation: There Is More Than Enough

25. Prosperity as a State of Mind
26. Releasing Bad Debt : The Be Here Now of Forgiveness: Part 1
27. Releasing Bad Debt: The Be Here Now of Forgiveness: Part 2
28. Manifesting Abundance: Finding the Money Source
29. Rebuilding Wealth: Surviving Financial Disaster
30. Prosperity Stopper: Throwing Good Sense out the Window
31. Taking Personal Resonsibility: Achieving Financial Independence
32. Prosperity Tip: Improving Self-Image
33. Wealth Building Tips: Nature of Substance
34. Wealth Building Tip: The Secret Of Desire
35. Mantra for Wealth Building: The Nature of Completion
36. Prosperity & Wealth Building: Creating a New Reality and Making it Real
37. Financial Freedom: Keeping an Open-Mind
38. Financial Freedom: What's Your Relationship with Money
39. Financial Freedom: When Money Seems Scarce
40. Financial Freedom: Make Room for a New Lifestyle
41. Money: What about the Fear of Failure?
42. Money: Healing Fear, Panic, and Money Worries
43. Anger Management Tip: Wealth Building and Negative Effects of Cynicism
44. Money: The Relationship of Cause and Effect
45. Becoming Financially Free: The Joy of Abundance
46. Releasing Anger and Scarcity Fears

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Prosperity Destiny and Vision: Part - 3: Wealth Building, Helping Build Wealth,
Net Worth in Self Worth, Self Hypnosis..

47. Perceptions of Wealth: Opportunities for Prosperity

48. Do What You Love and the Money will Follow?
49. Prosperity Destiny: Expect Nothing, Receiving Nothing
50. Wealth Building Attitude: You Have the Right to be Prosperous
51. Belief for Helping Build Wealth: You are Surrounded by Infinite Possibility
52. Belief for Helping Build Wealth: The Reinforcement of Positive Thought
53. Helping Build Wealth Wisdom: Misunderstanding: Poor vs Wealthy
54. Wealth Building: Finding Net Worth in Self-Worth
55. Becoming Financially Free: Take Action, then Let it Go!
56. Tools for Financial Success: Self-Hypnosis Videos, Tapes, and CDs
57. Free Will: Extending Trust and Gratefulness
58. Prosperity Destiny: Miracle in the Making
59. Living a Creative Lifestyle: Expressing Your Gifts and Talents
60. Finding Happiness: Do What You Love
61. Is it all about Money?: The Power Relationship
62. Wealth Building Advice: Do the Work, then Let Go
63. Building Wealth and Prosperity: How to Get It and How to Keep It
64. Creating Wealth: Use It or Lose It
65. Prosperity Attitude: The Art of Acceptance
66. Goal Setting: Treasure Mapping Exercise
67. Positive Wealth Building Action: Fuel the Fire by Generating Energy

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Love and Relationship Articles based on Metaphysics - 1: Mending Relationships,

Finding a Soulmate, Soulmate Connections...

1. Mending Relationships - Unconditional Love is Mine

2. Long Term Relationship Advice - Finding your Soulmate: Part 1 of 4
3. Finding your Soulmate: Part 2 of 4
4. Finding your Soulmate: Part 3 of 4
5. Finding you Soulmate: Part 4 of 4
6. Building Trust in Relationships - Relationship Problems on Control
7. Single Relationship Counseling - Is it Love or Lust?
8. Womens Relationship Advice - How to Heal a Heartbreak
9. Long Term Relationships Advice - Building Trust in Relationships through Mutual Support
10. Womens Relationship Advice - Cheating in Relationships
11. Dependency and Co-dependency
12. Meet Your Soulmate: Creative Visualization
13. Long Term Love: Metaphysical Responsibility
14. Remembering the Truth: Infatuation and the Power of Love
15. Advice on Repairing Relationships: Creating Spiritual and Emotional Intimacy
16. Love and Relationship Prayer
17. Reflections and Fear of Commitment
18. Keeping the Soulmate Connection
19. Womens Biological Clock: Timing for Compatibility
20. Courtesy, Respect, and Kindness
21. Universal Sychronicity - The Miracle of Finding a Soul Mate
22. Dealing with Rejection from a Bad Break Up

Continue to Relationship Articles 23 - 45


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Love and Relationship Articles based on Metaphysics - 2: Fixing Relationships,

Mental Telepathy, Building Trust...

23. Love Advice: Rules of Relationships

24. Fixing Relationships: Honest Communciation Can Save a Relationship
25. Relationship Advice on Marriage Intimacy: Keeping Secrets in Marriage
26. Womens Relationship Advice: Negative Emotions and the Hightest Good for All
27. Helping Others: Creative Visualization and Prayer
28. Love Relationships that are Karmic: Part 1 of 3
29. Love Relationships that are Karmic: Part 2 of 3
30. Love Relationships that are Karmic: Part 3 of 3
31. Mental Telepathy in Love Relationships
32. Tools for Building Trust Through Teamwork
33. Love Blessing: Namaste Definition: I See the Love Within You
34. Mending Relationships: Positive Affirmation for Expectacy
35. Fixing Relationships: Active and Reflective Listening
36. Fixing Relationships: If Only He Would Change
37. Assertiveness Training: Creating Personal and Healthy Boundariess
38. Building Long Term Relationships: The Spiritual Power of Love
39. Love Advice: Understanding Karmic Relationship Lessons
40. Relationship Intimacy: Magic of Keeping a Relationship Fresh
41. Understanding Relationships: Unconditional Love and Acceptance
42. Setting and Achieving Goals: Relationship Cooperation, Unity and Connection
43. Relationship Problems: The Healing of Silence
44. Relationship Problems: The Fear of Healing
45. The Art of Relating: It Takes Two to Spiritual Tango!

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Astrology Spirituality Articles - 1

1. Astrology Signs, Planets, and Nodes Overview

2. The Astrology of Compatibility: Part 1: Romantic Comparisons
3. The Astrology of Compatibility: Part 2: Composite Charts
4. The Mysteries of the 12th House
5. Useful Astrology Horoscopes Sign Compatibility Data
6. The Art of Chart Interpretation
7. Chiron in Astrology
8. The Goddess in Your Chart
9. The Astrology of Intimacy
10. Jupiter in Cancer: Expanding Consciousness
11. Life Energy and Mars
12. The Messages of the Moon - Part 1
13. The Messages of the Moon - Part 2
14. The Messages of the Moon - Part 3
15. The Messages of the Moon - Part 4
16. Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter, and The Gate of Man
17. Mercury Retrograde
18. Mercury: The Divine Messenger

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Astrology Spirituality Articles - 2

19. Ever Thought Of Using Astro Mapping Relocation Astrology For Your Next Big Move?
20. Using Astrology To Predict The Stock Market
21. Millennium Horoscope Interpretation
22. Astrological Neptune
23. The Lunar Nodes: Destiny or Despair
24. Pluto: Propaganda and Power
25. Pluto: Evolve or Die
26. Projection of Your Horoscope Energies
27. The Discipline of Saturn - Part 1
28. The Discipline of Saturn - Part 2
29. Saturn in Gemini: Feeding Your Head
30. Creating Freedom: The Choices of Saturn and Uranus
31. The Planet Saturn
32. The Nature of Scorpio
33. Astrology for Self-Knowledge
34. Your Astrological Timeline
35. Uranus: Revolutionary or Reactionary?
36. Which Planet are You?
37. Visualizing Your Higher Self
38. On the Cusp of the Age of Aquarius

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Find Holistic Therapy Courses in Your Area: Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy,
Fitness Instructor Training, Aromatherapy, Oriental Medicine, Nursing, etc.

Holistic Arts: Healing Schools Offering Massage Therapy Courses

With the high demand for alternative healthcare and holistic alternative medicine, the availability of massage
therapy jobs is on the rise, providing stable career opportunities in the healthcare industry.

As you scroll down the page, locate your state and then click on the link to find one of the best nationally
accredited massage schools near you. Learn about each school, then click on the provided link at the bottom of the
article. You will be taken to a convenient form that you can fill out to request complimentary information from
each of the schools you choose. It's that easy!

The greater Los Angeles area has a large selection of massage colleges. You will also find many training courses in
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Colorado and Arizona are two popular states for receiving your massage training with many excellent schools from
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Alternative healing schools in Florida are abundant, and it is easy to find an excellent massage training program in
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Holistic Nursing

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Beyond Faithless: Taking that Leap into Faith

My copy of Webster's Dictionary defines faith as "firm belief in something for which there is no proof". Although a
certain degree of proof is available in elementary particle physics that we do indeed, create our own reality, I for
one, can't be bothered to learn all that.

When we have the intention to create a certain reality, experience, or manifestation in our lives through the
power of our thoughts, some form of faith is required. When we take a leap of faith to the assistance of a Higher
Power, our personal will or the Universe in general steps in and is no longer faithless. Where this faith is clearest
and strongest is where the higher quality manifestations can appear.

What happens though, if faith in ourselves, in who we believe ourselves to be, is shaken? Before we can have faith
in anything else, we must have faith that we exist in a particular state, or as a specific identity. Similar to, "I
think, therefore I am", there is a basic belief foundation which must be present in order to establish additional
beliefs on top of it. If you don't believe you think, can you believe that you are, using this example?

Let's look at some other examples of this:

"I'm a good person, therefore I should receive Divine assistance."

"I have a powerful mind, therefore my will can perform miracles."

"I live in a Universe of Order, therefore order manifests for me."

These are each worthy principles, which many metaphysicians employ in their subjective practices. What happens
though, if the foundation principle gets rocked by life? There are certain types of life crisis points which can shake
the sturdiest of us.

For instance:

"I'm a good person"...but I swindled my sister out of her share of the inheritance.

"I have a powerful mind"...but the shock of losing my child has caused a breakdown.

"I live in a Universe of Order"...but my neighbor was shot in a fit of road rage.

These are examples of how life can test the beliefs which we live by, and if we ourselves feel that we've failed the
test, our ability to consciously manifest is crippled. If our world fails the test, we can become embittered and
withdrawn. If we wish to continue practicing as metaphysicians, we must heal this foundation of our belief system.

In my experience as a therapist, I've found that the basic beliefs which keep us functioning, keep us from crawling
into a corner and waiting for life to be over, are most often accurate. They weaken though, because of certain
interpretations which cannot withstand crisis. These interpretations are "add-ons" to the belief, which we may
mistakenly interpret as the belief itself.

Here's how this works:

The belief, "I'm a good person" is true and valid for you up to the point where the interpretation becomes the
(unvoiced) belief that, "I never do anything hurtful to another". The mind can run with this, adding on additional
assumptions and correlations such as "Good people are perfect", or "I must be a Saint". Violation of these concepts
becomes unforgiveable. However, the original belief, "I am a good person", allows for personhood and humanity,
warts and all. A human person has the opportunity to make amends, correct mistakes and move on. Someone who
believes they are perfect or a Saint doesn't have this option, and therefore crumbles in the face of reality, until
they can face their humanness.

The belief that, "I have a powerful mind" is a personal favorite of mine for therapeutic purposes. This is because
the opportunities for growth are so great after the false assumptions fall away. An inherent weakness that can
follow this belief, is an (again, unvoiced) attitude of "There is no state higher than Mind". This fallacy is exposed
when the heart is broken. "A powerful mind" is still valid. It is not, however, the end all, be all of existence. That
same mind can open itself to the possibilities inherent in the power of the heart, making room for vulnerability,
surrender, and true peace of mind.

"I live in a Universe of Order" can be very spooky when upset for a metaphysician. When chaos reigns,
manifestation can zoom out of control. Nightmares can become reality and "poltergist" activity can occur. Yes, a
Universe of Order is a practical assumption, however when limited to our definition of order, instability can take
place. It then becomes necessary to look at a bigger picture of what order consists of. When our neighbor becomes
a victim of "random" violence, there are obviously factors at work which we're ignorant of. Is our neighbor one who
exercises such paranoid caution that his fear attracts violence? Did his family need to learn lessons of self-
sufficiency? Just the understanding that we don't know all these answers can be comforting. Hindsight, viewing the
outcomes of specific events, can enable us to see this greater picture.

As we utilize the techniques of reality manifestation, our faith in ourselves and in our perception of how life
works, is generally strengthened. An interesting side effect to this is that we grow, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually. It's unavoidable. As we grow, we encounter situations which provide an additional maturing factor to
our experience. The issue is, whether these maturing elements will make us or break us.

Most people who have been on a spiritual path for a period of time are familiar with the phenomenon of friends
and aquaintances turning away from alternative philosophies and jumping into fundamentalist Christianity or other
heavily authoritative religions. This is a common occurrence when one becomes frightened of power, especially
your own.

Most maturation experiences of any kind, involve teaching us a greater degree of self-sufficiency. When elevated
to the plane of self-sufficiency in creating our realities, the responsibility can seem too great. In my experience,
frequently the assumption of frightening responsibility is an illusion. As long as we're doing time on planet Earth,
we must accept that we don't know all of the answers, and will occasionally be caught by surprise. This doesn't
invalidate the power and ability that we do have, and evidently were created with. As we enter more fully into
grownup-hood in any arena of life, we discover that mistakes can be made, and assumptions can be challenged.
This need not stop the process of growing up, it needs only to refine it.


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For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 1

When we carefully enumerate our goals for the future, a kind of magic happens. This magic is that of visualization
and affirmation, the primary tools in reality creation. This means that in addition to the fact that we have clearly
stated our intentions through the action of goal setting, we have also begun to attract the necessary conditions to
manifest what we want from the Universe.

Its very unusual for someone to succeed who hasn't established coherent goals for themselves. From a material
perspective alone, it's necessary to organize the various steps towards success in order to reach that success. Far
too often we hold a fuzzy idea of what we would like our future to look like without sitting down and working out
what the necessary steps are to achieve it. Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed by the difficulties we perceive in
reaching our goals and thereby give up before we start. This isn't necessary if the process is followed in a
methodical fashion.

What if you don't know what you want in your future? Many people move through life "by accident". They "progress"
by falling from one situation into another. They have no plan and have neglected making conscious choices for
their future. There are also people who have had their interests, dreams and choices invalidated by others. These
people will often need to have these interests and desires rehabilitated before they can create goals. There's a
process for working that out as well.

The person who is undecided, conflicted or unaware of what they want in their future needs to practice a couple
of preliminary steps before actual goal-setting begins.

Keep a dream journal. Keep notes of both your nightly dreams and daydreams. These will often hold the key to
where your passion lies, and this of course is what you will want in your future.

List your favorite hobbies. Often we are already doing what we need to be doing in our lives, but not giving these
endeavors high enough credibility. These are important. The joyful activities that you participate in are the ones
that best express your creativity and thereby, what you need to contribute to the world.

Play imagination games. Design a future for yourself, the best one that you can think of. It doesn't matter whether
this future appears to be "possible" or not, what is important is that it causes your spirits to soar. As you allow
yourself to experience your highest joy, you are far closer to your right goal than you may have ever dreamed
yourself to be. There is something achievable here and you can have it.

As you work with these methods you should see a trend emerging. There ought to be a similar pattern of activity
running through each exercise that will point you toward your right goals. The primary difficulty in this is accepting
the truth when you see it. If you have had trouble with determining your life goals, it is very likely that your
desires have been repressed or invalidated. This makes it awkward to recognize the truth of our own needs. So, it
may be necessary to honestly sit down and face what your inner truth is, whether it conforms to your own or
others expectations or not. Effective goal-setting is dependent upon a realistic assessment of your needs and
wants, and a conditioned expectation simply won't do.

One barrier to the acceptance of your dreams and desires can be the assumption that they are impossible. The
concept of "impossible" is a mindset to keep you from attempting to attain what you want in life. It has no
relevance in fact. I have worked with dozens of people in goal rehabilitation and not one of them who had believed
that their goal was impossible, was actually incapable of producing the desired outcome. On many occasions it was
incomprehensible how the individual could have believed that their desire was not achievable. The resistance was
simply a conditioned, often very emotional response to creating the joy that they truly wanted in life.

Also, there can be fear of personal fulfillment. There can be many reasons for this fear, but frequently it has to do
with a sense that one will be isolated in their fulfillment. This occurs because we tend to associate with others
who's sense of personal limitation is similar to our own. So, if they believe that only a certain degree of fulfillment
was possible and we exceed that, then they won't wish to associate with us any longer.

If you are very clear about what your dreams and desires are, then you're ready to begin the goal-setting process.


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For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 2

In Part 1 of this series we examined what needs to happen in order to gain clarity on our needs and desires. We're
going to be looking at translating these into solid goals for the future. This is vitally important to provide a
coherent direction for our future and to metaphysically magnetize the Universe to co-operate with our

At this stage clear descriptions are necessary. All that has to be done is to take each goal and list its qualities. If
its a better job for instance, describe what it's like. What does your day look like, how is your office furnished,
what do you get to do that's fun and interesting? All of these factors should be described. I suggest that you use a
separate piece of paper for each goal. That way you can add to it later if you wish.

You are assembling your visual image for the goal as you do this and will begin magnetizing the necessary
situations to come together for you as you write them down. As the image gains clarity and depth you have the
opportunity to "own" these factors. It will feel more tangible and do-able.

A key aspect of goal setting is intention. Intention is the decision to do something and then doing it. We exercise
our intention on a daily basis. Whenever we decide what we're going to do with our day and then do that, we have
created and exercised our intention. Goal setting requires this sort of mind-set. This is somewhat different from a
wish list, though the same items may be there.

The intention that must be employed in goal setting is that of knowing that you have created definite steps
towards achievement and will carry them out. So far we've been working up to this. I've found that if we utilize our
creativity in the process, we have far more control over the outcome. I suspect that as you've been assembling
your thoughts and making your descriptions of your goals, ideas have been coming to you of certain steps you can
take for the achievement of some of them.

Some of the steps to take for a given goal are obvious. Make another sheet of paper for each goal. Scribble the
things you need to do for their achievement on each page as the ideas come to you. At this stage it doesn't matter
so much if they're in the proper sequence, as long as they're written down. Don't be concerned if there are some
goals that you haven't got a clue about how to go about making happen. We'll get to those. Meanwhile, fill in your
second sheet of paper with the steps you need to take. Here are some examples of steps you might need to take
for your new job:

Sign up for a relevant night class.

Update your resume.

Research the firms you'd like to be part of.

For these tangible goals and for some of the goals that are more ethereal, there's an additional step that will aid in
magnetizing the Universe to manifest your desire. This step involves a personal reconstruction. For example, if
you've been working as a landscaper your working wardrobe is considerably different from what it will be as a New
Age seminar leader. Instead of spending your free time on "beer with the boys" you will be meeting others in coffee
shops for philosophical discussions, attending meetings, practicing public speaking, etc. If you were to begin
making these alterations to your lifestyle now, inserting some of them into your existing life, very interesting
results can occur. In metaphysics this is called "acting as if". This means that we are acting as if our goal were
already fulfilled. This is a powerful technique to goal fulfillment and notes for this should be included in your "goal
setting steps page".

Some of your goals may exceed your grasp far enough that you may have no idea at all of how to implement them.
Usually these are less tangible goals, such as "raise my IQ", or "release any tendencies towards self-sabotage". I
think of goals like this as "hound dog goals". This means that sometimes you just have to sniff out the answers. For
instance if you want to be smarter, then sniff out intelligence. Lurk in a mensa chat room. Sit in the library for a
few hours. Just as an old hound dog might do, go to where you sense intelligence is happening and breathe it in.
Let it inspire you. You'll find ideas coming to you. You'll intuit other places to go, people to ask, references to look
up that will propel you a bit further in achieving your goal. Yes, this is going at it blind. But this sort of activity will
take your goal out of the realm of wishful thinking and give you something tangible to do about it. This is
important if you truly want to manifest your desire and will set you on the track to doing something about it. For
example, you may learn that you can take a speed-reading course, avoid all intoxicants and take herbs to sharpen
your mental acuity. As you do these, other possibilities will come to you.

So, get your sheets of paper together and fill them in. Remember, one sheet of paper to fully describe what "living
your goal" will look like, and a second one to list the steps to its achievement.


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For Personal Development: The Miracle of Goal Setting - Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series we learned about creating clarity of our needs and desires, and then translating
these into goals. In this installment we'll be looking at setting timelines.

Setting timelines for goal setting is a typical exercise. It becomes a bit trickier when combined with metaphysics as
we are doing. The reason for this is that as we practice these techniques, we will frequently achieve our goal far in
advance of the time set. Or, we will have the capacity of doing so, and subconsciously hold off the manifestation
until we reach the "assigned" time slot. This can be a real issue, creating a number of conflicts unless we prepare
for it in advance. This often occurs even in traditional goal-setting, and can leave a person feeling drained and
apathetic. This happens because the effort to accomplish something has gone on too long.

Typically, goal setting begins with a 5 year plan. Envision what you would like your life to look like five years from
now. Will you be living in a different home? What work will you be doing? How is your romantic life? What is your
relationship with your family? These are all different factors that you will want to examine. Naturally, you must
take notes. Describe these different visions. You will probably refer to the notes you took for lessons 1 and 2, and
these certainly should be integrated into your overall picture. As you assemble these various factors, you'll see a
"story" emerge with you as the key character. This story should feel good to you, and as you put yourself more
solidly into the picture, more natural as well. Your final draft of this story should be in a form that you can easily
copy. You will want to distribute this in several places; near your bed, by your paperwork at home, and at work if
possible. You should refer to it often.

There will be preliminary steps to the achievement of your big goals, as we covered in Part 2. Put these on a
timeline. For instance, if a big goal is to enter an executive position, when are you starting that night school class?
Write it down. Write down when you'll be hiring the resume' service, and the time increments of investing in a
more professional wardrobe. These intermediate steps are the ones which require a specific timeline, since these
are the ones that we're most likely to procrastinate on. However, as you move along in the practice of this, these
will frequently be done earlier as well. You may come into some money that will enable you to purchase all of your
wardrobe requirements. A friend may be able to get you an unexpected interview. These are expected and natural
occurrences for the metaphysician. When one happens, you need to go back and redefine all the necessary
timelines that no longer apply.

Just because you are likely to exceed your expected timelines, doesn't mean that they should not be set. These are
another way of establishing a metaphysical attraction to what you want in your life. With each factor that is
clearly established in your mind, you are more likely to attract metaphysical assistance in its accomplishment.

As important as these intermediate steps are, and they most certainly need to be attended to, your big story is
what you'll need to refer to. This overall picture is what you want to magnetize the Universe to help you create.
It's not uncommon for your big picture to become so well magnetized that it can be manifested before any
intermediate steps can be actualized. When this occurs, it generally happens in a way that you never considered
and can be quite a surprise.

I cannot overstress the importance of pursuing all of the different steps in goal setting, whether they turn out to
be necessary or not. It is the act of creating these and putting your personal energy into them that allows their
fulfillment. In metaphysics this is called "embodiment" and is the magic juice which enables manifestation. When
you embody your goal, you are infusing it with your energy, your creativity and your life spark. The more that you
can make this goal feel right, natural and real to you, the more effectively it will manifest.
Finally, enjoy your goal setting activities. This is supposed to be a joyful, creative act. Allow yourself to express
your deepest desires and decide to get them fulfilled.


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Power of Positive Thinking: Your Right to Happiness

There is no good reason that you should not be happy. It doesn't matter how little you may feel that you don't
deserve it, or that you think someone or something is denying it from you, you still ought to be happy. There is
little point in a life where happiness isn't a legitimate objective and if we are honest with ourselves, everything
that we do has some form of happiness as the ultimate aim.

Frequently, happiness comes in the form of some sort of success. This means that we have achieved an objective,
met a goal and overcome challenges. Another gauge of happiness is how loved we feel. For someone else,
happiness may take the form of a desired level of personal security.

Metaphysically though, we must look at happiness as being a state of mind. This tends to shed a great deal of the
mystique from the idea, but there it is. And, as metaphysicians we know that we have power and control over our
mental states. This isn't quite as cold and analytical as it may first appear.

The experienced metaphysician understands that his/her mental activity is limited unless partnered with their
Higher Power. Without this, mental force is involved and strenuous acts of will. Although these may have their
place in some belief systems, they are unnecessary and even counter-productive in metaphysics.

This is where our right to happiness comes in. As children of a benevolent Creator, we are automatic inheritors of
all the good there is. Who or what is going to deny this right bestowed on us from an omnipotent being?

So, we have the right to happiness. Therefore, why aren't we assuming a happy state of mind?

It seems that the major reason that we don't just accept a happy state of mind is because of conditional
expectations. "I'll be happy once I get all of my bills paid." "Happiness will be mine when I find my soulmate." "I
can't be happy until this is done."

Does any of this sound familiar? We just flat out won't allow ourselves to be happy until our conditions are met,
and have convinced ourselves that these external conditions are going to be the cause of our happiness.


We all know of the miserable millionaire, the frustrated, though deeply in love spouse and the successful yet
horribly tense executive. Their conditions were met, and perhaps temporarily, they were happy. It didn't last.
That's because they were placing the responsibility for their happiness upon circumstances outside of themselves.
Circumstances over which they had little or no control. Circumstances which could not keep up with the changing
needs and requirements of the evolving human soul.

It leaves us to fall upon our own, inner devices. Such as deciding to be happy for no good reason at all. We can
choose to be happy in our own skins, in our lives, with circumstances the way they are right here and now. We can
let go of stress, fear, anger and hopelessness and choose happiness.

One of the most pathetic things I hear from a variety of people is, "I can't be happy while _____ (fill in the blank)"
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy this. When we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we can decide to
assume a happy perspective on life. There may be times when we truly don't want to be happy. If so, it is wise to
be truthful about it. If you have recently lost a loved one, then it's okay to not choose happiness for awhile.

Perhaps this doesn't cause us adequate suffering. Maybe we "ought" to work harder, be sadder and feel more
miserable before we can give ourselves permission to feel good.

If we should decide that these "oughts" are not really necessary, then a remarkable thing will happen. If we should
choose happiness, practice feeling happy, letting go of our daily complaints to anyone who will listen to us,
berating God, and all the other myriad activities we indulge in to remind ourselves to be miserable, life will
certainly begin to improve. This is a metaphysical truism. Think positively, feel happy, indulge in your creative,
enthusiastic activities and you will inevitably draw more of the same into your life.

Happiness is a right and a choice. Allow it a place in your life.


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Spiritual Healing: Healing Images assist in Wellness

The practice of visualization techniques can assist considerably in the healing process. This is a metaphysical
process, which draws the desired change into our lives by magnetizing our thoughts. Visualization healing
techniques are practiced in some cancer treatments and with AIDs patients. This practice can speed the recovery
process and improve the current quality of life.

Here are a few visualizations that can be practiced to aid in the healing process. These can be helpful for any form
of healing; spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. These visualizations can be practiced on anything from a
bruise to a broken heart.


Visualize the area of your body or of your life that is in the process of healing. See literal, physical light entering
that area in a comfortable fashion. It can radiate outward from the center or just gradually permeate the whole
area. The important thing is that this is light and it is shining on and in every aspect of the afflicted area.

As you practice this visualization, explore the various concepts concerning "light". This can be a light of brightness,
of right, good, harmony, truth and honesty. The more you can "flesh out" your image of light, the more powerful
this image becomes.


Imagine a gentle stream of water somehow moving through or covering the area that is being healed. This water
has remarkable healing powers as well as carrying away anything that needs to go. Experience this image as
cooling, soothing or calming.

Explore this image as well, seeing it as anti-bacterial, purifying, purging, or even forgiving. Allow the process of
making the image more tangible through this experience and knowing that it will be more powerful for that.


Healing just isn't going to happen without love. See yourself being loved. Take note of everywhere in life that
you're being loved, and from every source. See yourself being loved double the amount that you currently feel that
you are.

One can say that from a metaphysical perspective, no illness, dis-ease, injury or hurt could occur if we could
experience enough love. This one can be very deceiving. Invariably, there is more love available to us than we can
perceive at any given moment.

Healing images are a significant part of making yourself part of your healing process. Any physician will tell you
that patient participation in recovery can make a vast difference in the speed of the healing process. The more
that you can contribute to the cycle of healing through any venue, mental, nutritional, in exercise, etc., the more
rapidly the healing will occur.

Prayer, of course, is the most effective "visualization" exercise that we can do. Healing prayer circles have
remarkable power to aid in the healing process, and have made the difference between life and death in many
cases. An interesting note here is that I have seen the most dramatic healing events occur when a prayer circle is
composed of people of varying faiths. It is as if each individual in the circle then depends more on the quality of
their faith than the appeal of their dogma. This personal touch seems very effective.

Holding certain images in mind can be a sort of game. Refining an image, adding details or creating a story line are
all therapeutic outlets. You can try this whether you have a particular ailment or not. Practicing a healing image
for a week will improve areas of life whether there had been anything "wrong" with them or not.

Practicing positive visualizations on a regular basis is good for our mental attitude and physical well being. Any
existing regimen of healing can profit by their addition.


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Peace of Mind: The Practice of Humility

The word "humble" which is the root word of "humility" originally comes from the word "ground" or "earth". In the
practice of humility, we are practicing being grounded, in touch with our roots and aware of our common nature
with the rest of humanity.

The value of this practice is well known in Eastern philosophies, but is less understood in our Western civilization
of achievement oriented, competition driven culture. One-upmanship is a character trait which is well admired
here, and the better one is at it, the more one is considered to "win".

What does this do to the soul? For one thing, it is a false premise, assuming that the ability to overcome another's
sense of personal identity is a good thing. It isn't. The consequences in karma are well known, as we all understand
instinctively. Those we step on, on the way up are the same ones we meet on the way down. Secondly, it is an
inherently false idea, that any one of us is better than any other one of us. Is one cloud better than another? At a
soul level, we damage ourselves when we attempt to assert that we are of better quality than anyone else. We
also set ourselves up for the same treatment.

So, the practice of arrogance and pretentiousness is harmful to the soul. Of what value is humility?

When we practice humility, we are telling ourselves and the world around us that we are one with our species,
that we are connected and real. There is no need to keep up a false image or keep track of our lies. There is far
less effort and stress involved in just making life happen, as we aren't having to "fake it" as we go along. And
really, this practice is more for our own benefit than for others, although our world will certainly benefit from it.
Humility says that we can never have our feet knocked out from under us, since we are always standing on the

Humility is different from humiliation, though they may appear to be the same thing at first. Humiliation occurs
when we feel ourselves to be lower than or less than what we actually are. This most often occurs as the karmic
kickback of arrogance or pretentiousness - when we have pretended to be something other than what we really
are. I think of this as a natural occurrance, such as gravity. When we have our feet on the ground, stumbling isn't a
big deal. If we're walking a tightrope 20 feet above the earth and trip, we could leave a dent when we land.

When we practice humility, it is easy to be friendly to others. We can be authentically ourselves, can afford to be
compassionate and can allow others to see inside of us. It isn't necessary to keep secrets about our real
preferences and opinions, and we don't have to look over our shoulders wondering if someone will see who we
actually are. Peace is a natural acceptance.

You may notice here, that I'm describing many of the traits of the "shy" person, as well as the egocentric one. This
is because these people have many character traits in common, and they tend to come from the same source. This
source is low self-esteem. In both situations, the "Self" is being hidden. When we are practicing humility, the Self
isn't being hidden, it isn't being broadcast, one simply is.

There are many more advantages to this practice than can be enumerated here. Peace of mind for one. What's
nice is that we can keep practicing even if we fall away from it for a time. The real value and beauty of the soul
shows through when humility is practiced. Let your world see who you actually are and peace will follow.

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Meditation Technique: Guided Meditation for Finding Inner Peace

Inner peace, serenity and tranquility are concepts which can be addressed from a different perspective in
metaphysics. This is because in metaphysics one can participate in the creation of their personal reality. Reality
creation of inner states of being is very definitely achievable through this practice, no matter what the outward
circumstances may be. Fortunately, through the use of metaphysics, one can alter the outward circumstances as

Visualization, affirmations and directed meditation are the primary tools of the metaphysician. Each of these are
very effective in altering one's own state of consciousness, such as in the development of tranquility. Like every
other metaphysical treatment, it requires an active and creative imagination. In the establishment of an inner
state of being, one must be able to conjure up some idea of what that state feels like. Depending upon your
orientation, you may need to know what it would look like, or sound like. Some sort of conceptual understanding is
necessary in order to bring the new state into manifestation. Here is a simple guide for ease of effectiveness of
metaphysical treatment styles, depending on the way you personally conceptualize.

Emphasize this Approach:

In Images


Words or Symbols


Through the Senses

Technique using directed Meditation

If you're able to get a clear idea of what inner peace means to you, then you're ready to experience it. This is the
essence of metaphysics. Through the use of your affirmation, meditation and/or visualization, you then make a
conscious choice. The choice is to have this experience of inner peace right now. The action is to project yourself
into that affirmation, meditation or visualization to get the sense that it really is happening right now. The point is
to get yourself to believe it, if only for a moment. If you can do that, you're doing it right. From here on, all it
takes is practice.

I sometimes view this technique as a form of personal time travel. It's pretty easy to assume that sooner or later,
we're each going to achieve our inner goals, whether it's now or 3 lifetimes from now. Using metaphysics, we can
experience this state of being in the present. By understanding who we can be, we can change who we are.
Students of Raja Yoga may be familiar with this perspective.

Inner peace isn't the only state of consciousness which can be elevated or enhanced. What if you are stuck in an
apparently unresolvable problem or situation? The same technique can be used to achieve a sense of resolution, or
knowing. This can be extremely effective if you just assume that the answer is within you. Again, an affirmation,
meditation or visualization of what it would be like to know the best answer to the issue confronting you, will
achieve this state of knowing.

When dealing with varying states of consciousness in metaphysics it's important to have an idea of what you're
aiming towards. "Enlightenment" as a goal is a worthy one, but not very specific. As an example, perhaps you want
to cultivate a more loving, forgiving attitude. This would involve getting clear with yourself about what this is like.
What would your life look like if you were this way all the time? Perhaps there would be an expanded perspective
of life, wherein the petty hurts of life would be insignificant to you. Possibly your ability to understand others to
the degree that your compassion for them outweighed personal considerations. These are elements which could be
included into your metaphysical treatment.

This can also be helpful in getting past a deep hurt or trauma. Again, one must imagine that the situation is fully
and completely healed. What would life be like if you were no longer haunted by this difficulty? Cultivate an
understanding of yourself, free from this pain. This image or understanding is what you would use in your
treatment activities.

If you only want to escape or deny a current unpleasantness in your life, I don't recommend this technique. This
works as an evolutionary accelerator, progressing one through the necessary changes to achieve a different state.
It doesn't help in avoiding these changes. Very solid and stable gain can be made in utilizing this technique and if
you have an interest in dealing with core beliefs which may be hindering you, this is a way to go about it.


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Connecting with Intuition and Psychic Ability: Many Facets of the Heart

It's understood in metaphysical circles that the function of intuition is strongly related to heart energy center, or
love. This seems to be somewhat different from other forms of psychic manifestations that are mostly attributed
to the third eye. Intuition, hunches and "gut feelings" tend to come about when we are most closely connected to
our own human-ness.

This means that we are relating to our environment and accepting of our place in the world. It has to do with
"connectedness". Intuition appears to be a sense similar to instinct, and quite possibly there is a relationship
between the two. Heightened instincts are evidenced by an intense awareness of the environment, spatial
relationships and motion. Intuition also appears to be a heightened awareness of the environment, but on a
different level. When reduced to analytical concepts, intuition can be compared to lightening fast calculations
which can determine statistical probabilities and deduce a likely outcome.

That doesn't sound much like "heart" does it? As I said, this was reducing the activity to analytical concepts. But, as
we've been told, the heart has its own wisdom. I've seen that this idea is often accepted only as a figure of speech,
and not as literal truth. This is what appears to be the case though. When we are in a relaxed, accepting and
loving state of mind, we are far more willing to really look at our environment and absorb the non-stop stream of
data that we're receiving from it. This data is based on standard information, body language, timing, imagery and
subjective experience. Our willingness to receive this input can also be called "having an open heart".

The depth of our receptivity and our willingness to accept without judgment or intolerance the legitimate
information that we're receiving determines the quality of our intuition. We are receiving this information on
multiple levels of mind, the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious, so this receptivity has to be
absolutely authentic. In my experience, if we are not open to receive this information on an unconditional basis,
the results show up immediately in the diminished quality or quantity of our intuitive experience.

Perhaps a more basic comparison would be to spiritual truisms such as "seeing God in all things", or "expressing
unconditional love". These indicate an open connection to our environment, eliminating reservations and
inhibitions to our intimate experience with it. This sort of connection is an obvious distinction between the
experience of intuition and the experience of instinct. Instinct isn't based on an intimate connection with the
environment, but a suspicious paranoia about it, which demands unceasing observation. This is the behavior of a
wild animal or someone living under very threatening conditions. Although the results of intuition and instinct may
be similar in some ways, the motivation is quite different.

Living a life based upon intuition can seem pretty threatening at first. The risk involved is due to the extreme
rapidity of analysis that intuition functions from. Our conscious minds cannot keep up with the information stream,
even considering the possibility that normal analytical functions may be occurring. It has certainly not been proven
that these functions are even utilized, no matter what the pace. It is quite likely that many steps are skipped
entirely. When our conscious mind is shut out of this process, insecurity can result. We may be reluctant to act
upon our intuitive conclusions because we don't know how they were arrived at. As far as we can tell, the result
"jist growed".

Intuition is a legitimate function of the human psyche, but like every other aspect of organic life, it can atrophy if
it isn't used. In order to bring it up to normal functioning capabilities, we have to utilize it. We have to act upon its
conclusions. If we are frightened away from acting upon the information that we receive, we are invalidating it.
We are telling it that it has no usefulness to us.
To make our intuition work for us, we have to pick one and act on it. This can be something simple, such as an
intuition to take a different route home today. We may not ever find out why this intuition revealed itself, or we
may discover that we've avoided an unexpected traffic snarl. The important thing is that we have trusted the
intuitive faculty enough to act upon it. Repetition of this trusting activity sparks the intuitive nature to reveal
itself on a more regular basis. As we grow familiar with this natural function, it tends to manifest in more dramatic
ways. We can allow ourselves to communicate on an intuitional basis, relate with others based on this insight, and
make life decisions this way.

No matter what reasoning we may require to satisfy our conscious mind that intuition is a valid faculty, it is well
worth pursuing. Open to your heart center to the create the possibility.


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Superconscious Perceptions: The Nature of Intuition

Intuition is an interesting function of what some think of as the superconscious portion of the mind. This is the part
of the mind which appears to have access to all the subliminal impressions which we receive, and is able to
integrate them in a fashion which is different from ordinary, linear thought. Additionally, the superconscious
appears to include perceptions normally outside the range of our ordinary, waking consciousness. These
perceptions can go by the names of "hunches", "gut feelings", or "ESP". In no way has this function been fully
defined by science, or in my opinion, anywhere else.

Frequently, new levels of intuition open up for us, induced by stress, spiritual practices or simple necessity.
Depending upon the circumstances involved, this can be a momentous event. When this occurs, new perceptions
become available to us, some of which can be confusing. In my experience as a counselor, there can be a fine line
between this opening of intuition and the onset of neurosis. This is due to the fact that it is often stress or
extreme necessity which brings up the new perceptions.

Frequently, the application of simple grounding techniques will stabilize the perceptions and bring greater peace
to the soul, without sacrifice of valuable insights. Very often, an individual who is troubled by these new
perceptions of life, will take the extreme of either denial of their existence, or denial of the existence of material
reality. Neither of these options is particularly desirable. The difficulty of course, is the apparent schism between
logical, material reality and "unsubstantiated" intuition.

There is an apparent "Quantum Leap" between the normal consciousness and intuition. Some people experience
this as a "You can't get there from here" phenomenon, wherein the conclusions drawn from intuitive resources don't
appear to fit the process of logic. Well, that's because they don't. Heavy duty materialists object to knowledge
without logic as a form of heresy, and may take personal offense. However, the knowledge still exists. Denial
doesn't change that.

Again, under stressful conditions, it may be comforting emotionally to disregard material facts, and actively
fantasize what we would like to perceive, as being less painful. This is natural and human, and even healing up to
a point. But if our world is falling down around our ears, it's not in our best interests to ignore it. Oddly enough,
even this can strengthen our true intutive abilities though, so something is still gained.

Intuition is most reliable when our perceptions reveal something new to us in a calm, centered state. In fact, it's
not uncommon for the intuitive process to reveal itself through our dreams. This is often when the superconscious
does it's best work. Unfettered by linear thinking, images and situations can present themselves in new patterns,
much like fitting a puzzle together in a new way. Certain forms of meditation work in a similar fashion. When the
mind is allowed to relax, without focus on a particular thought, not denying any thoughts, but simply letting
thoughts go by as if one were a detached observer, frequently new insights arise. Again, the puzzle of mind is
rearranging itself in a new form.

I've done a lot of work with people in spiritual crisis. Amazingly often the crisis is instigated by the intuitive
faculties presenting themselves in an unexpected fashion. They may be faced with the question of what is real and
what isn't. I've often felt that the exploration of the territory of intuition is like walking through uncharted
territory with a blindfold on. We often only see part of the picture, or may have to "feel our way" through. In my
opinion, the only danger is to assume that we know more about what's occurring than we actually do.

For instance:
About a year and 1/2 ago when we were considering moving to a larger home, I had a strong vision of being in a
kitchen, gazing at a large, framed "pass through" in the wal l above the sink, leading into the dining room. I could
have drawn several conclusions about the vision, giving it great spiritual import, taking it as a dire omen, or any
number of other things. Since I've had experience with this, I just let it go after mentioning it to my partner. About
6 months later, I was standing in that position in front of the sink and remembered the vision. It was interesting to
get the confirmation of my perception, but it still didn't appear to be particularly relevant to my life. Now, a year
later, I spend most of my day in front of that hole in the wall. We converted the dining room to an office, and with
the monitor facing the hole, I see through the hole to the living room to watch TV as I work, and look out the living
room picture window as well. It's a significant part of my daily life.

The point here is to accept our perceptions, without additions. The calm viewing of our experience is far more
constructive than denying it, being afraid of it, or even making more of it than there is. Isn't the fact of opening up
the new vistas for intuitive connection to our superconscious exciting enough?


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Don't Worry Be Happy:Justifying Negativity and Negative Thoughts

Jeri Noble

When we worry and we're feeling badly, it's natural to feel self-righteous about it. We feel that our world isn't
going well, therefore we have the right to be upset about it. We've earned the right to feel bad, and to express our
distaste with whatever we may feel has caused it. Okay. Yes, you have that right. Far be it from me to point out
that this is projecting negativity onto your life. No, you have the right to be angry and upset, and to tell me in no
uncertain terms that you've been used, abused and lied to and whoever and whatever did this is a low-down,
rotten nasty. The Universe itself is probably out to get you, and it's far nicer to everyone else than it is to you, and
you try so hard to do what you're supposed to, but things just get screwed up anyway, and it's all so hard and...

Uh huh. But you don't have a negative attitude, right? What happens when life doesn't seem to be working for us, is
that the truth of what we really believe comes out. These are our real attitudes and expectations. The ones that
we express when we worry and are under stress are usually the most truthful ones. It can be quite a relief to let
them out, especially after we've been suppressing them for awhile. It isn't uncommon for people who are on a
spiritual path to do this, to suppress their real attitudes about some aspect of life that they're not happy with, in
an effort to transform this area. The techniques of reality creation don't respond to suppression however, only
transformation. A real higher consciousness of the inherent good in life, doesn't cave in when life goes awry.
Instead, there's a recognition that no matter what it may look like, life is still working out for our best. It may not
take the form that we expect, but will still be the best. But as long as we assume that every time something
doesn't go the way we want it to, life is behaving badly, we are creating that reality. We are actually creating life
behaving badly.

Throwing a tantrum or griping about the unfairness of life doesn't improve the situation. It does make it worse just
like to much worry. The complaining, whining or griping reinforces the negative belief system that creates an
unpleasant experience of life. It is a metaphysical projection of a mental attitude and it has power. In my
experience, there is a question that we can ask ourselves. Is it more important to feel justified in our anger or
upset with our lives, or to release enough ego to acknowledge that life really is good, and I'm just not willing to
see it? The fact is, that in metaphysics we do get what our priorities represent. If we are very much wanting a
break, then losing work is a manifestation of what we want. It isn't something to get angry about, but instead to
appreciate. If we desire Divine support, railing at an ex-spouse who won't contribute child support, doesn't make
sense. Accepting that we're thrown back on trusting the support of Divinity does.

Once we can weed through the emotional morass that we can generate for ourselves in this area, we will often see
that this is just a child-like fear of the unknown showing itself. We have affirmed and visualized a purer, more
fruitful life for ourselves, and then when life starts to make room for this, we can panic at the changes that are
involved. This way we keep repeating a pattern of life beginning to improve, then halting and stepping back into
the old shape again. This is a life cycle of our effort to evolve into the conscious use of metaphysics. Our species
has had the ability to create its own reality since time immemorial. However, we are not accustomed to its use,
just as many of us are not accustomed to all the ramifications of technology. As a species, we can create this, but
may have some trouble getting comfortable with the conscious use of it.

Asserting negativity as we may do when we're upset, is an evolutionary throwback. Our species is attempting to
rise to a more serene, peaceful and trusting condition. The steps along the way can stir up eons of cultural
negativity, and all the "reasons why" we should remain paranoid, mistrustful and frightened. In order to create the
reality that we want, which we are fully capable of doing, we must let go of the need to justify our negativity. If it
were the right thing to do, it wouldn't require justification, would it?
This is often one of the final barriers to consistent manifestation of the reality one wishes to create by
metaphysical means. We have to take the responsibility for our condition rather than justifying the condition to
ourselves. When we can accept that we have chosen the life we have manifested, rather than seeking out places to
blame for a lack of fulfillment, reality creation can truly work. We have to understand that choosing the reality we
live doesn't have room for exceptions, blame or justification. We are infinite, immortal beings, gifted with amazing
talents of life and light. "The Universe was mean to me," doesn't work as an excuse if we want to make use of our

I'm often amazed at the sheer number of justifications for being negative that people can come up with. I've had
many, many offers of "proof" that life just doesn't work for this particular individual. Tell me, why would such
proof be valuable to anyone? The only reason that I can see, is that it is an inverted form of superiority that looks
something like this:

"I am so special that the principles of love, light and Divinity do not work for me or for my life. I either cannot be
forgiven because my crimes are so horrendous, or I am such a pathetic victim that God can't be bothered with me.
Aren't I special?"

If you're good enough to worry about this, you're good enough to experience the benefits of metaphysical reality
creation. It takes letting go of whatever ego says that you can't have, that it's more important to be right than it is
to experience your good, and that you are powerful enough to make your own choices and have them stick.


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Reincarnation, Karma and Past Lives

According to the poll taken last week, a large majority of visitors to the Circles of Light website believe in
reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that we are reborn after death. Some eastern philosophies say that we
progressively evolve from lower life forms (animals), though most western reincarnationists feel that human souls
remain human. My experience with the subject has been primarily therapeutic, as I was a past life regression
therapist for many years. The therapeutic purpose for exploring past lives is to locate old traumas or behavior
patterns which may be causing difficulties in the present life.

The concept of karma is closely intertwined with any exploration of past lives. Although in popular terminology
karma has come to be known as "punishment", that's not the real meaning of the term. Simply, karma just means
"consequences", or in Christian terms, "you reap what you sow". Therapeutically, it's something entirely different
from either of these definitions.

From a therapeutic point of view, all we're doing is exploring repressed memories. There's a very good reason for
these memories being repressed, and it's sometimes known as "traumatic amnesia". The simple fact is that each
life ends with a death, and that can be pretty traumatic. When this happens once or twice or a thousand times, it
may seem highly advantageous to just eliminate any memory of the experience. It may seem easier to deny it ever
happened or ever could happen to anyone.

Karma is often an expectation formed from a past life decision. An example of this might be as follows:

A young woman repeatedly involves herself with inappropriate partners, abusive or neglectful men that at a deep
level she doesn't really respect. A bit of regression could unearth the fact that she suffered a terrible loss of a
mate and found the grieving unbearable. A conclusion might have been reached that loving someone deeply was
far too painful and "she'll never do that again". She could feel that she'd made a terrible mistake, even criminal,
for allowing herself to be put in this position. Conscious recognition of this decision could enable her to change her
mind, to make a new decision that a loving relationship is valuable and even if there may be pain in loss, it would
be worth it.

Alternatively, this young woman could assume that it was her "karma" to attract only cruel partners, that she must
have done something terrible in a past life which she's now being punished for. She may attempt to purify herself
in good works and self-sacrifice until she feels that she's made adequate amends for her crime. This may take
several lifetimes before her conscience is satisfied. Once she feels that she's been "good enough", and that she is
now entitled to a loving relationship, she can then choose that for herself.

As you can see, both approaches achieved the desired result. Philosophically, one may be better for us than the
other in certain circumstances, such as when there is an evolutionary need for soul development.

When I do a past life astrology reading both perspectives need to be taken into account. It's not uncommon for an
individual to feel that only time will heal the errors they've made in the past. In this case, it's a matter of
integrating the conscious mind's goals for the life with the soul's evolutionary requirements. In the example given
above, the young woman might be better off just not doing romantic relationships in this life, but offering herself
in charitable works instead. In this case, the realization that she needn't bow to peer pressure to be half of a
couple could be a great relief.

Often the chart will show that this is the lifetime to get back on track. In this case it becomes a matter of
exploring the planetary alignments which suggest the best means for resolution. Sometimes this will be a clinical
solution such as hypnotherapy. Or, it may involve something as simple as participation in activities which attract
more gentle men such as church groups or single parent organizations.

By far the majority of past life readings require little more than pointing out the afflicted area of the psyche. A
simple indication of unresolved grief from a previous life could be enough to allow this young woman to change her
perspective. She may then be able to make a conscious choice to allow herself the personal dignity to enjoy a
rewarding love life.


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Beyond Belief: Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Limitations

Most of the limiting beliefs and life's limitations that we perceive appear to be etched in stone and we may even
argue vehemently in their defense. We can be willing to describe in great detail why there is no getting around
these limitations and that "impossible" is the best description of them. It doesn't seem to matter that others may
not experience the same sense of limitation in a particular area, and we may go so far as to not associate with
those who do not feel limited by the same things. This isn't at all uncommon, that people will bond based on a
similar sense of need or feeling of restrictiveness. This is a way of reinforcing the sense of limitation and gives it
an air of credibility or legitimacy which other associations may deny.

In my experience most of this sense of limitation has to do with one's belief in their own level of ability. Although
the limitation may be blamed on some external factor, the real truth is that one has chosen to believe that they
are incapable of rising above the restriction. I'm not pointing any fingers here, since we all seem to utilize this
sense of limitation in one area or another. If we didn't, I suspect that the word "can't" wouldn't be in such popular
use. The number of reasons for accepting this lack of ability can be many, but the bottom line function of this
mental attitude appears to be a lack of faith.

It can look like a miracle when someone chooses to have faith that a particular life barrier can be overcome. I've
seen it happen uncounted times. There doesn't have to be a particular solution offered to the limitation, just the
willingness to accept that there is a solution. As a matter of fact, the act of offering solutions to someone
convinced of their limitation can be an extraordinarilly unrewarding activity. Take it from someone who has been
down that road far too many times, it simply isn't worth the effort. The individual has to choose to recognize the
fact that there are alternatives, and if this choice hasn't been made, any efforts to convince them otherwise is a
waste of breath.

What about our own limitations? Others may offer us alternatives or potential solutions, which may only serve to
make us feel that they don't understand our difficulty. We could feel put upon or even bullied by their insistence
that we get up and do something about our difficulty. The only solution is for someone else to handle the problem
for us, or for us to decide that we simply must deal with it ourselves in some way. I'd like to make myself clear
here, "dealing with it" does not include laying down and accepting the difficulty as part of life. It means that we've
chosen to find a way around or over the problem and get on with our lives.

Simply considering the possibility that there is a viable solution to our difficulty can cause magic to happen. This is
the anatomy of inspiration. We let go of the perceived "impossibility" of a solution, and this opens the way to let in
other possibilities. We are essentially "breathing in" new ideas and potentialities. That is the derivation of the word
"inspire", to "breathe in". Spiritus, or spirit is part of the derivation of this word. As we open up to Spirit, we are
allowing greater possibilities to enter our consciousness, but this cannot occur if we're unwilling to accept that
other possibilities exist.

Take a look at a typical limitation in your life. Perhaps it is financial, wellness or relationship oriented. It may have
something to do with your career. Whatever the limitation may be, it is something that prevents you from
experiencing a number of preferred activities in life. You may have made multiple attempts to get beyond this
limitation and become discouraged. I'm going to suggest a way of looking at this limitation that could be different
from the way you've percevied it before.

Consider the possibility that this limitation is a good thing. This is the first step to opening your mind about it.
Look for reasons why having this limitation in your life is serving you in some way. Perhaps it's easier, less
complicated than having freedom in this area of life. Or maybe your friends would be less supportive of you if you
didn't have this problem. Your family may think you're odd if you don't have the same problem that you've always
had. You might feel less confident or less secure if you were unlimited in this. If you look at these possibilities
honestly and without negative judgement about them, you may see that one or more apply to your situation.

Forgive yourself. If you find that you've had a vested interest in holding onto the limitation, getting angry with
yourself doesn't help. It seemed like a good idea at the time didn't it? Now, just open up to other possibilities.
Perhaps you could live without your limitation and without the perceived difficulties of not having it,
simultaneously. Consider this. There is probably a habit pattern of thought which claims that there is no solution
without accompanying problems. What if the solution could exist without these problems? In a Universe of infinite
possibilities, it probably can. Open your mind to solutions that make life better, not worse. Then it is far easier to
accept alternatives and expand any limiting beliefs you may be holding onto.


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Affirmations Come to Mind: Your Beliefs Matter

I attended Easter Sunday Services given by one of my favorite New Thought Ministers, Dr. Bob Henderson. It was a
terrific service (well worth the 50 mile drive) and there was one particular concept he shared with us that I found
especially inspiring, "What you believe, matters". What an affirming idea for a metaphysician! We understand the
power of our thoughts and beliefs, and that we create our reality with what we attract to us, but do we always
know that our beliefs count in the big scheme of things?

I looked at this and and looked at this and found several angles from which emotional and spiritual relief could be
found. Throughout our lives, we have played the "belief war" (a subject for a later article) with those around us.

"That's what you think!" "What do you know?" "That's only your opinion." "Who cares what you think?" "You can't
seriously believe that!" "How could you think such a thing?"

The list goes on and on of all the ways that we invalidate each other's belief systems. Depending on our degree of
vulnerability at the time, we may lose confidence in the validity of our beliefs or even in our right to hold beliefs
that are contrary to the "norm".

Actually, the beliefs don't necessarily stop. We may still hold onto them, but may not believe that they're worth
anything, they're not as pretty and shiny and fancy as someone else's. We are thus discounting our beliefs, and
thereby reducing their power. Remember, the only person who can affect our power is the self, and this is a very
effective method of so doing.

Consider what this does to our affirmations and visualizations. We may know that we're holding the belief that we
want to. We may be able to image it and embody it. But if we think that we are weak and useless in the quality of
our beliefs, our efforts are being sabotaged.

Tell yourself, "What I believe, matters". "It has importance and validity". "My thoughts count".

Your beliefs don't have to counter or be stronger than those who have invalidated you. They are naturally stronger
for you because they are your own. The other person, or TV personality or authority figure cannot have beliefs
which overpower yours, because spiritually, this sort of domination isn't real. They have power in their own reality,
just as you do in yours. You needn't allow their charisma to take the place of your own. Who you are, what you
believe, matters.


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Finding More Meaning in Your Life

When life seems shallow, bland or merely repetitive...

Too often in life we find ourselves going through daily motions which are pointless to us. For every individual the
definition of "pointless" will vary, but we're looking at what it means to you.

What this generally signifies is that we've lost touch with what we're here on this earth to do. This is because when
we're connected with our "Life Purpose" every activity holds interest and passion. This doesn't mean that everyone
should go out and be Mother Theresa, but that we should know the pursuit which makes us more complete, more
whole, more in touch with ourselves and loving life.

Indications of what your life purpose is can be found in your astrology chart. Most frequently that purpose is a
dream you've given up on.

There is a vital point to remember here though, achieving the dream isn't the point, holding it and working toward
it is. Also, we may forget who's dream we're trying to spend our life on and this can come in a variety of packages.

A parent's dream for us

A loved one's dream for themselves

Society's expectations for us

Whoever's idea it was, it simply isn't worth it, unless your dream is to sacrifice yourself for someone/something
else. You will never be able to fulfill someone else's expectation of you because it's not possible to fully
comprehend what they want with all the nuances of attitude and emotion they have tied up in it.

Your personal dream is valuable to you and to the rest of the world as the unique expression of selfhood that you
have to offer.


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Metaphors in Metaphysics: What's you Paradigm?

A metaphor is a figure of speech which substitutes one concept for another to describe a similarity. "That man is a
fox" is a metaphor.

In metaphysics we frequently use metaphors for subconscious concepts. This is because the subconscious mind
understands metaphors and frequently uses them, such as in dreams. An example of this would be a dream image
of wearing thick glasses as a metaphor for making a great effort to perceive clearly in life.

Omens are a type of metaphor in metaphysics. One can view these as a signal from the Universe or as simply a
connection with a different part of the psyche. For instance, perhaps one is trying to decide whether to dissolve a
marriage. On the day when that decision is most prominent in our minds, we seem to encounter married couples
wherever we turn. This could be considered an omen or a metaphor for our inner conflict.

Perhaps the most constructive use of metaphor in metaphysics is in healing work. A renowned writer on this
subject is Louise Hay, who includes metaphoric concepts to explain physical difficulties.

From You Can Heal Your Life: "The symptom is itching. The metaphoric connection may be '"Desires that go against
the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse. Itching to get out or get away.'"

Many physical conditions can be alleviated through the use of metaphysical metaphors. In metaphysics the
assumption is that we are responsible in some way for our experience of life. This includes our physical condition.
There are very few people who would consciously choose to feel bad, but often there are unconscious attitudes or
beliefs which can hold a disease or other physical condition in place. When we can see what unconscious
motivation may be doing this, we can perhaps work to change it. This has been known to speed the healing process

Another constructive use of metaphor is in metaphysical treatment. When we are using meditation, affirmations or
visualizations to change ourselves or our life in some way, this is a metaphysical treatment. A visualization of this
sort could include seeing ribbons of light streaming towards oneself, representing love coming into our lives.
Concepts such as "love" aren't always easy to define literally, but metaphorical images or concepts can sometimes
have even more powerful meanings to the subconscious mind. In metaphysics it's frequently the subconscious
which requires the most convincing.

The subconscious mind seems to function primarily through the use of images and what we might think of as
"poetic" concepts. Again, the most vivid example of this is in the dreamstate. This different level of consciousness
doesn't communicate very directly in words. Instead, the images are provoctive, arousing feelings within us. This
can be far more powerful than words. Or, a metaphoric term may be used to describe a life experience. Being a
Virgo, it's not uncommon for words like "work" or "service" to show up in my dreams. Depending on the context,
this can have a powerful emotional impact for me.

Metaphysical metaphors may have a seemingly infinite number of possibilities. To explore these for yourself, here's
a game you can play. Take a look around your current environment. If this were depicted in a painting or a poem,
what would it mean? Perhaps you're sitting in your office as you read this. Are you fighting to ignore your
workplace as you focus on the monitor to explore a non-office paradigm of life? Or possibly you're reading this at
2:00 am in your home. Perhaps this is an image of serenity and joy for you. Any life activity can reveal deeper
meanings to us if we choose to look. This choice can bring greater fulfillment to our lives if we pursue it. There is
always a meaning to our existence even if we can't immediatly see it. The use of metaphor can enable us to view
this more clearly and thus reap the benefits.


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The Metaphysical Use of Meditation

There are many forms of meditation. Meditation can occur as imagery, as prayer or as chanting. These are all valid
techniques to heighten our awareness of a higher plane of existence. Meditation quiets the mind, allowing the
freedom to perceive other levels of reality. Some types of meditation have no further purpose than this, to quiet
the mind. This is very therapeutic and there are several techniques to achieve this. Other forms of meditation
have further uses. Prayer is designed to achieve communion with the Divine. Visualization broadens the
capabilities of the mind to achieve outward manifestations of what one is visualizing. Mantra meditations "implant"
a word or term which triggers a contemplative state. Repeating affirmations is a "mantra" type of meditation.

Every form of meditation has a metaphysical purpose and use.

Quieting the mind is essential in metaphysical work and is often the first step. Since the idea is to focus the trend
of our thoughts, we must be free of distracting and potentially negative thoughts. Achieving a meditative or
contemplative state of mind, enables this.

Visualization in meditation is a necessary element in metaphysical treatment. In order to manifest your desires, a
mental image of their fulfillment must be present in your mind. Obviously if you're distracted or your thoughts are
jumping around, it will be difficult to maintain this image. Other traditions may encourage one to use a religious
icon as a visual image. Both approaches are effective.

Prayer is synonomous with metaphysical treatment, though implemented in a distinctive way. Communion with a
Higher Power provides the metaphysical "juice" to achieve outward manifestation of our goals. The communion
with this Higher Power must be intimate enough to experience a sense of oneness with it. From that vantage point
one visualizes their goal or desire. When the treatment is completed, it is surrendered to the Higher Power for

Elevating one's Spirit is an essential aspect of metaphysical meditation and treatment. One may perform a
metaphysical treatment for their own soul growth or to heal the wounded soul of another. The most effective
treatments include the concept that in the process of receiving one's own desires, everyone involved also benefits.

Daily meditation is recommended for anyone on a spiritual path. It's benefits are many, providing a sense of peace
and harmony to life.


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Using Spiritual Exercises to Expand your Metaphysical Muscles

There are metaphysical exercises that can be practiced by anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life.
Here are a couple of them:

The Attitude of Gratitude

The attitude of gratitude can be practiced at any time. In this exercise we can note, either on paper or just to
ourselves, all the things we are grateful for in our lives. It is amazing the number of wonderful things that we can
stop and appreciate in our world. This is a very healthy exercise, sanity inducing and joyful. We are far more likely
to be alert to our environment when we're admiring it. We will be much more relaxed and the chemical levels in
our bodies will be better balanced when we aren't generating fear responses from tension. The "fight or flight
response" that tends to be over-stimulated in our fast-paced world has the opportunity to even out when we name
our power in it. That's exactly what we've done when we identify areas of our lives which we feel good about, we
are opening up to places and situations where we can be strong.

There's no limit on how long or how often this exercise can be done. It can be done daily, at any spare moment
that we happen to think about it. As we practice itemizing what we're grateful for, an overall attitude is born. This
attitude says that life is good, that we are deserving of a wonderful experience and that "somebody out there likes
us". These are good things to know and to accustom our minds to. The more practice our subconscious mind has in
understanding such things, the more it will help in causing more good things to gravitate in our direction. In
metaphysics that's the real point, to create a difference in our world through the practice of working with our
thoughts. As we develop this attitude, we are then prepared to practice the other exercise I mentioned above.

Expanding Our Acceptance of Good

We will accept or allow exactly as much good in our lives as we think we can deal with. We all have a glass ceiling
on the sheer quantity of "cool stuff" that we can handle. Actually, this has nothing to do with capability. We all
have an infinite capability to experience utter perfection in our lives and consciousness. It's just one of those
things that we infinite, immortal, spiritual beings are capable of. We come from a perfect Source, so somewhere
within us we can cope with some serious wonderfulness.

The condition is that we have to get used to it. We live in a culture that will only accept a finite experience of
good in a human being's existence. Anything more and you have stepped beyond the realm of accepted reality and
into fantasyland. The cultural archetype is that only so much good, in the form of prosperity, health, romance or
happiness is all right, or you must be doing something wrong. Life becomes "too good to be true". This has nothing
to do with reality. It only has to do with that mysterious individual, "the cultural norm". Most of us have accepted
some version of this limiting thoughtform at least on a subconscious basis. It can be very constructive to knock it

What if you were the happiest person in your office today? How about if your body consistently performed at the
highest level of your life? Suppose that your personal creativity was the next most popular entertainment for the
world and everyone wanted to pay you for it? That's how this exercise works. You pose "outrageously" good
scenarios to yourself to seriously consider. Contemplate them. Deal with attitudes or excuses that say that these
can't possibly occur. Assume that any limitation to your good is some conditioned response in your mind that isn't
the truth at all. Really now, why not?
If we choose to believe that there is magic in our own minds, this magic being the primary tool of the
metaphysician, then it helps a lot to do our mental "tune-ups". We can open ourselves to a higher quality of
existence if we only make the conscious choice to do so. Metaphysical muscles need exercise.


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Energy Healing: Writing a Metaphysical Treatment

Writing a metaphysical treatment is an organized way of focusing your attention and concentration when there's
something you want to manifest in your life or for someone else. An example is performing an energy healing.
Another name we could give is creating an energetic blueprint of clear intention.

There's an acronym to help remember the sequence of steps for this:

Are R

You U

Ready R

To T

Receive? R

The first "R" is for Recognition

In this step we are recognizing the spiritual truth of the Universe, which is that everything which could possibly
exist, already does exist in Divine Consciousness, or Mind. Since this Divinity is perfect, then all of It's creations are
also perfect and it is up to us to be able to perceive this perfection.

Here's an example:

Let's say that we want to treat for the healing of a sore toe. The proper consciousness of this would be that we
want the inner reality of a whole, perfect and complete toe to be revealed to us. Remember, it already exists in
conscious- ness, we just have to bring our awareness up to the recognition of this fact. So our statement looks like

Recognition: I recognize that there is only God (Goddess, the Divine, my Higher Power, the Universe, or whatever
your term is). In God, there can be only perfect health, and perfect toes. I see this perfection in nature and
everywhere around me.

"U" is for Unification

We are also recognize that this Infinite Potential must necessarily also exist within us, because after all, It is
infinite so there's nothing that is not It, including you and me.
Unification: I am now aware of the great unity in all things, that I am One with this great Infinite. It (he/she) is in
me and all around me, permeating my being. Therefore, I am one with this perfect health and cannot be otherwise.

The second "R" is for Realization

The realization step is where your affirmation comes from. It is important that you allow this consciousness to sink
deeply into your reality.

Realization: I know that my perfect health is already in existence and I accept it into my life fully, without
reservation or inhibition. All of my toes feel great and each one is whole, perfect and complete. This is an
established fact which I now allow myself to comprehend, down to every cell in my body.

"T" is for Thanksgiving

We can only be truly grateful for that which we have received or know that we are going to receive. That's why
this step is so important - it helps us to know this.

Thanksgiving: Knowing that I already have the perfect health that I need, I am deeply grateful. My heart opens
with joy and appreciation for this new revelation of reality as I accept that indeed, my perfect health is now
manifested. Thank you Mother-Father God.

The third "R" is for Release

If you don't really, truly let it go, the Universe has no chance of healing or manifesting it for you. You have to let it
go in order to allow the Divine to pick it up. "Let go and let God".

Release: Knowing that I already have the perfect health that I have desired, I now freely let go of this treatment to
the One that is the Source of my Being. My faith and trust are complete in knowing that the surrender of this is my
signal that it is now out of my hands and in the care of the energy of my Higher Power.

* And So It Is *


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As Seen Through Our Inner Universe: The Nature of Miracles

According to Webster, a miracle is "an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs". But
what is the nature of miracles? When we are party to or a witness of a miracle, we are experiencing a level of
perfection in life in which all the chaotic strings of ordinary existence are pulled together to make a synchronous
whole. Apparently unrelated events and circumstances come together forming a new pattern of consistency,
stability and overall "rightness" that is seamless and perfect.

What sets the groundwork for a miracle? Saints and metaphysicians will frequently agree that the common
denominator in these events is the willingness to let go of our petty "human" perspective, back off, and let it
happen. When one has experienced a few of these events, it becomes obvious that the cause or Source of miracles
is always present, though due to our disbelief, It can be inhibited in expression in our lives. I like that so much that
I'll say it again, the cause or Source of miracles is always present. If this is so, why aren't we experiencing miracles
on a moment to moment basis?

The conditions needed to create a miracle seem to be present all the time if we could only tune into our inner
universe. Some metaphysicians have created a scale or categorization of levels of experience to explain this. It has
been defined in terms of planes of awareness, sub-atomic realities and holographic perceptions. I suspect that all
of these are accurate, but for our purposes, we're looking at Nature. Unless you're an atheist who views life as a
cosmic accident, you have probably taken note of the uncanny order of the Universe. From the wondrous patterns
of our DNA to the elegant synchronicity of the stars and planets, it is evident that some sort of miracle is taking
place continuously in the very existence of the Cosmos. I suggest that the evidence of this ongoing miracle of
existence is proof that we live in a Universe of miracles, perhaps not easily defined, but clearly perceived.

If our Universe operates on this miraculous basis, why aren't we experiencing this quality in our everyday lives? As
suggested for centuries by mystics and philosophers, the reason is that we simply don't allow it! Although miracles
are a demonstration of a high degree of Universal Order, our human experience often tends to view them as
chaotic and unpredictable. A miracle may not "fit" with our preconceived ideas of how our lives should operate. In
our 9 to 5 world a miracle could upset the applecart, make us late for work, prove that an irritating hubby was
really a god in disguise, show us that our children were actually our teachers and generally make a mess of our
view of "how life works".

Our unwillingness to experience this "wild card" of Nature evidently has a great deal of power. The simple fact of
our deliberate unbelief can keep such happenings away from our lives, so that we may be able to predict with a
fair degree of certainty that tomorrow will be pretty much like today. We may take comfort in this predictability,
knowing at some level that whatever we may be sacrificing in order to achieve it, at least we know what's going
on. It seems that we must put a significant quantity of mental energy into the denial of the miraculous nature of
existence in order to keep up this farce, and this denial is rarely very far beneath the surface of our thoughts.
Within us, we always seem to know how little it would really take to just let go and allow life to happen (though
we may not dare).

In my experience, I've found that this denial has less to do with the real nature of miracles, than with our funny
ideas about them. Frequently the belief that the necessary letting go entails the abandonment of all responsibility
and thus a destruction of our lives is part of the reluctance to experience. This is a belief often born of
intoxication through drugs or alcohol or our experience of people who are intoxicated in this way. A clearer
perception doesn't work that way. We have many of our responsibilities because we like them, we want to feel
needed and that we are making a contribution of some kind. The letting go that opens us up to miracles is most
often a letting go of the falsehood of experience and the acceptance of a higher reality.

The science of metaphysics is frequently called the "science of miracles". This is because we are working with the
power of our own minds, and accepting conscious control of our beliefs. When we allow our personal beliefs to
operate in accordance with the naturally miraculous nature of the Universe, these miracles slip into our lives and
enhance them, not destroy them. Accepting that miracles are part of life and that our lives are supposed to be
aligned with that perfect synchronicity of the Universe makes room for them to occur. This isn't something that
requires a lot of effort, which right there indicates that it's a natural function of life.

The nature of our Universe is miraculous and we are part of it. The effort to believe that we are somehow separate
from the rest of life and existence is part of what keeps the Divinity of experience from expressing through us. Let
it happen and allow your eyes to see through your inner universe the language of miracles.


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Occult Symbolism in Meditation

The Facts about Occultism

The word "occult" frightens many people but the word itself simply means "hidden". It does not mean Satanism or
black magic, as those are separate subjects. As recently as the past century in Western countries, anything which
had the flavor of the occult was considered bad. The primary reason for occult subjects being hidden, is that as
the Bible says, "go within to speak to me". Often, our most powerful prayers are those offered from the heart,
strictly between us and that whom we're communing with. Meditation, prayer and contemplation are private
matters for the most part and though we may find help in group energy, the bottom line is that we must have our
dealings on the Spiritual Plane in private.

Secondarily, and what is often promoted by angry occultists, is the history of persecution. Religious differences
have tended to isolate those with nonconformist tendencies and it was simply safer to express themselves without
publicity. Much of the persecution has lifted and some occultists are coming "out of the closet", only to find that
their spiritual practices suffer as a result. In most occult treatises, the practice of solitude is considered to be of
prime importance for this reason.

Imagery in Religion

As a child I was introduced to many different religious forms and attended every church available in Northern
Florida where I lived. Although some of this was confusing, I took great delight in my exposure to the myriad
religious art forms.

In many orthodox religious practices, certain images or symbols are utilized in Spiritual Contemplation, ie.,
pictures, statues and jewelry or other accessories. Visual representations are extremely helpful in achieving a
desired state of mind and if they are personally powerful or beautiful, there is an "entrancing" effect. We can be
"uplifted" by inspiring images.

As my religious and philosophical horizons expanded, I discovered more exotic forms of religious visual
representations. Good examples of these are the mandalas of the Far East and the Navajo sand paintings of the
American west. In my various studies of comparative religions, very few (less than 1%) used no symbolism at all.

As Mr. Spock might say, "I found it fascinating," how often the symbology itself contributed to the conflicts,
misunderstandings and general angst between people of different faiths. The psychological pioneer, Carl C. Jung
explored this area very well. Essentially, he postulated the presence of a "collective unconscious" within the
human species as a whole. Contained within this unconscious were the power symbols or "archetypes" of humanity.
Like most of the contents of the unconscious, these representations were emotionally charged and could trigger
psychic events.

This is terrifying to the uninformed and quite threatening. There is a subconscious recognition of the power being
utilized and it may appear to be a bomb in the hands of the unpredictable. Those who criticize others' forms of
symbolism do indeed know what they are talking about. Somewhere within them is this recognition, and not being
their chosen symbols, they feel attacked.

Occult Meditation
Although many orthodox religions only touch lightly on the reasons for including these symbols in worship,
occultism addresses the phenomenon first thing. The power of the images is consciously utilized to create the
emotional, mental or spiritual atmosphere desired. One is taught the traditional meaning of certain
representations and what they may evoke for the individual and then is guided in their use.

Tarot cards are an ancient and classical form of occult contemplation. The images evoke visions or feelings in the
reader which she can interpret for her client. A reader will frequently go through a variety of decks as her specific
imagery needs change, keeping her readings fresh and powerful. The images are everything and little else is
relevant. I have a personal favorite deck which evokes such powerful images for me that I often have to throw it
away and buy a new one. The artist was evidently quite "tuned in" but the author is someone I have little respect
for, Aleister Crowley. This isn't an unusual conundrum for someone on the path; you use the tools without
participating in their creator's reality.

Joseph Campbell did some extraordinary ground breaking work in collecting archetypal images from a wide variety
of cultures and making them popularly available. In some of his interviews, he went into great detail about the
cultural power of certain symbols and how important they were to human evolution and peace of mind. He also
referenced Carl Jung extensively. Mr. Campbell's work has encouraged many people to explore the power of myth
and symbolism in their own lives and has made the activity far more socially acceptable.

Alchemical Contemplation

Alchemical contemplation is unique in comparison to other forms of prayer, contemplation or meditation. There
are, of course, some correlations, but I have found a great deal of beauty in the technique. Like most other forms
of prayer or meditation, certain evocative images assist the process. What I've found most intriguing is the
conscious act of tuning in to a specific image to evoke an inner response.

In alchemy, contemplation of certain images is considered to be an invaluable tool to assist the practitioner.
Exquisite images are crafted which have a variety of power symbols integrated into one picture. These may include
dragons for power and wisdom, swords for intelligence and skill, water for spirituality, and many more. An
atmosphere is created for the individual studying these images that brings up those characteristics from within
themselves, thus making it possible to do and be more than they'd previously thought that they could alone.

Often, the alchemist constructs a certain frame of mind for his rituals through contemplation of images. These
rituals are also forms of symbolism. Tools such as goblets, daggers, etc., are mostly used to represent a specific
purpose, not to physically enact it (it would spoil the tool!).

The Purpose

The reason for occult use of symbolism isn't so very different from the uses in traditional religion. Perhaps where
the paths diverge somewhat is in the sticking point of the occultist wanting to get practical about spiritual
transformation. However the religions which practice the ritual of Holy Communion are doing nothing less. From
the point of view of an outsider, the Communion ritual seems pretty gory.

Practical spirituality is the purpose. Enlightenment, transformation, and making heaven on earth are the bottom
line considerations. The ritual, practice and exploration of the spiritual practice that evokes these concepts for
you, is the one that works.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

A.C.I. Career College - Modesto, California

A Modesto massage therapy school, A.C.I. Career College, offers students seeking to enter a service-oriented
career the opportunity to prepare for entry into the exciting work of professional massage. ACI has been an active
vocational school for more than fifty-six years, featuring full curriculums to assist students in launching new
careers that are at the very heart of some of the United State's hottest careers today.

This California career college strives to exceed at its mission to help you start your new life by getting the
education needed to launch in to a brand new career direction in which jobs are plentiful. Therapeutic bodywork is
one of the fastest growing vocational careers you could choose.

By offering both day and evening classes, it is easy to fit the required curriculum into
your busy life. As a full-time day student, dedicated, hard-working students can
graduate in as little as 36 weeks, fully prepared to obtain any required certifications
and licensing needed to begin practicing this lucrative and satisfying work as a
professional therapist.

While attending this California career college, you will attend classroom lectures and demonstrations as well as
perform hands-on laboratory practice helping real clients feel better. Business skills, ethics and legal issues,
marketing, charting, communications, as well as anatomy, physiology, and various therapeutic modalities are
included in the courses taught by qualified professionals recognized as experts. You'll learn the benefits clients
enjoy as the result of the therapies you will provide.

This massage school in CA offers you the ability to develop skills in massage therapies including Swedish massage,
Shiatsu, reflexology, sports massage, connective tissue therapy, and spa therapies such as hydrotherapy. With
these skills, you'll be ready to locate exciting employment in workplaces such as hospitals, clinics, spas, salons,
and other locations which require the services of caring professional masseurs.

To get start, click here to enter your information and learn more > A.C.I. Career College in Modesto California

A.C.I. Career College is a strong education presence in the Modesto Valley region. The school's facilities are
located at 2414 McHenry Avenue near the junction of Stella Court, in the center of Modesto. You'll find the
campus easy to access from Highway 99 where you then travel west on East Biggsmore Avenue to McHenry
Avenue. Highway 132, also known as Maze Boulevard, is another easy access option. Simply turn northwest
onto Third Street and travel north on McHenry Avenue.

Students from surrounding towns such as Escalon, Ripon, Oakdale, Riverbank, Manteca, and Turlock will find
this Modesto massage therapy school only a short commute from home.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

American Career College – Inland Empire Campus in Norco, California

While choosing among the California massage therapy schools, you want to select a campus with long history of
graduate success.

Since 1993, American Career College Inland Empire Campus in Norco has been educating future experts in the art
and science of therapeutic bodywork. The campus offers state of the art equipment and well-appointed classrooms
as well as a well-qualified professional teaching staff.

This massage school in California is located at 3299 Horseless Carriage Road, just behind the Norco DMV off
Hammer Avenue. For commuters, it is convenient to the 15, 91 and 60 Freeways. The location of American Career
College is perfect for students commuting from Corona, Chino, Grand Terrace, Moreno Valley and even Ontario.

Massage therapist training in California will prepare you for a career, not just a job. Work that is satisfying both
financially and emotionally will be available upon graduation and passing the national board exams. The need for
bodywork professionals in California as well as other states is rising, making this one of the largest growth
industries available today.

Making the important choice of the right California massage therapy school that best
meets your needs requires a study of all the facts and much consideration. You can
learn everything necessary to make an informed decision by requesting information
from the school.

Simply contact the school by clicking on the following link, and then fill out the confidential form, and all your
questions will readily be answered.

To learn more about massage training visit >American Career College Inland Empire Campus in Norco, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

American Career College in Los Angeles, California

If you are looking for the right Los Angeles massage school for career training, American Career College may be
perfect for you.

The spacious, 30,000 square foot facility is found at 4021 Rosewood Avenue between Beverly Boulevard and
Melrose Avenue. The American Career College campus is just off Highway 2 and convenient to the Hollywood and
Santa Monica freeways.

This LA massage therapy school offers fast-track career studies that allow you to quickly develop credentials to
enter the satisfying and lucrative career of bodywork therapy. Thai, Swedish, and deep tissue massage, reflexology
and aromatherapy are only a few of the marketable skills you'll perfect is you are dedicated to your studies and
apply yourself in the hands-on supervised practice sessions.

There are many massage schools in Los Angeles and making the right choice can be challenging. The caring,
qualified instructors, modern equipment and small class sizes are important to successful completion of your
career preparation. You may find job placement assistance a factor that matters. Assistance in learning is you
qualify for financial aid could make a difference in your selection. All these are more are provided by ACC in LA.

If you think this Los Angeles massage school might be a match for your needs, you'll want to obtain no-obligation
information to learn more. Just click the following link, and fill our the provided form. Once you do you will
receive all the facts and details on the school and when the next classes begin.

To learn more, click > American Career College in Los Angeles, California.

Massage Practitioner Tips

Practitioner Ethics: Some clients are more comfortable receiving a massage than others. Many will feel very
self conscious about exposing their bodies to someone they have just met. This is why it is so very important
to give clear instructions on how they should prepare for the massage.

Communicate to your client where to get undressed, hang their clothes, and place their belongings. They also
need instructions on how to get onto the table and cover themselves with a sheet so they can begin to relax
prior to you entering the room. This is the first stage of building trust in you as a therapist. Before entering
knock softly on the door. This way your client will not be in an embarrassing or exposed situation when you
enter the room.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Schools

American Career College - Orange County Campus in Anaheim, California

Attending one of the Orange County massage schools could give you the exciting opportunity of working with a
professional sports team, in a health spa or even own your own clinic.

American Career College, Orange County Campus, in Anaheim is one place you can learn the skills required for
exciting employment choices like these and many more.

Learning massage therapy in Orange County is convenient at American Career College. The 20,000 square foot
facility, complete with hands-on clinical laboratory, is located at 1200 North Magnolia Avenue, with easy access
from the Santa Ana and Riverside Freeways. Commuting students from Fullerton, La Mirada, Stanton, Hawaiian
Gardens, Cerritos, Garden Cove and other nearby communities find this campus location perfect for career

ACC's California massage school will teach you healing skills using your sense of touch and manual dexterity.
Manipulation of muscle and soft tissue provides many health benefits such as reduced pain, improved mobility,
lower blood pressure and dozens of other skills. Each day of your practice, you'll experience the joy of making a
positive difference in your client's quality of life.

Because there are many Orange County massage schools, obtaining all the facts is the only way to determine which
suits your requirements, so you will want to learn more. Admissions representatives can help you learn if you might
qualify to apply for financial aid and answer all other questions. You can receive extensive information explaining
all the facts by requesting details. Simply click the following link and fill out the convenient form.

To learn more, click > American Career College Orange County Campus in Anaheim, California.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Career Networks Institute - Orange County, California

Attending one of the massage schools in Orange County, CA can be fun and start you on your way to a new career.
This is one of the very best of the massage schools in Southern California. By attending the 48-week massage
therapy study, this professional massage therapy school will prepare you for the real world with lots of hands-on

Therapeutic massage is used for promotion of general well-being and self-esteem. It boosts the circulatory and
immune systems and the benefits are evident in lowered blood pressure, better circulation and muscle tone and
pain relief. This therapy technique has been included into many health care systems such as hospitals and doctor's
offices as well as gyms, spas and other wellness businesses.

Learn more about the exciting career options available to the trained professional massage therapist. You'll be
entering a satisfying career field that allows you to earn money while helping people feel better.

Contact Career Networks Institute in Orange County, California to learn more about their school!


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Clarita Career College - Canyon County in Santa Clarita, California

If you are considering a CA massage program, you want to select the perfect school for you. It can be a difficult
task to select just the right massage colleges in California that will work with your busy schedule. One San
Fernando Valley massage school you'll be happy to learn about is Clarity Career College - Canyon County Campus in
Santa Clarita. At Clarity Career College, you'll obtain a comprehensive education combining classroom learning
with hands-on practical experience. You will also be able to progress at a speed that works with your exisitng
schedule, and once you graduate you will feel confident that you are fully prepared to work in this in demand

Today the need for trained therapists is growing at a rapid pace. The U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate
that the need for therapists is growing steadily each year, and by the time we enter 2010 the growth may
represent a thirty five percent increase in new therapists. This means you'll enter a career that will provide job
security as well as personal satisfaction and a lucrative income. You'll enjoy helping people feel better, improve
their circulation and mobility, relieve pain, and help their body's natural immune response fight illness more

To learn all the details about how you can enter this exciting career path, simply contact this excellent massage
college, Clarita Career College - Canyon County Campus in Santa Clarita, California to get answers to all your


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Clarita Career College - Lancaster, California

If your looking for a great place to obtain masseuse training, Clarita Career College is the best of the Lancaster
massage therapy schools in Southern California. The massage therapy courses you'll receive at Clarita Career
College will prepare you to own and operate your own massage clinic or work in one of the many exciting
workplaces requiring trained masseuses: hospitals, spas, resorts, cruise ships, medical and sports centers and more.

Why should you choose Clarita Career College? This accredited school provides quality education delivered by
professional staff member while maintaining scheduling flexibility to meet the needs of busy students. Financial
aid assistance is available and, upon graduation, you'll benefit from the job placement services.

With the need for trained massage professionals growing at a rapid pace, you may find this is the perfect career
opportunity for you. You can easily obtain all the information to make an informed decision by contacting Clarita
Career College in Lancaster, California.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Concorde Career College - San Bernardino, California

Are you confused as you search for the right choice for you among the California massage therapy schools? You'll be
happy to know that the San Bernardino massage therapy courses at Concorde Career College will prepare you for a
career in one of the most in-demand professions today.

When you attend massage training classes in San Bernardino at Concorde Career College you have the option of
taking the day or evening massage program. The day program is thirty six weeks long, and the evening program is a
little longer, forty-two weeks long.

During course studies you learn learn techniques and skills in Swedish Massage as well as Acupressure, Reflexology,
and Chair Massage. Studies also include Polarity, Chakra Balancing, Event Sports Massage and Lymphatic Drainage.
Geriatrics Massage and Pre and Peri-Natal Massage are also part of course studies giving students an opportunity to
help clients of all ages and needs.

Another benefit of the massage training in San Bernardino is the opportunity to advance your skills during the
ninety-two hour internship where you will develop hands-on training in the schools lab setting. Concorde's massage
training program is fully designed to assist students in developing confidence and getting a head start in their
career building skills.

You'll earn a lucrative living that is personally and spiritually satisfying as you apply the knowledge you gained
during your professional training. Your clients will enjoy improved circulation, greater immune response, lowered
blood pressure, greater flexibility and mobility and reduced pain levels. These are just a few of the many benefits
of the therapies you'll be trained to provide. Whether you open your own practice or work in one of the many
exciting workplaces requiring trained professionals, you'll know that each day you truly make a difference in the
lives of your clients.

You will find it easy to obtain all the information you need about California massage therapy
classes and training including class schedules by requesting that information through the school's
online form. It's easy, just following the following link and take a couple minutes to fill out the

To learn more, click > Concorde Career College in San Bernardino


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Concorde Career Institute - North Hollywood, California

Do you want to get on the fast track to a great career by attending Hollywood massage classes? Concorde Career
Institute in North Hollywood offers you the opportunity to complete your studies in as little as 33 weeks. Before
you know it, you'll be ready to complete professional licensing requirements and being working in an in-demand

When choosing from massage schools in North Hollywood, you want to select the best fit for you. Convenience may
be important to you. CCI is located at 12412 Victory Boulevard and can be accessed from Highways 170 or 134 or
Interstates 5 or 405. Students from Sherman Oaks, Encino, Vega, West Hills or other surrounding areas will find
travel fast and easy.

As a licensed California massage therapist, you'll be qualified to find employment in some exciting places of
employment. Hospitals, resorts, spas, and many other businesses seek the services of trained bodywork


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > LA Area Massage Schools

Everest College - Alhambra, California

Do you want to attend one of the most respected massage schools in California? Is attending massage therapy
classes in Los Angeles metro area important to you? Choose from the accredited massage schools; California's
Everest College in Alhambra rate (previously known as Bryman College) is among the very best schools anywhere!
The school campus is located at: 2215 W. Mission Road, Alhambra, CA 91803.

This massage therapy school is a qualified institution with approved programs meeting recognized standards. The
professional staff and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment allow them to enjoy the recognition as a stable and
permanent fixture in the education community. The hands-on training, small classes and flexible schedules provide
you the best of training in the exciting field of massage therapy. In nine modules of course studies you will learn:

● Swedish Massage, Western Theory and History, Practice & Mechanisms of Health & Disease
● Swedish Massage, Pre-Natal, Post-Natal and Infant, & Elder/Geriatric Massage
● Energy and Non-traditional therapies, Wellness & CPR
● Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release & Pin and Stretch
● Neuromuscular and Trigger Point and Muscle Energy Techniques
● Eastern Theory and Practice
● Clinical and Sports Massage
● Business and Ethics
● Health and Wellness

Don't miss your chance to enter one of the most satisfying career fields in today's employment market. There is a
great need for therapists in the rapidly growing field of natural health care, especially trained, professional
massage therapists. It is easy to request information and learn more about Bryman's accredited massage therapy
courses. Just click the following link and upon completion of the provided form you will receive all the information
you need.

Click here to learn more about the school > Everest College in Alhambra, California.

Massage School Training Tips

Get to Know Your Clients: Different people respond differently to pressure

applied to their muscles and soft tissues. As you massage your client, inquire if
the pressure is pleasurable, too hard or too soft. What one client considers too
much pressure another may feel its not enough.

You want your client to be relaxed and comfortable. You also want your clients
muscles and soft tissues to respond favorably. Note what you learn in each session about your clients
preferences and how their body responds in your client record so you'll know how best to treat your client
upon return visits.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Find California Massage Courses

Everest College in Anaheim, California

When choosing among the massage therapy schools, Southern California offers Everest College (formally Bryman
College) in Anaheim.

The Orange County campus is located at 511 North Brookhurst, Stuite 300, Anaheim, CA 92801. The school is
conveniently located just of Interstate 5.

Everest's massage school, California and nationally accredited, provides massage classes and courses that will
prepare you to enter the exciting world of massage therapy as a true professional. In today's tight job market, you
may find yourself stuck in a career threatened by outsourcing. Massage therapy is one of the career markets that
can never be outsourced, and today there is a demand for trained professionals well in excess of the professional
therapists available.

The school is well known for its comprehensive education which covers a wide range of skills and knowledge. The
course studies provide one on one training, flexible hours, and hands on experience. Upon graduation and
certification many new opportunities are possible. Exciting workplaces and the satisfaction of truly helping people
await after your training at Bryman School.

With multiple accreditations, a highly trained staff, and the latest facilities and equipment, you'll enjoy preparing
for your new career when you choose the exceptional classes and courses at this well known college.

It is easy to learn about the facts and get the information you need to determine if this is the right location for you
to begin your massage therapy education! Just follow the provided link, fill out the convenient form and you will
be well on your way.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Anaheim, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Locate Orange County Massage Schools

Everest College in City of Industry, California

Are you looking for massage schools in California?

Does the idea of attending a Los Angeles massage school excite you? One of the best massage therapy schools,
Southern California's Everest College (formally Bryman College) in City of Industry maybe the perfect choice for
your massage classes and training. The campus is located at 12801 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA

Fully accredited, Everest offers easy registration, financial aid to those who qualify, small classes for one-on-one
instruction and the very latest in techniques and equipment. You'll find Everest will prepare you well to enter the
field of professional massage therapy, developing thoroughly all the skills necessary to effectively help your client's
bodies heal and to help you know how to relieve their pain.

Everest graduates are sought by professional and college sports teams, hospitals, spas and many,
many other exciting workplaces. Few careers are as satisfying as those of the professional
massage therapist. Knowing you help your clients feel better can bring daily joy to you while you
earn a lucrative living for you and your family.

You don't need to remain stuck in a career you don't really love when there are other options that are more suited
to your purpose and interests. It is easy to learn about this massage school in California by asking for information
to answer all your important questions. You can easily contact the school to learn how you can begin a path to a
wonderful new career in a high demand field. Just fill out the confidential form and the school will contact you.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in City of Industry, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Training Schools

Everest College in Gardena, California

There are many avenues for receiving your massage therapy training in California. One of the most well known and
trusted California massage therapy colleges is Everest College, formally Bryman College, with a campus in Gardena
located at 1045 W. Redondo Beach Blvd., Suite 275, Gardena, CA 90247. If you live in or near Gardena, Everest
massage classes will teach you all the skills needed to become a success in this professional field - and by applying
yourself, you'll be able to do this in as little as three school quarters.

As a qualified, licensed professional, you'll be able to provide a wide range of services to your clients. Sports, deep
tissue, and therapeutic massage added to the fitness and nutritional knowledge you receive, will allow you to serve
your clients in the ways that best meet their specific needs. You'll also learn all the business skills, ethics and
customer service skills to ensure you are prepared to open your own practice if you desire.

Natural health care is a rapidly growing sector of the overall health and wellness industry. If you want to be part of
this in-demand field, you can learn all the details about Bryman's complete and comprehensive courses. Once you
visit the following link, just fill out the convenient form. You will receive back information to answer all of your
important questions.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Gardena, California.

Massage Business Building Tips

Ask for Referrals:

When your client gives you a complement on how much they enjoyed their massage as
they prepare to leave your clinic, thank them, and then don't be afraid to ask them to
refer their friends to your massage business.

Once you thank them, hand them a couple of your business cards and a brochure to pass
along to their friends. Then wish them well, and tell them to call you should they have
any questions before their next appointment.

Word of mouth advertising is some of the best business advertising your massage business
can have.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Everest College - Hayward, California

If you are seeking a top-notch massage school, Hayward, California provides Everest (formally Bryman) School. One
of the best massage therapy schools, Southern California offers Everest''s massage courses and training that will
prepare you for an exciting, lucrative career quickly.

The campus is easily located at 22336 Main St, Hayward, CA, just a few blocks off Mission Blvd. Just take the
Melvin Ct. Exit and turn west on Hotel Ave, then go North on Main.

There are many opportunities for job placement once you complete your massage training. With the rise in
demand for natural therapy alternatives this industry is growing day by day. You will find positions in health clubs,
spas, cruise ships, as well as doctor's offices, and other medical related facilities.

With a staff of trained professionals to teach you the skills needed to provide the in-demand service of professional
massage therapy, you may find Everest the right place to begin your path to a new career. It is easy to fill out the
form online and request information to help you make a decision about whether or not this is the right career field
for you, and if you might qualify for a massage school loans should you need one.

Just fill out the conventient confidential form and the school will contact you.

Click here to learn more > Everest College at Hayward, California


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/bryman-hayward.html on line 65
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Everest College - Ontario, California

Exhausted from searching massage therapy schools? Southern California offers Everest College. It may just be the
college you have been seeking. Of the massage schools in California, Everst College, formally a Bryman School in
Ontario, California is one that provides the latest equipment and most highly trained instructors available in
California or anywhere.

Earning your massage training and certification means employability in the exciting world of professional massage.
With so many fields being overrun with entry level graduates, you will be happy to learn that massage therapy has
a higher demand for trained professionals than there is supply. As people learn of the many, many side-effects of
medication, they are demanding natural healing techniques such as massage and you can be part of this natural
health care explosion.

Hospitals, sports teams, doctors, spas, cruise ships, physical therapy clinics, salons and many
other exciting workplaces are simply waiting for you to complete your training. Everest also
offers a Career Services Assistance Program. Their full-time placement staff eagerly wishes to
assist their dedicated students with resume preparation, interviewing skills, and even full-time
employment opportunities.

Financial aid and help finding massage school loans, flexible schedules, small classes and easy registration are all
in place and awaiting your commitment to begin your new career path. If you are contemplating a career change,
it is easy to get the information your need to end your school search. Just click on the following link, fill out the
form, and information will arrive to you shortly.

To learn more contact > Everest College in Ontario, California.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/bryman-ontario.html on line 68

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Locate More California Massage Programs

Everest College in San Bernardino, California

California offers Everest College, formally Bryman College in San Bernardino, where you can get your career
training in the growing field of bodywork therapy. If you are searching among the massage therapy schools,
Southern California offers you a great location and great education at Everest School. The San Bernardino campus
is located at 217 E. Club Center Drive, Suite A.

You will achieve the best available education because the massage courses and training available teach the latest
techniques using state-of-the-art equipment. Everest's highly trained instructors provide the hands-on training in
small classes that will prepare you to enter the exciting world of massage therapy as a fully-qualified professional.

As more and more people demand natural health care options, the need for qualified professional massage
therapists grows daily. No longer are patients willing to accept a dangerous pill for every ailment. By helping your
client's bodies heal naturally, you'll know each day will be a challenge which is both satisfying and fun. You'll find
employment opportunities in some of the most exciting locations anyone could ask for: hospitals, cruise ships,
sports facilities, physical therapy care centers, yoga studios, and even fine resorts.

Financial aid is also available for those who qualify for massage school loans or special grants, and schedule
flexibility mean there is no reason to delay starting a life purpose career! It is so very easy to learn about what the
school and when the next classes begin. Click the following link and fill out the provided confidential school form.
You will be one step closer to receiving information about their "Fast Start" program and easy registration process.

Click here to learn more > Everest College - San Bernardino, California.

Massage Business Tips

Build a Birthday List:

On your massage client intake form, include a place for the client to enter their
birth date. Then use this information to build a birthday list in your computer so
that you can send clients cards on their birthday.

For regular clients, you might also want to include a special birthday discount
card or even a free mini massage session for their birthday. This will delight your
client and encourage customer loyalty.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Career Schools in California

Everest College in Torrence, California

Attending a CA massage therapy college can assist you in beginning a career in the health and wellness industry.
You must, however, choose from many colleges to find the best massage training in California that will fully
prepare you to enter this exciting field.

Torrence, California offers Everest College, formally Bryman College, one of the most respected learning
institutions you'll find anywhere and you will be pleased with the knowledge and skills you will gain through their
courses. You can easily locate the campus at 1231 Cabrillo Ave # 201.

Everest California massage college will teach you through the use of classroom theory and hands-on, supervised
clinical experience to assist people in improving their health. Clients will come to you for relief from pain,
improved circulation, increased immune system response and to allow their bodies to heal faster naturally. You'll
learn to assess the needs of your clients and provide them a wide range of choices in therapies. You will use your
sense of touch and manual dexterity skills to ensure your clients enjoy the full benefits of the services you offer.

Today, more than ever before, people are turning to natural health care options. As a
result, the need for trained professionals in the therapeutic fields is growing at an
amazing pace. The U.S. Department of Labor projects a steady growth rate of up to
35% in the next few years.

To learn how you can be part of the growing natural health care industry, simply contact the school to learn all the
details about this satisfying, lucrative career option. By clicking the link below you can fill out a convenient and
confidential form to request information. It's that easy.

Click here, learn about their program at > Everest College in Torrence, California.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/bryman-torrence.html on line 68

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

Everest College in West Los Angeles, California

Are you searching for massage schools in Los Angeles? With all of the massage therapy schools Southern California
has to offer it can become quite confusing when trying to find the right school. Search no further than Everest
College, formally a Bryman school in West Los Angeles! The campus is located at: 3000 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 300.

The massage classes and training provided by Everest College will prepare you in every way to enter the in-demand
field of professional massage therapy. With demand for trained natural health care professionals exceeding the
supply, you'll learn all the skills needed to enter this highly respected field.

Small classes and exceptional instructors combine with the latest techniques and equipment to provide hands-on,
intensive instruction, ensuring you have the opportunity to receive all the one-on-one attention you may need. You
can become among the best in this lucrative career field offering opportunities to make a difference in people's
lives as well as enhance your own.

If you want a career that is satisfying and provides a much-needed service in natural health care, you'll find all the
necessary assistance at Everest to help you on your way. Financial aid, student massage school loans and easy
registration are just a few of the ways this fine school ensures you a fast start toward your new career.

It is easy to receive information to help you on your way. Click the link and fill out the convenient form, and you
will be well on your way to getting answers to all your very important questions.

Click here to learn more about > Everest College West Los Angeles, California.

Massage Training Tips

Turn Compliments into Referrals: When a client compliments you on how great they feel after their massage
session, ask them to tell their friends about their experience.

Bring this up only in passing and do not place any pressure on the client; simply hand them a couple of
business cards to share with their friends, then move on to the next topic of conversation such as booking
their next session.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Schools

Everest College in Reseda, California

California massage therapy college training leads graduates to entry-level employment in natural healthcare
through the manipulation of muscles and connective tissues of the human body.

Everest College, formally Bryman College, located at 18040 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA is one location that can
provide a balanced education encompassing all the skills required for success. Dedicated students that live in the
area can complete the program in less than one year as full-time students, allowing entry into employment
opportunities quickly.

There are many massage schools in California to select from; Everest College is located in the northeast Los
Angeles greater metro region, providing easy access for students from West hills, Calabasas, Encino, Van Nuys and
surrounding communities. The classrooms and labs are housed in a modern, glass-front building with lush
landscaping and a pleasant atmosphere.

Students completing California massage training can apply for positions in many workplaces that need qualified
therapist. Whatever place of employment you select, you'll find pleasure in helping people experience better
health and heal naturally.

To learn if this California massage therapy college is right for you, you'll want more facts. The admissions
representatives will be happy to answer all your queries and even provide financial aid which is available to some
students that meet the qualification. Simply click on the following link, fill out the confidential form, and you will
be one step closer to receiving the answers to your important questions.

Click here to learn more > Everest College located in Reseda, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

Everest College in San Francisco, California

If you live in the bay area, you may have reached the end of your search for a California Massage School. San
Francisco offers Everest College (formally Bryman College), which is a well known one of the solid massage schools
in California. The campus is located at 814 Mission Street - 500, San Francisco, CA and easily located off Interstate

At this well known San Francisco school you can graduate in less than 19 months with a full portfolio of skills to
begin your career and become a success in the in-demand world of massage therapy. Many consider Everest
College an excellent choice, perhaps on of the best of the massage schools California has to offer.

While studying at Everest College, you will develop a complete knowledge of anatomy along withphysiology and
pathology related to soft tissue injury and treatment. You will also have in depth, supervised training in traditional
Swedish massage, hydrotherapy, sports massage, and deep tissue massage. Then you will go on to learn chair
massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage and spa treatment. All of this training will l help you help
your clients prevent injury and manage stress. After your 19 months of training you will leave Bryman College
ready to operate a massage therapy business if you choose to start your own business.

It is easy to inquire and learn about developing a satisfying and lucrative career in this high-demand field by
contacting the college. You can easily do that online by filling out the form and you will find they are ready to
assist you by helping you get answers to all your important questions.

Visit Everest, formally Bryman, by Clicking Here > Everest College in San Francisco, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

Everest College - San Jose, California

You'll find one of the top-quality massage schools in San Jose, California at Everest College, formally Bryman
College. Everest's massage therapy classes in San Jose will teach you everything you need to enter the fun and
exciting field of professional massage therapy.

The campus is located at 1245 S Winchester Blvd # 102, San Jose, 95128, and is located just of both Interstate 280,
or 880 depending on which direction you are coming from.

By enjoying the massage therapy courses in San Jose's Everest College, you'll enjoy the California sun while
learning one of the most satisfying skills in today's employment market. In the hands-on training you'll receive at
Bryman, you'll learn to help bodies heal themselves in natural ways, unlike the health care fields that involve drugs
and their many side-effects.

Everest College will prepare you for employment in some truly exciting workplaces: hospitals, gyms, cruise ships,
spas, or helping sports teams keep at their best, to name just a few. Unlike many career paths, there is more
demand for well-trained, caring professional massage therapists than are available.

You can enjoy career success while knowing when you go home after a days work that you truly have helped
someone. It's easy to begin down the path to this exciting new career. You can easily fill out the school's
confidential online form to learn more about the course they offer.

First step, click here to contact > Everest College in San Jose, California


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

High-Tech Institute in Sacramento, California

One of the fine massage therapy schools in Sacramento, CA, High-Tech Institute will prepare you for an exciting
new career in the in-demand profession of massage therapy. You'll find their Sacramento massage therapy classes
provide a balanced mix of theory, general education and hands-on clinical experience.

After completing your massage training, you'll be ready to find employment in some very exciting workplaces such
as spas, medical centers, sports center, gyms, cruise ships, orthopedic centers, resorts and more. With more
people turning to natural, non-invasive health care to improve or resolve medical issues, the demand for trained
professional is expected to increase by as much as 35% by 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

It is easy to recieve and learn more about the courses available and the benefits of job security in this exciting
field, simply contact the school through their convenient online request form. Once you fill out the form you will
readily receive answers to all your important questions.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Sacramento, California


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Santa Barbara Business College - Massage Training Programs in Santa Barbara,

Santa Maria, and Ventura

If you are looking for a massage therapy school in California, you will be interested to know about Santa Barbara
Business College with three campuses offering CA massage training programs.

The Santa Barbara college campus is a beautiful place to attend massage school. With its beach and coastline
access and views of the slopes of the Santa Ynez mountains. The campus is easy to find at 506 Chapala Street in
the city of Santa Barbara.

For residents in the Santa Maria area as well as northern Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County the
Santa Maria campus is a perfect choice for attending massage classes. Students can enjoy Lompoc's beautiful fields
of flowers, or take a short drive to many known wineries or beautiful Pismo beach. The campus is found at:303
East Plaza Drive, Santa Maria.

Ventura campus is located a hour north of Los Angeles and located at: 4839 Market Street in Ventura. This well
established city is filled with old world charm creating a setting offering a combination of history and beauty.

At any of the campus locations you will find massage courses that teach you the techniques of massage in
wonderful settings. California is bursting with opportunities for qualified professionals who wish to enter this
growing field. More people than ever are interested in wellness care and healthy living, especially those who live in
the California area.

Another plus of this fine California school of massage, is if you need financial assistance you may be eligible for
federal aid should you qualify. It is known that the healing arts are becoming ever so popular, and job placement is
assured as positions are available in spas, therapy clinics, resorts, and cruise ships to name a few. A graduate has
all the skills needed to begin a new career in so many different environments.

It only takes a moment to request information so that you can learn more about massage therapy courses in CA.
You can learn about their full curriculum and their class schedule by simply filling out a simple form. Just click on
the following link of the campus of your choice, and once you request information the College will get right back
to you.

To learn more about the campus of your choice, click > Santa Barbara Campus, Santa Maria Campus, or Ventura


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Therapy Schools

Santa Barbara Business College in Palm Desert, California

More and more people these days are concerned about wellness and are taking steps toward preventative care.
This makes the demand for trained therapists in the healing arts at an all time high. Massage colleges in California
offer individuals an opportunity to begin a lucrative career in this in demand field in a short amount of time.

A quality massage program in CA can be found at the Santa Barbara Business College in Palm Desert. If you live in
the Palm Desert area be sure and take a tour of SBBCollege's new campus and learn more about the school's
massage training program. The campus is located at: 75030 Gerald Ford Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211.

Classes at this new campus begin in January of 2008. This area is full of culture and is a
beautiful place to attend classes. When you are not in school you have many parks, artistic
retail shops, and theaters for relaxation and entertainment. The beautiful Coachella Valley also
offers healing springs and many resorts and spas.

After completing your Palm Desert massage training you will feel confident when it comes time to take the test for
certification and the school is helpful with job placement through student services. If you are eager to learn more,
you can do so through the school's convenient online info request form. Just take a moment and fill out the form
and you will promptly receive information answering questions to help you get started.

To learn more, click > Santa Barbara Business College in Palm Desert


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

Institute for Business and Technology - Santa Clara, California

Are you considering attending massage therapy classes in CA? One of the well known massage therapy schools,
California's Institute for Business and Technology in Santa Clara may be just the right school for you. In less than
eight months, this California massage school can prepare you for a career as a trained professional therapist in the
field of massage.

Statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor project that the need for trained therapist will rise as much as 35% by
the year 2010. This indicates that the demand for natural health care services will far exceed the available trained
professionals. By choosing this career path, you'll be entering a field that is satisfying both personally and
financially and you will, each work day, know that you are helping people feel better, experience reduced pain,
and heal more quickly.

To further explore these opportunities, it is simple to contact the Institute for Business and Technology in Santa
Clara, California and learn more about their courses and upcoming classes.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College - Los Angeles, California

Choosing the right massage therapy classes in Los Angeles is a very crucial decision. Your future success in this
field depends on selecting a top-quality school. If you have been searching the various LA massage school training
courses, you'll find comprehensive education at Maric College, a well known Los Angeles massage school offering
classes to prepare you in every way to become a success in the field of professional therapy.

Classroom studies are important to your education, but alone, they are simply not enough to prepare you properly
to enter the world of therapy. Hands-on training in a supervised environment working with actual clients balances
your learning experience. You will graduate with the confidence you need to become a success and the business
and safety practices required to perform your services in an ethical and safe manner.

More and more people are turning to natural health care options than ever before. This field is growing rapidly and
this trend is expected to continue for years to come.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College - North Hollywood, California

There are many Southern California schools of massage training to sort through. If you want to attend massage
therapy classes in Los Angeles County, one Hollywood massage school ensures you a comprehensive education
second to none. Maric College in North Hollywood provides a blend of classroom education and hands-on
experience to prepare you in every way to confidently practice this natural healing art upon graduation.

There are few professions that provide both personal satisfaction and the opportunity to earn a lucrative living. By
training to become a professional therapist, you'll find both these benefits. Every day you will help your clients
feel better and live fuller, happier lives while earning a great living. With natural health care becoming more and
more in-demand, you'll find many employment opportunities available to you or you can even open your own clinic.

You can learn all the details about beginning a career as a therapist, and the program offered at this CA massage
school, by simply contacting Maric College in North Hollywood, California for complimentary information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College - Palm Springs, California

Of the massage therapy schools California has to offer, you'll find Maric College to be among the best California
massage schools. The Palm Springs massage training you'll attend at Maric will prepare you to become a success in
this in-demand field. Did you know that natural healing modalities are growing in popularity because of the proven
health benefits?

Exciting workplaces await those entering this natural health care field. You can open your own clinic or work in
places such as hospitals, doctor's offices, resorts, spas, on board cruise ships, at gyms, salons, and many other
great places. You'll also leave work every day knowing that your clients feel better and are on their way to
enjoying better health. You'll find few lucrative careers that provide the satisfaction, both personal and financial,
that you'll find in the world of professional massage.

Obtaining more information about this career path is easy. All you need to do is contact Maric College in Palm
Springs, California, to learn about their training, classes, and fees.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College - Pomona, California

Are you searching for comprehensive massage therapy classes in Los Angeles County? Do you want to attend a CA
massage degree program so that you can enter a satisfying profession? If you have reviewed California massage
schools and not found the right one for you, you will be so happy to learn about Maric College in Pomona,
California. You can easily visit the campus and learn more about their course studies.

At Maric College, you will receive a comprehensive education, balancing classroom studies with hands-on clinic
experience. You will learn all the skills and techniques needed to become a success in this in-demand field. You'll
also learn all the business and ethics skills that will allow you to practice this healing art form with confidence,
assurance and safety.

By using your sense of touch and manual dexterity skills to manipulate muscles and connective tissue, you'll be
able to help people experience less pain, enjoy lower blood pressure, improve their circulation, help them heal
naturally from injury, illness or surgery and many, many more benefits your clients will enjoy.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College - Riverside, California

Massage classes in California are provided by many schools, but which is the right school for you? If you want to
attend a Southern California school of massage or, more specifically, a Los Angeles County massage school, you'll
be happy to know about Maric College in Riverside. Well known for providing a well-balanced, comprehensive
education combining classroom learning with hands-on training, you'll complete your studies fully prepared to
excel in this professional field.

As a qualified professional therapist, you'll enjoy helping people feel better. Your clients will enjoy relief from
pain, faster healing from illness, injury or surgery, greater mobility and flexibility, lower blood pressure, improved
circulation and a greater immune response to fight off illness, just to name a few of the myriad health and
emotional benefits clients of massage enjoy. You'll know that you truly make a positive difference in the lives of
your clients every single workday. And, while doing something you enjoy, you'll earn a great living.

If this sounds like a career choice that will fit into your future, you can learn all the details by simply contacting
Maric College in Riverside, California and get all your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Maric College in North Country Campus in San Diego, California

A California massage degree program can teach you a natural healing art that you will enjoy practicing every

You will want to attend the best Southern California massage school in order to perfect your skills and learn the
most comprehensive techniques. Maric college offers a modern campus in Northern County San Diego. To attend
your San Diego massage classes you can easily drive to the campus at 2022 University Drive in Vista, California. Just
exit off Highway 78 at Sycamore Ave and turn north. Next, head east on University Drive and continue about a
mile. You will find yourself in a metro area in northern San Diego.

This fine massage school will provide you all the skills and knowledge needed to become
successful in your career as a trained therapist. Upon graduation, you may choose to open
your very own clinic or you might choose to work in one of the many employment areas
requiring trained professionals.

Some of these are hospitals, doctor's offices, spas, resorts, sports teams and sports centers, wellness centers,
holistic medicine centers, salons, 5-star hotels and many, many more. You'll find your work enjoyable and
personally satisfying while earning a good living. You will also be in a career field that can grow with you if you
choose to continue your education in the healing arts.

To learn all about the program available at this southern California massage school, begin by filling out the school's
convenient online request form. You will quickly receive complementary information providing all the details.

To learn more, click > Maric College in San Diego, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Milan Institute in Clovis, California

One of the best massage schools in Southern California is Milan Institute formally known as Golden State College.
The massage therapy classes Bakersfield campus offers will provide you the massage courses and training needed
to ensure your success in this in demand field. You'll learn to function with all the skills necessary to perform
professional massage therapy for your clients. You'll learn Eastern, Western and Ancient modalities as well as the
latest skills and techniques.

By receiving hands-on training, you'll be sought after in exciting employment areas such as clinics, spas, hospitals,
sports centers, crise ships, health clubs, and more. Because you will help your clients experience better health and
a greater sense of well being, you'll find this a most satisfying career choice with so many options for job
placement and career growth.

If you are unsure of your place in the future, take a look at starting a life purpose career especially if you enjoy
making a difference in peoples' lives. It is easy to contact Milan Institute in Bakersfield, California to learn more
about their massage therapy classes or to register for upcoming classes.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Milan Institute in Clovis, California

For the best massage therapy training California has to offer, contact the Milan Institute, formally known as Golden
State College in Clovis, California.

The massage therapy courses and classes you'll attend here will prepare you in every way to become a success in
the world of professional massage therapy.

Consider among the finest massage schools anywhere, Milan Institute's massage therapy program includes Eastern,
Western and Ancient skills plus all the latest techniques and knowledge. You'll experience hands-on clinical
training and enter this in demand field knowing you'll be able to truly help people feel better and increase their
overall well-being.

As the demand for natural therapies increases, the need for trained therapists is much greater than the
availability. You'll find much opportunity for job placement in exciting, lucrative workplaces like hospitals, sports
centers, gyms, spas, salons and even cruise ships to name a few. Or you may choose to open your very own
massage therapy clinic.

You can join this growing field of trained professional massage therapists by getting the skills you need through
massage therapy training and classes in the state of California.

Click here to learn more > Milan Institute in Clovis, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Schools

Academy of Professional Careers in Indio, California

Among the finest of massage therapy schools, California has opportunities for you at the Academy of Professional
Careers in Indio. The campus is located at 45-691 Monroe Street, Suite 2 Indio, CA 92201 with easy access of
Highway 111.

They offer 730-hour massage therapy courses, which provide you with all the skills you will need for entering into a
career field that is needing qualified professionals to fill the many job positions that are being creating due to
demand. This California massage school is aware of the needs of students. They offer classes both during the day
and in the evening to work around busy schedules. This makes it perfect for anyone wanting to prepare for a new
and better career while still working in his or her current job.

When attending the training program the small classes--limited to 20 students--helps to ensure you'll receive
individual attention from their skilled instructors. Through the schools unique curriculum you will learn the best of
Eastern, Western and ancient modalities.

Training to be a bodywork therapist can start a whole new life direction and as you learn more about alternative
healing and its many benefits. You can improve your own life while learning to improve the lives of your clients.
Receive information about the school and massage therapy courses available at this fine professional school. Once
you click the following link, then fill out the form and you will receive the information you need to get started.

Click her to learn more > Academy of Professional Careers in Indio, California.

Massage Training Tips

Inside the dressing room, provide your clients with hangers and hooks on which to
place their clothing, preventing wrinkling.

After your client has exited the dressing room, but before they leave your
massage clinic, check that they have picked up all their personal items including
jewelry, purses or briefcases, or whatever else they brought in with them.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Milan Institute in Visalia, California

On of the finest massage schools in California, Milan Institute, formally known as Golden State College in Visalia
offers comprehensive massage therapy training that will prepare you for this exciting, in-demand career.
Considered the most unique curriculum of all the therapeutic massage training in California, Golden State College
blends the best of Eastern, Western and Ancient modalities as well as the latest techniques.

At Milan Institute, you'll receive all the knowledge needed to open your very own massage business or to enter one
of the many exciting workplaces requiring skilled professionals. Spas, hospitals, clinics, medical centers, cruise
lines, nursing homes, and professional sports teams and many other employment opportunities will be yours upon
completion of your training. Both classroom and hands-on training will provide you with techniques to help your
clients feel better, experience less pain, increase flexibility and immune system response and heal more quickly
from injuries or surgery.

If you are seeking a holistic healing school, then you will want to learn more about Milan Institute in Visalia,
California. It's easy to receive all the information you need to learn about the school and all the classes offered. A
bright future is waiting for you; contact them now!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

National Holistic Institute - Emeryville, California

One of the best California Bay Area massage schools you'll find is also a holistic healing school.

You can easily communte to the Emeryville campus from San Francisco in 20 minutes, or as little as 15 minutes
from downtown Berkeley or Oakland. The campus located on the corner of Hollis and 59th Streets.

The National Holistic Institute in Emeryville provides a curriculum that includes wide range of holistic healing skills
and is one of the nationally accredited massage schools in California. NHI has a reputation as massage experts
because they focus exclusively on teaching massage therapy

At NHI, you'll learn how to assess client's needs and develop customized programs for each client. Swedish, shiatsu,
sports, seated, deep tissues, energy, rocking and shaking, massage as well as massage for pregnant women will be
some of the professional skills you will learn. Body mechanics, draping procedures, joint mobilization, techniques
for people with injuries and accupressure ensure that you will have a wide variety of services to offer your clients
in a most professional manner. By learning about the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system,
including range of motion, postural analysis and kinesiology, along with a full understanding of the origin, insertion
and action of muscles, you'll receive the best holistic training available.

It is easy to contact the school, if you would like to learn interesting facts about massage or obtain more
information about the training program hours, costs, and the next class schedules you can easily do so. Just fill out
the convenient online form and the school will respond quickly providing all the details.

To learn more, click > National Holistic Institute in Emeryville, California


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

National Holistic Institute - Los Angeles County - Encino, California

One of the most important decisions you may ever make is which of the massage schools in Los Angeles you should
attend. Choosing the best Los Angeles massage school can skyrocket your career to great success; choosing poor
quality massage therapy classes in Los Angeles, on the other hand, can not fully prepare you to pass the national
board exam and enter your chosen profession positioned to excel.

As you learn more about the National Holistic Institute you will appreciate the quality education they offer. The
Los Angeles County campus is located in Encino at 15720 Ventura Boulevard near Haskell Avenue which is just a
couple blocks from both 405 and the 101 freeway interchange. You can easily get there by bus, and for those who
drive they have affordable parking.

National Holistic Institute is one of the Los Angeles schools you can count on to offer a comprehensive course of
study using classroom and hands-on techniques. Learning how and why therapy works is just as important as
learning the manual dexterity skills used to apply the techniques.

Not only will you learn a wide range of massage techniques, but at NHI you will also learn how to assess your
client’s specific needs and how to go about customizing a personalized massage program to assist them better.

Some featured areas of study are:

● Acupressure/shiatsu massage
● Sports massage and massage for injuries
● Joint mobilization
● Massage for pregnant women
● Chair massage
● Foot reflexology
● Swedish and Deep Tissue
● Energy massage
● Rocking and shaking massage
● Professional draping procedures

You will also learn body mechanics designed for the therapist to avoid self injury and assist you in keeping your
body strong and in good shape.

If you select this career path, you'll not only receive lucrative financial compensation, but you will also leave the
workday with a great sense of personal and spiritual satisfaction. This satisfaction is the result of knowing you are
truly helping people to feel better and enjoy a greater sense of well-being.

Learning more about this career choice and the curriculum to prepare you to become a success whether you open
your own clinic or choose one of the many exciting workplaces open to professional therapists will help you
determine if this is the path to your future.

All you need to do is request complimentary information by filling out the school's convenient request form to get
all your questions answered.
To learn more, click > National Holistic Institute, Los Angeles Campus in Encino, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

National Holistic Institute - Petaluma, California

Did you know that therapeutic bodywork is one of the fastest growing professions today?

Attending a holistic healing school in California can allow you to earn the credentials to enter this in-demand field
and enjoy a rewarding career.

The National Holistic Institute in Petaluma is one location where you can prepare for a great future. The center is
located at 1304 Southpoint Boulevard, just off North McDowell Boulevard. Highway 101 makes access simple and
two bus lines provide public transportation if needed.

Classroom theory is simply not enough; hands-on practice of the art and science learned in training is important.
This California holistic school includes an on-site clinic and externships may be available. Working in supervised
real-world scenarios with actual clients is the most effective means of honing the skills. The latest equipment and
modern facilities make your learning fun and effective.

While attending this NHI's California massage institute, you'll find personal growth as well as professional growth.
There are few, if any, careers more satisfying that helping people enjoy better health. Workplaces like resorts,
cruise ships, medical centers and others seek the services of caring career-minded masseurs and you'll be qualified
to choose from exciting, interesting places of employment after graduation and licensing.

To learn if NHI's holistic healing school in California is the right place for you, you'll want full details about classes,
schedules, fees, financial planning, and much more. Personal schedule advice and video information may be
available. To obtain facts without obligation, simply contact the school through their convenient online request

To learn more, click > The National Holistic Institute in Petaluma California


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools

The Massage Experts: National Holistic Institute in San Francsico, California

Are you searching for a holistic school in California?

The National Holistic Institute in San Francisco, California, is located on Market Street at the intersection of Market
and Gough Street. This convenient campus location makes this leading CA massage school easily accessible
throughout San Francisco.

National Holistic Institute offers a variety of programs from beginning training to intermediate and advanced
certification and continuing education for students that wish to add new skills to their repertoire. There is an on-
campus clinic where students learn through supervised hands-on training how to best apply their manual dexterity
skills and knowledge of the body, working with actual clients in real-life situations.

This California touch therapy school is not just another massage school, since massage therapy is their primary
foucs. They are a holistic healing school that instructs students in a wide range of bodywork modalities, therapies
and techniques. The beginning program provides a sound basis in anatomy, kinesiology, basic massage techniques
as well as business skills.

At NHI, you learn such a wide range of massage techniques. You will even learn how to assess a client’s individual
needs and develop a customized massage program for each client.

You not only learn Swedish massage, but also acupressure and shiatsu massage. If you have women clients pregnant
you will know how best to help them, and you will also learn sports massage, seated massage, foot reflexology,
deep tissue massage, energy massage. For clients with injuries you will learn the best massage techniques to help
them, including joint mobilization.

To give you professionalism in your work you learn professional draping procedures, body mechanics for the
therapist, and assessment and customization of massage sessions.

Of course, after graduating from this holistic school in California, you will need to complete
necessary licensing procedures which may vary depending on the exact location in which you
wish to practice. You will be prepared to sit for the national board exams and many students
from NHI earn exceptional scores.

If you want to learn at this holistic healing school in CA, you'll want detailed information. Class schedules,
curriculum facts, fees, registration data and other facts are easy to obtain and there is no obligation of any kind to
learn all about NHI. All you need to do is contact the school through their confidential online form.

To learn more, click > National Holistic Institute in San Francisco


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

The Massage Experts: National Holistic Institute in San Jose, California

The National Holistic Institute in San Jose represents a California holistic school eager to teach you the skills and
understanding required to qualify for employment in the field of therapeutic bodywork.

This campus is a satellite of the Emeryville institute and serves Sonoma County. You'll find the modern, well-
equipped classrooms and clinic located at 1305 Southport Boulevard. Registration and administrative services are
addressed through the nearby Emeryville location at 5900 Hollis Boulevard.

There are full range student services available at this CA massage institute, including lifetime career development
support. National Holistic Institute is one of the few holistic schools that offers job postings and, if you do not live
in San Jose, you can find information to help you locate housing during your studies. Financial aid, including Pell
and other grants, may be available if you meet certain qualifications

Studying at this holistic healing school in CA will allow you to earn qualification to work
in resorts, day spas, sports centers and, if you choose, you may want to open your own
private clinic. The potential income is very good and helping people will provide sense
of purpose and joy each workday.

Learn all the details about this great massage school simply fill out the school's online request form. Its really is
easy; just request information without obligation of any kind and you'll receive a prompt reply.

To learn more, click > National Holistic Institute in San Jose, California


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

National Polytechnic College - Montebello, California

Massage therapy training is waiting for you at this massage school in Southern California: National Polytechnic
College located in Montebello, California. If you are seeking a massage school in LA County and live in eastern Los
Angelas then you may want to check out the massage training program at National Polytechnic. The school is
located at 2465 Whittier Blvd, Suite 201, Montebello, CA

Oncde you complete your training you will be fully prepared to excel when taking the National Certification exam
so that you can begin a career in one of the exciting workplaces seeking professional therapists. Nowadays there
are many options from spas and resorts to physical fitness facilities where you can apply the combined skills you
acheive during your education.

You'll enter the workplace prepared to help your clients feel better, experience less pain, heal more quickly and
naturally, and avoid injury. You'll find your choice of careers both personally and financially satisfying with entry
level earning projections between 25 and 40K annually. You will truly be entering a life purpose career field where
you can feel excited by the difference you make in the lives of people your touch.

It is easy to receive information, including financial aid facts, by contacting the school through their online
information form.

Click here to learn more > National Polytechnic College in Montebello, California.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/western-college-cerritos.html on line 58
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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Training

North-West College in Pasadena, California

North-West College is a known California massage school located at 530 E Union Street in Pasadena, California. If
you live in or near Pasadena you will appreciate this school's highest priority, which is to offer it's students the
highest quality of education. You can easily locate the school should you wish to visit the campus. You will find
North-West College where Ventura Hiway connects to the Foothills Hiway. The school is just a few blocks from this

Your massage classes will give you an excellent education while you learn Swedish, Shiatsu, and Sports Massage.
You will also learn Reflexology along with Spa services and wellness stategies. You will come to understand pain
and the many alternative massage techniques and methods, such as deep tissue and various other modalities for
assisting clients in alleviating their pain and stress.

Another benefit you will receive while attending North-West massage school is their Internship Workshop because
the hands on experience will prepare you for employment in the workplace. Also, there is an online learning
resource center which will help you keep up with course studies and excel in your classes. This way you will be
fully ready to take your board exam once you complete your professional credentials.

The school also offer Placement Assistance for graduates who may need a little help locating a job along with
making your own employment contacts. Your future could lead to employment in hospitals, gyms, or even resorts.
It is fully up to you to choose the type of environment where you want to extend your services since job demand
for trained therapists is continually growing and expected to do so in the coming years.

North-West has a reputation for offering an extensive program and takes good care of their students. Should you
wish more information you can easily get all your questions answered. Just click on the following link and fill out
the convenient form. There is no obligation by requesting information. It's that easy to get your questions

Click here to learn more about > North-West College in Pasadena, California.

Massage Practitioner Training Tips

It is nice to have a private dressing room area for your clients if at all possible.

You can also excuse yourself prior and after a treatment so that you clients can undress
and dress in privacy of your massage room. Be sure to knock upon entering.

For freshening up after a session provide unscented tissues and cotton swabs or QTips. This
allows the client to wipe away any massage lotion or oil and any makeup that may have
smeared during treatment such as mascara, or to prevent potential stains from massage oil
on their clothing. If you can, also include a full length mirror for clients to check their
attire before leaving.

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line 84

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > LA Massage Therapy Schools

North West College - Pomona, CA

North West College is a Pomona CA massage school located at 134 W. Holt Avenue in Los Angeles County, California.

The campus is centrally located with easy access from both Interstate 10 and Highway 70. Students can easily
commute from surrounding areas such as Upland, Chino, Pico Rivera, or La Habra.

This Los Angeles County massage therapy school offers classes which can prepare you in every way to become a
success in your therapeutic massage career. Swedish, shiatsu, sport, deep tissue and alternative massage
techniques are taught as well as seminars for success, reflexology, wellness strategies, with an emphasis on
understanding pain and many more important therapeutic principles.

Once you complete massage training in Los Angeles County, you'll be ready to sit for
professional certification exams and join the exciting world of natural health care. You
might find employment in hospitals, spas, hotels, gyms, or one of the multitude of
other great workplaces that require the services of highly skilled masseurs.

If you love working and helping people, then attending this Pomona massage school may be the right path to a
bright future for you. Massage careers provide satisfying work which in turn allows you to earn a lucrative income.

To learn all about the opportunities available to trained professionals as well as course schedules, costs, books,
and more, simply request information from North West College in Pomona, California. Just click on the following
link and fill out the schools handy request form. You will readily receive answers to your very important questions.

To learn more, click > North-West College in Pomona


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/nw-pomona.html on line 54

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

North West College in Riverside, California

A Riverside massage therapy school that you will be happy to learn about is North West College.

Here you can obtain quality training in the art and science of bodywork modalities, learning from well-qualified
instructors in a comfortable, modern setting.

The school campus is located at 10020 Indiana Avenue, just off Highway 91, making it convenient for students
commuting from surrounding communities including Moreno Valley, Redlands, and Corona. This North-West College
campus is located in close proximity to The Galleria at Tyler for your shopping needs and near Harrison Park is you
like to spend some time studying outdoors.

Massage training in Southern CA can prepare you for a career that is satisfying personally and emotionally. The
hands-on contact you'll have with your clients will truly make the difference in how you feel about yourself as well
as the level of well-being your clients enjoy.

Attending massage classes in Riverside at North-West will teach you a variety of important
bodywork modalities such as Swedish massage, shiatsu, reflexology, deep tissue bodywork and
much more. The school's professional instructors provide one-on-one guidance to ensure you
have every opportunity to excel. Hands-on training is a key part of the curriculum at North West

If this Riverside massage therapy school appears to be a good choice for your training, you can easily obtain all the
information you need to make an informed decision. After all, choosing the education institution where you will
train is an important decision not to be made lightly. So, check out all the facts by contacting clicking the provided
link, and then fill out the convenient form to receive information from the school.

Click here to learn more about > North West College in Riverside, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Northwestern College - Gold River, California

Would you like to attend the best massage school California has to offer? Of the massage therapy schools California
provides, the massage therapy degree program at Northwestern College in Gold River is considered among the very
best. You'll be able to earn your certification in as little as 7.5 months or go on to earn your advanced degree in
only 5 months. Few truly satisfying career paths allow you to enter the professional world so quickly.

At Northwestern College, you'll learn Swedish, Shiatsu, deep tissue, reflexology and trigger point techniques as
well as clinical procedures, anatomy, kinesiology, Tai Chi and body mechanics and much, much more. You'll gain a
balanced education through classroom work and hands-on clinical experience. Upon graduation, you'll be prepared
to enter on of the many exciting workplaces in search of trained professionals. The demand in this field is
expected to increase by up to 35% in the coming years. This career path can grow with you, for you can always
continue to add new complementary skills.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine
Home > California Massage Career Schools

Remington College in San Diego, California

If you are looking for a San Diego massage therapy school you will want to know about Remington College, in San
Diego, California. It can get overwhelming when trying to choose a Southern California massage school, so learning
about to Remington College will help you make this important career decision regarding which massage program
will best fit your needs. Of all the massage schools in California, this college offers a very personal and helpful
relationship with its students. They even have a special Student Career Services staff to help give advice and offer
support when needed.

If you are seeking a career path that will last well into the future you are certainly looking in the right direction. In
recent years, the Massage Therapist profession has become indispensable to the health care field. As this industry
grows annually, more and more positions for trained therapists are available for the benefits of this type of
therapy positively affect the health and well being of the client.

In just thirty-two weeks you can earn your diploma and be ready for an entry-level position in one of many
environments. Health clubs, spas, cruise ships, Dr. offices, hospitals, are just a few of the locations that hire
trained therapists. If you are eager to get started its easy to get all your questions answered by contacting,
Remington College in San Diego, California.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/remington-sandiego.html on line 62

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute (UEI) - Chula Vista, California

Sometimes it may seem hopeless when trying to locate massage therapy schools Southern California offers that can
be completed in less than one year. However, one of the massage schools in CA can provide just that. The Chula
Vista massage courses provided by UEI allow you to complete your study in only nine short months, fast tracking
you right into the professional world.

During your studies at UEI, you'll learn all the skills needed to excel when sitting for the national board exams.
Hands-on training in a supervised clinical environment, combined with small class sizes ensure you are fully
prepared to enter your career prepared to become a success. Anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, managing
a practice, preparing a treatment plan and taking a medical history, as well as CPR form the basis of your
classroom work.

Practical hands-on instruction in cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, deep tissues, shiatsu, Swedish, sports, chair
therapeutic, face and scalp and non-traditional massage plus reflexology prepares you for hands-on client

Upon graduation, you'll be able to offer all the most sought-after services in bodywork today. You can open your
own practice for work in one of the many exciting workplaces requiring trained professionals.

You can obtain much more complimentary information by contacting United Education Institute in Chula Vista,
California. Get all you questions answered in one easy step.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute (UEI) - El Monte, California

The best gift you can give yourself is a thorough and comprehensive education. If therapeutic massage classes in
CA is the education you desire, you'll be happy to learn about one the premier massage school California has to
over. The California massage classes offered by the United Education Institute in El Monte are some of the best
available anywhere.

UEI provides a comprehensive program using both classroom and hands-on supervised clinical practice to ensure
you have a balanced education in this career subject. Small classes ensure you obtain all the individual attention
necessary to excel when taking the national board exams and entering the work of progress ional therapists.

Few, if any, professions offer the personal and spiritual satisfaction as well as lucrative financial satisfaction when
compared to the world of professional therapy. Every single day, you'll be so please to know that you have helped
people to feel better and heal faster. There are a huge number of benefits of massage therapy and more and more
people are turning to the natural healthcare options to avoid the high cost of traditional medical and prescription

If you would like to obtain full details on UEI and the benefits of becoming a trained professional in t his rapidly
growing field, it is simple and free. Just ask and (UEI) United Educational Institute in El Monte, California will
gladly send you all the information you desire.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute - Huntington Park, California

Huntington Park massage classes may just be the doorway to a new and exciting career path. The best massage
school California offers in the Huntington Park area is the United Educational Institute (UEI). Small class sizes
combined with classroom and hands-on training prepare you in every way to enter the work of trained therapists

By choosing from the massage schools in CA, you'll find UEI provides one of the most comprehensive curriculums
available anywhere. Upon completion of your studies at UEI, which you can complete in only nine short months,
you'll be confident and assured when you sit for the national board exams.

People are turning to natural health care methods more and more. Partially, this is the result of the extremely
high cost of traditional medical care and prescription drugs. Another reason is that many medications have
undesirable side effect. By employing bodywork therapy, clients experience relief from pain, greater mobility and
flexibility, a general sense of well-being and hundreds of other benefits. It's easy to see why the U.S. Department
of Labor expects the demand for professionals in this field to increase by as much as 35% in the next five years!

Learning more is easy; contact (UEI) United Education Institute in Huntington Park, California and request the
information you need to answer all your important questions.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute - Ontario, California

There are many massage schools in CA, but if you want to find the best of the best in Ontario, California, you'll
want to investigate the United Educational Institute. Of the California massage school choices, you'll find few that
compare to United Educational Institute. By attending these massage classes in California, you will be completely
prepared to pass the national board exams and enter the professional world.

Not only will classroom theory and hands-on bodywork, but courses to help you manage work as a professional
therapist will be part of your studies. Upon completion, you'll have all the skills needed to operate your own clinic.
You could choose to work in one of the many workplaces searching for qualified professionals. These include
hospitals, doctors; and chiropractics' offices, spas, resorts, cruise ships, hotels, salons, physical rehabilitation
centers, yoga centers, gym and sports centers and far too many more to name.

The doorway to a lucrative and personally satisfying career is waiting for you to open it. To obtain all the
information you need about this school and the career opportunities open to you upon graduation, simply ask and
(UEI) United Educational Institute in Ontario, California will respond with a great no-obligation information
package plus you can get all your questions answered about this exciting career field.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/uei-ontario.html on line 61

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute - San Bernardino, California

Are you looking for the best California massage school? Does attending San Bernardino massage classes that will
prepare you for an in-demand career sound interesting? If so, you'll want to know about United Education Institute
in San Bernardino, California, accredited massage school extraordinaire. You'll learn everything you need to be
prepared to succeed in this exciting field whether you choose to open your own clinic or work in one of the many
workplaces searching for trained professionals in this field.

Today, there are fewer qualified therapists than there are requirements for them. The U.S. Department of Labor
actually projects that this need will grow by twenty-two or as much as thirty-five percent or in only five years.
Upon graduation, you'll be able to choose from many job offers when you select this field of study. Few careers
provide this demand. Even better, you'll know each workday that you make a positive impact on the lives of your

More than ever before, people are turning to natural healthcare options. Full details can be yours by contacting
(UEI) United Education Institute in San Bernardino, California and you can get all your questions answered about
their courses, tuition fees, and class schedules.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute - San Diego, California

Are you searching for the right fit in a Southern California school of massage therapy? San Diego massage courses at
perhaps the best California massage school can be yours by attending United Educational Institute (UEI). In the
nine month program you'll learn everything you need to become a success in this in-demand career field.

Hands-on training in a supervised clinical environment combine with small class sizes to help you be career ready
upon graduation and when you sit for the national board exam. You'll learn through classes like anatomy, medical
terminology, physiology, managing a practice, effects and benefits of massage, treatment plans and medical
history. The hands-on skills you'll develop include cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, deep tissue, shiatsu, Swedish, sports,
chair, face and scalp, therapeutic and non-traditional massage techniques. Reflexology will also be a skill you'll
perfect. As you can see, this is a very comprehensive curriculum!

You can obtain all the details about this career and how to become prepared to practice this healing art, simply
contact (UEI) United Education Institute in San Diego, California to receive the information you need to get all your
questions answered.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/uei-san-diego.html on line 61

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

United Educational Institute - Van Nuys, California

The many massage therapy school locations CA has to offer can be quite confusing when you are trying to find the
one that best fits your needs. One of the massage therapy schools California offers is the United Education
Institute in Van Nuys also known as UEI. The program offered here points to this school as among the very top
massage schools in CA.

You'll find your days filled with exciting classroom learning experiences as well as hands-on clinical practice of the
modalities and bodywork you learn. You can complete the entire program in only nine months and be fully
prepared to excel when you sit at the national board exams. Not only does UEI offer the traditional Swedish
massage, but you'll learn shiatsu, face and scalp and non-traditional techniques. Reflexology, cryotherapy and
hydrotherapy are also skills you will perfect. The classroom work covers all the techniques you'll need to be
success whether you open your own clinic or work in one of the workplaces needing your professional skills.

To learn more about this outstanding school, the class curriculum, tuition costs, and this lucrative pathway, simply
contact (UEI) United Education Institute in Van Nuys, California.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/uei-van-nuys.html on line 61

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Schools

West Coast College in Ontario, California

If you live in the Ontario area and are looking for a qua laity massage therapy college in California be sure to learn
more about West Coast College. The campus is located at 520 North Euclid Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762. This
campus is ideal for students who live between Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties with easy access off
Interstate 15.

Massage classes at West Coast College are designed as both evening and day classes depending on your needs. Both
day and evening massage course studies are taught in a series of modules covering the basic skills and many
advanced techniques. Upon completion you will be prepared to earn your certificate and begin your new career in
the healing field where jobs are plentiful.

Your time spent at school will be pleasant due to small class sizes and the college's clean and
spacious classrooms. The air-conditioned and heated classrooms closely simulate a real world
work environment, too. During the last module of your massage training program you will have
the opportunity to Enternship. The massage program is designed to help you enter the work
field with confidence.

To learn more about West Coast College Ontario Campus, just fill out the school's convenient online request form.
You will promptly receive information that will answer many of your questions about class schedules, fees, and
curriculum details.

To learn more, click > West Coast College in Ontario

(WCC also has a massage college campus in Victorville)


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/trinity-college-fairfield.html on line 54

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > California Massage Career Schools

West Coast College - Victorville, California

There are many massage therapy school locations CA has to offer, but not all California massage training schools
are equal. West Coast College in Victorville is one which should get your attention because they specialize in
medical and technical training and incorporate unique and innovative teaching methods. With their financial
assistance, career counseling and job placement services, you'll find WCC capable of providing you all the training
and services that are so crucial to your future success.

You will find the campus in close proximity to Interstate 15. Exit off the interstate on La Paz Drive, then head
north on 7th street and you will find the campus at 14725 7th St in Victorville. While attending WCC, you'll
experience a variety of training methods. Classroom work will teach theory and business technique. Hands-on
supervised clinical laboratory practice will hone your manual dexterity skills and the use of the modalities of body
work to perfection.

To help you learn more about the curriculum and college, you'll want to contact WCC. You can get information on
the career opportunities available upon graduation and their statistics on how their graduates are doing. It's so
easy to learn all this information and get your questions answered once you fill out the school's convenient online
info requst form.

To learn more, click > West Coast College in Victorville, California.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - Antioch, California

Massage therapy training at Western Career College in Antioch means you'll obtain skills from a highly respected
California massage school. With the high demand today for trained therapists, you'll find the Shiatsu and massage
therapy training at Western Career College will prepare you in every way to enter this important field.

With the surge in the fitness and natural health care industries, you'll be able to choose whether to open your own
private practice or work in one of the many exciting workplaces such as medical offices, physical rehabilitation
centers, sports programs, pain management centers, wellness centers, spas, resorts, cruise ships and stress
reduction programs.

You'll learn in the classroom and gain hands-on experience in supervised clinical settings to enable you to help your
clients feel better. Pain relief, improved flexibility and mobility, improved circulation, lowered blood pressure,
rapid healing and increased immune response are just a few of the benefits your clients will enjoy. You'll find
personal and financial satisfaction when you choose this career path.

Its easy to obtain the information you need to learn about the college, classes, and schedules by contacting
Western Career College in Antioch, California.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - Citrus Heights, California

If you want to earn your A.S. degree from one of the most respected massage therapy schools in California, you'll
find Western Career College in Citrus Heights perfect for you. The goal of Western Career College is to ensure
students are prepared to enter the work force as entry-level therapists, assess and treat disorders of the body,
perform massage techniques correctly and to effectively communicate with clients and other professions.

This California massage school integrates a full range of massage training and sports massage courses with a
balanced education. Your training will include Swedish, Shiatsu and sports massage, myofacial release, trigger
point therapy, hydrotherapy and site-specific treatment skills. You'll learn anatomy, physiology, kinesiology,
pathology and gain hands-on clinical experience while also learning communication, business, marketing,
advertising and other skills to ensure you will be fully prepared to own and operate a massage clinic upon

You can obtain complimentary information easily by contacting Western Career College in Citrus Heights,


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - San Leandro, California

If you are searching for Shiatsu and massage therapy courses at a highly accredited massage school, California's
Western Career College in San Leandro may be just the right place for you. You'll learn all the skills required to
become a success in the world of professional therapists.

With the increase in natural health care, more and more people are turning to massage therapy to help them
experience pain relief, a great sense of health and well-being and faster healing. With the sports massage courses
included in the program, you'll be sought after by both professional and amateur athletes to help them prevent
injury or heal after an injury. Whether you open your own clinic or work in one of the exciting workplaces
requiring your services, you'll find this career path satisfying emotionally, professionally and financially.

You can easily obtain more information about the courses and classes offered, as well as get all your questions
answered; simply contact Western Career College in San Leandro, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - Pleasant Hill, California

Sorting out massage therapy courses can be confusing. You'll find one of California's finest massage therapy schools
in Pleasant Hill at Western Career College. In these Pleasant Hill massage therapy classes you'll earn an Associate
of Science degree which will provide you a balanced education including massage techniques, and general
education, which will prepare you for the business world and hands-on clinical experience.

Graduates from Western Career College are fully prepared to open and operate their own massage therapy clinic or
to work in one of the many exciting workplaces which need trained professional therapists. You'll learn techniques
which include sports, Swedish and Shiatsu massage, trigger point therapy, myofacial release, hydrotherapy and

Today more than ever, people are turning to natural health care options to improve health, relieve pain and speed
healing. You can easily obtain more information about how you can enter this exciting career field by contacting
Western Career College in Pleasant Hill, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - Sacramento, California

If you are searching for massage schools in Sacramento, CA, you'll be happy you found Western Career College.
These Sacramento massage therapy classes which can lead to a certificate or and A.S. degree; the choice is yours.

With a certificate from Western Career College, one of the very finest massage therapy schools in Sacramento,
you'll be prepared for entry level employment after completing courses, hands-on clinical training and an
internship in an actual workplace. If you elect the A.S. degree program, you'll also be fully training in all the skills
necessary to own and operate your very own practice.

With the training you'll get at Western Career College, you'll learn the most popular massage techniques including
Swedish, Shiatsu and sports massage, myofacial release, hydrotherapy and more. You'll be able to help your clients
feel better, experience less pain and heal more quickly.

You can easily learn more about accreditations, mission, course outlines, financial aid and other details by
contacting Western Career College in Sacramento, California.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - San Jose, California

Are you searching for massage therapy classes in San Jose? Do you find the listing of massage therapy courses in
San Jose confusing? You've come to the right place. One of the finest massage therapy schools in San Jose, Western
Career College can prepare you fully to enter the world of professional therapy quickly and easily.

Today, more and more people are turning to natural health care to help them feel better, experience less pain and
enjoy better overall health. The current health care reforms, the high cost of medication and the potential side
effects have resulted in this trend. The U.S. Department of Labor projects that by the year 2010, there will be an
increase of as much as 35% in the demand for trained massage therapists. Not only will this career path provide job
security, but you will enjoy the personal and financially satisfaction of earning a lucrative living while helping
people with wellness care.

It's so easy to obtain more information about how this career path can change your future. Simply contact Western
Career College in San Jose, California for complimentary information on the college, classes, and upcoming


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

Western Career College - Stockton, California

If you are considering attending Shiatsu and massage therapy courses at a California massage school, you will be
happy to learn about Western Career College in Stockton. One of the finest massage therapy schools California has
to offer, Western will provide you with a balanced, comprehensive education to prepare you in every way to enter
the exciting career world as a professional massage therapist.

Shiatsu, Swedish and sports massage, myofacial release, hydrotherapy, trigger-pressure and spa treatments will be
balanced with general education in both the human body and business skills necessary to become successful in the
professional world. After earning you're A.S. degree at Western, you'll be prepared to open your own massage
clinic or to work in one of the many exciting workplaces that need trained professionals. Hospitals, gyms, cruise
ships, resorts, medical center, spas and sports centers are just a few of the many places which will welcome your
professional skills.

It's simple and easy to learn more about courses, financial aid and other information by contacting Western Career
College in Stockton, California.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > California Massage Career Schools

WyoTech - Long Beach, California

If you'd like to learn about CA massage training and classes to prepare you for a professional career in only three
quarters, you'll want to know about WyoTech. This massage therapy school in Long Beach CA will provide a
balanced education with hands-on and classroom training.

Through the WyoTech massage school, California you will find upon graduation many workplaces seeking your
services such as hospitals, gyms, wellness centers, doctor's offices, spas, hotels, resorts and more. This industry is
growing and needs entry level skilled professionals to fill the many newly created positions.

You'll gain personal satisfaction by helping people feel better while earning a lucrative income. People are seeking
natural health care services to help relive pain, assist the body in healing after surgery or injury, provide greater
mobility and range of motion, improve immune system response, lower blood pressure, as well as to relax and
work out the stress of today's busy lifestyles. Every day, you'll know that you make a positive difference in the lives
of your clients.

WyoTech provides a full range of services, including financial aid to those who qualify. To learn more about their
classes, scheduling and fees, simply contact this fine California massage training facility.

Click here to learn more > WyoTech in Long Beach, California.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama

Virginia College in Birmingham, Alabama

Are you searching for massage classes in Birmingham? Are all the different Alabama massage school listings
confusing and overwhelming so that you don't know where to turn. One massage school Birmingham has to offer is
Virginia College on Bagby Drive in Birmingham.

When determining the right massage school for you, you want to make certain that a comprehensive, balanced
curriculum is offered with both classroom training and hands-on clinical experience. This will ensure you are
prepared to sit for the national board exams and will pass with flying colors. Your success will ensure that you'll
thrive in this growing field of natural health care.

Upon graduation, you'll experience very satisfying workdays, not only from a financial,
but also from a spiritual and personal standpoint. Every day you will help people feel
better by using the modalities appropriate for their particular situation. You'll know
what techniques work best for each specific health problem. High blood pressure, poor
circulation, stiffness, inflexibility, pain from injury or surgery, better posture, and a
general sense of well-being are only a few of the benefits your clients will enjoy.

It only takes a moment to learn more about this great career option. All you need to do is request complimentary,
no-obligation information by filling out the convenient online school form. You can easily learn about their class
schedules, tuition costs, and when the next classes begin.

To learn more, click > Virginia College in Birmingham, Alabama


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama, Colorado, to Delaware

Virginia College in Huntsville, Alabama

If you are reviewing schools for massage therapy, seeking the right school for you to obtain marketable
professional skills through Huntsville massage therapy courses will lead you to the an excellent massage school
Alabama has to offer: Virginia College located at 2800a Bob Wallace Avenue, in Huntsville, AL 35805.

The best massage school Alabama offers can provide you a comprehensive curriculum that can be completed in
only two years. You'll graduate fully prepared to not only pass, but excel, when sitting for the national board

Why should you consider this career path? There are many reasons. You'll be able to enter the professional world
much more quickly than with other disciplines and be able to earn a lucrative living. Also, every day you will make
a positive impact on the lives of your clients. Another great reason that few professions can boast is the projected
growth of the industry. The U.S. Department of Labor projects that in the next five years, between twenty-two
and thirty-five percent more trained professional will be needed to meet the rapidly growing demands.

If you are contemplating a change and what a career that can grow with you, then you'll want to learn more about
the profession and the college. It takes but a moment to request complimentary, no-obligation information. All you
need to do is contact the school through their convenient online request form to quickly get all your questions

To learn more, click > Virginia College in Huntsville, Alabama

Massage Business Building Tips - Office Décor

When designing your massage room, dressing rooms, reception and office areas, select soothing, inviting
colors to help your clients relax. Harmonious earth tones or ocean tones can make a huge difference in the
way your client feels before you even begin their therapeutic treatment. Reception area furnishing should be
comfortable and inviting. If you choose to include plants in your massage clinic, choose green plants that do
not produce blossoms because some clients may experience allergies to blooming plants.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama, Colorado, to Delaware

CB Healing Institute - Anchorage, Alaska

Trained massage therapists are needed in every state of the U.S. and Alaska is no exception. If you are considering
attending one of the Alaska massage schools, you'll find a school that provides lots of options in CB Healing
Institute at 101 East 9th Avenue in Anchorage.

In fact, few massage therapist schools in Alaska offer a choice of three programs in their field. CBHI offers a choice
of a 350, 750 or 1,200 hour program, depending on your individual needs. Their 350 hour program is partially
taught utilizing 150 hours Distance Learning so that you can progress at your own speed. The balance of the
training is performed on-campus so that hands-on instruction is provided and practical experience can be gained by
each student. Upon completion of this program, you will earn a diploma.

If you choose the 750 hour Alaska massage therapist training, you'll study through Distance Learning for a total of
250 hours. Then, you will attend on-site instruction and hands-on training where you will learn hot stone therapy,
full body, facial, non-Western, seated, sports, baby and prenatal massage techniques. Spa techniques will also be
part of your learning experience.

The 1200 hour program offers 600 hours of Distance Learning and 600 hours of on-campus training. You'll learn all
of the techniques listed above plus deep tissue massage, myofascial release and Alexander technique therapies.

By choosing to attend this Alaska massage school, you'll be preparing for a truly joyful career. Through helping
others improve their health and outlook on life, you will find that your own outlook changes in positive ways. You'll
earn a good income while providing a much-needed service to those who seek natural health therapies.

Employment options abound in this career area. You can choose to open a private clinic
after you obtain your professional credentials or work in some very interesting
workplaces. Trained professionals are needed aboard cruise ships, in spas, hospitals,
convalescent facilities, wellness centers and many other firms that provide therapeutic
treatments to clients.

Compared to many career training programs, CB Health Institute in Anchorage is an affordable means of training
for a profession. There is a large growth in the need for trained therapists today and this trend is expected to
continue for years to come.

You don't need to accept a boring job when you can choose to train for a great, interesting profession.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Apollo College in Phoenix, Arizona

Apollo College offers massage therapy courses which allow you to become a professional in this rapidly growing
field. When seeking a massage school, AZ might be the perfect state for you to attend classes and Apollo College is
located right in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona at 8503 N 27th Avenue Phoenix, Az 85051.

Of the many massage therapy schools available, you will find the the training at this college will provide a great
education. Class sizes are kept small so that each student receives the individual attention necessary to hone their
skills to perfection. Accredited by ABHES, Apollo College has partnered with local employers to provide hands-on
internships. Graduate placement assistance is available.

For those working with limited funds and assets you may be able to obtain financial aid to help you with schooling.
In a short time you can find out if you qualify for assistance should you need it.

If you want a career in a field that allows you to truly help others while earning a great income, learn more about
the massage therapy courses at this fine Phoenix massage school. You can easily request more info to learn about
their school, and upcoming classes through the online school form. Perhaps, a career change as a massage
therapist might be just the perfect career choice for your future.

To learn more, click > Apollo College in Phoenix, Arizona

Massage Tips - Utilize your whole body

When performing massage, utilize not only your hands, but include your knuckles, arms and elbows as you
work. This will help prevent repetitive motion problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and will leave you
feeling less tired at the end of a long day while performing many massages. Also, you table height is very
important and when adjusted to the right height it will make your work much easier.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Apollo College in Mesa, Arizona

Begin your path toward a more rewarding and lucrative career by earning your massage certification through
classes offered at the Apollo College in beautiful Mesa, Arizona. The college campus is located at 1322 S. Country
Club Dr. Mesa, AZ, 85210.

This outstanding massage therapy school provides real-world professionals who will ensure one-on-one training for
each and every student in this massage school. AZ, as Arizona is abbreviated, is a beautiful location to learn the
skills needed to become a professional in this extremely marketable health and wellness field.

Beautiful landscapes will be the setting for your education. You can find employment
opportunities in Arizona or any state with the skills you'll perfect at Apollo College.
Therapists in this field are much sought after today. This is because the job market is
rapidly growing for qualified professionals. The potential is there for jobs in gyms, spas,
hospitals, doctor's offices, aboard cruise ships and many other exciting work locations.

You can easily learn more about this industry and the opportunities available after completing your massage
therapy training at this fine massage college . It's easy to receive all the necessary information you might need to
make your decision by filling out the school's online request form.

To learn more, click > Apollo College in Mesa, Arizona


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama, Colorado, to Delaware

Apollo College in Tucson, Arizona

Choosing the right school for massage therapy courses and training is very important to your success. Hands-on
training in small classes means that you will obtain the quality instruction you need to become a well-qualified
professional therapist.

When considering which school to select as a top-notch massage school, AZ offers Apollo College in Tucson. The
college is located at 3870 N. Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ 85705.

Since 1976, Apollo College has provided students with first-rate instructors who teach by using hands-on instruction
and individual attention to each student's needs. The practical, real-world training offered through internships at
local businesses helps students learn how to interact and communicate with real clients who need massage therapy.

Tucson is a wonderful small city in which to learn the skills that will take you on the road to a new and exciting
career. Set in the beautiful desert scenery and majestic landscapes, you will find peaceful venues to enjoy while
learning proficiencies needed to become a professional in one of the fastest growing employment sectors.

Take a minute and learn more about this fine massage college in Arizona. It is easy to receive the pertinent
information on the Apollo School for massage training to decide if becoming a therapist in this well recognized
field is the right choice for you. Just fill out the convenient online school form and you will quickly receive back
answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > Apollo College in Tucson


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Arizona School of Massage Therapy in Tempe

If you are seeking a top quality massage school, AZ offers the Arizona School of Massage Therapy in Tempe. This
school is located at 1409 West Southern Ave., Suite 6, Tempe, Arizona, 85282. This school provides training in the
beneficial healing techniques required to become successful in this rapidly growing health care field.

The massage therapy courses that the Arizona School offers will instruct you in the most natural ways to heal using
nurturing human touch. This form of physical therapy reduces stress and depression. You will learn how to
alleviate pain and reinforce the body's immune system. The school focuses on instruction on how to improve
muscle fiber lubrication, thus enabling muscles to operate optimally. The techniques you will learn increase
circulation and flexibility, allowing your clients to feel an overwhelming sense of well-being, energy and
peacefulness. You can be assured the skills you learn will help you gain confidence and ready you for job

If you desire a career in a field that can make a huge difference in the quality of life of your clients, it is easy to
learn more about one of the finest massage therapy schools anywhere, just contact the school through their easy
online request form and they will quickly provide you with all the details.

To learn more, click > Arizona School of Massage Therapy at Tempe, Arizona

Massage Training Tip: Conversation

Reserve conversation with your clients to before and after their massage session. During the massage, remain
quiet, talking only in response to a question or statement by the client. This permits the client to enjoy
maximum relaxation. Explain to a new client that you will be quiet during the massage and ask them to tell
you if they are uncomfortable or if you are applying pressure that is too soft or too hard for their personal
taste. During conversation before the massage session, avoid talking about yourself excessively; instead
express interest in your client's well-being.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Arizona School of Massage Therapy in Phoenix

If you are seeking a massage school, AZ offers the Arizona School of Massage Therapy. Located at 9201 North 29th
Avenue, Suite 35, Phoenix, Arizona 85051.

It can be difficult to select from the many massage therapy schools which offer massage training and courses. This
Phoenix school, however, is an exceptional choice because their trained staff teach the very latest bodywork
therapies and massage-based skills. This is to ensure their students enjoy the benefits of being counted among the
finest professional therapists upon completing the massage training courses.

Did you know it only takes seven months to complete your training? You can find yourself working in one of the
many exciting workplaces which need qualified therapists: spas, gyms, cruise ships, doctor's offices, hospitals,
physical rehabilitation centers, and private massage centers. In fact, you'll be qualified in only seven months to
join in one of the fastest grown fields of employment available! This massage education center enjoys a 97 percent
placement rate.

It is also important to mention that there is a financial aid program available for
qualified applicants. You can begin working toward your dream career by learning more
this great massage school today! Simple use the school's online request form and they
will quickly reply with answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > Arizona School of Massage Therapy in Phoenix, Arizona


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Cortiva Institute: Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, Arizona

Are you seeking one of the finest massage therapists schools in Arizona for your massage courses and training?
You'll be excited to learn that Cortiva Institute also known as The Desert Institute of the Healing Arts (DIHA) in
Tucson, Arizona is one of the most reputable holistic healing schools anywhere. The school classroom campus is
located at 639 N 6th Avenue, in Tucson which is only a short distance off Interstate 10.

Whether you want day or evening classes, DIHA will provide comprehensive massage therapist training in less than
12 months. DIHA is accredited and will prepare you to excel at the National Board exams. You'll receive
comprehensive training in the classroom and hands-on training in the labs, practicing your skills with supervision on
actual clients.

With massage therapy and holistic healing being in such high demand today, you will
want to join this wave of the future. You'll enter an exciting career field that is both
personally and financially satisfying with job placement readily available. It's easy to
request the information you need to learn more about this fine massage institute. You
can be one step closer to getting your questions answered.

To learn more, click > Cortiva Institute: Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, Arizona


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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College in Phoenix, Arizona

Do you want to find a massage therapy school in Arizona that provides a balanced and flexible education? Do many
of the massage therapists schools in Arizona fail to meet your expectations? You'll be glad to learn that one
Phoenix massage therapy school can provide you both the flexibility of schedule and comprehensive education.

Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College offers a basic massage therapist program that allows you to graduate in 8 to
10 months (32 - 40 weeks), or you can choose to continue and add a Spa Massage Specialty Training to your
education by attending only four additional months.

In the basic program, you'll learn Swedish, Corporate, Chair, Myofascial, Geriatric, Lymphatic, Pregnancy and
Reflexology techniques to help your clients feel better and experience better health. The Spa Specialty will add
Reiki, Trigger Point, Cranial-Sacral, Thai, Ayurvedial and stone techniques as well as muds, wraps and
aromatherapy. Learning Spa massage techniques is a niche offering indemand job opportunities. Not only will you
be able to earn a lucrative living in one of the many exciting workplaces that require trained professionals, but
you'll enjoy personal satisfaction by helping people feel better no matter what facility you choose to share your
therapeutic touch.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

RainStar University - College of Therapeutic Massage - Scottsdale, Arizona

One of the massage degree programs at a holistic school that can provide a balanced training plan for you is found
at the RainStar University - College of Therapeutic Massage in Scottsdale, Arizona. This holistic healing school
offers a course that will help you excel at your career. Attending the massage certification degree program at
RainStar, you will obtain a balanced education combining classroom work and hands-on clinical experience during
the massage certification programs; this holistic school even has its own holistic health practice where you will
gain real-life experience.

Real life, hands-on experience will allow you to perfect your skills. You'll learn Eastern Modalities, Myofascial
Release, Sports, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Cranio-sacral, Thai, Lomi Lomi and Swedish massage as well as
Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage bodywork techniques. Upon completion of the program, you'll find yourself in high
demand by many exciting workplaces or you can open your own practice. Every day you'll know that you help
people feel better, experience less pain and enjoy greater well-being. At the same time, you'll gain personal
satisfaction and financial rewards.

A visit to their university might be just the thing to do to assist you in making this important career choice,
especially if you live in the Scottsdale, Arizona area and are looking for a holistic school that mets your education
needs. You may also find another school of choice, by reviewing all the massage schools in Arizona.

Massage Business Building Ebook

If you are just thinking about building a massage business we offer a whole section of articles to help you.
Amy Roberts is a massage professional that you will enjoy learning from. Her articles provide many excellent
examples of what to do and what not to do. Her ebooks are geared toward helping you build a large client
base and keep your clients happy.

To learn more about Amy and read reviews of her ebooks, visit > Massage Business Building Articles


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arizona

The Bryman School in Phoenix, Arizona

One of the best massage therapy schools, Arizona' s Bryman School in Phoenix will train you in every aspect of
professional massage therapy. The Bryman School is one of the most respected, best accredited therapeutic
massage schools which is affiliated with the High-Tech Institute. You can easily find the campus at: 2250 W. Peoria
Ave., Suite A-100, in Phoenix, AZ 85029.

With courses in the entire range of massage therapy, including sport massage courses, you'll graduate from Bryman
ready to enter one of the most in-demand fields in health care today.

It doesn't take years to prepare for this exciting career field. Many career fields take years of intensive study and
upon completion jobs are competitive and hard to find. With the courses and training you receive at The Bryman
School you'll be prepared to help clients with natural health care in a field that is growing at a fast pace. The field
of massage therapy is rapidly growing as the demand for natural healing grows. You skills will allow you to provide
therapy for everything from pain relief to recovery from injuries. Graduates of Bryman are highly sought after by
sports teams, hospitals, spas, physical therapy clinics, salons, cruise ships and more.

If you are searching for a new career that makes a difference in people's lives, the natural health care field today
may be an opportunity you will want to research. You can learn about the job security this industry offers which
ensures your field of training can never be outsourced.

It is easy to request more information by filling out the school's convenient online request form. You will quickly
learn more about their courses, financial aid, student massage school loans and other services to help you train for
your new career.

To learn more, click > The Bryman School in Phoenix, Arizona

Massage Training Tips: Listen

Learn to listen to your clients. Massage often brings out emotional release and
your client may feel the need to talk to you. Remember that you are not a
psychotherapist and never attempt to advise or analyze the client, but do create a
safe environment where the client can express themselves. Encourage the client
by letting them know that emotional release is normal and a natural result of
massage and that you will be happy to listen in total confidence.

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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Arizonia

The Bryman School - Tempe, Arizona

The Bryman School of Tempe, Arizona offers students the training and skills that will lead to successful
employment. The Bryman School continues to evaluate and update educational programs, provide modern facilities
and training equipment and select instructors with professional experience in the vocations they teach.

These instructors have the ability to motivate and develop students to their greatest potential. Bryman Institute's
goal is to promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success on the job and in society.

You will have the practical experience to obtain employment as a massage therapist in a number of healthcare
settings, including medical and rehabilitation clinics, hospitals, and doctors’ and chiropractors’ offices.
Opportunities also exist in health spas, hotels, fitness centers, sports organizations, tourist destinations, and cruise
ships. There is the possibility of going into private practice as well.

Employment is expected to steadily grow over the next few years. There will be an increased demand for massage
services for management of pain and prevention of physical disabilities from injury or disease.

Amy Roberts is a skilled massage therapist who offers several excellent ebooks for helping those interested in
massage careers build their practices.

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Arkansas

White River School of Massage in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Would you love to attend one of the Arkansas massage therapist schools in the beautiful Ozark Mountains? White
River School of Massage in Fayetteville provides you that opportunity. The modern facilities are located at 2503
Hiram Davis Place. By training in the art and science of this health care field, you'll be prepared upon graduation
to enter the in-demand world of professional therapy.

The massage therapist training in Arkansas provided by White River meets, and often exceeds, all industry
standards. This means you will be fully qualified to enter your career with self-confidence and assurance that you
know how to practice this healing art effectively. Your clients will feel safe in your hands while you apply
techniques that will help them experience reduced levels of pain, enjoy increased circulation and improved
immune system response, improve flexibility and allow their bodies to heal without the use of invasive therapies or
potentially dangerous or addictive medications.

Many United States massage schools provide extremely short courses of study, but this is not really a value if you
do not perfect your skills. By choosing White River, you'll enjoy a comprehensive, balanced education that provides
thorough knowledge of the human body and how it works as well as the hands-on techniques to perform bodywork

Because White River School of Massage is a respected educational facility, students may apply for internship at a
local rehabilitation facility. If selected, valuable experience working with real clients will be rewarding and help
you to develop client relationships at the next level.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the need for trained professionals in the field of natural healing arts
will increase significantly over the next five years. This is great news because so many jobs are being threatened
by outsourcing. By becoming a qualified Arkansas massage therapist, you'll find yourself in demand by employers
that require your service such as hospitals, salons, spas, resorts, private clinics, nursing homes and many more.

Choosing a career in massage therapy can truly change your life. Instead of slaving away to earn
a meager living, you'll experience spiritual fulfillment by helping people feel better while
earning a great income.

If you want a real career but don't feel that four years or more of college is for you, you will want to further
investigate your options in the bodywork and massage therapy field. It's easy to receive information from the
school by filling out their online request form. You will quickly receive answers to your important questions.

Learn more about this Arkansas massage school, click > White River School of Massage.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

Boulder College of Massage Therapy – Boulder, Colorado

If you want to attend a Boulder massage therapy school with a wide range of curriculum choices, then Boulder
College of Massage Therapy is possibly the perfect place for your professional training.

Located on the northeastern portion of Boulder's Metro area at 6255 Longbow Drive, the campus is just off North
63rd Street and easily accessible from Colorado Highway 119, a major thoroughfare. Students from nearby Niwot,
Ligett, Ordell, and other neighboring communities will find this diverse education institution within an easy
commute range. For spending time outdoors while studying or taking a break, you'll find Six-Mile and Boulder
Reservoirs convenient. Attending studies along the beautiful Front Range of the Rocky Mountains is a great

During your Colorado massage training at BCMT, you can choose to attend the 1,000-hour program and learn four
hands-on techniques including Zen Shiatsu, Swedish Therapeutic, Normalization of Soft Tissue, and Therapeutic
Integrative modalities. You could choose to ender the Associate of Occupational Studies in Massage Therapy degree
program which combines bodywork modalities with further human body mechanics and physiology studies. There's
even an Advanced Bodywork Studies program for those who wish to continue their education and add additional
certifications to their resumes.

These Boulder massage classes are taught by more than 45 faculty members, all possessing experience as skilled
professionals and instructors. No only will be assisted by faculty in hands-on practice in the BCMT massage clinic,
but you may qualify for internship and outreach programs. With real-life, hands-on experience, you'll find yourself
ready to enter the professional world of bodywork after graduating and completing necessary professional
credential processes.

There is no much more to learn about this Boulder massage therapy school. To obtain a full portfolio of facts and
information, simply contact the school for more information through their convenient online request form. You will
receive a prompt, detailed response.

To learn more, click > Boulder College of Massage Therapy in Boulder, Colorado


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

Cambridge College in Aurora, Colorado

Are you searching among the Colorado massage therapy schools for a therapeutic massage school that will prepare
you for a career in the in-demand field of natural healing arts?

Search no further than Aurora, Colorado where you will find Cambridge College. The campus is easily found at: 350
Blackhawk St. Aurora, CO 80011.

In only 19 months, the massage training you'll receive at Cambridge College will provide you with all the skills and
certifications you need to begin your new career. You will receive supervised, hands-on training in:

● Swedish massage
● hydrotherapy
● sports
● deep tissue
● chair massage
● reflexology
● aromatherapy
● lymphatic drainage and space treatments

Plus you will also receive education in anatomy, physiology, pathology, nutrition, stress management, wellness,
first aid and CPR, which will prepare you to operate your own massage therapy business or work in many exciting
workplaces that offer healing body work and natural health care.

Learn how to help your clients reduce stress, heal from injuries and illnesses, renew energy, increase flexibility
and improve posture. You'll find yourself in demand when you graduate from Cambridge College located in the
Denver metro area of Aurora, Colorado.

If you are contemplating a career change into an idustry where you can take pride in your work, learning about
your choices at, may be the first step.

To learn more, click > Cambridge College in Aurora


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama, Colorado, to Delaware

Cortiva Institute: Muscular Therapy Institute in Greenwood Village, Colorado

Learn therapeutic massage at the best Colorado massage school, Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute in
Greenwood Village, Colorado. This massage therapy school is located on the south side of Denver, just off I-25 for
an easy commute no matter where in metro Denver you live.

Today, massage therapists are much sought after because more and more people are demanding natural health
care instead of medications and invasive therapies. At Cortiva Institute, you'll learn the techniques which allow the
human body to improve circulation and heal itself. You'll enjoy helping clients experience faster healing of
injuries, reduced pain levels and acheive a better level of self esteem. You'll find exciting work at ski resorts and
sports centers, as well as salons, and spas. Employment opportunities can be very creative and lucrative as well as
stable, fulfilling and profitable.

Enjoy learning the art of massage therapy at the foot of the majestic Rocky Mountains.
Learn more about and if you like you can register today to and your journey toward a
new career.

To learn more, click > Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute in Greenwood Village, Colorado


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Colorado

Denver School of Massage Therapy - Aurora Campus

Of the available massage schools, Denver Colorado offers the Denver School of Massage Therapy's Aurora Campus
which is located at The Plaza at Aurora Mall, 14107 East Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012. Located on the east
side of the Denver metro area, you'll find a beautiful campus with convenient transportation awaiting your arrival.

This fine school provides excellent classes and a full curriculum to prepare you to enter the in-demand field of
therapeutic massage. State licensing exams will be a breeze after completing your training at what is often called
the best of the massage schools Denver CO has to offer.

You'll learn how to manipulate the human body to relieve pain, assist the natural healing
process, relax tight or tense muscles, improve immune system response, speed healing from
accidents and injuries, and much more during your hand-on training experience at Denver School
of Massage Therapy's Aurora Campus.

Begin your pathway to a new, exciting, life purpose career by contacting the school today through their online
request form. You will quickly receive answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > Denver School of Massage Therapy Aurora Campus


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

Denver School of Massage Therapy - Westminster Campus

Did you know that among the massage schools Denver, Colorado has to offer, there's one that can provide you all
the training needed in as little as seven months to fully prepare you to enter the lucrative and in-demand field of
alternative healing?

Not only will you attended hands-on classes at this Colorado massage school, state licensing testing will be easy
after completely the curriculum at one of the most comprehensive massage schools Denver, CO has to offer.

By attending the Denver School of Massage Therapy at their Westminster Campus, you'll be attending a school that
doesn't just MEET the standards set by national certification and regulatory boards - this school EXCEEDS the
requirements. You'll learn the art and science of massage therapy as well as all the sound business practices to
prepare you for success in the marketplace. Light energy work, structure bodywork modalities, Eastern and
Western theory and techniques and treatment of specific pain and dysfunction are all part of the holistic approach
to health taught by this fine school.

Don't delay entering this growing field; you'll want to begin your journey to your new exciting life purpose career
by contacting the school located in south central Denver metro at Westminster, CO, 8991 Harlan Street, Suite B,
Westminster, CO 80031. When you fill out the school's online request form, you will quickly receive answers to your
most important questions.

To learn more, click > Denver School of Massage Therapy's Westminster Campus


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Colorado

Everest College - South Campus - Aurora, Colorado

Attending a Colorado massage therapy school can allow you entry into an exciting, lucrative profession. But
choosing just the right school from the Colorado massage schools can be a difficult and a confusing task. One of
the massage colleges in Colorado you will be happy to learn about is Everest's College – South Campus in Aurora.
Located at 14280 East Jewel Avenue, Suite 100, this school is easy to access from Interstate 25.

During your training, you will learn to use your sense of touch and manual dexterity as well as the knowledge
gained in the classroom to assist your clients by applying therapeutic techniques to relieve pain, improve
circulation, lower blood pressure and promote other beneficial health results. Upon graduation and completion of
the national board exams, you can choose to open your own clinic or work in one of many exciting workplace such
as hospitals, spas, salons, resorts, hotels, wellness centers and many others. There is a surge in the demand for
qualified bodywork professionals and the growth is expected to continue through the next ten years. You can
position yourself in this growing industry and find fulfillment in a career that can grow with you through the years.

You can easily learn more about the curriculum at this great massage college, by contacting and requesting
complimentary information to receive answers to all your important questions.

To learn more, click > Everest College - South Campus in Aurora, Colorado

Massage School Training Tips: Pre-Session Discussion

When a new client arrives at your massage business for a session, take a few minutes to greet them and show
them around the clinic, including restrooms and dressing rooms. Explain to the client exactly what to expect
such as what clothing to remove, how you will drape them, how long the massage will last, the types of oils
you plan to use. Ask for your new client's input about specifics such as whether they prefer relaxing music or
silence during their therapeutic treatment, if they want candles lighted or simply dim ambient light.
Providing massage clients with what they want helps ensure repeat appointments.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Denver

Everest College - North Thornton Campus in Denver, Colorado

Are you searching through the massage schools Denver CO has to offer seeking the right school for your needs?
If you live on the north side, you may be finding lots of massage therapy schools in Denver but dreading the long
commute. One Metro Denver school of massage therapy you will want to know about is Everest College – North
Campus in Thornton. Located at 9065 Grant Street, attending Everest College means you never have to fight the
traffic jams or travel long distances in the winter snow. This school is an easy commute from any of the north side
Denver Metro communities.

While attending Everest College, you will learn therapeutic techniques through hands-on supervised clinical
practices and learn about the human body and business skills through classroom education. This blend of learning
techniques will provide you the balance of knowledge you need to become successful. Understanding the human
body, you'll know which techniques will be most beneficial in each client's case. With the business skills, you'll be
able to communicate and maintain records. With your sense of touch, you'll be able to use manual skills to relieve
pain, improve health and much more.

To learn all the details about this reputable massage school, simply contact them through the school's online
request form. It is easy receive complimentary information and get answers to all your important questions.

To learn more, click > Everest College - North Campus in Thornton, Colorado near Denver


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

Heritage Institute - Denver, Colorado Massage Schools

If a career in therapeutic massage is in your future, you are probably reviewing the massage schools Denver has to
offer. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about Heritage Institute. Located on the northwest side of Denver, just
off Interstate 270 and convenient to Interstate 70, you find the campus modern and the staff well-trained and very

Not all Denver massage therapy schools provide the hands-on training you'll experience at Heritage Institute. This
is because students who have progressed in their training practice can further develop their skills in the schools
hands-on clinic. This gives the student an opportunity to build real life skills before entering the workplace. Upon
completing your Associate degree, you'll be ready to obtain your credentials and enter one of the many
employment possibilities. Resorts, ski lodges, sports teams, and many other employers need trained health care
professionals to meet the needs of this growing industry.

Choosing a massage therapist career may be one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Selecting
Heritage Institute for your training, where you'll learn Swedish, Asian and Japanese massage as well as glean
information about Chinese medicine, may lead you toward a future doing satisfying work you will love.

This Denver massage school also has financial aid assistance available to students who meet the qualifications. You
can learn more about their program and other benefits of attending this fine Denver institution by requesting
information through their online form.

To learn more, click > Heritage College in Denver, Colorado


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Alabama, Colorado, to Delaware

Institute for Business and Medical Careers - Fort Collins, Colorado

If you want to continue your education at a fine Colorado institute, massage therapy may be just the career choice
for you.

The Institute of Business and Medical Careers in Fort Collins, Colorado offers a program that is considered among
the finest available. IBMC is conveniently located at 1609 Oakridge Drive, just off East Harmony Road. It is easy to
access, only a little over three miles west of Interstate 25. Whether you live in Fort Collins or anywhere in Denver
Metro, you'll find the commute to class simple and easy.

This Colorado massage school prepares you in very way to sit for the national board exams
and become a licensed professional, qualified to practice this form of natural health care.
You'll learn through classroom theory and hands-on supervised clinical practice to use your
sense of touch and manual dexterity to manipulate the muscles and soft tissues of your
clients to improve their sense of health and correct many common health problems. Your
clients will enjoy improved circulation, lowered blood pressure, pain relief, improved
immune response, faster healing and many other benefits. You'll be ready to provide
techniques such as Swedish, chair, infant, prenatal, sports, Asian, neuro-muscular therapies,
reflexology and hydrotherapy.

By completing your massage training in Colorado, you'll be able to enjoy a career that is satisfying both personally
and financially. Natural health care is enjoying a huge surge in growth and popularity and there are too few
trained professionals to provided the services needed by a health conscious public.

To learn all about this Colorado institute, massage therapy classes and student services, simply contact the school
through their online request form. You will quickly receive a reply with answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > Institute of Business and Medical Careers in Fort Collins, Colorado.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

IntelliTec Medical Institute - Colorado Springs, Colorado

Are you eager to prepare for a great career by attending massage school? Colorado Springs, Colorado is a beautiful
place to prepare for your career and IltelliTec Medical Institute is a great school to learn the skills you need. This
school was established in 1966 and the campus at 2345 N. Academy Boulevard is convenient and the spacious. It
consists of a two-story facility which houses up-to-date equipment.

At this Colorado institute, massage therapy is taught hands-on and other learning methods include presentations
and classroom techniques. You also have two different programs that you can choose from, for entry level
employment you can choose to earn a professional certification diploma. Or if you are more inclined to want to
open your own practice you might want to get an Associate of Occupational Sciences degree.

After successfully completing your Colorado massage classes at IntelliTec, you'll be prepared to obtain your
professional credentials and license so you can begin working. There are so many wonderful choices awaiting you.
You can work in ski resorts, spas, and hotels if you are looking for some interesting environments. Or you can work
in the more traditional healthcare environments, such as doctor's offices, and medical facilities.

If you would like to learn more about this fine massage training institute, you can easily request information by
filling out the school's online request form. They will quickly reply with answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > IntelliTec Medical Institute in Colorado Springs


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Colorado Massage Schools

IntelliTec College in Pueblo, Colorado

Are you searching through the Colorado massage therapy schools for the one that fits your needs? Perhaps
IntelliTech College in Pueblo is the best choice for you. Since 1984, students have been preparing for careers at
the modern campus at 3673 Parker Boulevard in the Northe Pointe Business Center. Located just off Pueblo
Boulevard and near Highway 50, the campus is convenient from anywhere in the Pueblo area.

This massage therapist training in Colorado offers a choice between a professional certificate program and the
Associate of Occupational Studies degree. You'll be offered the knowledge and hands-on learning to fully prepare
to sit for the national board exams and enter the world of professional employment.

As one of the nationally accredited massage schools Colorado offers, IntelliTec College
is qualified to participate in a wide range of financial aid programs available to those
who qualify. The admissions representatives will be happy to help you learn more
about assistance as well as the full range of student services.

To learn all about this Colorado massage therapy school, you can contact IntelliTec College through their online
information request form. You'll promptly receive all the facts about how training at this reputable massage
college can help you become a successful professional.

To learn more, click > IntelliTec College in Pueblo, Colorado


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Colorado Massage Schools

IntelliTec College - Grand Junction, Colorado

Is earning a professional certification or Associate of Occupational Science degree from a Colorado massage school
your goal? IntelliTech College in Grand Junction may be just the place to achieve this goal. Nestled in the Rocky
Mountains, the campus at 772 Horizon Drive has been preparing students for real-world employment since 1984.

This massage therapy college in Colorado offers students the education and skills to become successful in the
workplace. By learning the modalities used in bodywork, graduates have found satisfying employment in resorts,
spas, hospitals and many other places requiring caring, skilled therapists.

Upon completing your massage therapist training, successfully sitting for the national board exams and obtaining
your license, you'll be ready to help people feel better in many ways. Clients will come to you to gain relief from
pain, increased mobility, greater flexibility and better sports performance as well as many other benefits your
skills will provide.

To learn how this Colorado massage school can prepare you for your future, you simply contact them through the
school's online information request form. They will gladly provide all the facts and information you need about
classes, registration, fees and more.

To learn more, click > IntelliTec College in Grand Junction, Colorado

Massage Training Tips: Continuing Education

Once you complete your training and receive your massage license, don't stop
learning. Continue taking courses in different techniques so that you can enhance
your menu of massage services.

For instance, Spa Massage is very popular, and if licenseing in your state permits, add energy work, Reiki, and
other therapies to make your massage clinic as attractive to the client as possible.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Colorado

Kaplan College in Denver, Colorado

It is easy to choose wisely among the massage schools Denver Colorado offers because Kaplan College, (formally
The Denver Career College) will fully prepare you for Colorado massage school state licensing. This College is a
well known massage schools Denver, CO has to offer. The campus is located at: 500 E. Eighty-forth Avenue, Suite
W-200, Thornton, CO 80229.

At the foot of the scenic Rocky Mountains, you'll find yourself enjoying your training as you learn hands-on
techniques to help your clients experience better health and a sense of well being. You'll be prepared to enter into
exciting jobs with hospitals, ski resorts, gyms, spas and many other exciting workplaces where therapeutic massage
therapists are in high demand.

Why hesitate any longer getting the information you need to learn more about this exciting life purpose career
field. You can take the first step to a more satisfying career by contacting the school campus today through their
online school request form. You will quickly learn when you can sign up for courses or receive more information on
their curriculum.

To learn more, click > Denver Career College in Denver, Colorado

Massage Training Tips: Water:

Stock both chilled bottled water and room temperature water at your massage business
and offer it to clients complimentary. Encourage them to drink a lot of water and explain
the importance of flushing out toxins released from their tissue after a massage. Help
them understand how properly hydrated skin looks and feels younger and their body's
need for fluids.

Be sure you also drink a lot of water as well to keep hydrated during the day thus setting
the right example for your massage business clients.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Connecticut

Branford Hall Career Institute - Branford, Connecticut

Connecticut therapeutic massage courses can open the door to the future for you. By attending a CT school for
massage therapy, you can enter this in-demand profession ready to help people feel better and enjoy life more.
Branford Hall Career Institute in the town of Branford is one of the massage therapy schools Connecticut offers,
and is considered by many to be one of the very best anywhere. You can easily find the school campus at: One
Summit Place, Branford, CT 06405.

Upon graduation, you will find employment opportunities abound. You can open your own clinic or choose to work
in hotels, spas, resorts, cruise ships, salons, hospitals, long-term care facilities and many other exciting
workplaces. Each day, you'll find personal satisfaction while earning a very good income. Clients will come to you
for help in relieving pain, improving circulation, lowering blood pressure, greater flexibility, a greater sense of
well-being and reduced stress. In today's busy world, more and more people are turning to this natural healthcare
service to allow the body to heal itself.

Additional benefits of massage include it's assistance for stress relief and is another reason why many of your
clients will also seek your services. There are also many other bodywork skills that in time you can add to your
massage practice. This is a career that can grow with you through the years, and one that you can be proud of,
knowing the difference you can make in people's lives. Since you dictate your own hours, this is also a perfect
lifestyle career that can fit around your personal life and family.

You can learn all about this exceptional career opportunity as well as the training program at this quality massage
school, simply contact.

To learn more, click > Branford Hall Career Institute in Branford, Connecticut


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Connecticut Massage Schools

Branford Hall Career Institute in Windsor, Connecticut

Are you searching for the CT school for massage therapy that is the best fit for you? Of the massage schools in
Connecticut, Branford Hall Career Institute in Windsor provides the best training you'll find available. You can
easily find the campus at: 995 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095.

This Windsor massage training institution will prepare you in every way to began an exciting career in the health
and wellness field. You'll learn through classroom theory as well as hands-on training each skill required to
successfully operate your own clinic or work in one of the workplaces that require your services such as hospitals,
hotels, spas, sports centers, wellness centers, doctor's offices, resorts, cruise lines and many more.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the need for trained professionals in this field will
grow between 21% and 35% in the next five years. More and more people are turning to natural
healthcare services to help them feel better naturally. You'll be sought after to relieve pain,
improve flexibility, help the body's natural immune system fight illness, speed healing after
injury or surgery, as well as the many other benefits gained from this form of therapy.

To receive answers to your many questions, just fill out the school's online request form. You will quickly receive a

To learn more, click > Branford Hall Career Institute in Windsor, Connecticut


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Training Schools in Connecticut

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy in Newington, Connecticut

One big decision is choosing which of the massage schools in Connecticut to attend. Connecticut Center for
Massage Therapy in Newington focuses on massage teaching rather than providing a small program among many
other curricula.

With a modern campus located at 75 Kitts Lane, between Brockett Street and Superior Avenue, the location is
great for students commuting from surrounding areas like New Britain, East Farmington Heights, Wethersford and

As one of the respected Connecticut massage therapy schools, students learn hands-on how to practice the
modalities of ancient and modern therapies and even spa treatments. Both basic and advanced training is available
as well as day or evening classes.

By choosing massage courses in Connecticut, careers in spas, clinics and many professional workplaces are open to
graduates. Work in this healthcare field is exciting and satisfying. Every day becomes a new delight for
professionals with the calling for this in-demand work.

Massage Business Building Tips: Refer A Friend

Develop a “Refer A Friend” program.

Ask your clients to refer their friends to your business. On your intake form, place a
question about who referred them to your business or how they heard of you.

If an existing client referred a new customer, provide a special reward for the referring
client such as a discount on their next massage or a discount on other products you

For more business building tips, visit > Build Your Massage Business Ebook


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Connecticut

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy in Westport, Connecticut

The Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, located at 25 Sylvan Road South in Westport is a great place to
attend massage training in Connecticut. The campus is nestled between Riverside Avenue and Post Road West. The
location in the southern tip of the state allows the institute to provide quality education to surrounding areas such
as Norwalk, Owenoke, Green Farms, Fairfield, Greenfield Hill, and Gilbert Corners.

CCMT is one of the massage schools in Connecticut which provides both classroom and hands-on learning. Students
that study diligently can complete the program in as little as one year and become ready to obtain their
credentials and enter the working world.

Connecticut massage therapy classes at CCMT include modalities in ancient and modern therapies. Both basic and
advanced programs are available and students can choose day or evening classes. Financial aid may be available to
those students that meet certain requirements.

Massage Business Building Tips: Blog

Create a blog for your massage therapy business and niche it to your specific location and area. Explain the
history and benefits of the types of therapeutic massage you offer and how they will help address your clients
needs. Allow visitors to input questions about massage and natural health care therapies to which you respond
through comments. Offer weekly wellness tips, and gather email addresses of people who sign up for your tips
and offer special discounts only available online or through the newsletter.

For additional tips and articles on massage business building, click > Massage Therapy Articles


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Delaware

Deep Muscle Therapy School - Wilmington, Delaware

Do you want to continue your education in massage by attending workshops at a Delaware massage school? There is
no reason to stop your training when you complete your initial training. Deep Muscle Therapy School in Wilmington,
located at 5317 Limestone Road, give you the opportunity to advance your skills and develop new techniques to
better serve your clients.

This Wilmington massage therapy continuing education includes workshops that anyone can afford such as
Physiology of Trigger Points and Pain, a two-day workshop. This workshop focuses on relief from pain using muscle,
fascia, and trigger points when the exact pain source is not known. The Corrective Massage Techniques workshop
covers, in only two days, the basics of this modality as well as how to integrate it into your practice. Spa and Body
Treatments, including sea salt treatments, is another skill you can add to your resume through a two day workshop.

Another massage and muscle training you can learn is Russian Massage which is seldom covered in traditional
modality training. You'll find few clinics that include this technique on their menu of services and it can greatly
add to your client appeal. There are many other workshops available such as Reiki, stretching, and other bodywork

This Delaware massage school is a great way to add to your skills and continue your education in your chosen
career field. In order to attend these workshops, you need 500 hours of basic training. To learn about the details of
each course as well as the dates available, simply contact

To learn more, click > Deep Muscle Therapy School located in Wilmington, Delaware.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Delaware

Dawn Training Center - Wilmington, Delaware

Wilmington, Delaware massage schools include Dawn Training Center, located at 3700 Lancaster Avenue.

Here, you can prepare for an exciting, challenging and enjoyable future that will give you a purpose in life and
satisfaction from helping people feel better. The up-to-date facilities include an on-campus massage clinic where
students receive supervised hands-on training.

These massage classes in Delaware will teach you about how the human body works and how it can naturally heal
itself through the use of manipulation of muscle and connective tissue. You'll learn to develop treatment plans
where indicated and how to identify situations where this type of therapy is contraindicated because the goal of
the therapist is to help and never do harm to the client.

This Delaware massage therapy school will allow students that apply themselves to become qualified to work in
some interesting workplaces such as spas, resorts, private clinics, alternative medical centers and many other
places of employment. The need for qualified bodywork professionals is growing at a steady pace and this trend is
anticipated to continue for years to come as more people turn to holistic health care.

Choosing the Delaware massage school to attend is an important decision and you should have all the facts at hand
before you select the right place for your studies. By contacting the school through their online request form you
will quickly receive a reply back and someone will readily answer all your important questions about class
schedules, fees, and the curriculum.

To learn more, click > Dawn Training Center


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Locate More Massage Schools in Delaware

Harris School - Wilmington, Delaware

Attending one of the Delaware massage therapy schools can lead to a great future in natural health care and Harris
School may be just the place for you to obtain professional training.

The campus, located at 1415 Foulk Road, is easily accessed from either Concorde Pike or Interstate Highway 95 so
students commuting from Woodbrook, Ridgewood, or Wawaset Park will be able to get to their classes easily.

By obtaining massage training in Delaware, you’ll be prepared to sit for required certification and licensing
examinations. From there, the sky is the limit. You could work for one of the many employers in this growing field
who are seeking skilled therapists. Depending on your preference you could check out gyms, spas, hospitals and
rehabilitation facilities, or you might wish to open your own business.

These Wilmington massage classes are held in modern facilities where you will learn
through multiple teaching media such as lectures, observation, and hands-on training
under supervision of well-qualified instructors.

This Delaware massage school has a great deal to offer and you’ll want to learn all the details. You can easily
receive the information you need by clicking the following link. Next simply fill out the provided form to recieve
answers information from the school.

Click here, learn more about > Harris School in Wilmington, Delaware


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Delaware

National Massage Therapy Institute - Wilmington Delaware

Choosing between the different Delaware massage schools can be difficult. The National Massage Therapy Institute
in Wilmington, is located just south of Fairfax shopping center at 1601 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803.

At this school, you'll receive all the massage training necessary to fully prepare you for a career in this natural
healthcare service. Using classroom theory along with hands-on clinical training, you'll perfect all the skills needed
to help people feel better.

Today, more doctors are referring patients to holistic healthcare services to relieve chronic pain, speed healing
from injury or surgery, and reap other significant health benefits. As a professional therapist, you'll be capable of
assessing the client's needs and developing a therapy plan to meet those needs. There are few professions which
provide the personal satisfaction of truly making a positive difference the client's lives while earning a lucrative
income; this career path will provide you that satisfaction.

If you are interested in learning more about class schedules, costs, and the Wilmington
Campus its simple to contact the institute and request the information you need.
Simply click the following link, and fill out their confidential form.

To learn more click > National Massage Therapy Institute in Wilmington, Delaware.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Find More Florida Massage Therapy Schools

Advanced Career Training (ACT) in Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville is a great location in which to obtain massage training in Florida. Students, whether studying for their
first career as well as those seeking to train for a career rather than just a job, will find the Advanced Career
Training's 32-year history an assurance of the quality of education they can expect from their studies in
therapeutic bodywork. The Jacksonville campus of ACT has been in operation in Northeast Florida for over twenty
years and is the newest addition to the ACT campuses.

The massage classes in Florida offered by ACT include classroom lecture learning, laboratory learning, and hands-
on training to allow each student the opportunity to perfect the skill set needed for success in the growing field of
massage therapy.

The programs at this Florida massage therapy school are designed so that full-time students who apply themselves
to their studies can earn a certificate in less than one year. Upon earning your certificate and obtaining required
credentials and licensure, you'll be ready to enjoy earning a lucrative income while performing duties which truly
make a difference in the lives of people suffering pain, muscle tightness, stress, or recovering from accidents or

Located in the heart of Jacksonville at 3563 Phillips Highway, access to the campus is fast and easy from Interstate
95, Interstate 10 or Emerson Street. Only about one mile from the shores of the beautiful St. Johns River, part of
the Inter-Coastal Waterway, you can enjoy outdoor study time as pleasure craft and commercial ships cruise
peacefully along the river. Less than 10 miles to the east, the Atlantic Ocean offers many recreational
opportunities. Avid outdoors enthusiasts and campers will enjoy the nearby Osceola National Forrest and the
Okeechobee National Wildlife Preserve, each only a few miles from the campus.

This North Florida therapeutic massage school is perfect for students commuting from anywhere in the Greater
Jacksonville Metro area. From the northern-most Fernandina Beach to as far south as St. Augustine, students along
the beach fronts choose ACT for their professional masseur training. Orange Park, Baldwin, and Bryceville are only
a few of the other communities from which students commute to ACT.

To begin your massage training in North Florida at ACT, either a high school diploma or GED is
required. You will meet with an admission professional who can answer your questions about the
training process, and then complete an entrance evaluation. Financial aid may be available to
some students who meet certain qualifications.

After completing massage classes in North Florida, and obtaining your license to practice, you will find many
employment opportunities available in the Jacksonville area as well as other locations around the United States.
Major cruise lines docking in Port Jacksonville offer on-board therapeutic bodywork services. Spas, salons, beach
resort hotels, and wellness centers are only a few of the other places of employment which seek highly-qualified,
caring professionals to provide therapeutic massage to their clients.
To learn more, just enter your information by clicking > Advanced Career Training in Jacsonville, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Angley College - DeLand, Florida

Florida massage therapy school choices include Angley College in beautiful Deland, Florida. Of the massage therapy
schools in Florida, you simply won't find a better massage school or a more beautiful setting in which to enjoy your
education. You will find the campus at 230 North Woodland Boulevard Suite 310, Deland, FL 32720, located

Deland is located in central Florida, only 30 miles from the beautiful beaches located at Daytona Beach and just 50
miles from the exciting Kennedy Space Center. Deland offers all the charm of a small town and you'll find Angley
College nestled in Deland's downtown area. Whether you want to spend your study time along the beach or in the
tree filled settings in Deland, you will find the area relaxing and very conducive to study.

Angley College offers both day and night classes to fit the most challenging schedule requirements. Financial aid is
available to those who qualify. Clinical internships and externships are provided, plus on graduation, job
placement assistance is available.

It is easy to learn more about Angley College at Deland, Florida and their great massage school. They are happy to
send you information to help you determine if this is the right choice for you.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Concorde Career Institute - Jacksonville, Florida

You can train for a bright future by attending one of the North Florida massage therapist schools while having fun
in the sun. Concorde Career Institute in Jacksonville might be the right school for your career preparation and
skills development. You'll enjoy studying at the campus location of 7960 Arlington Expressway, only a few miles
from the beautiful Atlantic Ocean beaches. Students from Cosmo, Greenfield, Larsen, Hogan and other
communities nearby will find this location easy to access.

Massage training in Florida at CCI can be completed in as little as thirty-three weeks allowing you to quickly begin
the licensure process and move on to employment performing truly meaningful work. As a professional therapist,
you'll work closely with clients, using your hands to help their bodies heal naturally. People will seek your services
to improve circulation, lower blood pressure, increase mobility, and recover from accident or injury and many
other reasons.

This Florida massage school offers a broad spectrum of student services including assistance in locating the right
employment after graduation. The professional instructors are caring and up-to-date. The facilities and equipment
are modern and provide you the opportunity to learn using hands-on techniques.

To learn if this Florida massage therapist school is the right place for your education, you'll want more details. To
learn more, simply contact Concorde Career Institute in Jacksonville, Florida.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Daytona College Located in Holly Hill, Florida

If you want to earn your diploma in therapeutic bodywork while having fun in the sun, a Florida massage institute
is the perfect solution for you.

Daytona College, formally Daytona Institute of Massage Therapy, located in Holly Hill just north of Daytona Beach,
might be just the right place for your professional training. Only miles north of the world famous Daytona
Speedway, the campus is located at 1500 Ridgewood Avenue, which is also known as U.S. Highway 1. Students from
Ormond-by-the-Sea, South Daytona, Port Orange, Tomoka Estates, Harbor Oaks, and even Edgewater and New
Smyrna Beach will find the commute along Interstate 95 or U.S. 1 pleasant and quick.

This massage training school in Florida focuses not only on the modalities of bodywork, but also on the function
and structure of the human body. The program doesn't teach you simply how to perform a technique, but why that
technique works and is right for a certain situation. The comprehensive educational methodology ensures you have
the opportunity to apply yourself and learn all you need to become a successful Licensed Massage Therapist after
graduation and successful completion of the National Certification Exam.

Central Florida massage training provides a variety of employment opportunities right in sunny Florida. You might
find employment as a masseur at one of the elite Disney hotels in Orlando, on one of the many elegant cruise ships
leaving Florida ports, in hospitals, geriatric centers, corporate wellness center, and other workplaces requiring the
services of caring therapists. You might even decide you want to own your own business.

Is this the right Florida massage institute for you? Only you can make that decision. And to determine, you'll need a
full compliment of facts and details. The Institute will be happy to provide you details on upcoming classes,
registration, fees, books, and answer all your questions.

Just fill out the form once you click the following link > Daytona College, located in Holly Hill, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage Schools

Everest College Brandon Campus in Tampa, Florida

One way to develop skills for an in-demand career is Florida massage training. If you like the idea of using your
hands to help people feel better, you'll want to know about the program at Florida Metropolitan University –
Brandon Campus in Tampa. Located at 3924 Coconut Palm Drive, the campus is convenient for students commuting
from anywhere in the Tampa – St. Petersburg area.

There are many massage schools in Florida to choose from so you want to make sure you select the one that is
right for you. At FMU, you'll learn Eastern and Western theory and therapies as well as the broad range of other
modalities. You'll also develop business and ethical skills to help you become successful in the world of alternative
health care therapeutic treatments.

After earning your diploma at this Florida massage therapy school and passing the national board exam, you'll be
qualified to apply for employment in spas, onboard cruise ships, at sports centers and other great places of
employment. You'll enjoy providing services that will help your clients enjoy better health and an improved sense
of wellness.

There is a lot more to learn about Florida massage training at Everest College. The school is available to answer all
your important questions. To quickly obtain no-obligation information, simply fill out the school's online request
form and you will soon be on your way to an exciting new career.

To learn more, click > Everest College Brandon Campus in Tampa


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Programs

Everest College in Orange Park, Florida

Learning bodywork at a Florida massage therapy school near Jacksonville can qualify you for exciting work helping
people. Everest College (formally Florida Metropolitan University) in Orange Park is a choice you will want to
consider. The campus is conveniently located at 805 Wells Road, just south of Interstate 295 and accessible via
Highway 17. This south-central location is an easy commute for anyone in the Jacksonville metropolitan area.

During your Florida massage training, you'll learn the modalities and treatments that will help you become
successful in your future career. You'll also receive training in the business skills and ethics needed to participate
in today's high tech workplaces.

These massage classes in Florida will allow you to learn the skills and knowledge of the art and science of massage
that will allow you to apply for employment in spas, resorts, hospitals and many other places that need the
services of well-trained, caring professional therapists.

Everest College is happy to provide you with no-obligation information regarding schedules, when and how to
register, fees, student services, and any question to which you may need answers. Just fill out their online info
request form and all the details will quickly be on their way.

To learn more, click > Everest College located in Orange Park, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Everest College Pinellas Campus at Clearwater, Florida

Attending massage therapist training in Florida can lead to a satisfying and lucrative career. By choosing the best
fit for you from the Florida massage therapy schools, you'll be able to provide services, upon graduation, that will
truly help people feel better. One Florida state massage school you will want to know more about is Everest
College, formally known as Florida Metropolitan University (FMU) - Pinellas Campus in Clearwater.

If you choose to practice your career in Florida, there are so many exciting workplaces that will seek your services
like resorts, 5-star hotels, cruise ships, hospitals, doctor's offices, gyms, wellness centers and many, many more.
You'll also have all the knowledge and skills required to open your own practice. So many Floridians are seeking
natural health care in this nature-focused state. Because of the cost and concerns about safety of traditional
health care, people are turning to therapist to help their bodies operate more efficiently and heal naturally.

If you would like to know how to take advantage of the growth trend in this natural health care industry, you can
quickly obtain all the details through the school's convenient online info request form. Class sizes are small and fill
quickly so get answers to your many questions today.

To learn more, click > Everest College - Pinellas Campus in Clearwater, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage Training Programs

Everest College in Jacksonville, Florida

A Florida massage school can provide you with the education to succeed in the natural health care field. By
attending a Florida massage therapy school that provides a comprehensive education, you'll be fully prepared to
obtain your license and operate your own clinic or work in one of the many exciting workplaces which require
trained professionals.

Everest College, formally Florida Metropolitan University (FMU), is a provider of Jacksonville massage courses and
training. This fine college can provide you both classroom theory and hands-on clinical experience to ensure you
perfect all the needed skills to enter this career field with assurance and confidence.

Upon graduation, you'll be prepared to help your clients feel better by using your sense
of touch and manual dexterity to manipulate muscle and connective tissue to help
their bodies operate more efficiently. Clients will come to you for pain relief, relief
from muscle and joint stiffness, improve immune response, improved circulation,
lowered blood pressure and many other health benefits.

You can obtain all the details to learn about the comprehensive classes, schedules, and tuition fees, just fill out
the school's convenient online request form. You are one click away from recieving answers to your very important

To learn more, click > Everest College in Jacksonville, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Everest College - Lakeland, Florida

If you want to take massage therapy courses at one of the best massage therapy schools in Florida, then be sure
and learn about Everest College, formally Florida metropolitan University (FMU) in Lakeland. This University is a
well-respected Florida massage therapy school.

The demand for well trained, professional therapists is increasing at an amazing rate. The U.S. Department of
Labor estimates that by 2010, as many as 35% more therapists will be needed than today. This means that the
demand will definitely exceed the trained professionals available. Capitalize on this opportunity to enter an
exciting career field that will be both personally and financially satisfying. At FMU, you'll learn all the skills needed
to help your clients feel better, experience reduced pain, enjoy greater flexibility and less stress; plus, this natural
healing art allows the body's immune response to better fight disease.

Classes fill quickly; so it is a good idea to learn more about the massage therapy courses sooner than later due to
small class sizes. You can easily ask for more information through the school's online request form before the
classes are full for this next season. You can reserve your spot, get all the information your need, or even register.
An exciting life purpose career is just around the corner!

To learn more, click > at Everest College in Lakeland, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Everest College North Orlando Campus - Florida

Are you searching for the right FL massage therapy school? Do you want to attend Florida massage training and
enter this exciting natural health care industry as a trained professional? Then you'll want to learn about Orlando
massage therapy courses and training available at Everest College formally Florida Metropolitan University (FMU)
North Orlando Campus.

Upon graduation, you'll enter this field with self-confidence and the ability to help your clients feel better. Pain
relief, improved mobility, natural healing, a greater sense of well-being are only a few of the benefits your clients
will seek. Because FMU provides a blend of classroom learning and hands-on experience, you'll possess the precise
skills needed to provide the services in a safe and effective manner. You'll be able to open your own clinic or work
in one of the many workplaces requiring therapists such as hotels, spas, resorts, cruise ships, doctor's and
chiropractor's offices, hospitals and many more.

If you love working with people, you'll want to learn more about this satisfying career path. You can quickly
receive information directly from the school by filling out their online info request form. You will receive a reply
back providing answers to your many important questions.

To learn more, click > Everest College North Orlando Campus in Orlando, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage Schools

Everest College in South Orlando Campus - Florida

If you are searching through the massage schools in Florida and find it time consuming and confusing, you have
come to the right place. One Florida massage therapy school that can provide the kind of comprehensive education
you desire is located right in the heart of the southern business district of Orlando.

This Orlando massage therapist training opportunity is available to you through Everest College which was formally
Florida Metropolitan University (FMU) at their South Orlando Campus. This centrally located campus will prepare
you in every way to enter into a successful career in the in-demand field of therapy.

Upon graduation, you'll find may job opportunities available to you such as hotels, resorts,
spas, salons, doctor's offices, hospitals, gyms, wellness centers and more. You'll also be fully
qualified to open your own clinic if you choose. Because the demand for trained
professionals has been on the upswing for several years and this trend is expected to
continue, you'll have no problem earning a lucrative living while enjoying personal
satisfaction from helping people feel better.

To get started you will need more information about when their next classes begin, along with whatever other
questions you may have. You can easily receive this information through their online info request form that you
can fill out today to obtain complimentary, no-obligation details.

To learn more, click > Everest College in South Orlando, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Everest College in Tampa , Florida

Are you searching though the confusing information about schools for massage therapy? Your search has ended! The
massage training and courses at the most respected Florida massage therapy school are just waiting for you to sign
up! Everest College, formally Florida Metropolitan University (FMU) in Tampa, Florida offers everything you can
want to learn this in-demand healing art.

Today more than ever, people are demanding drug-free, non-invasive therapies to heal their bodies and give them
a greater sense of wellness. At FMU, you'll learn all the aspects of massage in small classroom groups as well as
hands-on laboratory experience with real clients.

Massage therapy offers clients better immune response, less pain, faster healing from surgery or illness, deep
relaxation and much more. You'll be qualified to enter exciting workplaces such as hospitals, spas, cruise ships,
gyms, sports centers, medical clinics, or open your very own practice.

If you would like to learn you can easily do so by requesting information through Everest College's online info
request form. They will quickly reply providing answers to your important questions. Because the class size is small
you can easily receive information today.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Tampa, Florida


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida College of Natural Health: Campuses in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota,

and Orlando Area

A natural health school in Florida can prepare you for a career which focuses on helping people maintain and
improve their health. In as little as four months of dedicated study, you can be on your way to a lucrative, exciting
career in which employment is plentiful by attending Florida College of Natural Health.

This Florida massage college has been preparing bodywork professionals for careers for more than twenty years.
Certificate and diploma programs in massage therapy, spa massage, physical fitness, as well as other natural
health programs allow you to select the training path that is best for your unique needs.

Florida Holistic Programs: Massage Associate of Science Degree Programs

Advanced Massage
Massage and Physical Fitness
Massage and Skin Care
Massage and Spa Training
Paramedical Skin Care

Bachelor of Science Natural Health Degree

Natural Health with Concentration in Spa Management

Florida Skin Care Certificate Programs

Skin Care and Electrology Training Program
Skin Care and Nail Technology Training Program
Skin Care Training

Florida Massage License Program

Therapeutic Massage Training Program

Because FCNH is also a qualified skin care school in Florida you can select from certificate programs in either in-
demand fields of natural skin care and electrology. You might prefer to combine massage and skin care by earning
an Associate of Science in Natural Health which concentrates on therapeutic massage and skin care or an A.S.
which concentrates on advanced paramedical skin care. This flexibility of study programs permits the student to
choose the direction of studies so they can receive specialized training in areas on which they wish to focus their
future success.

Florida College of Natural Health features four campuses for those students who wish to earn their credentials in
the State of Florida. Each campus is accredited by ACCSCT and COMTA. While learning therapeutic massage or skin
care, crucial hands-on experience is gained at each campus' public clinic.

The objective of FCNH is to ensure each student completing one of the programs is fully prepared for excelling
when sitting for the required certification and licensure exams. Each student also receives a sound knowledge base
in business skills, anatomy and physiology of the human body, and the latest modalities and techniques which are
in demand.
To learn more about the campus near you, click a link for your school of choice and enter your information.

Florida College of Natural Health - Miami Campus

For students seeking a South Florida massage therapy or skin care education, the Miami campus, located at
7925 Northwest Twelfth Street at the junction of 79th Avenue, offers modern facilities in a lush tropical
setting. Only eight blocks west of Interstate 95, students from Edison Center, El Porto, Little River, the
Greater Miami Metro area and the barrier islands will enjoy an easy commute to class. The campus is only a
few miles from Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve and approximately three miles from the white sand beaches
along the Atlantic Ocean. Miami, home of many celebrities and movie stars, also offers South Beach night life
and many other fun activities while relaxing from your studies.

To learn more, click > Miami Massage Therapy and Skin Care Classes

Florida College of Natural Health - Ft. Lauderdale Campus

The Ft. Lauderdale campus of the Florida College of Natural Health is located at 2001 West Sample Road in
Pompano Beach. Housed in a modern three-story building, the facility features plenty of glass windows to
allow great natural lighting for classroom and laboratory work. Just off Interstate 95 and Florida's Turnpike,
students frequently choose FCNH for the convenient commute from Deerfield Beach, Highlands, Coral Springs,
Cocoanut Creek and other towns surrounding the Ft. Lauderdale area. The campus is only a few miles from
the Atlantic beaches and Blue Lake is in close proximity for relaxing and studying outdoors.

To learn more, click > Ft. Lauderdale Massage Therapy and Skin Care Programs

Florida College of Natural Health - Mailand Campus in Central Florida

Also available is a Central Florida massage therapy campus which also offers skin care programs. Located just
off Interstate 4, the 2600 Lake Lucerne Drive campus in Maitland is convenient for students from the entire
Greater Orlando Metro area including Altamonte Springs, Lockhart, and all the suburbs. Lake Lucerne is
adjacent to the campus and the Lucerne area is home to some of the most modern medical facilities in
Central Florida. The Orlando area is a famous vacation destination and home to many theme parks, resorts,
and other locations where you may decide to practice your skills after graduation and licensing.

To learn more, click > Central Florida Massage Therapy and Skin Care Programs

Florida College of Natural Health - Sarasota/Manatee Campus

If a therapeutic massage school on Florida's West Coast is best for you, then the Sarasota/Manatee campus at
616 67th Street Circle East in Bradenton may offer the perfect location for your studies. Housed in an ultra-
modern single story facility, the campus can be easily accessed from Route 64, also called Manatee Avenue
East. You'll enjoy developing your skills in a setting which is only minutes from Tampa Bay and Bradenton
Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. This campus is perfect for students residing anywhere in the Tampa/St.
Petersburg Metro area and the towns along the barrier islands.

To learn more, click > Florida West Coast Massage Therapy and Skin Care Training

Massage Statistics: Statistics show that the natural health care industry, including massage therapy and skin care,
is grown at a pace much higher than most other industries. In fact, by 2012, it is expected that as many as 20%
more skilled practitioners will be required to meet the needs of those clients seeking natural health care options.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Brandon in Riverview, Florida

Choosing where to attend massage training is a very important decision when seeking massage therapy schools in

Florida Career College in Brandon in Riverview, Florida is worth taking the time to learn about. The classes they
offer will provide you comprehensive massage training that will ensure job placement and provide an excellent
career opportunity. By attending this Florida massage therapy school, you'll be fully prepared to enter an exciting,
in-demand career field.

The art and science of therapeutic bodywork using the skills of massage allow you to assist in your client's state of
wellness, in many cases, they may experience instantaneous relief from pain and stiffness, which may have
plagued them for years. You'll provide them with a sense of relaxation; improved circulation, better immune
response and you will help their bodies heal themselves. Natural healing, without the side effects of many
conventional treatments, is one field where the demand for trained therapists is much higher than the supply.

Start your education in massage therapy in the warmth and sunny climate of Florida by contacting the school to
learn about or register for classes. You will be one step closer to a life purpose career of helping others and
increasing your career fulfillment after your training in their Professional Massage Therapy program.

To learn more, click > Edutech Centers, Brandon in Riverview, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Clearwater, Florida

When you attend massage courses and training at one of the massage therapy schools in Florida, you'll prepare
yourself for a satisfying and lucrative life purpose career. Florida Career College in Clearwater is a school you will
want to learn about. They are a well established professional Florida massage therapy school that offers their
students a complete curriculum to begin a professional career in therapeutic massage.

Bodywork modalities are in great demand today as more people turn to alternative treatments. Blending the art
and science of Eastern and Western medicine, you'll learn how to help your clients heal naturally as well as relax
and enjoy improved circulation. The improved health offered by massage therapy allows the body's natural immune
response to prevent illness. Many clients who have suffered pain and stiffness for years will enjoy a renewed
vitality. This means that you will feel good about how your career benefits the lives of those you touch as well as
enhances your life style and job security.

You can learn more about the Professional Massage Therapy program at the Clearwater campus by requesting
information from the school. It is easy to do so by filling out request form. Just click on the following link and you
will be one step closer to learning when the next classes begin.

To learn more, click > Florida Career College, Clearwater, Florida.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/edutech-clearwater.html on line 59

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Hialeah, Florida

Are you looking for a South Florida massage school in the Miami Metro area? Of the massage schools in Florida,
you'll find Florida Career College in Hialeah to be one of the best. Located less than 20 miles from downtown
Miami, anyone in the Greater Miami area can conveniently attend this Florida massage therapy school.

At Florida Career College, you'll learn all the skills needed to enter the exciting career field of natural health care.
With more and more people seeking holistic solutions to their medical problems, the need for trained professionals
is growing at a steady pace. The U.S. Department of Labor statistics project that by the year 2010, an increase of
35% can be expected. This profession can offer job security, personal and professional satisfaction and a lucrative

You'll find it easy to learn about the Florida Career College in Hialeah, Florida and their cirriculum by requesting
the information you need, today.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Lauderdale Lakes, Florida

One excellent and convenient massage therapy school in South Florida is Florida Career College in Lauderdale
Lakes. This is one of the best Florida massage therapy schools where you can receive massage classes and training
to prepare you to become a success in this in-demand natural healthcare field. Upon completion of this certificate
program, you'll be prepared to own and operate a massage clinic of your own or work in one of the many exciting
workplaces that require professional therapists.

You'll learn how to use your sense of touch and your knowledge of the human body to apply pressure in just the
right place to relieve pain and speed the body's natural healing ability. Your clients will enjoy better circulation,
lower blood pressure and release stress. Today, more than ever, people are finding that a combination of the
ancient healing arts and modern techniques can provide a greater sense of well-being and abundant energy.

It's easy to learn more about how Florida Career College in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida can help you enter this
career field, contact them for free no-obligation information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Miami, Florida

Are you searching for the right massage therapy school in South Florida to attend massage courses? One of the very
best massage schools in Florida is the Florida Career College in Miami.

You can earn your massage therapy diploma and become fully versed in all the knowledge to successfully operate
your own massage clinic. You'll also find that doors are opened for you into many exciting workplaces such as
hospitals, doctor's offices, sports centers, gyms, cruise ships, salons, holistic healthcare clinics, resorts and more.
The demand for trained natural health care professionals is rising at a very rapid rate.

By becoming qualified in this in-demand field, you'll work with clients in ways that will provide great personal
satisfaction because you'll know that each workday you help people feel better and experience less pain. Your
clients will enjoy better immune response, improved circulation, a sense of peace and well-being plus injuries will
heal faster. By helping people, you'll also earn a lucrative income.

Its simple to obtain complimentary information about courses, registration and financial aid opportunities by
contacting Florida Career College in Miami, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - Pembroke Pines, Florida

Pembroke Pines, Florida is home to one of the best Florida massage therapy schools. Many consider Florida Career
College to be the finest of the massage therapy schools in Florida. At Florida Career College you can attend
massage classes and training in hands-on situations that will prepare you in every way to enter the in-demand field
of massage therapy.

Today people are turning to natural health care to provide pain relief, improve health and speed healing after
surgery or an injury. More and more insurance companies accept that holistic health care is effective both in terms
of cost and healing, increasing the demand for professional therapists even more. Not only will this provide you a
means to earn a lucrative income, you'll enjoy the personal and spiritual satisfaction of knowing that your work
helps your clients in many different ways.

You can easily obtain complimentary, no-obligation information by contacting Florida Career College in Pembroke
Pines, Florida to learn more about courses, registration and financial aid opportunities.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Career College - West Palm Beach, Florida

Florida Career College in West Palm Beach is a premier Florida massage therapy school. Their massage training
program, leading to a diploma, will prepare you to enter the world of massage therapy as a professional in one of
the many exciting workplaces that need your services: hospitals, resorts, cruise ships, sports centers, gyms, spas,
or your very own practice.

By choosing one of the best massage therapy schools in Florida, you'll learn all the techniques common to natural
health care. This includes ancient and modern massage techniques, nutrition, hydrotherapy, and the mechanics
and operation of the human body. You'll be able to apply this knowledge to help your clients experience less pain,
better circulation, faster healing from injury or surgery and a greater sense of well-being. You'll gain personal
satisfaction while earning a lucrative income.

The demand for trained therapists is expected to rise by as much as 35% by the year 2010 according to the U.S.
Department of Labor projections. It's easy to learn about classes offered, and how you can become part of this in-
demand profession, by contacting Florida Career College in West Palm Beach, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Massage Schools - Heritage Institute in Ft. Meyers

Massage therapist training in Florida allows you to begin a career you'll enjoy. By helping people feel better,
you'll end each day satisfied that your work has made a positive difference. You can learn the art and science of
bodywork at Heritage Institute in the beautiful state of Florida.

Heritage is one of the most comprehensive massage schools in Florida offering a well-rounded education. You cay
choose to earn an Associate of Occupational Sciences degree or you can participate in the diploma program. This
great learning institution also offers hands-on training in the campus' on-site clinic.

While attending Florida massage therapy classes at Heritage in Ft. Meyers you'll find
the courses are taught by friendly professional educators using modern equipment and
modalities. You'll finish your training with skill in a wide base of techniques to provide
your clients with comprehensive treatment plans once you enter the professional world.

Heritage Instutite is one of the Florida massage schools that you will want to learn more about. The school will
gladly provide you all the information you need. Simply fill out the convenient form requesting information. It's
that easy to get started.

To learn more, click > Heritage Institute in Ft. Meyers, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Heritage Institute in Jacksonville Florida

Heritage Institute is one of the massage schools in Jacksonville that can provide the training needed to qualify
for the many Florida massage jobs. The need for trained therapists is growing at a steady rate and the U.S.
Department of Labor projects the need to increase by as much as 35% in the next five years.

It's important to choose one of the Florida massage therapist schools that hold accreditations from respected
organizations. Heritage Institute does just that. This fine Florida massage school offers a full curriculum with
comprehensive training that meets the criteria of accreditation organizations to ensure you'll obtain a balanced
education. In Jacksonville you can earn an OAS (Occupational Associate of Science) degree or a diploma in
therapeutic massage. Most students who attend this fine program live in these Florida and Georgia areas:

● St. Augustine, FL
● Palm Valley, FL
● Ponte Vedra, FL
● Jacksonville Beach, FL
● Atlantic Beach, FL
● Orange Park, FL
● Bellair, FL
● Middleburg, FL
● Fruit Cove, FL
● Daytona Beach, FL
● Orlando, FL
● Melbourne, FL
● Gainesville, FL
● Tallahassee, FL
● Valdosta, GA
● Brunswick, GA
● Waycross, GA
● Savannah, GA

The school is easily located at: 4130 Salisbury Rd, Jacksonville, Florida. Once you complete your education and
learn the bodywork modalities commonly used today in spas, hotels, nursing homes, doctors' offices and other
workplaces where you'll find many employment opportunities. As more and more people turn to natural health
care options, you'll find the spectrum of employment open to you interesting and exciting and your ability to earn
a very good rate of pay will please you.

With the growth of Florida massage jobs expanding so rapidly, you'll want to learn all the facts about how to enter
this career field. If you want to attend school in the Jacksonville area then be sure and contact Heritage Institute .
Just click on the following link, and fill out the confidential form. You will quickly receive information from the
school to help you get started.

Click here to earn more about > Heritage Institute in Jacksonville, Florida.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Herzing College - Orlando

Are you confused by searching through all the massage therapy schools in Florida? Do you want to find a qualified
school? Orlando, Florida's Herzing College has the classes and training in therapeutic massage that may be a
perfect match for assisting you in beginning your massage therapy career.

At Herzing College, you'll receive training in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, therapeutic massage theory and
practice, hydrotherapy, and health and safety issues that are required of a therapeutic masseuse. You'll find
yourself highly sought after upon graduation to work in one of many exciting workplaces requiring qualified
therapists. These include hospitals, doctor's offices, spas, cruise ships, hotels, clinics, resorts and many more.
You'll be entering a career that provides personal and financial satisfaction. You'll know you are truly helping
people achieve better health by using natural skills and techniques which promote wellness and help rebalance the
body, mind, and spirit.

You can receive all the facts from Herzing College in Orlando, Florida to learn more about their classes by
requesting info to get answers to all your important questions about their school, and upcoming class schedules.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

High-Tech Institute in Orlando, Florida

Are you hoping to find sport massage courses at one of the massage therapy schools in Florida? If so, you've come
to the right place.

High-Tech Institute in Orlando is one of the best Florida massage therapy schools. With their Orlando massage
diploma program, you'll be ready to enter this exciting career field. With a blend of classroom training, general
education and hands-on clinical experience, graduates of High-Tech Institute graduate ready to enter the
workforce of trained professionals in exciting workplaces like sports centers, gyms, cruise ships, spas, hospitals and

U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that the need for trained professional therapists will grow as much as
35% by 2010. This is a rapid growth industry and there are not enough trained therapists to meet the skyrocketing
demand. More people than ever before are turning to the natural healing arts to help treat their medical concerns
and this industry needs people who care about health and wellness who want life purpose careers that will grow
with them.

You'll find it easy to get more information about the courses, the school, and career opportunities. Simply contact
the school through their convenient online info request form to learn when the next courses begin.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Orlando, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Cortiva - Humanities Center School of Massage - Pinellas Park, Florida

If you are trying to determine which of the massage therapy schools in Florida can provide the best massage
therapist courses and training, one choice is Cortiva's Humanities Center School of Massage located in Pinellas
Park. The actual address, 4045 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park, FL 33781 in case you would like to schedule a visit.

This Florida massage therapy school provides students the training necessary to successfully practice this healing
art with skill and integrity. This fine school, established over 22 years ago, was the very first in Florida to establish
hands-on clinical internship training for their students.

They have also copyrighted their own courseware which incorporates computer technology
into the learning experience. These techniques are so successful that graduates have a pass
rate on the National Board exams that significantly exceeds the national average.

You can easily learn more about the accreditations, courses and registration process.
complimentary informationis readily available by contacting the school by clicking on the
following link. Just fill out the convenient form and someone representing the school will
get right back to you with the information you need to answer all your important questions.

To obtain more information, click here > Cortiva - Humanities Center School of Massage in Pinellas Park, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Florida

Keiser Career College - Green Acres, Florida

Keiser Career College is well known as a prestigious place to obtain Florida therapeutic massage training.

The school you choose to obtain your professional massage training can make a difference in your future career
and you want to select a highly respected institution that staffs well-qualified instructors.

Green Acres massage classes are held at the campus located at 6812 Forest Hill Boulevard in a very modern and
comfortable facility. The proximity to Florida’s Turnpike as well as Interstate Highway 95 makes access to the
campus easy, even for those commuting from Lake Worth, Palm Beach Gardens, Boynton Beach, or Villages of

A massage therapy career in Florida can lead to a very successful business. There are many
opportunities for employment in exhilarating workplaces such as onboard cruise ships, in ocean
front spas, at luxurious five-star hotels, and many other businesses requiring qualified
therapeutic massage professionals. You might even want to open a business of your own because
Florida is an extremely health conscious region.

Of course, before you decide that Keiser Career College is the perfect place to obtain your education, you'll want
to learn all the details about this Florida therapeutic massage training institution. Fortunately, it is quick and easy
to obtain all the information you need by filling out the schools convenient request form. You'll receive a prompt
response from their friendly and knowledgeable staff.

To learn more, click > Keiser Career College in Green Acres, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Keiser Career College in Miami Lakes, Florida

Choosing the right location for your massage courses is so important. If you are considering attending one of the
southern Florida massage therapy schools, check out Keiser Career College located in Miami Lakes.

Keiser Career College is a great school to learn all the techniques you will need whether you want to open your
own practice or work in one of the exciting workplaces open to graduates in massage therapy. You can choose to
work at hotels, spas, salons, physical rehabilitation clinics, hospitals, doctor's officers, aboard cruise ships and in
sports centers. The already high demand for trained professionals is expected to continue increasing over the next
few years, making this not only a personally satisfying career choice, but a lucrative choice as well ensuring job

complimentary information is easy to obtain to learn about classes, and the industry. By visiting the link provided
at the below, you can request information by filling out the confidential form to learn about both their programs
should you choose to earn an Associates Degree, or attend their Florida massage diploma program.

Click here to learn more > Keiser Career College located in Miami Lakes, Florida..


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage Therapy Schools

Keiser Career College - St. Petersburg, Florida

Keiser Career College in St. Petersburg may be the right massage therapy college in Florida for you to take the first
step toward a great future as a massage professional.

Located at 11208 Blue Heron Boulevard, the campus is located only a short distance from the beautiful Gulf of
Mexico. Students from Clearwater, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg Beach, and surrounding areas of Pinellas County
will find the location only a short commute from their homes.

After completing massage training in Florida at Keiser Career College, you can earn an Associate of Science degree
in Massage Therapy or a diploma depending on the specific program you select. Both massage training programs
will prepare you to sit for the required exams to obtain your professional credentials and begin your career.

The St. Petersburg massage classes are held in clean, modern, well-lighted facilities which contain state of the art
equipment. You'll learn from professional instructors all the modalities required to become successful once you
enter your career. You'll be prepared to locate employment in spas, nursing homes, hospitals and many other
interesting workplaces requiring your services.

To learn more about this massage therapy college in Florida, simply request information through their online form.
You will quickly learn about class schedules, fees, and other details to help you determine the next step to take
toward your new career path.

To learn more, click > Keiser Career College in St. Petersburg, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Keiser University in Daytona Beach, Florida

If you are seeking one of the well established Central Florida massage schools, you'll want to consider Keiser
University in Daytona Beach.

Keiser University is conveniently located at 1800 Business Park Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114. It is one of the
most respected massage schools in Florida and will provide you with the massage classes and training you need to
become a successful professional in the natural health field of massage therapy.

At Keiser, you'll obtain a balanced education of classroom knowledge blended with hands-on supervised clinical
training. During course training you will earn six credits in each training module:

● Body Systems
● Human Structure and Functions
● Legal and Ethical Business Practices
● Massage Theory
● Therapeutic Massage Techniques
● Allied Modalities
● Spa Theory/Hydrotherapy
● Structural Kinesiology
● Sports Massage
● Pathology

By the time you complete your education you'll perfect the skills needed to open your
own practice or work in one of the many exciting workplaces that require trained
therapists. These include hospitals, cruise ships, spas, resorts, salons, rehabilitation
clinics and many more. You'll find your work to be both personally and financially
satisfying when you choose this in-demand career path.

It is easy to attain information, including course outlines, financial aid assistance and registration data. Follow the
provided link to the school, and once you do just fill out the request form and you will receive answers to all your
important questions.

To learn more visit > Keiser University in Daytona Beach, Florida.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Keiser University in Lakeland, Florida

Are you confused when checking out the many Florida Massage Therapy Schools?

If so, be sure and research the massage classes and training available at Keiser University in Lakeland. The college
is located at: 3515 Aviation Drive, Lakeland, FL 33811.

Lakeland is a great location for attending one of the massage therapy schools in Florida state. This is because
Keiser University’s program offers an Associate of Science degree in Massage Therapy. During course studies you
will recieve a comprehensive training in Swedish massage and incorporates courses in hydrotherapy, allied
modalities, sports massage, spa theory, Florida Massage Law, ethical procedures and business practices.

With the high demand for trained professional therapists, you'll want to know about how you can enter this
exciting career path and learn how to help your clients feel better naturally. When consulting other therapists, you
will recognize this field is considered to be one of the most satisfying career directions, both personally and
financially. With so many more people turning to natural health options to avoid the high cost of traditional
medicine and the potential side effects of many prescription medications alternative health modalities are in high
demand. People are recognizing the benefits of non invasive therapies.

If you are in search of more information on classes in Florida state, it's easy to obtain all the details on how you
can become a trained professional in the field of health and wellness care. Click on the school link below, and fill
out the form. By doing so the school will forward you all the information you need to learn about their program.

To learn more click > Keiser University in Lakeland, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Keiser University in Melbourne, Florida

If you are searching through massage schools in Florida trying to find best massage classes and training for career
direction, you'll be happy to learn about Keiser University in Melbourne. Located conveniently along U.S. Highway
1, it is easy to reach many of the towns and cities along the Florida Space Coast. The actual campus location is:
900 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901. By attending this University out from all the Florida massage schools
you'll know you will receive hands-on training .

Keiser University’s program is very comprehensive and offers an Associate of Science degree in Massage Therapy.
Along with Swedish massage you will also attend courses in sports massage, spa theory, hydrotherapy, allied
modalities. You will also learn Florida Massage Law and ethical procedures and business practices.

There are so many benefits gained when entering this career field. The demand is at an
all time high for qualified professionals and this demand is expected to increase
significantly over the next years. You'll be entering a field that provides personal,
spiritual, emotional and financial satisfaction as you help clients feel better every
workday. Clients will turn to you for the healing touch. You'll help them lower blood
pressure, increase circulation and enjoy enhanced immune response; these are only a
few of the many benefits of the therapy you'll provide.

Learning more about how to enter this in-demand field is so easy; all you need to do is contact the University.
Simply click on the provided link, fill out the confidential form and the school will forward you information.

Click here to learn more > Keiser University in Melbourne, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage Schools

Keiser University in Orlando, Florida

If you want to enter an in-demand career path that will provide daily satisfaction both personally and financially,
you'll want to know about the massage courses available in your area. If you want to attend classes at a massage
therapy school in Central Florida, then check out Keiser University in Orlando. The campus is located at: 5600 Lake
Underhill Road, Orlando, FL.

Professionals in this field are sought after by a wide range of employers in Florida such as resorts, hotels, spas,
cruise lines, hospitals, doctor's offices and many more. You could also choose to open your own private practice.

With so many careers today being downsized, outsourced and providing little security, the demand for trained
professional therapists is growing and this growth is projected to continue for years to come. You'll also end every
workday knowing that you have made a positive difference in the lives of the clients you help to feel better.

During your course studies a few areas you will learn about are:

● Various Body Systems

● Human Structure and Functions
● Massage Theory and Therapeutic Massage Techniques
● Spa Theory/Hydrotherapy
● Structural Kinesiology
● Sports Massage
● Pathology

Discover more about this university by visiting the school link below. Once you do just fill out the form and the
school will forward you complimentary information on their Florida massage school campus and details about their

Click here to learn more > Keiser University in Orlando, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage School Training in Florida

Keiser University in Pembroke Pines, Florida

If you are seeking one of the best massage therapy schools in Florida for massage classes and training, you'll be
happy to learn about the excellent cirriculum at Keiser University in Pembroke Pines.

The campus is located in Southwest Broward County. Its convenient location allows for easy access to all major
interstates including the Florida Turnpike. The university encompasses over 30,000 square feet of air conditioned
and well-lit classrooms. There are laboratories and a 152 seat auditorium. The students are fully equipped with a
modern and comfortable learning environment.

Considered among the premier South Florida massage therapy schools, Keiser University will provide all the
training you need to become a success in this exciting career field through their Applied Science Degree.

Once you complete course studies, pass the board exam, and begin working as a health professional you will find
you'll earn a good living as a therapist. Each day you will help people feel better and enjoy better overall health.
By lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, providing greater flexibility and reducing stress, the therapies
you will provide clients will generate a greater sense of well-being and serenity.

More and more, people are seeking natural healthcare solutions. This has resulted in a
demand for trained professional bodywork therapists and masseuses to fill the many job
positions opening up in the healthcare facilities. Natural healing and wellness therapies are
seeing consistent growth.

To learn more about classes, training, and scheduling you can request an information from the school. Just fill out
their confiential form.

Click here to learn more > Keiser College in Pembroke Pines, Florida.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/keiser-pembroke.html on line 67

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage Therapy Schools

Keiser College in Port St. Lucie, Florida

Are you trying to select a massage therapy school in South Florida? If so, you've come to the right place to learn
about an excellent choice. Keiser University in Port St. Lucie offers the massage courses necessary to become a
success in this in-demand field where natural healing modalities are becoming increasingly popular health care

This modern campus is located at 9468 South US 1 in Port St. Lucie, Florida. You will find the university within the
the City Center complex which is located just two miles north of Port St. Lucie Boulevard. The facilities provide
modern and comfortable learning environment which includes 20,000 square feet of classrooms, laboratories, and
offices. A fantastic location to earn your Applied Science degree in massage therapy!

Considered one of the finest massage schools in Florida, Keiser University uses classroom
knowledge blended with hands-on supervised clinical practice to develop your skills in every
aspect of running a massage therapy clinic. Your healing sense of touch will be used to
support faster healing after disease, injury or surgery, better flexibility, relief from muscle
spasms and many other benefits your clients will receive. Upon graduation, you'll know that
each work day you'll help people feel better while earning a good living for yourself.

To get started, visit the link at the bottom of this page. Once you do, fill out the confidential form to receive the
complimentary information that is readily available and learn about their cirriculum, and get the answer to any
questions you may have regarding job placement after graduation and financial aid options.

Click here to learn more > Keiser Univesity in Port St. Lucie, Florida .


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/keiser-portstlucie.html on line 65

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage School Training Programs in Florida

Keiser University in Sarasota, Florida

Attending a Sarasota massage school can be the beginning of your future career and Keiser University is one of the
finest learning opportunities you'll find.

Classes are in a new, state of the art facility that encompasses over seventy-five thousand square feet and includes
a hands-on lab. This new three story building is located at 6151 Lake Osprey Drive, just off I-75 and convenient to
University Boulevard. The students, faculty, and staff will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape of our 20 plus
acres bordered by Lake Osprey.

The massage college in West Central Florida combines classroom theory with supervised hands-on clinical
experience to prepare you fully to operate your own clinic on graduation. After earning your Associate of Science
degree you'll be confident and assured when you sit for the national board exams, knowing that you have a solid
background on which to draw. You'll have a working knowledge of how the human body operates, how the muscles
and skeleton provide the body the ability to move, the problems that can be experienced as well as what can be
done to alleviate those problems.

This Florida massage therapy program offers both daytime and evening classes. Financial aid is available for those
who qualify and a helpful financial aid staff will make the process simple and easy for you. You'll also have benefit
of the job placement services upon graduation to help you find exactly the right job for you.

As a trained therapist, you'll be able to find employment in one of the many exciting workplaces that offer therapy
services such as hotels, hospitals, spas, resorts, cruise lines, doctors' and chiropractors' offices, wellness centers
and many, many more. You'll complete each workday feeling happy and satisfied because you know are helping
people feel better while earning an income that will support a good lifestyle.

To learn all the details about this Sarasota massage school, all you need to do is contact the university. You can
easily request complimentary, no-obligation information to assit you in learning about their upcoming classes and
receive answers to your important questions. Just visit the link below, and fill out the confidential form.

Click here to learn more > Keiser University in Sarasota, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Keiser University in West Palm Beach, Florida

If you are considering attending massage training courses at one of the Florida massage therapy schools, you'll
want to know about Keiser University in West Palm Beach with over 40,000 square feet of air conditioned and well-
lit classrooms. The campus is located at 2085 Vista Parkway near the Florida Turnpike in Palm Beach County

This great massage therapy school in South Florida offers both classroom training and hands-on clinical training to
prepare you in every way to become a success in this in-demand field. Once you earn your Associate of Science
Degree you will be on you way to a career in the healing arts.

There are few career paths you can select that allow you to begin practicing a healing art that is satisfying and
lucrative where the educational requirements can be completed in such a short amount of time. Today the
demand for trained professionals in massage therapy is greater than the available therapists and that need is
estimated by the U.S. Department of Labor to grow as much as 35% by 2010.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can help people feel better, you can obtain complimentary
information. Keiser University will forward you the information you need. Simply follow the school link, and fill out
their convenient form and you can receive answers to your very important questions regarding their classes,
scheduling, and fees.

Click here to learn more > Keiser University in West Palm Beach, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

MedVance Institute in Miami, Florida

There are many massage schools in Florida State and choosing the perfect one for you can be quite a chore.

If you want to attend a South Florida massage school, you'll want to choose the best Miami massage institute:
MedVance Institute where you can choose between day or evening classes.

At MedVance Institute, you will receive a top-quality, comprehensive education combining classroom theory with
hands-on supervised training. This fine school offers a low teacher to pupil ratio along with a very individualized
teaching approach. Their professional relationship between faculty and students ensures students are provided
tools to help with their focus on career preparation and success.

Upon graduation, you can open your own clinic or find employment in one of the many exciting workplaces
requiring trained professionals. Some of these are hospitals, gyms, wellness centers, holistic healing center, spas,
cruise ships, 5-star hotels to name a few of the possibilities. The school also offers assistance with their Career
Compass(SM) placement services.

Each day will offer personal reward, knowing that you have made a positive difference in helping your clients with
their bodies in gaining more movement and flexibility. You'll also earn a lucrative living at the same time, while
enjoying the work you do.

To learn more about the opportunities available to professional therapists and the massage education program
available at this fine institute,

To learn more, click > MedVance Institute in Miami, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

MedVance Institute - Stuart, Florida

If you are seeking Florida massage classes and training, you'll want to know about one of the finest massage
colleges in Florida State: MedVance Institute in Stuart, Florida.

At this great institute you can either opt for day or evening classes which both offer individualized teaching
approaches. They take pride in their professional teacher to student relationships which provides a wonderful
learning environment.

At MedVance Institute you will also appreciate their low teacher/student ratio which gives you the edge over many
other schools. The massage therapist training you'll receive will prepare you in every way to become successful in
this in-demand field.

When learning this healing art form, MedVance Institute knows classroom education simply isn't enough.
Supervised, hands-on training will allow you to perfect your skills so that, upon graduation, you'll be ready to
practice your natural health care skill with confidence, assurance and safety. You can even utilize their Career
Compass (SM) placement services if you wish.

With the surge in popularity in the natural healing arts, the demand for qualified, well-trained professional
therapists is growing at a rapid pace. The U.S. Department of Labor statistics project that during the next few
years, the demand will grow by up to thirty-five percent to fill the demand for therapists. You'll be entering a
career path where finding employment will be easy or you may want to consider the choice of opening your own

If you want to learn all the details about this fine massage institute and the career opportunity that just may
change your future in a very positive way, simply follow the provided link to contact the school. You will readily
receive complimentary, no-obligation information to help you assess how this fine massage institute will meet your

To learn more, click > MedVance Institute in Stuart, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Florida Day or Evening Massage Therapy Classes: MedVance Institute in West

Palm Beach, Florida

A Florida massage degree program can prepare you for a very satisfying, lucrative career that will grow with you.

Finding the best South Florida massage school possible is an important decision. Palm Beach massage classes
offered at MedVance Institute in West Palm Beach are among the finest classes available anywhere.

At MedVance, you'll learn about the human body and how it operates, as well as the anatomy and muscle
structure. Their low teacher to pupil ratio is an ideal setting for developing your skill and know how for interacting
with actual clients and perfecting your manual dexterity skills. You'll graduate fully prepared to successfully sit for
the national board exams and be ready to enter this lucrative career field where your skills are needed. The
school's Career Compass (SM) placement services are also an option to help you get started.

Whether you want to open your own practice or become a part of one of the many exciting workplaces in need of
well qualified professionals, you'll enjoy your workdays because you will know that every day you make a positive
difference in the well being of your clients. Your clients will turn to you to heal naturally, improve circulation,
improve flexibility and mobility and many, many other health benefits.

To learn all the details about this career path and how you can be a part of this in-demand profession, all you need
to do is fill out the school's complimentary information request form. It's easy to get started.

To learn more, click > MedVance Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

National School of Technology - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Training to become a massage therapist can lead to a very satisfying and profitable career. There are many
massage schools in Florida State to choose from and you should select the school that is right for you. One of the
most respected massage therapy schools in Florida is the National School of Technology in Fort Lauderdale.

The clients who seek massage practitioners seek wellness and the joys of good health. People want to experience
less pain, to heal faster, enjoy lower blood pressure, improved circulation, increased flexibility and mobility.
Today more medical doctors and insurance companies recognize the importance of natural healthcare than ever

The need for trained therapists is growing rapidly. The U.S. Department of Labor expects the need to increase up
to 35% in the next five years. Not only will you enjoy job security in this in-demand career field, but you'll enjoy
personal and financial satisfaction by helping people feel better.

Its easy to learn more about the program, financial aid and other services at the National School of Technology in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida by contacting them.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

National School of Technology - Hialeah, Florida

Do you want to develop a career by attending one of the South Florida massage schools? If so, one of the top
massage schools in Florida State is the National School of Technology in Hialeah. The massage school courses you
attend will develop your skills through knowledge and hands-on clinical experience so that you will be fully
prepared to enter this growing field.

Swedish and deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, orthopedic assessment, movement anatomy and
pathology are only some of the skills you will perfect before completing the program at NST. Using these finely
tuned skills, you can open your own clinic or work in one of the many exciting and fun workplaces that require
trained therapists. Hospitals, doctor's offices, spas, sports center, gyms, luxury hotels and rehabilitation centers
are only a few of the great places you may elect to work.

The need for professionals in this field is growing as more people seek natural ways to improve their health.
Doctors, insurance companies and the public are turning to natural treatments. If you would like to learn more
about this career option, simply contact the National School of Technology in Hialeah, Florida for info on when
classes start, fees, and the full curriculum.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

National School of Technology - Kendall, Florida

Of the South Florida massage schools, you'll find the National School of Technology in Kendall to be a well
respected and well accredited therapeutic massage school. The massage therapist training you'll receive by
attending NST will prepare you to enter a career path that is in high demand and will continue to grow. At NST,
you'll spend classroom time gaining knowledge and hands-on supervised clinical time working with actual clients.

Everyone wants to have a truly satisfying career; you will receive personal and financial satisfaction when your
work days involve helping people to feel better. Using the manual dexterity skills and therapy techniques
perfected at NST, you'll be able to provide significant health benefits to your clients. Some of these benefits are
faster healing from injury or surgery, improved immune system response, increased circulation, lowered blood
pressure, flexibility and mobility, and relief from pain.

You can learn more about upcoming classes, financial aid and other services by contacting, the National School of
Technology in Kendall, Florida. They are happy to reply to your questions and supply you with the information you


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

National School of Technology - North Miami Beach, Florida

Therapeutic massage training at one of the best South Florida massage schools can be yours if you attend the
National School of Technology in North Miami Beach. NST is considered to be among the very finest massage
schools in Florida. You'll gain knowledge in the classroom and through hands-on supervised clinical experience.

As a trained professional, you'll be qualified to open your own practice or work in some of the most exciting work
settings anywhere. Hospitals, spas, resorts, cruise ships, hotels, sports centers and many other locations need well
qualified therapists. The demand for these skilled services is growing at a rapid rate that is expected to continue
through the coming years. More and more doctors, insurance companies and individuals are coming to realize the
benefits of natural treatments that promote health and wellness. People are becoming more interested in caring
for their bodies through non invasive therapies that promote healing rather than medicating their symptoms.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can attain stable employment with opportunity for career
growth then you will want to learn more about the courses offered at the National School of Technology in North
Miami Beach, Florida. Its so very easy to learn more about this career opportunity, class schedules, and fees.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Remington College - Jacksonville, Florida

If you are looking for massage therapy schools in Jacksonville, Florida to earn a massage diploma be sure and learn
more about Remington College. The campus is located at: 7011 A C Skinner Pkwy # 140, Jacksonville, FL 32256.

This Jacksonville massage school is one of the accredited massage therapy schools in Florida with an objective to
provide graduates with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to qualify for entry-level positions in the in-
demand field of natural health modalities.

Their massage training program consists of eight learning units called modules. Once students successfully
complete the first seven modules they practice their skills in a 190 clock-hour Clinical Internship. This is the
completion of the massage program and allows students to recieve a diploma and site for the board exams. The
program normally requires 32 weeks for full-time students.

Remington College is known for taking special interest in their students by going that extra mile
to ensure their students can receive advice and assistance should they need it. They even have a
Student Career Services staff to help those who are near graduation with interview skills,
preparation of professional resumes, and guidance in finding employment opportunities.

With a personal college such as this it makes going to school a bit easier knowing there is a staff of people who
care. It's simple to get all your questions answered and the staff is eager to inform you about class schedules and
curriculum so you can be one step closer to earning your massage diploma. To get started, click on the following
link and fill out the confidential form.

Click here to lean more > Remington College in Jacksonville, Florida.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Remington College - Largo, Florida

Massage therapy schools in Largo, FL offer Remington College in Largo. This Florida massage school is known for its
personal touch, going that extra mile to advise and help students with their educational needs. They even have a
staff of students who are there for you to help you with whatever needs you have, including preparing for job
placement as you near graduation.

Today, the job market needs more and more trained massage therapists for entry-level positions. People are
becoming aware that non-invasive healing modalities provide so many health benefits. Insurance companies are
also adding massage to their list of paid treatments. A career in the health and wellness field ensures a secure
future and job availability.

Should you want to learn more about what it takes to earn your massage diploma in 32 weeks, it's easy to contact
Remington College in Largo, Florida. You can get all your questions answered today. Receive information on class
schedules, curriculum, and fees.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Florida Massage School Training Programs

Remington College - Tampa, Florida

If you are trying to find a list of Tampa, Florida massage schools you will want to know about Remington College in
Tampa located on Busch Blvd. It can get overwhelming when looking through massage therapy schools in Florida, so
learning about to Remington College will help you with this important decision of which massage courses and
training will best fit into your busy schedule and lifestyle. Of all the Florida massage courses, at Remington College
you will receive your massage diploma in just thirty-two weeks and be ready for entry-level employment.

There are so many job possibilities once you graduate because non-invasive healing modalities are becoming a
standard need in the health and wellness industry. Beginning a career in the healthcare field will continue to grow
with you through the years and provide job stability well into the future.

All Remington College campuses are nationally accredited, so the Tampa Campus is perfect for those who live in
the area. Their faculties meet or exceed the standards set by the various Federal and State regulators so you know
your education will meet the needs of your potential employer. Should you be ready to get all your questions
answered, its easy to contact Remington College in Tampa, Florida and learn about their class schedules, fees, and
financial aid programs should you qualify.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

ACT - Riverdale Elite in Atlanta, Georgia

Are you searching one of the excellent massage schools Georgia has to offer? Do you want to attend one of the
massage schools in Atlanta GA?

Look no further! ACT at Riverdale Elite (One Corporate Sq Ste 110, Atlanta, Georgia 30329) offers the
comprehensive massage training to help you launch a new life purpose career, one you will grow with and love
what you do.

At ACT you will receive hands-on and classroom training to prepare to you become licensed through the National
Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). You'll become skilled at:

● cryotherapy
● hydrotherapy
● deep tissue
● Shiatsu
● Swedish
● therapeutic and sports massage
● face and scalp massage
● chair massage
● reflexology
● non-traditional massage therapies

Plus, you will learn the skills needed to become successful operating your very own massage clinic!

You can receive all the information you may need to take the first step by filling out their online form. When you
do so they will send you all the data you need to assess their program. Their classes fill quickly so be sure and
check them out, today.

Simply contanct the school, by clicking here > ACT, Riverdale Elite in Atlanta, Georgia


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/act-atlanta.html on line 75

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

ACT - Morrow, Georgia

Choosing the right school from among the USA massage schools can seem confusing and quite daunting. You want
one of the best massage schools in America, right?

If you want to attend one of the best massage schools Georgia has to offer, you'll be happy to learn about ACT in
Morrow, Georgia. This great school is located at 1564 Southlake Parkway, Morrow, GA 30260.

ACT's 9-month training program will fully prepare you for the National Board exams to become licensed and
operate your own massage clinic. You'll work in small classroom groups and in the hands-on clinical laboratory to
become skilled in cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, sports, Swedish, Shiatsu, chair, facial, head, therapeutic and deep
tissue massage as well as reflexology and non-traditional massage techniques. You'll have all the skills and latest
information to success in this in-demand career field.

If you are seeking a stable career that will provide readily available employment without the threats of downsizing
experienced in so many professions this is a wonderful career choice. Not only will you love what you but you will
also be contributing to the well being of others.

You can easily receive the information you need to assess this career direction and receive the information you
need to determine if this is the right school for you.

Simply click the following link, and fill our the online form > ACT in Morrow, Georgia.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/act-riverdale.html on line 66
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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Everest Institute in Atlanta, Georgia

Of the massage schools Georgia offers, the downtown Everest Institute is an Atlanta school offering massage with a
balance of academic knowledge, technical skills, clinical training and dexterity required to become a success in
the in-demand field of massage therapy. Everest Institute also is considered among the very best sports massage
therapy schools in America.

You will learn the skills, ethics and behaviors to prepare you for a professional career in one of the most satisfying
health care fields available. By helping your clients experience reduced pain, enjoy better circulation and
flexibility; you will be able to help your clients avoid invasive therapies and increase their quality of life.

Whether you want to enter the field of sports massage therapy or open a massage therapy clinic, is waiting for you
to begin your new career path today!

Click here, to learn more > Everest Institute in Atlanta, Georgia


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Everest Institute - DeKalb, Georgia

Among the best massage therapy schools in Atlanta Georgia metro area, the Everest Institute in DeKalb, Georgia
offers spa massage therapy courses and can prepare you for an exciting career in this in-demand field. Of the many
massage schools, Everest Institute is among the very best. You'll experience real-life hands-on training to prepare
you for a solid, long-term career in a satisfying and lucrative field.

Today, massage therapy is in high demand. As the news is filled with drugs being withdrawn from the market and
their potential side effects many more people are demanding holistic, natural health care to address their
symptons rather than mask them. Massage therapy allows the body to heal naturally and even prevents injury by
ensuring the body's muscles are relaxed for proper skeletal alignment.

It is easy to receive information on the courses and training available at Everest Institute to find out how their
many classes will help you to excel in this promising life purpose career field. Contact the school today and learn
more about their wonderful hands on classes by filling out the convenient school form.

Click here to learn more > Everest Institute at DeKalb, Georgia


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Everest Institute in Jonesboro, Georgia

If you are seeking one of the best massage schools in Georgia then visit Everest Institute because it just may be the
one you have been searching for!

This massage school provides training in all the skills you'll need to be a success in the rapidly growing field of
natural health care. Attending massage therapist training at Everest Institute will emphasize real-world training
tailored to meet your personal needs. You'll be fully prepared for solid, long-term opportunities offered to the
graduates of this exception school. The highly skilled faculty will ensure you obtain a strong knowledge base and
hands-on experience to assist your clients in meeting their health goals.

Massage therapy is in such demand today because it promotes better circulation, lowered blood pressure, an
improve immune system response, reduced stress and pain and greater flexibility. It accomplishes these goals
without drugs or invasive techniques providing another benefit. If you are looking at a career in massage therapy
you will find one that will be both personally gratifying as well as financially satisfying.

It is easy to get the information you need to learn about the courses and classes at this fine Georgia massage
school. You will be one step closer to ensuring you place in this in demand field. Simply fill out the school's online
form to get answers to you questions:

Click here to learn more > Everest Institute in Jonesboro, Georgia


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/georgia-medical-jonesboro.html on line 62
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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Massage Therapy Schools - Everest Institute - Marietta, Georgia

Everest Institute, formally Georgia Medical Institute of Marietta, Georgia provides a quality education with cutting-
edge programs that prepare you for a long and successful career in the health care industry.

Everest Institute provides you with a personalized learning environment designed to support you in your personal
and professional career development. You will benefit from the Institute’s unique educational programs, which

● State-of-the-art facilities
● Quality instructors
● Hands-on experience
● Career placement assistance

It is easy to find out what this accredited massage school can do for your educational needs and your future.
Chances are massage classes start, to find out when just fill out the convenient online school form.

Click here to learn more > Everest Institute in Marietta, Georgia


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/georgia-medical-institute-marietta.html on line 62

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Massage Therapy Schools - Everest Institute - Norcross, Georgia

Everest Institute in Norcross, Georgia provides a quality education with cutting-edge programs that prepare you for
a long and successful career in the health care industry.

Ms. Ginger Gibbs had a vision. The result was the creation of a school facility designed to provide quality training
in the healthcare field, which first opened its doors in 1977. The objective of the institute was to evolve into a
primary training school for medical personnel. As the campus and student body grow, the institute continues to
recognize its original goal of offering relevant, up-to-date medical education.

Everest Institute provides you with a personalized learning environment designed to support you in your personal
and professional career development. You will benefit from the Institute’s unique educational programs, which

● State-of-the-art facilities
● Quality instructors
● Hands-on experience
● Career placement assistance

It is easy to find out what this quality Georgia massage school can do for your educational needs and your future.
Chances are classes are due to start soon so contact Everest Institute today to learn more about your new career
and the massage training and education you will receive. Simply fill out the school's online form:

Click here to learn more > Everest Institute in Norcross, Georgia


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Gwinnett College in Lilburn, Georgia

Gwinnett College is a Georgia massage school located in Lilburn at 4230 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite 11, Lilburn,
GA. If you are seeking a new career and want to get started Gwinnett College can help you reach that goal in as
little as nine months.

You will learn skills for applying various healing techniques such as Swedish, NeuroMuscular therapy, reflexology
and chair massage, as well as Deep Tissue. Classes are designed to assist you in building confidence and motivation
for building a successful massage practice.

Your credits can be applied toward an Associates of Science Degree in Business which allows students and
professionals to continue building creditials beyond just the associates degree should you choose to do so.

Upon completion of your Georgia massage therapy training, you'll be qualified to sit for the National Certification
Exam and become a licensed professional. You'll then be ready to seek employment in exciting workplaces such as
hospitals, gyms, spas, resorts, hotels, clinics, and many other locations. Every work day, you'll enjoy helping
people feel better and reach their health goals. Few careers are more satisfying spiritually, physically and
mentally while providing the potential for lucrative income.

We know choosing from the many Georgia massage schools is an important decision. It takes study to determine
which institution is just perfect for your education. You can easily gain all the facts about this fine massage college
through their online info request form. Just follow the following link, and fill out the form and the school will get
right back to you with answers to your many questions.

To learn more, click > Gwinnett College in Lilburn, Georgia


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/medix-atlanta.html on line 59
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Herzing College Located in Atlanta, Georgia

Choosing which of the Atlanta massage schools to attend can be quite confusing. Your future success depends on
marking the right choice.

If you live in the greater Atlanta area, you will be interested in learning more about Herzing College. The campus
is located at 3393 Peachtree Road Northeast. There learning environment may be just the place to earn your
diploma in therapeutic massage.

Considered among the finest of the massage therapy schools in Georgia, at Herzing College you'll enjoy learning
body mechanics and how the muscles work together. You'll learn how you can use your hands and sense of touch to
allow the body to naturally heal, improve circulation and many other health benefits. Hands-on learning during
your internship will ensure you have the opportunity to hone your skills in clinical situations.

After completing massage classes in Atlanta, you'll be qualified to sit for the national exam and earn your
professional credentials. As a respected professional, you'll seek employment in one of the interesting and
satisfying career paths available to bodywork professions. Employment might find you working in a hospital,
chiropractor clinic, holistic health center or even operating your own business.

Of course, you need all the facts to decide if this is the Atlanta massage school for you.

Click Here > Contact Herzing College in Atlanta, Georgia and you'll quickly receive complimentary no-obligation


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

High-Tech Institute - Atlanta, Georgia

When reviewing massage schools, Georgia's High-Tech Institute in Atlanta is not to be missed. Did you know their
massage training program will qualify you to be a professional massage therapist? Their diploma program provides
you with a quick start toward a new and exciting career in an exceptional field where job placements is growing

The U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that the need for massage therapists will grow as much as 35% by
the year 2010! This means that there is a great need for trained professionals in this in-demand field. By obtaining
your Associate of Science degree, you'll be ready and waiting to fill these needs.

Not only will you learn the techniques of Swedish massage, hydrotherapy, sports massage, deep tissue and chair
techniques, reflexology, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage and spa treatments, you will also develop a knowledge
of anatomy, physiology, pathology related to soft tissues and nutrition, stress management and wellness, first aid
and CPR.

If you want a new career that will provide readily available employment without the threats of downsizing
experienced in so many professions, contact the its easy to contact the massage institute. You can recieve the
information you need to learn about their massage training and when the next classes begin.

Click here to learn more > High-Tech Institute in Atlanta, Georgia


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/high-tech-atlanta.html on line 63
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia

Lincoln College of Technology - Marietta, Georgia

Georgia massage courses and training can be quite confusing; in fact, the amount of information can become
overwhelming. If you want to attend massage training in GA at one of the finest massage therapy schools in
Georgia, you'll be happy to learn about the Lincoln College of Technology, formally Career Education Institute in
Marietta. Here, you will learn through classroom theory and hands-on practical experience how to apply the
techniques of this healing art.

Upon graduation, you'll find exciting workplaces seeking your services. Hospitals, nursing homes,
spas, resorts, salons, cruise ships, five-star hotels, wellness centers and sports centers are only a
few of the employment opportunities you'll enjoy. Every day, you will have the joy of helping
people feel better and imporve their overal health while earning a lucrative living at the same

More and more people in America and around the world are seeking natural health care services today than ever
before. If you want to be part of this growing industry, you can learn all the details by contacting the

To learn more, click > Lincoln College of Technology in Marietta, Georgia.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Lincoln College of Technology - Norcross, Georgia

Looking for a one of the truly great massage schools? Georgia offers the Lincoln College of Technology formally the
Career Education Institute at Norcross for a therapeutic massage therapy school that can't be beat. Hands-on
massage classes and training plus professional instructors provide you the education and skills you need to enter
the in-demand career field of massage.

As more and more people turn to massage therapy as one of the most effective natural healing methods, the
demand for trained massage therapists soars. Already the demand is much greater than the supply of professionals
in this field. Few careers offer the job opportunities plus the personal and financial rewards that are provided by
becoming a professional in therapeutic massage.

You may be happy to know their are job placements available in many different establishments, such as yoga
studios, alternative health care centers, and even cruise ships, as well as Doctor's offices, hospitals, massage care
facilities to name a few. Jobs are plentiful in this industry for those who are seeking placement rather than
beginning their own private practice.

If you want to open the door for change into a health and wellness field of opportunity you can easily request
information on how to begin training for a lucrative career that truly makes a difference. Its easy to contact the
Lincoln College of Technology in Norcross, Georgia today for more information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Remington College in Honolulu, Hawaii

If you are looking for therapeutic massage schools in the state of Hawaii, be sure and check out Remington College
in Honolulu. This is one of the massage therapy schools in Hawaii, that will enable students to qualify for entry-
level positions as massage therapists in just 32 weeks. With more people turning to natural healing methods, jobs
in this field are growing everyday which makes this Honolulu, Hawaii, massage school very attractive to individuals
wanting to begin a life purpose career where they can feel good about their work and find job stability in a short
period of time.

In the 32 weeks, students will experience eight class modules and participate in 160 clock hours of clinical
internship. At the end of the training each student will be awarded a diploma. The college also has a Financial Aid
Representative should you need to discuss the possibilities of financial assistance.

It is easy to learn about the classes offered at Remington College in Honolulu, Hawaii by requesting the
information you need. Get all your questions answered about their curriculum, class schedules, and fees by
contacting the college today.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Apollo College - Boise, Idaho

Do you want exceptional massage training that includes hand-on experience at actual health care locations? Apollo
College is a massage therapy school that will provide just that type of training. When choosing among the many
massage schools, Boise, Idaho offers you will appreciate the experience you gain at this schoollocated at 1200
North Liberty Street, Boise, ID 83704.

The collaborative training methods at Apollo College teams instructors and students to provide a focus on the
individual needs of each student. The low student-teacher ratio facilitates this style of education. You can expect
training that meets your needs, allowing you to graduate with complete confidence in your skills and yourself.

This type of therapy is one of the fastest growing career fields. Job opportunities exist in hospitals, gyms, spas,
cruise ships, medical offices, and many, many more exciting locations. You will find yourself in a career that truly
makes a difference in the lives of your clients.

Learn more about how you can get top-notch massage training at Apollo College in Boise, Idaho and begin your
path toward a better future. It is easy to learn more about the college and receive information that will help you
make your decision.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Idaho

Milan Institute in Boise, Idaho

One of the top quality massage schools, Boise, Idaho offers is the Milan Institute with their 730 hour training

With massage therapy school training, you become employable in so many areas including chiropractor's clinics,
health spas, cruise ships, sports teams, hospitals gyms and many more exciting workplaces. Massage therapy is a
rapidly growing job market that simply can't be outsourced, providing exceptional job security. With exceptional
income opportunities, you can be begin your journey into the world of massage with this school's curriculum.

This campus is located on the main street of W. Fairview Avenue at 8590 in Boise, ID 83704. Approved and
regulated by the Idaho State Board of Education, the Milan Institute is accredited by the Accrediting Commission
for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).

New classes start every month and classes are limited to 20 participants to ensure individual skills development.
Both day and night classes are available and financial aid is available for those who qualify. This massage training
program even offers job placement assistance after graduation.

Contact the school today to learn how to begin achieving your goal of becoming a massage therapist. To do so, just
follow the link and fill out the convenient online school request form. You will quickly receive answers to your
important questions.

To learn more, click > the Milan Institute in Boise, Idaho.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Illinois School of Health Careers - Campus' at Loop & O'Hare Airport, Chicago,

Do you want to learn about massage training in Chicago Illinois that will prepare you for a fulfilling career as a
therapist in this in-demand field?

Then you will want to learn about a Chicago massage school that offers a comprehensive and complete Illinois
massage therapy education to launch you into your new career. The Illinois School of Health Careers offers two
campus locations which are both conveniently located depending on where you live.

The Loop Campus has a new location at: 11 E. Adams Street, in Suite 200, at the corners of State and Adams. The
new state of the art campus is located near Harold Washington Library, Michigan Avenue and Grant Park.

The O’Hare Airport Branch Campus is found in close proximity to the Cumberland blueline stop, and serves
northwest Chicago and the surrounding near northwest suburbs. The campus address is: 8750 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue.

A sample of the course studies at Illinois School of Health Careers includes advanced
massage therapy, pathology, hydrotherapy, medical anatomy and physiology as well as
clinical massage applications. The training you receive will support your choice upon
passing the board exam to either open your own clinic or to work in one of the many
exciting workplaces needing professional therapists.

The Illinois School of Health Careers is eager to answer all your questions. All you need to do is request information
about their class schedules, tuition fees, and start dates, by filling out the schools convenient request form. Just
click the following link and you will be well on your way.

To learn more, click > The Loop Campus or The O’Hare Airport Branch Campus


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Chicago School of Massage Therapy - McHenry County College - Crystal Lake,


Are you overwhelmed searching through massage therapy schools in Illinois? You can end your search now that
you've found Chicago School of Massage Therapy at McHenry County College, in Crystal Lake, Illinois. The massage
classes and techniques you'll learn at CSMT will prepare you to enter the lucrative world of massage therapy fully
ready to help your clients' bodies heal themselves.

The massage techniques and training you'll receive will prepare you for employment in many exciting workplaces.
Chicago School of Massage Therapy graduates go on to work in spas, clinics, sports centers, gyms and other exciting
workplaces. Today, there is a need for trained therapists as more people seek natural healers and alternative
medical techniques.

If you are wanting to find a career that will grow with you, that will give you knowledge on therapuetic touch
techniques, like clinical and contemporary western massage, accupressure, kinesiology, you will find that as part
of the courses offered at Mchenry Country College.

To take the first step toward your new life purpose career contact Chicago School of Massage Therapy at McHenry
County College in Crystal Lake, Illinois today!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Chicago School of Massage Therapy - The Loop - Chicago, Illinois

Are you looking for the best among the massage therapy schools in Illinois? With the best massage therapy
courses, Chicago offers the Chicago School of Massage Therapy, located in The Loop. By attending theses Chicago
massage courses, you'll be fully prepared for a new, exciting career in massage therapy.

Since 1981, over 2700 successful graduates of Chicago School of Massage Therapy have
entered the in-demand field of professional massage therapy. Offering both 12 and 15
month programs, you can have the flexibility of schedule to complete your studies on
the fast track or you can take a little longer and fit classes into your demanding

For those who qualify, financial aid is available should you need a little assistence. You can choose between day or
evening classes, and don't delay any longer as classes are soon to start for this season.

It's easy to learn more about a fulfilling career in the healing arts by attaining information directly from the school.
Just fill out the convenient online request form and you will quickly receive back a reply answering your important

To learn more, click > Chicago School of Massage Therapy - The Loop

Massage Training Tips

Lighting a massage therapy room is important. Dimmer switches which are readily available from any home
improvement store are inexpensive to install. When inviting the client into the massage session room, turn
the lighting bright enough that the client can clearly see the cleanliness of the facility, see where to place
their things and how to get to and from the changing room. Once you have positioned the client on the table,
ask if they would like the lights dimmed. Most clients enjoy dimmer lighting during their relaxing massage
while a few may prefer the brighter light. Remember, offering the client the environment that make them
feel most comfortable will help them relax and get the most benefit from their therapy session.

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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Everest College in Chicago, Illinois

Do you want to find one of the well known massage schools Chicago Illinois has to offer? If so, you'll want to know
about this accredited school, Everest College, located at 247 South State Street. It is recognized by many as an
excellent and professionally run massage therapy school where you can receive your professional training by
attending courses in this natural healing art.

Upon graduation and successful completion of your national board exams, you'll be fully prepared to open your own
clinic or work in one of the many interesting workplaces requiring trained therapists. Hospitals, doctors' and
chiropractors' offices, wellness centers, spas, five-star hotels, cruise ships, resorts and many more places of
employment will be open to you. You'll also be sought out by clients wishing to enjoy relief from pain, better
circulation, improved immune response, lowered blood pressure, better mobility and the many other health
benefits you will provide using your sense of touch and manual dexterity.

This industry is growing every day. And projections show the need for qualified therapists is
going to continue well into the future. You can also continue to add onto your skills should
you wish to do so. There are so many natural healing modalities that can build upon the
training you can receive at Everest College. A career in the healing arts is really a life
purpose career. Not only will you feel good about helping your clients improve their health,
but you will also gain personal and financial rewards.

To learn more about this accredited school offering a full curriculum of massage training you can easily request
information. This way you can learn about class schedules, tuition fees, and all the details you need to know,
simply follow the link, and fill out the convenient school form and your information will be readily available.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Chicago, Illinois.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Everest College in North Aurora, Illinois

Are you learning about the various massage therapy schools in Illinois to choose the best place to obtain your
education in this in-demand field? Everest College in North Aurora provides top-quality massage training courses
and is considered by many to be the best of the massage therapy schools IL has to offer. By blending classroom and
hands-on education, Everest will prepare you in every way to become a successful career professional in this
growing field of natural health care therapies.

Your clients will come to you to receive the many health benefits recognized as resulting from this type of
bodywork. Lowered blood pressure, pain relief, faster healing, greater mobility and flexibility, stress relief and
injury prevention are only a few of the many benefits you'll provide. Every day, you'll know that you make a real
difference in the lives of your clients and by the end of the day you will also enjoy the financial rewards.

With the demand for trained professionals in the field of therapy increasing at a rapid rate, you will want to know
more details about how to enter this exciting career field. You may even want to learn about the financial help
available for those who qualify.

All you have to do to obtain complimentary information to get all your questions answered is fill out the school's
convenient request form. It's that easy.

Click here to learn more > Olympia College in North Aurora, Illinois


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Everest College in Burr Ridge, Illinois

Sorting through and comparing the massage therapy schools IL offers can be a challenge. One of the massage
therapy schools in Illinois that you will definitely want to know more about is Everest College in Burr Ridge.

The therapeutic massage classes offered at Everest will prepare you in every way to enter this in-demand career
field in a very short time. Your classroom and clinical experience will ensure that your training is comprehensive
and balanced.

Helping people feel better is one of the most satisfying career fields anyone could ask for. By
entering the world of trained professional therapy, you'll be doing just that. Pain relief, better
circulation, lowered blood pressure, speedy healing, injury repair and prevention and stress
management are only a few of the many benefits your clients will enjoy.

With demands in this career field growing rapidly, the U.S. Department of Labor projects a thirty five percent
growth rate over the next few years. If you want to learn more about how you can become part of this exciting
field, simply contact the school . You can get all your specific questions answered and learn about their class
schedules, their tuition fees, and when the next programs start. Simply follow the link, and fill out the school's
online form.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Burr Ridge, Illinois


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Everest College in Skokie, Illinois

Everest College in Skokie is one of the finest massage therapy schools in Illinois. Choosing the right school for
you from the many massage therapy schools IL has to offer can be difficult. You'll want to turn to a highly
accredited massage school to ensure you learn all the skills you need to become successful and to excel at the
national certification exams. By blending classroom education with hands-on supervised clinical experience,
Everest provides the well-rounded education you need.

Upon graduation, you'll find many exciting workplaces open to you. Hospitals, spas, gyms, resorts, hotels, cruise
ships, doctors' offices and many more employers will seek your services; you'll also be fully qualified to open your
own practice if you choose. Every workday, you will make a difference in the lives of your clients by providing pain
relief, greater mobility and flexibility, faster healing and many other health benefits.

It's simple and easy to learn more about the courses at this fine massage college; simply ask for complimentary
information by filling out the school's convenient online request form to get all your questions answered.

Click here to learn more > Olympia College in Skokie, Illinois


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Northwestern Business College Located in Naperville (Chicago), Illinois

If you are seeking conveniently located Chicago massage therapy schools from which to choose, you are sure to
find a campus of Northwestern Business College located near you. At any of the three Chicago Metro area
campuses, you can earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Massage Therapy.

● The main Chicago Campus is located in Jefferson Park at 4839 N. Milwaukee Avenue, at the corner of
Laurence. It is only seven miles northwest from the Loop and public transit provides easy accessibility.
● The Bridgeview Campus, located at 7725 S. Harlem Avenue, is great for resident of south and southwest
Chicago Metro area.
● The Naperville Campus, located at 1809 N. Mill Street is near Interstate 88 and Naperville Road, perfect for
residents of the western suburbs of Chicago.

Your Chicago massage training at NBC provides a comprehensive curriculum, including externship opportunities, so
that you learn not only the modalities of bodywork, but sound business management skills. You'll become prepared
to enter the professional world and even open your own massage business if you choose after graduation and

Massage schools in Chicago area include many choices, so you want to be certain you
select the educational institution that best meets your personal needs. NBC will be
happy to provide you information regarding financial aid and scholarship opportunity if
you are a student that meets certain qualifications. The admissions process at NBC is
fast and easy, plus there's career placement assistance after graduation.

To learn more about any of the three Chicago massage therapy school campuses, simply contact the campus of
your choice to obtain no-obligation information. Just click the following link, and fill out the convenient school
form. It's that easy.

To learn more, click > Northwest Business College Chicago Campuses, Jefferson Park, Bridgeview or Naperville


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

The Soma Institute - Chicago, Illinois

Are you trying to determine where to attend massage training? Chicago, Illinois offers truly great Chicago massage
courses at The Soma Institute.

This decision can be difficult and confusing but by learning about The Soma Institute you'll learn why it is one of
the most highly regarded training centers and offers some of the most innovative programs in the country. Their
Master Clinical Massage Therapy is very comprehensive and offers students a wonderful opportunity through their
extensive learning environment.

You'll learn through classroom work and the school's massage clinic allows you to develop hands-on skill working
with real clients in a supervised setting. Their externship program is unique because it offers real life experiences
outside the classroom before gaining your state certification.

Located in downtown Chicago, you'll receive top quality training; learn new skills leading to an exceptional new
career. After passing the national board exams, you can open your own massage clinic or work in one of the many
workplaces requiring trained professionals. These include gyms, spas, hotels, resorts, sports teams, sports centers,
yoga centers, wellness centers and many, many more.

With this information in mind, you'll want to learn more about this career path and the school. Simply contact the
school and ask for complimentary information through their online request form. You will recieve answers to all
your important questions.

To learn more, click > The Soma Institute in Chicago, Illinois


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Illinois

Kaplan College in Indianapolis

If you are wondering what schools offer massage therapy, in Indianapolis, Indiana has Kaplan College, previously
known as the Professional Career Institute, which has two massage training programs to choose from.

It is one of the medical massage schools in Indiana that prepares you to work as a medical assistant. This massage
degree program earns you an Associate of Applied Science. If you are wanting to gain an entry level position then
you may want to consider the 36 weeks massage diploma program. The health care field is growing and there is a
high-demand for trained professionals. Either program leads toward a successful and lucrative career.

The objective of medical massage therapy schools is to help merge holistic medicine with the more traditional
western medicine systems. Both working in unison is a step in the right direction. This combination fills the needs
of the technology and skill of the physical therapist and occupational therapists alike. Holistic and Sports medicine
are two more examples where medical massage is in demand. Your accreditation will bring you the skills for the
professionalism needed as a medical assistant skilled as a body work therapist through merging these systems of
health care.

Learn more about recieving the education to enter the workplace in medical massage in Indianapolis just click on
the link below. Once you do, fill out the confidential form to learn about this exceptional massage school in
Indiana. You will receive answers to all your questions about each of their massage programs.

To learn more click here > Kaplan College, massage school in Indianapolis, Indiana.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Indiana

Everest College in Merrillville, Indiana

One of the finest Indiana massage therapy schools you'll find is located in Merrillville. This massage school Indiana
is proud to present, Everest College, offers a balanced education using classroom and clinical experiences that will
prepare you in every way to become successful in this growing field. Of course you want to attend one of the
accredited massage schools. Indiana's Everest College is fully accredited and high respected as a premier massage

Upon graduation, you'll find yourself highly sought-after by many employers such as hospitals, gyms, spas, resorts,
hotels, cruise lines and more. You'll also be fully qualified to open your own practice, if you choose. This career
choice will provide you satisfaction, both personal and financial. You'll make a very real difference in the lives of
your clients and feel good about your days work.

To help you get your questions answered, you'll want to obtain complimentary, no-obligation information from this
fine school. Simply visit the following link, and fill out the school's convenient online form. You will readily receive
answers to your import questions.

Click here to learn more > Olympia College in Merrillville, Indiana.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Indiana

Kaplan College - Hammond, Indiana

Are you trying to learn what schools offer massage therapy in a location in your area? Indiana's Kaplan College in
Hammond provides a top quality massage degree program in Indiana. Kaplan College is located on the northwest
side of Indianapolis and has easy access from I-465. The address is 7302 Woodland Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana,

Their massage therapy certificate program requires only forty-eight weeks of study. Then you will be ready to
launch into your new, exciting career after you pass the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and
Bodywork exam which your classes will fully prepare to complete with ease.

As a trained health professional, you'll find many opportunities await you at hospitals, spas,
resorts, cruise lines, gyms, hotels and other exciting workplaces. You'll also be qualified to open
your own clinic or private practice if you choose to do so. Pain relief, improved circulation,
lowered blood pressure, greater mobility, faster healing, stress management, and a general
sense of well-being are only a few of the many benefits your clients will appreciate and enjoy.

To learn more about the great opportunities that await you, simply request complimentary information from this
Indiana massage school. Simply click on the following link, fill out the form, and get all your questions answered,
about their 48 week curriculum, class schedules and tuition fees, and whatever else you may need to know.

Click here to obtain more information > Kaplan College in Hammond, Indiana


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Kaplan College - Merrillville, Indiana

If you are seeking a massage certification program, you'll want to know about Kaplan College in Merrillville,
Indiana, a massage therapy school that is both accredited and highly respected. This area is located on the
southern tip of Lake Michigann. When traveling on U.S. 30 the school is approximately two miles east of the I-65,
Route 30 exchange. The actual address is The address is Southlake Campus, 3803 E. Lincoln Highway, Merrillville,
IN 46410.

Here, you can complete your massage degree program in as little as 48 weeks. Choosing the right massage school
Indiana offers is a very important decision affecting your future. You'll be pleased to know that graduation from
Sawyer will prepare you to excel when taking the (NCBTMB) exam which will allow you to become certified.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the need for trained individuals in this growing field will increase as
much as thirty-five percent in the next five years. This means that you'll have your choice of exciting workplaces.

If you want to work in a medical environement you can choose between hospitals, and doctor's offices. Or if you
want to have a more alternative choice, there are spas, hotels, resorts, and cruise ships to consider. These are just
a few of the possibillities. You'll even be able to open your own practice if you prefer. Your clients will turn to you
for myriad health issues such as relief of pain, faster healing, improved mobility, better circulation, stress
management and other health needs that massage benefits so well.

If you live in Indiana, then you will want to get all your questions answered by clicking on the provided link below.
When you do just fill out the convenient form! It's simple and easy to learn more about your career opportunities,
class curriculums, tuition fess, and whatever else you would like to know. The school will get right back to you
with your requested information.

To learn more about the school, click here > Kaplan College in Merrillville, Indiana.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Body Wisdom Massage Therapy School - Urbandale, Iowa

If you want to develop the skills for a great career, attending an Iowa massage school is a step in the right
direction. Body Wisdom Massage Therapy School in Urbandale provides a 5,000 square foot facility located near the
corner of 86th Street and Douglas Avenue. Access from the 80 Freeway is easy to make your travel to and from
class efficient and fast.

Body Wisdom will provide all the training you need to begin your massage therapist career in Iowa or any other
state you choose. Because the program offered is so flexible, you can actually customize your courses to earn 750
to 1,500 hours in the Massage Therapy Certificate Program. There is also a great deal of flexibility in setting your
class schedule so that it works for you. Few schools offer the option to mix day and evening-weekend classes, but
Body Wisdom does.

The massage therapist training provides well qualified instructors from around the country that stay up to date on
the latest techniques and therapies being sought by clients. Using various teaching methods, including audio,
video, DVD, Internet and hands-on, your knowledge and skills will grow quickly. You'll even have the opportunity to
obtain training in how to effectively market a massage business should you elect to open your own clinic. Some of
the more difficult courses such as anatomy and physiology even have free on-line tutoring available.

This innovative Iowa massage therapy school has an on-site clinic where you will learn through working with actual
clients how to access needs, apply therapies, maintain records and use your sense of touch to provide many health

Body Wisdom also gives students the opportunity to participate in externship programs and community outreach
events such as visiting hospitals, sporting events and other special events to provide Chair Massage, gaining even
more valuable real life experience.

With options to include reflexology, Shiatsu, Jin Shin Do accupressure, deep tissues, prenatal, geriatric, clinical,
therapeutic and sports massage, lymphatic drainage and hydrotherapy, you choose the skills that will allow you to
provide a broad spectrum of services to clients upon graduation.

The professional staff at Body Wisdom will be happy to discuss options and other aspects of your education with
you at any time. You can have all your questions answered quickly and learn if this is the right place for your


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Kansas

Kansas Massage Schools: Heritage Institute in Wichita

Massage therapy schools in Whitcita includes Heritage Institute, a well known massage college in Kansas. If you are
wanting to get an OAS (Occupational Associate of Science) degree in therapeutic massage you can do so, or if you
want to train in a shorter period of time you can earn a diploma in therapeutic massage.

Heritage has been educating students in the art and science of therapy and are proud of their progressive
programs. This well-established institution employs a quality team of staff members. You will learn through
lectures, theory, and hands-on application of skills.

This Kansas massage school provides comprehensive training in addition to the basic training program. You can
further your expertise to the level you wish or, after working a few years in entry-level positions, you can
continute learning to increase your earning ability.

Massage training in Kansas can be fun, challenging and interesting and lead to a life's work that is meaningful and
fulfilling. There are few career paths that provide as much satisfaction, spiritual growth and happiness.

If you would like to learn more about this fine Wichita Massage school you can request information through their
online request form. The school will quickly reply back with answers to all your questions.

To learn more, click > Heritage Institute in Wichita, Kansas

Massage Business Building Tips: Become a Recognized Expert

Become a well known expert in the field of massage therapy. You can give speeches about
the benefits of massage at locations in your area. Or provide classes in small groups
offering basic massage techniques that couples can perform on each other to help alleviate
daily stress. Or you might wish to participate in charity events by offering discount rate
chair massages with the proceeds going toward the charity and giving each patron one of
your brochures. Make a goal to brand your name so that you are recognized in your
community as the local expert massage therapist.

Click here to learn more tips > Marketing Your Massage Business

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

National American University - Overland Park, Kansas

National American University - Overland Park, Kansas

A professional career can be yours by training at one of the Kansas massage schools, but which one should you
choose? National American University (NAU) in Overland Park could be your selection. Located at the corner of
103rd Street and Highway 69, it is convenient not only for Overland Park students, but also those from Kansas City,
only 15 minutes away, and other surrounding communities.

During your massage training in Kansas, you'll enjoy the attractive, spacious buildings and modern equipment.
While earning an Associate of Applied Science degree, you'll enjoy classroom and hands-on sessions. To add to your
proficiency, you'll participate in an externship program, working with clients in real-life situations. Upon
graduation, you'll be eligible to sit for the National Certification for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork exam.

Attending massage therapy school in Kansas will prepare you to seek employment in interesting and exciting
workplaces. You might find employment in fitness centers, spas, salons, hotels or one of the many other businesses
that seek caring, qualified therapy professionals.

Make an informed decision about your future by learning about class times and schedules, fees, registration and
other details. It's so easy to investigate further; simply contact National American University's Overland Park,
Kansas campus for all the facts.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Pinnacle Career Institute - Lawrence, Kansas

Choosing the right school from the massage schools in Kansas could be one of the most important decisions of your
life. You'll want to find a Kansas massage training institution that provides a balance of classroom and hands-on
education. You'll be happy to learn about Pinnacle Career Institute in Lawrence where the required courses for
massage therapy will prepare you in every way to become successful in this growing natural healthcare field.

At Pinnacle Career Institute, you'll learn through classroom work the theory required. You'll hone your skills
through hands-on supervised clinical practice in the school's clinic which is open to the public. Nothing can prepare
you for your career like actual experience with real clients. You'll learn to help people feel better, experience less
pain, enjoy faster healing, greater mobility and flexibility and many other health benefits.

Upon graduation, you'll find many exciting workplaces in search of your services. Hospitals, doctor's offices, cruise
ships, resorts, spas, hotels and many others will seek your services; you'll also be qualified to open your own

If this sounds like the career for you, you can obtain complimentary, no-obligation information. It's easy to get all
your questions answered by contacting Pinnacle Career Institute in Lawrence, Kansas.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho

Louisville School of Massage - Louisville, Kentucky

If you are trying to decide which of the Kentucky massage schools be sure to learn more about about Louisville
School of Massage. The classes are held at 7410 New LaGrange Road where you will enjoy modern equipment and

This massage therapy training in Kentucky is based on the concepts that people are physical, mental and spiritual
creatures and the therapies you provide should address each of these aspects. It is well know that there is a close
connection between the mind and body, but providing therapies to the entire human being is ingrained in the
teaching at LSM.

While attending this Kentucky massage therapy school, you'll learn through classroom teaching and hands-on
supervised training exactly how to apply pressure and manipulate tissues to provide relief from pain, lowered
blood pressure, improved circulation, rapid healing from accident, injury and surgery and many other health
benefits you will offer clients after graduation.

The caring, well qualified instructors at Louisville School of Massage provide individual attention to each student as
required to assist them in developing their skills and confidence. You'll learn how to interact with clients, draping
techniques, assessment and development of treatment plans, progress assessment and records maintenance as
well as all the skills required to operate your own clinic if you choose.

A great benefit of attending LSM, one of the fine massage therapist schools in Kentucky, is that you will prepare
for a career that will provide a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment each day while allowing you to earn
excellent income. There are so few career choices that provide this unique experience, allowing you to experience
growth in all aspects of your life. The knowledge that you make a very real positive difference in the lives of
people who seek your services ensures a sense of focus and purpose in life.

Today, more and more people are turning to natural healthcare options to avoid the high cost and invasive
treatments of traditional Western medicine. Bodywork therapy uses techniques that are among the oldest
healthcare in existence. Over the centuries, it has proven effective in many cultures including China, India, Egypt
and others. Learn how to become qualified for a profession – not a job – by learning these age-old techniques and
bodywork therapies.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Kentucky

Southwestern College - Florence, Kentucky

Southwestern College in Florence is one of the Kentucky massage therapy schools offering you the opportunity to
earn your professional degree in the science and art of therapeutic bodywork.

Located at 8095 Connector Drive, just off Interstate 71/75, the school is housed in the Antique Center and plenty
of parking is available for students.

Less than ten minutes south of Cincinnati and less than five miles south of Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky
International Airport, students from Elsmere, Hopeful Heights, Devon, Camp Ernest, and other nearby communities
find the location convenient. Just two blocks away is the large Florence Mall.

If you choose Southwestern College as your massage school in Kentucky, you'll find high standards, state of the art
equipment, and a teaching staff that is well-qualified to convey to you the benefits of healing touch. You'll learn
how you can operate your own business or be ready to find a career in one of the businesses which require trained,
caring massage therapists. Of course, you'll need to meet any state licensing and sit for the national exam, but
you'll be ready for these challenges upon successfully completing the program at SC.

If this Kentucky massage therapy school sounds like the place for you, you can have all your questions answered
regarding costs, financial aid possibilities, registration, and courses by contacting the school using the online
request form.

To learn more, click > Southwestern College in Florence, Kentucky


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Louisiana Massage Therapy Schools

Blue Cliff College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Attending a Louisiana massage school is a great way to enter into a profession that is fun, exciting, and highly in
demand today.

Blue Cliff College in Baton Rouge is one institution that can train you in the skills of Eastern and Western massage
therapy techniques.

Located at 6160 Perkins Road near the intersection of Quail Run Drive, the campus is southwest of the heart of the
city. Students from Westminster, Inniswold, Oak Hills Place, Gardere, and other communities in the area commute
to BCC via Interest 10 quickly and easily.

This Louisiana massage therapy school offers a diploma as well as an Associates Degree in massage therapy. Also,
at Blue Cliff College you have the option of taking either daytime and evening classes. Students who study hard
can finish the daytime diploma program in as little as nine month or the evening program in 15 months. They can
go on to earn their Associates degree in 18 months of full-time day study or 27 months of evening study. This
flexibility makes learn therapeutic massage as a way to improve your earning power while working at a day or
evening job practical. No longer do you have to settle for a ho-hum job you dislike when you can work toward a
career that will make every day a bright, new opportunity to help others.

BCC’s massage school in Baton Rouge gives each attendee of either therapeutic massage program the opportunity
to develop skills which will enable them to use their hands and body as tools of their professional. Clients seek
masseurs to relieve the stress of busy modern life, help relieve pain, improve fitness levels, and so many other
health benefits. This affordable form of natural healthcare is experiencing a long-term increase in demand and this
trend is expected to continue for many years to come.

Learn how you can get on the road toward a bright future by attending this Louisiana massage school. Details on
registration, fees, and when classes begin can be obtained once you fill out the school's convenient online request
form. You will quickly recieve complementary information.

Click here, to learn more > Blue Cliff College in Baton Rouge


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Blue Cliff College in Houma, Louisiana

Blue Cliff College in Houma is one of the Louisiana massage schools that can allow you to learn the art and science
of therapeutic bodywork to qualify you for an exciting new career.

There is no need to become stuck in a dead-end job when you can earn your credentials in as little as nine months
and have a real career. BCC's Houma campus is located at 803 Barrow Street, where you will find modern
equipment and caring instructors.

These massage classes in Louisiana offer you choices. You can choose to attend the diploma program which, if you
apply yourself thoroughly, can be completed in nine months as a daytime student or fifteen months in the evening
program. At Blue Cliff College i f you wish to earn an Associates in occupational Studies degree, then you'll attend
more intense training that will last for a minimum of eighteen months in the day program and twenty-seven
months if you select to attend in the evening.

No matter which option you elect, Louisiana massage training will allow you to develop qualifications to obtain
work in this in-demand natural health care profession. Because more people are turning to alternative therapies to
compliment traditional medical treatment, this job classification is expected to grow as much as thirty-five
percent in the next five years, offering you many employment choices. You could choose to apply for work in
hospitals, clinics, wellness centers, spas and one of the many other interesting workplaces.

There are many Louisiana massage schools, so you will want to gather more information in order to make a sound
judgement which school is just right for you. You may also want to learn about financial aid, which is available for
those students that qualify. You can obtain information without obligation through the school's online request form
which only takes a moment to complete.

To learn more, click > Blue Cliff College located in Houma, Louisiana


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Louisiana Massage Therapy Schools

Blue Cliff College in Lafayette, Louisiana

There are several campuses where you can attend classes at Blue Cliff College in Louisiana, and Lafayette is one of
the popular campuses offering massage therapy curriculum in the southern states.

Becoming qualified for a massage therapist career is a great move toward a wonderful future. As a trained
professional, you'll provide therapies and treatments to clients who seek a greater sense of wellness, better overall
health, improve circulation, reduced pain and the many benefits provided by bodywork therapy. At Blue Cliff
College you will appreciate the quality training you will recieve.

Massage therapy jobs in Louisiana are abundant, as they are in other states. Because people are seeking natural
solutions to health and wellness concerns, the demand for therapists exceeds the supply. You'll be entering a
career that is in a steep growth trend and that trend is expected to continue in coming years as more and more
people realize the benefits of the non-invasive natural bodywork techniques.

Frequently, the high cost of traditional medication and medical services has driven people to try other options and
they have found that bodywork treatments work extremely well for many problems. You'll know how to bring relief
from pain to those suffering. You'll also know how to improve flexibility, improve immune system response, remove
tension and provide intense relaxation, plus many other benefits your clients will enjoy as they optimize their
health naturally.

Many people earn a living, but few experience deep satisfaction as a result of their work. Many dread each
workday as it approaches. In your chosen field, you'll not only experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose but
you'll look forward to your professional workday because you know you will have more opportunities to bring
comfort and positive changes to people's lives.

By learning the art and science of these therapeutic treatments, you'll gain a better
understanding of how your body, mind and spirit join and function together. Not only will you
improve the lives of others, but your own life will change significantly in many positive ways.

Of course, you'll want to learn all about the massage program at this Louisiana massage school. You'll find a broad
spectrum of student services, including financial aid for those that may find tuition a barrier to their future. Just
ask for help from the friendly staff by taking the first step when you request information through their online,
complementary request form which helps you understand many of your options.

To learn more, click > Blue Cliff College in Lafayette, Louisiana


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Louisiana

Blue Cliff College in Metairie, Louisiana

Do you want to enter a career field that will allow you to work with other people in helpful ways?

If so, attending Blue Cliff College, a Metairie, Louisiana massage college, may be the ways to achieve that goal.
The well-trained staff of educators at the campus, located at 3501 Severn Avenue, will provide an opportunity to
obtain a comprehensive education using classroom theory and hands-on skills development.

Massage therapy courses in Louisiana at Blue Cliff College allow you a choice of a diploma program or the chance
to earn your Associates in Occupation Sciences degree. Both programs are available for daytime or evening
students. You can inquire about financial aid to learn if you may qualify for assistance should finances be a

Massage therapist training in Louisiana lets you develop manual dexterity skills necessary to
apply the modalities you learn. Anatomy and knowledge about human body and how it operates
will allow you to learn which techniques will best help each client. Business and 'people' training
will provide you the necessary abilities to even open your own private business after obtaining
the necessary credentials.

There are many other facts you'll want to know about this Louisiana massage college to determine if this is the
place to obtain your education. You'll be happy to know that no-obligation details are simple and easy to obtain
through the school's online request form that only takes a moment to complete.

To learn more, click > Blue Cliff College in Metairie, Louisiana


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Louisiana

Blue Cliff College in Shreveport, Louisiana

Are you considering Louisiana massage classes in order to obtain the qualification to enter this satisfying, in-
demand career field?

Consider Blue Cliff College, located at 200 North Thomas Drive in Shreveport for your training. Graduates of BCC
have because successful in therapeutic bodywork in hospitals, spas, resorts and other great workplaces. You can
even become qualified to operate your own private clinic if you wish.

There are many massage school in Louisiana from which to choose. It is important to find the right one for you.
Points to consider include caring, professional instructors, modern facilities and equipment and the opportunity to
perfect skills through hands-on practice. You can arrange to tour the campus at Blue Cliff College and learn exactly
what your educational experience will include.

This massage therapist college educates their students in the common modalities of therapeutic soft tissue work
but also includes training to ensure you learn about how to work with people as well as skills required for work in
the business world. By obtaining a well-rounded education, you'll learn everything you need to become successful
if you apply yourself.

You can learn more about these Louisiana massage classes as well as fact about schedules, day and evening
classes, fees and have all your questions answered by the help admission representatives. Once you fill out the
schools confidential request form you will recieve their complementary information explaining all the details.

To learn more, click > Blue Cliff College in Shreveport, Louisiana


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Career Technical College - Shreveport, Louisiana

Massage training in Louisiana is one way to qualify for a career for students that want to work closely with people.
If you love helping others feel better by using your hands, you'll want to know about Career Technical College in

As one of the respected massage schools in Louisiana, CTC offers both a diploma and Associate Degree program.
You can also choose to attend day or evening classes. Both programs will provide you the knowledge needs to sit
for the National Board Exams and gain your credentials to practice the art and science of bodywork.

Louisiana massage therapy training at CTC will teach you the various modalities used to help clients experience
less pain, improve flexibility, lower blood pressure and many other health benefits attributed to therapeutic
techniques you'll perform. You'll gain satisfaction in personal, financial and spiritual aspects of your life.

Learning more about massage training in Louisiana before making your decision is important. You'll want to know
about student services, classes and schedules and much more. To obtain all the information, simply contact Career
Technical College located in Shreveport, Louisiana for details without any obligation.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Maine

SeaCoast Career School in Sanford, Maine

Are you considering attending a southern Maine massage therapy school but unsure of which one is right for you?

Of the massage schools in Maine, you'll find SeaCoast Career School in Sanford to be among the finest available.
Here you will prepare in every way to excel when sitting for the national board exams and, afterward, when
establishing yourself as a skilled therapist.

The beautiful landscaped campus is located at 1 Eagle Drive, providing easy access to your classes. You'll find the
setting provides a sense of peace and beauty, conducive to your studies.

Upon graduation and completion of your national board exams, you'll have many new choices ahead of you. You
could begin your own business by starting your own practice and see clients at times that work with your schedule.
Or you could choose to work in one of the many established facilities that are seeking trained professionals to fill
positions in their workplaces. These include hospitals, doctors' offices, wellness centers, spas, salons, hotels, and
many, many more. In fact, did you know the demand for trained professionals is growing at a rapid pace? The U.S.
Department of Labor statistics anticipate a shortage of therapists in the coming years which leads the way for job

If you live in Maine, and want to learn more about one of their best massage schools, simply request information
through the school's online request form. Once you do the school will quickly reply and help to answer your many
important questions.

To learn more, click > SeaCoast Career School in Sanford, Maine


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Schools in Maryland

Baltimore School of Massage - Linthicum-Baltimore, Maryland

One of the best massage therapy schools in Maryland, the Baltimore School of Massage located in Linthicum-
Baltimore, Maryland lives up to their motto "Shaping Lives Through Knowledge". The campus is easily found at: 517
Progress Drive, Suite A-L, Linthicum, MD.

This fine massage school is part of the Steiner Education Group which operates spas and salons on 130 cruise ships,
and in 54 resort spas and 2 luxury day spas. They actually recruit practitioners directly from The Baltimore School
of Massage. Many of the schools graduates end up working for some of the top spa industry employers in the nation.

The courses they offer are unique, as students learn to blend physical fitness and spa modalities in their course
studies and these health-related fitness components, when experienced together help students develop a well-
rounded skill base.

You'll find that natural healing techniques such as massage therapy and bodywork have become
more popular as the medical field begins to recognize that all symptoms shouldn't be treated
with drugs and medication. The massage therapist can change a person's life from one of pain
and suffering to one of health and vibrancy in many cases, and at a much lower risk and cost to
the patient.

You can make a difference in people's lives by getting the training needed to become a therapeutic massage
therapist. You can enter a field where you are truly needed after completing your massage training.

To determine if this is the right school you can easily request information by filling out the school's convenient
online form. This way you will be one step closer to receiving answers to your many important questions. Lean
about the differences between the Massage Therapy and Spa Training versus Massage Therapy and Physical Fitness,
or even their Shiatsu and Asian Bodywork Courses.

To learn more, click > Baltimore School of Massage in Linthicum-Baltimore, Maryland


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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

TESST College of Technology - Beltsville, Maryland

Perhaps the most important career decision you will ever make is which of the massage therapy schools in
Maryland you should attend. In many MD schools, massage therapy is taught. Finding the best of the licensed
massage schools can rocket your career to success. TESST College of Technology in Beltsville, Maryland could be
the right school for you. By blending classroom theory with hands-on supervised clinical work with real clients,
you'll be fully prepared to succeed in this great career field upon graduation.

Helping people feel better is a great way to make a living. Not only will you gain financial satisfaction but you will
enjoy a degree of personal satisfaction about your work that few careers offer. Clients will come to you for pain
relief, faster healing from surgery or injury, to gain increased circulation and lower blood pressure and many other
benefits. You'll find many exciting workplaces which require your services such as hospitals, yoga centers, physical
rehabilitation clinics, doctors' offices, spas, hotels, resorts, cruise ships and more. Or, you could choose to open
your own private practice in a location that you will enjoy working.

To learn more about the benefits of choosing this career path, you can contact TESST College of Technology in
Beltsville, Maryland and ask for complimentary, no-obligation information. You can get all your questions answered
and learn all the details about their massage training program.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

TESST College of Technology - Towson, Maryland

There are hundreds of American massage schools, but choosing among the finest of the massage therapy schools in
Maryland can be overwhelming. One of the Maryland therapeutic massage schools you will want to know about is
TESST College of Technology in Towson. This accredited school will prepare you in every way to excel on the
national board exams and be fully ready to enter the growing world of professional massage.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that by 2010 the need for trained professionals in this field will increase by
as much as 35%. You'll be entering a field where the demand is much greater than the supply of professionals to fill
these jobs. Exciting workplaces like yoga centers, physical rehabilitation and sports centers, doctors' offices,
hospitals, cruise ships, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, orthopedic centers and many more are eager to find trained
professionals to fill the positions. While earning a very good living, you'll find personal satisfaction knowing that
every day you make a positive impact on the lives of your clients.

If this career choice sounds like the one for you, you'll want to learn more by requesting complimentary
information and getting all your questions answered. You can contact TESST College of Technology in Towson,


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Branford Hall Career Institute - Springfield, Massachusetts

Having earned the reputation over the years as one of the very best massage therapy schools, Massachusetts'
Branford Hall Career Institute located in Springfield can provide you professional massage training to enter an in-
demand profession in a surprisingly short time. The wellness industry as a whole is growing rapidly, and of all the
professions in that industry, professional massage therapy is the fastest growing. The supply of trained massage
therapists simply doesn't meet the demand today!

Branford Hall Career Institute's massage school will assist you with financial aid if you qualify. You will find both
day and evening classes to allow you to develop a course schedule that will fit into your life very well. Both full-
time and part-time students are accepted into the hands-on massage training programs.

If you want the opportunity of helping people allow their bodies to naturally heal themselves through the natural
techniques of professional massage therapy, it is easy to click and contact Branford Hall Career Institute at
Springfield, Massachusetts and receive the information you need to help you with your career plans.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Schools in Massachusetts

Everest Institute - Brighton, Massachusetts

Everest Institute, formally Bryman Institute of Brighton, Massachusetts offers students the training and skills
that will lead to successful employment. Bryman Institute continues to evaluate and update educational programs,
provide modern facilities and training equipment and select instructors with professional experience in the
vocations they teach.

These instructors have the ability to motivate and develop students to their greatest potential. Everest Institute's
goal is to promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success on the job and in society.

Would you like the skills to relieve patients of pain? The Massage Therapy program provides the basic knowledge,
tools, ethics, and behaviors that will enable you to successfully practice as a massage therapist in a variety of
healthcare settings. You will gain in-depth educational skills that increase your knowledge and develop specialized
techniques of massage.

A balance of academic knowledge, technical expertise, clinical skills and manual dexterity can provide you with a
competitive advantage in this ever-changing field. You will acquire a solid base of knowledge through instruction
and hands-on training in our well-rounded curriculum. It is easy to learn about the massage classes by requesting
additional information through the online school form.

Click here to learn more > Bryman Institute in Brighton, Massachusetts


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Massachusetts

Everest Institute - Chelsea, Massachusetts

Of all the massage therapy schools, Massachusetts offers one of the very best in Everest Institute (formally Bryman
Institute) at Chelsea. The massage therapy courses taught at Bryman are on the cutting-edge of technology and
will teach you the very latest techniques using state of the art equipment.

The professional instructors preparing you for your massage certification and training in small classes mean you'll
have the one-on-one attention necessary to develop the very best skills to enter the in-demand world of massage
therapy. In fact, graduates of Bryman School are eagerly hired by sports teams, hospitals, spas and other exciting
workplaces because the massage therapy courses teach the most effective skills and develop their students into
therapists that know the natural healing techniques so sought-after today.

The "Easy Start Step-By-Step" registration process means you can easily register, obtain career counseling and learn
about financial aid quickly and easily. Should you qualify, you may also obtain a massage school loan.

It is easy to request the information you need to help you decide if a path in natural healing as a massage therapist
is in alignment with your career ambitions and goals. Just fill out the convenient form and the school will contact
you providing answers to your important questions.

Click here, to learn more about > Everest Institute in Chelsea, Massachusetts.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools Massachusetts

Lincoln Technical Institute in Brockton, Massachusetts

Are you considering massage therapy schools? Massachusetts has some great schools, but none better than the
Central Massachusetts massage classes taught at Lincoln Tech in Brocton, formally known as Career Education

Massage therapy courses leading to your massage certification will prepare you for a professional career in this
exciting natural health care field. Massage therapy is an integral part of both Eastern and Western medicine and is
in greater demand today than ever. More and more people are turning to natural health care methods to avoid the
use of expensive and sometimes dangerous medications. Holistic health care service demands are simply exploding.
You can become a part of this satisfying field for helping people feel better and heal naturally.

If you have been comtemplating a career change, or if this is your first real career objective you can learn how to
get started by requesting information. You can then easily begin training for a personally and financially satisfying
life purpose career at this fine school . If your mind is already made up, you can even register today!

Click here to learn more > Lincoln Tech in Brockton, Massachusetts.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Lincoln Technical Institute in Lowell, Massachusetts

If locating top quality Central Massachusetts massage classes is your goal, you've come to the right place. Lincoln
Technical Institute, formally Career Education Institute (CEI) has a campus in Lowell, Massachusetts.

The school facilities are located at 211 Plain Street, Lowell, MA 01852, if you want to take a tour, or check out the
campus location to assess your commute.

It is important to note that students receive very personalized attention and focused training at Lincoln Tech due
to small class sizes, and a Student-to-Teacher ratio. By attending this accredited massage therapy school, you'll be
in-demand upon graduation by employees in many exciting workplaces, or you can open your own massage therapy

Hospitals, doctors, sports centers, gyms, spas and other businesses need the services of qualified, skilled massage
therapist to supply the demand for natural healing and health care. Therapuetic massage is a natural addition for
those who have yoga practices or yoga studios.

As more people turn to the holistic approach to medicine, this explosion in demand for massage therapists will
continue to grow. Lincoln Tech's professional instructors and the hands-on training experiences you receive will
prepare you to provide your clients with the natural health care they are seeking.

This fine technical school provides some of the best massage courses and training on the East Coast. If you are
wanting to add a new diminsion to your career in the natural health care field, or are beginning a new career it is
easy to contact the school. You can easily learn how you can become a sought-after professional by visiting the
following link, and filling out the form.

To learn more click >, Lincoln Technical Institute in Lowell, Massachusetts, and learn how to add massage therapy
to your skills.

Massage Training School Tips

Avoid Perfumes and Scented Products: Many clients experience allergies to perfumes,
incense, scented massage oils and other fragrant products. Never wear cologne or
perfume during your massage business workday to ensure all your clients will have a
positive session experince.

Another good tip, is to always have on hand fragrance-free massage oils. And, ask your
clients their preferences before applying any scented product to their bodies. Be sure
not to fill the room with fragrances or aromas--even natural scents--just in case you
may encounter a client who has sensitivities during the day. It is wise to maintain a
separate room for aromatherapy sessions if you offer this service and you have the

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Lincoln Technical Institute in Somerville, Massachusetts

One of the best massage therapy schools, Massachusetts' Lincoln Technical Institute, formally Career Education
Institute (CEI) Somerville campus is a great place to find hands-on training courses to prepare you for earning your
massage certification.

With massage therapy courses near Boston, the heart of medical science, you'll find Lincoln Tech an easy commute
by car or public transportation. The address at the campus is: 5 Middlesex Ave, Somerville, MA 02145. Lincoln Tech
offers two floors of training space and small classes, so students are able to receive personalized training. The
campus in Somerville is easy to get to by public transportation, or car and offers free parking.

Class training will teach you how massage therapy manipulates the body's tissues to allow the body to heal itself.
Theraputic massage therapists use a variety of methods such as fixed or movable pressure, holding, and movement
of the body to allow the body's energy to flow and produce natural healing. You will learn how to work with the
body's ability to balance and heal as you build skills as a therapist in this exciting field.

The in-demand field of massage therapy provides a satisfying and lucrative way to earn a living while helping
people in a very real way. Don't delay; by contacting the school you can receive information about their training

To learn more click > Lincoln Technical Institute in Somerville, Massachusetts, and fill out the form to easily
receive answers to all your important questions.

Massage School Training Tip

Sound machines can be a great way to get your clients to relax so they are able to
really enjoy their therapeutic session. Using a sound machine can create an ambiance
and atmosphere that makes a real difference in how your client feels about the overall
massage experience. However, many sound machines include the recordings of running
water and this can cause some clients to feel a sudden urge to urinate. Interrupting the
massage session for a restroom break can interrupt the client's experience so it is best
to avoid using water sounds during the massage.

Another important thing to remember before beginning the session is to always ask the
client if they would like to take a moment to visit the restroom before they are
positioned on the table. This way they will gain optimal benefits from their healing

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Massachusetts

Cortiva - Muscular Therapy Institute - Cambridge at Watertown, Massachusetts

The Muscular Therapy Institute offers the Cambridge campus for those students who wish to attend classes in
Watertown, Massachusetts. At this Massachusetts massage school you can attend massage classes at Cambridge and
learn the art of muscular therapy, an in-demand profession. The campus is located at 103 Morse Street,
Watertown, MA 02472 which is a quarter of a mile SW of Watertown Square.

Cambridge recognizes the body's natural healing nature. They value careful science and cultivated intuition as
essential components for developing both the skill and the art of massage. They know that when compassion and
acceptance guide skilled massage techniques, the work supports the healing process.

By the time you complete your training at this fine Massachusettes massage school you'll be prepared to help your
clients enjoy reduced pain, better immune response, improved circulation, faster healing and greater mobility.

Did you know that The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that in the next five years the demand for alternative
therapy, such as therapeutic massage will increase as much as thirty-five percent? Workplaces such as hospitals,
spas, resorts, hotels, sports centers, doctors' offices are seeking trained professionals to fill their needs.

It is easy to have the school send you answers to your questions. Just click the following link and fill out the
convenient form and the school will readily reply.

Click here to obtain information > Muscular Therapy Institute Cabridge Campus in Watertown, Massachusetts.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Massachusetts

Salter College in Worcester, Massachusetts

Do you dream of entering a satisfying and lucrative profession?

One way to do that is to attend one of the fine massage schools in Massachusetts. This way you will gain the skills
needed to enter one of the fastest growing professions in America today. When you get your massage therapy
education at Salter College in Worcester, Massachusetts you will be well on your way to obtaining the education
you will need to achieve the dream of having an exciting career.

The campus in Worcester offers MA therapeutic massage classes and is located just off Interstate 190 on Ararat
Street. Wo if you are looking for central Massachusetts massage classes this might be the school for you.

It is also important to know that your classes and training are designed to prepare you for taking the national board
exams. After you receive your certification you can work in one of the many workplaces that will seek your

You can work with professional sports teams, in gyms, wellness centers, spas, resorts, cruise ships, hospitals,
doctor's offices and many, many other employment choices. With this field growing at a very rapid rate, the U.S.
Department of Labor projects a growth of up to thirty-five percent in the next few years and there simply are not
enough trained professionals to meet these needs.

If you are looking for the best place to get your training its easy to request the information you need to learn
about class schedules, tuition fees, and class start dates.

Simply enter your information, to learn more, click > The Salter School in Worcester, Massachusetts


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Spa Tech Institute Located in Westboro, Massachusetts

Choosing from among the Massachusetts massage schools is a crucial decision. Before you make a selection, take a
moment to learn about Spa Tech Institute in Westboro. Since 1980, professional training has been offered to
students fro Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. With an easy-to-access campus located at 255
Turnpike Road, also known as Highway 9, you'll find the school between Otis and Milk Streets, a short distance east
of the Westboro Business Park. Students from Fayville, Woodville, Northborough, Ashland and other nearby areas
will find access via Interstate 490 makes travel quick and easy.

There are numerous massage therapy schools in Massachusetts and you want to select the one that you feel will
provide the right blend of classroom and hands-on learning. Spa Tech's student clinic offers the opportunity for
students to gain experience and confidence in their skills working with actual clients. This process allows students
to develop the people skills, record management, practical ethics, and refinement of therapeutic techniques to
enter their careers on the fast-track.

STI's Westboro massage training can transform your future in many ways. You'll learn the art and science of
bodywork, as well as learning about yourself and your body. You'll have the opportunity to develop
professionalism, learn to deal with people effectively, improve your knowledge of how to remain healthy, and
learn how to maintain a balanced lifestyle. You'll be prepared to use this knowledge to help your clients enjoy the
many health benefits associated with the modalities of bodywork after you obtain your professional credentials and
enter the workplace.

Is this Massachusetts massage school the right one for you? Only you can answer that question and detailed
information is necessary for making an informed decision. Spa Tech Institute, located in Westboro, Massachusetts
would like to provide you will all the facts. Just request their info packet and a campus tour can also be easily be


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

The Salter School - Fall River, Massachusetts

One of the finest massage therapy schools Massachusetts has to offer is The Salter School in Fall River. When
choosing from the MA massage schools, you'll want to be sure you select one of the best licensed massage schools
available. Salter is not only accredited but they provide assistance obtaining financial aid when needed.

More doctors and insurance companies, as well as the general public, are coming to realize that professional
therapy is the natural solution to many health problems. Your clients will enjoy less pain, better circulation,
lowered blood pressure, improved immune system response, greater mobility and flexibility and many other
benefits. You'll find employment in some great workplaces such as sports centers and sports teams, yoga centers,
chiropractors' and doctors' offices, hotels, spas, resorts, nursing homes, hospices and many more. Few career
choices provide the financial and personal satisfaction you'll experience every day knowing that you are helping
people to feel better, heal faster, and enjoy a better overall quality of life.

You'll find it easy to obtain information about class schedule, financial aid and other benefits of choosing this
career path. All you need to do is request complimentary, no-obligation information from The Salter School in Fall
River, Massachusetts.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

The Salter School - Malden, Massachusetts

If you are searching for the right school from the massage schools Massachusetts has to offer, you'll be happy to
learn about The Salter School in Malden for your massage therapy education in MA. This great therapeutic massage
training school is located just off Hi-way 60 not to far from the Malden city center.

As a trained professional, you'll have the skills to provide therapy to your clients that will relieve pain, provide
greater mobility, increase the body's natural immune response, improve circulation, as well as provide a sense of
general well-being and stress relief. Your career will also give you personal satisfaction by knowing you're making a
positive difference in the lives of your clients. Since the natural healing field is rapidly growing, your job
possibilities will out number the current qualified trained professionals. You'll not only have a secure future but
will also earn a comfortable living while performing this ancient healing art.

Over the past several years, the demand for professional therapists has grown each year. In fact, the United States
Department of Labor statistics indicate that this trend will continue for years to come. They expect an increase of
needed therapists by as much as thirty five percent in the next five years. Becoming part of this growth industry
ensures you won't loose your job due to outsourcing and downsizing.

To learn all about how you can enter this career field, simply contact The Salter School in Malden, Massachusetts,
and request information to get answers to all your questions about their massage therapy education in MA.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

The Salter School - Tewksbury, Massachusetts

The Salter School in Tewksbury, Massachusetts offers an excellent curriculum for your massage therapy education.
This licensed Massachusetts massage school will provide a balanced education to help you excel in this field where
new jobs are plentiful as more people seek natural means to improve their overall health and flexibility.

The benefits of massage are becoming well known in Western medicine and more insurance companies now pay for
therapeutic bodywork than ever before. Health clubs, spas, cruise ships, are also prime locations for employment
opportunities along with doctor's offices, hospitals, and other health related facilities.

If you are seeking a Northern Massachusetts massage school, The Salter School in Tewksbury might be the perfect
choice. It's simple to contact them, and get answers to all your important questions.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Everest Institute Located in Dearborn, Michigan

Are you considering attending Michigan massage classes as a means of entering an exciting, in-demand career field?

Of the massage therapy schools Michigan has to offer, you will find that the Everest Institute, located at 23400
Michigan Avenue in Dearborn, is among the finest schools.

You'll learn through classroom and hands-on practice at NIT, one of the most highly accredited massage schools.
Michigan licensing requirements and preparation for the national board exams will be easy after completing your
studies at NIT.

Natural health care options are being sought by more and more people today to avoid the high cost of traditional
medicine as well as the dangers of prescription medications. The therapy you will be prepared to offer include
techniques to relieve pain, improve circulation, enhance immune system response, improve mobility and many
other health benefits. Each workday you will know that you have made a positive impact on the lives of your

To learn all the details, simply contact the school by clicking the following link. Once you fill out the form, they
will readily send you an information packet to answer all your important questions > Everest Institute in Dearborn,


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/national-dearborn.html on line 62
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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Everest Institute Located in Detroit, Michigan

Selecting the right Michigan massage therapy school is a difficult decision. You want to obtain the most
comprehensive education and ensure your future success. You'll be so glad to learn about the Everest Institute in
Detroit, Michigan. Located at 300 River Place Drive, you'll find the campus convenient to all locations in Detroit,
making your commute to class quick and easy.

This Detroit massage school offers a balanced learning experience with classroom time and supervised, hands-on
clinical experience working with actual clients. You'll be assured of the individual attention you need to properly
hone your skills and develop the sense of touch and manual dexterity to truly make a difference in the sense of
wellness your clients enjoy.

If you choose to learn massage in Detroit at this institution, you'll find a full range of student services including
financial aid. You'll have access to job placement services upon graduation to help you find the right employment
for you. You'll never regret entering this career path because each work day you will know that you make a
positive difference in the lives of each client you serve.

If you choose, you can open your own clinic. You can also find work in many exciting places of employment such as
five-star hotels, spas, doctors' offices, hospitals, resorts, ski lodges, cruise ships and many others. You will earn
both personal and financial satisfaction while practicing this natural health care art.

Before you make a final decision on the Michigan massage school to attend, you'll want to obtain all the details so
you can make a sound decision by and simply requesting their no-obligation information package.

Just fill out the form once you click the following link > Everest Institute in Detroit, Michigan


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools - Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan to Louisiana

Everest Institute Located in Southfield, Michigan

Are you seeking a massage therapy school in Southfield, Michigan?

Michigan offers the Everest Institute where you can obtain a balanced curriculum in massage therapist training.

The blend of classroom theory and hands-on clinical work with real clients ensure that you graduate, in a little as
three quarters, fully prepared to enter this field as a respected professional.

Today there is a greater demand for professional therapists than ever before. In fact, the U.S. Department of
Labor statistics project that in the next five years, this demand will increase 35%. With so many careers being
impacted by outsourcing and downsizing, you'll be glad to know that trained therapists find employment quickly
and easily. In fact, some of the most exciting workplaces you can imagine will seek your services. Resorts, spas,
luxury hotels, sports centers, cruise lines, doctor's offices, hospitals and wellness centers are just a few of the
opportunities that will be available to you upon graduation.

Everest Institute will also help you with job placement through their Career Services Assistance, which is a full-
time placement staff dedicated to assisting students with resume preparation, interviewing skills, and finding full-
time employment opportunities.

If you are ready to learn more about their day or evening classes, fees, and schedules, click here > National
Institute of Technology in Southfield, Michigan.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Michigan

Everest Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Michigan massage therapy courses can lead you into an exciting career helping people feel better. Perhaps the
finest massage therapy school in MI is Everest Institute in Grand Rapids. Located at 1750 Woodworth Street, NE,
just off Plainfield Ave., Everest is an easy commute from anywhere in Grand Rapids.

As a fully accredited massage schools in Michigan for higher learning, Everest Institute will prepare you in every
way to become a success as a trained professional therapist. You'll be prepared to sit for the national board exams
and work in one of the exciting workplaces requiring therapists. You'll even be prepared to open your own clinic if
you choose.

Clients come to qualified therapists to enjoy relief from pain, lowered blood pressure, improved circulation, deep
relaxation and many other health benefits. More people than ever before are turning to natural health care options
to compliment traditional medical care and trained professionals entering this field are in demand.

To learn more about how to get started, simply request complimentary information by filling out a convenient and
confidential form provided by the school . You can recieve answers to all your questions.

Click here to learn more > Olympia Career Training Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Michigan

Everest Institute in Kalamazoo, Michigan

If you want to attend massage training in Michigan, you'll want to learn about Everest Institute in Kalamazoo. It is
the school chosen by many who have graduated to become very successful in this professional field.

This massage therapy school in Michigan will prepare you for the national board exams which will inturn open the
way for you to start a very successful career working in a growing field that is in need of qualified professionals.

Located at 5177 West Main Street, Everest's beautiful campus is convenient for your commute from anywhere in
the Kalamazoo area, whether you choose daytime or evening classes.

With more and more people seeking natural health care options, the growth rate in this industry is extraordinarily
high. U.S. Department of Labor statistics anticipate the need for trained therapists to grown from twenty-one to
thirty-five percent in coming years. You can also choose continuing education classes to broaden your skills in one
of the many other healing arts anytime you want to. Many therapist enjoy adding other techniques such as thai,
shiatsu, reflexology, and other modalities after their practice is established. Essentially this field has no

By choosing this career, you will obtain professional, financial and spiritual satisfaction each workday. You can
easily request all the details about the curriculum at this fine Michigan massage institute, simply click the
following link, and fill out the school's confidential form and you will readily receive the information you need.

Click here to learn more about the school > Olympia Career Training Institute in Kalamazoo


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Rasmussen College - Eagan Minnesota

Are you looking for Minnesota massage therapy schools that are located near downtown Minneapolis? Then
Rasmussen College in Eagan, just 15 miles southeast of the big city might be just right for your studies.

Located at 3500 Federal Drive, just off Interstate 35 East at the Yankee Doodle Road exit, you’ll find the
Rasmussen College campus is a thriving part of this dynamic community.

Some MN massage schools offer campuses in the middle of business plazas or strip malls.
Rasmussen College is set in a single-level building nestled into a green, scenic landscape. The
terraced garden, attractive modern building, and uncongested feeling of the campus helps
students relax and learn the art and science of massage as they work to become a natural
healthcare professional.

This massage school in Minnesota offers a full range of student services including job placement assistance after
graduation. Financial aid representatives can inform you of potential financial solutions for which you can apply if
you meet certain qualifications.

You can learn more about this Minnesota massage therapy school by contacting Rasmussen College in Eagan. Simply
click the following link, and fill out their convenient online form to receive answers to your many questions.

To learn more, click > Rasmussen College - Eagan Minnesota

Massage Training Tip: Keep It Clean: Whether you practice your profession in a business you own or in a clinic,
gym, spa, or other location, it is the massage therapist’s duty to keep their work area clean and attractive.
Before you start the day, place fresh linen on your massage table, check that there are plenty of clean, soft,
fluffy towels available, place your massage table pillow in a clean pillow case, and make certain the changing
room and restroom are clean and appealing. Wipe down bottles of massage oil so that they are clean. Make
sure floors are spotless. Always wear a clean smock or clean scrubs and keep an extra change of clothing on
hand in case you happen to stain your clothing. Each client deserves to find you and your therapy area in
perfect, spotless, neat condition.

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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Massage Therapy Schools Offers Everest Institute in Eagan, Minnesota

Everest Institute of Eagan, Minnesota offers students the training and skills that will lead to successful
employment. Bryman Institute continues to evaluate and update educational programs, provide modern facilities
and training equipment and select instructors with professional experience in the vocations they teach.

These instructors have the ability to motivate and develop students to their greatest potential. Bryman Institute's
goal is to promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success on the job and in society.

The Massage Therapist program is taught over nine modules, with each module encompassing a different course of

The 9 modules include the following courses:

1. General biology, medical terminology, and computer basics

2. Body systems
3. General psychology, customer service, and computer basics
4. Introduction to massage and anatomy/physiology
5. Therapeutic massage
6. Deep tissue sculpting
7. Sports massage
8. Traumatology
9. Personal fitness and nutrition

It is easy to get the information you need to help you assess the cirriculum and massage courses and training.
Massage therapy is becoming a fast growing career opportunity with much potential for great job placement. Or if
you would rather, you can begin a private practice in your own community.

Simpley click the following link, and fill out the form to receive your complimentary information packet to answer
all your important questions > Everest Institute in Eagan, Minnesota.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/bryman-institute-eagan.html on line 71

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Duluth Business University - Duluth, Minnesota

Of the massage schools Minnesota offers, you'll find one of the very best massage schools in America - the Duluth
Business University in Duluth, Minnesota. Considered one of the very finest American massage schools, the massage
therapy courses at DBU prepare graduates to enter this high demand field as entry-level therapists in any of many
exciting professional settings where trained therapists assist clients and patients through therapeutic massage.

By choosing DBU, you'll be eligible to the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork exam
and you'll also be eligible for membership in the American Massage Therapy Association. With your credentials,
you'll find yourself in demand by many employers. You will find opportunities to work in locations such as such as
hospitals, resorts, spas, massage clinics, and other locations.

When thinking about a career, consider a life purpose career that allows you to feel good about the work you offer
and how it makes a difference in people's lives. It only takes a moment to learn more about this high demand field
by contacting the Duluth Business University in Duluth, Minnesota. You will be one step closer to beginning your
journey to an exciting, satisfying and lucrative new career.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

High-Tech Institute in St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Do you dream of becoming a sports massage professional and working with a sports team? The place for you to
start is one of the best massage schools Minnesota has to offer. High-Tech Institute is a Minneapolis school of
massage in St. Louis Park that offers a comprehensive massage training program. If you wish to focus your career
on sports, this program is just right for you!

Because natural healing arts such as sports therapy are becoming more popular every day, you'll find yourself
qualified to work in some very exciting workplaces upon completion of your training. Of course, professional sports
teams need therapists, but you might also like working on a cruise ship, at resorts, hospitals, spas, clinics or maybe
opening your own practice is the right career direction.

The hands-on training you'll receive in all the aspects of therapy will provide a bright future. Small classes ensure
individual attention, so don't delay. Contact the school for more information through their online info request
form. Classes fill quickly so besure and reserve your place.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute St. Louis Park, Minnesota


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

Of the massage schools Minnesota has to offer that provide massage therapy courses, Globe University/Minnesota
School of Business in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota is one you will want to check out.

Unlike many Minnesota massage schools, Globe University/Minnesota School of Business allows you to obtain an
Associate in Applied Science degree in only 6 quarters or a diploma in massage therapy in only 4 quarters.
Graduates are fully prepared to excel when taking the American Massage Therapy Association National Board
Certification exam for massage and bodywork.

With the need for trained healthcare therapists growing rapidly, you will find many exciting workplaces awaiting
your services. Hospitals, doctor's offices, resorts, spas, rehabilitation centers, gyms, salons and many more are
finding natural health care highly in-demand. In fact, the need for therapists in the next few years is expected to
increase as much thirty-five percent.

To obtain details about these two massage programs, simply contact the school through their online form to
receive complimentary information. You can also or arrange a visit to the campus and get all your questions
answered personally.

Click here to learn more > Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Plymouth, Minnesota

Are you considering attending medical massage therapy training at one of the massage schools Minnesota offers?

If you are thinking about a career as a therapist, you'll be so glad to learn about Globe University/Minnesota School
of Business in Plymouth. This Minnesota massage school provides a choice of two programs: you can earn an AAS
degree in six quarters or if you wish to obtain a certificate you can do that in only four quarters.

As a trained therapist, you'll have many exciting workplaces available to you. Positions for massage therapists are
found in hospitals, doctor's offices, resorts, spas, sports centers, gyms, salons and rehabilitation facilities to name
only a few of the options available. You can also build upon your massage skills, and continue your education when
you are able to do so.

To learn more about how to enter this in-demand career field and get answers to your
questions, simply contact the school by filling out their convenient online form to
request complimentary information providing answers to your many important

To learn more, click > Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Plymouth, Minnesota.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Richfield/Bloomington, Minnesota

The massage therapy courses and training you'll find at Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Richfield/
Bloomington are fast paced and provide quick entry into this in-demand career field. One of the finest massage
therapy schools in MN, you can choose to earn your Associates in Applied Science degree in about 18 months or
obtain your diploma from this Minnesota massage school in only one year.

Today, more and more people are seeking trained natural healthcare professionals to help them feel better,
experience less pain and reduce the stress of hectic modern life. You'll find a career as a professional therapist will
be satisfying and at the same time, you'll be earning a solid income. You'll feel good about yourself because every
workday, you'll be helping others feel better.

You can request information to learn the details about each of the massage programs available, and even register
for courses online. Just contact this Minnesota massage college through their convenient online request form and
they will be happy to assist you with whatever needs you have.

To learn more, click > Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Richfield/Bloomington, Minnesota


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Rochester, Minnesota

Do you want choices in the massage training in MN that you attend?

One Minnesota massage school is all about choices. Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Rochester
allows you to choose between earning an AAS degree in 18 months or opting for a diploma in only one year! One of
the premier massage schools Minnesota offers, GU/MSB will combine classroom, laboratory and clinical experience
to fully prepare you to become a success in this exciting field of therapy.

Whether your goal is to open your own clinic or to work in one of the many exciting workplaces needing
professional therapists, you'll have many career doors open to you upon graduation from Globe University/
Minnesota School of Business.

Each workday, you'll have the joy of helping people feel better while earning a very good income. The demand for
trained professional in this growing field is expected to increase between 21% and 35% by 2010, according to U.S.
Department of Labor estimates.

It's so easy to obtain additional information about your options for your future; get your questions answered --
simply contact the school through their online request form to receive complimentary information about their
Minnesota massage program.

To learn more, click > Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Rochester, Minnesota.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/minn-school-rochester.html on line 63
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Globe University/Minnesota School of Business - Shakopee, Minnesota

Whether you are just beginning to seek your career or want to find a better way to earn a living, you'll want to
know about the massage therapy courses and training available at one of the finest massage therapy schools in MN.
Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Shakopee is a premier Minnesota massage school where you can
choose between earning a degree in six quarters or a certificate in four quarters.

As more and more people turn to natural healthcare, the demand in this field is steadily rising. With so many jobs
in other fields being threatened with downsizing and outsourcing, you'll be happy to know that the demand for
trained clinicians in massage is much higher than the resources available. This trend is expected to continue for
several years to come.

To learn more about this exciting career option, all you have to do is contact the school to learn more. Click the
following link and fil out the convenient school form to recieve complimentary, no-obligation information.

To learn more, click > Globe University/Minnesota School of Business, Minnesota


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Waite Park, Minnesota

Choosing from the Minnesota massage therapy schools is a very important decision. Of the massage schools
Minnesota offers, you want to find just the right school for massage therapy courses and training. Consider the
options available at Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Waite Park, Minnesota. At the St.
Cloud campus you can choose to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree, requiring six quarters of study, or
you can choose a diploma option that only requires four quarter of study.

By choosing to enter this in-demand career field, you'll find both personal and financial satisfaction. By helping
patients by applying appropriate treatment, you'll leave work every day feeling good about yourself and your work.

To learn more about the options available for study at St. Cloud Campus in this in-demand career field, simply
contact Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Waite Park, Minnesota.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

National American University - Bloomington, all of America, Minnesota

Massage Classes in Minnesota could be the key to a career rather than just a job. National American University,
located at 112 West Market on the first floor of the Mall of America, in Bloomington may be where you find that
key. This unique campus is easily accessed from Mendota Heights, Eden, Prairie, Edina, Burnsville, Apple Valley
and other surrounding areas from Highway 77 or Interstate 494.

One of the most appealing Minnesota massage schools, you can attend classes, shop, enjoy a movie, access public
transportation and much more just outside your classroom. Nearby, you'll find Long Meadow Lake and the
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife/Recreational Area. NAU represents a well-respected institution, having begun in
1941 but continually embracing advances in technology. You'll find NAU is home to supportive instructors and staff
and offers the latest equipment as well as beautiful classrooms.

While attending Minnesota massage therapist training, working toward your Associate of Applied Science degree,
you'll learn the various modalities of bodywork and body mechanics. Focusing on the body, mind, and spirit as a
whole, you'll learn how to help clients' bodies heal naturally while enjoying a greater sense of health and well-
being. After obtaining your professional credentials, you'll find meaningful work in one of the many businesses
requiring the services of therapeutic masseurs or operating your own business may be your plan.

There's more to learn about massage classes in Minnesota. Fortunately, it only requires a minute of your time to
request detailed information about registration, fees, student services, and more.

To learn more click > National American University in the Mall of America located in Bloomington, Minnesota.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

National American University- Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

Does your vision for the future include attending an MN massage school? Why not earn an Associated of Applied
Science degree at North American University in Brooklyn Center? Located in this southern suburb of St. Paul, you'll
find the campus on the main floor of the Earle Brown Tower at 6120 Earl Brown Drive. Students residing in
Robbinsdale, Crystal, Fridley, Brooklyn Heights and Columbia Heights will gain access easily via Interstates 94 or
694 or Highway 100.

As one of the modern massage schools in Minnesota, NAU offers large classrooms and the latest equipment. The
well-trained teaching staff will help you learn the many modalities available to the professional therapist. Learning
can lead to personal and spiritual growth as you gain knowledge of how your own body functions as well as how to
help the bodies, minds, and spirits of others operate better through natural techniques you'll learn how to provide.

Upon completion of your Minnesota massage training, you will be qualified to take the required exam to obtain
professional credentials. Then, you'll be ready to locate interesting and satisfying employment in the world of
bodywork. Today, people are seeking natural healthcare services so you might find yourself working in a corporate
wellness center, with professional athletes, with geriatric clients, or one of the other great opportunities open for
caring, licensed masseurs.

Choosing the right MN massage school is important to your future, so further investigation is warranted. Costs,
course summaries, registration requirements and other information is readily available when you contact National
American University located in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

National American University - Roseville, Minnesota

Attending a MN massage school can provide you the knowledge required for a successful, bright future in natural
bodywork. National American University in Roseville offers students in this northern suburb of Minneapolis in
Ramsey County a place to gain the education to prepare for employment in an in-demand field. At the campus,
located at 1550 West Highway 36, just east of Snelling Avenue North, you'll find a caring team of educators and
modern facilities and equipment. Commuting students from Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, and Saint Anthony will
find the campus a convenient location at which to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree.

Convenience is important when selecting which of the massage schools in Minnesota to attend. At NAU, you'll find
some of the choice shopping locations within blocks of the campus. Both the huge Rosedale Shopping Center and
the Har-Mar Mall are within minutes of the school. For recreation, the Roseville Cedarholm Golf Course is just west
of the campus. Bennett Lake in Central Park as well as other public recreation areas and parks, are nearby the
campus, providing great places to study for class.

Students who apply themselves during their Minnesota massage training should excel when sitting for the National
Board exams, preparing them for licensing and entry into the workplace. Because natural healthcare options are
more popular then ever, employment can be located at one of the many organizations seeking services of well-
trained, highly-qualified therapeutic massage professionals. You might find yourself working with children, the
handicapped, sports professionals, or the general public. You could decide to open your own business if that is your

Could this be the right MN massage school for you? You can learn more details easily and quickly. After all,
decisions about your future are important and you deserve all the facts. Contact National American University at
the Roseville, Minnesota campus to obtain information without obligation.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota

Rasmussen College - Eden Prairie, Minnesota

In 2006, Rasmussen College opened their most recent additional to Minnesota massage schools in Eden Prairie,
adding to their legacy of over 100 years of offering quality education to students. Chosen as Money Magazine’s 10th
best place in which to live in the entire US, this community is only 20 miles from Minneapolis yet offers green
spaces and much less hustle and bustle than big cities.

This addition to massage therapy schools in Minnesota is located at 7905 Golden Triangle Drive. Interstate 494/169
makes access easy to the campus which is located adjacent to Vikings Winter Park. The single-story building is
handicap-accessible and the readily-available parking is free of charge.

Choosing from the massage schools in MN is a daunting task. You should choose the
college of massage which is best for your specific personal goals and needs. If
Rasmussen College is your choice, you’ll enjoy learning from a well-qualified staff of
professionals who are recognized as experts in their field. Facilities and equipment are
kept up-to-date and cutting edge.

To learn all about this Minnesota massage school you can request information through their online info form. You
can even arrange a campus visit and check out the campus.

To learn more, click > Rasmussen College in Eden Prairie.

Massage Training Tip - When choosing a draping material for your massage table find a fabric that is natural,
soft, and soothing to the skin such an organic cotton massage table cover. Organic cotton may cost a bit more
but when shopping sales you can always find excellent prices.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Rasmussen College - Mankato, Minnesota

If you are looking for Minnesota massage therapy courses and training be sure and learn about Rasmussen College
in Mankato, noted as a leading Minnesota massage school. Rasmussen offers an AAS Degree, or for those who prefer
they can earn a Massage Therapy Certificate in a shorter period of time. Mankato campus also has a Massage Clinic
on campus, which is operated by students who are in the advanced training courses. Supervised by instructors, the
clinic offers its students hands on experience. The general public is welcome to recieve reduced fee massages.
What a wonderful benefit to the public and a great way for students to perfect and gain skill. This is a fantastic
opportunity for to gain confidence in your new career right from the start.

More and more people are attracked to the benefits they receive from a visit to a trained therapist that range from
a broad number of medical applications. For example, increased relaxation, stress reduction, health promotion,
pain management, and injury recovery are just a few of the benefits. When attending this college your training
will open doors for job placement in many facilities which promote and facilitate health and wellness care. Or
perhaps your career ambition might be to open your own clinic.

If you are interested in learning more about massage therapy schools in MN, be sure and visit this outstanding
college. It’s easy to contact, Rasmussen College in Mankato, Minnesota and learn bout their curriculum, schedules,
and fees by requesting information today!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Rasmussen College - St. Cloud, Minnesota

If you are looking for Massage Training in MN, be sure and learn about Rasmussen College in St. Cloud, noted as
a leading Minnesota massage school. It can get confusing when looking for the classes and training that fit into your
schedule, but this is one of the best massage schools Minnesota offers. You can attend day or night classes, and
they also offer both an AAS Degree, and Massage Therapy Certificate. They are opening an on campus Massage
Clinic which will be supervised by instructors and ran by advanced massage students. By the time you finish your
training you will also have opportunity for real world hands-on experience and learn all the facets of running your
own clinic.

This modern college just opened its brand new wing with state of the art classroom settings and facilities fall
quarter of 2005. With everything in place to gain the education you need to run your own clinic should you choose
to do so, your will be on your way to a very lucrative and fulfilling career in an industry that is growing rather than

Be sure and take advantage of the schools tours, and visit this outstanding college. It's easy to contact, Rasmussen
College in St. Cloud, Minnesota and learn about tours, their curriculum, schedules, and fees by requesting
information today!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Mississippi Massage Therapy Schools

Blue Cliff College - Gulfport, Mississippi

Do you want to attend a Mississippi massage therapy school with a stable record of success in the booming area of

Blue Cliff College, located at 2200 25th Avenue which is also known as Highway 49, might be the one for you.

Since 1987, Blue Cliff College has been teaching students in many locations. In 2000, BCC Gulfport became an
ACCSCT-accredited massage therapy school, adding to the growing list of campuses BCC operates. Less than five
minutes to the beach, this campus is located in a modern facility that has been recently been built and all
equipment is state-of-the-art. Housed in a two-story strip mall, BCC occupies the first level and is fully handicap-

This Gulfport massage school offers two programs for massage therapy students. You can choose to earn a diploma,
which requires 53 quarter credits to be completed. Students attending the daytime program on a full-time basis
can earn their diploma in as little as nine months. Evening classes are offered and students who apply themselves
to their studies can earn their diploma in just 15 months. The Associates in Occupational Studies Degree in
massage therapy requires 96 quarter credits which are usually earned in 18 months of day study or 27 months of
evening classes.

While you attend this Mississippi massage college, you will learn massage theory and application, business skills,
communications, ethics, and everything necessary to sit for the national exams and earn your professional
credentials upon graduation. You'll be prepared to find employment in one of the many exciting workplaces which
require trained massage professionals such as the exclusive casino resort hotels along the waterfront, cruise ships,
hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and many others. If you desire, you could even open your own massage clinic in
this rapidly growing area.

Choosing the right Mississippi massage therapy school is a big decision, so you deserve to have all the facts. You
can quickly obtain them by filling out the school's online info request form and receive all the details.

To learn more, click > Blue Cliff College in Gulfport, Mississippi

Massage School Training Tip

Portable Massage Tables - Massage tables that fold and are lightweight can be easily moved from one location
to another. This permits the professional massage therapist to offer their services outside their normal
workplace. For example, you might benefit the community by offering free on-site massages to those
confined to nursing homes. Visit local schools on career day and show them what your work involves. Offer
your services at a discount to the local firefighters or other civil servants at their work location. Visit health
fairs and offer on-site massages plus discount coupons for visits to your business for future massages. For a
therapist just starting their own massage clinic, the goodwill and word of mouth advertising can be the
greatest advertising you can possible obtain.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Virginia College - Jackson, Mississippi

Do you want to learn massage therapy at one of the schools for massage therapy in Mississippi? Massage training
that will meet all your needs is available at Virginia College in Jackson, Mississippi. During the two year training
program, you'll learn every aspect of the profession including how to run a business, physiology, kinesiology, as
well as all the most frequently used modalities of bodywork.

Upon graduation, you'll be fully prepared to sit for the national board exams and to open your own business. Or you
can choose to work in one of the many great workplaces that require trained therapists. Hospitals, doctors' and
chiropractor's offices, hospices, nursing homes, hotels, spas, resorts, cruise ships, gyms, wellness centers and many
more workplaces are in need of trained professionals. In fact, the projects are that in the next few years, the
demand will increase as much as thirty-five percent. (U.S. Department of Labor).

A profession that provides personal satisfaction as well as allows you to earn a lucrative living is a great career
path to follow. Every workday, you will know that you are helping people feel better and enjoy life more.

If you are ready to learn more about attending massage training classes in Mississippi, then all you need to do is
request complimentary information from Virginia College in Jackson, Mississippi. You can receive answers to all
your questions and be one step closer to beginning a new career in a field that will grow with you.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Sanford-Brown - St. Charles, Missouri

Discover the Sanford-Brown of St. Charles, Missouri difference. At Sanford-Brown, we care about you and your
future. That is the Sanford-Brown difference.

Sanford-Brown College offers you highly focused, high quality, short-term degree and certificate programs in
information technology, business and healthcare. We are dedicated to providing academic excellence. If you're
looking for an exciting and rewarding career in today's rapidly expanding fields, we can help you get there.

Our goal is to provide you with the practical information and experience you need to get your foot in the door. We
avoid requiring you to take courses that won't help you reach your career goals.

With Sanford-Brown in St. Charles, Missouri you can get started quickly with convenient day and evening classes to
meet your needs. If you’re ready for an exciting, rewarding career, contact Sanford-Brown today!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Allied College - North St. Louis, Missouri

If you are trying to decide between massage therapy courses in the St. Louis, Missouri area, you don't want to miss
considering Allied College in North St. Louis. Among the finest massage schools, Allied College can provide you with
all the skills you will need within nineteen months to become a trained therapist in this highly recognized and
rapidly growing field. The college address is 13723 Riverport Drive, Suite 103, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. You
can easily locate the college just of Earth City Expy.

This massage therapy school provides you the freedom to learn everything required for beginning a new career
path. The quality programs that are available through the college will teach you more than the art of massage
therapy; the school will help you find the right path in life. With flexible schedules to fit your personal needs,
you'll find that you can fit the training you need to become a professional massage therapist into the schedule you
must have.

If you would like a career helping others, and one that also provides personal development, contact Allied College,
North St. Louis, Missouri for more information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Allied College - South Arnold, Missouri

Allied College in South Arnold, Missouri is part of the Allied College system, which can provide you with a hands-on
massage therapy school experience. The massage therapy courses at Allied will give you all the skills you need to
obtain a career in one of the many opportunities that require well trained therapists. You can easily locate the
college just off Hiway 141 at 645 Gravois Bluffs Blvd., Fenton, MO 63026.

Hospitals, doctors offices, spa resorts, cruise lines, sports teams, gyms provide you with a wide range of
employment opportunities once you complete the required curriculum. A career in this promising field can be a
right step toward a better future for you and your family.

The flexible schedules available at Allied College will allow you to fit the training you need into your current
schedule. In less than two years, you can earn the certificate required to begin a career in one of the most rapidly
growing career fields available today.

You can easily learn more about the courses offered at at one of Missouri's finest massage schools, by requesting
information through their online form. You have nothing to loose by learning more about Allied College in South
Arnold, Missouri.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Missouri

Missouri Massage Schools: Heritage Institute in Kansas City

Choosing from the array of massage schools Missouri offers can be a real chore. In your search for the right college
in your area be sure and learn more about Heritage Instutite in Kansas City. You will find Heritage offers quality
education in the art and science of bodywork that will prepare you for employment in this natural healthcare field.

Through Heritage Institute's massage therapy classes in Missouri you will learn the modalities that are most
commonly used today. You'll learn how to assess the needs of clients and help them feel better. You'll know that
you are making a difference in the lives of people each work day.

You can feel confident that Heritage is one of the well-respected Kansas City massage schools.
You will obtain hands-on skills from the programs accredited course studies giving you a chance
to develop all the skills you need to find employment in hospitals, spas, resorts and many other
exciting workplaces.

You can easily learn more about this massage school Missouri offers. To obtain details, all you need to do fill in the
schools convenient and confidential information request form. It's that easy to receive answers to your important

To learn more, click > Heritage Institute in Kansas City, Missouri


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Missouri

High-Tech Institute in Kansas City, Missouri

Looking for classes offered in Missouri for massage therapy? Do you want comprehensive, hands-on massage
training? Then you will be interested in visiting High-Tech Institute in Kansas City. They offer one of the best
diploma programs of any massage therapy classes found in Missouri or anywhere.

With demands for professional therapists growing, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates an increase of 35% by
the year 2010. You can be full prepared for this in-demand career that will place you in exciting workplaces such
as your own massage clinic, hospitals, medical centers, spas, cruise lines, yoga centers, spas, salons and many

Learn all the skills required while attending this Kansas City massage program including hands-on clinical labs
where you will work directly with clients. Swedish, sports, chair and deep tissue massage, hydrotherapy,
aromatherapy, reflexology and lymphatic draining, combined with a deep knowledge of nutrition, physiology,
wellness and stress management will prepare you in every way to enter this satisfying career in natural health care.

If you want a new career that will provide readily available employment without the threats of downsizing
experienced in so many professions and love what you do, contact the school through their online info requst form.
You will be a step closer to reserving your place in that future.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Kansas City, Missouri


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Missouri

Massage Therapy Training Institute in Kansas City, Missouri

If you are seeking a Missouri massage therapy school, MTTI, also known as the Massage Therapy Training Institute is
an excellent choice.

This fine Kansas City massage school has been a leader in healing arts education, locally and nationally for more
than eighteen years. You can easily find the campus located at 9140 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri, 64114
and they also have a new Topeka campus at 4123 Gage Center Drive, Topeka, KS 66604.

MTTI has been a leader in bodywork education for a good reason. They offer a well rounded curriculum. They have
a rich massage therapy program, including a Spa and Resort Career Program, Wellness Consultant Program, and
Continuing Education and Open Elective Courses.

Their 600 hour, 33 credit massage program provides the foundation in bodywork theory, along with technique and
teachings on business practices. All hands-on classes have a low teacher student ratio so training is very
personalized. Upon completion of their massage therapy training program the student will have a solid and
comprehensive background to sit for National Certification and gain licensing in the state of Missouri, and most
other states.

For those students who wish to add on to their skill base, open enrollment and continuing education courses offer
rich subjects in the healing arts. Currently MTTI's Massage therapy classes in Missouri can also include:

● Thai Massage Course

● Chair Massage Techniques
● Basic Meditation Skills
● Conscious Dreaming
● Craniosacral Balancing
● Energy Integration Massage
● Herbology
● Infant Massage Instructor Training
● Esalen Massage Techniques
● Lymphatic Drainage
● Medical Massage Theory
● Perinatal Massage
● Spa Treatments
● Reiki
● Sports Massage
● Stone Massage
● Vital Polarity Training

If you wish to learn more about massage training in Missouri at MTTI you might want to attend one of their
complimentary information seminars. You can learn about trends in the massage therapy industry, career
opportunities, information about different massage modalities, such as the popular Thai massage bodywork
methodology, and of course the school. This way you will better understand how a massage therapy career in
Missouri might fit into your lifestyle.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Pinnacle Career Institute - Kansas City, Missouri

Are you searching for a school of massage therapy in MO that will provide you a top quality education? Do the
massage schools Missouri has to offer seem to be confusing and overwhelming? You've come to the right place.
Here, you can learn about some of the best massage therapy classes in Missouri. The Pinnacle Career Institute in
Kansas City offers a certificate program that prepares you fully to enter into this field of wellness and bodywork.
You'll learn through classroom, lecture and hands-on activities all the skills you need to sit for the National
Commission on Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Exam. In fact, you'll practice your skills in the schools hands-on
supervised clinic that is open to the public.

More people than ever are realizing the value of natural healthcare. The need for trained professionals in this
growing field is greater every year. The U.S. Department of Labor projects the need will increase by as much as
35% in the next few years.

If you want to learn more about how you can enter this in-demand career field, simply ask Pinnacle Career
Institute in Kansas City, Missouri for complimentary, no-obligation information about their schools curriculum, class
schedules, and financial aid programs for those who quality.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Montana Institute of Massage Therapy – Kalispell and Billings, Montana

Montana Institute of Massage Therapy offers two Montana massage schools from which you can choose. The Billings
facility is located in south central Montana while the Kalispell is in the northwestern corner of the state. Both
facilities provide well-trained instructors and modern equipment and facilities so that you can become successful
in this incredible profession.

This massage therapy institute in Montana allows daytime students to complete their training in as little as eight
months. While evening classes are only available in Billings, those students who opt for night classes will earn their
certificate in fifteen months.

A massage therapist career will allow you to work directly with people who may be experiencing pain, stiffness,
tension and other health problems that can be alleviated through bodywork treatments. Because you will have an
understanding of body mechanics and structure, you'll be able to assess their concerns and choose the right
therapies to help their bodies heal naturally.

There are many jobs, but few careers that provide the mental, physical and spiritual satisfaction as this natural
health care field. People who are in pain will come seeking relief through your skills. Those who suffer from
muscle stiffness and spasms will find that you can help them as well. Even clients with high blood pressure and/or
poor circulation will see a vast improvement from the bodywork therapies you'll provide.

More and more students are seeking training at Montana massage schools because of the increasing popularity of
the therapies that are in such demand today. With the realization that many medications include risks and side-
effects, alternative methods are being sought out and found to work effectively both in terms of improved health
and significantly lower cost than other treatments.

After completing your studies at the Montana Institute of Massage Therapy, you'll find employment in some
wonderful workplace such as spas, resorts, five-star hotels, sports facilities, and holistic health clinics. You could
elect to run your own business once you obtain your professional license.

Many of the therapies you will learn come from the Ancient healing arts. These treatments have proven effective
for centuries and work just as well today. Even physicians and insurance companies have begun to realize how
effective and compatible these techniques can be when used in conjunction with traditional medicine.

You'll find a fascinating career awaiting you when you choose to train for a career at the Montana Institute of
Massage Therapy. You'll find friendly, concerned staff members waiting to provide you with any information you

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Nebraska

Kaplan College - Omaha, Nebraska

If you live in Nebraska, training for massage therapy can be obtained at a top-quality Omaha massage school. The
Nebraska massage therapy courses offered at Kaplan College, formally Hamilton College in Omaha will prepare you
in every way to become a success in this growth industry. You'll complete your studies prepared to sit for the
national board exams and enter this lucrative professional world with self-confidence and assurance of your

As a trained professional in this in-demand field, you'll help your clients feel better by
using your sense of touch and manual dexterity to manipulate muscle and connective
tissue. Your clients will turn to you for relief from pain, lowered blood pressure,
improved circulation and many other health benefits. Every day, you'll know that you
make a positive impact on the lives of your clients. You will also be a part of a career
that can grow with you, for there are many different bodywork modalities and
continuing education courses for expanding your services as time goes by.

You can easily learn all the details about this fine school along with fees and class schedules by requesting
information through the school's online info request form. It only takes a minute to receive answers to your
important questions.

To learn more, click > Kaplan College in Omaha, Nebraska


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/hamilton-college-omaha.html on line 61
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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Las Vegas College - Henderson, Nevada

A great choice of the massage schools in Nevada is Las Vegas College in Henderson where you can attend massage
therapy courses to prepare you for an exciting career. This is a great choice among the Las Vegas massage schools,
and their program will include soft tissue dysfunction and massage therapy in a hand-on setting balanced with
classroom time where you will learn the academic and technical expertise necessary.

With a solid knowledge base, you'll practice your skills by performing orthopedic assessments, movement anatomy
and pathology, neuromuscular therapy, Swedish and deep tissue massage on clients in a supervised setting. To
ensure a well-rounded education, additional courses such as medical law and ethics, business management and
adjunctive therapy are offered.

To obtain complimentary, no-obligation information about this exciting career choice and to learn about class
schedules and the overall cirriculum simply enter your information and the school will quickly reply with all the

To learn more, click > Las Vegas College in Henderson, Nevada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Heritage Institute - Las Vegas, Nevada

Any Nevada massage therapy training program that you consider should provide a comprehensive education in this
healing art form.

Las Vegas massage training at Heritage Institute will provide you with all the knowledge and skills required to
become a major success in this growing industry. This massage school, Las Vegas' finest according to many, will
prepare you to open your own therapy clinic or work in one of the exciting workplaces requiring your services.
These include doctor's offices, hospitals, spas, resorts, cruise lines, sports centers, wellness centers and many,
many more. The 36 week program includes classroom learning and hands-on supervised clinical experience.

With more and more people turning to natural health care options, the need for trained professional therapists is
rapidly growing. As a qualified, practicing professional, you'll help your clients experience a greater sense of well-
being, faster healing, greater mobility and less pain, to name only a few of the many benefits of this healing art.

You can learn more about your future as a therapist and the courses offered by contacting Heritage Institute in Las
Vegas, Nevada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Nevada

High-Tech Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada

Are you searching for massage schools in Las Vegas? You've found the very best of the Las Vegas massage schools at
High-Tech Institute. The comprehensive massage therapy courses will prepare you in every way for a bright, new
career in the exciting field of natural health care.

Today, more and more people are demanding holistic health care services such as massage. At High-Tech Institute,
you will learn how to provide these clients all the health benefits associated with this healing art. Greater
flexibility, better immune response, speedy healing from injury or surgery, complete relaxation and a sense of
wellness are some of the benefits.

The demand for trained professional will increase by as much as 35% in the next few years; you will find job
security in this exciting industry. It's easy to learn more about couses offered at High Tech's Las Vegas campus by
filling out the school's convenient online request form . You can receive the information you need plus find out
about class schedules.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Nevada

Milan Institute in Sparks, Nevada

If you are considering attending a Nevada massage therapy school, you'll be happy to learn about the Milan
Institute, formally Nevada Career Academy in Sparks. By attending this Nevada school of massage, you'll be ready
to enter the in-demand job market and apply the skills you'll learn while attending this an excellent Spark's career

Using a balance of classroom education and hands-on clinical bodywork, you'll learn Eastern, Western and Ancient
modalities to help clients feel better. Your clients will enjoy better immune response, improved circulation,
greater flexibility and mobility and faster healing after injury or surgery. More and more people are turning to
these forms of natural health care in order to feel better and avoid the dangers of invasive treatments.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the need for trained professional will continue to grow during the next
decade. Actually by up to thirty-five percent in the upcoming years. By attending massage training in Nevada, you
can be part of this growth industry.

You can easily request information by filling out the school's convenient online form.

Click here to contact > Milan in Sparks, Nevada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Nevada Career Institute - West Campus, Las Vegas, Nevada

Are you searching through Las Vegas massage schools, wondering which one you should attend? One Nevada
massage therapy school you will want to know more about is the Nevada Career Institute in Las Vegas. Of the
massage schools in Las Vegas, NCI is considered one of the very best. The balance program includes classroom
fundamentals and hands-on implementation of skills in a supervised, clinical setting. You'll learn Swedish
techniques, pathology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and be fully prepared to sit for the national certification
examination upon graduation.

Everyone wants to earn a living in a satisfying career field. There are few career choices that can provide the
personal and financial satisfaction of professional therapy. Every day you will be helping people improve their
health, move with ease and feel better about themselves. More people than ever are turning to natural health care
to glean these benefits. The industry is growing at steadily, and in need of qualified professional therapeutic
therapists to fill positions in hospitals, Dr. Offices, health clinic, and also health spas and related health and
wellness facilities.

By contacting the Nevada Career Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada, you can easily obtain complimentary, no-
obligation information to learn about their class schedules, tuition costs, financial aid, and receive answers on
other important questions you may have.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Nevada School of Massage Therapy - Las Vegas, Nevada

Searching through the nationally accredited massage schools can be time consuming and confusing. If attending
one of the Las Vegas massage schools is your goal, you'll be happy to learn more about Nevada School of Massage
Therapy. This Las Vegas massage therapy school will provide all the training and skills necessary to excel when
sitting for the national board exams. And the best part is that you'll be able to complete this program in as little as
seven months.

With projections of growth in this area of natural health care stating that in the next few years as many as thirty-
five percent more trained professionals will be required, you'll have no challenge finding work in this in-demand
field upon graduation. You'll be trained to help people feel better while earning a lucrative living. More than ever,
people are seeking natural solutions to health problems and this trend is expected to expand yearly.

To learn exactly how you can become part of this personally and financially satisfying career field, simply contact
the Nevada School of Massage Therapy in Las Vegas Nevada to get all your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Nevada Career Institute - East Campus, Las Vegas, Nevada

Attending one of the finest massage schools in Las Vegas can prepare you for a successful, satisfying, in-demand
career. Nevada Career Institute East Campus in Las Vegas may be the perfect opportunity for you to obtain a
comprehensive, balanced education in this natural health care field. The East Campus is located at 3025 East
Desert Inn Road, just off Pecos Mcleod Road. Near the suburb of Winchester, this campus is conveniently located
for anyone in Las Vegas metro area.

The massage training in Las Vegas that NCI offers will ensure that you are prepared to excel when taking the
national board certification examination. Both classroom theory and hands-on, supervised clinical practice ensure
that each student has the opportunity to become proficient in every aspect of this healing therapeutic field.

While attending this Nevada massage therapy school, you'll learn Swedish techniques, pathology, anatomy,
physiology, kinesiology, professional ethics and every skill required to open your own practice upon graduation.
You'll develop confidence and assurance of your ability to help people feel better. You manual dexterity skills will
be developed so that you will know exactly how and where to apply pressure to relieve pain, increase circulation,
improve immune response, speed healing and many other health benefits your clients will enjoy. You will find
employment opportunities in hospitals, spas, resorts, hotels, salons and many other workplaces. Each day you will
enjoy personal as well as financial satisfaction.

To learn more about this, one of the finest massage schools in Las Vegas, all you need to do is contact Nevada
Career Institute - East Campus, in Las Vegas, Nevada and you will receive information with answers to your many


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Minnesota, Missouri, to Nevada

Northwest Health Careers- Las Vegas, Nevada

If a diploma from a Las Vegas massage therapy school is your goal, Northwest Health Careers may be the right
location for your professional training. Located at 7398 Smoke Ranch Road, it is in the heart of the city yet
convenient to students from Henderson, Enterprise, Indian Springs and surrounding areas. Located between Tenaya
and Buffalo, across from the Cimmaron Memorial Baseball Field, access from Highway 95, a major thoroughfare is
easy from the north or south. West Summerland Parkway provides east and west access to Highway 95.

Nevada massage training at Northwest Health Careers can open the door to a great future in the world of
professional bodywork. Once thought of as a "Pampering" routine, today as many as 70% of the therapeutic
massages performed are for health and medical reasons. After completing your basic massage training and
becoming a licensed therapist, you can make a difference in the lives of your clients while performing work that is
satisfying both financially, emotionally and spiritually.

Las Vegas massage continuing education is available at NHC, providing graduates opportunity to further their
education in areas of special interest. You can return to add additional modalities, learn advanced techniques, and
keep up with the changing face of natural health care through NHC.

Choosing the Las Vegas massage therapy school to attend is a big decision. You want to select the right school to
help you start your professional career with a sound background. You can make an informed decision when you
learn all about student services, classes, fees, and much more by simply requesting information from Northwest
Health Careers, located in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Hesser College - Concord, New Hampshire

Choosing the right institution to attend massage therapist courses in New Hampshire is a very important decision.
You want the NH massage school training that will best prepare you to become a success in this growing career
field. Hesser College in Concord is is certainly a massage college in New Hampshire that should be on your list.
Once you complete your studies, you'll be prepared to sit for the National Certification Examination for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB) or meet licensing requirements in most states.

You'll feel great about a career that helps your clients feel better. Some of the benefits your clients will enjoy
include pain relief, better circulation, improved mobility, enhanced immune system response, faster healing after
injury or surgery, relief from back pain and muscle spasms, to name only a few of the many health benefits
experienced by those who will seek your therapeutic services. You'll learn how to use your sense of touch and
manual dexterity skills as well as client assessments to ensure that the right therapy is provided for each specific

This industry is growing so rapidly that it is expected to expand as much as thirty-five percent in the next few
years. If you are interested in moving forward with your career plans, you can contact Hesser College in Concord,
New Hampshire and request information at no charge.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Hesser College - Manchester, New Hampshire

Massage training in New Hampshire can lead you to an exciting, satisfying career. With the phenomenal growth in
the natural health care industry, more and more trained therapists are needed and you can prepare to enter this
field by attending an excellent New Hampshire massage therapy school, Hesser College in Manchester.

While attending NH Hesser massage classes, you will develop the skills required to operate your own practice. You
will also find many employers seeking your services such as 5-star hotels, resorts, spas, wellness centers, hospitals,
doctors' offices, holistic clinics, gyms, cruise ships and many, many more.

Learning the skills to help people feel better will mean that each workday leaves you feeling personal and spiritual
satisfaction. You'll also earn a lucrative living practicing this healing art form.

To learn more details about this career choice and the courses that will prepare you to become a successful
professional, simply contact Hesser College in Manchester, New Hampshire.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Hesser College - Nashua, New Hampshire

If you want to receive your massage therapist training in a top massage school in New Hampshire, look no further.
Hesser College in Nashau provides what is considered by many to be the very finest massage therapy courses in
New Hampshire or anywhere in America.

By choosing Hesser College for your training, you'll complete your massage therapy education with all the skills
necessary to demonstrate proper body and table mechanics and draping, understand the functions and structure of
the body's organs, chart client's history and progress, and you'll be able to perform advanced techniques such as
deep tissue, neurovascular massage and hydrotherapy. You can even learn the art of sports massage. Your training
will also teach you the behaviors and ethics necessary to operate a massage therapy business.

Natural healing arts is becoming very popular in the US and there are many job opportunities in this growing field.
If you are seeking a life purpose career, one with much room for growth and advancement, then be sure and check
out Hesser College in Nashua, New Hampshire. It is easy to request the information you need to learn more about
this quality school and all the programs, classes, and courses available!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Hesser College - Portsmouth, New Hampshire

If you'd like to take classes and training in massage therapy, you'll want to choose an excellent massage school in
New Hampshire. The massage therapy courses in New Hampshire's Hesser College in Portsmouth will train you in
every aspect of the profession of massage therapy.

With the hands-on training, you'll learn the skills to implement Eastern, Western and ancient massage therapy skills
as well as the very latest therapeutic techniques. All the skills you need to open your very own massage clinic will
be covered in the course of your education at Hesser. With natural healing techniques being in demand today,
you'll find employment opportunities in hospitals, gyms, cruise ships, spas, resorts and more. Each and every day
can be a satisfying experience, knowing you've helped your clients to feel better and enjoy better health and well-

Why wait any longer to begin your journey toward a new, exciting and lucrative career as a massage therapist? It is
easy to contact Hesser College in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to begin setting your sights on the future.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Hesser College - Salem, New Hampshire

If you want to begin a career in the exciting world of massage therapy, you'll want to know about a top massage
school in New Hampshire. By attending massage therapy courses in New Hampshire's Hesser College in Salem, you'll
complete your education to begin your new direction in the health care field quickly and easily. The hands-on
classes and training in massage therapy will prepare you in every way for job placement because therapists are in
high demand by employers upon graduation.

Today there are more jobs for massage therapists than there are qualified applicants. You'll be able to select your
workplace whether you dream of working at a hospital, doctor's office, massage clinic, spa, cruise ship, resort or
one of the other exciting places that need trained therapists. Not only will you find a fulfilling life purpose career,
but massage therapy is a lucrative choice as well.

It is easy to get the information you need to learn about class schedules, course content, and the college. You can
contact Hesser College in Salem, New Hampshire now and be one step closer to getting all your questions


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Massage Therapy Schools - McIntosh College - Dover, New Hampshire

In today's economic climate, one thing is certain — you need specialized skills to get ahead. While a high school
diploma will get you a job, it won't get you a career. That's where McIntosh College of Dover, New Hampshire
comes in. We're here to help you reach your career goals.

The Massage Therapy Program is designed to prepare students for an entry level position in one of the most
engaging and exciting fields today. The courses are designed to develop the knowledge, specialized skills, and
understanding of the role of each student in becoming a successful licensed massage therapist/bodyworker.

This certificate program is structured to provide a balanced education of the art, science and ethics of massage
therapy/bodywork through theory, lecture and application that meets state and national certification

Upon completion of the Massage Therapy Program, a McIntosh graduate may work in an entry level position as a
massage therapist in a variety of health care facilities, including but not limited to a massage clinic, hospital,
chiropractic office, nursing home, health club, spa, resort or private practice. Therapists may be employed in
urban, suburban and rural areas.

The versatility of a career in massage therapy should allow a graduate to develop a clientele, be involved in the
operation and management of a modern business office and maintain a professional massage therapy practice. The
broad range of specialties within the field can allow the massage therapist to continue to expand their repertoire
to enhance personal and professional growth.

Whether you're a high school graduate, you're looking to change careers, or you would just like to advance in your
current career, McIntosh College can help you succeed. It is easy to contact us today at McIntosh College in Dover,
New Hampshire to learn more about this exciting opportunity.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in New Hampshire

SeaCoast Career School – Manchester, New Hampshire

Massage therapy courses can be the doorway to your future. By attending a premier massage school in New
Hampshire, you will be fully prepared to enter an exciting, lucrative profession that is in high demand.

One that you will certainly want to know about is SeaCoast Career School in Manchester. Located in the historic
Jefferson Mill Building at 670 North Commercial Street, you'll attend classes in an interesting example of
architecture of the past.

The balance of education you'll find at SeaCoast includes classroom theory and practical, hands-on clinical
experience. By obtaining this balance of learning techniques, you'll learn how to communicate with clients, keep
records, how the human body is affected by therapy as well as the manual dexterity skills required to help clients
feel better.

U.S. Department of Labor statistics state that the growth in this industry is expected to increase by as much as
thirty-five percent in the next few years. You'll find yourself in demand by clients as well as employers. You'll be
able to open your own clinic or work in one of the many exciting environments such as hospitals, resorts, spas,
salons, cruise ships and many, many more. Not many occupations have this much flexibility.

Learn all the facts at no cost to you by simply requesting informaiton through the school's online request form. You
will readily receive answers to all your questions.

To learn more about this NH massage school, click > SeaCoast Career School in Manchester, New Hampshire


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Berdan Institute - Totowa, New Jersey

If you are seeking a great massage therapy school, New Jersey offers the Berdan Institute in Totowa, New Jersey.
This NJ massage therapy school provides the training you need to begin a most benificial and exciting career.

At this NJ massage school, trained instructors provide practical, hands-on training to keep you on the fast-track to
your new career. Small, compact classes mean that one-on-one instruction will hone your skills, perfecting you
abilities to ensure you success in the growing field of massage therapy.

The little town of Totowa is a great place to earn your massage certification. Located just 25 miles from New York
City, and 12 miles from Newark, Totowa is actually a suburb of Wayne, NJ. You can enjoy learning in a small town
atmosphere within reach of the big city.

To begin your path to a great career that will be truly satisfying and while providing health benefits to your
clients, contact Berdan Institute in Totowa, New Jersey. It is easy to receive the necessary information to learn
more about this wonderful school.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute - Piscataway, New Jersey

NJ massage school training can provide you with the skills to enter a career – not just a job. Since 1987, Cortiva
Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute, located at 180 Centennial Avenue in Piscataway, has been teaching the art
and science of bodywork to those students who wish to succeed in the professional world.

While attending this massage institute in NJ, you'll use modern equipment to learn the modalities and therapies
that will help your clients feel better. Both ancient and contemporary techniques are included in your hands-on
training which, along with classroom study, creates a comprehensive learning environment.

Training at this NJ massage therapy school will qualify you to sit for the national board exams and, upon receiving
necessary licensure, qualify for work in hospitals, spas, resorts, and many other places of employment that require
the services of caring individuals with a sound knowledge base in caring for clients.

You can arrange to tour this NJ massage school to see for yourself the educational qualify and facilities available.
Before you plan your visit, you'll want to gather many more facts about the quality experience you'll enjoy if you
choose Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute in Piscataway, New Jersey. Simply request information with
no obligation on your part to learn all the details.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute - Wall Township, New Jersey

Do you know that massage schools in NJ offer you the opportunity to enter a career that is satisfying as well as fun?
If you love working hands-on with people and really want to make a difference in the lives of clients as well as your
own life, you'll want to know about the training you can obtain at Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute,
located in Wall Township. Whether you want to enter your first career or prepare for a better future, you'll find
the quality of education and modern facilities may be just right for you.

New Jersey massage classes at Cortiva provide classroom theory combined with hands-on practice to hone your
knowledge of the human body and how you can help the body heal itself. Your skills and learning in the art and
science of therapy will be well developed if you apply yourself to your natural modality studies.

Upon completion of your NJ massage therapy classes and successful completion of the necessary board exams and
licensing process, you'll be ready to seek satisfying, enjoyable work in any of the many businesses that provide
bodywork services. These include clinics, nursing homes, wellness centers, and so many more. As more and more
people seek alternative and complimentary treatments, there is a real need for more students to learn bodywork
modalities to fill the demand for caring, well-qualified therapeutic experts in this natural healthcare field.

There is a great deal more to learn about this massage school in NJ. You'll want to get more details; this is so easy
to do. Just contact Cortiva Institute - Muscular Therapy Institute, located in Wall Township, New Jersey for facts
about courses, fees, schedules, registration and much more.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

Dover Business College in Dover, New Jersey

Are you searching for a NJ massage school? If you are looking for a school with exceptional training and job
placement will find that at Dover Business College in Dover, New Jersey. This massage school, NJ's finest has been
providing NJ massage therapy school training to students for over 40 years. Its job placement record is second to

Today, trained professional massage therapists are more in demand than ever. There simply aren't enough trained
candidates to fill the job market as more people turn to natural, holistic healing techniques. Whether you are
launching your first career or returning to the world of education to allow you better opportunities in a more
satisfying field, you will find the hands-on training at Dover College will meet all your training needs to become a
qualified therapist in the field of healing massage.

It's easy to learn about this NJ massage school and their curriculum. It just takes a moment to contact Dover
Business College in Dover, New Jersey to learn more about their classes and if you want you can even sign up for
courses online!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

Dover Business College - Clifton, New Jersey

Training at Dover Business College in Clifton, New Jersey for your career in massage therapy means that you have
chosen an excellent massage school NJ has to offer. This NJ massage school provides hands-on training in every
aspect required to become successful in your professional career.

Because natural therapies have become so popular, this NJ massage therapy school has responded by providing the
latest skills and techniques as well as training in all the business skills of working in the exciting field of massage
therapy. By providing a service to your clients that will help them heal naturally and make them feel better
without the side effects medication can cause, you'll find yourself in a very satisfying yet lucrative career. Another
wonderful feature is that job placement is high because therapist are in high demand.

There's no time like the present to learn more about a career path in this exciting field! It only takes a moment to
contact Dover Business College in Clifton, New Jersey today to learn more about how your career future could
benefit from training in the healing arts.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Harris School of Business - Cherry Hill, New Jersey

By attending NJ massage courses, you can enter a satisfying and lucrative profession in as little as nine months as a
full-time day student or eighteen months as an evening student. Few places will you find a NJ massage school
therapist training program with more flexibility. This massage school in NJ is Harris School of Business in Cherry

With so many people adding natural health care as a compliment to their traditional health care, the need for
trained professionals in this arena has grown at an astounding pace. With so many careers being threatened by
downsizing and outsourcing, you'll be happy to learn that the demand for therapists is expected to grow by up to
35% in the next few years, according to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics. Doesn't being part of an industry
that is secure and satisfying sound like a great career? Every day, you'll know that you make a difference in the
lives of your clients while earning a great living.

It is simple and easy to learn all the details; simply contact Harris School of Business in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Harris School of Business - Linwood, New Jersey

Are you planning to attend a NJ massage school but are confused about which one to select? If you elect to prepare
for a complementary health care career, the massage program for therapist training at Harris School of Business in
Linwood, New Jersey may be just right for you.

When attending massage training in New Jersey, you will find caring, professional instructors to help you develop
the skills needed to excel. Using your hands, you will learn how to help clients relax, become more flexible and
enjoy the myriad health benefits provided by this type of therapy. Using hands-on and classroom learning, you'll
get a quality education to qualify for work in this in-demand field.

This NJ massage therapy school will boost you into an industry which you will be proud to be a part. There are
many workplaces that employ qualified therapist including spas, resorts, health services of all kinds, and many
others. By entering this field, you will have many choices.

Of course, you want to know more about this NJ massage school before you decide. To obtain no-obligation
information, simply contact Harris School of Business located in Linwood, New Jersey.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Locate More NJ Massage Therapy Schools

Healthy Choices & Holistic Massage School in Hillsborough, New Jersey

Have you ever heard the term "Mindful Massage?" What about believing you would find holistic therapy courses
from an institution with a mission such as this?:

"Let Us Teach Your Hands to Do Your Heart's Work."

In central New Jersey you find such a place at Health Choices & Holistic Massage School.

The campus is located at the Longships Complex which is found at 170 Township Line Road in Building B on the 2nd
Floor in Hillsborough, NJ. You can easily find the campus midway between the areas of Bridgewater and Priceton
which are to the North and South, and Flemington and New Brunswick which are to the West and East. This
location is excellent and convenient for those living in the New Jersey area.

This fine holistic arts and healing massage institute has trained students for twenty-three years with a one-hundred
percent success rate in passing the National Certification board exam. They embrace what is holistic by
recognizing the whole person, and incorporating body, mind, spirit connection in their training. They teach their
students how to be present with the spirit of their clients. When you attend classes to learn holistic massage
techniques you will also receive Shiatsu and polarity training along with Swedish, deep tissue, and Neuromuscular

If you wish you can attend classes in the day or evening depending on your schedule, and you can be assured you
will complete your studies since they have a ninety-eight percent retention rate. They understand the needs of
their students and work hard to support them.

When you leave the campus there are many interesting historical parks and sites in the
area, which afford you the opportunity to enjoy an area of New Jersey that is open and
spacious, while still enjoying the convenience of the business suburbs that are close by.

If you are interested in persuing holistic therapy courses in massage this may be the perfect NJ massage institute.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Helma Institute - Saddle Brooke, New Jersey

Are you looking for a NJ massage school? One massage therapy school NJ offers, the Helma Institute in Saddle
Brooke, NJ incorporates Shiatsu and sports massage schools into their training program. You'll graduate from Helma
Institute ready to make a place for yourself in this exciting and lucrative field.

With a curriculum that incorporates the ancient Eastern and Western techniques into the most modern
technologies, you'll learn Swedish massage, Shiatsu, prenatal and sport massage, trigger point therapy and more as
well as all the body mechanics necessary to fully understand the human body and how it reacts to therapeutic body
work modalities.

If you are searching for a life purpose career in the field of health and wellness be sure and take the first step by
contacting Helma Institute in Saddle Brooke, New Jersey. You will be one step closer to beginning your meaningful
and gratifying career.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Lincoln Technical Institute in Edison, New Jersey

The Lincoln Technical Institute in Edison, New Jersey is a career-focused training school that offers short-term
programs in Healthcare and Computers. Financial Aid is available for those who qualify.

With national accreditation, state licensing and years of career education and job placement experience, Lincoln
Tech knows what it takes to help give you the competitive edge so you can establish yourself in a rewarding career.

Therapeutic massage is a holistic approach to health that can help heal mind, body, and spirit. When practiced by
skilled hands, it can be used to treat a wide range of ailments--both emotional and physical. An accepted part of
both Western and Eastern medicines, massage therapy has been proven to help promote relaxation, treat and
prevent injury, relieve stress, and improve circulation. The benefits of massage go way beyond rejuvenating tired
muscles. With the right skills and training, it can also help rejuvenate your career.

A career as a massage therapist can help you achieve both personal success and personal satisfaction. Because
people nationwide will depend on the skills of massage therapists to provide a vital part of their healthcare, your
talents will be in demand. In addition to the opportunity for financial rewards, is the satisfaction you'll derive from
knowing you're helping your clients enhance their lives.

It is easy to contact Lincoln Technical Institute in Edison, New Jersey today for more information on their
curriculum. You can be one step closer to starting your new career.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/massage/cittone-institute-edison.html on line 66
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in New Jersey

Lincoln Techical Institute in Mount Laurel, New Jersey

If you are looking for the best school of massage New Jersey has to offer, you can stop searching now. One NJ
massage therapy school, Lincoln Tech in Mount Laurel, offers a balanced program that will prepare you in every
way to enter the world of professional therapists and become successful.

This NJ massage school blends classroom time with hands-on clinical learning to allow you to perfect every aspect
of the art. You'll be fully prepared to sit for the national board exams and open your own clinic or work in an
exciting workplace such as cruise ships, hospitals, spas, resorts, gyms, sports center, and many other facilities that
over bodywork therapy and alternative healing methods.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that the need for trained professionals will increase by as much as 35% in
the next few years. Already there are not enough trained professionals to fill the jobs today; this increase will
mean that you will have your pick of the workplaces that require therapists and you will be in a profession that will
grow with you. You'll also earn a lucrative living while gaining personal satisfaction by helping people feel better,
heal faster, and enjoy life more.

It's easy to learn more about the Lincoln Technical Institute in Mount Laurel, New Jersey; and you can request no-
obligation, complimentary information to get all your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Lincoln Tech in Paramus, New Jersey

Lincoln Technical Institute in Paramus, New Jersey is a career-focused training school that offers short-term
programs in Healthcare and Computers. Financial Aid is available for those who qualify.

With national accreditation, state licensing and years of career education and job placement experience, The
Cittone Institute knows what it takes to help give you the competitive edge so you can establish yourself in a
rewarding career.

Therapeutic massage is a holistic approach to health that can help heal mind, body, and spirit. When practiced by
skilled hands, it can be used to treat a wide range of ailments--both emotional and physical. An accepted part of
both Western and Eastern medicines, massage therapy has been proven to help promote relaxation, treat and
prevent injury, relieve stress, and improve circulation. The benefits of massage go way beyond rejuvenating tired
muscles. With the right skills and training, it can also help rejuvenate your career.

A career as a massage therapist can help you achieve both personal success and personal satisfaction. Because
people nationwide will depend on the skills of massage therapists to provide a vital part of their healthcare, your
talents will be in demand. In addition to the opportunity for financial rewards, is the satisfaction you'll derive from
knowing you're helping your clients enhance their lives.

It is easy to contact Lincoln Technical Institute in Paramus, New Jersey to learn more about their massage therapy
courses and classes. You can be one step closer to beginning your new career.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

National Massage Therapy Institute in Turnersville New Jersey

At the National Massage Therapy Institute in Turnersville, NJ, massage school study can prepare you to enter the
world of professional therapy in only seven short months. This fine massage therapy school NJ is proud to offer
provides a balanced learning experience with classroom and hands-on training to fully prepare you to excel when
sitting for licensing exams.

You can easily find the campus which is located at 108 Greentree Rd, just off Black Horse Pike in Turnersville, NJ

At this fully accredited NJ massage therapy school, you'll learn all the best techniques in the classroom and
practice these skills to perfection in a supervised hands-on clinical setting. By maintaining small classes, each
student can obtain individual attention to ensure they progress toward their career goals.

Everyday, you'll help people feel better. Doctors and patients alike are turning to natural healthcare for pain
relief, faster healing, improved blood pressure and circulation, increased immune response, flexibility and mobility
as well as relaxation and stress relief. While earning a lucrative income, you'll leave work each day knowing that
you have truly helped your clients.

If you would like to obtain complimentary information about financial aid, registration or any other area, simply
contact the campus by clicking on the following link. Then fill out the confidential form and you will receive all the
information you need to get all your questions answered.

To learn more click > National Massage Therapy Institute in Turnersville, New Jersey.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Locate More Massage Schools in New Jersey

National Massage Therapy Institute in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Attending a NJ massage school can allow you to develop the skills to enter the world of health care professionals
quickly. At National Massage Therapy Institute in Egg Harbor Township, you can obtain the education necessary to
learn the art and science of bodywork in as little as seven months.

Located only a short distance from the Atlantic City International Airport at 6712 Washington Avenue, students
enjoy easy access from Highway 322 or the Atlantic City Expressway. Students traveling from Cardiff, Absecon,
Mount Pleasant, Pleasantville, Northfield, McKee City, Laureldale, or other surrounding communities will find their
commute to be fast and pleasant. The campus is less than ten miles from the beautiful Atlantic City beaches.

It is important to select from the massage schools in New Jersey the one that best meets your personal needs.
Flexible schedules including day, evening and weekend classes are important to some students. Other students
seek after-graduation job placement assistance, value modern equipment and facilities or want to attend a school
that meet standards which allow students meeting certain qualifications to apply for financial assistance. NMTI
meets all these needs and more.

New Jersey massage training provides you the opportunity to develop the skills to become a success, helping others
feel better. More people than ever are seeking natural, non-invasive options to traditional medical therapies and
find that many health benefits are attributed to therapeutic bodywork. If you love working with people and feel
called to work in this in-demand field, you'll find future employment in spas, resorts, aboard cruise ships, in 5-star
hotels and many other exciting workplaces.

Knowledge is power, and you want the power to make the correct decision about your future. It's simple and easy
to obtain details from this excellent school; simply click the following link, and fill out the confidential form to
request information and you'll quickly receive the facts you need.

To learn more click > National Massage Therapy Institute in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Somerset School of Massage Therapy - Piscataway, New Jersey

Do you want choices and flexibility in the NJ massage school you decide to attend? Do you need schedule options at
any school of massage NJ offers? Is attending a Shiatsu school important to you? You'll find all this and much more
at a top NJ massage school, the Somerset School of Massage Therapy in Piscataway. This school offers a variety of
programs that allow you to learn the basic skills required to enter the world of professional therapy as well as add
a specialty. In addition to the basic program, called the Professional Track, you can choose the Eastern Track,
Western Track or Spa Track to develop special skills appealing to specific areas of the industry. The basic program
can be completed in six months as a full-time student or twelve months as a part-time student.

Each of the add on tracks are designed to offer you a discipline direction that will set you apart from other
professional therapists because of the specialized training you will receive. Holistic health techniques, spa therapy
treatments, and the general massage training for assisting in physical therapy and other medical related fields are
all potential directions that you can pursue with your specialized training.

The demand for trained professionals in the natural health care field is growing steadily. You can get in on this
growing professional direction. Take a minute to learn more about the programs offered and your career
opportunities, contact Somerset School of Massage Therapy in Piscataway, New Jersey and get answers to all your
important questions.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Hampshire and New Jersey

Somerset School of Massage Therapy - Wall Township, New Jersey

Choosing a NJ spa massage therapy school can be a turning point in your life. You want to find the best massage
school NJ has to offer and obtain training for your New Jersey massage degree from a respected, accredited
school. If this describes you, learning about Somerset School of Massage Therapy in Wall Township may help you
decide which massage school in NJ is just right for you.

If you need flexibility of schedule, SSMT can help. The Professional Track program offers all the basic training
which can be completed in six months as a full-time endeavor or twelve months if you can only attend part-time.

If you want specialty skills, SSMT can help there, too. Three different specialty programs can be completed after
completion of the Professional Track. Choose from Eastern Track, Western Track and Spa Track to find your niche
in the marketplace. Spa massage therapy offers opportunity to work in locations like spas, cruise ships, and retreat
centers. The Eastern Track offers holistic techniques to add to your basic therapy skills.

You'll love working in the world of trained professionals. Helping people feel better every day, you'll enjoy
personal and financial satisfaction. Many exciting workplaces will seek your services.

To learn all the details about these programs, simply ask for complimentary information from Somerset School of
Massage Therapy in Wall Township, New Jersey. Get all your questions answered!


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Find More Massage Therapy Schools in New Jersey

The Chubb Institute in Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Are you searching for just the right NJ massage school to attend? You'll want to know about The Chubb Institute
in Cherry Hill (Not Affiliated with the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies), a premier massage therapy school New Jersey is
proud to offer. By choosing this school of massage, New Jersey's finest, you'll be prepared in every way to enter
this exciting career field and to excel on the national board exams upon graduation.

More than ever before, people are turning to natural health care techniques. This opens many great workplaces to
the graduate, or you can choose to open your own practice. A few of the workplaces that require trained
professionals are: Orthopedic offices, sports medicine clinics, physical therapy centers, hospice facilities,
naturopathic clinics, yoga retreats, salons, resorts, spas, athletic club, golf courses and dozens more.

So few jobs today offer security and personal satisfaction as well as a good income. If you want to enter a field
that simply can't be outsourced and that has a growing demand, this career path may be for you.

It's simple and easy to learn all the details about classes, tuition, and the curriculum. All you need to do is request
complimentary information through the school's online request form.

To learn more now, click > The Chubb Institute in Cherry Hill, New Jersey


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

The Chubb Institute in Jersey City, New Jersey

Of the massage schools New Jersey has to offer that provide massage therapy education you will want to know
about The Chubb Institute in Jersey City, New Jersey (Not Affiliated with the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies).

All NJ massage schools are not equal, that is why attending a massage institute that is well respected is an
important decision. At this quality NJ massage school you will get all the training you need to gain the skills
needed to enter this in-demand field.

The Chubb institute in Jersey City is located just off John F. Kennedy Blvd and the institute is easy to find.

With the need for trained professional therapists growing rapidly, you will find many
exciting workplaces awaiting your services. Hospitals, doctor's offices, resorts, spas,
rehabilitation centers, gyms, salons and many more are seeking qualified practitioners.
In fact, the need for therapists in the next few years is on the rise because more
people are interested in natural healing methods for their overall health and wellness.
Massage is a wonderful preventative aid as it helps the body keep the immune system
healthy, and aids in flexibility. There are so many wonderful benefits that many
insurance companies are covering the cost of treatments.

To obtain details about the New Jersey massage therapy courses and training offered at this excellent school,
arrange a visit to the campus, or better yet, simply contact, to get all your questions answered.

To learn more now, click > The Chubb institute in Jersey City, New Jersey


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

The Chubb Institute in North Brunswick, New Jersey

For one of the best NJ massage schools, be sure and learn about The Chubb Institute in North Brunswick, New
Jersey (Not Affiliated with the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies.)

If you select the Chubb Institute, from the New Jersey massage therapy schools for your NJ massage therapy
courses and training, you'll be able to work in the natural health care field where trained professionals are highly

Western medicine is embracing a wide range of bodywork modalities for their therapy benefits in treating injuries
as well as for preventive wellness care. Insurance companies are now interested in covering many holistic
treatments therefore employment opportunities exist at many doctor's offices, hospitals, and health facilities.
Opportunities are also available at health spas, cruise ships, and retreat centers to name a few more places you
can work as more and more people seek alternative healing methods.

Trained professionals make a huge positive difference in the lives of their clients. People who
have been injured, been involved in an accident or had surgery seek therapists to provide faster
healing, pain relief, improved mobility and flexibility. Your clients will experience lower blood
pressure, better circulation, improved immune response and a greater sense of well-being. You'll
find this a very satisfying career option, both personally and financially. There are continuing
education opportunities if you wish to grow with your career and add to your skill base later on.

It's easy to recieve answers to all your questions by simply filling out the school's online request form. To do so visit
the following link.

To learn more, click > The Chubb Institute in North Brunswick, New Jersey


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy in New Jersey

The Chubb Institute - Parsippany, New Jersey

For one of the best New Jersey massage therapy schools, take a look at The Chubb Institute in Parsippany, New
Jersey (Not Affiliated with the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies).

If you select this fine NJ massage school from the massage institutes for your NJ massage therapy courses and
training, you'll gain all the skills needed to enter this in-demand career field. You will learn traditional Swedish
and many other healing techniques. Hydrotherapy, sports massage, deep tissue, chair, reflexology, aromatherapy,
lymphatic drainage and spa treatments are some of the bodywork and healing therapies included in your studies.

Trained professionals make a huge positive difference in the lives of their clients. People
who have been injured, been involved in an accident or had surgery seek therapists to
provide faster healing, pain relief, improved mobility and flexibility. Your clients will
experience lower blood pressure, better circulation, improved immune response and a
greater sense of well-being. You'll find this a very satisfying career option, both personally
and financially.

To learn more about this excellent NJ massage school, simply request information. By visiting the provided link you
can access the school's online info request form. You request is confidential and answers will be provided to your
many important questions.

To learn more, simply click > The Chubb Institute in Parsippany, New Jersey


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Apollo College - Albuquerque, New Mexico

Choosing among the many massage therapy schools, New Mexico offers Apollo College, is one of the top-notch
massage schools found anywhere. The college campus is located at 1001 Menaul Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87107.

Apollo College believes that massage therapy courses should be small in size to permit individual instruction,
ensuring each student graduates with the skills required to be successful in the rapidly growing field of massage
therapy. Recognized as a leader in private sector education, Apollo offers practical, real-world education from
first-rate instructors. Lively interaction provides an atmosphere where each student receives hands-on experience.
Apollo College believes their school allows students to improve their lives and the lives of others.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the Graduate Placement Department has extremely high placement rates
because the reputation of the school. Their therapy courses change to keep the courses on the cutting edge of the
profession. They consistently keep up to date on the industry and the specific needs of those seeking aid in this
well recongized field.

It's easy to learn more about the training at this massage therapy school, contact Apollo College in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. You can ask for information on Financial Aid Programs available to those who quality and learn about
their class curriculum, schedules, and fees.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New Mexico

Kaplan Career Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Attending a New Mexico massage school like Kaplan Career Instititue, formally Southwest Health Career Institute in
Albuquerque can lead you to a satisfying career.

Affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education and the New Mexico Commission on Higher Education, you can
rest assured that the training in bodywork obtained from SHCI will prepare you in every way to practice the art and
science of professional therapy upon passing the national board exams.

The Albuquerque massage classes you'll attend at Kaplan will teach you how to assess your clients' needs,
determine the most effective therapies and modalities to need those needs and allow you to help clients enjoy
improve health. The benefits of bodywork techniques are myriad and high sought after by those who understand
the effectiveness of natural health care therapies. You can easily find the school located at 5981 Jefferson NE,
Suite A.

The NM massage institute training includes methods to reduce stress, provide relaxation
therapy, relieve pain and improve flexibility. These are only a few of the health benefits of the
modalities you'll provide to clients whether you choose to work in health clubs, resorts, salons,
rehabilitation facilities or even if you choose to open your own clinic.

This New Mexico massage school offers a wide range of student services and will help you locate financing through
grants or loans if needed. You can learn all about the classes, career options and much more by simply asking for
complimentary information by filling out the provided form once you click the following link.

Kaplan has recently discontinued their massage therapy program, we would suggest using the zip code directory to
locate another massage school in the area.

Enter your home zip code for targeted results: Click for Massage Therapy Schools

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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Swedish Institute of Health Sciences - New York, New York

To learn Swedish massage in New York can be the first step toward your twenty-first century career. You may
find that attending the Swedish Institute for Health Services in New York City is the perfect way for you to take
this step toward your future.

Located at 226 West 26th Street, this school has been teaching students the art of bodywork for ninety years. This
is one of the oldest programs in the country, yet the concepts and equipment are fresh and up-to-date. Through
your studies here, you'll be able to earn an Associate of Occupational Studies degree by attending either morning,
afternoon or evening classes.

This massage therapy institute in NY has earned accreditation by the one of most respected regulatory
organization, the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology. Graduates are fully
prepared to sit for their professional licensing exam and the national board exams. Because of the comprehensive
education provided, the rate of those passing the exam is exceptional.

This NY massage school will teach you all the modalities commonly used by trained professionals, including both
Western and Eastern therapies used in spas, fitness centers, doctors' offices and other places that desire the
services of bodywork professionals.

If you want to consider learning Swedish massage in New York at this renowned school, you can obtain
complimentary information on request. Facts about tuition, fees, curriculum and much more will be provided and
the friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have by calling the school.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in NY

Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy in Albany, New York

When searching for upstate New York massage schools, Albany offers the Center for Natural Wellness School of
Massage Therapy (CNWSMT).

The campus of this holistic healing school is located in the Capital Region of Upstate New York. If you live in New
York City, Montreal, Boston, near the borders of Vermont and Massachusetts you will find transportation that leads
you right to this convenient area.

CNWSMT is located near the Albany airport and minutes from the heart of downtown Albany. The actual address is
3 Cerone Commercial Drive, just off Wolf Road and Interstate 87.

While receiving massage training in this great area, you will find many types of cultural and outdoor activities, plus
the area is home of museums, the Albany Institute of History and Art, and New York State Museum. In fact, the
Capital Region has so many different types of leisure time activities to enhance life while attending CNWSMT you
will hardly find the time to explore everything available.

Another fine feature of the massage classes at Albany New York's CNWSMT campus is the option to either attend a
full time or a part time program. You can either start your classes in the fall or springtime if you choose the 9
month full time program. The part time program begins once a year in October. The massage classes at Albany are
designed to take you through the basics of therapeutic massage into advanced techniques training you to become a
skilled bodywork therapist.

You will also have the opportunity to experience actual clinical experience as part of your
training. All afternoons are devoted to hands-on training, which provides the massage student
with many clock hours of bodywork practice. Once you complete your training you will be ready
to take the New York Licensing exam in August.

If you live in upstate New York, or are within the outlying areas, you can easily receive information from CNWSMT
to answer all your question about their NY massage training program. First click on the link featured below, then
fill out the provided confidential form. The school will quickly respond to you, and you will be one step closer to
receiving answers to you important questions.

Click here to learn about > the Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy in Albany, New York

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Miller - Motte Technical College - Cary, North Carolina

If you feel the calling to enter a field that will help people, earning an Associate of Applied Science degree at a
North Carolina massage school offers an opportunity to accomplish that goal. Miller – Motte Technical College in
Cary, located at the corner of Walnut and Dillard Streets, may be just the right place to prepare for your career.

Miller – Motte massage college in North Carolina offers professional instructors and modern facilities. By blending
classroom and hands-on training, you have the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive education that will help you
become a success in therapeutic bodywork. A broad range of student services are available, including financial aid
which may be available to those who qualify for assistance.

Upon completing massage therapist training in NC and successfully sitting for the national board exams and
obtaining necessary professional licensing, you will qualify for employment in wellness centers, sports facilities,
private clinics and many other interesting workplaces. You'll gain personal and financial satisfaction each day by
providing clients with services that offer time-proven health benefits.

Choosing the right North Carolina massage school is important and you'll want all the facts. For more information,
simply contact Miller – Motte Technical College in Cary, North Carolina.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Miller - Motte Technical College - Wilmington, North Carolina

Your future success as a bodywork professional depends on selecting the right NC massage school for you. Before
making this crucial decision, you'll want to know about Miller – Motte Technical College in Wilmington. The
campus, located at 5000 Market Street, conveniently serves all of New Hanover County.

As one of the respected massage schools in NC, MMTC prepares students for a lifetime career that is satisfying and
rewarding. You'll learn about how the body functions and how manipulation of muscle and connective tissue helps
systems function properly. Business skills are included so that you will be prepared if you elect to open your own
private clinic after graduation and licensing.

Graduates of this massage college in North Carolina have found employment in hospitals, spas, chiropractic clinics,
sports centers and many other workplaces that need caring, skilled professionals qualified to practice therapeutic
modalities. Each workday will be an adventure as you help people improve their health, mobility and flexibility.
There are many proven health benefits associated with techniques and modalities you'll be prepared to provide.

Learn more NC massage school facts and choose the school that fits your needs perfectly. To learn if Miller – Motte
Technical College in Wilmington, North Carolina is that school, all you need to do is request obligation-free details.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

North Carolina School of Natural Healing - Asheville, North Carolina

Of the massage schools North Carolina offers, you'll find North Carolina School of Natural Healing in Asheville offers
a full curriculum. This school focuses on not only body mechanics but incorporates the spiritual aspect of bodywork
into their training, preparing you to serve your clients with an awareness of both their bodies and minds.

This holistic healing school in NC brings into their training all the modalities of bodywork, plus meditation and
natural healing. The philosophy of therapy goes back to ancient times and the effectiveness has been proven over
centuries. Today, as more people turn to alternative healing therapies, treating the whole person is in great
demand more now than ever, and for good reason.

As an energy healing school, the ten month program allows you to enter your career quickly while ensuring you
have the skills you need for success. You'll find personal growth and spiritual growth while developing your skills
and knowledge. By including the practices of breathwork, sound, stillness and movement into their teaching, those
who are called to this healing art learn much more than simply spa therapies and massage skills. Students learn
how to bring every part of their clients' bodies and spirits into the natural healing process.

This massage school North Carolina provides can lead you into a bright future. If you want to work in a field that
will provide satisfaction and growth while working closely with people who want to improve their lives,
therapeutic bodywork could be the best career choice you could make.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > North Dakota Massage Schools

Aaker's College in Bismark, North Dakota

Aaker's College in Bismark North Dakota offers students a great opportunity to earn an Massage therapy AAS degree
while attending classes at this fine accredited college.

Aakers college has a long history, as it was founded in Fargo in 1902 by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Aaker and has since
expanded to several campus locations in the state. You can easily find the Bismark massage school campus at 1701
East Century Avenue. The school is adjacent to the new Job Service Building on East Century Avenue.

During course studies you will learn all about the muscular and skeletal systems throughout the human body and
develop skills in several different massage modalities. You will learn Swedish Massage and also Deep Tissue, Trigger
Point, and other bodywork therapies giving you a comprehensive education that will prepare you to pass the board
exams once you graduate.

Learning about this North Dakota massage school is easy to do by filling out the school's convenient online
information request form. The school is eager to provide you will all the information you need to determine if
attending massage school in Bismark is the right choice for you.

To learn more, click > Aaker's Collge Bismark Campus

Massage Training Tips on Treatment Room Lighting

Lighting is an important element when planning your treatment room atmosphere. Avoid bright overhead
lighting due to its harsh effects. Instead use indirect lighting to give the room a feeling of comfort and
serenity. Adjustable lighting with dimmer switches allows you to set the light level to the perfect degree of
brightness you desire. If you wish, you can also add astmosphere with unscented candles to create a relaxing


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Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage - Fargo, North Dakota

Are you searching for one of the massage therapist schools in North Dakota that includes the mind as well as the
body into their teachings? If so, you'll want to learn about Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage's Fargo
campus. Founded in 1983, the ND campus is located at 3101 Thirty-ninth Street Southwest. Here you will find
classes that meet some of the highest standards in the nation. You can choose from three accredited programs:
professional massage therapy, chair massage and foot reflexology or incorporate all three into your training.

Because massage therapists jobs are in such demand today, you'll find employment in one of many great
workplaces such as spas, private clinics, five-star hotels and even aboard cruise ships. Employment opportunities in
this natural healthcare field are growing at a rapid rate. In fact, an increase of as much of 35% is expected in the
next five years.

This massage training in North Dakota incorporates Christian principles into the psychological and physiological
aspects of bodywork. By treating the entire body as well as the spiritual person, you'll find purpose in life and a
pleasure that is absent from many career fields.

This massage therapist school in North Dakota is one of the few that offers scholarships. To learn how to qualify for
this opportunity and to get the full details about the programs available, you only need to contact Sister Rosalind
Schools & Clinics of Massage in Fargo, North Dakota.


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Home > Massage Schools in Ohio

Everest Institute - Gahanna, Ohio

Choosing which of the massage therapy schools in Ohio to attend can be a life-changing decision. Your future
success will be directly impacted by your choice. Choose Ohio massage training that is comprehensive and has a
proven track record of success. Everest Institute, formally Bryman Institute, in Gahanna, very near Columbus, is a
great place to attend Columbus massage courses. You'll learn through classroom time and hands-on clinical
practice how to use the sense of touch to make a difference in the way the human body feels and functions.

Today more and more people are seeking the help of natural healing practitioners to avoid the high cost of
traditional Western medicine. Even medical doctors and insurance companies are accepting that this form of
health care can solve many problems much more effectively than medications or surgeries. In the past few years,
the supply of trained professions has not been able to meet the demand. U.S. Department of Labor statistics
indicate this trend will continue; within the next five years, up to thirty-five percent more therapists will be

If you want to become part of this satisfying and lucrative future, you can get all the details quickly and easily by
filling out the school's online request form.

Click here, to simply contact > Everest Institute in Gahanna, Ohio.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Ohio

Hamrick School in Medina, Ohio

Some students love a fast-paced busy campus in a big city; others prefer a smaller campus with individual
attention. If you are seeking one of the Ohio massage therapy schools for your training and prefer a more focused
program, you’ll be thrilled to learn about Hamrick School, Inc. in Medina, Ohio.

Housed in a rambling white farm house in a rural location, 1156 Medina Road, also known as Route 18 between
Ridge and Bambeck Roads, Hamrick is an Ohio massage school that focuses on small class size and hands-on
experience. By offering each student the opportunity to receive the attention required to develop their manual
dexterity and fully grasp the concepts and science of bodywork. Commuting students from Center, Brunswick,
Fairlawn, and areas just west of Akron, find the peaceful, serene location perfect for their studies.

Massage training in Ohio’s Hamrick School incorporates 760 hours of study into a curriculum that includes practical
applications, business, law, anatomy, physiology, theory, and hands-on experience. Students completing their
massage education at Hamrick School are fully prepared to take the national exams and meet other requirements
for state licensing.

If you wish to learn exactly what is required to legally practice therapeutic massage in various states in which you
might wish to practice, this Ohio massage therapy school provides a comprehensive state-by-state list. You can
learn much more about the opportunities available to professional masseuses by contacting Hamrick School, Inc. in
Medina, Ohio. It's easy, just fill out the school's online request form and you will be one step closer to receiving
answers to your many questions.

To learn more, click > Hamrick School, Inc. in Medina, Ohio

Massage Training Tip -

When you begin working with a new client take extra care to inform them what to expect during their
massage treatment. By putting their mind at ease and answering any questions they may have or concerns
they will be much more relaxed during their massage. Don't assume a client has had massage sessions before
and even if they have your consideration will set the stage for repeat sessions.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Miami-Jacobs Career College - Springboro, Ohio

Ohio massage therapy school can be just the education you need to have the future you want. Not just a job, but a
life-purpose, trained therapists find personal and spiritual satisfaction in helping others. You can learn how to
enter this interesting and challenging field at Miami-Jacobs Career College in Springboro. Located in West Central
Ohio, the campus at 675 West Central Avenue is just off South Main Street in the town's heart.

During massage classes in Ohio, learning will focus on the anatomy and mechanics of the human body and both
ancient and modern modalities proven to help the human body heal without the use of prescription medications.
Many painful conditions involving the skeletal-muscular systems can be alleviated through therapeutic massage
techniques without surgery or other invasive treatments.

If you want a career that allows you to work closely with people, helping them improve their lives and spirits, an
Ohio massages school may be the greatest experience of your life. You'll gain spiritual growth for yourself while
learning how to improve the quality of life others enjoy.

To learn which Ohio massage therapy school is right for you requires careful investigation. Get all the facts about
Miami-Jacobs Career College in Springboro, Ohio to learn everything about your options.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Heritage Institute - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

To obtain quality massage therapist training in Oklahoma, you'll want to learn whether Heritage Education in
Oklahoma City may be just the right massage college for your education in the healing art of bodywork. The
modern facility houses the latest in equipment and caring instructors stay up to date on the latest career trends.
This diploma program can provide you with massage training that will include anterior and posterior
neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, clinical, medical, deep tissue and sports massage as well as reflexology, concepts
of Chinese medicine and senior care treatments.

Heritage is one of the United States' massage schools holding accreditation from Accrediting Commission of Career
Schools and Colleges of Technology, ensuring that your learning experience will be the best possible. By preparing
for a profession in bodywork at a well-respected school like Heritage, you'll find locating employment easy and
quick. You might choose to work in a hospital, clinic or wellness center or you might prefer working in a sports
center, spa, or resort. You'll even be prepared to open your own private clinic if you choose.

A massage education in Oklahoma will allow you to find purpose in life working with people who seek natural
alternatives to expensive, invasive traditional medical techniques. You'll know how to assess clients' needs to
identify the most effective modality for their concerns. Your clients will turn to you for pain relief, to improve
flexibility and mobility, lower blood pressure and improve immune system response. These are only a few of the
health benefits provided by therapeutic bodywork.

You may have lots of questions about massage therapist training in Oklahoma. The helpful student services at
Heritage Institute in Oklahoma City will be happy to assist you in any way possible.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Miami-Jacobs Career College - Dayton, Oklahoma

Oklahoma massage schools are all different and choosing Miami-Jacobs Career College over other choices can be
difficult. It is crucial to select the school that fits your specific needs and MJCC could be just the right one.
Located at 110 North Patterson, you'll find modern conveniences, caring instructors and much more to make
learning fun. Not only will admission representatives speak to you about this massage therapy school in Oklahoma,
but you can arrange for a site tour to see first-hand where you will be learning and the equipment you'll use. While
there, why not schedule a student massage to learn about the hands-on teach techniques.

The list of United State massage Schools is so long and confusing. If you live in Oklahoma or near-by, why go
through all 50 states when you have a well-qualified educational center right in Daytona? It can be so costly to live
in another state and pay out-of-state tuition. These problems are resolved if you find that MJCC is the right
location for your studies.

Don't make a final decision until you have the facts about this Oklahoma massage school first-hand. It certainly
doesn't hurt to tour the campus and you ma find the perfect solution for you near your home. Just request
information and learn how to arrange a tour by contacting Miami-Jacobs Career Colleges in Dayton, Oklahoma.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Oregon

Everest Instititue - Portland (Tigard), Oregon

Everest Institute in Tigard, Oregon is one of the finest massage schools in Oregon. Located near Portland at
9600 SW Oak Street in Tigard, Everest's massage classes and training will provide you the knowledge and
experience you will need to prepare for licensing in the highly sought after field of somatic bodywork, spa and
aromatherapy, and the art of massage.

The courses you take will provide hands-on experience to develop the techniques and confidence to become a
successful therapist in this rapidly growing health care field. Since this curriculum is designed around your life to
help you gain the skills and expertise to become a qualified therapist, you can easily complete your education and
become certified to ensure job placement.

A career change doesn't have to be difficult and all people of all ages are entering this helpful field of healing arts.
You can easily get all your questions answered by requesting information, it's simple, contact the school by
entering your information to and learn about their top-notch program.

To learn more, click > Everest Institute in Portland, Oregon


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Cambridge College - Portland, Oregon

Cambridge College in Portland, Oregon provides hands-on training for in-demand careers in the Technology and
Allied Healthcare fields such as massage therapy training.

Curriculum and equipment are updated regularly to remain current with the ever evolving industry. Students
graduate with practical experience reinforced with classroom theory. If you wish to excel in this field Cambridge
College is an excellent choice for massage training.

What does a Massage Therapist do?

A Massage Therapist uses manual therapeutic techniques to massage soft tissues (such as muscle) that have been
affected by stress, injury and illness. The primary goal of massage therapy is to loosen and relax muscles and their
surrounding connective tissue coverings, and relieve the painful muscle tension that inevitably erodes your energy

Massage therapy stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers, and it increases circulation.
It can also reduce stress, renew energy, increase flexibility, facilitate postural alignment, strengthen the immune
system, help people reconnect with their inner self, help eliminate toxins, improve sports performance, and
ultimately, maintain and improve an individual's health, vitality and well-being.

Massage Therapists are usually trained in a variety of techniques, the most common being Swedish massage,
hydrotherapy, sports massage, deep tissue, chair massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage and spa
treatments. Some practitioners do focus on a particular technique.

Massage Therapists practice in a variety of settings, such as private offices or massage therapy clinics,
chiropractors' or doctors' offices, with sports teams, or at athletic clubs, resorts, spas, yoga retreat centers, golf
courses, beauty salons, dance studios and cruise ships. Others may own their own practice. Some Massage
Therapists have portable equipment and work at their clients' offices or homes.

Cambridge College in Portland, Oregon has a program designed just for you. We offer day, afternoon and evening
classes, financial aid for those who qualify and are seeking massage school loans, graduate placement assistance
and complimentary post-graduate refresher training.

To learn more, click > Cambridge College in Portland, Oregon


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Oregon

Concorde Career Institute in Portland, Oregon

When searching for Oregon massage schools, Portland offers Concorde Career Institute. The campus is located
between Lloyd Center and Buckman Field. When heading East on NE Lloyd Blvd, turn south onto 12th Ave NE, then
take the first turn heading east onto Irving Street and the school is located at 1425 NE Irving St # 300.

Concorde is known for its well rounded courses covering various holistic healing therapies. During your course
studies you will learn many different techniques and methods for balancing the body and supporting the body's
ability to heal and maintain wellness. You will learn skills in:

● Swedish-American Massage
● Acupressure
● Event Sports Massage
● Reflexology
● Deep Tissue Massage
● Polarity Therapy
● Chakra Balancing
● Chair Massage
● Geriatrics Massage
● Pre and Peri-Natal Massage
● Lymphatic Drainage

You will pleased to know Concorde Career Institute offers both night and day classes to meet
your needs. The Portland night time massage classes can be completed in 37 weeks, or if you
would prefer you can attend day classes, which only takes 33 weeks to complete the full course.
Another wonderful feature of this Portland massage schoolis students actually have hands-on
experience. During the lab portion of the training students are able to practice and develop
skill. Prior to completion, the student completes a 92 hour internship which is also an externship
at an outside facility. The massage classes in Portland at Concorde are designed to take you
through the basics of therapeutic massage into advanced techniques that will give the student
the skills to work on clients of all ages.

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, or outlying areas, you can easily receive information from Concorde
Career Institute. By clicking on the following link and filling out the convenient form you can receive answers to all
your question about their Oregon massage training program. The school will quickly respond to you, and you will be
one step closer to receiving answers to you important questions, including information on financial aid should you

Click here to learn about > the Concorde Career Institute, in Portland, Oregon.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Oregon

Pioneer Pacific College - Health Career Institute - Wilsonville, Oregon

Choosing from the massage schools in Oregon is a very important decision. The many massage schools Oregon is
proud to offer includes the Wilsonville Health Career Education Center also known as Pioneer Pacific College in
Wilsonville, providing premier massage therapy courses.

You'll experience both classroom theory and supervised, hands-on clinical training. You'll be fully prepared, upon
graduation, to sit for the National Board exams and become licensed to own your own clinic or work in one of the
exciting workplaces seeking professional therapists.

People are turning to this natural healthcare discipline to relieve pain, increase circulation, lower blood pressure,
improve healing, flexibility and mobility as well as provide a great sense of overall well-being. Every day, you'll
know that you make a positive difference in the lives of your clients. You'll also enjoy both personal and financial
satisfaction that few careers offer. You will also be able to grow with your profession as you continue to build on
your skills. This is truly a life purpose career choice that can grow with you.

More information is free and easy to obtain. To get your questions answered all you need to do is contact the
school directly. To do so just fill out their convenient online form. Answers to you questions will be promptly sent
your way.

To learn more, click > Pioneer Pacific College Health Career Institute in Wilsonville, Oregon.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Allied Medical and Technical Institute - Forty Fort, Pennsylvania

One of the best massage therapy schools in PA, is the Allied Medical and Technical Institude at Forty Fort,
Pennsylvania in the Greater Wilkes-Barr metropolitan area. This is an exceptional massage therapy school that will
teach you all the skills you need to create a better future. The location of the Forty Fort campus makes it easily
accessible from Rt. 81 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The address is 166 Slocum Street, Forty Fort, PA 18704.

When choosing among the available massage schools, Pennsylvania should definitely be considered. Forty Fort
provides an idyllic setting for your professional training. Nestled in an area which holds many of the greatest
historic landmarks in the land, you can spend your spare time enjoying American's landmarks.

With both day and evening classes, the flexible schedules allow this massage therapy school to provide training for
working adults with busy schedules. The accelerated programs allow you to complete the training you need quickly
and enter the job field sooner than many other schools.

It is easy to learn more about this quality educational environment. They are happy to send you information. Find
out more about the Pennsylvania massage courses available at Allied Medical and Technical Institute in Forty Fort,
Pennsylvania today!


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Allied Medical & Technical Institute - Scranton, Pennsylvania

Selecting from massage schools in Pennsylvania and what they offer becomes very simple once you learn about
Allied Medical & Technical Institute located in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Of the massage therapy schools in PA, you
simply will not find better classes than those offered at AMAB. The curriculum has been designed to provide the
very best training in the rapidly growing health care field.

The college can be found at 517 Ash Street, Scranton, PA 18509. The campus is just minutes from the Steamtown
Mall, the historic Steamtown National Park, and Mercy Hospital. Allied offers programs specifically focused on
fields that are experiencing expanding needs for qualified therapists, ensuring their students become qualified in a
career that will provide lifetime employment opportunities.

Nestled in the beautiful Blue Mountains, Allied offers spacious hands-on training classrooms, modern labs and even
an on-site childcare center!If you want to earn professional respect and obtain financial independence, the Allied
Medical & Technical Institute is just the place to begin your journey toward a better future.

It is easy to contact the Allied Medical & Technical Institute in Scranton, Pennsylvania for more information about
their massage therapist courses. You can receive all the information you need to help you make a decision if a
career in the healing arts is a step in the right direction.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennsylvania

Baltimore School of Massage - York, Pennsylvania

If you are trying to locate massage schools, Pennsylvania offers the Baltimore School of Massage, in York,

This school is one of PA's highly accredited massage schools which was granted accreditation from ACCSCT and
programmatic accreditation from COMT. (Not only is this school accredited by the Accrediting Commission of
Career Schools and Colleges of Technology and the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditations, but it has
earned a Class A rating from the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.)

The Baltimore School of Massage, York Campus which is easily found just off Exit 28 of I-83 in York, PA. This
location is easily accessible to all of central PA and northern Maryland. The address is: 170 Red Rock Road, York,

Students have a choice between both day and evening classes for part-time or full-time students. They offer
several different massage programs

● Massage Therapy and Spa Techniques Program

● Massage Therapy and Physical Fitness Program
● Professional Massage Training

By blending both massage and physical fitness you are able to work in multiple disciplines offering greater
opportunity for your clients. You may even choose to add the modalities of Shiatsu and Asian Bodywork as you
continue your education.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify for a massage school loan and there is even a
service for job placements for massage therapists upon graduation. You also have an opportunity
to learn Shiatsu and Asian Bodywork.

If you live in the central part of PA, in York, or the northern area of Maryland a visit to the Baltimore School of
Massage in York, Pennsylvania. You can easily learn more about this fine school by filling out the school's
convenient online request form.

To learn more, click > Baltimore School of Massage in York.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennsylvania

Berks Technical Institute - Wyomissing, Pennsylvania

Of the many massage schools, Pennsylvania offers one of the best in the Berks Technical Institute in Wyomissing,
Pennsylvania. Choosing among the many massage therapy schools can be a difficult task. By selecting Berks
Technical Institute, you can complete your massage courses in 9 to 12 months. With day and evening classes
available, you can schedule the training you need to begin a new and exciting career into your current schedule.

Wyomissing is a suburb of Reading, PA and offers the small town beauty and quiet lifestyle very conducive to
study. With the small classes offered at BTI, you will receive the individual attention to ensure you learn the skills
you need to become a success in the growing field of massage therapy.

Financial aid is available and the financial aid representatives at BTI will even help you apply for
assistance if you are in need of a massage school loan or financial aid. At times we all need a
little help getting started and their representives will help you should you qualify.

Why delay any longer? You can begin on the road to a lucrative, exciting and satisfying career by taking a moment
to contact the massage institute through their online request form. You will quickly receive a reply and answers to
you very important questions.

To learn more, click > Berks Technical Institute at Wyomissing, Pennsylvania


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Career Training Academy - Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Are you searching for the right massage therapy classes in Pennsylvania? Look no further! Career Training Academy
in Monroeville, PA offers massage training and certification preparing you to enter the exciting world of
therapeutic massage therapy. Don't continue searching through massage schools. Pennsylvania's CTA in Monroeville
will provide real hands-on clinical training, practicing your techniques on actual clients.

Massage therapy is a rapidly growing field. The demand is much greater than the supply of trained therapists.
Enter into the world of massage and learn about various modalities such as Swedish massage, myotherapy and
acupressure, applying these techniques daily to help your clients feel better and maintain their good health.

If you want a satisfying career that will allow you to find work in exciting places like hospitals, doctor's office,
gyms, spas, cruise ships and more, contact Career Training Academy in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and you can
easily learn more about the pathway to your new career.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Career Training Academy - New Kensington, Pennsylvania

When choosing massage schools, Pennsylvania's Career Training Academy in New Kinsington is one you surely want
to take the time to investigate. You may find it to be one of the best schools to attend massage therapy classes in
Pennsylvania. The massage courses and classes taught at CTA provide hands-on training. They help you learn how
to in turn help your clients heal naturally. This aids them in maintaining their overall health.

Using techniques such as Swedish massage, myotherapy and acupressure, you'll learn to determine the best
theraputic technique to apply to the problems your clients may experience. You'll also learn the skills needed to
help your clients enjoy life with improved posture, better health, more flexible joints which inturn generates
greater self-esteem and self-image.

If you are considering a rewarding career in the healing arts, consider contacting the Career Training Academy at
New Kensington, Pennsylvania today to learn more and sign up to begin the road to your new satisfying career.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Career Training Academy - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburg, PA is the location of one of the finest massage school Pennsylvania has to offer. Learn therapeutic
massage at the Career Training Academy in Pittsburg and you'll on your way to entering a new and exciting career
field. The massage therapy classes in Pennsylvania teach you all the basic techniques including offering you
opportunity to develop your skills. What makes CTA different is the extensive real world experience you'll aquire
through hands-on clinical use of your new skills performing Swedish, myotherapy and acupressure massage for real

Using your trained sense of touch, you'll learn exactly the right pressure to apply to make your clients relax and
allow their bodies to naturally heal. Your clients will enjoy more energy, better sleep, a feeling of well-being and
lower blood pressure. There are many other ways therapeutic massage combines medicine and science with this
sense of touch to improve health.

Contact Career Training Academy in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania today; they are there to help you open the doorway to
your new life as a professional massage therapist.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennyslvania

Center for Certification and Adult Learning - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Are you looking for one of the best massage therapy schools in PA? The Center for Certification and Adult Learning
is a leading Pittsburgh school for massage therapy training.

Of the PA massage therapy schools, CCAL is considered a great choice to learn the skills needed to begin a career
in the healing arts. As part of the highly respected Pittsburgh Technical Institute, you'll learn the latest massage
therapy techniques at CCAL to enter this growing sector of health and wellness care.

If you are questioning your future career and wondering what field you can select that will provide both personal
satisfaction and economic satisfaction, you can rest assured that after completing your massage therapy training,
you will be much sought after by employers like gyms, spas, hospitals, doctor's offices, sports centers, and other
exciting workplaces.

You can be creative in choosing where you would like to work and find one of the most exciting career paths
possible; to learn more about the possibilities you can easily contact the school through their convenient online
request form. Simply click the following link and fill out the form and you will readily receive answers to your very
important questions.

Click here, to learn more > Center for Certification and Adult Learning in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennyslvania

Keystone Technical Institute - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Among the finest massage schools, Pennsylvania is home to Keystone Technical Institute, formally the Academy of
Medical Arts and Business, in Harrisburg. Pennsylvania is a beautiful setting for receiving massage training and
becoming a professional in the very employable field of massage therapy. This school is located near the
Pennsylvania Turnpike 15 miles south of Harrisburg International Airport.

In only 15 months, you can learn the skills and techniques to become a well trained massage professional while
enjoying this idyllic New England setting near some of the most historic sites in America. The famous Civil War
battlefield of Gettysburg is only 35 minutes away. The larger metropolitan centers of Philadelphia and Washington,
D.C. are just two hours away.

With dozens of national, state and local awards for best teachers, best students and best school, you will be
provided a beautiful location to learn the necessary skills to become a licensed professional by attending one of
the best massage therapy schools in PA.

Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT), the Keystone
Technical Institute at Harrisburg offers on-site child care services, spacious outdoor areas to enjoy your studies and
computer classes to ensure their students graduate with skills that are on the cutting edge of the employment

If you would like to receive pertinent information from the school, just click the following link and fill out the
provided form! It's that simple to receive answers to your questions.

Click here, learn more about > Keystone Technical Institute at Harrisburg.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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McCann School of Business and Technology - Scranton, Pennsylvania

Choosing among the many PA massage schools that offer diploma programs can be so difficult. You want to obtain
a sound understanding of the art and science of bodywork to help you become a success in this in-demand
professional health care field. McCann School of Business and Technology in Scranton offers you this opportunity.
Located in downtown Scranton off Route 81 at Exit 185 just across from the Steamtown Mall, the facilities are
state of the art and include a library, computer labs and student lounge.

Completing Pennsylvania massage therapy training at McCann will qualify you for entry level employment that will
allow you to help clients feel better, experience reduced pain, improve mobility and enjoy the many other health
benefits associated with the modalities of therapeutic bodywork. Hospitals, spas, rehabilitation facilities and many
other workplaces are in need of caring therapists as the demand for alternative treatment options continues to

During the massage courses in PA, you'll learn how the human body functions and learn how to use your sense of
touch and your fingers and palms to manipulate muscle and connective tissue to help the body heal safely and
naturally. This profession is perfect for people that enjoy hands-on work with others.

There is much more to learn about this PA massage school. You'll want to learn about fees, schedules, financial aid
which may be available to those who qualify, student services and registration. To obtain all the facts, all you have
to do is contact McCann School of Business and Technology located in Scranton, Pennsylvania.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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McCann School of Business and Technology - Sunbury, Pennsylvania

A diploma from a PA massage therapy school can change your future in a very positive way. If you love working
closely with people in hands-on situations, you may want to develop skills in bodywork at McCann School of
Business and Technology in Sunbury. Located on Fourth Street in the Sunbury Plaza, you'll find modern equipment
in this recently constructed facility.

Pennsylvania massage classes allow students to develop manual dexterity techniques in the modalities of
therapeutic massage as well as a sound knowledge science on which this natural health option is based. As the
popularity of alternative medicine soars, well-qualified professionals are in great demand. This trend is expected
to continue in coming years as complimentary and non-traditional therapies because even insurance companies are
accepting the benefits of these therapeutic techniques.

Massage therapy training in Pennsylvania will prepare you to sit for the national board exams, and upon successful
completion, you can obtain your credentials and seek employment in the many interesting businesses that require
bodywork professionals. These include resorts, rehabilitation facilities, wellness centers and others.

To determine if this PA massage therapy school is right for you, you'll want to learn all the facts. All you need to
do is request no-obligation information from McCann School of Business and Technology in Sunbury, Pennsylvania
for a prompt response.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

McCann School of Business and Technology - Hazelton, Pennsylvania

There are many Pennsylvania massage schools to choose from, but finding the one that provides the most
balanced, comprehensive learning experience is crucial to professional success. McCann School of Business and
Technology in Hazelton may be the perfect match for your needs. Since 1897, students have been developing skills
allowing entry into satisfying career paths and this proven track record can work for you. Located at 14 Maplewood
Drive, in Hazelton, PA, the spacious campus offers bright, airy classrooms and comfortable, appealing grounds.?

This program for massage therapist training in PA can earn you a diploma in as little as twelve months if you attend
full-time. The courses include not only the mechanics and modalities needed for helping clients but include
business, computer and communication skills so you are ready to enter the high-tech workplaces of today.?

McCann is one of the PA massage therapy school that qualifies to participate in certain federal and other grant and
student loan programs. If finances are holding you back from a great future, you can learn if you qualify for
financial aid.?

This Pennsylvania massage school may be the best location to learn massage modalities. You'll need all the facts to
make an informed decision and it's so easy to get details.

Just contact McCann School of Business and Technology in Hazelton, Pennsylvania to obtain no-obligation
information quickly and easily.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Locate More Massage Schools in Pennsylvania

National Massage Therapy Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

If you are considering massage therapy classes in Pennsylvania, you'll want to know about one of the finest
massage schools Philadelphia has to offer. The institute is easily conveniently located at 10050 Roosevelt Blvd (also
known as Hiway 1), Philadelphia, PA 19116.

National Massage Therapy Institute is a great place to obtain your training. In fact, many regard this as one of the
finest massage schools Pennsylvania houses. The 600 hour program will help you develop all the skills you need to
excel in this career field.

NMTI offers one of the most comprehensive training programs available. Techniques such as Swedish, shiatsu,
chair, prenatal and sports massage, reflexology and more add to the business and customer service you'll acquire.
Classroom and hands-on exposure provides a well-balanced education.

Upon graduation for NMTI, you'll be prepared to excel when you take the licensing exams.
Whether you want to open your own practice or work in one of the many exciting workplaces
that need trained therapists, you'll find this field very rewarding, both personally and financially.

Complimentary, no-obligation information is so easy to obtain; simply visit the link below and you can contact the
school to get all your questions answered about their curriculum, classes schedules, and fees. Just fill out the
confidential form once you do.

To learn more click > National Massage Therapy Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Find More Pennsylvania Massage Schools

Penn Commercial Business and Technical School Located in Washington,


Are you inundated with information about Pennsylvania massage schools but still haven't found the right one?

Penn Commercial Business & Technical School is located in PA, in the city of Washington.

The campus, located at 242 Oak Spring Road in the Oak Spring Shopping Plaza, is convenient to Interstates 70 and
79 so students from Monroeville, Masontown, Somerset, South Pittsburg, and other surrounding areas have an easy
commute each school day.

At PCBTS, PA massage therapy classes focus on you, the student. Small classes held in modern, state of the art
facilities make learning fun. Qualified, industry-recognized instructors provide you the opportunity to fully develop
your skills and abilities. Through hands-on practice, you'll gain confidence and self-assurance as well as the ability
to communicate effectively with clients, suppliers and other professionals.

After completing massage therapist training in PA, you'll be ready to obtain required professional licenses and
credentials and start your exciting career. With the growth of natural health care, bodywork professionals are in
demand. You could work in a doctor's office, resort, spa, hotel, or perhaps achieve the dream of opening your very
own clinic.

Could this Pennsylvania massage school be the right one for your professional training? If you think so, you'll want
to learn more. You can even arrange to visit the campus and see first-hand the teaching methods, facilities and
learn more about your future.

You can easily obtain information answering all your important questions without any obligation. Simply visit the
following link and fill out the form provided.

To learn more click > Penn Commercial Business & Technical School in Washington, Pennsylvania.

Massage Business Building Tip

It isn't always easy to build your massage practice, expecially if you are making a
career change after a move to a new area. One way to begin is by integrating into
the community. You can meet other professionals by joining organizations like
Toastmasters, or other professional networking organizations. As you meet other
professionals who are building their businesses you begin to build a network of
professionals who understand the beneifts of sharing resources and networking.

You might even offer to give free demonstrations or mini session at your peers
business environments as a benefit for their employees. This is one way to establish yourself as a professional
and also begin building a good reputation as a quality therapist in your field.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy - Oaks, Pennsylvania

If you are choosing one of the massage schools Pennsylvania offers, you'll want to know about the school for
medical massage therapy at Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy in Oaks. This is one of the few medical massage
therapy schools which provide an accelerated program, allowing you to graduate in as little as six months. If you
need more schedule flexibility, you can choose the standard program which allows you to complete your training in
one year. Lectures, classroom work, videos and hands-on supervised clinical experience will combine to ensure you
perfect every skill needed to excel in this in-demand profession.

As more doctors, insurance companies and people in general turn to natural health care, you'll find yourself sought
after by many potential employers. A few of these include hospitals, doctors' offices, spas, gyms, resorts, hotels
and many others. You'll also be fully qualified to open your own clinical practice if you choose. Not only will you
earn a lucrative living, but you'll gain personal satisfaction by helping people feel better and experience less pain
in their lives.

All the details about this program are simple and easy to obtain. Just contact Pennsylvania School of Muscle
Therapy in Oaks, Pennsylvania to receive the answers to all your important questions.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Pittsburgh Technical Institute - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Attending massage therapy classes in Pennsylvania can open the door to an exciting career for you. However,
searching for the right school from the massage schools Pennsylvania has to offer can be confusing. You'll be glad
to learn about the best massage therapy classes offered at Pittsburgh Technical Institute. Centrally located in the
heart of downtown at 635 Smithfield Street, this school is conveniently located to anyone in the Pittsburgh Metro

At PTI, you'll obtain a comprehensive, balanced education through classroom studies and hands-on supervised
practice of the manual skills required to apply therapeutic techniques. You'll learn about how to communicate with
clients, keep records and even open your own clinic if you choose. Upon graduation, you will find your services in
demand by those seeking the many health benefits of massage such as greater mobility, improved sense of well-
being, increased circulation, lowered blood pressure and many, many others.

With the rapid growth in the need for trained therapists, you can be certain you are choosing a career that will be
satisfying both personally and financially. Every day will be an exciting new opportunity to help people feel better.

To learn all the details about this career and the training available, contact Pittsburgh Technical Institute in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and request their no-cost, no-obligation information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina to Oregon

Schuylkill Institute of Business & Technology - Pottsville, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania massage school training courses can prepare you for an exciting career helping people feel better.
The key for becoming succesful in the field of therapuetic bodywork is by choosing the Pennsylvania massage
therapy school that will provide you with a balanced, comprehensive education. Through Schuylkill Institute of
Business and Technology in Pottsville you will receive some of the best training in the state of Pennsylvania.

SIBT is located at 118 South Centre Street, also known as Highway 209, between the Sovereign Bank and Quality
Inn. It is convenient to all locations in the Pottsville area and an easy commute from surrounding towns.

While at SIBT, you will learn through classroom instruction and theory all the factors of the human body and how
the therapy you will provide affects those in need of your services. You'll also experience hands-on supervised
clinical practice to hone your manual dexterity skills and sense of touch to perfection. Upon completion of the
curriculum you will feel confident when it comes time to receive your certification. Then you will be well on your
way to beginning a career that has staying power, for the health care industry is in need of qualified professionals
as the aging public seeks are turning to natural solutions to health and wellness.

To learn all the details about this great Pennsylvania massage school, simply contact Schuylkill Institute of Business
and Technology in Pottsville for complimentary information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennsylvania

The Chubb Institute in Springfield, Pennsylvania

Whether you are just beginning to seek your career or want to find a better way to earn a living, you'll want to
know about this excellent massage therapy institute in Pennsylvania.

The Chubb Institute in Springfield (Not Affiliated with the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies,) is one of the best massage
schools in Pennsylvania conveniently located by the Marple Crossroads Shopping center.

As more and more people turn to natural healthcare, the demand in this field is steadily rising. With so many jobs
in other fields being threatened with downsizing and outsourcing, you'll be happy to know that the demand for
trained therapists is much higher than the resources available. This trend is expected to continue for several years
to come as therapeutic massage is becoming well recognized for its assistance in overall health and wellness.

To learn more about this exciting career option, all you have to do is request information from the school by filling
out the school's confidential request form. You will quickly receive answers to all your important questions about
their Pennsylvania massage classes and training.

To lean more, click > The Chubb Institute in Springfield, Pennsylvania


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Pennyslvania and New York

Lincoln Technical Institute in Northeast Philadelphia - Pennsylvania

Are you considering attending therapeutic massage therapy training at one of the Philadelphia massage schools?
Then be sure and learn of a well-known Pennsylvania massage school, Lincoln Technical Institute in Northeast
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This Philadelphia massage school provides all the courses and training you need to
develop the skills to become a professional masseuse and provide various bodywork therapies for your client’s

As a trained therapist, you'll have many exciting workplaces available to you. Hospitals, doctor's offices, resorts,
spas, sports centers, gyms, salons and rehabilitation facilities are only a few of the options available. You could
even choose to open your very own clinic. With so many people seeking the services of a trained body worker your
will be entering a secure field where you can earn a good living. When attending these natural healing classes you
will learn many techniques such as Swedish, sport , deep tissue, and chair massage, reflexology, lymphatic
drainage, hydrotherapy, and spa treatments.

To learn more about this fine Philadelphia massage therapy school and how to enter this in-demand career field,
request information from Lincoln Technical Institute in Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and get your
questions answered.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Massage Schools in Pennsylvania

Lincoln Technical Institute in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania

Attending a Pennsylvania massage school can change your life for the better. By attending one of the best massage
therapy schools in PA, you will be fully prepared to earn a lucrative living while making a positive impact on the
lives of your clients. One of the best places to take massage therapy classes in Pennsylvania at Lincoln Technical
Institute in Plymouth Meeting.

More and more people are turning to natural healthcare options than ever before. Doctors, insurance companies
and the general public that once rejected natural healthcare, are accepting it as an important part in supporting
overall health and wellness. You'll have no problem finding employment upon graduation in great workplaces like
cruise ships, spas, hotels, resorts, hospitals, doctors' offices and many more facilities that include alternative
healing methods in their course of business, or you can open your own practice. With the need for more therapists
to join in this growing field every year, you'll find many clients seeking your services offering a stable career that
will grow with you.

To learn all about the massage programs available at Lincoln Technical Institute in Plymouth Meeting,
Pennsylvania, just contact them and request complimentary information.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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Lincoln Techical Instititue in Lincoln, Rhode Island

Do you want to enter a new career field that is in demand? The massage therapy courses at Lincoln Technical
Institute, formally Career Education Institute (CEI) in Lincoln, Rhode Island will prepare you for a professional
career in the most rapidly growing field in health care today.

One of the most respected massage schools anywhere, the massage courses and training at Lincoln Tech provide
hands-on supervised training to prepare you for the real world. The school is conveniently located at Lincoln Mall
at 622 George Washington Highway, Lincoln, RI 02865.

Massage therapists help people with more than just tight muscles. Natural healing techniques address sports
injuries, stress, illness, and much more. As more people turn to holistic treatments to avoid the potential problems
from drugs and invasive traditional medicine, the need for trained professionals grows daily.

If your goal is to make a difference in people's lives, and you'd love a lucrative career that provides that
opportunity, its easy to learn more about your career opportunities and the training availalbe. Just follow the link
provided, fill out the form requesting information and you will be well on your way.

To learn more click > Lincoln Technical Institute, in Lincoln, Rhode Island and request information today!

Massage Training Tip

Use Heated Massage Oil: Warming massage oil before applying it to your client's skin can
greatly increase the enjoyment of their therapuetic session. No one wants ice cold oil to be
rubbed on their body and the shock can result in the client failing to relax.

During the session relaxation is necessary to gain the maximum benefits from therapy, so
take time to ensure the oil is body temperature. You can do this by placing the container in
warm water until reaching the right temperature, or rub the oil in your hands until heated.
Check your client's comfort level by asking them if the temperature feels right for them,
then adjust accordingly.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

The Whole You School of Massage - Rutherfordton, South Carolina

Massage training retreats are a great way to obtain your professional training in therapeutic bodywork and The
Whole You School of Massage in Rutherfordton, South Carolina could be the perfect training retreat for you.
Operating since 1990 and approved by the state of North Carolina, the campus is located at 143 Woodview Drive.
There you can learn the skills you need for this in demand career in only nineteen weekends, making this a great
way to advance to a brighter future.

This South Carolina massage school provides training that will prepare you to excel when you take the national
board exams to qualify for your professional credentials. The courses include both ancient Eastern modalities and
Western techniques. You'll learn through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on training, providing you with a
variety of learning experiences. Techniques include Swedish, Shiatsu, Reiki, sports, prenatal, craniosacral,
neuromuscular massage as well as joint manipulation, stretching, nutrition, hydrotherapy, ethics, clinical
functions, and business skills courses. During your training, you'll gain experience working with clients through
supervised clinical hours as well as a community service assignment.

A massage therapy career can be a very fulfilling career, providing you with a means of making a difference in the
world. Through helping people feel better, you'll earn much more than just a lucrative income from your work;
you'll enjoy a deep sense of accomplishment and experience personal and spiritual growth, too.

Because these massage training retreats are limited to thirty-two students, you'll want to sign up and reserve your
place. The small class size ensures individual attention in any areas students require assistance.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Miller - Motte Technical College - Charleston, South Carolina

If seeking a satisfying career is your goal, attending a SC massage school may be the right training for you. Miller –
Motte Technical College in Charleston offers the chance to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree that will
qualify you to enter this in-demand field of alternative healthcare.

There are many massage schools in South Carolina, so you want to select the one that fits your needs. MMTC offers
modern facilities, professional instructors, up-to-date equipment and spacious, air-conditioned classrooms and a
full spectrum of student services. If finances are a problem, financial aid may be available if you meet the

Upon completion of your studies at this SC massage therapy school and successful completion of the national board
exams, you'll be ready to obtain your professional license and find work in one of the many places that require
bodywork therapists. These include hospitals, private clinics, sports centers and so many more.

If learning the art and science needed to succeed in this profession interests you, you can learn more about this SC
massage school easily. Get all the facts by requesting no-obligation information from Miller – Motte Technical
College in Charleston, South Carolina and begin training for a bright future.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Headlines Academy - Rapid City, South Dakota

To obtain massage therapist training in South Dakota, you'll want to consider Headlines Academy in Rapid City.
Located at 508 Sixth Street, the up-to-date facility includes an on-site clinic where students gain real-life
experience working with clients. Modalities include Swedish and all types of therapy including reflexology. By
applying yourself, you can earn your credentials in as little as six months.

After graduation, you'll find a massage therapy job easy to locate because this field of health and wellness is
becoming more popular as doctors and those interested in staying healthy understand the many benefits that
massage produces. In fact, this growth industry is expanding quickly and well-trained, caring therapists are in great
demand. You might even want to open your own private clinic after obtaining your professional license.

As if true of many massage therapist schools in the US, you can obtain financial aid if you qualify. You should not
let worries about funding stop you from seeking a fulfilling future. You might also qualify for a scholarship to help
you on your way.

It is well worth your time to investigate the massage therapist training in South Dakota at Headlines Academy if
you live in the area. It could be the first step to beginning a lucrative and satisfying career to help your future be


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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National American University - Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Attending one of the South Dakota massage schools can offer you a future working in a fun, satisfying and exciting
career. If you live in the Sioux Falls area, the education necessary to qualify for a career rather than a job can be
obtained at National American University. Located at 2801 South Kiwanis Drive in the southwest area of the city
near the intersection of Interstates 9 and 29, the campus is great for students traveling from nearby Harrisburg,
Shindler, or Tea. Because the institution facilities are located on the first floor of the attractive, modern Four-
Story building, the university is easily navigated by Mobility-Impaired students.

Of the massage schools in South Dakota you'll be happy to learn that NAU operates a total of thirteen highly-
respected schools for therapeutic massage students throughout the western United States. Students with
challenging financial situations can learn if they qualify to apply for Federal financial aid, which may be available
to some students. Other creative financial solutions may be available to help pay for some of the cost of education
such as military benefits, scholarships and other options. The admissions representatives can assist those who
require information learn more about potentially available options.

While attending massage training in Sioux Falls at NAU, you may find you wish to study outdoors during pleasant
weather. Nearby Sherman Park and Sertoma Park offer you natural environments to concentrate on your class
material, alone or with other students. To easily fit shopping into your busy schedule, both the Empire Mall and
Western Mall are only minutes away from NAU.

To learn if this convenient South Dakota massage school is the choice for you, you'll want many additional facts.
You can learn all the details by contacting National American University in southwestern Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
There's no obligation involved with finding out more about classes, fees, schedules, and books, as well as how to


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Concorde Career Institute - Memphis, Tennessee

Attending one of the Memphis massage schools can lead to a fantastic career. Concorde Career Institute could be
the perfect place for your professional skills development. In only 33 weeks, you can obtain a diploma and prepare
to enter the exciting field of therapy. Located at 5100 Poplar Avenue, the campus is nestled near the Mississippi
River and is convenient to Interstate 240. Students can easily commute from Southaven, Mississippi, West Memphis,
Arkansas, Marion, Tennessee and other nearby locales.

Among the respected massage therapy schools in Tennessee, CCI addresses all the facets of bodywork. You'll learn
about body mechanics and industry accepted modalities to allow you to help clients feel better. Hands-on training
will refine your manual dexterity, allowing you to hone your sense of touch as you manipulate muscle and
connective tissue to provide health benefits attributed to massage.

The training at this Tennessee massage school doesn't stop with basic techniques. You'll learn medical terminology,
professional behaviors and ethics, and business skills. In fact, after program completion and licensing, you may
choose to open your own clinic. Or you might select one of the meaningful places of employment that need trained
professionals such as physical rehabilitation centers, sports facilities, resorts, hotels and many others.

You'll want to learn all about this Memphis massage school before making a decision. Financial information, class
schedules, and other facts are yours on request.

Simply ask for details by contacting the Memphis, Tennessee campus of Concorde Career Institute.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Tennessee

High-Tech Institute in Memphis, Tennessee

One of the Tennessee massage schools that offer sports massage courses is the High-Tech Institute in Memphis.
You'll attain your skills through their Memphis massage diploma program while learning from the professionals at
one of the very best sports massage therapy schools. In addition, you'll gain a comprehensive knowledge of
therapeutic massage including Swedish, deep tissue and chair massage, hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage and spa

You'll help your clients reconnect with their inner being, eliminate toxins, maintain and improve health; vitality
and well-being plus sports massage can help improve performance. You'll become qualified to work in some very
exciting places such as for a professional sports team, on cruise ships, at resorts, in hospitals and clinics and more.
You'll learn everything you need to operate your own clinic.

With demands for trained professionals in sports massage growing every day, you'll want to be sure you reserve
your place in this exciting, satisfying and lucrative future. Its easy to contact High-Tech through their online info
request form to learn about the upcoming classes because they fill up quickly!

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Memphis, Tennessee


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Nashville

High-Tech Institute in Nashville, Tennessee

One of the finest Tennessee massage schools for sports massage courses is the High-Tech Institute in Nashville. The
massage therapy training you receive here will include all the most popular techniques such as Swedish, deep
tissue, sports and chair massage, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage and spa treatments.

You'll learn how manual massage of soft tissue can reduce stress, speed healing from injury and spur the body's
immune response to fight illness. You'll learn how to loosen and relax stiff, sore muscles and connective tissue and
relieve pain while increasing energy levels of your clients. You clients will enjoy increased circulation and a
renewed feeling of well-being. On top of all that you will be entering a growing career field.

If you want to learn more about preparing for an in-demand career choice in massage therapy, contact the school
today. It is easy to receive information on their schools and programs, including upcoming schedules by filling out
the school's convenient online request form.

To learn more, click > High-Tech Institute in Nashville, Tennesse


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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MedVance Institute in Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee massage schools are not all the same.

If you are seeking a Tennessee massage therapy school, you want to choose one that provides comprehensive
education and fully prepares you to enter this career field with confidence and assurance.

Nashville massage classes provided by MedVance Institute will provide you with just that type of complete,
comprehensive education. You can choose between day or evening classes and learn through classroom study as
well as hands-on supervised practical experience with actual clients.

Since they have a very low teacher to pupil ratio you can excel with their individualized teaching approach to
learning. They also care a great deal about their students and that shows through the professional relationship at
MedVance between their students and faculty.

Upon graduation, you'll be prepared to excel when sitting for the national board exams. You'll then be ready to
open your own practice or find employment in one of the many exciting workplaces needing your services. You will
feel proud that you are providing a service that is helping people feel better while earning a very comfortable
living. Your schedule will be flexible to fit around your lifestyle and the schedules of your clients.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects the need for trained professionals will grow through the next few years by
as much as thirty-five percent. If you want to be part of this growing profession, you can learn all the details by
contacting the school their convenient info request form to receive for complimentary information.

To learn more, click > MedVance Institute in Nashville, Tennessee


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools

Miller - Motte Technical College - Chattanooga, Tennessee

Miller – Motte Technical College, a TN massage therapy school located in Chattanooga could be the key to your
future success in natural healthcare. If you love working with people and communicate well, you may find that
earning an Associate of Applied Science degree allows you to obtain your goals without the many years of training
required by some health-related careers.

This Tennessee massage therapy school is located at 6020 Shallowford Road in a modern facility. It serves not only
Chattanooga, but also is convenient to Cleveland and North Georgia as well. Caring instructors and comprehensive
training will allow you to learn the art and science of bodywork and how to safely and ethically provide services to

Upon completion of your massage classes in Tennessee, you will be qualified to sit for the board exam and obtain
your credentials. Students from MMTC have found employment in doctors' offices, clinics, holistic centers, spas and
other great workplaces. Caring therapeutic bodywork professionals are in high demand by many businesses. Career
development services are available to assist you in finding the right job for you upon graduation.

To learn all about this TN massage therapy school, you'll only need to ask for information to allow you to make an
informed decision. Ask for all the details by contacting Miller – Motte Technical College in Chattanooga, Tennessee
and you'll quickly receive a friendly response.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Texas

ATI Career Training Center - Dallas Massage Therapy School in Dallas, Texas

You can find a great massage school, Texas' finest, at the ATI Career Training Center.

Of the Dallas Massage Therapy Schools, the massage courses provided ATI rate has over 35 years of training
successful graduates and the school's students leave ATI's Career Training Center - Dallas Massage Therapy School
fully prepared for the many employment opportunities in this growing area of health care.

Amonth the many opportunities graduates can find positions of employment in health spas, physical therapy and
rehabilitation centers, beauty salons, spas, resorts and private practices. There are also many job placement
opportunities in hospitals and doctors' offices.

During the 12 week training program, you will learn hydrotherapy, Swedish massage,
business practices, and participate in on-site externships. While the training period is
short, the intense hands-on education will provide each student with all the tools
necessary to become a success in this high demand field of natural health care.

You can receive all the information you need to learn about their classes, scheduling, and fees by requesting
information through the school's confidential request form. Simply visit the following link, fill out the form and you
will be one step closer to starting a new career.

To learn more, click > ATI Career Training Center, Dallas Massage Therapy, Dallas, Texas


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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ATI Career Training Center - North Richland Hills, Texas

Are you looking for a Texas massage school that will teach you through both hands-on and classroom education how
to become a success in this natural health care field? If so, you will be happy to know that ATI Career Training
Center in North Richland Hills can provide you with just that type of comprehensive education. The training center
is located at 6351 Boulevard 26, North Richland Hills, TX 76180, just off Denton Hiway 377.

This Texas massage training center offers a convenient location just north of Fort Worth. Their brand new, state of
the art facility is located at 6351 Grapevine Highway and provides ample parking and a landscaped campus. It is a
very comfortable, appealing place to attending your courses while you hone your skills to enter this lucrative and
satisfying field.

Of the massage therapy classes in Texas, you'll find that ATI is a school that fully prepares you to sit for the
national board exams. It also provides a wide range of student services including financial aid for those who qualify
and job placement after graduation.

The growth rate of the therapeutic natural health care industry is growing rapidly. The U.S. Department of Labor
projects that this expansion will continue in coming years, projecting that a rate of up to thirty five percent for
the next five years. You'll graduate from ATI prepared to open your own clinic or work in one of the many
workplaces that need trained professional therapists.

If you want to attend a well known Texas massage school, you'll want to learn more about ATI Career Training
Center in North Richland Hills, Texas; all you need to so simply request complimentary information and you will
get answers to your important questions.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Austin School of Massage - Austin, Texas

A great massage therapy school in Austin Texas is the Austin School of Massage (ASM). ASM offers a wider range of
programs to choose from than most massage schools.

Students beginning their massage therapy training can select the 300 hour State Registration Program which
provides the training require to receive State Registration required by all states. Austin School of Massage also
offers a 720 hours Master of Clinical Massage Program which provides advanced training to allow you to become a
leader in this exciting field. With advanced and specialized training your skills will take you most anywhere.

If you have already become a trained massage therapist but want to develop your career further, AMS's 420 hour
Clinical Programs provide graduate level training required to gain licensing as a massage therapist in almost every
state. You are not limited to just the state of Texas, your skills will transfer to many other locations should you
wish to travel or relocate.

Whichever program is right for you, you'll find ASM's hands-on training and the individual attention will ensure you
gain the skills you want and need to become successful in this in-demand profession.

It is easy to contact Austin School of Massage Therapy in Austin, Texas. By requesting information, you will receive
answers to your important questions to find out about the school and to discover if this is the right career direction
for your future's security.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Austin School of Massage - College Station, Texas

If you want to obtain your massage training from a well respected massage school, Texas offers Austin School of
Massage in College Station, Texas. The massage training you will receive at ASM - College Station will open the
door into the exciting world of massage therapy.

Many massage therapy schools provide a single training program in this in-demand field. ASM provides a choice of
two beginning programs and a graduate level program, allowing you to select the option that best suits your
massage training needs.

Because AMS is a leader in the field of professional training, upon graduation, you will find your employment
options exciting and lucrative. Whether your dream is to work in a hospital or on a cruise ship, or in one of the
many other workplaces needing trained massage therapists, you will leave AMS with the knowledge and skills to
allow your entry into these exciting work locations.

It is easy to contact Austin School of Massage at College Station, Texas to find out about their massage training
programs. You can learn about their different programs to help you make an educated decision if this is the right
career direction for you.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Austin School of Massage - Corpus Christi, Texas

Are you trying to select from the many massage therapy schools? Consider the Texas school of massage that can
provide you three levels of massage certification. Austin School of Massage at Corpus Christi, Texas does just that!

The beginning massage therapy courses provide a choice of a 300 hour beginning program or a 720 hour advanced
program. The graduate program consists of a 420 hour program that teaches all the skills for obtaining state
licensing to be able open your own massage therapy clinic.

Once you complete your training at Austin School of Massage in Corpus Christi, you will find job opportunities
readily available. More people are turning to natural healing methods and massage therapy is one of the most
popular. Not only can massage allow the body to heal itself, but pain relief for many problems is almost immediate.

It is easy to receive the information you need by contacting the Austin School of Massage in Corpus Christi, Texas
today. You will be one step closer to realizing your career desires.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Austin School of Massage - El Paso, Texas

When reviewing massage therapy schools, you'll want to know about a great Texas school of massage: Austin School
of Massage in El Paso, Texas. Offering three different massage therapy programs leading to massage certification,
you will be able to choose their beginning 300 hours program, the advanced 720 hour program, or if you already
have basic training in massage therapy, you can select their 420 hour graduate level program. It provides the
training needed to prepare you for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
(NCBTMB) examination where you will be able to obtain licensing in most states.

This is an in-demand profession. New practitioners are needed to fill job openings because there's a great demand
for professional massage therapists in many different types of health service locations. Financial assistance, in the
form of student loans is available if you need a massage school loan.

It is easy to request the information you need to learn more about the various courses. Beautiful El Paso can be the
location for your massage therapy school training if you choose the Austin School of Massage at El Paso, Texas.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Austin School of Massage - Killeen, Texas

If you want the best massage school Texas has to offer, consider Austin School of Massage in Killeen, Texas for your
massage training and certification. Located just outside Fort Hood, Killeen houses what is considered to be among
the best-of-the-best of massage therapy schools.

Three levels of training are offered: beginning, advanced and graduate levels. By completing the graduate level
training, you will be fully prepared to excel when taking the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage
and Bodyworks exam. You can then open your own massage therapy business. All three levels of training prepare
you for varying levels of responsibility in the professional field of massage therapy.

The hand-on approach and individual attention ensure you will complete your training ready to provide exceptional
services to your clients. With the growing demand for qualified therapists, you'll find employment option in many
exciting places such as hospitals, cruise ships, gyms and more.

It is easy to receive the information you need by contacing the Austin School of Massage at Killeen, Texas today.
You will receive what you need to learn more about this top-notch school.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Austin School of Massage - Lubbock, Texas

A well known Texas school of massage is the Austin School of Massage located in Lubbock, Texas. Of the schools
providing massage courses and training, ASM has one of the very best reputations for providing their students with
what they need to prepare for the real world professional jobs they will be entering. When comparing the many
massage therapy schools, you'll find few schools which, like Austin School of Massage, offer three different
programs for massage therapy training, each preparing you for a different level of responsibility in the professional

Students completing any of the three massage training programs offered by ASM - Lubbock will find employment
readily available in any part of the country and even overseas. Exciting workplaces such as cruise ships, spas,
hospitals and other professional locations will be seeking your services in this rapidly growing field.

It is easy to find out about the schools various programs where you can take your career skills and relocate should
that be in your future. Or you can get the training you need to open a massage practice or theraputic business. You
are just a click away from learning more about the Austin School of Massage at Lubbock, Texas and how the school
fits in with your career plans.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Austin School of Massage - Midland, Texas

Austin School of Massage at Midland, Texas is a very well respected Texas massage school. This massage therapy
school offers three different massage training and certification programs, each of which prepare you for a
different level of responsibility in the massage therapy workplace.

If you complete their graduate level program, you will be fully prepared to pass your Board Certification exams
and become licensed in almost any state of the union and you can then open your very own massage clinic. The
other massage training and certification programs will prepare you to work as a massage therapist in many exciting

Whether you want to work with sports teams, in a hospital or doctor's office, or if you prefer the idea of working in
a spa or salon, the training you receive at ASM - Midland will prepare you to provide top quality services to your

It is easy to get the information you need to learn about the various programs. Contacting the Austin School of
Massage in Midland, Texas is just a click away to receive the details about their various programs to help you with
your new career opportunities!


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Austin School of Massage - San Angelo, Texas

Making the right choice from the many massage therapy schools can be difficult. You want to obtain training from
one of the best schools available so you will be properly prepared to enter your new career. A top quality massage
school in Texas is the Austin School of Massage in San Angelo, Texas. Here you can obtain your massage
certification from some of the best instructors anywhere.

Should you already have a massage training and would like to further your education this wonderful school also has
advanced courses which will enable you to take your training most anywhere, as well as begin your own massage

Located near Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo is a beautiful Texas city in which to learn an in-demand skill.
Home of historic Concho Avenue, you can enjoy visiting the quaint shops and many city attractions during your
spare time.

If you want a new career that will provide readily available employment without the threats of downsizing
experienced in so many professions, contact the Austin School of Massage in San Angelo, Texas. Learn more about
their three levels of massage therapy training to suit your career ambitions.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Austin School of Massage - San Antonio, Texas

Are you looking for a Texas massage school? More specifically, do you want to attend a San Antonio school of
massage? Then you need to know about the Austin School of Massage located in San Antonio, Texas.

This school offers three levels of massage therapy courses, which ensures you'll find a program which meets your
needs perfectly. With the hands-on training and individual attention provided to students, you will learn all the
skills required to become a success in the growing field of massage therapy.

With so many professional jobs being outsourced to other countries, you can count on the field of massage therapy
as a stable career direction that you can grow with into the future. Needed by doctors, hospitals, gyms, cruise
lines, spas, sports teams and more, you'll find employment easy to find when you become a qualified massage
therapist in this well recognized and growing field.

It is easy to receive the information you need get all your questions answered about the three programs. Whether
you are just beginning to train for a first career or want to develop a skill to allow you to pursue a better career
than you have today, you can acomplish this right in this part of Texas.

It's easy to contact Austin School of Massage at San Antonio, Texas. They are standing by to help you achieve
whatever level of massage education you desire.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Austin School of Massage - Waco, Texas

Austin School of Massage in Waco, Texas is an extremely popular and well respected Texas massage school. Of all
the massage therapy schools, you'll find few that offer the options in massage courses available at ASM - Waco.

ASM provides three different levels of training. You can choose from a 300 hour beginning course which will qualify
you to work with massage therapists. You can select the 720 hour course which provides advanced training and will
qualify you for positions with more responsibility in the world of massage. For those who wish to advance in their
massage career, you can continue your training in the 420 hour graduate level program and become ready for your
license, enabling you to open your very own massage clinic or become a director of an existing massage business. It
is easy to learn about this creditable school to decide if one of these options matches your career ambitions.

Did you know the demand for therapists is growing daily? If you want to be part of this growing field take action
and contact Austin School of Massage in Waco, Texas for more information and financing options for those needing
a massage school loan.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Massage Schools in Texas

South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Brownsville, Texas

If you are looking for a Texas massage school you will want to learn about South Texas Vocational Technical
Institute in Brownsville, Texas. If you live in the area their massage program can provide you with a solid
foundation for a new career in the healing arts.

STVT offers their students many benefits besides a great education. If you are new to the area they offer housing
assistance. Once you complete your education and graduate they also have placement services to help you enter
the job field. And their student services are there all year long. Another nice feature is they offer both evening
and day classes.

During your course studies you will learn the techniques related to Swedish Massage, along with Kenesiology,
Pathology, Anatomy, and Physiology. And they don't stop there, you will go on to receive advanced training in
Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Armomatherapy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Acupressure, and even
Pre-natal massage techniques. Their program exceed the standards set by the national certification board and the
state and is designed to give you all the knowledge you would need to succeed as a massage practitioner in this
growing industry.

If you would like to learn more about their Texas massage program and how you can learn the skills to work in a
variety of therapeutic environments just fill out their online request form. Once you do STVT school services will
reply with answers to your important questions.

To learn more, click > South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Brownsville, Texas

(STVT also has massage school campuses in Weslaco, and McAllen, Texas)


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Texas

South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in McAllen, Texas

Are you interested in beginning a new career in the healing arts? Are you searching for a well known and
established massage school in Texas that will assist you in excelling?

Then you'll be interested to learn about South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in McAllen, Texas. This fine
texas massage Institute offers a full curriculum covering a wide variety of therapeutic modalities that exceed the
standards set in the state and the national certification guidelines.

You will experience hands on training in Swedish Massage and gain knowledge of Anatomy, Pathology, Kenesiology,
and Physiology. Other healing modalities which are included in course studies include:

● Sports Massage
● Myofascial Release
● Armomatherapy
● Reflexology
● Acupressure
● Pre-natal Massage

STVT also includes business training to help you take the first steps to begin your new career. You will be ready to
work in many different types of therapeutic establishments depending on your preferences. You will have a
thorough training which encompasses traditional clinical methods and advanced techniques which you can continue
to develop through continuing education overtime.

If you are eager to find out when the next classes begin, or wish to tour the school then take the next step by
filling out the school's online info request form. STVT will answer your questions promptly and you will be one step
closer to beginning your new career.

To learn more, click > South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in McAllen, Texas

(STVT also has Campuses in Weslaco, and Brownsville).


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Texas

South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Weslaco, Texas

Massage training in Texas can open doors to a lucrative career. The alternative healing field in the US is growing
and needs qualified massage therapists to meet the demands of the job market.

At South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Weslaco, Texas you can receive excellent training to become a
therapist which exceeds the standards set by the national certification board and the state. You can also choose
between taking classes in the evening or in the day depending on your needs. STVT also offers housing assistance if
you are new to the area. Upon graduation students you can also benefit from STVT's job placement program if you

The full curriculum include the basic skills of massage as well as advanced training in modalities such as
Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Sprots Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and even Aromatherapy and Acupressure.
Course studies provide hands on training and also include sucessful business mastery to help you succeed in the
workplace or provide guidelines for starting your own business.

The variety of therapuetic establishments needing qualified therapists is growing everyday as

more and more people seek alternative healing methods. If you are ready to take the next step
then fill out the school's convenient online request form. This way you can quickly learn when
the next classes begin and get answers to your important questions. You can also schedule a tour
of the school.

To learn more, click > South Texas Vocational Technical Institute in Weslaco, Texas

(STVT has campuses in Brownsville and McAllen)


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Everest College, Salt Lake City, Utah

Choosing from the many massage therapist schools can be an overwhelming task. Your search has brought you to
the right place. Everest College in Salt Lake City is an exceptional Utah school of massage therapy. The massage
training program will allow you to develop all the skills needed to become a success in this growing career field.

At Everest College, you'll learn clinical and manual dexterity skills through a combination of classroom and hands-
on training. Swedish and deep tissue techniques, neuromuscular therapy, orthopedic assessment, movement
anatomy and pathology, medical terminology, pharmacology and business practices will prepare you to own and
operate your own practice or work in one of the many great workplaces that require trained therapists such as
spas, hospitals, resorts, sports center, salons, wellness practices and many, many more.

More and more people are turning to natural healthcare services to help relieve pain, recover from injury or
surgery, and gain a greater sense of wellness as well as deep relaxation. If you want to be part of this in-demand
career field, simply contact Everest College in Salt Lake City, Utah for complimentary information on their school,
classes, schedules, and costs.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Utah

Provo Career College - Provo, Utah

Do you want to find a great Utah massage therapy school? Provo College can prove massage classes and training
can change your life. Considered by many to be the finest Utah school of massage therapy, Provo College will
provide you gain all the skills and knowledge you need to become a success in this growing field. The campus is
easily found at 1450 West 820 North in Provo, Utah and is a state of the art facilitiy.

Provo College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, ensuring
you the quality of education you will receive. By blending hands-on clinical training with classroom theory, your
skills will be perfected and you'll be ready to excel when you sit for the National Board Exam.

People are turning to natural health care disciplines today to avoid the extraordinarily high cost of traditional
medicine as well as the potential side-effects. Today, the demand for professionals in this field is growing at a very
rapid rate. In the next few years, the demand will increase as much as thirty-five percent, according to the U.S.
Department of Labor statistics. And expectationa are that this industry will grow well into the future.

You can learn more about the opportunities available by requesting information through their online info request
form. Knowledgable staff will answer all your questions about financial aid, when classes start, and costs. Provo is
also a beautiful location to attend college, with its scenic mountains and picturesque landscapes. When not in
school, you will find many recreational activities to enjoy during your spare time.

To learn more, click > Provo College in Provo, Utah


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Utah College of Massage Therapy - Utah Valley Campus, in Lindon, Utah

Attending a Utah school of massage therapy can change your life. The professional massage courses and master
bodywork program at Utah College of Massage Therapy - Utah Valley Campus in Lindon, Utah will provide you with
the finest, most comprehensive training in Utah.

Combining classroom education and hands-on supervised clinical practice ensure you have all the skills needed to
become success in this chosen career. You'll also be prepared to sit for the national board exams needed to obtain
your license. As a licensed professional, you can open your own clinic or work in one of the many exciting
workplaces available. Because more and more people are turning to natural health care options, you'll have your
choice of workplaces that need your services. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor projections state the growth
rate for trained professionals in this therapy field will grow as much as thirty-five percent in the next five years
alone. Today, there are not nearly enough licensed professionals to meet these growing needs.

It is really simple and easy to learn more about the school, classes, financial aid, and about the career options
awaiting you. All you need to do is ask for complimentary informationfrom Utah College of Massage Therapy - Utah
Valley Campus in Lindon, Utah and you can get all your questions answered .


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Utah College of Massage Therapy - Salt Lake City Campus, Salt Lake City, Utah

Are you searching for a Utah school of massage therapy that focuses on spa massage therapy courses? One Utah
massage school, the Utah College of Massage Therapy - Salt Lake City Campus, can provide you with top-quality
training in the field of massage therapy where you can earn a certificate in only 7 months full-time or 12 months
part-time. After completing the basic courses, you can choose to attend the Master Bodywork Therapist training
that requires only 10 weeks full-time.

At Utah College of Massage Therapy, you'll learn all the basics such as Eastern and Western modalities, sports
massage, trigger point and cranial sacral therapy. You'll become fully prepared to open your own practice or obtain
a job in one of the exciting workplaces seeking your services such as cruise ships, spas, resorts, sports centers and
more. You'll gain personal satisfaction by helping people feel better and, at the same time, earn a lucrative living.
Working in the field of the healing arts provides a life career that can grow with you.

It's so simply to learn more about the special curriculum at this wonderful college; all you have to do is ask for
complimentary information from Utah College of Massage Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can get all you
questions answered about their courses, class schedules, and tuition fees along with any other questions you may


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Schools in Utah

Utah Career College - Layton, Utah

Don’t miss Utah Career College in Layton when you are searching through the selection of Utah massage therapy
schools. The campus is located in West Jordan at 1902 West 7800 South, just off West Center Street. Interstates 15
and 215 provide convenient access into West Jordan, making it easy for students from Kearns, Sandy, Draper,
South Jordan, and surrounding areas to attend classes.

Choosing the right Utah massage school means finding the one that offers the certificates or degrees you desire. At
UCC, you can earn a diploma in as little as six quarters; Associate in Applied Science can be gained in just eight
quarters of applied study.

If you are seeking one of the massage schools in Utah that offers assistance in locating
possible sources of financial aid, Utah Career College will be happy to help. The
financial aid representatives can point you toward many possible financing solutions. In
addition, you have access to job placement services after graduation to help you find
the right place to begin your exciting career.

If you love helping people feel better, you’ll want to know the details about the Utah massage therapy school
learning experience.

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am to 10:00pm, Fridays 7:30am to 4:00pm, and Saturdays 9:00am to 2:00pm.

Before you visit the school, you can easily request information through their online form. It is easy to do so.

To learn more, click > Utah Career College in Layton


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Home > Massage Schools in Rhode Island, Texas, to Utah

Utah Career College Located in West Jordan, Utah

Is gaining an education at one of the Utah massage schools part of your career plans? Utah Career College in
West Jordan could be the location for your learning experience. Located at 1902 West 7800 South, between
Redwood Road and South 2700 West, the campus is easily accessed via Interstate highways 15 and 215 as well as U.
S. Highway 89. Commuting students from Welby, Sandy City, South Jordan, and Indian Village South find the
campus location convenient.

Choosing from the massage schools in Utah is a life-changing decision. Choose to earn an Associated in Applied
Science degree in as little as six school quarters or seek a diploma in as little as four quarters. With both daytime
and evening course options and full- or part-time schedules, you'll find it easy to register for classes that meet your

Massage therapist training in Utah offers the chance to prepare for a career that is satisfying in many ways. The
mental, physical and spiritual growth gained through this discipline will allows personal development, preparing
you to help people enjoy improve health. After graduation and completion of required licensing processes, you'll
find employment in hospitals, clinics, spas, sports centers and many other workplaces as the need for well-trained
bodywork professionals continues to grow. You'll have the skills and knowledge to earn an income as well as enjoy
the art and science of therapy that will be smiles to the faces of your clients each workday.

To determine is attending a Utah massage school is the right path for you, you'll want to study in-depth
information. To learn more about Utah Career College in West Jordan, Utah and learn facts about schedules,
registration, student services, and even financial aid which could be available to students which meet certain
qualifications, simply request the details.


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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Vermont

International Bodywork School Located in North Bennington, Vermont

International Bodywork (IB) in North Bennington provides instruction from experienced holistic experts. Choosing
which Vermont massage school to entrust with your training is a big decision.

The location is beautiful and peaceful, creating the perfect atmosphere to learning modalities of therapeutic
massage. You even have the option to attend part of your training in Portugal if you wish. Located on Grandview
Farm at 368 Lamb Road, you'll find a variety of programs from short workshops to advanced training and one is sure
to fit your needs perfectly.

Recognized as unique massage therapy institute in Vermont, the options at IB cover an amazing spectrum of
choices. From individual training sessions and short weekend programs to integrative therapy and transformational
bodywork, you can mix and match the courses to fit the area on which you wish to focus your career.

Choosing IB from the massage therapist schools available can lead you to a wonderful career. The training your
attend with a focus on the body, mind and spirit can be life changing as you learn more about yourself as well as
the way your hands can be used to help others.

This Vermont massage school is perfect for anyone who is not yet convinced that therapeutic bodywork is the right
career for them. By attending a short, affordable weekend program, you can experience what working in this
alternative healthcare field will be like and you may well find this field will give you a direction in life that will be
both personally satisfying and financially rewarding.

To locate information on this school visit:

Bodywork Practitioner Tip

In your business you will be massaging many different body types. We all know that
people come in an assortment of sizes. Be sure your table can handle all the various sizes:
small, large, and extra large bodies. Therefore, it is wise to invest in a table that is sure
to accommodate the various body weights you will encounter in your practice.

When choosing a table pay attention to how it is made. Ask yourself, if it is going to be
sturdy enough for all body types and for extensive use. Also, some massage tables are
wider than others, which is another excellent benefit to consider. Because your table is
one of your primary tools, don't cut corners when purchasing a bodywork table.
Adjustable height, strength, quality wood, reinforcement, high quality washable cover,
extra width, and an adjustable face extension are some of the important components to
consider when purchasing a professional massage table.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Virginia

Banner College Located in Arlington, Virginia

Banner College in Arlington will assist you in earning the diploma you need when choosing from Virginia's massage
therapy schools. The college is easy to locate just off Arlington Blvd, at 2300 Wilson Blvd. in Suite 600. This Zip
Code for this area is 22201.

At this fine college for massage training you will learn about anatomy, physiology, and pathology related to soft
tissue and injury treatment as well as receive education in nutrition, stress management, and overall wellness

The overall program is extensive, and upon graduation and receiving your certification, you will be ready to enter
the workplace in this in-demand field. Employment of massage therapists is expected to increase between 21% and
35% between 2002 and 2012 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is because there are so many facilities
now seeking trained professionals to add to their staff. The industry is growing as people are aging, and the
medical communitiy is recognizing this type of therapies benefits in aiding the body, mind, and spirit.

Therefore, you will be helping patients by applying appropriate treatments, You'll leave work every day feeling
good about yourself and your work. You may even go on to open your own practice or find stable employment at
one of the many facilities seeking trained professionals.

Tip for Promoting Your Massage Practice

If you choose to start a private practice you need to promote your business whenever
you are in public or meeting a friend or an acquaintance.

One of the best ways to do this is with business cards and a professionally designed
brochure. Therefore, when you start your therapy business be sure and print up tasteful
business cards with all the pertinent data printed on the card. Your brochure design
should be easy to read, and professional looking to appeal to all types of people.

Three fold brochures are an excellent choice and fit nicely on a rack, shelf, or in a see
through holder. At all times carry both your cards and your brochures with you. You
may want to have extras on hand in the glove box of your car, or in a special case that
you keep handy. This way you are never run out.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Schools for Massage in Virginia

Everest Institute Located in Chesapeake, Virginia

Are you considering obtaining your massage therapy certification in Virginia? Have you been reviewing the different
massage schools in Virginia to find the one that fits you best? Be sure and visit Everest Institute, formally a Kee
Business College located at 825 Greenbrier Circle, Chesapeake VA, 23320. The school location is found just of
Hiway 13, also known as Military Road South.

KBC in Chesapeake offers one of the best programs for massage courses and training in VA. In only three quarters,
you can develop a balanced skill base of academic and technical knowledge. You will receive hands-on experience
in clinical skills that will prepare you fully to enter the exciting world of health and wellness professionals.

You'll learn therapeutic massage and deep tissue sculpting, traumatology, biology, physiology, computer and
customer service skills to ensure you have all the tools necessary to open your own massage practice or work in
one of the many exciting workplaces that employ trained professionals.

The recent growth trend in the natural health care fields is expected to continue as more people turn to holistic
healing. The U.S. Department of Labor projects the need for training massage therapists will increase by as much
as 35% by the year 2010 which makes this a very stable career choice. To get answers to your questions fill out the
school's online form.

To learn more click > Everest Institute in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Practitioner Tip

There are many types of massage oils to choose from depending on you and your clients

When making your selection first begin with a fine base oil that is organic and contains no
additives. You can always add various essential oils depending on your clients preferences
and needs when they arrive to a separate smaller container created specifically for that

This practice ensures you are not introducing an irritant should they have allergies or
sensitivities of any kind.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Virginia Massage Therapy Schools

Everest Institute Located in Newport News, Virginia

You can earn your massage therapy certification in Virginia in only three school quarters at what is considered to
be an excellent Virginia massage school.

Everest Institute, formally Kee Business College in Newport News will prepare you to be successful in this in-
demand healing profession. You can easily find the school location at 803 Diligence Drive, Newport News VA 23606.
Just exit onto Thimble Shoals Blvd off Hiway 17 and turn east onto Diligence Drive.

By choosing to attend massage therapist training in Virginia, you'll gain skills and knowledge through classroom
theory and hands-on supervised clinical experience. Your training will teach you exactly how to assist clients to
help them feel better.

Natural health care is one of the fastest growing sectors in the medical health and wellness indusdry. Because the
benefits include pain relief, increased circulation, faster healing after injury, illness or surgery, lowered blood
pressure and many others, more and more people are seeking the services of qualified, well-trained professionals.
Even insurance companies are realizing the cost effectiveness and healing properties of this natural healing art.

The U.S. Dept of Labor provides statistics that project a growth rate for this profession between 21% and 35% in
the few years. With so many career choices experiencing downward spirals, training for a profession in a growth
industry will ensure your financial success and you'll enjoy personal satisfaction as well.

To easily and quickly request complimentary informationabout this career and the courses offered, simply contact
the school by visiting the following link, and fill out the school's confidential form for your info packet.

To learn more click > Kee Business College in Newport News, Virginia.

Tips for Promoting Your Massage Practice

No matter if your practice is in your home, is a private practice located outside your
home, or within another health related facility it is wise to create your own
individualized business card and brochure. You want to have tangible written materials
that promote your services as a health professional. This way you begin to brand your
name and specific types of healing modalities.

When clients have reference materials that are specifically related to your services
they can pass them on to friends or acquaintances. This helps you build credibility on
your own should you work within another facility and shows professionalism to your
peers. It also ensures client loyalty should you choose to change locations in the future
or begin a private practice on your own.

Learn more how to > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Virginia Massage Therapy Schools

Virginia Massage Schools: Heritage Institute in Manassas

Obtaining your certification in massage in Virginia can lead you to a satisfying career helping others. One way to
prepare for that career is through attending a college in your area. Heritage College in Manassas is a well
respected institution offering both an Occupational Associate of Science degree in therapeutic massage or a
diploma in therapeutic massage.

At this well respected Virginia massage college your receive both hands-on and classroom learning experiences
along with the ancient and modern modalities of bodywork so necessary to your success. You will appeciate their
quality learning facilities with up to date equipment for your training as well as their well-qualified, caring
instructors. You'll learn how to use your manual dexterity to apply techniques that have proven to improve health
and relieve pain.

Of the bodywork schools in Virginia that allow you to learn the skills of natural healing Heritage stands out. Upon
graduation and successful completion of your national board exam, you'll be prepared to find exciting employment
in the plethora of businesses that need the services of skilled professional therapists such as nursing homes,
corporate health centers, spas and dozens of others.

The admissions representations are happy to provide all the facts about Heritage Institute in Virginia and their
massage schools training program. You can readily learn exactly how you will earn your massage therapy
certification in Virginia. By filling out the provided form you will be one step closer to selecting your college of

To learn more about massage college in Virginia, click > Heritage Institute in Manassas, Virginia

Tips for Setting Up Your Home Office

If you begin your massage practice in your home, try to choose a room that has a
separate entrance from where your family enters your home if possible. This way
your client is ensured privacy. Often massage clients are not feeling up to meeting
strangers, or in a conversational state of mind. They are not coming to socialize
with your family.

It is also nice to set up a waiting area in case your client arrives early for their
session. You might still be with your prior client when they walk into the door. So,
you want them to be able to relax and feel comfortable while they are await your

In your waiting area have tissues, educational books or magazines, your card and brochure, and perhaps a
mirror and a coat rack. This will assist your clients in winding down and preparing for their heavenly massage

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Virginia

Medical Careers Institute Located in Newport News, Virginia

If you are thinking of obtaining your massage therapy certification in Virginia, you'll want to choose the very best
massage school. Be sure and take note of Medical Careers Institute in Newport News. The campus is found at 1001
Omni Blvd, Newport News VA, 23606. To find the school's location just turn west off Rock Landing Drive.

Through massage training and courses you can become a success in this exciting, in-demand career field. At MCI
you can earn your AAS degree which will prepare you to excel when you sit for the National Certification Board of
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) National Certification Exam.

Through your various classes you'll learn the art and science of professional therapy, the medical and rehabilitative
benefits , and the effects of massage and sound business practices. You'll also work with clients during your course
studies with supervised hands-on clinical externships. This time you will be encountering all stages of health:
acute, chronic and rehabilitative.

With this career choice you'll learn how to make a positive impact on the lives of your clients by providing a
greater sense of well-being and better overall health.

It's so easy to obtain complimentary, no-obligation information; simply contact the school through the following
link, and fill out the form to learn about classes, cirriculum and costs.

To recieve an info packet, click > Medical Careers Institute in Newport News, Virginia.

Tips for Setting Up Your Massage Practice

Your waiting room can also be a place where clients can destress while they are
waiting for you should they arrive early. You can even invite them to come early
as part of their session benefits. By creating a welcoming and relaxing
environment this will also help to ensure that your clients arrive on time to help
you stay on schedule. Which is an overall benefit to both you and your clients.

Your waiting room should have a comfortable temperature between 75 degrees

and 78 degrees. This allows their body to begin relaxing in preparation for their
massage session. Have some mellow music playing in the background, but be sure and forgo music with words.
You could also have soft lighting, or incorporate color and sound therapy into your waiting room.

For an extra treat you could have a covered plate of sliced fruit with napkins, or a small pot of herbal tea
prepared with small cups. This way they are not likely to drink in excess and need the rest room during their
session. You may even think of other ideas to make your waiting room an oasis of comfort.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Virginia Massage Schools

Medical Careers Institute - Richmond, Virginia

Are you thinking of obtaining your massage therapy certification in Virginia, you'll find one of the best massage
therapy schools in Richmond, VA in Medical Careers Institute. At MCI, considered by many to be the best of the
Richmond massage therapy schools, you'll be able to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree which will
prepare you for the National Certification Board examination. You'll then be able to become licensed to practice in
the state of Virginia.

With so many careers being impacted by downsizing, outsourcing and economic fluctuations, you'll be happy to
learn that the field of professional natural health care is growing. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor projects
that the need for trained therapists in the field of massage will increase by as much as 35% in the next five years.
Few careers today offer this stability combined with the personal and financial satisfactions you'll enjoy as a
trained therapist. You'll learn how to help your clients feel better, heal faster, experience less illness and have a
greater sense of well-being.

To learn exactly how you can enter this in-demand career path, simply contact Medical Careers Institute in
Richmond, Virginia. It's easy to learn about class schedules, training, and fees.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Locate Schools for Massage Therapy in Virginia

Miller - Motte Technical College in Lynchburg, Virginia

Are you searching for the right VA massage school for your professional training? If so, you'll want to learn about
Miller – Motte Technical College in Lynchburg.

The campus is located just one block west of Route 501 By-pass at 1011 Creekside Lane, you'll find modern
equipment and facilities and caring instructors.

Choosing which of the many massage schools in VA to attend is difficult. You may want to arrange a tour of the
campus, available Monday through Saturday, to see first-hand the educational experience you will enjoy.

This massage college in Virginia will provide you the chance to develop the skills and
knowledge required to succeed using the modalities and natural techniques of
bodywork. After graduation, you can seek employment in resorts, five-star hotels,
private clinics and many other interesting workplaces.

To learn if this VA massage school is the one for you, you'll want to know more. Obtaining the facts you need is
simple and easy; simply contact the school by clicking the following link, and fill out the confidential form.

To learn more click > Motte Technical College in Lynchburg, Virginia for details.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Virginia

National Massage Therapy Institute in Falls Church, Virginia

Would you enjoy a career that focuses on helping people feel better and experience reduced pain? Are you thinking
about Shiatsu and Massage Courses? You can enter an in-demand career field that not only provides personal
satisfaction but allows you to obtain a lucrative income, as well.

Shiatsu and massage courses from the National Massage Therapy Institute in Falls Church will prepare you to obtain
massage therapy certification in Virginia. The campus is easy to find, it's located at 803 W Broad St, Falls Church,
VA 22046-3130.

With classroom study in kinesiology, muscular pathology, anatomy and physiology, business practices and
contraindications of therapy blended with hands-on training in Swedish, sports, prenatal, chair massage
techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and allied modalities and reflexology, taking the national test will be
simple and you are expect earn excellent scores.

More people than ever are seeking natural options in healthcare wherever possible. Skilled professional providing
these services are highly sought after as demand grows. It is anticipated by the U.S. Department of Labor that 21%
to 35% growth will occur in this field in the next five years or less.

It's so easy to learn more; complimentary information is readily available on request. All you need to do is contact
the Institute by clicking the following link. Once you do just fill our the confidential form and you will readily
receive the information you need.

To learn more click > National Massage Therapy Institute in Falls Church, Virginia.

Massage Training Tip

Maintain Comfortable Massage Room Temperature: The ambient temperature in the room
where you provide massage therapy is important to client comfort.

As the client relaxes, their body temperature will reduce slightly, potentially causing them
to feel too cold. Maintain comfortable temperature in your clinic and check with the client
during the massage to ensure they are not too hot or too cold.

It is also an excellent practice to always have an extra blanket nearby to warm any client
that feels too chilly. Remember, you will be performing physical activity, so what feels
comfortably cool to you may be too cold for your client.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Schools in Washington

Apollo College - Spokane, Washington

If you are searching for the massage therapy schools in Washington state and want to attend classes in the Spokane
area, Apollo College may be perfect for you. The campus is located at 10102 East Knox Avenue. Not only is the
campus conveniently located nearby major highways but public transportation is accessible as well.

You want to select one of the massage schools in Sokane with a long track-record of success. Since 1985, students
have been learning through classroom training and hands-on practice how to help become successful in the in-
demand field of bodywork.

At this Washington massage school, you'll work toward a goal of 36 course credits to earn your diploma. Not only
will you learn Swedish therapeutic techniques but other commonly used therapies, business skills and how the
human body works. After successful completion of the national board exams, you'll be ready to seek employment
as a bodywork practitioner in many interesting and satisfying workplaces.

Of course, you want to know all about this Washington massage therapy school before making your decision.
Detailed information is simply and easy to obtain by filling out the school's online request form. Once you do so the
school will follow up and answer your questions.

To learn more, click > Apollo College in Spokane, Washington


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage in Washington State

Everest College - Tacoma/Fife, Washington

If you are searching through the massage schools in WA, you may find that Everest College in Fife, Washington is
just perfect for you.

Located near Tacoma, Washington, Everest is considered to be one of the finest schools available in the state.
With easy access of I-5, the campus is located at 5005 Pacific Hwy E., Suite 20, Fife, WA 98424. The massage
classes and training you'll attend will qualify you to become a licensed and respected therapist in this growing
health care field.

This fine Washington massage college offers a Spa Specialist Massage Training Program along with their basic
program for those who wish to specialize in this growing field. Learn techniques like Spa Foot Treatments, Body
Wraps using mud, clay, and/or seaweed, along with other healing treatments inspired by the East.

The training you will obtain will prepare you to work in one of many exciting
workplaces requiring therapists who are educated in this type of bodywork. There is a
high demand for licensed therapists in gyms, with sports teams, in hospitals, doctors'
offices, physical therapist and rehabilitation centers. Or if you decide on the Spa
Specialist program you might consider cruise ships and health spas which offer job
placement. There are many other health related environments where individuals are
looking for a beneficial and relaxing treatment. The demand for trained employees is at an all time high and
growing steadily as more and more people realize the benefits of this non-invasive form of health care.

It is easy to learn more about massage training and career opportunities in this exciting field. You can easily
contact the school to receive the information you need to decide if a step in this direction is the career choice you
have been looking for.

Click the following link, and fill out the form to learn more > Everest College at Fife, Washington.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Schools for Massage in Washington

Everest College in Seattle, Washington

Everest College provides one of the finest massage schools in WA. When choosing among the Seattle massage
schools, be sure to examine this fine school featuring two massage training programs.

If you are interest in working in a spa atmostphere, they also offer a Spa massage training course. In the spa
program you will learn how to do body wraps, spa foot treatments, use of seaweed, and even buff and bronze
techniques along with basic therapuetic massage techniques.

Since 1974, this fine Seattle massage school has provided students with the learning opportunities to permit them
to become licensed therapists in the extremely marketable field of massage. Just off I-5, the school is located in
North Seattle at 2111 Northgate Way, Suite 218, Seattle, WA 98133.

Health and wellness services are rapidly growing today because people have begun to realize that many of the
medications offered have dangerous side effects. By using natural healing methods, many people have been able to
reduce the quantity of medications they ingest, and in some cases, patients have been able to completely stop
taking prescription medication with the advice of their doctor. Because massage increases circulation and muscle
lubrication, the feeling of peacefulness and the removal of stress helps the body's natural healing processes to
resolve many problems. There are many other benefits of bodywork therapy, and physical conditions and ailments
that that respond well to therapeutic massage.

If you are considering being a part of this rapidly growing career field, contact for more information. It is easy to
learn about their massage training curriculum, by following the provided link below and filling out the convenient

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Seattle, Washington

Massage Therapist Training Tip

Select the Right Music: Music, it is said, can soothe the savage beast, and sound can be extremely effective as
a means of increasing relaxation during massage therapy sessions. Choose soothing instrumental music rather
than music with words because the client may focus on the words and fail to gain full relaxation.

Also, avoid choosing music that has sounds of running water because this can cause the
client to feel a need to empty their bladder which will interrupt their bodywork session.
Instrumentals that flow, soft melodic music, and other selections are available as well as
natural sounds incorporated with instrumentals, which can provide just the relaxing touch
and ambience your client will enjoy. You can even shop online for massage music, which is
specifically designed for the practitioner in mind.

Because some people do not enjoy music and prefer silence, always ask your client about
their music preference and don't assume they will like the same music you do. Before
adding sound to their experience learn about their preferences. After turning on the music,
ask the client if the sound level is enjoyable and adjust the sound if it is too loud or too
soft for their personal tastes.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Washington Massage Schools

Everest College - Vancouver, Washington

Are you searching for massage schools in WA? Do you want to obtain your massage certification from one of the
best massage therapy training centers in available in the area where you live?

Then you need look no further! Since 1974, Everest College in Vancouver, Washington has offered the finest quality
massage training available. They even offer a Clinical and Sports Massage Specialist program at the school campus
located at 120 NE 136th Ave., Suite 220, Vancouver, WA 98684.

The field of health care is changing rapidly from the concept that a pill will fix everything to accepting that the
body's natural healing capabilities can resolve a plethora of medical problems with assistance from natural healing
techniques such as body work therapy treatments. Massage provides proper lubrication for the muscle tissues and
allows the body's circulation to flow properly. Because of the increase in patients demanding natural healing
services, the need for licensed, qualified health care therapists has skyrocketed and this trend is expected to
continue into the future. By obtaining the hands-on training available at Ashmead College, you can be part of this
growing field that helps client's bodies heal themselves.

Either the Sports Massage Specialist Program, Spa Massage Specialist, or the Professional Massage Therapy Program
offer you a place in this growing industry, where the need for trained professionals is growing everyday.

It is easy to learn more about the professional training offered at this fine massage college. You can receive the
information you need to educate yourself about their program and courses by clicking on the link below, and filling
out the convenient form:

Click here to learn more about > Everest College in Vancouver, Washington.

Massage Practitioner Training Tips

Use of Cotton Blankets: Always have plenty of soft, snuggly cotton blankets available for draping clients
should your client feel chilled as they relax and enjoy their bodywork session. The feel of soft cotton against
the human skin is relaxing and does not feel scratchy as some synthetics may, and organic cotton blankets are
a real treat.

Almost no one has an allergic reaction to cotton fabric. Choose white cotton which can be washed with an
organic whitener or Oxi Clean rather than a chlorine bleach (some people are sensitive to chlorine) to
maintain the brightness. Use small quantities of unscented anti-bacterial detergent so that clients with
allergies will not have reactions to the soaping agent used for laundering. Be sure that cotton blankets are
rinsed well to remove all the sanitizing agents.

It is very nice to have a blanket warmer to keep one or two blankets ready for any client that feels especially
chilled during or after their massage therapy session. Towel warmers work great for this.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Washington

Brian Utting School of Massage in Seattle, Washington

Looking for the right Seattle massage school? Brian Utting School of Massage (BUSM) in Seattle, Washington could
be the answer.

Located at 900 Thomas Street, basic training to prepare for a career in therapeutic bodywork is convenient and
you can enhance your skills by attending advanced courses that are offered regularly.

Massage training in Seattle can provide you with the skills you need to enjoy a fulfilling, interesting and fun career.
If you love to help people and want to make a positive difference in their lives, you may find becoming a masseuse
the perfect employment for you.

Choosing from the many Washington massage schools can be a daunting task. If you like learning in small groups,
practicing hands-on and want to learn from caring faculty, BUSM can meet your criteria. The friendly admissions
representatives can explain all about fees, courses schedules, and any other concerns.

To learn all about the course and class schedules just contact this Seattle massage school for details. You'll receive
information to help you learn if this is the right place for your education. Just follow the link provided below, and
fill out the convenient form. You will receive answers to all your important questions.

Click here to learn more > Brian Utting School of Massage.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage in WA

Brenneke School of Massage in Seattle, Washington

Are you looking for one of the leading massage schools in WA? If you want to attend a holistic healing school or one
of the most comprehensive Seattle massage schools, you'll be so glad to learn about Brenneke School of Massage.

The convenient in city location is at near the city bus lines and located at: 425 Pontius Ave N #100, Seattle, WA
98109. With accrediting by The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), Brenneke is
approved by the U.S. Department of Education and qualifies for federal scholarships and loan fund programs for
those who qualify.

You will want to learn more about their two different courses: The Professional Licensing
Program and the Advanced Professional Licensing Program. This way you can select which
program is right for you; you may want to attend both! The unique learning environment,
allowing multiple teaching styles and methods, ensure you will gain the knowledge you need as
well as hands-on clinical time in each of these programs. This highly professional holistic healing
school has much to offer any individual who wishes to began a profession in the healing arts.

Classes begin twice per year and they fill quickly. Its easy to request the information you need to learn more about
their fine programs.

Once you click the link below, just fill out the form to receive answers to your questions. By notifying the school of
your interest you are taking the first step to begin an exciting life purpose career.

Click here to learn more > Brenneke School of Massage in Seattle, Washington.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Massage Therapy School in WA

Everest College in Bremerton, Washington

Washington massage schools can open the door to an exciting, lucrative future for you. You can attend Everest
College, a known NW massage school where you can receive your therapeutic massage training. The campus is
located at 155 Washington Avenue, Suite 200. Bremerton, WA 98337.

By attending classes you will be fully prepared to enter the healing arts and begin your new career. Massage
courses in Bremerton, WA at Everest College are a wise choice for this top-of-the-line institution will prepare you
in every way to become successful once you graduate.

Today, natural health care options are experiencing greater popularity than ever before. This trend is expected to
continue for years to come. The U.S. Department of Labor projects that a growth rate of up to thirty five percent
is most likely in the next few years, because of the growing interest in natural healing modalities. There simply are
not enough trained therapists to meet this growing need. You can enter a career that will provide employment
options and job security. You could even open your own massage clinic in the state of Washington once you
complete your training and pass the state exam. You will gain personal satisfaction every day by helping people
feel better. While doing something you love, you'll also earn a good living.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Bremerton, Washington

Massage Training Tip

Air Circulation and Fans: While you want your massage room to have a feeling of fresh air and good air
circulation, you do not want to employ fans which are too loud and noisy or cause drafts and chills, which the
client will not enjoy.

If your massage room is above a comfortable temperature for your client and you
do not have a central air circulation system and must use fans, be sure they
circulate around the edges of the room rather than flow directly onto the client.
Also, choose a fan other than the ceiling fan, especially if your massage table is
located below it. The central location and downward air flow often causes chills
for the relaxing client if they are located in the direct path of a ceiling fan.

Remember, client comfort ensures repeat clients and referrals, so make the room
as comfortable for the client rather than for yourself. If you are too warm, wear lighter weight clothing.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Washington

Everest College - Spa Massage Training in Washington

Everest College provides is one of the finest massage schools in WA offering spa massage training. As one of the
massage therapy schools accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training, the school is
licensed under Chapter 28c.10 RCW by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
and is approved by the Department of Education.

With more people interested in alternative health and wellness, Health Spas throughout the state and US are
gaining in popularity. Who wouldn't love a spa treatment! At several of the Everest College campuses you can
attend their Spa Specialist Massage Training program and learn various techniques. Learn how to do bodywraps and
use the healing properties of mud, clay, and seaweed. Learn spa foot treatments inspired by the East. If you have
thought about beginning a new career you will be happy to know the field of health and wellness therapies is a
growing industry, and will continue to grow with the aging baby boomers.

Since 1974, massage classes taught at Everest College have provided students with the education, training and
tools necessary to become successful in the health care field of massage therapy. Their admission representatives
are ready to provide you all the information needed to begin your education with the goal of becoming a licensed
therapist in this well recognized therapy field. A financial aid representative can also help you apply for financial
assistance to determine if you qualify. If the thought of stretching your budget to meet living expenses and school
fees seems out of reach, financial aid may be possible.

You can easily learn more about Everest College Spa Specialist Training Program. Just fill out the school's easy
online info form and a representative will contact you. You can easily take a tour of the campus, learn when the
next classes begin, and get answers to your many questions.

To learn more, click >

● Everest College Seattle Massage Training Programs

● Everest College Fife/ Tacoma Massage Therapy Programs
● Everest College Vancouver Spa or Sports Massage Program

Massage Business Building ebook

If you are considering training in massage you may also want to learn about two excellent eBooks that will assist
you in igniting your massage business, and successfully marketing your practice into a thriving, and self sustaining

Click here to learn more > Ignite Your Massage Business.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in West Virginia

Everest Institute Located in Cross Lanes, West Virginia

Therapeutic massage training can allow you to develop the skills needed to enter this in-demand career path.

Everest Institute, (previously NIT) a known West Virginia massage school is located at 5514 Big Tyler Road, in Cross
Lanes, West Virginia. This recognized massage therapy school, WV's finest, will fully prepare you to enter the
workplace as a trained professional with well-balanced skills.

At Everest, you'll learn:

● biology
● medical terminology
● computer basics
● body systems
● anatomy
● physiology
● sport and deep tissue sculpting
● therapeutic techniques
● traumatology
● personal fitness and nutrition

And you will also learn business ethics and customer service skills to round out your career education.

Upon graduation, you'll find many exciting workplaces open to you such as hospitals, doctor's offices, spas,
wellness centers, fitness centers, salons, cruise ships, resorts, hotels and many more. Everest even has Career
Services Assistance to help you with job placement, which is another reason why you may want to learn more
about this school.

The demand for trained professionals is increasing at a steady rate and is projected to grow by as much as 35% in
the next few years. More and more people are seeking natural healthcare options for pain relief, recovery from
illness, injury or surgery as well as for relaxation and improved mobility.

It's simple to learn more about the training available. You can easily contact them for free, information on
upcoming classes, fees, as well as learn about finaicial aid, should you qualify. Just fill out the form to receive
your information packet once you visit the following link:

Simply fill out the form, once you click here > Everest Institute in Cross Lanes, Virginia.

Massage Training Tip

Restroom Facilities: Your massage business will have restroom facilities, but when choosing a location it is
best to select a facility that has a restroom directly adjoining the massage room rather than only one
adjoining the waiting or reception area.
Should a client have an urgent need to visit the restroom while draped for massage, they will not have to fully
dress in order to go to the restroom if it is directly connected to the massage room. Optimally, a restroom in
the reception area and one in the massage room would be the perfect solution, but if only one is available,
choose an arrangement where the massage room connects directly to the restroom.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > West Virginia Massage Schools

Heritage Institute - Falls Church

To obtain quality massage therapist training in West Virginia, you'll want to locate the right place for your
education in the healing art of bodywork. An excellent choice is Heritage Institute in Falls Church. The campus is
located at 350 South Washington Street, Falls Church, VA 22046.

You will receive your training in a modern facility with the latest in equipment and caring instructors that stay up
to date on the latest career trends. You can find the right diploma program that can provide you with training that
will include anterior and posterior neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, clinical, medical, deep tissue and sports
massage as well as reflexology.

Heritage Institute in West Virginia is one of the best United States' massage schools holding accreditation from
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, ensuring that your learning experience will
be the best possible. By preparing for a profession in bodywork at a well-respected college, you'll find locating
employment easy and quick. You might choose to work in a hospital, clinic or wellness center or you might prefer
working in a sports center, spa, or resort. You'll even be prepared to open your own private clinic if you choose.

A massage education in West Virginia will allow you to find purpose in life working with people who seek natural
alternatives to expensive, invasive traditional medical techniques. You'll know how to assess clients' needs to
identify the most effective modality for their concerns. Your clients will turn to you for pain relief, to improve
flexibility and mobility, lower blood pressure and improve immune system response. These are only a few of the
health benefits provided by therapeutic bodywork.

To gather all the details about massage therapist training in West Virginia, including grants and financial aid
guidelines, tuition and registration requirements, you only need to contact the school. To do so, visit the following
link and fill out the provided request form. You'll quickly receive free facts and information and have all your
questions answered.

To learn more, click > Heritage Institute, Falls Church

Tips When Starting A Private Massage Practice

Your office, and client room colors are important to consider when preparing your
workspace. If you are taking over another practitioner's office, or a space that
was something else prior, make sure the wall colors are not drab, depressing, or
too stimulating.

It is best to repaint and redecorate so that you start off with a space that is
harmonious. You want to begin your practice with a client room that represents
your mission, which is to assist in healing and balance. Therefore, when repainting
your massage practice room choose colors that are soothing and healing. Pastel colors are ideal, especially in
the green, and blue tones.

A newly painted room often carries the scent of the paint for an extended time. If you are planning on seeing
clients right away you might add some organic vanilla to the paint to help absorb and transform the odor. You
can also purchase natural odor eaters and place in the room while painting to absorb the toxic smells. You
may even choose to purchase an odor free environmentally sensitive paint so that your clients will not be
exposed to any irritants or unpleasantness smells.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Wisconsin Schools for Massage Therapy

High-Tech Institute Located in Brookfield, Metro Milwaukee, Wisconsin

If you want to attend a Metro area Milwaukee massage school that provides a secure, drug-free campus, you'll want
to learn about High-Tech Institute. Located at 440 South Executive Drive, in the suburb of Brookfield, you'll find
the campus easy to access. The facilities are located in Suite 200 of the modern building near the end of a cul-de-
sac accessible from West Bluemound Road.

Trying to choose from the many Wisconsin massage therapy schools can be quite a chore. You need to be sure you
learn as much as possible about each school you consider. Some points to consider are the number of instructors,
class sizes, financial arrangements and possible financial aid for students who qualify, and whether hands-on
training is included. At High-Tech, you can attend their diploma program in Massage Therapy where the instructors
will provide you the opportunity to learn the modalities of bodywork. You'll practice hands-on applications of the
theories you learn in the classrooms, preparing you for entry into the career world after graduation and
professional certification.

Wisconsin massage training can lead to employment in workplaces such as hospitals, spas, resorts, cruise ships,
gyms, sports centers, and many other exciting places where you will help people feel better and reach their health
and fitness goals. The modalities you'll apply will improve circulation, provide pain relief, increase flexibility and
sport performance, and many other medical benefits associated with bodywork therapy.

To learn if this Milwaukee massage school is the right one for you, you'll want to learn much more about their
classes, schedules, fees, and opportunities offered in this career path. To get all the details, simply contact the
school by clicking on the following link, and filling out the provided form.

To learn more click > High-Tech Institute located in the suburb of Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Massage Practitioner Tip

Choose Adjustable Massage Tables for Your Business

Buying the right massage table for your massage therapy business is one of the most
important purchases you will make. This isn't an area where you can compromise. You
are investing in your business, and also providing a tool that will not only support your
client during their session, but will also support you.

With the correct massage table you will feel a huge difference in your own body at the
end of the work day. You should select a table that allows you to adjust the height so
that you can easily reach clients from every angle. You should be positioned so that
your arms can reach the client's body without straining upward. This will ensure that
you end your day without unnecessary muscle aches and strains.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Wisconsin Massage Therapy Schools

Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy in Germantown, Wisconsin

Looking for the right Wisconsin massage school? It just might be the Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy in
Germantown. Located at N112 W16760 Mequon Road, at WSMT you'll find qualify faculty that really cares about
your future.

This massage therapist school was founded in 2002 and includes an on-campus clinic where, after completing part
of your training, you'll work directly with people seeking the myriad benefits of bodywork therapy. Only through
application of the theories learned in the classroom can you become prepared to professionaly apply the art and
science of therapeutic massage.

After 600 hours of training, you'll be ready to begin your massage therapist career. This well-paying field will
provide you with daily purpose and fulfillment, making work more like fun. You'll find employment in wellness
centers, nursing homes, gyms and many other interesting workplaces. Because this industry is one of the most
rapidly growing today, you'll have little difficulty locating the right employment opportunity.

While attending this Wisconsin massage school, you'll not only learn to help other people, but you will learn much
more about how your own body operates and, like many bodywork students, you will experience personal growth
along the way. If you feel the calling to enter this rewarding, in-demand field, check out a school in your area, and
if you live in the state of Wisconsin this massage school offers a full curriculum.

Practitioner Tip

There are many different varieties of massage oils suitable for your practice. However,
many individuals are sensitive to scents and perfumes.

It is best to use high quality unscented organic oil as your base oil. You can also learn about
Aromatherapy and essential oils and their benefits should you wish to add this therapeutic
art to your skill base.

This way you can incorporate the healing benefits of herbs into your practice. Remember
to use Aromatherapy scented oils sparingly, and only when your client gives their approval.
Aromatherapy can add a wonderful dimension to your therapeutic skills.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Therapy Schools in Wyoming

Institute of Business and Medical Careers in Cheyenne, Wyoming

Why work at a job when you can have a great career?

Attending one of the Wyoming massage schools can lead you into that great profession. The Institute of Business
and Medical Careers in Cheyenne is a school you will want to be sure to investigate before making any decisions
about your training.

Massage therapy institute training will teach you to use your sense of touch and manipulation of the muscles and
soft body tissues to improve health. More people than ever are turning to well-trained bodywork professionals for a
holistic approach to health care and health maintenance. Knowing that you have made a positive difference each
day in the lives of clients will provide you with a sense of serenity and joy; at the same time, you'll earn a good

You'll learn techniques such as Swedish, infant, sports and chair massage plus reflexology
and site-specific treatments that are safe and effective. Through supervised hands-on
practice, you'll be assured you know the art as well as the science of bodywork.

You'll find massage therapy job opportunities in many great workplaces such as pain management centers, fitness
clubs, day spas and many others. With industry growth reaching as high as thirty-five percent in the next five
years, you'll enjoy being in demand.

If you would like to attend a Wyoming massage school, you can recieve additional information from the fine
institution by clicking the following link. Once you do fill out the convenient form and the school will respond and
answer all your questions.

Click here to learn more > The Institute of Business and Medical Careers in Cheyenne, Wyoming


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Vermont, Virginia, to Canada

Anthem College Online - A Division of High-Tech Institute-Phoenix

Massage schools online aren't practical for preparing a person from start-to-finish for a therapeutic massage career.

They offer a program to give you the flexibility to continue your training. Anthem College Online is designed to
provide students with some hands on experience with a diploma in this natural health field and a chance to earn
an Associate of Applied Science degree, improving skills, and earning power.

Online massage therapy schools offer allow you to study during hours that fit your busy life. There is no need to
quit your job in order to obtain further education. Work online during the hours that fit into your schedule and
complete the work at your own pace.

Online massage training is best for a person that has the self-discipline to be a self-starter and avoid
procrastination. ACO provides a great deal of student support to ensure their success if they work hard toward
their goals. Some people believe that online learning doesn't provide as thorough of an education. However, for
people that enjoy working online and are dedicated to their goals, it can be the perfect learning vehicle.

Massage Training Tip

Choose Massage Tables with Clients in Mind

In your massage therapy business, you will encounter clients that range from very
short and petite to very tall. Clients come in all sizes and weights. Choose a
massage table that is extra wide and long with added reinforcement so that large
clients will feel comfortable.

Always keep a small step stool in the massage room for the petite client to help
them get onto the table and be there to provide assistance when they are getting up or down from the table.
Be especially careful when elderly clients are mounting the table or getting down from it and check to
ensurethey are steadfast on their feet before walking away from the massage table.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Schools for Massage in Canada

Everest College in Barrie in Ontario

Are you trying to find the best of the massage therapy schools in Canada?

If you've grown tired of searching through the schools for massage therapy in your area, you'll need to look no
further. Turn to Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care located at 320 Bayfield St., Bayfield
Mall, Lower Level, Barrie, Ontario. This great school offers massage training that will prepare you in every way for
a career job in this emerging vocational field.

Everest College will teach you not only massage techniques, but the behaviors and ethics necessary to be an
effective registered massage therapist. Upon completion of your training, you'll find career opportunities in private
clinics, wellness center, hospitals, gyms, sports centers, geriatrics healthcare centers and many more exciting
places. You'll find your job satisfying in a way that only helping people feel better provides. Not only will your
clients feel better, they will enjoy many benefits, such as:

● stronger immune systems

● better circulation
● more energy
● and a feeling of general well-being

If you are one of the people who need and qualify, you might want to take advantage of the schools financial aid
program. You may also seek advice on the possibility of receiving a massage school loan should you need one.

To get these questions answered and any others you may have about classes,
scheduling, etc, you can ask the school directly. Just follow the provided link, fill out
the confidential form, and you will receive all the information you need to help you in
this important career decision. Take the first step today toward beginning your new
satisfying career in healing arts.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy Canada

Everest College at Hamilton Mountain Campus in Ontario

If you're selecting from the massage therapy schools in Canada, you'll want to know about Everest College of
Business, Technology, and Health Care in Hamilton Mountain, Ontario. The school is located at: 1039 Upper James
Street, Hamilton, ON L9C 3A7.

Here you'll learn through massage courses and classes everything you need to become a successful massage
therapist and have a positive impact on your clients' lives. Many schools for massage therapy will teach you
massage; so does Everest College, but at Everest there is a balanced focus on clinical skills and the ethics and
behaviors necessary for success in this exciting field of therapeutic touch. You'll learn how to practice the art of
therapeutic massage in hands-on clinical lab sessions.

Massage focuses on allowing the body to naturally heal its self, avoiding drugs and invasive treatments wherever
possible. Using state of the art techniques and equipment, you'll graduate from Everest College ready to become a
registered massage therapist and work in one of the many exciting work locations needing therapists today.

Why delay? Trained advisors will help you with financial aid, should you need assistance, or registration. Contact
the school and learn more about the curriculum for becoming a registered massage therapist. Just follow the link,
and fill out the form. The school will respond with information providing answers to your questions.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Massage Practitioner Tip

Cotton Futon for Your Massage Table

Choose a one-inch thick cotton futon pad made with memory foam, or a high
quality cotton batting to place on top of your massage table. Your clients will
enjoy the added comfort as well as the fact that their bodies will not feel the
chill of a massage table covered only with a sheet.

If you also do other types of holistic healing session, such as energy work you can
place your hand underneath the memory foam pad rather than placing your hand right under the client's
body. This will make the client feel more comfortable, especially for those new clients who are not yet be
completely comfortable with you touching parts of their body directly.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Canada Schools for Massage Therapy

Everest College in Mississauga South, Ontario

Do you want a career that allows you to truly help your clients feel better? Have you been researching massage
therapy schools in Canada? Look no further; Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care located at
1300 Central Pkwy West, Suite 400, Mississauga, Ontario is the right place to attend massage courses and classes
and learn the art of natural healing.

Known as one of the best schools for massage therapy, Everest College will prepare you completely to take the
College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) examinations and become a registered massage therapist (RMT).
After passing the exam you can begin your practice.

During course studies you'll learn techniques of various types of massage therapy while developing your
communication, business ethics, and professional behavior skills to prepare you to be a success in your massage
therapy career. Many exciting workplaces need trained professional therapists and today the demand is larger than
the supply. This means your chances of job placement is much higher than many other vocational skills. Your skills
may also provide direction for self employment opportunities and having your own business.

If you have financial considerations don't let that stop you, financial aid is available to those
who qualify, and there are also loans for massage school. When you contact this well known
school you can get the important information you need about their massage programs. Perhaps,
today you can open the door to your new lucrative and satisfying career.

Click here, fill out the confidential form, and learn more > Everest College in Mississauga South, Ontario, Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Canada Massage Schools

Everest College in Ottawa East, Ontario

Learn therapeutic massage at one of the finest massage therapy schools in Canada; Everest College of Business,
Technology, and Health Care at 1200 St. Laurent Blvd., Unit 19, in Ottawa East, Ontario may be just the school for

Holding the accreditations to make this school stand out among schools for massage therapy, Everest College will
prepare you in every way to succeed in the in-demand profession of therapeutic massage. Upon completion, you'll
be fully prepared to excel in the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario (CMTO) exams. Once you become a
registered massage therapist, employment doors will open for you in exciting workplaces such as hospitals, gyms,
cruise ships, sports centers, wellness centers and more.

You'll learn to help your clients' bodies heal naturally by using massage techniques including acupressure to
promote circulation, relieve pain, relax tense muscles, improve immune response, lower blood pressure and much
more. You'll go home each day satisfied that you've made a very real difference in people's lives while earning in a
lucrative profession.

You can begin your journey by requesting information. It's easy just follow the link, and fill out the confidential
form. You will be one step further to receiving answers to your questions and the start of a satisfying and exciting

Click here to learn more about the program > Everest College in Ottawa East, Ontario, Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Vermont, Virginia, to Canada

Everest College in Thunder Bay, Ontario

Becoming a professional massage therapist is a way to work in a lucrative field and yet enjoy your work. You'll be
contributing to the well being of your clients and making a difference in their lives.

Begin by taking massage courses and training at Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care located
at 28 N Cumberland St., Suite 400, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Considered the best massage therapy school in Canada
by many, the massage classes you'll attend while at CDI will prepare you fully to score exceptionally well when
taking the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) exams. Upon passing the exam you will be able to
become a registered massage therapist (RMT) and begin your career.

You'll learn through hands-on training and classroom studies how to implement the natural healing techniques of
massage therapy to allow your clients' bodies to heal themselves. By improving circulation, immune response,
relieving pain, relaxing stiff muscles and joints, this therapy which has become so in-demand will leave both you
and your clients feeling better. You'll be satisfied knowing you've helped someone feel better and live life with
more ease and relaxation, allowing pain from injuries to subside.

You can take the first step and get all your questions answered by contacting the school. With easy registration
and financial aid available for those in need of a little help, why delay learning about the schools courses and
classes? First step, click the following link, secondly fill out the confidential form and you will receive a complete
information package and be one step closer to beginning your new career.

Click here to learn more > Everest College in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Massage Training Tips

Selecting Massage Pillows

When selecting pillows for your massage room, do not choose down filled pillows.
Many people experience severe allergies to down. Choose hypoallergenic pillows
and enclose pillows in dust mite proof pillow covers before placing them in pillow
cases. If you can, go that extra step and purchase organic cotton cases, too.

Be sure and change pillow cases after each massage session. Always fluff and smooth the pillow between
clients for the most comfort. Replace your pillows at least every six months so that they provide the support
and comfort to make your clients feel truly special.

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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Schools for Massage Therapy in Canada

Everest College - Toronto College Park, Ontario

Today there is an extremely high demand for therapeutic massage, and trained professionals with massage
certification. Skilled therapists can find employment easily in this exciting field.

One great therapy school in Ontario, is Toronto's Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care College
located at Yonge Street, Suite 200, Toronto South, Ontario, which brings together massage classes and training to
prepare you to excel in this sought-after career field.

Using therapeutic massage, your clients will feel better, experience less pain, enjoy greater flexibility and lower
blood pressure. You'll find exciting workplaces readily available to provide your service such as hospitals, gyms,
sports centers, and spas to name a few. You'll have the satisfaction of helping people improve and balance their
health stresses while earning a lucrative living when you graduate from Everest College. You can prepare to
become a registered massage therapist and take your College of Massage Therapists exams at Everest.

If you want to get all your questions answered, its simple to contact the massage college. By filling out the
provided form you will receive information to learn more about their curriculum, day an evening classes, and their
small class sizes which offer much individual attention.

Click here to learn more > Everest College at Toronto College Park, Ontario, Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Canada Massage Therapy School

Everest College in Windsor, Ontario

Do you want to attend massage courses and classes that will prepare you to excel when you take the College of
Massage Therapists of Ontario exams?

One of the best schools of massage therapy in Ontario, Canada is Everest College of Business, Technology, and
Health Care located at 875 Ouellette Ave, 4th Floor, Windsor, ON N9A 4J6. The campus is a short distance off
either Hwy 2 or 3 for easy acess.

This massage therapy school will instruct you in the latest techniques and allow you to experience hands-on
instruction. You'll graduate from Everest College ready to practice these therapeutic massage techniques in real
world situations such as hospitals, spas, cruise ships, salons, private massage clinics and other facilities where
therapeutic healing arts are offered to their clients.

Massage therapy focuses on using touch and pressure to relieve tension and stress and allow the
human body to heal itself. By learning the latest techniques, you'll leave work every day
satisfied that you have helped your clients feel a sense of peace and wellness. In this sought-
after career, there is more demand for trained therapists than today's supply, therefore a well
qualified massage therapist is well received.

It's easy to learn about the classes by requesting information from the school. The sooner you begin your journey
into this new exciting career the sooner you will find employment that aligns with deeper purpose and happiness.
Just follow the link and fill out the form. You will quickly receive an information package to assist you in this
important decision.

To learn more click here > Everest College in Windosr, Ontario, Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Massage Therapy Tools

Business Building: Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice

Amy Roberts, author of "Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business," is a business coach who specializes in training
massage therapists. Most people become massage therapists out of a sense of wanting to help others, and if the
repeat clients are good, there is money to be made. However, most massage therapists don't take business
courses, and often go leave their practices within the first two years because they have not been taught to view
massage therapy like any other self employed small business opportunity. Amy Roberts has written a
comprehensive and easy to understand book to fix this problem and set massage practitioners on the road to

The book tackles such aspects as the power of positive thinking and self talk and why a massage business, like any
other small business, must be approached with a business-mind. As you work with Amy's tried true business
strategies you will also learn about successful marketing and how to keep your clients as repeat customers. This is
indeed the cornerstone of any small business success. Just as important, you will also learn self care and how to
avoid burnout.

The first chapter concentrates on mental programming and how this relates to your success as a massage therapist.
Constant repetition (self talk) becomes ingrained in one's subconscious. How does that relate to you as a massage
practitioner? If you've told yourself all your life that you are terrible with money, you may find your business failing
financially before it even gets off the ground. The self talk exercises and positive techniques used in the book are
excellent and informative. More importantly, they are realistic. The words of wisdom from Nelson Mandela's
inaugural speech are worth printing out and keeping where you can be inspired daily.

Another area that Amy Roberts emphasizes with wise insight is your business plan. She coaches you in creating your
business vision through a practical, down to earth business plan, like the kind one would use to apply for a small
business loan. It is very cut and dry, easy to follow, and is much like the kind you would find in any business
course. Business needs are coupled with personal needs and set into a realistic and strategic business plan. The
chapter on preparing for success even addresses how to dress and conduct yourself professionally. She gives tips
from what to wear and what to avoid, such as why perfume is a bad idea.

When we get to the chapter on maintaining your clinic or practitioner space you will enjoy her fun approach. You
will learn about the best massage oils, Feng Shui, lighting, plants, and why you could choose to keep the computer
in a different room. The marketing secrets in Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business, will teach you how to develop
a client base and client target, how to get and keep clients, and how to network with other providers.

By the time you reach the chapter on marketing tools you will find it is simple and direct, and be sure and pay
close attention. The bonus book titled "Business Checkup" is only 17 pages long but is very valuable as it gives a
clear cut and precise approach to following the guidelines set forth in the first book. It is really a simple "Check
Up" to insure success and give support.

If you are starting your massage career of course you want to be successful. To do that you need to create a client
base and a business plan. Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business may provide just the plan. It has received much
praise from those who have actualized this ebooks offerings. If you are eager to build your practice doing a job
that truly makes a difference in people's lives why reinvent the wheel. Amy Roberts offers an affordable, doable,
and well written and ebook to help you on your way.
To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Tools for Building Your Massage Therapy Business

eBook Teaches You How to Market and Build a Massage Business

Marketing any business can be a confusing process. Believe me, I know! What's more it can easily drop dangerously
down your order of priorities. Many small businesses go through periods of feast and famine for this very reason.
Amy Roberts knows this well and she has encapsulated her own experiences in her eminently readable eBook,
"Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists".

Roberts talks directly to you in language you might expect from an older sister or a trusted friend. The book is not
just a list of theories that would otherwise bore you to death. Roberts brings each chapter alive with anecdotes
about herself and her colleagues that are worth more than a thousand words on the subject. You get the strong
impression that Roberts has learned all of these lessons through painful experience. She is very open about the fact
that she entered the Massage Therapy business as a naïve with the wrong set of expectations. She is obviously
determined to ensure that others don't go through the misery she seems to have endured.

To benefit from this eBook you don't need to know anything at all about marketing. Roberts steps you through
every stage of your education in this subject. She explains in detail what works and what doesn't. Her explanations
of complex terms are essential reading, even for people like me who think they understand. Roberts sensibly
decides that sometimes the detail is too lengthy to include in one eBook and she has sensibly dedicated additional
eBooks to the subject. A good example is "How to find your target market for the massage therapy business". She
gives us some good pointers in the "Marketing" eBook but the subject is so specialized, she uses the space here to
cover all of the subjects you need to know about rather than explaining each topic to the Nth degree.

"Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists" is packed full of tips and illustrated examples. Roberts really wants to
get her message across to her fellow massage therapists and she comes at a problem from as many angles as
possible to make sure she gets the point across. With this eBook, you will also receive "Planning to Succeed in Your
Massage Therapy Business."

A striking feature of Roberts' writing is that she is not only helping you to shape your marketing strategy and
tactics. She also feels strongly that therapists need to be ethical but they should not let their ethics or their
beliefs get in the way of earning a good rate of pay. Neither should they shy away from using techniques to
encourage business such as a call to action that includes an incentive.

I guess she has seen so many of her fellow practitioners struggle because they allow their moral values to prevent
them from using certain marketing techniques. These are the very techniques that would actually allow them to
provide relief and healing to the people who would most benefit. Every conceivable aspect of marketing a small
massage business is covered here. Roberts gives excellent advice on newspaper advertising, editorials, flyers and
leaflets. Not just what to put into them but what to leave out and how to design them for maximum effect. She
talks about getting referrals and working with the medical profession. You'll even find advice on participating in
exhibitions and shows.

She doesn't shy away from the difficult issues of telephone marketing and cold-calling either. There is some great
advice here; even coaching you through telephone conversations. The book concludes with a comprehensive FAQ-
type section where Roberts has tried to answer questions that she thinks the eBook has not covered or to give
people more confidence in trying the techniques she has found to be so successful.

"Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists" is aimed squarely at the business of Massage Therapy. My business is
quite different but I found Amy Roberts' advice and style more appealing than many dry general Marketing guides
that I've read over the years. She has really got me thinking and I know she will do the same for you. Now all I
really need to do is completely rethink my 10-year plan!

Click here to learn more > "Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists"


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Tools for Building Your Massage Therapy Business

Create a Massage Therapy Business Plan and Succeed as a Self-Employed


Amy Roberts shares her passion for immaculate preparation in "Planning to Succeed in Your Massage Therapy
Business." She lets you know through straight talking that proper planning always precedes success. Yes, she
acknowledges it can be a tiresome process but somehow, with her help, you feel motivated to stay the course.

Roberts is obviously a believer in my favourite adage; "those who fail to plan, plan to fail". "Planning to Succeed in
Your Massage Therapy Business" is basically a 50 page questionnaire; however there are no multiple choice
answers. She forces you to think for yourself. This is a companion eBook offered as a bonus with, "Marketing
Secrets for Massage Therapists."

What is impressive about the questions she asks is that they encourage you to look at your business from a wide
variety of perspectives. Sometimes an oblique question like, "What do you think, feel and believe about why you
are doing massage as a business? What is your attitude to business generally?" dares you to be flippant. I almost
answered, "I'm pretty sloppy and I don't really care about my customers." However, just by taking that mental
pathway you get all these realizations about how you really want to run your business.

If the eBook has a weakness it's in the detail. But since this is a companion ebook, and the details are covered in
Robert's Marketing Secrets ebook, no worries! The questions she is asking will lead you to refer to her materials
igniting insights... all in all you will be motivated to dig a little deeper.

"Planning to Succeed in Your Massage Therapy Business" is Amy Roberts very successful attempt to help her fellow
therapists to get their act together. She obviously has the golden touch herself and only makes major business
decisions based on careful planning and small inexpensive experiments. It's not until you reach the end of the
eBook that you realize that what you've been doing is writing your own business plan; something no self-respecting
entrepreneur should be without!

To learn more, click > "Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists, and Planning to Succeed in Your Massage
Therapy Business."


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Read Reviews of Massage Business Building Ebooks

Massage Techniques to Aid Digestion

By Amy Roberts

For the past few articles I have been sharing massage therapy marketing and advertising tips but I yet to share
information on massage techniques. A friend gave me a suggestion to write this topic and I thought it was a great

Have you ever had a massage client that schedules an appoint for a massage and complains about digestion but
doesn't really know how to address the problem? Its common knowledge that massage therapy is helpful to achieve
energy flow to the abdominal region which helps to alleviate pain and discomfort. But are there practices beyond
Swedish massage techniques that can help our clients?

When I was studying massage for the first time I was taught a number of powerful points on the body combining
massage techniques and digestion support. I began using a combination of acupressure and Swedish massage. First I
worked on the abdomen to relieve digestion pain and discomfort and I followed that by working on other
acupressure points to stimulate the energy to the area. The wonderful benefit of this massage technique is it
applies gentle pressure to the digestion/stomach points whilst creating a great sense of relaxation and calmness
for the client. You can combine the acupressure points in with your Swedish effleurage techniques. Do so gently at
first then ask the client if its okay to hold the pressure for a bit until that point releases the pain. When the client's
pain is relieved from this point you will known the blockage is clear from the energy point. This approach gives the
body opportunity to more readily begin healing whatever causation was the problem and also supports greater well-

If you look on an acupressure chart you will find several points relating to the digestion and stomach. Let's take the
legs for example. There is a acupressure point where you can simply apply some firm pressure in the form of
'digipressure' or firm Swedish massage "stomach 36" if your client does not mind. You'll find this point four finger-
widths below the kneecap outside the shinbone. You can create this effective technique on both legs. This point is
commonly referred to as 'Zusanli' or Stomach 36. It's one of the most frequently used of all acupuncture points.

You can also use Reflexology points as a massage technique to aid digestion. By offering to do a relaxing foot
massage at the end of the massage therapy treatment you can gently work with your thumbs on the reflexology
points to stimulate the energy flow to the digestion. This is a nice way to conclude your client's session.

Massage techniques and digestion support for your clients also shows your clients your versatility and gives you
more healing modalities to add to your skill base. As you incorporate other modalities into your massage business
you will be able to help clients through your massage treatment session and they will appreciate your willingness
to work with their health needs.

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.

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How To Write Fabulous Massage Brochures That Clients Will Love

By Amy Roberts

I was in New Zealand teaching a group of massage therapists about a year ago. I was conducting a lecture on
writing brochures for massage business owners. I found that massage therapists had one thing in common that
stopped them creating their brochures. It was definitely not a lack of intelligence or will power. They just didn't
know how to get started. Once you learn the fundamentals, creating your massage brochure is pretty easy. So what
is the secret to putting together an effective business brochure? It's all about following a system.

By following this writing system you will cut down hours of dealing with "writers block," frustration, feelings of
inadequacy and being overwhelmed. It's true; you can feel all these things when you start writing you massage
brochure. So now, I'm going to teach you how to feel confident, satisfied and proud of your marketing brochure,
and with practice you too will become a master at creating your own marketing materials.

So let's begin creating a fabulous massage brochure that clients will love.

Firstly, it's important for your massage brochure experience to be a positive one. Clear your mind and make a
decision that you will not bring any past negative feelings to the table as you sit down and begin to formulate what
you want to project in your brochure.

Your massage brochure needs to reflect utmost professionalism and this needs to reflect in your presentation. Only
use the highest quality paper and the best printing service in available. You have a significantly higher chance of
impressing potential massage clients through the marketing of your business. Whether you do Trigger Point
massage, Swedish massage, Bowen therapy or deep tissue massage all massage therapy modalities need to reflect
professionalism and your brochure is often the first impression which makes your marketing materials very

Next, reflect on the needs of your potential massage therapy clients. They are not looking to learn about the
features of massage therapy, but more so the benefits they will gain. For example, "increased blood flow,
increased muscle tone, improved oxygenation to the muscles" or "helps disperse lactic acid build up in the muscles"
are all description of benefits, but are the the right descriptions? It is all wonderful that massage therapy offers
these benefits, but does describing these benefits get clients in your door? This is really not what your potential
clients are looking for in your massage brochures.

Think of it this way. When you are seeking a quality massage from a colleague, what goes through your mind? Is it
"I must get a massage so I can disperse the lactic acid in my muscles" or "this neck pain is really bad, I must get a
massage to relieve it?" The latter of course! Well that's exactly what your potential massage clients are thinking
too! When they pick up your massage brochure they are undoubtedly thinking about how they can receive relief
from something that ails them. When reading through your brochure they will seek benefits that match their
symptoms. So make it easy for them to determine that your massage treatments will provide benefits they seek.
(People start looking for massage therapy when the pain has become a problem and usually not before.)

Thirdly, always use language that is easy to understand. As therapists, we often forget our potential clients are
seeking benefits in the form of relief from discomfort. It is really important to state in your massage brochure
phrases such as:
● My treatment will give you relief from neck pain.
● Massage treatments will allow you to move freely and without pain.
● A series of massage treatments will give you greater flexibility and relieve built up stress.
● After just a few of my massage treatments you'll be feeling more flexible and free again.

Just remember that with all massage brochures you must approach your brochure by getting into your clients head.
Speak plain language in and don't use your qualifications up front as a strategy for attracting clients. Most of our
massage therapy clients have no idea what it takes to become a massage therapist, or what amount of schooling
and hard work we did to become skillful at our therapy practices. And that's ok! Our goal in preparing massage
brochures is to make them easy for potential clients to make a decision whether they wish to schedule a massage,
and our brochure can make that decision easy for them.

There's a lot to teach on this subject of creating massage brochures. Which is why I've written several ebooks
which address this topic, If you wish to learn additional trips on writing massage brochures, please check out my
ebooks. I have designed a simple step by step system for you to follow to write fabulous massage brochures that
potential clients will love.

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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Choosing Best Massage Therapy Tables for Your Business

By Amy Roberts

You've probably heard me say this before; "massage therapy can be hard work." Over time your stamina will
increase and your fitness may increase, but massage therapy will always remain hard work. It’s a fact of life.

This is why you need the right "tools of the trade." This includes checking out massage therapy tables and
accessories to find the right one for your body. Your massage table needs to be very carefully chosen because once
you choose it will determine if giving massage treatments is comfortable for you or not. Let's look at portable
massage tables and their benefits.

The difference between various types of massage tables is huge. For example a massage table that has a set height
can be a detrimental thing because not everyone is the same height. You can strain your back, hurt your wrists,
and feel more fatigue that you need to if your massage table is not adjusted to the right height for your body.

So what do you look for in a massage table? Apart from the height, look for one that matches your business
intention. If you are doing mobile massage, such as home visits, or going to hotels and assisting tourists then the
weight of the table is important to consider. If it is too heavy you may not be able to move it in and out of your car
with ease. And if you have a client on the fifth floor of an apartment building and there are only stairs...well you
get the idea.

Think about the comfort of the table as well. Do your clients ask for extra cushioning or support? Find a table that
provides superior comfort for your clients. You may find large ladies with a larger bust size find it uncomfortable
lying on their front and require extra cushioning. A massage table should be comfortable enough that the client
can go to sleep quite comfortably without the use of too many supports.

One last thing to think about is how your table will adapt to a protective cover. If you have a mobile business you
will be moving your table around and setting it down on the ground. The massage table can get dirty quite quickly
and then you have the problem of hygiene, cleaning the table, and the wear and tear. Get a good, strong and
durable cover that you easily open and close, such as one with a big plastic zipper.

Make sure the cover for your massage table is easily cleaned. One that you can put in the washing machine is ideal.
Remember the client sees everything, including how clean you and your equipment are. And don’t be fooled, they
do look at your overall presentation and match it with your skills. So make sure your cover is presentable and clean
with easy maintenance.

Later I will discuss the benefits of electric massage tables, but for now think about what a portable massage tables
and accessories offer you and your clients. Have a look at the different companies online and visit stores to check
out the quality. You can go into the showroom and sit, lie and carry a portable massage table to see how it feels.
Ask the massage table manufacturer or dealer if they offer a warranty or money back guarantee. Your massage
table is as much of an investment as your education and qualifications because you can’t do a massage without

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.

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Using Chair Massage At Public Events To Build Your Massage Therapy Business

By Amy Roberts

Back when I started my massage therapy practice I was stumped at ways to build my clientele. I used to think that
the only way to get massage clients was to put an expensive advertisement in the local paper and cross my fingers,
hold my breath and pray like I've never prayed before. I was really pleading with the Universe.

Then one evening I got a call from my massage therapy association. They needed massage therapists at the
National Tai Kwan Do Championships in my city. It wasn't paid work but it might be a good opportunity to build my
massage business and get more clients this way.

The massage association supplied a wooden portable massage chair for me (I only had a massage table, not a
portable massage chair) and set up my space backstage to do seated chair massage. It was a very exciting day as
far sharing the benefits of chair massage. I was inundated with karate champions with sore shoulders, swollen
ankles, elbow and arm pain and the list went on. I gave around 40 seated chair massage treatments that day.

I was really tired at the end of the day, even though the therapeutic treatments I gave were only about 10-15
minutes at a time. I was tired but exhilarated. I gave out many business cards and a small brochure on how regular
massage therapy improved your ability to do your sport.

The outcome from this experience and the sharing of my cards and brochures lead to two calls. Now you may think
that two massage therapy treatments from a full day event is pretty poor. It may be, but I didn't see it that way.
Those two massage treatments I booked planted a seed.

Over the following weeks those two massage clients told their other karate team members about my therapeutic
massage sessions and how much it helped them with their flexibility and improvement in movement. As a result,
those two new clients turned into another ten clients over the next 6 months.

At the time I was charging $50 per hour massage. After a few months this added up to about $500 from the
treatments that were directly related to this event. Overall, the seeds I planted that day actually added a few
thousand dollars to my income for that year.

And what did I do? I simply invested a day doing what I loved most by sharing the benefits of chair massage. I also
planted seeds by sharing the benefits of having regular massage treatments to help my clients with their particular
sport. I explained how much better they would feel and how much better they would perform at their events.

You do not have to limit your marketing for more massage clients via expensive newspaper
advertising. It's not the only way. Just a few hours or your time, offering massage treatment to
the right market can really work wonders. You might not see the results straight away, but then
again you might. But think of this donation of your time as an investment, not a loss of your
time. Shairing chair massage techniques is a wonderful at events like this to gain exposure.
Make sure thought that if you do use this strategy, that you are massaging people who want to be massaged. Don't
go and set up at an event that is totally unrelated to health or wellness needs. Make sure people are interested in
massage therapy first. For example you may offer your services to a corporate event where you know the
attendees are sitting, listening to a guest speaker for a weekend with very long hours. People may really
appreciate a massage after four hours of sitting and feeling cramped. Always check it out first with the event
coordinators first as to whether they feel your massage will be a good advantage for the day.

Just remember this key point - marketing your massage therapy service can come in more ways than an investment
of money. It's your time and skills with your hands and providing seated chair massage sessions may be a wonderful
way to help you build your business.

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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Building Client Trust in Your Massage Therapy Business

By Amy Roberts

In a massage therapy business the key to success is gaining client's trust. Many therapists see many clients but have
very high client turn over which makes growing their massage business hard work. What a practitioner who is
seeking to build a long lasting practice should focus on is marketing to build a loyal client base, rather than one
time clients who are not apt to fully receive the benefits massage therapy offers.

Loyal massage therapy clients come back for repeat sessions. They pay on time every time, they refer their
friends, they tell strangers about you, and they even ask if you might share your skills with fellow co-workers by
visiting their place of employment. This is the type of ideal client your marketing efforts should target.

You may ask, just how do I get clients like this in my massage therapy business? The following five steps are
designed to do just that through gaining a client's trust.

Stage 1- Building Trust: In order to gain trust convey information to help your clients learn all about you, and the
benefits they will receive from your massage therapy business. Your marketing materials and massage brochures
and business cards and are perfect marketing tools to teach them these facts, so have them handy whenever you
meet a potential client.

Stage 2- Listen and Learn: When potential clients inquire about your services and background, remember to also
share how massage therapy works by asking them about themselves. This is an opportunity to share how your
services can help them specifically. Don’t go on about how massage is good for the circulation, ask them what they
personally need and what benefits they wish to achieve. As you eliminate the desire to talk about yourself and
replace it with listening to the client, they begin to build trust in your services.

Stage 3 - How to Learn More About Your Client: When your client comes for his or her massage therapy
appointment, make sure you listen to what they are feeling, not just what they are telling you in words. Listen to
their tone, their body language, and their facial expressions. In a massage therapy business we need to be listeners
as well as practitioners. The more you listen the more your clients will open up to you. This is a sign of trust.

Stage 4 - Provide Follow-Up Guidance: When your client makes a second appointment it’s a sign they trust you.
At this time, don’t just make the appointment and thank them for coming. Always provide guidance on what they
may do between massage sessions to relieve their symptoms as well as any pain or discomfort they may be
experiencing. This support will also build further trust because you are displaying genuine care and concern.

Stage 5 - Thank Them for Their Trust: When a client provides a referral -- especially someone close to them -- it's
a big sign that they trust you. They are now confident to tell people about your massage skills and services. They
are actively sharing what they have gained from seeing you and want their loved ones to receive the same
benefits. Send your loyal client a surprise "thank you for the business" card in the mail or telephone them to thank
them personally. You can also give them a gift, such as a bottle of healthy lotion, soap, or some small thank you
item that supports their health and wellness.

Integrity begets more clients. It really does. So make sure you incorporate these fives stages to assist in building a
loyal client base of individuals who trust your massage therapy skills and frequent your practice. These massage
building tips may seem simple, but remember sometimes the things that are the simplest are the most powerful.
You'll enjoy growth in your massage therapy business if you do!

Good luck,

Amy Roberts

To learn more about Amy's ebooks, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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How To Get More Clients Coming Back Through A Simple Method Of 'Advice'

By Amy Roberts

Recently I was with a massage therapist in a coaching session of ours about a massage therapy appointment
keeping method and when I asked her how she was doing with her rebooking rate she said she was getting a lot of
success. After every five massage treatments she gave, three of them rebooked another massage treatment at the
end of their session.

I congratulated her and said "so what's your secret?" I knew that most massage therapy businesses don't reach this
target for a number of reasons and wanted to know what method she was using. She said "oh I don't know, I just
ask them if they want another massage treatment."

"So what is it that convinces them to come back again? Obviously you are doing more than just asking them," I

She proceeded to tell me that she simply advised them of the benefits of booking another massage therapy
treatment. In 'advising' them she simply offered them the continued benefits of massage therapy such as loose,
free shoulders, no more back pain, flexibility in movement generally, easing pain in the neck from sitting at a
computer and so on. She told me she not only advised them of what would happen if they had regular massage
therapy, but how much it would benefits them in other ways. She mentioned that when someone has massage
therapy on a weekly, fortnightly basis, their sleep patterns become deeper; giving them a feeling of being more
rested which meant more energy. She also said that when massage therapy treatments were provided once a week
particularly, mental and emotional stress levels went down significantly and she backed this up with research from
the Touch Research Institute of Miami.

Being significantly impressed with her follow up method, I posed a question. "Yeah but all us massage therapists
know this, how many clients do you think knew this before their massage treatments?"

"Hardly any," she replied, "maybe like 1 out of 15."

"Why is that? Why do people know so little about the longer benefits of massage therapy?"

"Because we don't tell them I suppose."

"So do you think clients benefit more from seeing you because you educate them to the benefits of massage
therapy long term and the benefits it has on other levels such as deeper sleep?" I asked.

She smiled "Oh yes, most definitely."

That was it. She'd just proven a fundamental problem with massage therapists. We expect that our clients know all
the benefits already, so we don't open our mouths and tell them. I can also verify this in my own massage therapy
experience. I had a higher rebooking rate with clients I educated, than clients I didn't. It's really simple and we
often overlook this in our massage therapy business. It's such a simple thing and if we can increase the amount of
times we actually tell them how massage therapy benefits them in others ways- ways that keep working long after
the massage is over, then our clients will understand they are receiving a great value for the money and not just
paying for something that lasts an hour.

Keeping Your Advice Relevant

Always remember to tell clients the long term benefits of massage, just like my client. Three out of five repeat
clients is a very high number, and all because she strived to tell her clients of the long term benefits they would
receive from their massage treatment long after they walked out of the clinic room. By not telling them it's almost
a disservice to them. They should be fully informed and if you need to, you can write down a script for yourself as
a guide to remind yourself to relate the full benefits of massage therapy.

Don't use big, technical language that only we know such as Lymphatic drainage or good for the circulation. Use
words such as 'pain relief' and 'less headaches' and terms that mean something to them. You can surely tell them
what Lymphatic means but keep it focused on what their problems are. For example, if someone has a massage
treatment for back pain, don't tell them about Lymphatic drainage. Keep it relevant to their problem. Tell them
how the tight, hard muscles will relax, give them less pain, and provide more flexibility to help them get on with
the things they need to do in their life. Always keep it relevant.

Here are some ideas you can use with your clients just after their massage treatment before you leave the room
You are going to talk to them and ask for another appointment:

● "How are you feeling?" "Each time you have a massage therapy appointment with me, we get closer and
closer to helping your body give you less and less pain, giving you more flexibility to move around and have
less pain in your lower back. I can also give you some stretching exercises to maintain the relief you are
feeling right now, but it does work best if you have weekly or fortnightly treatments (for a while). Would
you be interested to keep this feeling going by rebooking/making another massage treatment?"

● "I can see you can actually move that arm! That's great, are you experiencing relief? That's' great. I would be
happy to design a program for you that includes massage therapy treatments and some exercises you can do
at home. Would you be interested in that? This involves some regular massage therapy treatments with me
for a while to help you gain more relief and be able to work on the computer again without the pain and
aggravation you have been feeling."

So don't be afraid to follow up with your massage clients. Don't think that you are just trying to "get" something
from them that won't benefit them, because if you truly feel that way you'll never be able to feel comfortable with
this technique for rebooking appointments. Remember, you are advising them on a way to keep their body limber,
in less pain, and in much better shape. The worst thing they can do is to say no. Even if one client says no, you
already have the knowledge to gain one client, which means you will be able to gain another. By asking for another
appointment you will find your rebooking rate becomes much higher.

Good luck as always,


Receive additional support for building your massage practice. Check out Amy's ebook, click > Ignite Your
Massage Therapy Practice.


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How To Make A Great First Impression In Your Home Massage Therapy Business

By Amy Roberts

It's hard enough knowing how to get clients when you start your massage therapy business, let alone impress them
enough where they want to come back. So here are some very handy tips you can use in your own home based
massage practice. These tips will help you impress clients so not only will they come back, but they will want to
refer clients to you. As massage business owners, you are usually the ones taking all the calls. This includes
bookings, enquiries, cancellations, wrong numbers, and talking with people who want to sell you things too.

So what about the people who make an enquiry over the phone? How do you get them from an enquiry to a
booking? The secret is creating a great first impression. There are four ways to have a higher chance of turning an
enquiry into a booking. These fours ways are; your voice, your proper speech, your response and your closing.

The First Impression - Your Voice

It's very important if you have a home based massage business to have a tone of voice that says "you are very
interesting and I am so happy to hear from you." Make sure you always express to the person that you are very
interested. Don't answer the phone in a monotone voice, always express a light, interested tone that people feel
comfortable with.

Avoid using slang (use proper speech). We do it everyday. Its best when speaking to a new potential client that we
make an effort to say "yes" instead of "yeah" and "Pardon, I'm sorry I didn't hear you" instead of "huh?" or "what?"
Coming across as an enthusiastic, literate therapist makes ways for more success than someone who has a mono
tone, casual language approach. And besides, its not professional to speak in everyday common terms to people
you are trying to obtain business from.

Your Response

It's best to listen first then advise. Instead of replying with "70 per hour" and leaving it at that when someone asks
you what your fees are, you can reply with "The fee for a deep relaxation massage for 1 hour is $70 and it's
guaranteed. So if you don't feel totally relaxed or or notice an improvement in your mobility after the treatment
you will not be asked to pay."

Closing the Call

Never feel embarrassed or awkward in asking for their business. After all they are calling you to express interest. If
you do feel uncomfortable when asking for their business, then use a different approach. You can simply advise
them of the different massage styles you might offer and which are most successful at treating their symptoms.
You can let them know you are open after hours, and that you have the convenience of credit card facilities for
example. By giving a couple choices it suggests they will assist you in determining which is best for them.

Giving a prospective client a good experience when he or she first deals with you creates a higher chance of
success in the long and short term. It's very important to make a good impression in your massage therapy
business. Particularly if you have been practicing for one to two years and need to boost client numbers or have
just started out as a massage therapy professional. Always remember to give the person a positive experience
when they are dealing with you and the little things you communicate with polite speech and a professional tone
will go along way.

To learn more about Amy's ebook, visit > Ignite Your Massage Therapy Practice.


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Home > Massage Therapy Tools

Types and Benefits of Portable Massage Tables

The earliest known massage was basically a floor massage. However, in this day and age, with the advancements in
technology practitioners now have a variety of types and sizes of massage tables to choose.

A portable massage table is an important piece of equipment for all massage therapists to own. Essentially,
massage is the art of relaxing the tense joints and soft tissue of the body, using the hands. So, a portable massage
table can facilitate the service anywhere and at any time.

Normally, you will find tables with a pair of legs at each corner and two pairs of recessed legs in the center. This
design allows the therapist to work with all sizes and weights of bodies without any apparent stress or table flex.
This allows the massage therapist to concentrate on the massage, instead of wasting time bending and adjusting
the table, or worrying about the extra large client. When it comes to non stationary designs many are made with
Aluminum and various woods and fibers. However, Aluminum is a preferred material when making a massage table
that is portable. Aluminum is lightweight, known to provide durability, and is easy to set up and take down.

Types of Portable Massage Tables

If you're looking for the perfect massage table, then here are a few portable designs that are available in the
market. You will find several models by EarthlLite (the Luna table is only 26 pounds), Custom Craftworks, and
Instep that are made from lightweight aluminum.

Aluminum Portable Massage Tables - These popular tables are specially designed for comfort and come in various
shapes and sizes. They have adjustable backrests and height and these high-resilient tables are replete with foam
cushions, face cradles and shoulder recesses. These features are known to prevent the restriction of blood
circulation to the arms. In addition, this unique creation can be conveniently folded into a compact kit.

Student Massage Tables - Student massage tables are designed specifically for those of
you who are interested in pursuing massage therapy as a career. These durable
massage tables are strong and generally include the features required by students. The
costly add-ons, used by professionals are eliminated. You can often find student
packages, too.

Lightweight Adjustable Portable Massage Table - The lightweight adjustable portable

massage table is designed from materials that are lighter than wood, like aluminum. These tables are generally
smaller than most other massage tables. Lightweight tables are ideally below 30 pounds. They flaunt adjustable
features like the headrest, arm shelf and face rest to name a few. The tables are both, sturdy and light enough for
the practitioner to carry around when seeing clients at their homes, or if you are lucky enough to work in a climate
that allows you to be mobile enough to work out doors.

Lightweight Tilt Portable Massage Table - To meet the demands of therapists and practitioners who intend to
pursue and maintain lengthy careers, the lightweight tilt portable massage fits this niche. It is made of aluminum,
which makes it durable as well as light. These tables can be transported quite easily and are very convenient for a
variety of modalities and client needs. Custom Craftworks has a quality tilt, portable design.

What to Look for When Buying a Portable Massage Table

When shopping for portable massage tables, the price shouldn't be your primary concern. Massage
tables that are also portable can be very expensive, but you can also find high quality affordable
tables. In your search for the perfect, yet most affordable equipment, identify massage table
packages that offer a warranty for the really good deals. For any practitioner, the client's comfort
should be of prime importance. You should look for a package that gives you a comfortable portable
device that gives you flexibility with your work, an adjustable headrest and a protective case. The
add-on features can make a big difference in the price.

The more foam within the cushions, the softer will the table be. However, the quality of foam is an important
factor. It determines the durability of the table. Another factor to consider when buying your portable massage
table is durability. Your massage table should be able to withstand extreme conditions. You should inspect the
warranty thoroughly. Good quality tables generally carry a lifetime warranty against any defects.

Nevertheless, if you are a professional or a student you can find good portable tables in a variety of massage table
packages that are designed to meet your needs. Find a very large assortment of lightweight and portable designs to
fit all budgets, including the most well known and respected brands.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Massage Therapy Tools

Finding the Right Table for Your Massage Therapy Practice

We wanted to offer you an example of a successful company who understands the needs of health professionals
in various fields who utilize specialty tables and tools in their practices.

One such company, Care-Tech Research started as a small family business in Toronto in 1973. It was the joint
effort of Marten Gabriel, a Rolfer and an industrial designer and his wife Laara, who is a registered massage

The company moved to Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island, in 2004 after they had successfully marketed massage
tables in Delta, British Columbia and on the shores of Fraser River, near Vancouver for many years.

Today, Care-Tech Research has successfully created lift massage tables that can be lowered more than any other
massage table on the market. The company has also pioneered the idea of easy removable tops, without the help
of tools.

The ergonomic massage table by Care-Tech is a revolutionary design for the practitioner. The massage therapist
can effectively use the massage tables because they are well suited to the therapists body positions when giving a
treatment. This is because Ergonomics helps to provide protection against injury and burnout. Ergonmically
designed tables allow the therapist to use their strength properly instead of straining and using their body weight,
which is what happens when tables are the wrong height.

Ergonomic massage tables really make the work of the practicing therapist much easier and while providing more
enjoyable working conditions. If you are a therapist seeking a well designed table you'll find you will have happy
and satisfied customers along with support for your body to sustain from overworking your body muscles. Your
clients will also appreciate the quality of an ergonomic designed table and as a massage practitioner you can
actually take on one extra session per workday, without fatigue. Ergonomically advanced massage tables can help
you earn extra income, without having to exert yourself.

Care-Tech Research also manufactures a variety of basic electric massage tables. Some of the electric lift tables
are designed for different treatment modalities.

FS3 Attitude - This treatment support system is ideal for shorter massage therapists and deep tissue therapists,
like Rolfers and Hellerworkers. It is powered by two silent electro-pistons. It can drop to 12" and lift all the way up
to 38", an incredible range of 26". The Attitude offers the unique 'expansion top' by Care-Tech Research. The inset
extension slide allows the therapists to get closer to their work, irrespective of the shape or size of the client.
Care-Tech also offers a long bar switch for the 'up' and 'down' function.

The Flora Table Design - This basic table design is an economical alternative to the Attitude table. It can drop as
low as 18". The lift range of 20" is still superior to that offered by most electric tables available in the market. It
has optional bar switches and a unique undercarriage design, to get your knees under the table from all sides.
Flora top can be used with a two lift motor base, to extend the lift range down to 12".

Ab-Solution Treatment System - This system comes with a sophisticated tabletop, which provides gentle
abdominal support to accommodate pregnant clients, in the prone position, with nominal increase in intrauterine
pressures. It offers a 26" lift range and the tabletop is 2" thicker, to create room for the belly well. It has the same
inset extension slides like the Attitude table.
Osteopathy Table

Care-Tech Research has been working in consultation with an osteopath for a prototype electric lift table, ideal for
the profession.

MediSpa - It is another comprehensive Care-Tech massage table. Its incredible surface flexibility and versatility is
the greatest advantage. You can perform a wide number of modalities on the same platform, with the lift range
and selection of options. It is practically suited for any service and can even function as a spa table for manicures,
pedicures, facials, hydrotherapies and even pregnancy massages.

Custom-Built Electric Lift Tables - Custom tables come in two customized options, major and
minor. The minor customized options are common, since it is relatively easy to customize
certain components like the size or shape of the tabletop, without any major implications. Major
customization, on the other hand, requires planning.

There are many other brands of quality tables on the market, but for those of you who have
asked about ergonomic designs we feel you will find inspiration in knowing manufacturers are
exploring new options for the massage practitioner to ensure their health and safety.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Apollo College - Mesa, Arizona

Attending one of the physical therapy schools in Arizona can open the door to an exciting new career for you.
Choosing the right school from the AZ physical therapy assistant schools is an important decision because it will
directly affect your success in the future. Apollo College, offering Mesa physical therapist training may be the right
school for you. This certificate program can be completed in a short time and will prepare you in every way to
enter this in-demand profession.

As a physical therapy technician you will assist the physical therapist in helping patients heal from injury and
illness. You'll assist in development of the treatment plans that will restore muscle function, relieve pain, prevent
injury becoming a permanent disability, and help patients learn to adjust to loss of body parts. Some of your
functions will include helping patients perform exercises, provide electrical stimulation and ultrasound treatments
and massage therapy. You'll instruct the patients and motive them to use isometric and ambulatory exercises that
will help their bodies function to the best of their capabilities. You'll help patients overcome barriers, both
emotional and physical, which may prevent their recovery and you will help them build self-confidence and self-

To learn about all the exciting job opportunities available in this in-demand field and all the details about the
required training, all you need to do is request the information you need from Apollo College in Mesa Arizona.


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Apollo College - Phoenix Westside, Arizona

Physical therapy schools in Phoenix include Apollo College in Phoenix Westside. With only 24 credit of hands-on
physical therapist training, you can become qualified to assist the physical therapist in using natural healthcare
techniques to help patients recover from injuries, illnesses or surgery. This will also prepare you to excel in your
advanced studies at one of the schools for physical therapy degrees.

Physiotherapy assistants help develop treatment plans for restoration of muscle function, provide natural pain
relief and prevent disease, injury and assist recovery. Using exercise, electro stimulation, ultrasound and massage
you will know that you have an active part in helping your clients experience better health, overcome physical
barriers and deal with emotional impacts from loss of muscular or skeletal function.

This in-demand career will provide you with a wide selection of exciting workplaces. Hospitals, clinics and many
more options will be available to you as a qualified professional in an in-demand field. It is easy to contact Apollo
College in Phoenix Westside, Arizona to learn more about their fine school. Classes fill quickly so better sooner
than later!


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Apollo College - Tucson, Arizona

Are you searching for physical therapy schools in Arizona? Apollo College in Tucson provides the best physical
therapy assistants schools in the state and in a very short period you can complete physical therapist training
which will qualify you to enter this lucrative, satisfying field as a physical therapy assistant. As a physical therapy
technician, you'll be responsible for assisting the therapist in developing treatment plans to help patients
experience pain relief, greater mobility, speedy recovery from accidents or injury and much more.

Currently, the need for trained professionals is at an all-time high and this trend is expected to continue. Not only
will be enter a field where exciting workplaces await you, but you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of knowing
you truly make a difference in the lives of the patients.

Its easy to contact Apollo College in Tucson, Arizona to learn more about their school and courses. Classes fill
quickly, so be sure and ask when their next classes start to ensure your place.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences - Orlando, Florida

If you are seeking a top-quality Central Florida medical college to obtain your degree in occupational therapy,
you'll be happy to find Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences in Orlando. Located at 800 Lake Estelle Drive,
right on the shores of Lake Estelle, you'll find the campus easy to access from either North Orange Avenue or
Interstate 4. Florida Hospital is in close proximity as well as other medical facilities where graduates find

The Orlando occupational therapist training you'll receive at FHCHS is second to none. Upon completion of your
studies, you'll be fully prepared to enter the exciting and lucrative world of health care as an occupational
therapist assistant. You'll work closely with licensed therapists to develop and implement individualized programs
for each client. You'll assess, fit and train clients to use medical devices and perform exercises to help them
recover from accident or injury or learn to cope with disability. You'll assess progress and maintain client records,
adjust their programs as they progress in recovery.

Considered to be one of the best programs of occupational therapist courses in Florida State, FHCHS will provide a
balanced, comprehensive course of study which includes classroom theory and hands-on supervised clinical
experience. You'll develop the skills you need and the self-confidence you desire to ensure your clients have the
best experience possible during their therapeutic sessions.

Choose the best Central Florida medical college for your PTA training. To learn all the details and facts about this
program or the A.S. and B.S. nursing programs at Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences in Orlando, Florida,
simply contact them for complimentary informationso you can get started pursing your new career.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Keiser College - Melbourne, Florida

Do you want to attend an occupational therapy school to become an occupational therapy assistant (OTA)? If so,
choosing the right Florida occupational therapist college courses is a very important decision and will have a direct
impact on your future success. Keiser College in Melbourne provides an excellent program for occupational
therapist training in Florida for those who wish to enjoy their training in the sunshine state.

Rehabilitation is an important part of health care. As a professional OTA, you'll work under the supervision of a
registered occupational therapist. You skills will help clients restore and enhance performance and improve the
quality of the lives of those who have impairments, whether physical, psychosocial or cognitive. You'll teach clients
to use self-care, work and play activities to improve independent function, diminish, remediate or prevent
pathology or disability and achieve maximum health and wellness. As a key member of the therapy team, you'll
teach clients compensatory techniques, ways to adapt to compensate for disabilities, use of equipment and coping
skills, plus many other important tasks. You'll find employment in one of the many facilities that need professional
OTA services such as hospitals, acute care centers, neonatal units, schools, social service centers, wellness centers
and many others. You may also enter one of the services that provide home health care to clients.

You can easily learn all the details about this career choice by contacting Keiser College in Melbourne, Florida and
request complimentary, no-obligation information.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Hesser College - Concord, New Hampshire

Choosing exactly the right school to attend New Hampshire physical therapy training is, perhaps, one of the most
important decisions you will make. Physical therapist courses in New Hampshire must prepare you fully to become
a success as a therapist assistant in this exciting in-demand health care field. Perhaps the best physical therapy
school in NH at which to obtain your Associate of Science degree is Hesser College located in Concord. Through a
combination of classroom and clinical experiences, you'll be assured that you have the skills required to
confidently practice this form of natural health care.

Upon graduation, you'll be fully prepared to work as you use a wide range of procedures to meet the specific needs
of each client. These procedures include safe, proper application of heat and cold, electrical stimulation,
ultrasound and exercise. You'll help clients improve their function level, experience pain relief and maintain their

Today there is a greater need than ever before for natural health care services. You'll receive personal satisfaction
through your experiences of helping people while earning a lucrative living. Watching your clients improve will
make each workday a unique and thrilling event. You can easily request the information you need to learn all the
details about the training at this fine college, simply contact Hesser College in Concord, New Hampshire.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Hesser College - Manchester, New Hampshire

Are you looking at a long, confusing list of physical therapy schools trying to determine which physical therapist
assistants training program with right for you? Then you may want to learn about Hesser College in Manchester,
New Hampshire. They offer a physical therapists training program that combines classroom and hands-on clinical
experience to ensure you have all the qualifications necessary to become successful in this in-demand healthcare

In your physiotherapist training you will learn when to apply heat treatments and when cold packs are the best
choice. Electric stimulation, therapeutic exercise and ultrasound are included in this comprehensive therapist
training program in which you will become fully competent in all phases of working with clients who want natural
healthcare treatments.

There is a great need for trained physical therapy assistants today in this growing field. As more people turn to
natural health services, you will find a career move in the health care field is a very stable choice. Its easy to
contact Hesser College in Manchester, New Hampshire to learn about their classes and courses. Your may be well
on your way to your a new career.


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Hesser College - Nashua, New Hampshire

Top quality physical therapist training is just waiting for you at Hesser College in Nashua, New Hampshire. The
Hesser College Physical Therapist Assistant schools' program is accredited by the Commission on American Physical
Therapy Education (CAPTE), the accrediting agency of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

Colleges for physical therapy which offer these credentials are few and an Associate's Degree from Hesser in
physiotherapy assisting will open doors in exciting workplaces for you. Today, more and more patients turn to
natural healthcare for rehabilitation from injury, pain relief, improved mobility and function and a greater sense
of well-being. In the hands-on training program you will learn procedures of hot and cold application, electric
stimulation, ultrasound and therapeutic exercise in both classroom and clinical applications. You will earn real-life
experience working with patients to fully prepare you to enter the exciting workplaces requiring trained therapists.

It is easy to receive the informtion you need to learn more about the courses at Hesser College in Nashua, New
Hampshire. Perhaps you may be well on your way to a journey to a new, rewarding and lucrative career!


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Hesser College - Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Of the physical therapists schools in New Hampshire, you'll find Hesser College in Portsmouth rated among the
very best. This New Hampshire technical college will provide physical therapist training that prepares you in every
way for a successful, exciting and lucrative career in physical therapy.

Physical therapy is a rapidly growing field as more people realize the benefits of rehabilitation after an accident,
injury or surgery to recover their strength and full mobility. By using hot and cold treatments, electrical
stimulation, ultrasound and other state of the art techniques, you can help your clients experience less pain and
recover quickly from injury or surgery. You'll find personal and financial satisfaction in this exciting career field.

It is easy to receive the information your need to learn more about Hesser College - Portsmouth. You can contact
them today to learn about upcoming classes that are beginning soon in your area.


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Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Hesser College - Salem, New Hampshire

Physical therapist training in New Hampshire doesn't get any better than at Hesser College in Salem. This New
Hampshire technical school will teach you everything you need to know to become a trained professional in the
world of physical therapy. The physical therapist assistant training courses will prepare you to work with a physical
therapist or continue and earn your physical therapist associates in arts degree.

Exciting workplaces await you when you choose a career in physical therapy. You'll receive personal satisfaction
knowing that your work makes other people feel better, experience less pain and recover from injury, accident or
surgery, much more rapidly and with your help their road to recovery will be greatly impoved. You'll also earn a
lucrative living doing something that you love.

If you are ready to take the first step, it is easy to get the information you need from Hesser College in Salem, New
Hampshire. You can learn about their classes in your area.


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ICM School of Business and Medical Careers - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania occupational therapist courses can lead you on a path toward a bright future in natural health care
services. Choosing the right Pennsylvania medical college to prepare for this future is extremely important to your
future success. Pittsburgh occupational therapist training to become an occupational therapy assistant is available
at Kaplan Career Instititue, ICM School of Business and Medical Careers. You'll receive a comprehensive, in-depth
education in the field of OTS and graduate ready to practice this form of natural healing with confidence, safety
and assurance.

In as little as 18 months, you can complete the program and be ready to sit for the national certification exams
provided by the National Board for Certification known as the NBCOT, to receive your certification.

As a trained professional, you'll perform a variety of duties including teaching techniques for healthy living, helping
clients develop perception, sensory and motor skills, designing, fabricating, installing, fitting and teaching clients
to use prosthetic and orthotic devices, developing, administering and analyzing results of tests such as range of
motion and muscle strength. You'll learn how to help the handicapped adapt and learn capabilities and life skills.

You can learn more about how you can become part of this in-demand career field by requesting information from
directly from the school. Just take a moment and fill out their easy online form. By requesting information you will
hear back from a school representative with answers to your very important questions.

To learn more, click > ICM School of Business and Medical Careers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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Provo College - Provo, Utah

A Physical Therapy A.A. degree can jump start you into a career field that is experiencing substantial growth.
Provo College offers Utah physical therapy assistant training that will allow you to become a part of the natural
healthcare system which is so in-demand today. Provo College is considered by many to be the premier physical
therapy school in Utah and is accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.
During the first year of study, five full weeks are devoted to full-time clinical experience. During the second year,
each student completes a five-week clinical experience and a nine-week practice during the final semester. This
combination approach provides the most balanced learning experience possible.

The program includes 760 hours of comprehensive training, including classroom, laboratory, and clinical practice.
Upon graduation, you'll be qualified as a PTA to work in hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers, community
health centers, corporate and industrial centers, sports facilities, research centers, schools and many other
exciting workplaces. You'll use special exercises and modalities to improve your patients' lives and help them heal
from injury or surgery.

To learn more about the program available or this exciting career path, simply request information from Provo
College in Provo Utah to get all your questions answered.


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Medical Careers Institute- Newport News, Virginia

If you are thinking of attending one of the physical therapy assistant schools in Virginia, you'll want to know about
Medical Careers Institute in Newport News. This Virginia medical training school's program will allow you to obtain
an Associate in Applied Science degree at one of the finest physical therapy schools in Virginia. By combining
classroom knowledge with laboratory and hands-on internships, you'll develop the knowledge, skills, and
professional techniques to provide clients with safe, effective, ethical and legal therapeutic services as a part of
their integrated healthcare team.

What does a physical therapy assistant do? You'll learn to give treatments using heat, sound and light, massage and
exercise to assist in the healing of muscle tissue, nerves, joints and bones. You'll fit clients with corrective
equipment and teach them how to use it properly. You'll teach your patients how to learn or improve activities
such as walking, climbing and other mobility activities. You'll track, monitor, record and report on patient progress
by taking measurements and making assessments.

If you would like to learn more about this great, in-demand career option, it's very easy to obtain more
information; simply contact Medical Careers Institute in Newport News, Virginia to learn about their courses,
hours, and fees.


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Medical Careers Institute - Virginia Beach, Virginia

One of the finest physical therapy assistant schools in Virginia is the Medical Careers Institute in Virginia Beach.
This Virginia medical training school offers you the opportunity to earn an AAS degree which will allow you to enter
this exciting, in-demand career.

Why choose MCI as your physical therapy school in Virginia? At MCI you will learn, through a combination of
classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences, all the skills you will need to become a success in this field.
Hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers and other medical practitioners need your services, in conjunction with
the physical therapist, to help patients feel better. You'll apply treatments of heat, light, sound, massage and
exercise and fit patients for corrective devices. You'll enjoy helping people experience reduced pain, greater
mobility and faster healing from accident, injury or surgery.

To learn more about this career field and how you can be part of this in-demand field, your can request
information from Medical Careers Institute in Virginia Beach, Virginia.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Hamilton Mountain

Campus - Ontario Province, Canada

Physical therapy training in Canada can prepare you for an exciting career as a physiotherapist assistant, helping
clients feel better and heal faster from injury or surgery. Of the physical therapist courses in Ontario, Everest
College of Business, Technology, and Health Care at Hamilton Mountain Campus, is renowned by many to be the
best Ontario physical therapy school available.

Upon graduation, you will be fully prepared to work with a licensed physiotherapist and with supervision and
direction, apply treatments which will make a positive difference in the lives of the people seeking physiotherapy
assistance. While gaining personal satisfaction everyday in this natural healthcare field, you will also earn a
lucrative living. Physiotherapy clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and other exciting workplaces require the services
of physiotherapist assistants continually.

If this sounds like it might be the career for you, you can contact the school through their online info request form.
A school representative will get right back to you with answers to your important questions about class schedules,
fees, etc.

To learn more, click > Everest College - Hamilton Mountain Campus, Ontario Province Canada


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Mississauga Campus -

Ontario Province, Canada

Do you want a career that is both personally satisfying and financially lucrative? Have you looked into Canada
physical therapy training opportunities?

One physical therapy school in Canada provides the best physical therapists courses in Ontario: Everest College of
Business, Technology, and Health Care - Mississauga Campus.

Homeopathic and naturopathic care is becoming more and more popular as people turn away from the high cost of
traditional medicine and invasive treatments in those cases where natural healthcare can provide improvement.
Because of this trend, physiotherapist assistants are more in demand today than ever before. Hospitals, clinics,
and other health care providers are finding that having physiotherapists and their assistants on staff help patients
feel better faster and heal more quickly from illness, injury or surgery.

If you want to find a satisfying career that truly helps people, you'll want to learn more about this program. Simply
fill out the school's online info form. You will promptly hear back from a representative eager to answer all you

To learn more, click > Everest College - Mississauga Campus, Ontario, Canada for free details.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/cdi-mississauga-ontario-2.html on line 60
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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - North York Central -
Ontario, Canada

There are many schools at which you can obtain a Canadian physical therapy education, but if you want to
attend the best physical therapy courses in Canada, you'll want to know about Everest College of Business,
Technology, and Health Care College - North York Central. This physical therapy school in Ontario will prepare you
with all the skills you require to become a physical therapy assistant.

As a therapy assistant, you will work under direct supervision of a licensed physiotherapist, applying treatments
and exercises required to help the client feel better and heal more quickly from injury or surgery. You'll find
yourself in high demand by hospitals, nursing homes, physiotherapy clinics, wellness centers and many other
exciting workplaces.

It is very easy to obtain complimentary, no-obligation information. All you need to do is contact the school through
their easy online request form. You will receive answers to you important questions and can learn about their class
schedules, tuition fees, and full curriculum.

To learn more, click > Everest College - North York Central, Ontario Province, Canada


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Ottawa East Campus -
Ontario, Canada

Have you considered a career in physical therapy training in Canada? If so, you'll want to know about one of the
best Canada physical therapy schools teaching physical therapists courses in Ontario. Everest College of Business,
Technology, and Health Care - Ottawa East Campus can, in a very short time, prepare you in every way to become
successful as a physiotherapist assistant.

Both day and evening classes are available and financial aid is available to those who qualify. This makes it very
simple to attend classes while working at your current job. Upon graduation, you will be prepared to find
employment in any of the places that employ physical therapists. You'll work side-by-side, under the supervision
and direction of the licensed therapist to help clients feel better, heal faster and learn to apply techniques to
improve their lives significantly.

Learning more about this career option is simple and easy. Just request complimentary information from the
school through their online info request form. Once you do a school rep will respond promptly eager to answer all
your important questions about this career opportunity, along with class schedules, and tuition fees.

To learn more, click > CDI College - Ottawa East Campus in Ontario, Canada.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Toronto South -

Ontario, Canada

Physical therapists training in Canada or Canada occupational therapist training can prepare you for a very
satisfying professional life. As the physiotherapy assistant or occupational therapy assistant, you'll be helping
people feel better, heal faster, learn how to adjust to life after accidents or surgeries and much more. If you want
to find one of the best Ontario occupational therapy schools, you don't have to look any further. Everest College of
Business, Technology, and Health Care - Toronto South Campus can prepare you in every way to enter this career

As a physiotherapy assistant or occupational therapy assistant, you will work under the direction and supervision of
a licensed physiotherapist or occupational therapist. The demand for these professional services is greater today
than ever as more and more people turn to natural health options. You'll be sought after to work in hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes, and many other in-demand workplaces.

Learning more about this career choice is simple and easy. All you need to do request answers to your questions by
filling out the school's easy online info request form.

To learn more, click > Everest College - Toronto South Campus in Ontario, Canada


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/cdi-toronto-ontario.html on line 59

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Hamilton Mountain

Campus - Ontario Province

Does working with physiotherapists sound interesting to you? If so, you should learn more about the Canada
occupational therapists education available. Of the Canadian physical therapy schools, Everest College of Business,
Technology, and Health Care - Hamilton Mountain Campus in Ontario, occupational therapist training will full
prepare you to become a physiotherapist's assistant or an occupational therapist assistant. You'll learn basic skills,
values and behaviors that prepare you to implement tasks, under supervision and direction, within a variety of
healthcare and community settings. For those who want to work under the direction of a physiotherapist, a 950
hour program is available. If you want to become an occupational therapy assistant, you'll want to attend the
entire program. You'll learn through classroom theory and practical hands-on learning so that you will graduate
fully confident in your professional skills.

Career opportunities for physiotherapist or occupational therapy assistants can be found in hospitals, clinics, long-
term care centers, homes, sports medicine clinics, training organizations, health care and fitness spas, public
health services, wellness centers and many more.

If working in the homeopathic and naturopathic healthcare profession sounds interesting to you, you'll want to
learn more. Complimentary, no-obligation information is easy to obtain; all you need to do is ask. Just fill out the
school's easy online request form.

To learn more, click > CDI College - Hamilton Mountain Campus, Ontario Province Canada.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/cdi-hamilton-mountain.html on line 63
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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Mississauga Campus -

Ontario Province, Canada

Attending a Canada physical therapy school can change your life and open doors to a new, exciting career path
for you. By attending Everest College of Business, Technology, and Health Care - Mississauga Campus, Ontario
occupational therapist training to become a physiotherapist assistant or an occupational therapist assistant career
can be yours in a short time.

Why choose this Canada occupational therapists education over any other? Everest offers two programs. The first
requires only 950 hours and will provide you with the skills needed to work with physiotherapists only. The
complete program will prepare you to work with occupational therapists as well as physiotherapists.

What employment opportunities are available for trained professional assistants in this field? You'll find work in
some very exciting workplaces. Hospitals, physiotherapy clinics, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, sports
medicine clinics, health and fitness spas and clinics, public health services, wellness centers, chiropractic offices,
homeopathic and naturopathic care centers and facilities offering prosthetic services are just a few of the places
that will be seeking your services upon graduation.

To learn all the details about these two programs, simply contact the school through their easy online info request
form. You will promptly hear back from a school representative eager to answer all your important questions.

To learn more, click > Everest College - Mississauga Campus, Ontario Province Canada for complimentary


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

TriOS College - Hamilton, Ontario Canada

Completing studies at a Canada physiotherapist training program can lead to an interesting career working in
therapeutic healthcare. TriOs College in Hamilton, Ontario provides the education you need to qualify for
employment in this in-demand career field. Established in 1992, the campus is located at 4 Hughson Street South.
There you will find modern equipment and facilities and instructors that care about conveying the skills to allow
you to prepare fully to become successful.

These Ontario physical therapy assistant courses focus on teaching the theory, techniques and treatments that
allow your to help clients recover from disease, injury, or surgery. You'll be part of the process of recovery, a very
rewarding experience.

By applying yourself, you can earn your physical therapy diploma in as little as 42 weeks. Your studies will cover
the therapeutic and treatment skills you need as well as business, computer and interpersonal skills required to
successfully function in state-of-the-art workplaces.

Learn how attending this Canada physiotherapist training can allow you to develop the qualifications for a
satisfying, lucrative career. Contact TriOs College in Hamilton, Ontario Canada to receive information without


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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TriOS College - Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Canada physical therapy courses are the first step toward a bright future in a career that is highly in-demand.
TriOs College in Kitchener, Ontario can prepare you for a healthcare profession as a physiotherapist assistant. The
campus, located at 445 King Street West, in the heart of the city, is a short commute for students living in any part
of Kitchener.

Ontario physical therapist training offers you the chance to prepare for employment in a field that is in need of
trained professionals. Employment statistics indicate that unemployment in this field is only one percent, 80% less
than the average for all careers. This dramatic demand for therapists is expected to continue in coming years.

This physical therapy school allows you to complete the diploma program in as little as 42 weeks of studies. Don't
let anything stop you from reaching your educational goals. There are numerous options for financing your studies
and, for those students that qualify, financial aid may be available.

Upon completion of these Canada physical therapy courses, you'll be qualified to seek employment in interesting
and exciting workplaces. To learn more about career opportunities for graduates of the physiotherapy assistant
program, contact TriOs College in Kitchener, Ontario Canada.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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TriOS College - London, Ontario, Canada

Deciding which Canada physical therapy school is right for you can be an extremely difficult decision. Don't
overlook TriOs College in London Ontario. Centrally located at 520 First Street, the modern facility and up to date
team of instructors await you.

This program of physical therapy training in Ontario will allow you to earn a diploma and qualify to seek
employment as a physiotherapy assistant. You'll be happy to learn that there is a great demand for caring well-
trained therapists in this healthcare field.

After completing these physiotherapist courses and obtaining your credentials, the career services staff can help
you find the right job for you. Hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, sports centers and many other employers seek
caring team members like you.

To learn how this Canada physical therapy school can help you prepare for a rewarding future, simply request no-
obligation information. By contacting TriOs College in London, Ontario Canada, you'll learn about courses,
registration, fees and all the other details.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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TriOS College - Toronto Campus located in North York, Ontario Canada

Physical therapy training in Ontario provides you the means to become a professional in the lucrative field of
health and fitness. TriOs College's Toronto campus in North York, Ontario Canada is one school that offers a quality
education experience. Located at 4025 Yonge Street, the school is near the center of Metro Toronto making it
convenient to anyone living the surrounding areas.

Canada physiotherapist courses allow you to earn credentials that will qualify you to seek employment as a
physical therapist assistant in gyms, fitness centers, therapeutic rehabilitation faculties and other workplaces
requiring teams of professional therapists. Your duties will involve working closely with clients, assessing their
needs and helping design personalized programs to allow them to meet their goals. These goals may include weight
loss, recovery from injury or surgery, improved sports performance or a better sense of well-being and general

Physical therapy courses in Canada provide you the means to enter a profession that not only allows you to earn a
good income but provides satisfaction in personal and spiritual areas. As you learn how to help people feel and
perform better in their daily lives, you'll learn more about yourself and your own body.

Learning how physical therapy training in Ontario can offer you an interesting, exciting career, as well as facts
about courses, registration, fees and financial aid available to those who meet certain qualifications is very easy.
Simply contact TriOs College, Toronto Campus located in North York, Ontario Canada for all the details.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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TriOS College – Windsor, Ontario Canada

If you are looking for a career that is interesting, active and exciting, you should consider seeking physical therapy
education in Canada. TriOs College in Windsor is one place to receive a quality education that will allow you to
become employed as a physiotherapist assistant. Located at 7610 Tecumseh Road East, the campus is located on
the west side of Windsor, convenient to several major thoroughfares.

Ontario physical therapist training is perfect for those who like to work with people. Using your excellent
communication skills, you'll glean facts about client's needs and fitness goals. You'll be a part of designing exercises
and activities for progressing toward those goals, including information on nutrition, lifestyle and safe, effective
ways to increase fitness and general health.

After successful completion of your Canada physiotherapist education, you'll be prepared to seek employment in
sports training facilities, weight loss centers, facilities for rehabilitation for the disabled and many other
workplaces. The employment outlook in this field is projected to remain exceptionally good in coming years.

Learn how the skills you develop during physical therapy education in Ontario will provide a career where you'll
enjoy a sense of accomplishment and purpose as a result of your helping others. You can find out how you can
become a student at TriOs College in Windsor, Ontario Canada and other facts about this career path by simply
requesting no-obligation information.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

TriOS College - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Canada physiotherapist courses at TriOs College in Mississauga, Ontario offer you the education to qualify for a
satisfying career that is in high demand. Whether you want to change careers or are just deciding on the career for
you, you'll want to learn about the opportunities available in this healthcare field.

The campus of this physical therapy school in Canada is located at 55 City Centre Drive in the heart of the city.
The faculty members strive to remain on the cutting edge, conveying the latest science and treatments to
students. The 42-week diploma program includes courses on body function, healing, injury and disease as well as
training in business, computer and communications skills.

Upon completing your education to become a physiotherapist, you'll have the skills and knowledge to seek
employment in many settings including hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers and more. You'll find your work
personally, professionally and financially rewarding.

If you love working closely with people and want to make a positive difference for people recovering from illness,
injury or surgery, these Canada physiotherapy courses can be the first step toward a fulfilling career. To learn
more about career options, student services and other facts, simply contact TriOs College in Mississauga, Ontario


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Penn Foster Career School – Online Studies

Have you long wanted to become qualified as an occupational therapy aide but there is no school nearby? Online
physical therapy aide courses at Penn Foster Career School may be the solution you've been seeking. Whether you
are training for your first career or want to increase your earning power by entering a better career field, you'll
find distance learning through home study provides you a flexible means to develop the skills and knowledge to
become a success.

Online physical therapist training allows a person with a busy schedule to fit education into their life. The
flexibility of this educational method means you can do your class work at hours that are convenient for you.
Students that are disciplined and motivated, wanting to complete the required coursework promptly, do
exceptionally well with this form of training.

By completing physical therapy aide distance learning, you'll be qualified to apply for employment opportunities in
hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers, corporate health centers and many interesting workplaces. You'll help
clients overcome disabilities, recover from injuries or accidents and learn safe ways to employ ergonomic
techniques in all areas of their lives as well as other exciting duties.

To learn about how distance learning can allow you to earn the credentials to enter this in-demand career, all you
need to do is contact Penn Foster Career School. Facts about online studies, course requirements and much more
will be provided promptly.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Thomas Education Direct - Online Distant Learning

If you are seeking online college courses to get the training to become an Occupational Therapy Aide, you can
receive an excellent education from Thomas Education Direct. Their curriculum will prepare you by teaching you
the skills of medical terminology, various therapies, workplace health and safety, and much more. You can get
your diploma working from home in as little as six months from the time you begin your courses.

Did you know that by entering this profession you will find much opportunity? The demand for Occupational
Therapist and their aids is predicted to increase by as much as 43% by the year 2012! As the number of middle-
aged and elderly people increases, so will the need for skilled professionals who offer therapeutic services.

If working in a profession where you truly make a difference appeals to you, then take a moment, and request the
information you need to learn more about the online therapy courses at Thomas Education Direct. You will be glad
you did.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Physical Therapist Education and Occupational Therapy Schools

Thomas Education Direct - Online Distance Learning

If you are wanting to be a part of an in demand career where you can make a difference in the lives of your
clients, then physical therapist training might be for you. Thomas Education Direct offers an online physical
therapy aide course that will assist you in launching a new career in as little as six months. You can do so at home,
and at your own pace. This well known online school is known for being one of the best online physical therapy

Once you receive your credentials, your skills and abilities will help patients recover and return to their active
lifestyles. You will feel so good knowing you have helped them improve their lives. You will have the knowledge to
help them by providing therapy treatments, guide them with exercise, and teach them how to have greater

There is so much opportunity in this field as the population of middle-aged and elderly people continues to grow.
This creates a demand for more trained professionals offering therapeutic services and ensures jobs for your future.

If you would like to know how you can receive online physical therapist aide training that fits into your schedule,
request the information you need from Thomas Education Direct.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson, Arizona

If you are looking for a Thai massage school, AZ offers the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts (DIHA) in Tucson,
one of the most respected massage therapist schools in Arizona with a focus on holistic healing.

Thai massage, Nuad Bo-Rarn, is one of the ancient healing arts. It is based upon traditional medical techniques
from the Far East and includes comprehensive manipulative therapy to open the energy paths or channels known as
Sen lines. The results are increased flexibility and relief of tension.

The courses at DIHA in Thai massage are held on four sequential weekend workshops, beginning on Friday evening
and continuing through Sunday. Add this new skill to your toolbox of massage techniques to better help your
clients experience better health and a sense of wellness.

Learn the specific schedule for upcoming workshops and how to sign up so you don't miss out on this opportunity. It
is easy to contact Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, Arizona to learn about all their classes in the
healing arts.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson, Arizona

If you are considering attending one of the holistic reflexology training schools and upon finishing your reflexology
training, taking the National test, the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts (DIHA) in Tucson, Arizona has just the
program for you.

Based upon the specific reflex points in the feet, hand and ears which correspond to organs and glands in the body,
reflexology schools teach you when the points are to be pressed upon and what therapeutic results to expect. This
healing art has been used for centuries to promote a deep sense of relaxation and to help the body heal itself

The reflexology program is taught in six weekend workshops. Upon completion, you are eligible for the American
Certification Reflexology Board Exam (ACRB) to become a Board Certified Reflexologist.

Learn all the details about Introductory and Advanced programs and how you can learn this in-demand healing art.
It is easy to contact Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, Arizona to ensure your place in the next class or
learn more about what this fantastic holistic healing school offers.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Desert Institute of the Healing Arts - Tucson, Arizona

Are you searching for a holistic healing school? Do you want to attend one of the finest Shiatsu schools in Arizona?
One Shiatsu massage school in Tucson, Desert Institute of the Healing Arts, can meet your every need. Classroom
education balanced with hands-on therapy sessions will prepare you fully for providing services to your clients
after graduation.

Shiatsu is comprised of several techniques including accupressure, Anma, barefoot, five element, macrobiotic,
traditional and Zen massage. The knowledge and skills are rooted in the Tao. Long generations have practiced this
healing art. It comes from a background in martial arts and the study of the 12 meridians.

Helping people feel better is a very rewarding way to earn a lucrative living. Every single day you will know that
you have made a positive difference in the lives of your clients. You'll help them experience relaxation, reduced
stress, better circulation and mobility and help their bodies heal faster naturally.

Does this sound like the right career path for you? Financial aid is available to those who qualify. To learn all the
details about this exciting program, and receive answers to all your important questions, simply contact Desert
Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, Arizona.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Career Training Academy - Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Shiatsu training and classes at Career Training Academy in Monroeville, Pennsylvania can open the door to an
exciting, new, in-demand career for you. The word Shiatsu means, quite simply, pressure from the fingers and this
Shiatsu school will teach you exactly how this pressure can relieve pain, improve mobility, and provide many
benefits for your clients.

Attend the beginning Shiatsu massage school courses and in only 3 months of daytime classes or 4 months of
evening classes you will be prepared to enter the workplace as a basic Shiatsu technician. The advanced program
allows you to further refine your skills and in only 6 additional months of daytime classes or 7.5 months of evening
classes, you'll be qualified for a career as an advanced Shiatsu technician!

Exciting, satisfying and lucrative employment awaits you upon completion of basic or advanced training. Don't
delay, as classes fill quickly and you can prepare for this in-demand career by contacting Career Training Academy
in Monroeville, Pennsylvania.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Holistic Healing School

Career Training Academy - New Kensington, Pennsylvania

Do you want to attend Shiatsu massage school classes and training at one of the holistic healing schools? Don't miss
Career Training Academy in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Of the Shiatsu schools in Pennsylvania, CTA is
considered one of the very best.

What exactly is Shiatsu? The word translates roughly to "pressure of the fingers". The technique increases
circulation and prevents imbalances in the human body. In the basic technician program, you will learn a basic
understanding of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology to prepare you to become a success in this professional
therapy field.

Exciting workplaces are open to trained professionals. Hospitals, nursing facilities, cruise ships, spas, hotels, full-
service salons and many others will be seeking your services upon graduation. You may wish, instead, to open your
very own clinic.

Learning all the details is simple and easy. Just contact Career Training Academy at New Kensington, Pennsylvania
and you can get all your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Career Training Academy - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Are you thinking of attending one of the Shiatsu schools in Pittsburgh? Have your already looked at several Shiatsu
massage institutes? Never fear; you may have completed your search at last. The Shiatsu massage school at Career
Training Academy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is renowned for its successful training of professionals in this natural
health care field.

At CTA, you will learn the basic techniques of this healing art as well as the human factors such as kinesiology,
physiology and anatomy. Upon graduation, you'll be fully prepared to open your own practice or work in one of the
many exciting workplaces such as hospitals, spas, resorts, 5-star hotels, full-service salons, day spas, sports centers
and many more. While earning a lucrative living helping people feel better, you'll gain personal satisfaction every

The need for trained professionals is growing at an amazing rate. If you want to join into this in-demand career
option, learn all the details by contacting Career Training Academy in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Holistic Healing School

RainStar University - Scottsdale, Arizona

One part of the Oriental medicine school program at RainStar University in Scottsdale Arizona is the Craniosacral
therapy school. In Arizona, this massage therapy continuing education opportunity provides the opportunity to
attend this 700 hours diploma program and learn this effective, popular healing art.

Craniosacral therapy involves the bones of the skull. Dating from the early 1900's, Dr. William Sutherland found
that these bones move and have an effect on the entire human body. By manipulating these bones and
membranes, the whole body can re-establish the intended harmony necessary for efficient functioning. This
spiritually based therapy has become more and more popular in recent years because of the popularity of natural
health care.

If you are already a trained therapist but don't have this important skill or if you want to learn this skill alone,
you'll want to learn all about this exciting program. All you have to do is contact RainStar University in Scottsdale,
Arizona to request complimentary, no-obligation information. You may also find other resources in your area
through continuing education programs.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

RainStar University - Scottsdale, Arizona

If you want to attend an Oriental medicine school in Arizona, you'll want to learn about the Oriental medicine
degree available at RainStar University in Scottsdale. At RainStar, you'll obtain a comprehensive education. Known
as the finest Chinese acupuncture school in Arizona, you'll learn this healing art as well as therapies such as Tui Na
and Qi Gong. Courses in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, physical diagnosis, pharmacology, psychology, pathology
as well as business and research will ensure that you develop a well-rounded skill base.

Chinese medicine is a complete medical system used to diagnose, treat and prevent illness that has been in use for
thousands of years. By treating the human body in a holistic manner, the body can function properly and

If you would like to learn more about the course of study it takes to become a practitioner, you might wish to visit
the Rainstar Campus in Scottsdale and take a tour of their campus. If you are more interested in learning massage,
check out the list of schools in your area.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Holistic Healing School

Samra University of Oriental Medicine - Los Angeles, California

Attending a California Chinese acupuncture school can open a doorway to an exciting and fulfilling career. CA
acupuncture and herbology training will provide you the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of
people. Therefore, an Oriental medicine school in Los Angeles that you will want to know about is Samra
University. By earning a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degree from this accredited university, you'll be
prepared to excel when you sit for the licensing exams in California and other states.

In California, 36 months of training is the minimum requirement for licensing in this healing art form. Samra has
designed a comprehensive program that can easily be completed in 40 months that exceeds the minimum
educational requirements. You can even apply for an internship in Beijing, China if you choose.

More and more people are seeking providers of the ancient natural healing arts today than ever before. If you want
to learn more about how you can become part of this exciting profession you can easily contact the school at: 310-


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Holistic Healing School

American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine - Houston, Texas

Choosing a Texas acupuncture therapy school is such an important decision. You want to be certain the school of
Oriental medicine you select offers a comprehensive, balanced education. You'll find that the American College of
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in Houston, Texas, offers just that kind of education. Located at 9100 Park West
Drive, about one and one-half miles off the West Toll Parkway and only slightly farther from Beltway 8, commuting
from anywhere in the Houston area is a breeze.

This Oriental medicine school in Houston offers a unique and complete program which includes a clinical
internship. Students actually observe and treat patients with various conditions, applying the skills they have
learned in actual treatment situation. By providing supervised clinical experience, you'll graduate with confidence
that you have every skill needed to pass the national board exams and practice this holistic healing art.

This school of acupuncture therapy and Oriental medicine even offers students the option of training in China to
experience the culture from which this heal art comes. This unique opportunity allows students to treat patients in
Chinese hospitals working with the best acupuncturists in China.

By choosing eastern medicine practices as a career, you'll enjoy financial and personal satisfaction, knowing that
each day you make a positive impact on the lives of your patients. Using a collaborative approach of combining
Western and Oriental therapies, you'll be sought for pain relief, improved health and wellness, healing from injury
or illness, and so many other health benefits your clients will seek. You'll be qualified to open your own clinic or
work in spas, hotels, resorts, wellness centers, and many other exciting places of employment.

You can easily obtain answers to your question, just click the following link and fill out the provided form. The
school will respond quickly with information.

Click here to learn more about > The American Career College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Ashmead College - Everett, Washington

Washington aromatherapy courses at Ashmead College in Everett, one of the best aromatherapy schools in WA, can
change your life in ways you never expected. By learning how the human body reacts to scents, you'll be prepared,
upon graduation, to help people feel better, experience more energy, greater relaxation or one of the many other
responses provided by practicing this natural healthcare healing art.

Ashmead College provides everything you need. Not only do they provide the best aromatherapy classes and
training, but they will help you determine if this is the right career for you, provide financial aid to those who
qualify and even help you find a job after graduation. Many massage therapists are adding aromatic and essential
oil techniques to their practices. Spas, hotels, resorts and many other exciting workplaces are open to those who
are trained professionals in this healing method.

To learn more about classes, fees, and the college, simply ask for complimentary informationfrom Ashmead
College in Everett, Washington.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine
Home > Holistic Healing School

Everest College - Seattle, Washington

If you are seeking aromatherapy training in Washington State, you'll want to know more about the finest of the
Seattle aromatherapy schools. Everest College in Seattle offers aromatherapy courses to prepare you for
employment in the booming industry of resorts, spas, full-service salons, clinics and day spas. Whether you want to
add this therapy to your existing massage practice, work in complimentary fields or practice this art on its own,
you'll find the education offered at Ashmead will prepare you with a balanced knowledge including the history of
aromatherapy, botany and chemistry of essential oils, blending techniques, spa therapies and more.

You'll enjoy every workday as you help people feel better, relax more and enjoy life through their sense of smell.
While helping people, you'll also be earning a lucrative income to support yourself and your family.

To learn more about the program, simply ask for complimentary information directly from the school. They have
made it so easy. Just fill out the form once you visit the following link.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Seattle, Washington.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Everest College in Tacoma, Washington

Are you seeking the best aromatherapy courses in Washington through a holistic school? You'll be glad to learn
about Everest College in Tacoma, WA.

Aromatherapy training at Ashmead College will prepare you fully to enter this natural health care field. You'll learn
the history of the art, botany and chemistry of essential oils as well as how to blend essential oils to obtain just
the right physical response from the client.

Today more than ever, people are turning to natural health care options. The therapy you'll provide allows the
body to respond using its sense of smell to activate the body's natural reactions. Peace, relaxation, energy,
stamina and many other responses can be obtained by the use of aromatic herbs and essential oils.

If you would like to learn all the details about the program, all you need to do is contact the school directly. They
have made it easy to do so. Just fill out the school's online form. By requesting information a school rep will
respond with complimentary, no-obligation information. You can get all your questions answered, learn about their
courses, class schedules, and tuition fees.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Fife/Tacoma, Washington


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Everest Institute - Portland, Oregon

Oregon aromatherapy training can allow you to increase your therapy skills or prepare you to practice this art by
itself. Yet, searching to find the right holistic healing school in Oregon can be quite a chore. Look no further;
Portland aromatherapy courses at Everest Institute will meet all your needs.

Whether you want to work in a spa, salon, open your own practice or add to the skills you offer at your massage
therapy center, you'll find a large client base seeking aromatherapy services. Even the ancients knew that the
sense of smell had an effect on the human body and employed techniques which have been revived and added to
through modern technology. Every day, you'll employ your skills to help people feel better, relax more, experience
greater energy and many other positive rewards from your services. You'll also earn a lucrative living while
practicing these techniques.

It is easy to learn all the details about this program. Simply contact the school directly by entering your
information in their convenient online request form. You will receive complimentary informationon about their
special classes designed for the alternative healing therpist.

To learn more, click > Everest Institute in Portland, Oregon


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Holistic Healing School

Everest College - Vancouver, Washington

Natural healing arts are becoming more popular everyday. Have you considered entering this field by attending a
holistic school with aromatherapy training? Washington aromatherapy courses are available from many schools but
the best Vancouver courses are provided by Everest College in Vancouver.

As long ago as ancient times, people knew that the sense of smell affected how they feel. Today, therapy using the
sense of smell has again risen in popularity and the demand for therapists continues to skyrocket. If you own a
massage practice and want to add this technique to your repertoire, or if you want to work in a spa setting or
practice this therapeutic skill, you'll find Ashmead teaches every aspect of this healing art.

You'll learn history, botany and chemistry of essential oils, blending and properties of each. With this knowledge,
you'll understand completely which therapy to apply for your clients health benefit.

You can learn all the details by simply contacting the school through their online info request form. A school
representative will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to learn how to use aromatic herbs
and essential oils as a therapeutic treatment.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Vancouver, Washington


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing School

Milan Institute - Boise, Idaho

If you have thought of attending a Boise massage school, why not go one step further and attend an Idaho holistic
healing school?

By attending Boise holistic health practitioner training, you'll not only hone all the skills necessary to perform
effective massage, but you'll have at your disposal a broad range of holistic therapies to offer your clients. This
school is easy to find. The Boise campus of Milan Institute is located at 8590 W. Fairview Avenue in Boise, ID 83704.

Today more and more people are turning to holistic health care to meet some or most of their health care needs.
Because of the high cost of traditional medicine, as well as the invasive therapies frequently used, clients feel it is
much more cost effective, safer and more enjoyable to use natural health care wherever possible. Especially for
preventative care to keep the body intune and resistant to many illnesses and diseases. Even insurance companies
and traditional physicians are rapidly recognizing and accepting this trend. With this upturn in acceptance, more
trained professionals are needed each year. The U.S. Department of Labor indicates this is one of the fastest
growing industries in the country.

You can learn all the details about the holistic programs by simply contacting Milan Institute in Boise, Idaho.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Holistic Healing School

Milan Institute - Indio Campus - Indio, California

You'll be happy to learn about this holistic healing school in California, the Academy of Professional Careers at
Indio Campus. The campus is located at 45-691 Monroe Street, Suite 2 Indio, CA 92201. You can easily access the
college from Highway 111.

Choosing a CA holistic training program is a very important decision. Your future success depends on choosing the
California holistic health training program that will provide a comprehensive education and prepare you to meet
the needs of your clients with confidence and assurance.

Today, natural health care is in great demand. People are turning toward natural solutions to their needs to avoid
the high cost and invasive techniques employed by traditional therapy. Upon graduation, you'll be fully qualified to
open your own clinic or work in one of the exciting workplaces seeking your services. Some of these may include
spas, hotels, doctor's offices, wellness centers and many more.

As this industry grows as predicted through the next decade you will be in a career position to benefit for years to
come. Every day that you work with your clients you will gain great satisfaction knowing you have made a positive
difference in their lives. You'll also be in a position to earn an excellent living doing something you enjoy.

Click here to learn more about this holistic program by contacting the Milan Institute in Indio, California.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Maric College - San Diego North County - Vista, California

Choosing the right California holistic health school for you is such an important decision. Your future success
depends on selecting the CA holistic medicine school that will prepare you fully to enter the field of natural health
care. San Diego holistic school courses offered at Maric College, San Diego North County, are designed to assist you
in becoming a career professional in this lucrative field.

Today more and more people are seeking complimentary or alternative medicine to maintain optimal health and
quality of life. As a trained professional, you'll enjoy helping clients to achieve their health goals using natural
techniques. Few career choices provide the personal and spiritual satisfaction combined with the potential to
create a comfortable income. Every day you will know that you have made a positive difference in the lives of your
clients as you treat their ailments and assist them in their wellness plans.

To learn all the details about preparing for this in-demand health care opportunity, simply request the information
you need from Maric College in San Diego North County, Vista, California.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Holistic Healing School

Trinity College - Fairfield, California

Are you searching for options for holistic health school training? Trinity College in Fairfield, California, offers a
wonderful program of holistic health practitioner training that may be just right for you. The campus is
conveniently located at 934 Missouri Street, between Jackson and Madison Streets. Access is convenient from
Highway 12 as well.

This California holistic healing school will provide the advanced training and the necessary skills required to
become successful in this in-demand health care field. You'll be fully prepared to sit for the national board exams
and become licensed in your state. You'll learn all the techniques of massage therapy plus all the other techniques
used by holistic healers. You'll gain hands-on experience through the schools own clinic, providing you the
opportunity to hone your skills and develop the self-confidence to become a successful professional.

After completing your studies at this holistic school in California, you'll find many employment opportunities. You
can choose to open your very own practice or work in exciting workplaces such as spas, doctors' offices, gyms,
wellness centers, and many more.

Today, more than ever before, people are turning to natural health care options. With the high cost of traditional
medicine and the side effects from many treatments and medications, patients are learning that in many cases the
body can heal itself if provided with treatments from nature. Even doctors and insurance companies are coming to
realize this important area of complimentary medicinal treatments.

To learn all about the holistic health school training available, all you need to do is contact Trinity College in
Fairfield, California and you will receive, no-obligation information answering many of your important questions.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Online Natural Health Bachelor Degrees

Today, flexibility in education is so important with our busy lives. The computer age has changed how many people
obtain their education.

You'll want to know more about obtaining natural health training and your many options. Online degrees are
becoming more popular because they are much more affordable than classroom training and many online natural
health colleges who are developing special programs are making this possible. Online natural health programs are
really needed, because people are beginning to seek out practioners and advisors to help them learn how to make
better healthy lifestyle choices. As people are gradually realizing the importance of taking care of their health
through natural means, this industry is radiply growing and their is a need for trained professionals.

Whether you are returning to school to learn the skills needed for a more satisfying and lucrative career in the
wellness industry, or are just gaining advanced education for the first time, the opportunity to study online makes
it possible for many people to obtain their degrees that otherwise might not be able to accomplish this important

This is also a fantastic way to earn extra credits, gain your continuing education credits, and add more background
and skill to your current knowledge base and professional resume.

You may also be interested in learning more about nutrition and fitness.

Click here, and learn about Penn Foster Career School. They offer an online fitness and nutrition course designed
to assist you in deepening your health education. Their program is designed for those who wish to:

● Work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a Fitness and Nutrition consultant.
● Become a fitness trainer to help clients achieve positive lifestyle changes.
● Be an important part of a professional Fitness and Nutrition staff.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Kaplan Online - Healthcare Pathway Life Care Planning Continuing Education


You can earn an online Life Care Planning certificate when taking distance learning courses through Kaplan Online –
HealthCare Pathways programs. This course is a perfect add on for those seeking continuing education
occupational therapist courses. In fact this course is perfect for:

● registered nurses
● occupational therapists
● physical therapists
● rehabilitation counselors
● case managers
● social workers
● psychologists
● medical doctors
● chiropractors
● nurse practitioners
● special education professionals
● licensed speech pathologists
● and professional counselors

The Life Care Planning self-study program can be completed in as little as12 months. In that time you will learn to
develop plans to improve the quality of life and make care recommendations for your patients dealing with
disabilities, chronic illnesses, and catastrophic injuries. Your role will be to analyze, research, evaluate, and work
with other professionals involved in their care. You will assess patients' future medical, psychosocial, and
economic needs.

Students have a choice of completing both the educational and experiential requirements, which allow you to sit
for the Certified Life Care Planner examination and earn the CLCP credential. Upon passing your certification,
graduates go on to a lucrative career working with insurance companies, attorneys, trust managers, caregivers,
and various health care organizations and governmental agencies.

You can learn more about this exciting program designed for those seeking physical therapy continuing education
courses as well as the other health care professionals who want to add a new dimension to their career.

It is easy to learn more about the convenience of taking a distance learning course through Kaplan Online -
HealthCare Pathways, by requesting information to get answers to all your questions.

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Holistic Healing Schools

Detox and Colon Hydrotherapy Training - The American Institute of Massage


The American Institute of Massage Therapy located in Pompano Beach, Florida, also offers colon hydrotherapy
training along with their massage training program. This form of natural therapy is becoming recognized as a vital
need as research has shown that our body absorbs many toxins through day-to-day life. This toxic buildup from the
food we eat, and the air we breath may be a factor in various diseases like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the
development of Chemical Sensitivity often brought on by a weakened immune response due to a compromised

When the colon walls are free from buildup we are able to absorb more nutrients from
the food and nutrients we ingest. With the benefits of colonics our whole body is more
apt to stay healthy as our immune system improves through detoxification. This form of
therapy has been around for a very long time, and now western medicine is
incorporating it into wellness plans and also recognizing the many benefits.

If you would like to become colonic certified, then check out the course offered at this fine institute. AIMT offers a
100-hour Colon Therapy Program that meets the requirements of the State of Florida regulating Massage Therapy.
The students learn about the beneficial relationship between diet and intestinal cleansing, and detoxing for colon
health. This information is valuable when working with massage therapy clients, and for professionals who wish to
add another skill to their health practice.

Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a diploma which verifies that they have completed an
extensive 100-hour course in colon hydrotherapy training. Then they can work in a variety of health and wellness
facilities, or begin their own business once they complete the Florida Colon Therapy Examination and become fully
qualified and licensed.

If you are interested in learning more about this growing health therapy field, you can easily receive additional
information. Just visit the following link, fill out the confidential form, and get answers to all your important

To learn more click > American Institute of Massage Therapy in Pompano Beach, Florida.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Colon Hydrotherapy Training- Northwest Health Careers in Las Vegas

Colon hydrotherapy training can lead to a career in natural healthcare or add to the menu of natural services you
provide in a spa or therapeutic massage clinic setting. Northwest Health Careers in Las Vegas may be the right
place to attend this training. The campus is conveniently located at 7389 Smoke Ranch Road right across from the
Cimmaron Memorial Baseball Field with easy access from Highway 95.

Why would you want to become colonic certified? More people then ever are seeking natural health solutions.
Alternatives to traditional medicine's invasive and expensive techniques are becoming readily recognized by the
general public. As people seek more satisfying, natural lifestyles, they want their bodies to feel and look the best
possible. Those who wish to enjoy a colonic cleanse turn to certified colonic experts for their services.

The benefits of colonics include effective the removal of toxins in the body through colon hydrotherapy. By
eliminating body wastes and accumulated toxins, the heart and lungs can operate more efficiently along with
reconditioning your body to absorb your nutrition more readily. People look and feel younger and enjoy improved
body tone as well as more radiant looking skin. People also experience an improved sense of health and well-being.

If colon hydrotherapy training, whether as a primary training or continuing education, is your goal, you'll want to
learn about class schedules, fees, career services, student services and all the facts so you can select the program
that is perfect for your training. To learn detailed information, simply contact Northwest Health Career in Las
Vegas, Nevada and no-obligation information will be provided promptly.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Northwestern College - Gold River, California

Have you considered continuing education to become personal trainer certified? A great place to obtain your
fitness trainer education in California is Northwestern College in Gold River. This California fitness trainer program
can prepare you in as little as eight months to enter the professional world. You'll learn to design and implement
programs for your clients and guide them through weight management and lifestyle modification.

All the concepts you'll need to learn about how the body works and health and fitness are included in this
comprehensive program. You'll become well skilled in all the current fitness concepts being used at major gyms
and resorts and practice these skills in a hands-on externship.

This exciting, in-demand career can be yours. Financial aid is available to those who qualify. To learn more about
this excellent program, contact Northwestern College in Gold River, California. You can learn about class
schedules, their full curriculum and get all your important questions addressed.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Heritage Institute – Denver, Colorado

A personal trainer education in Denver can lead to a career in the in-demand fitness industry. Choosing Heritage
Institute can be the first step toward that great career, preparing you with the knowledge and skills required to
become successful.

This Denver physical fitness school, at the foot of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, provides modern equipment and
facilities and a professional teaching staff. You'll learn how to assess the needs of clients, develop plans to help
them achieve fitness goals and methods for teaching clients how to safely and effectively work toward those goals.

The Colorado fitness trainer courses at Heritage will prepare you to seek employment in gyms, wellness center,
rehabilitation facilities and many other exciting workplaces. You'll enjoy helping others obtain optimal health and
fitness and know how to improve your own fitness and health.

You'll want to know all about the personal trained education in Denver. It's so simply to get all the facts. All you
need to do is contact Heritage Institute in Denver, Colorado to learn how you can become part of the exciting
fitness industry.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Heritage Institute - Ft. Myers, Florida

Which of the fitness certification schools Florida offers is right for you? Only you can answer the question, but
you'll want to know about Heritage Institute in Ft. Myers before you make your final selection.

Obtaining an education to become personal trainer certified will allow you to seek employment in the growing
fitness industry. As one of the fastest growing industries in American, you'll find employment opportunities in
wellness centers, gyms, weight loss center and many other locations that require caring, professional training staff
members. This work can be satisfying on both a personal and financial level.

The fitness certification programs you'll find available may seem to be all alike. But you'll find difference in the
various programs. Select a school that provides modern facilities and a caring staff of well-trained instructors.
Heritage provides that and more. If you have financial challenges and meet certain qualifications, you may even be
able to obtain financial aid to help defray the costs of your education.

You'll want to know much more about this fitness certification school Florida offers. By contacting Heritage
Institute in Ft. Myers, Florida, you can obtain no-obligation information to help you determine if this is the right
school for you.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

New England Institute of Technology - West Palm Beach, Florida

You can attend Florida fitness trainer classes in West Palm Beach at New England Institute of Technology (NEIT)
and become part of the growing fitness industry. The campus, located at 2410 Metrocentre Boulevard is just off
Forty-Fifth Street and is just a short distance from Interstate 95, making access to classes convenient to anyone in
the metro area.

Of the southern Florida personal trainer schools, you'll find NEIT provides spacious classrooms, totaling over
100,000 square feet that are modern and contain the latest equipment. Instructors at NEIT keep up to date on the
latest fitness techniques and teach these skills through classroom, presentation and implementation in the well-
equipped fitness studio.

You can choose between two fitness certification programs in Florida. In as little as twelve months, you can earn a
diploma or you can choose the eighteen month Associate of Science degree program. Both programs will prepare
you for entry-level employment in the fitness field.

While attending these Florida fitness trainer classes in West Palm Beach, you'll learn anatomy, physiology, nutrition
as well as effective and safe exercise and fitness methods. Today, personal trainers and fitness professionals are in-
demand and you can learn about the many career options available to you.

Free details can be obtained by contacting the New England Institute of Technology located in West Palm Beach,


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Pinnacle Career Institute - Lawrence, Kansas

The right education to become personal trainer certified is important. Not just any school is right for everyone.
The fitness trainer certification program at Pinnacle Career Institute in Lawrence isn't just any program. It's a well-
balanced, comprehensive program that allows you to become a qualified professional in only 32 weeks. This Kansas
personal trainer program is considered one of the best available anywhere in the country.

As a graduate, you'll have the skills and knowledge to assess, test, design and implement safe and effective
programs for people of all fitness levels. The hands-on training you'll receive will ensure that you can safely use all
the equipment common to the industry today. Whether your clients seek to lose weight, gain weight or simply
enjoy greater general health and energy, you'll be confident that you know how to best provide for their needs.

The personal and financial satisfaction you'll receive makes this career choice one that you'll want to learn more
about. It isn't hard to learn all the details. All you need to do to obtain complimentary informationand get your
questions answered is contact Pinnacle Career Institute in Lawrence, Kansas.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

Do you want to take personal trainer courses and obtain the education to become personal trainer certified? Be
sure the school you choose will provide reputable fitness certifications. One choice you will want to know about is
Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. You'll be able to choose
between earning a two-year degree in Health and Exercise Science or receiving a diploma in only six quarters. The
small class sizes ensure you will receive all the special attention you want to hone your skills to perfection.

You'll train to provide diagnostic fitness assessment as well as design, implement and supervise exercise programs
and wellness programs at health clubs, spas, wellness centers, and other exciting locations. Whether you client
needs standard or very specialized training, you'll be prepared to fill those needs.

Fitness trainers are in-demand today as more people enter into wellness programs and recognize the health
benefits of personal fitness. It's so easy to learn more about this exciting career option. All you need to do is
contact Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota to learn more about their
cirriculum and get all your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Oakdale, Minnesota

If you are seeking for a university with fitness degree options, you may find yourself confused by all the different
fitness trainer certification programs. Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Oakdale,
Minnesota offers two very practical choices at their St. Cloud campus: a two-year AAS degree in Health and
Exercise Science or an 18-month program to earn a certificate in the same discipline.

You'll complete this excellent program completely ready to enter the professional world. By combining classroom
disciplines including anatomy and nutrition with practical hands-on experience, you'll find a fast track to your
future career. You'll be qualified to earn a satisfying and lucrative income while helping people reach their fitness

To learn more about education to become person trainer and certification programs you can contact St. Cloud
Campus of the Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Oakdale, Minnesota and they will answer get all
your questions answered.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Plymouth, Minnesota

To become a personal trainer, a good career, you need to find a school that offers reputable fitness certifications
at which to obtain your education to become personal trainer certified. Minnesota School of Business and Globe
College (MSB/GC) can provide you with either a two-year AAS degree in Health and Exercise Science or a diploma
certification in only 18-months of studies. Either choice will prepare you to enter this career field that is in such
high demand today.

As a trainer, you'll design, develop and implement exercise programs to help people reach their fitness goals safely
and efficiently. You'll find many employment opportunities in gyms and sports center, wellness center, hospitals,
rehabilitation facilities and many other exciting workplaces. You will feel great about your profession and earn a
lucrative living while helping others reach their dreams.

It's so easy to obtain more information about classes, scheduling, and their two programs. Simply contact
Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Plymouth, Minnesota.


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Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Richfield/Bloomington,


Fitness trainer certification programs can be confusing. One university with fitness degree options is Minnesota
School of Business and Globe College in Richfield/Bloomington, Minnesota. All the education to become personal
trainer certified is offered. You'll choose between a two-year AAS degree or an 18-month diploma program in
Health and Exercise Science.

A personal trainer career will allow you to design, develop and implement fitness programs for your clients and
provide nutritional guidance so that your clients will reach their fitness goals. One of the aspects of this career is
the knowledge to help clients understand how to exercise safely without causing injury. You'll be truly helping
others and, at the same time, earning a great income. You will have many options for employment and the
opportunity to work in environments that contribute to wellness.

complimentary, no-obligation information is easy to obtain to learn about the Health and Exercise program and the
cirriculum designed to teach the necessary skills to launch a Personal Trainer career. Its simple, just contact
Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Richfield/Bloomington, Minnesota.


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Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Rochester, Minnesota

Choosing where to obtain the education to become personal trainer certified just became much easier. The fitness
trainer certification programs at Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Rochester, Minnesota
will provide all the training you need to become a success in this career path. The small class sizes at MSB/GC will
provide individual attention to ensure that you are completely prepared when you obtain your personal trainer
certification at MSB/GC. Choose between a two-year program and an 18-month program to best meet your
personal needs.

As a trainer, you'll be responsible to design and implement exercise programs and provide nutrition information to
help clients meet their fitness and health goals. Every day will be a fresh experience. You'll find personal and
financial satisfaction when you choose a fitness career.

It's so easy to learn more; simply contact Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Rochester, MN.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/minnesota-rochester.html on line 58

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Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Shakopee, Minnesota

Obtaining reputable fitness certifications from a personal trainer school can start you on your way to a great
career. Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Shakopee, Minnesota offers two choices in
fitness trainer certification programs. You can opt to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in two-years or
attend a diploma program which will jump start your career in only eighteen months.

No matter which plan at MSB/GC you select, you'll find a great deal of happiness and satisfaction working in the
fitness industry. Your clients will count on you to design personalized, safe and effective exercise programs and
make nutrition recommendations to help them meet their fitness goals. This is one of the fastest growing
industries as more and more people become aware of how important it is to take good care of their bodies, and
exercise regularly.

If you are contemplating a new career in the health and wellness industry becoming educated in this field may
open many new possibilities. It's easy to obtain complimentary, no-obligation information, simply contact
Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Shakopee, Minnesota. Learn about their cirrculum, class
schedules, and costs.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/minnesota-shakopee.html on line 61

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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Minnesota School of Business and Globe College - Waite Park, Minnesota

You'll find the best personal trainer courses at Minnesota School of Business and Globe College (MSB/GC) in Waite
Park, Minnesota. The personal trainer certification programs at St. Cloud campus allow you to choose between an
AAS two-year degree and an 18-month diploma program. The small class size makes either of these programs fully
able to help you obtain educational goals.

Upon graduation, you'll be fully prepared for a successful personal trainer career. You can start your very own elite
personal fitness training business or work in one of the exciting workplaces that require fitness professionals.
These include gyms and sports centers, wellness centers, gyms and many more.

If you want to learn more about the programs available at Minnesota School of Business and Globe College in Waite
Park, Minnesota, simply contact them to receive answers to all your quesitons.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/minnesota-stcloud.html on line 59

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Bryan College - Springfield, Missouri

Are you having trouble in deciding which Missouri fitness trainer certification programs to select; you've come to
the right place. Here you will learn more about the finest MO fitness trainer program at Bryan College in
Springfield, Missouri and it may be just the program for you. The physical fitness trainer courses taught at this
accredited school will prepare you in every way to enter the in-demand career field upon graduation.

When you finish your schooling and become certified y ou'll be prepared to design, develop and instruct clients in
the best exercise programs, weight loss programs and techniques to achieve their fitness and weight goals. You'll
rejoice with your clients when they achieve or exceed a fitness goal. You'll also have the skills to work with the
elderly, handicapped and other special needs clients. Every day of your career will be personally satisfying as well
as financially satisfying.

complimentary informationis simple and easy to obtain to learn all the details about their unique fitness training
courses as well as get all your important questions answered. Just contact Bryan College in Springfield, Missouri.


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Heritage Institute - Kansas City, Missouri

Don't just dream of getting your Missouri personal trainer certification. Heritage Institute in Kansas City offers a
program that can let you make your dream a reality. You can learn the science and skills needed to become a
success in this health-related industry that is growing so rapidly.

The personal trainer courses you'll attend will prepare you for a career helping people improve their fitness levels,
lose weight, rehabilitate their bodies after injuries and meet their goals in improving their health and stamina.
You'll be qualified to assess needs, develop personalized training programs and teach clients how to safely perform
exercises that will allow them to live a healthier lifestyle.

By completing this program in elite personal training in Kansas City, you'll be able to seek employment in places
like resorts, sports centers, wellness centers and other great workplaces. You'll find yourself working in jobs that
are exciting and know that you are making a difference in the lives of your clients.

Learn how this Missouri personal trainer certification program can help you make your dream come true. Contact
Heritage Institute in Kansas City, Missouri to get all the facts about the courses, class schedule, fees and much


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
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Pinnacle Career Institute - Kansas City, Missouri

Fitness trainer certification programs are not all alike. One Missouri fitness trainer program stands out from the
crowd. The education to become a personal trainer you'll receive at Pinnacle Career Institute in Kansas City will
prepare you in every way to become a successful professional in this health and fitness field. In only 32 weeks,
you'll learn through classroom and hands-on training the techniques and skills employed by the top professionals in
the field.

This industry provides interesting and challenging employment opportunities upon graduation. You will be prepared
to work in commercial sports centers, corporate wellness centers or private environments. You'll assess, test,
design and implement safe, effective programs for weight loss or gain and become proficient in the business skills
necessary to be an effective professional.

Whether you want to operate your own practice or work in a gym, sports center, spa or one of the other exciting
workplaces hiring qualified professionals, you'll want to learn more about this career choice. All you have to do is
contact Pinnacle Career Institute in Kansas City, Missouri.


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Personal Fitness Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada

Are you seeking a quality school that offers reputable fitness certifications?

Personal Fitness Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada offers elite personal fitness training.

In fact: "The mission of Professional Fitness Institute is to provide the highest quality of education and services
required to prepare students for careers in fitness-related employment."

The American public is turning more toward preventative health with such a large population being overweight and
unfit, and a personal trainer is a good career choice because fitness careers are at an all time high. With the
training you receive at this fine school you will be ready to enter a fast growing job market in need of qualified
professionals. You will be free to choose your workplace: health clubs, spas, medical facilities, and sports teams
all need trainers. You'll choose your own work schedule, and the number of clients you want to see in a given day.
You can also become a fitness instructor and teach classes. Your personal trainer career will allow you to create a
lifestyle that supports freedom and wellness for both you and your clients simultaneously.

You may also want to learn more about PFI's professional spokesperson, Jay Cutler who is the current Mr. Olympia,
3-time runner-up Mr. Olympia and the 3-time consecutive winner of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic.

If you are interested in learning more about this Las Vegas fitness trainer program you may wish to visit the school
and take a tour of their facilities.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Everest Institute in Portland, Oregon

Have you considered obtaining the education to become a personal trainer in Portland? Oregon fitness trainer
certification programs can be quite confusing and research can be time consuming. Before you decide on where to
attend physical fitness trainer courses, you will want to know more about Everest Institute in Portland, Oregon.

Not only will this accredited college provide information about the professional fitness program, but they will even
help you determine if this is the right career for you. They assist students in obtaining financial aid when needed
and provide placement services upon graduation.

With the speed at which the need for fitness professionals is growing, you'll probably have employers seeking you
upon graduation. Fitness and natural health are the two fastest growing industries in America. You'll find work in
gyms, fitness and wellness centers and many other exciting workplaces. You'll also enjoy personal satisfaction
helping your clients achieve their fitness goals, weight goals and improve their lives. You'll earn a lucrative living
as well.

To learn more, you simply need to enter your information in the school's online form. By requesting complimentary
information you can receive answers to all your important questions.

Click here, to learn more > Everest Institute in Portland, Oregon


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Letourneau University in Austin, Texas

Are you seeking one of the Christian fitness trainer schools in the U.S.? Letourneau University in Austin, Texas
might be just the right school for you. Located at 8501 North MoPac Expressway, the campus is convenient to
Highways 1 and 183 and only a short drive from Interstate 35.

When you choose Letourneau to learn kinesiology and fitness, you will have your choice for four programs. You can
earn a B.S. degree in Fitness Education, Exercise Science, Sports Management or Sports Ministry, depending on
which area you wish to focus your career.

This personal fitness trainer school in Texas offers the latest equipment on which to learn the techniques you'll
need to become a success in your career. You'll learn through classroom and hands-on experience exactly how to
access clients' needs, develop and implement the right program for each individual and access progress which
maintaining accurate records.

You'll want all the details about this Christian fitness trainer school to make a decision and facts are free and
simple to obtain. Just contact the school directly by entering in your inforamtion and you receive all the details at

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Austin, Texas


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Letourneau University in Bedford, Texas

There are many Texas fitness degrees to choose from. After all, Texas is such as large state. But if you want to
earn a degree with a Christian focus, Letourneau University in Bedford may be perfect for your training. Located at
4001 Airport Freeway, one of the main thoroughfares through Bedford, you'll find a modern campus with the latest
equipment for your training.

You can choose between four Texas exercise science degrees at Letourneau. A Kinesiology Bachelor of Science
focusing on either the All Level Teaching, Exercise Science Concentration, Sports Management or Sport Ministry
programs are available or you can choose to minor in Kinesiology while majoring in another discipline. You can
even attend some or most of your training using the Distance Learning program for non-traditional studies.

The TX fitness trainer education you'll receive will prepare you to work in one of the many businesses that require
trained professionals. You can find employment as a church activities director, in gyms and fitness centers, spas,
resorts and many other interesting places of employment.

To learn all about the Texas fitness degrees and your career options, you can quickly obtain complimentary
informationwith all the facts. Just request info from the school directly by entering your information.

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Bedford, Texas.


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LeTourneau University - Dallas, Texas

It can be difficult to locate Christian universities that offer Texas fitness degrees. You'll be happy to know that
LeTourneau is a non-denominational institution that offers a choice of four B.S. degrees in Kinesiology. You can
focus your studies on aspects of kinesiology such as teaching, exercise science, sports management or sports
ministry. The school is located conveniently beside Interstate 635 at 5710 Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway to easy
access to campus.

If you choose LeTourneau University to obtain your sports management education, you'll find employment in
exciting workplaces including churches, Christian schools, sports centers, gyms and many other places that need
services of well-trained, dedicated professional trainers. You'll have the opportunity to show your love for people
and God each day through your work.

Your Texas physical fitness education will provide a foundation in spiritual and biblical teachings and allow you to
grow within yourself while developing the skills to share renewal in health and fitness with others. Few career
choices can be as satisfying for a Christian that wants to earn a good income while helping others.

To learn more about the Texas fitness degrees and the spiritual principles on which this school is founded, you can
simply ask for complimentary information. The school will be happy to answer all your questions and provide
details about courses, registration and student services once you enter your information.

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Dallas, Texas


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LeTourneau University - Houston, Texas

A Houston fitness trainer education with a focus on Christian and spiritual aspects can be yours by attending
LeTourneau University. The modern, spacious facilities and state of the art equipment are located at 1233 West
Loop South, just off Interstate 610.

During your Texas physical fitness education, you'll learn about health promotion and disease prevention as well as
athletic training, and business management. The four kinesiology programs available allow you to focus your skills
in specific areas of the health and fitness industry.

The sports and personal trainer degrees at LeTourneau can prepare you for one of the most unique ministries
available. You may choose to work in Christian camps or schools, retreats or you may choose to share your spiritual
beliefs while working in gyms, spas or community programs. You'll enjoy unique opportunities to share your love
for others through teaching them how to reach fitness goals and live healthier lifestyles.

The Houston fitness training education you'll find here includes a full range of student services. Financial aid
options for those who need a little help with funding are available. To learn all the facts about the classes,
schedule, fees and other details, just contact the school by entering your information in the school's convenient
online request form. The complimentary details will be sent to you promptly.

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Houston, Texas


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/healthcare/letourneau-houston.html on line 63
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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas

Obtaining Texas sports and personal trainer education at a quality Christian university can lead you toward a bright
future in the rapidly growing health and fitness field. LeTourneau University in Longview, located at 2100 South
Modderly Avenue in Longview is one choice that may appeal to you. To easily locate the campus, simply exit
Interstate 20 at the Estes Parkway exit, (595B) and turn north. At the campus, you'll find up to date equipment and
spacious facilities in a welcoming, spiritual atmosphere.

Construction of an on-campus chapel is underway, expected to open in early 2007 and seating for 2,000 will be
provided. This will provide a venue for student worship as well as concerts and community activities.

The physical fitness classes in Texas at LeTourneau are taught in the 75,000 square foot facility which includes
racquetball courts, weight rooms, a martial arts room, gyms and much more. The laboratories for kinesiology
studies have all the very best equipment available.

This Christian college with personal trainer degrees offers you a choice of four B.S. degrees, each focusing on a
different aspect of the science kinesiology and fitness. You'll find a well-balanced curriculum at LeTourneau in
every way.

You'll find that Texas sports and personal trainer education will prepare you for interesting work that can be
satisfying both financially and spiritually. To learn about career options and student services, request no-obligation
details by filling in your information. You'll learn about financial aid options, fees, schedules and much, much more.

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

LeTourneau University in Tyler, Texas

A Christian college fitness degree can be earned from LeTourneau University in Tyler, Texas allowing you to enter
a challenging and fun field working with people to obtain their health and fitness goals. You'll also be able to share
your love for others and build a lucrative career that will help you keep fit throughout life as well.

This personal trainer school in Texas allows you to select one of four areas on which to focus your fitness training,
each leading to a B.S. in Kinesiology. You can specialize in teaching aspects, sports management, exercise science,
or sports ministry. Each of these lead to unique and satisfying job opportunities in workplaces such as churches,
community services, schools and many others that need trainers that apply safe, effective fitness techniques in
their services.

If you specialize in the teaching aspects, upon completing your education to become a fitness instructor, you can
earn a great income teaching others the art and science of health and fitness. For many, this means a satisfying
career developing others' skills and knowledge.

If you want to earn a Christian college fitness degree, you'll want to obtain complimentary information about this
fitness school college by entering your information and the school will respond with all the facts, as well as a
bright future, are awaiting you.

To learn more, click > LeTourneau University in Tyler, Texas.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Heritage Institute - Falls Church, Virginia

It can be so difficult to choose between personal trainer courses in Virginia. It is important to learn about all the
choices available and Heritage Institute in Falls Church, Virginia should be on your list of schools to consider. The
spacious facilities and well-trained staff are prepared to teach you the skills you need to enter this professional

Once you complete your education to become a personal trainer, career employment opportunities available to
you will cover a wide range of choices. You can seek employment in spas and resorts, gyms and sports centers,
weight loss centers and many other workplaces where professional training staff help clients reach their health and
performance goals.

Fitness instructor training will allow you to have a satisfying career helping people in positive ways. You'll also
learn how to keep your own body fit and healthy. Your work will involve assessing the needs of clients and teaching
them how to implement programs to improve stamina, flexibility and increase their sense of wellness using safe,
practical techniques.

There's much more to learn about the personal trainer courses in Virgina. All the facts are at your fingertips. Just
contact Heritage Institute in Falls Church, Virginia to receive details.


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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Heritage Institute - Manassas, Virginia

The fitness instructor education in Virginia at Heritage Institute, located in Manassas, can allow you to develop
the skills and knowledge to enter the interesting and challenging career field in this health-related industry. The
well-qualified instructors will provide hands-on and classroom learning experience to allow you to prepare for a
satisfying, successful future.

Physical fitness training is a growing industry as more people focus on developing better health and becoming more
fit. A trainer works closely with clients to learn about their goals and desires. A personal program that specifically
addresses the needs of the client is developed and instruction in how to perform exercises and lifestyle changes to
meet those goals safely and effectively is provided. This can be very exciting, satisfying work as you watch your
clients reach their dreams.

Fitness trainer certification programs allow students that apply themselves to qualify for employment in
workplaces like hospitals, gyms, resorts, and other workplaces that need caring, qualified fitness professionals. As
more and more people become health conscious, the need for trainers has increased steadily. This trend is
expected to continue in coming years.

A fitness instructor education in Virginia can start you on your way to a lucrative and satisfying career. If you love
working with people and are fitness-conscious, you'll want to learn more about and the program offered.
Information about classes and registration will be provided quickly by contacting Heritage Institute in Manassas,


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Everest College - Seattle, Washington

Choosing between the various fitness trainer certification programs can be confusing and difficult. With fitness
training becoming one of the fastest growing industries in America, Washington fitness trainer classes may be a
turning point in your life, so you want to select carefully. Of the Seattle personal trainer schools, Everest College is
recognized to be among the very best.

Upon graduation, you'll be prepared for employment in some exciting workplaces such as health and fitness
centers, YMCA, YWCA programs, athletic training facilities and many others. You'll be well versed in the techniques
required to work with elderly, disabled and other special needs clients.

With the rapid growth in the need for trained professionals, you'll find yourself in demand by many employers. The
best part is that every work day, you'll gain personal and spiritual satisfaction while earning a lucrative income.

To learn all the details about this life purose career, simply contact the school directly. You can ask for
complimentary, no-obligation information to receive answers to your important questions. Just fill out the school's
convenient online request form.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Seattle, Washington


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Ashmead College - Everett, Washington

You may have just found the right Washington personal trainer program for you! The fitness trainer courses at
Ashmead College provide the best possible Everett personal trainer school available. You'll learn all the skills and
techniques necessary to become a success in this rapidly growing professional field.

As more and more people are turning to fitness and natural healthcare options, you'll find that upon graduation,
employment doors are open to you at gyms, fitness centers, wellness centers and other exciting locations.

As a trained professional in the fitness and exercise specialist field, you'll not only earn a lucrative living. Every
workday you will have the joy of watching your clients obtain their fitness and weight loss goals and enjoy seeing
their lives changed in positive ways. You'll have the special skills to help the elderly, handicapped and special
needs clients soar beyond their expectations.

To learn all about this career and the program offered, simply request complimentary informationfrom Ashmead
College in Everett, Washington.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Everest College in Fife/Tacoma, Washington

No matter your age, obtaining a Washington personal trainer education will open doors to an exciting, new in-
demand career path.

Choosing the right school from the fitness trainer certification programs can be difficult and time consuming.
Before you make a final decision about where to obtain your education to become a personal trainer, you'll want to
investigate Everest College in Vancouver, Washington.

Fitness and health are major growth industries today. The need for trained professionals that obtain their
education at accredited schools reaches new highs every day. Not only will you find employment easy to find,
you'll gain personal satisfaction every day by helping people reach their fitness goals. You'll also earn a lucrative
living as well.

To learn all about the program, contact the school directly. They have made it so easy to do so through their
online info request form. Just take a minute and fill out the form and a school representative will promptly get
back to you with complimentary information on classes, scheduling, and tuition fees.

To learn more, click > Everest College in Fife/Tacoma, Washington


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Everest College - Vancouver, Washington

Are you trying to select from among the Washington fitness trainer programs in order to choose the right one for
you to obtain your fitness trainer education? One personal trainer school that stands out among the crowd is
Everest College in Vancouver, Washington.

Fitness is closely tied with health, injury prevention and stamina. Today, more than ever before, people are
seeking guidance from professionals on how they can best achieve their fitness goals. Safe programs and
techniques are designed by the fitness exercise specialist. They share professional instruction on physical fitness
techniques as they supervise and educate their clients. Too often, people have experienced serious injury and
setbacks when attempting to work alone and more and more people are in need of qualifed exercise specialists
and fitness trainers.

Every workday will be exciting and rewarding. You'll gain personal satisfaction while earning a lucrative living.
Knowing you have made a positive difference in the lives of your clients.

To learn all about this exceptional personal trainer program, simply request information by filling out the school's
online info form. You will promptly receive no-obligation information and get all your important questions

To learn more, click > Everest College in Vancouver, Washington


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Alternative Health Care Schools

Fitness Training Degrees Online

Affordable online degrees can be a great way to enter a new career field or start training for your first career.

By obtaining an online fitness trainer certification, you can enter one of the fastest growing employment fields
available. One online university with fitness degree classes is the Optimal Performance Institute where you can
obtain a first-rate fitness degree. By earning your AA degree in Personal Fitness Training, you can be ready to
begin work in the fitness industry in as little as fifteen months or less.

Perhaps you have doubts as to whether an online education will fulfill all your needs and provide you with the
training and confidence to enter this field. Every month, a teleconference for students is offered. All you have to
do is pick up the phone and listen as key material for the course is explained in detail.

This tool can help you stay motivated and keep you on the right track toward obtaining your goals. While these
teleconferences are optional, many students find them invaluable when using online learning as their means of
obtaining a degree.

If you live in an area where attending a college or educational school is not an option, you may want to learn more
about the various opportunities and online fitness programs to begin your training.

Click here, and learn about Penn Foster Career School. They offer an online fitness and nutrition course designed
to assist you in deepening your health education. Their program is designed for those who wish to:

● Become a fitness trainer to help clients achieve positive lifestyle changes.

● Be an important part of a professional Fitness and Nutrition staff.
● Work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a Fitness and Nutrition consultant.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Alternative Health Care Schools

Thomas Education Direct - Online Distance Learning

If you are looking for online fitness trainer distant learning courses you will glad you found Thomas Education
Direct. Their online fitness trainer certification courses will also teach you skills for managing personal health and
injury prevention, sports nutrition, and stress management. You can complete your education in as little as 6
months depending on your schedule and work right from your own home.

Upon graduation, your skills will assist you in finding a job as a fitness trainer and you can help your clients achieve
positive lifestyle changes. You might want to work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a fitness
and nutrition consultant. You will be working in a growing field, as demand for fitness and nutrition professionals is
predicted to increase by as much as 45% by the year 2012.

If you are interested in an online fitness trainer school, be sure and request the information you need to learn
more about the opportunities at, Thomas Education Direct.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Online Health Club Management Degrees

An affordable online fitness management degree program may be just the right solution for you if you want to
obtain a Bachelor's in fitness and health club management or are looking for a way to begin your education in this
in demand field. Unlike the restricting schedules and long commutes associated with traditional learning
institutions, online schools offer you the flexibility you need combined with educational tools that will ensure your

Health and fitness management degrees are being sought because this field has experienced astronomical growth
in recent years and continues to grow at a steady pace. As more and more people realize that weight
management, heart health and general fitness lead to a longer and fuller life, facilities that provide for the needs
of these clients must offer well-trained professionals to manage the business and help the clients obtain their
fitness goals in a safe and effective manner. Whether you dream of owning your own health club or working for an
existing business, you'll find work that is personally satisfying and financially lucrative upon completion of your

Because many people find it difficult to attend classes, or representation of educational resources in their
geographical location are lacking, an online health school may be an ideal solution.

Click here, and learn about Penn Foster Career School. They offer an online fitness and nutrition course designed
to assist you in deepening your health education. Their program is designed for those who wish to:

● Become a fitness trainer to help clients achieve positive lifestyle changes.

● Be an important part of a professional Fitness and Nutrition staff.
● Work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a Fitness and Nutrition consultant.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Affordable Online Health and Nutrition Degrees

Today, more than ever before, people are concerned with health and fitness as well as nutrition and exercise.

These areas of the health care industry are growing at astounding rates and the need for trained professionals is
expected to continue to increase. If you want to become qualified as a professional in these fields, you can do so
by choosing one of the affordable online degrees available. Online courses in health and fitness as well as all the
courses you need to obtain health and nutrition counseling degrees are provided at significantly lower cost than
traditional classroom learning experiences. Even better, you get to skip the commute to class.

A well rounded health and nutrition degree teaches you about vitamins, minerals and supplements, traditional and
modern foods, nutrition and the human heart, environmental medicine, and may even go as far as teaching you
about the benefits of detoxing the body, and what activities are best for supporting the body.

Other areas a health and fitness degree may also include are biomechanics, psychology of training, stress
management, breathing, life energy, mind-body experience, Eastern and Western fitness practicum, and
biomechanics and injury.

You can know with a well rounded education that provides training in all these areas that earning a health-related
degree will lead you into a career path that is both satisfying personally and financially lucrative. There are many
online programs to choose from. Be sure and contact the schools of choice, and learn about their programs and
creditials so that you make the best choice for your future.

Click here, and learn about Penn Foster Career School. They offer an online fitness and nutrition course designed
to assist you in deepening your health education. Their program is designed for those who wish to:

● Become a fitness trainer to help clients achieve positive lifestyle changes.

● Be an important part of a professional Fitness and Nutrition staff.
● Work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a Fitness and Nutrition consultant.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Physical Fitness Courses at Personal Trainer Schools

Online Weight Management Program

If you believe a degree in natural health may be in your future, you will want to consider attending a weight loss
counselor certification program as an option. By obtaining a natural health degree through a certified weight loss
management program, you'll be prepared to begin in this healthcare-related career with all the skills and
confidence you need to become a success.

There are many options for online degree programs that can meet all your needs in preparing for your future
success in this arena. Most offer teleconferencing support to ensure that online students have all the tools at their
disposal to remain motivated and succeed in this non-traditional learning institution.

With people so concerned with managing their diets and obtaining health through natural means, services from
trained professionals are highly sought after. Natural health is one of the fastest growing industries in America
today. Each year, the need for these professionals reaches new peaks. Whether you open your own practice or
work in a health club or other natural health-related business, you'll help people management their food intake
and use natural technique to obtain their health and fitness goals.

Another benefit of education in weight management are the many applications and career directions where this
type of training is helpful. You will add another diminision to your knowledge base and educational background as
you build your creditials and resume.

Click here, and learn about Penn Foster Career School. If you are interested in weight management this online
fitness school has a course that may round out your education. Their program is designed for those who wish to:

● Become a fitness trainer to help clients achieve positive lifestyle changes.

● Work at a health club or gym, or start your own business as a Fitness and Nutrition consultant.
● Be an important part of a professional Fitness and Nutrition staff.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences - Orlando, Florida

Christian nursing schools can provide the education you want to learn to help patients with both physical and
spiritual aspects of health care. The Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences in Orlando offers excellent degree
choices which include online nursing courses for Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences and RN-to-BS degrees.

Few Florida colleges of nursing provide the Christian education available from CHS. Whichever course you choose,
you'll find CHS attends to every aspect of patient care. Acknowledging that spiritual health is as important as
physical care, you'll be qualified to help patients in spiritual pain as well as physical pain.

As a college in Florida for BS in nursing, your education will prepare you to provide the best patient care possible.
And with the convenience of working toward your degree in your own time, you will find all the support and tools
are provided to help you complete th online nursing programs you choose.

Orlando metro area is one of the medical centers of Central Florida. You'll find employment in one of the many
hospitals in the area, doctors' offices, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, wellness centers, sports centers and
private homes. You'll enjoy satisfaction each day in spiritual, personal and financial areas as you help people feel

If you want to know about one of the finest Christian nursing schools anywhere, all you have to do is contact the
Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences in Orlando, and you can receive the information you need to receive
answers to all your quesitons about these two terrifce distance learning nursing programs.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Jacksonville University - Online Nursing Programs

Are you thinking of obtaining your credentials through one of the online nursing programs? Jacksonville University
provides online programs in nursing to help you attain more nursing knowledge and creditials.

By accessing this RN to BSN online nursing program, you'll find it simple and easy to update your skills and
knowledge to advance your career and earning potentials. As a practicing RN, you'll complete an additional thirty
hours to your education through streaming lectures and videos that are available 24 hours per day, seven days per
week. You'll be qualified to practice in all healthcare environments and you won't ever have to commute to a
single class. Everything is completed right online!

Not all nursing courses online provide the necessary flexibility for a career health care worker who wishes to
advance. This opportunity does allow you all the flexibility you need while maintaining your work and family
schedule. Just log on and complete your class work at your own pace and convenience.

To learn all the details about this online nursing program, simply contact Jacksonville University - Online Nursing
Programs for complimentary information.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Davenport University Online

A great way to obtain continuing education nursing courses or attending a BA nursing online program is through
Davenport University. Their online nursing programa provide top quality classes without the commute to school.
This means of education is becoming more and more popular today and is proven to be just as effective as
classroom face-to-face training. It also provides a great deal more flexibility for the student.

Health care jobs are in the fastest growing employment sector today. 10 of the top 20 fastest growing career fields
are in the area of health care. In fact, health care related jobs are listed as #2 as far as growth industries. You'll
have no problems finding employment upon completion of your studies.

If you want a satisfying career in a growing field that makes a positive difference in people's lives, this career
choice is for you. You'll earn a lucrative living while gaining personal satisfaction from knowing that you are
helping people. You'll work closely with doctors to implement their orders for the patient.


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483
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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Grand Canyon University Online – Online Education

Online nursing courses through Grand Canyon University Online can allow you to earn your credentials as an RN or
LPN or you can earn a BS or MS in this healthcare field. It can also allow you to increase your education by earning
a higher degree than you currently hold, allowing you to increase your skills and earning power.

Online LPN nursing programs offer distance learning that give you the flexibility in scheduling that many people
need. You do have to meet requirements on coursework and timeframes, but you can perform your work during
whatever hours of the day or evening you choose. This is a perfect way for people who are employed to obtain
their educational goals.

A nursing education online will provide the same knowledge that you'll obtain in a face-to-face learning
experience. You'll have contact with instructors that will provide you the guidance you need and the help you

All the facts about how to complete online nursing courses is simple and easy to get. Just contact Grand Canyon
University Online to learn about how you can earn your credentials online.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Sentinel University - Online School - Master of Science in Nursing

Earning a Master of Nursing online degree can allow even the busiest person to obtain the degree they seemed far
from reach. By earning your degree online, you can easily fit class work into any part of the day or evening that
suits your needs. Sentinel University offers a Master of Science in Nursing that allows you this flexibility while
providing you a top-quality education.

Your online college nursing degree will prepare you to sit for the national board exams and obtain your license to
practice in this satisfying health care field. You'll be prepared to care for patients and provide treatments and
therapies following doctor's orders. You'll also be prepared to work closely with physicians and other nurses to
provide the highest quality of care possible for those that are ill or infirm.

Nursing programs online have become one of the most popular means of obtaining a degree. With the application
of technology to the learning experience, you will enjoy the same support and attention as if you were commuting
to a classroom. You will, however, need to maintain motivation but that is easy because the classes are
interesting, detailed and fun. You'll have professional mentors to assist you via email, chat, telephone and
personal contact. Why hassle with the restrictions of classroom schedule, commuting through heavy traffic and the
other problems involved with a face-to-face classroom experience? You can avoid the hassles while obtaining the
quality of learning experience you need to become successful in your career.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Apollo College - Phoenix Westside Campus - Phoenix, Arizona

An AA degree in registered nursing from an Arizona nursing school may be just the opportunity you have been
searching for. By obtaining AZ nursing education, you'll be able to become part of a health care team of
professionals that help people every work day in very necessary ways. One of the Phoenix RN degree programs you
will want learn about is offered at Apollo College – Phoenix Westside Campus.

Upon completion of your training, you'll be ready to sit for your state licensing exams and begin work helping
patients. Working closely with physicians and other medical professionals, you'll provide ordered treatment, care
for patient needs and make their recovery from illness or injury much more comfortable.

For the past several years, there has been a shortfall in the availability of nurses to fill the many jobs available.
This trend is expected to continue for years to come. If you want to enter into a lucrative and satisfying career
where you'll look forward to each work day knowing that you are helping those you serve, you'll want to learn all
the details.

You can obtain complimentary, no-obligation information by contacting Apollo College - Phoenix Westside Campus
in Phoenix, Arizona. It is so easy to request information to get answers to all your important questions.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Career Colleges of America - Los Angeles, California

Are you considering attending one of the many nursing schools in Southern California? If so, you will want to
investigate Career Colleges of America in Los Angeles. This highly accredited institution of higher learning will
provide you a balanced education in the in-demand field of healthcare and prepare you for a bright future.

California nursing programs are not all the same. You want to attend CCA because you will obtain a comprehensive
education which includes not only classroom education but simulated laboratory situations and hands-on clinical
experience. You'll complete 1,560 hrs of transferable credit during your studies in Los Angeles.

This vocational nursing school in LA will make finding employment upon graduation easy. After you sit for the
national board exams and obtain your license, you can obtain assistance from the school's placement services to
find the job that is just right for you. You may choose to work in a hospital, doctor's offices, nursing homes,
convalescent centers, emergency care services or even home health care. You'll find that because of the shortage
of trained professionals, employers will welcome you.

To learn all about this nursing school in Southern California, all you need to do is contact Career Colleges of
American in Los Angeles, California for complimentary, no-obligation information.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Career Colleges of America - San Bernardino, California

Nursing colleges in California are not all created equally. Some provide a more comprehensive education than
others. That is why you will be so happy to learn about Career Colleges of American in San Bernardino. Here, you
will obtain a balanced and comprehensive education that includes classroom work, laboratory simulation and
actual trips to clinics for hands-on observation and work with real patients.

Of the California nursing programs, this is one that is well recognized. It carries full accreditation and will prepare
you when it comes time to take the national board exams and in obtaining your license to practice this healing art.
You'll learn to work with patients in various stages of wellness, maintain patient records accurately and assist
physicians and other healthcare workers in a safe and ethical manner, always following the doctor's orders.

The vocational nursing schools in California are many and varied. You'll want to select CCA because they provide a
full range of student services, including financial aid assistance for those who qualify. Upon graduation, you'll have
access to the job placement services to help you find the right employment for you.

Learn all the details about this nursing college in California, the program and career options upon graduation. The
information is free and there is no-obligation. Simply contact Career Colleges of American in San Bernardino,


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Career Colleges of America - South Gate, California

Sorting through the many nursing programs in California can be quit a task and very time consuming. You'll be glad
to learn about Career Colleges of America in South Gate and perhaps this will end of your search. You'll earn 1,560
hours of transferable credit while attending this highly accredited program, preparing you fully for the national
board exams and obtaining your license to practice in this in-demand healthcare field.

Why choose Career Colleges of American over any other of the vocational nursing schools in California? This answer
is simple. The learning experience at CCA is well-balanced combination. Not only do your receive classroom
direction but you also receive hands-on clinical experience. You'll go on field trips to actual clinics where you will
gain experience working with patients in a real clinical setting.

By choosing CCA from the California nuring programs, you'll find the commute from the Los Angeles area easy.
Located just south of downtown LA and near Torrence, you'll find access from Interstate 710 or Interstate 105.

You can learn all about this nursing program in California by requesting their free info packet. All you need to do is
contact Career Colleges of American in South Gate, California and they will see you get the information you need.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Career Networks Institute - Orange County, California

A California LVN Nursing Program can jump start your way to an exciting professional career. By choosing the right
CA nursing school LVN program you'll learn all the skills you need to excel when taking the state licensing exams.
Career Networks Institute, an Orange County nursing school, can meet all your educational needs to enter this
lucrative, satisfying future in as little as fifty-two weeks.

As a professional in the health care field, you'll find great job opportunities in hospitals, long-term care facilities,
doctors' offices and more. You'll provide basic hygienic and nursing care, check vital signs, assess clients, document
your findings, perform prescribed treatments, administer medications, withdraw blood and provide intravenous
therapy. You'll be helping people return to health and assist them in managing their chronic health problems; every
day will offer an opportunity to help people improve their health and heal from their illnesses.

Qualified professionals are in short supply as the general public ages, so there are many jobs available in this field.
You can quickly and easily learn all the details about this career choice and how your life will benefit from the
education you will receive at this fine institution. All you need to do is request complimentary information from
Career Networks Institute in Orange County, California. You can easily get answers to all your important questions,


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Everest College - Two Campuses in Alhambra & Anaheim, California

Is your search for the right California college of nursing becoming frustrating and time consuming? Then you will be
overjoyed to learn about Everest College in Anaheim (formally Bryman College). Whether your goal is to become a
vocational nurse or a nurses aide, you'll find one of the best programs available at this institution of higher

No matter what nursing schools in CA you have reviewed so far, you'll find that Everest provides the balance of
classroom learning and hands-on clinical experience that is absolutely crucial to your success. You'll be prepared to
enter the workplace with confidence and assurance that you have all the skills and knowledge to allow you to
safely and ethically assist patients who are ill or infirm.

The vocational nursing classes in California allow you to enter your chosen career in an amazing short period of
time. You can also transfer your credits if you choose to go on to an LPN or RN level. You'll find employment in
hospitals, nursing homes, home health care, convalescent facilities and many other exciting workplaces. You'll gain
personal and spiritual satisfaction knowing that you make a positive difference in the lives of each and every
patient you see. At the same time, you'll be earning a lucrative income.

To learn all about this California college of nursing, all you need to do is request complimentary, no-obligation
information. Just contact Everest College in Alhambra & Anaheim, California for details.


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Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Maric College - North Hollywood Campus - San Diego, California

If a career helping people feel better appeals to you, you'll want to know about Maric College, North Hollywood
Campus in California. Of the nursing programs in California, this is a popular choice for those in the southern part
of the state. For the past twenty-five years, this institution of higher learning has provided student a career-based
education. By providing day, evening and Saturday classes, you'll be able to fit the flexible schedule into your busy

This North Hollywood nursing program offers several options in the patient care field. You can choose to become a
nursing assistant, a vocational nurse or a medical assistant. All of these options will provide you with satisfying and
lucrative employment options upon graduation. You'll learn how to work closely with physicians, other
practitioners and provide ethical, safe and caring services to the patients you assist. You'll learn about the
importance and methodology of maintaining patient care records, assessing progress and dealing with emergency

Upon completion of your studies at this California nursing school, you'll be prepared to sit for the national board
exams and become a licensed health care practitioner. There are always many job opportunities in the medical
field and you'll find work in exciting workplaces such as hospitals, doctors' offices, nursing homes, private care,
and many, many other locations. Every workday will be satisfying both personally and emotionally as you make a
positive impact on the lives of many patients each day.

When choosing from the nursing programs in California, you'll want to learn all the details about Maric College,
North Hollywood Campus, California; they will provide complimentary information upon your request.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Maric College - San Diego, California

For over twenty-five years, Maric College in San Diego has been considered one of the finest nursing schools in
California. By offering day, evening and Saturday classes, obtaining a higher education degree is easy even for
those who have a very busy schedule. This institution offers several programs in the health care field including
nursing assistant, vocational nursing and medical assistant.

Upon completion of this California nursing program, you'll be prepared to sit for the national board exams with
confidence. By learning through a combination of classroom and hands-on teaching techniques, you'll develop all
the skills necessary to become successful in this career path.

This nursing school in San Diego will prepare you to work closely with doctors and other practitioners to ethically
and safely provide patient care. You'll learn how to document and maintain records, dispense medication and
provide therapies by carefully following doctors' order. Each day, you'll enjoy the personal and financially
satisfaction of knowing you've done a good job and made difference in the lives of each patient you encounter.
You'll be prepared to meet each challenging new day with self assurance and confidence.

By choosing this institution from the nursing schools in California, you'll find a full range of student services
including assistance in obtaining financial aid, career counseling and job placement. To learn more about the
programs offered at Maric College in San Diego, California, simply request complimentary, no-obligation


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Lincoln Technical Institute - Hamden, Connecticut

Are you seeking just the right choice from the nursing programs in Connecticut? Then you'll want to know more
about Lincoln Technical Institute in Hamden. For more than sixty y ears, this school has provided students with a
stable, solid and supportive educational experience.

This LPN nursing program in CT is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of
Technology (ACCSCT) and is designed to allow students to complete their studies and enter the workplace as
quickly as possible.

The Connecticut practical nursing program at Lincoln is career-focused on only those courses that will prepare you
for your chosen field. You don't have to attend general studies courses to earn your credentials. This allows you a
fast track education while learning all the needed skills and practices to become a success in the field of patient

Upon completion of your studies, you'll be prepared when sitting for the national board exams. After passing the
exam, you'll find exciting employment opportunities in hospitals, doctors' offices, nursing homes, private homes
and health department. You will work closely with doctors and other health care practitioners to provide safe,
effective treatment for those patients for whom you provide services in a caring manner that only you can bring to
this healing art. Your work will be satisfying both personally and financially as you make a much needed difference
in the lives of each and every patient you encounter.

To learn all the details about this nursing program in Connecticut, simply fill out the school's convenient online
form and you will recieive no-obligation, complimentary information..

To learn more, click > Lincoln Technical Institute in Hamden, Connecticut


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Lincoln Technical Institute - New Britain, CT

Searching through all the nursing schools in Connecticut to find the right one for you is a huge task. You want to
locate a school that provides a comprehensive education using both classroom and supervised, hands-on
techniques. Lincoln Technical Institute in New Britain can provided you just that type of learning experience,
preparing you fully for the national board exams.

This CT practical nursing program will teach you how to properly and ethically interact with patients. You'll learn
how to work closely with physicians and other nurses to provide the necessary care to the ill and infirm. You'll
learn to responsibly and safely dispense medication and apply treatments and therapies based on written orders
from the patients' doctors. You'll also learn how to maintain accurate and informative patient charts to assist the
physician in determining progress or identifying problems that may loom on the horizon.

Once you complete your studies at this Connecticut nursing college, you'll be prepared to find employment in
hospitals, doctors' offices, nursing homes, private homes and many other exciting workplaces. You'll also find that
you'll earn a lucrative income while performing satisfying work. There is always a need for well-trained
professional in this area of the health care field.

It is simple and easy to learn all the details about this nursing school in Connecticut. Get answers to all your
questions by requesting complimentary, no-obligation information from the school by simply filling out the school's
convenient online request form.

To learn more, click > Lincoln Technical Institute in New Britain, Connecticut.


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Lincoln Technical Institute - Shelton, Connecticut

Nursing programs in Connecticut are not all alike. You want to obtain your degree through a balanced education
that combines classroom theory with hands-on experience. The Lincoln Technical Institute in Shelton can provide
that type of training for you.

This Connecticut nurses training program will teach you all the skills you need to function as a health care
professional. You'll understand treatments and therapies, how to carefully and safely follow the written order of
doctor's and other nurses, dispense medication safely, and document patient charts. You'll learn how to help those
that are ill or infirm and make them feel better during recovery.

But you also want to select one of the LPN nursing programs in CT that is respected by the medical professionals
that will be considering you for employment after you complete your studies. Because this school is fully
accredited, it is well-recognized as a top institution of higher learning for health care training.

After graduation, you'll have no need to fear sitting for the national board exams. With your solid background in
theory and techniques, you'll be comfortable, knowing you have the knowledge to excel. You'll then be ready to
enter a lucrative and satisfying career.

You'll want to find out all the details about this nursing program in Connecticut. It's simple and easy to get
complimentary information, just fill out the school's convenient online form and they will respond quickly
answering all your questions.

To learn more, click > Lincoln Technical Institute in Shelton, Connecticut


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - Kendall, Florida

There is always a great demand for nurses in South Florida. If you want to enter this career field, you are probably
trying to sort out your options of the various nursing schools in Florida and wondering where to turn. You will not
want to miss out on Keiser University in Kendall. As part of the Miami metro area, the campus is located at 8505
Mills Drive with an actual address of Miami but the location is in the suburb known as Kendall. This campus is
convenient to anyone in Miami Metro.

This Florida RN nursing program will prepare you in every way to enter the exciting field of health care. You'll work
with physicians and other nurses to provide the care each patient needs based on the doctor's orders. You'll
dispense medications and apply therapeutic techniques as directed, helping each patient recover as quickly and
comfortably as possible.

At this Miami nursing college, you'll learn through classroom education and hands-on training exactly how to work
directly with patients using sound ethics and practices to ensure safe and effective treatment. Upon graduation,
you'll sit for the national board exams with confidence and self-assurance. Once you have obtained your license,
you'll find employment opportunities in home health care, hospitals, doctors' offices, wellness centers and many
other lucrative and satisfying places. Even the cruise industry has need of trained professionals on their ships.

As you are searching through the nursing school in Florida, be sure to check this one out. You can obtain
complimentary information designed to answer all your important questions, simply and easily; just contact the
school by filling out their convenient online form, and you will quickly receive back answers to your many

To learn more, click > Keiser College in Kendall, Florida.


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - Lakeland, Florida

Choosing a Florida nursing college is an important decision. You want to attend a school that provides a balance of
classroom and hands-on education. Keiser University in Lakeland provides just that type of comprehensive,
balanced learning experience.

This nursing school in Florida is located in beautiful Lakeland in North Central Florida. With the campus
conveniently located at 3151 Aviation Drive, travel time from anywhere in the Lakeland area is minimal.

While attending the RN nurse training program, you'll learn how to work directly with patients to provide the
needed care based on doctor's orders. You'll learn how to manage health care while incorporating the ethics
necessary to provide safe and effective treatment services, how to dispense medication and how to maintain
records correctly.

Once you complete your studies, you'll be sure to excel when sitting for the national board exam. After obtaining
your license to practice, you'll find many employment opportunities in hospitals, doctors' offices, wellness centers,
nursing homes and many other satisfying workplaces. You'll gain personal and spiritual satisfaction from helping
people feel better while earning a lucrative living.

To learn more about this Florida nursing college and the student services provided, all you need to do is contact
the school by filling out their convenient online form, and you will quickly recieve complimentary, no-obligation

To learn more, click > Keiser University in Lakeland, Florida


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HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - Melbourne, Florida

If you want to attend a fine College of Nursing in Florida, you'll be happy to learn about Keiser University in
Melbourne, Florida. Located directly on U.S. Highway 1 in the northern part Melbourne, the school is convenient to
any part of Brevard County including Satellite Beach, Cocoa, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Sebastian and
surrounding area.

The AA degree in nursing in FL that you will earn from this institution of higher learning will prepare you in every
way to sit for the national board exams and obtain your license to practice this healing art. You'll learn the ethical
care of patients, how to work effectively with physicians and other nurses, how to dispense medication and
maintain patient records, as well as how to provide therapies based on doctor's orders.

Upon graduation from this Florida RN nursing program, you'll find many satisfying and lucrative employment
opportunities. Hospitals, doctors' offices, nursing homes and private care will all be employment options for you to
consider. There is always a need for well-trained, caring nurses in these workplaces and many others.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify at this College of Nursing in Florida and a full range of student
services is provided, including career counseling and job placement services. To learn all the details about the
program and career opportunities, simply contact the school through their online form and you will quickly receive
back the information you need to answer your important questions.

To learn more, click > Keiser University in Melbourne, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - Sarasota, Florida

The Florida RN nursing program you choose to attend will directly affect your future success. You want to choose
the best school possible. Keiser University in Sarasota will provide you a balanced and comprehensive education,
combining classroom education with hands-on laboratory experience to fully prepare you to sit for the national
board exams upon graduation.

This Sarasota nursing school is located at 6151 Lake Osprey Drive in a state of the art three story facility. With over
seven thousand five hundred square feet, spacious classrooms and two medical labs provide an atmosphere that is
conducive to your learning experience. The library house in this nearly new facility is extensive and relaxing study
areas are available.

Once you complete your studies at this college for nursing, you'll find secure, lucrative employment easy to obtain.
There is a shortage of trained, caring nurses in this and many other areas of the country. You'll find work in
hospitals, nursing care facilities, private homes, health departments and many other exciting workplaces. Each
day, you'll know that you have made a positive impact on the lives of the patients for whom you provide top
quality care.

Learn all about the Florida RN nursing program you can contact them for complimentary information by filling out
the school's online request form.

To learn more, click > Keiser University in Sarasota, Florida


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - Tallahassee, Florida

Which nursing school in Florida is right for you? That is a question only you can answer but you will want to
investigate Keiser University in Tallahassee because it just may be the best choice for you.

The school's campus is located at 1700 Halstead Boulevard in Building Two, and the campus is less than fifteen
minutes commute from the State Capital Building and about fifteen miles from the new airport off Interstate 10.

This Tallahassee nursing school provides over five thousand four hundred square feet in the state of the art
facility. Medical laboratories for hands-on training and a student center computer laboratory are only a few of the
benefits of attending this institution of higher learning.

After completing your nurse degree training in Florida, you'll be prepared to sit for the national board exams and
obtain your license to practice the art of patient care. You will be able to easily find lucrative, satisfying
employment in hospitals, private homes, nursing homes, wellness centers and many other exciting workplaces. Due
to the ongoing shortage of well trained, caring health care staff members, you'll find job security in an age where
few people work in the same field for their entire careers. Reflecting on each day's work, you'll feel good about
helping people feel better and making a real positive impact on the lives of your patients. You'll enjoy working
closely with physicians and other health care practitioners.

To learn all the details about this nursing school in Florida, you simply need to contact the school using their
convenient online request form. You will quickly receive complimentary information to answer all your questions.

To learn more, click > Keiser University in Tallahassee, Florida


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26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

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Home > Nursing Schools and Education

Keiser University - West Palm Beach, Florida

If you want to attend a Florida nursing school that will provide you with a balanced, comprehensive education,
you'll be happy to learn about Keiser University in West Palm Beach. Located at 2085 Vista Parkway, the campus is
very convenient to the Florida Turnpike in Palm Beach County. Housed in a facility of over forty thousand square
feet, the air conditioned, well lit classrooms and hands-on laboratories will provide you a great educational

After completing this W. Palm Beach RN nursing program, you'll be prepared to sit for the national board exams
and pass with flying colors. You'll be able to obtain your license and begin working with patients, helping them feel
better and heal quickly. You'll find working with physicians and other nurses exciting and fulfilling. Providing
patient care with the ethical practice of this healthcare art, you'll follow doctors' orders to dispense medication
and apply treatments. You'll also maintain accurate records of patient care and progress. Each day will be
emotionally satisfying as you make a positive impact on the lives of the patients to whom you provide your caring,
efficient services.

Keiser University for Nursing in Florida provides career counseling for those who aren't completely sure what career
option to pursue. They will also provide assistance in obtaining financial aid if needed. A full array of student
services, including post-graduation job placement, are also available.

To learn more about the Florida nursing school provided by, simply contact them for complimentary information
using their convenient online request form.

To learn more, click > Keiser College in West Palm Beach, Florida


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/nursing/keiser-college-wpalmbeach.html on line 65
Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Nursing Schools and Education

MedVance - Miami, Florida

Florida vocational nursing classes in Miami can be convenient and fun if you choose MedVance as your school. In
only sixteen and one-half months, you can be ready to enter the workplace with all the knowledge and skills
needed to become a success and if you are looking for nursing schools at night, this campus offers both day and
evening classes.

This certified nursing program in Florida is located at 9035 Sunset Drive in Miami and is a very easy commute from
the Florida Turnpike, Highway 874 and is just off Southwest 87th Street.

One of the guidelines for choosing from the LVN nursing schools in Florida is to make certain you obtain clinical
experience during your training. At this school, you'll be fully prepared to function as part of a healthcare team
working with doctors and other healthcare professionals. You'll have plenty of laboratory practice in simulated
caregiver situations as well as during hands-on externships.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify and you'll find a full range of student services available. To learn all
the details about these Florida vocational nursing classes, simply contact MedVance in Miami, Florida.


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usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mwga0122/public_html/nursing/medvance-maimi.html on line 60

Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

Home > Nursing Schools and Education

MedVance - Stuart, Florida

Are you reviewing nursing schools at night in Florida, hoping to find the one that fits you the best? Your search may
lead you to a well known school. MedVance in Stuart provides a balanced and comprehensive education that will
fully prepare you to become a success in your chosen field.

Florida vocationl nursing classes are not all created equal. You want to be certain that you attend classes that
provide hands-on clinical simulations as well as externship experience. Only in these ways will you become
confident and comfortable caring for the ill and infirm in actual medical situations.

This Florida school of nursing is conveniently located for those in south central Florida. From Fort Piece to Vero
Beach, it is an easy commute to class. You'll find attentive instructors and small classes which provide the
individual attention that is so crucial to perfecting your skills.

There is a full range of student services available including career counseling and financial aid assistance. To learn
about what this nursing school in Florida offers, you can easily request an info packet from MedVance in Stuart,


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Copyright © 2001-2007 HeartCore Corporation | Massage Therapy Schools

HeartCore Corporation
26828 Maple Valley Hwy, PMB 278
Maple Valley, Washington 98038, USA
Phone & Fax: 206-374-2483

Contact Us | Article Submission Guidelines | Receive Your Free HeartCore Ezine

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