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Lesson 8:  

                                         Chapter 5
Jose Rizal personality (week 7)
The personality of Jose Rizal is describing in this chapter, how one personality
defers from the others, and how he was like or admired by other people due to
his multi-talents.
The Many-Sided Personality
Filipinos and foreigners alike have paid tribute to Jose Rizal claiming that his place of
honor in history is secure. It was his Austrian bosom friend, Professor Ferdinand
Blumentritt, rector of the Imperial Athenaeum of Leitmeritz, who said "Rizal was the
greatest product of the Philippines and his coming to the world was like the appearance
of a rare comet, whose rare brilliance appears only every other century." Another
German friend, Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, director of the Dresden Museum who admired his
all-around knowledge and ability, remarked "Rizal’s many-sidedness was stupendous."
Our own Dr. Camilo Osias pointed to him as the "versatile genius."

His prerocity since early boyhood turned into versatility in later years. Being curious and
inquisitive, he developed a rare facility of mastering varied subjects and occupations.

Rizal acted as a character in one of Juan Luna’s paintings and acted in school dramas.

Rizal had farms in Dapitan, Zamboanga Del Norte (1892-1896) where he planted
lanzones, coconuts and other fruit-bearing trees.

Ambassador of Good Will

His friendliness, goodwill and cultural associations with friends entitled him as one.

Animal Lover
As a small boy, Rizal loved animals including birds, fish, insects, and other specimens
of animal life. Fowls, rabbits, dogs, horses, and cats constituted his favorites. As much
as possible, he did not wish fowls to be killed even for food, and showed displeasure in
being asked to eat the cooked animal. The family garden in Calamba abounded with
insects galore and birds native to the Calamba environs. He wrote about and sketched
animals of the places he had toured.

He made researches on the physical and social make up of man.
Rizal studied monuments and antique currency everywhere he went. He drew most of
the monuments he saw.

Rizal always practiced self-discipline wherever he went.

Book lover
He had a big library and brought many books abroad.

Rizal maintained a garden in Dapitan where he planted and experimented on plants of
all kinds

He had a partner in Dapitan in the Abaca business there (1892-1896).

He drew maps of Dapitan, The Philippines and other places he visited.

Chess Player
He played chess and bear several Germans and European friends and acquaintances.

Citizen of the world

His extensive travels and multitude of friends in Europe, Middle East and Asia made
him one.

Rizal always expresses and published his personal opinion.
He had a good shell collection in Dapitan. An American conchologist praised him.

Rizal taught in his special school in Dapitan.

In his travels, Rizal was able to compare different races and he noted the differences.

Father of community school

He proposed college in Hong Kong and his special school in Dapitan made him a father
of community schools.
He fenced with Europeans and Juan Luna and other friends in Europe.

Freemason abroad
He was member of La Solidaridad Lodge in Spain.

Horticulture and farmer

He experimented on and cultivated plants in Dapitan.

His annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas entitled him as one.

There are many humorous incidents in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

He collected 38 new varieties of fish in Dapitan.

His admiration of Japanese traits and his knowledge of her language proved he was

He authored the published many articles in Spanish and English and London.

Laboratory worker
He was employed in the clinic of Dr. L. Wecker in Paris.

He spoke over 20 foreign languages.

Lover of truth
He chided Spanish writers for not writing the truth about the Filipinos. He was always
truthful since boyhood.
He played the flute and composed pieces of music and cultivated music appreciation.

Rizal used mythology in his Noli and Fili.
He gave full expression of the native spirit strengthened by world civilization and loved
and defended everything Filipino.
He wrote and published articles in many publications and was one of the organizers of
the La Solidaridad.

He graduated in an ophthalmologic college in Spain.

Rizal admired the special characteristic and beauties of Oriental countries peoples.

Rizal treasured and popularized the usefulness and preparation of cures for treatment
of his patients.

Rizal loved of learning and literature is unequalled.
Rizal not only loved wisdom but also regulated his life and enjoyed calmness of the life
at all-time 
Physical culturist
Rizal maintained a good health by exercising all parts of his body and eating proper

He treated several patients afflicted not only with eye diseases.

Plant lover
As a child, Rizal spend most of his time in the family garden which was planted with fruit
Shrubs and decorative trees. His diaries contained detailed description and sketches of
plants, flowers and fruits he saw in the places he visited. He wrote poems on flower he
like very much as his poems To the Flowers of Heidelberg.

Rizal wrote over 35 poems including his famous Ultimo Adios.
Although Rizal did not engage in Politics, he exposed the evils of the political activities
of the Spaniards in the Philippines through his writing. 
Rizal spoke and wrote in 20 languages.

In Germany, He worked as a part-time proofreader of his livelihood.

As a reformer, Rizal encourages the recommendation of improving the government
entities and discourage abuses publishing articles.

Public relation man

He worked for better cooperation of rulers and subjects in his country.

He published the modern methods of government administration, so changes could be

Being a wide reader, he compared the old and new practices in life.

Rizal encouraged reforms, discouraged old, impractical usage, and desired new and
useful laws to benefit his countrymen. He desired changes for the better.
Rizal has always practiced the art of persuasive and impressive speaking and writing.

Rural reconstruction worker

He practiced rural reconstruction work in Dapitan in 1894 and succeeded.

Sanitary engineer
His construction of a water system in Dapitan exemplified this practice by Rizal.

Rizal’s practice of many sciences here and abroad made him noted scientist.

His works of his father and of Father Guerrico, S. J. typified his sculptural ability.
Sharp shooter
He could hit a target 20 meters away.

Rizal’s ancestry and his ability to speak Chinese made him one.
in Rizal’s study of Philippines social problems, he always encouraged and introduced

He always joined fraternities, associations and brotherhood, for self-improvement.

He engaged from a surveying class at the Ateneo after passing his A. B. there.

He was considered the foremost tourist due to his extensive travels.

He traveled around the world three times.

Tuberculosis expert
for having cured himself of this disease, he became and was recognized as an expert.

Youth leader
He considered the youth as "the hope of his Fatherland."

He was fond of pets. He researched later on their physiology, classification and
Chapter 6
Jose Rizal travels  
A man travels the world in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.
Jose Rizal went on his journey abroad in his quest for what his country needs
and come home for the last time to stamp with his blood the truth embedded in
his works.
Rizal's First Trip Abroad
3 May 1882
Rizal left Philippines for the first time Spain. He boarded the Salvadora using a passport
of Jose Mercado, which was procured for him by his uncle Antonio Rivera, father of
Leonor Rivera. He was accompanied to the quay where the Salvadora was moored by
his uncle Antonio, Vicente Gella, and Mateo Evangelista.

He got seasick on board the boat.

He conversed with the passengers of the ship; he was still feeling sea-sick.
He played chess with the passengers on board. He saw mountains and Islands.

Rizal arrived at Singapore.

He went around the town of Singapore and maid some observations.
In Singapore, at 2 p.m., Rizal boarded the boat Djemnah to continue his trip to Spain.
He found the boat clean and well kept. He had a conversation with the passengers of
the boat. Rizal was seasick again. On his way to Marseilles, Rizal had a terrible dream.
He dreamed he was traveling with Neneng (Saturnina) and their path was blocked by
Rizal had another disheartening dream. He dreamed he returned to Calamba and after
meeting his parents who did not talk to him because of not having consulted them about
his first trip abroad, he returned traveling abroad with one hundred pesos he again
borrowed. He was so sad and broken hearted. Soon he woke up and found himself
inside his cabin.
Rizal in Barcelona, Spain 
At 12:00 noon, Rizal arrived at Barcelona and boarded in the Fonda De España.
In a letter, Rizal related to his parents his experiences during his trip from Port Said to
Barcelona. In the same Letter, he requested them to send him a birth certificate and
statement showing that he had parents in the Philippines.
P. Leoncio Lopez of Calamba issued a certified copy of Rizal’s birth certificate. 
His article "Amor Patrio" was published in the Diarong Tagalog, a Manila newspaper
edited by Basilio Teodoro. This was the First article he wrote abroad.
Rizal in Madrid, Spain
Rizal matriculated at the Universidad Central de Madrid. He took the following subjects:
medical clinic, surgical clinic, legal medicine and obstetrical clinic. He attended his
regular classes which stared in all earnest. he was Asked to deliver a poem by the
members of Circulo Hispano-Filipino, there together in the effort to save the association
from disintegration, Rizal recited "Me piden versus." The meeting was held at the house
of Pablo Ortiga y Rey. He attended again of the Circulo Hisfano-Filipino held in house of
Mr. Ortiga. He wrote the article "Revista de Madrid" which was in intended for
publication in the Diarong Tagalog in Manila, but was not published because the
newspaper stops its circulation. Rizal wrote an article entitled "Las Dudas". The article
was signed Laong - Laan.

In a letter, Rizal revealed to Paciano his plan of going to Paris or Rome in June. He
wanted to practice French in Paris and Italian in Rome and to observe the customs of
people in those cities.

- In the evening, Rizal dreamed he was an actor dying in the scene, feeling intensely the
shortage of his breath, the weakening of his strength, and darkening of his sight. He
woke up tired and breathless.
In a letter Rizal appraised his brother Paciano of his activities in Madrid, his impressions
of the city and his meeting with his friends in gathering. In part he said: "The Tuesday of
the Carnival we had a Filipino luncheon and dinner in the house of the Pateros, each
one contributing one duro. We ate with our hands, boiled rice, chicken adobo, fried fish
and roast pig.

Rizal recollected his past impressions when he left his hometown Calamba. This day he
attended a fiesta in Madrid. In a letter, Rizal was informed by Paciano of the 1,350
loaves of milled sugar produced from the Pansol farm and at the same time granting
him to proceed to Paris as soon as he finished the medical course in Madrid. Rizal left
Madrid for Paris to spend his summer and to observe the big French City.
Rizal in Paris, France
Rizal arrived at Paris. He spent the whole day walking around and observing the
beautiful cities.
With Felipe Zamora and Cunanan, He visited the Leannec Hospital to observe how Dr.
Nicaise treated his patients. He was stunned to see the advanced facilities in the
accommodation in the said hospital. He again visited Dr. Nicaise who showed the
technique of operation. Later he went to see the Museum.
In a letter to his parents, sisters and brother, Rizal continued describing the museum,
buildings and hospitals he had visited in Paris. In a letter to his parents, he continued
describing his visits to museum and his excursions to important place in Paris.
Rizal Back in Madrid
Rizal was back in Madrid from his summer vacation in Paris.
He changed his residence from Barquillo St. N0. 34, 4 to San Miguel no. 7, 1 Centro.
He enrolled at the central Universidad de Madrid for the second course in medicine.
He came to know of the imprisonment, by order of Sr. Vicente Barrantes, of the 14 rich
innocent persons in Manila. The Prisoners who knew nothing is the cause of their
detention and who became sick later, were kept in a humid prison cell. Rizal was
indignant of his inhuman act.
 Rizal informed his family of his plan to graduate in medicine at the end of the course in
His sister Maria that Soledad was married on November 4, 1883 informed Rizal in a
letter. Narcisa also informed him that the causes of the delay of sending him a letters
were the cholera, the typhoon, and the death of the parish priest, events, which
occurred in succession.

In the evening Rizal delivered a speech in a banquet held at the Café de Madrid. Many
Filipinos were gathered in the restaurant to bid goodbye to the year 1884.
Rizal proposed to the member of the Circulo assembled in the house of the Pateros, the
publication of a book by association. This idea became the embryo of this first novel
Noli Me Tangere
Early in the morning, Rizal went to the University of San Carlos only to find out that
there was no class. He immediately went to the Café de Madrid to meet members of the
Circulo who were gathered again to discuss the proposed book.
Rizal in Heidelberg, Germany
He arrived at Heidelberg. The town to him looked gay. On the streets he saw students
with cups of different colors. Rizal was living in a boarding house costing him 28 duros a
month. He found German life full of potatoes; potatoes in the morning and potatoes in
the evening.
He penned a letter to his family in Calamba describing his life in Heidelberg and his trip
from Paris to the city of flowers.
With an old woman as guide, Rizal visited the interior of the famous castle in
Heidelberg. He saw the hall of the pages. Waiting room, audience chamber, the court,
and many other parts of building.
In a letter, he informed his family in Calamba of his visits to the eye clinic of Dr. Otto
He wrote to his younger sister, Trinidad, describing the German girl as "serious,
studious, and very much attached to his work" However, she did not have that "delicacy
of hearth’ of the Filipino woman. He advised Trinidad to read and read. While in
Heidelberg experiencing the feeling of nostalgia for his parents and his country, Rizal
wrote the poem "A Las Flores de Heidelberg."
Rizal in Wilhelmsfeld, Germany
He left Heidelberg for Wilhemsfeld to honor invitation extended to him by Reverend Karl
Ullmer whom Rizal meet one day in the woods with the Pastor’s wife, daughter Eta and
son Freidrich. In Wilhelmsfeld where Pastor Ullmer was staying and working, Rizal was
invited to visit the vicarage. Later, on Rizal’s choice, he boarded with the Ullmer family
until he left Wilhelmsfeld by last week of June. From Wilhelmsfeld, he reiterated in a
letter to his parents, the necessity of writing him the badly needed amount.

Rizal left Wilhelmsfeld for Hiedelberg. In Wilhemsfeld he studied the German country
life and practice speaking good German with the Ullmer’s family with whom he live. 
Rizal Returned to Heidelberg
From Heidelberg Rizal sent to Reverend Ullmer the note of 100 pesetas. He wanted to
comply with the promise of paying a latter the amount he incurred while he was in
Rizal wrote few expressive lines dedicated to this beautiful city Heidelberg. He was to
start his travel thru the cities along Rhine River.
On this day he witnessed the fifth centenary celebration of the founding of the University
of Heidelberg, which he enjoyed very much.
Lesson 10 Chapter 7
Jose Rizal’s Women
Male chauvinism and society double standard of morality tolerate man’s flirtation
but look down on a woman’s suggestive gestures to different men. Jose Rizal
while in abroad, would be meeting in his journey different kind
of women. This women are part of his inspiration in making his works and
Rizal, the Romantic
There were at least nine women linked with Rizal; namely Segunda Katigbak, Leonor
Valenzuela, Leonor Rivera, Consuelo Ortiga, O-Sei San, Gertrude Beckette, Nelly
Boustead, Suzanne Jacoby and Josephine Bracken. These women might have been
beguiled by his intelligence, charm and wit.
Segunda Katigbak and Leonor Valenzuela
Segunda Katigbak was her puppy love. Unfortunately, his first love was engaged to be
married to a town mate- Manuel Luz. After his admiration for a short girl in the person
of Segunda, then came Leonor Valenzuela, a tall girl from Pagsanjan. Rizal send her
love notes written in invisible ink that could only be deciphered over the warmth of the
lamp or candle. He visited her on the eve of his departure to Spain and bade her a last
Leonor Rivera
Leonor Rivera, his sweetheart for 11 years played the greatest influence in keeping him
from falling in love with other women during his travel. Unfortunately, Leonor’s mother
disapproved of her daughter’s relationship with Rizal, who was then a known filibuster.
She hid from Leonor all letters sent to her sweetheart. Leonor believing that Rizal had
already forgotten her, sadly consented her to marry the Englishman Henry
Kipping, her mother’s choice.
Consuelo Ortiga
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey, the prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga’s daughters, fell in love with
him. He dedicated to her A la Senorita C.O. y R., which became one of his best poems.
The Ortiga's residence in Madrid was frequented by Rizal and his compatriots. He
probably fell in love with her and Consuelo apparently asked him for romantic verses.
He suddenly backed out before the relationship turned into a serious romance, because
he wanted to remain loyal to Leonor Rivera and he did not want to destroy his
friendship with Eduardo de Lete who was madly in love with Consuelo.
O Sei San
O Sei San, a Japanese samurai’s daughter taught Rizal the Japanese art of painting
known as su-mie. She also helped Rizal improve his knowledge of Japanese language.
If Rizal was a man without a patriotic mission, he would have married this lovely and
intelligent woman and lived a stable and happy life with her in Japan because Spanish
legation there offered him a lucrative job.
Gertrude Beckett
While Rizal was in London annotating the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, he boarded in
the house of the Beckett family, within walking distance of the British Museum.
Gertrude, a blue-eyed and buxom girl was the oldest of the three Beckett daughters.
She fell in love with Rizal. Tottie helped him in his painting and sculpture. But Rizal
suddenly left London for Paris to avoid Gertrude, who was seriously in love with him.
Before leaving London, he was able to finish the group carving of the Beckett sisters.
He gave the group carving to Gertrude as a sign of their brief relationship.
Nellie Boustead
Rizal having lost Leonor Rivera, entertained the thought of courting other ladies. While a
guest of the Boustead family at their residence in the resort city of Biarritz, he had
befriended the two pretty daughters of his host, Eduardo Boustead. Rizal used to fence
with the sisters at the studio of Juan Luna. Antonio Luna, Juan’s brother and also a
frequent visitor of the Bousteads, courted Nellie but she was deeply infatuated with
Rizal. In a party held by Filipinos in Madrid, a drunken Antonio Luna uttered unsavory
remarks against Nellie Boustead. This prompted Rizal to challenge Luna into a duel.
Fortunately, Luna apologized to Rizal, thus averting tragedy for he compatriots.
Their love affair unfortunately did not end in marriage. It failed because Rizal refused to
be converted to the Protestant faith, as Nellie demanded and Nellie’s mother did not like
a physician without enough paying clientele to be a son-in-law. The lovers, however,
parted as good friends when Rizal left Europe.
Suzanne Jacoby
In 1890, Rizal moved to Brussels because of the high cost of living in Paris. In Brussels,
he lived in the boarding house of the two Jacoby sisters. In time, they fell deeply in love
with each other. Suzanne cried when Rizal left Brussels and wrote him when he was in
Josephine Bracken
In the last days of February 1895, while still in Dapitan, Rizal met an 18-year old petite
Irish girl, with bold blue eyes, brown hair and a happy disposition. She was Josephine
Bracken, the adopted daughter of George Taufer from Hong Kong, who came to
Dapitan to seek Rizal for eye treatment. Rizal was physically attracted to her. His
loneliness and boredom must have taken the measure of him and what could be a
better diversion that to fall in love again. But the Rizal sisters suspected Josephine as
an agent of the friars and they considered her as a threat to Rizal’s security. Rizal asked
Josephine to marry him, but she was not yet ready to make a decision due to her
responsibility to the blind Taufer. Since Taufer’s blindness was untreatable, he left for
Hon Kong on March 1895. Josephine stayed with Rizal’s family in Manila. Upon her
return to Dapitan, Rizal tried to arrange with Father Antonio Obach for their marriage.
However, the priest wanted a retraction as a precondition before marrying them. Rizal
upon the advice of his family and friends and with Josephine’s consent took her as his
wife even without the Church blessings. Josephine later give birth prematurely to a
stillborn baby, a result of some incidence, which might have shocked or frightened her.
A short discussion of each poem.
Last Poem of Rizal (Mi Ultimo Adios)
To The Philippines
Our Mother Tongue
Memories of My town
Hymn to Labor
A Poem That Has No Title
Song of Maria Clara
To the Philippines Youth
To Josephine
Education Gives Luster to the Motherland
To the Virgin Mary
Sa Aking mga Kabata
Lesson 11:                                       Chapter 8
The Novels of Jose Rizal
According to Samuel Johnson, a famous poet said, the greatest part of a writer’s
time is spent in reading, in order to write, a man will turn over half a library to
make one book. We read because we want to be informed, we want to learn, but
most of all we want to be entertained. The kind of books we read tell much about
us in the same way that we reveal what we are. Jose Rizal written the two novels
which describes the socio historical political scenario in the country at that time.
Describe the greed for power as the theme of the two novels.                    
Noli Me Tangere
Spain, to Rizal, was a venue for realizing his dreams. He finished his studies in
Madrid and this to him was the realization of the bigger part of his ambition. His vision
broadened while he was in Spain to the point of awakening in him an understanding of
human nature, sparking in him the realization that his people needed him. It must have
been this sentiment that prompted him to pursue, during the re-organizational meeting
of the Circulo-Hispano-Filipino, to be one of its activities, the publication of a book to
which all the members would contribute papers on the various aspects and conditions of
Philippines life.

"My proposal on the book," he wrote on January 2, 1884, "was unanimously approved.
But afterwards difficulties and objections were raised which seemed to me rather odd,
and a number of gentlemen stood up and refused to discuss the matter any further. In
view of this I decided not to press it any longer, feeling that it was impossible to count
on general support…"

"Fortunately," writes one of Rizal’s biographers, the anthology, if we may call it that, was
never written. Instead, the next year, Pedro Paterno published his Ninay, a novel sub-
titled Costumbres filipinas (Philippines Customs), thus partly fulfilling the original
purpose of Rizal’s plan. He himself (Rizal), as we have seen, had ‘put aside his pen’ in
deference to the wishes of his parents.

But the idea of writing a novel himself must have grown on him. It would be no poem to
forgotten after a year, no essay in a review of scant circulation, no speech that passed
in the night, but a long and serious work on which he might labor, exercising his mind
and hand, without troubling his mother’s sleep. He would call it Noli Me Tangere; the
Latin echo of the Spoliarium is not without significance. He seems to have told no one in
his family about his grand design; it is not mentioned in his correspondence until the
book is well-nigh completed. But the other expatriates knew what he was doing; later,
when Pastells was blaming the Noli on the influence of German Protestants, he would
call his compatriots to witness that he had written half of the novel in Madrid a fourth
part in Paris, and only the remainder in Germany.

"From the first," writes Leon Ma. Guerrero, Rizal was haunted by the fear that his novel
would never find its way into print, that it would remain unread. He had little enough
money for his own needs, let alone the cost of the Noli’s publication… Characteristically,
Rizal would not hear of asking his friends for help. He did not want to compromise
them. Maximo Viola insisted on lending him the money (P300 for 2,000 copies); Rizal
at first demurred… Finally Rizal gave in and the novel went to press. The proofs were
delivered daily, and one day the messenger, according to Viola,
took it upon himself to warn the author that if he ever returned to the Philippines he
would lose his head. Rizal was too enthralled by seeing his work in print to do more
than smile.

The printing apparently took considerably less time than the original estimate of five
months for Viola did not arrive in Berlin until December and by the 21st March 1887,
Rizal was already sending Blumentritt a copy of "my first book." 

Rizal, himself, describing the nature of the Noli Me Tangere to his friend Blumentritt,
wrote, "The Novel is the first impartial and bold account of the life of the tagalogs. The
Filipinos will find in it the history of the last ten years…" 

Criticism and attacks against the Noli and its author came from all quarters. An
anonymous letter signed "A Friar" and sent to Rizal, dated February 15, 1888, says in
part: "How ungrateful you are… If you, or for that matter all your men, think you have a
grievance, then challenge us and we shall pick up the gauntlet, for we are not cowards
like you, which is not to say that a hidden hand will not put an end to your life."

A special committee of the faculty of the University of Santo Tomas, at the request of
the Archbishop Pedro Payo, found and condemned the novel as heretical, impious,
and scandalous in its religious aspect, and unpatriotic, subversive of public order and
harmful to the Spanish government and its administration of these islands in its political

On December 28, 1887, Fray Salvador Font, the cura of Tondo and chairman of the
Permanent Commission of Censorship composed of laymen and ordered that the
circulation of this pernicious book" be absolutely prohibited.

Not content, Font caused the circulation of copies of the prohibition, an act which
brought an effect contrary to what he desired. Instead of what he expected, the negative
publicity awakened more the curiosity of the people who managed to get copies of the

Assisting Father Font in his aim to discredit the Noli was an Augustinian friar by the
name of Jose Rodriguez. In a pamphlet entitled Caiingat Cayo (Beware). Fr.
Rodriguez warned the people that in reading the book they "commit mortal sin,"
considering that it was full of heresy.

As far as Madrid, there was furor over the Noli, as evidenced by an article which bitterly
criticized the novel published in a Madrid newspaper in January, 1890, and written by
one Vicente Barrantes. In like manner, a member of the Senate in the Spanish Cortes
assailed the novel as "anti-Catholic, Protestant, socialistic. “It is well to note that not
detractors alone visibly reacted to the effects of the Noli. For if there were bitter critics,
another group composed of staunch defenders found every reason to justify its
publication and circulation to the greatest number of Filipinos. For instance, Marcelo H.
Del Pilar, cleverly writing under an assumed name Dolores Manapat, successfully
circulated a publication that negated the effect of Father Rodriguez’ Caiingat Cayo, Del
Pilar’s piece was entitled Caiigat Cayo (Be Slippery as an Eel). Deceiving similar in
format to Rodriguez’ Caiingat Cayo, the people were readily "misled" into getting not a
copy o Rodriguez’ piece but Del Pillar’s. 

The Noli Me Tangere found another staunch defender in the person of a Catholic
theologian of the Manila Cathedral, in Father Vicente Garcia. Under the pen-name
Justo Desiderio Magalang. Father Garcia wrote a very scholarly defense of the Noli,
claiming among other things that Rizal cannot be an ignorant man, being the product of
Spanish officials and corrupt friars; he himself who had warned the people of committing
mortal sin if they read the novel had therefore committed such sin for he has read the

Consequently, realizing how much the Noli had awakened his countrymen, to the point
of defending his novel, Rizal said: "Now I die content."

Fittingly, Rizal found it a timely and effective gesture to dedicate his novel to the country
of his people whose experiences and sufferings he wrote about, sufferings which he
brought to light in an effort to awaken his countrymen to the truths that had long
remained unspoken, although not totally unheard of.
Noli Me Tangere: Mga Tauhan
Sinimulang sulatin ni Dr. Jose P. Rizal ang mga unang bahagi ng "Noli Me Tangere"
noong 1884 sa Madrid noong siya ay nag-aaral pa ng medisina. Nang makatapos ng
pag-aaral, nagtungo siya sa Paris at doon ipinagpatuloy ang pagsusulat nito. At sa
Berlin natapos ni Rizal ang huling bahagi ng nobela.

Ang pagsusulat ng "Noli Me Tangere" ay bunga ng pagbasa ni Rizal sa "Uncle Tom's

Cabin" ni Harriet Beacher Stowe, na pumapaksa sa kasaysayan ng mga aliping Negro
sa kamay ng mga panginoong putting Amerikano. Inilarawan dito ang iba't ibang
kalupitan at pagmamalabis ng mga Puti sa Itim. Inihambing niya ito sa kapalarang
sinapit ng mga Pilipino sa kamay ng mga Kastila.

Sa simula, binalak ni Rizal na ang bawat bahagi ng nobela ay ipasulat sa ilan niyang
kababayan na nakababatid sa uri ng lipunan sa Pilipinas at yaon ay pagsasama-
samahin niyang upang maging nobela. Ngunit hindi ito nagkaroon ng katuparan, kaya
sa harap ng kabiguang ito, sinarili niya ang pagsulat nang walang katulong.

Ipinaliwanag ni Rizal sa kanyang liham sa matalik niyang kaibigang si Dr. Ferdinand

Blumentritt ang mga dahilan kung bakit niya isinulat ang "Noli." Ang lahat ng mga ito ay
maliwanag na inilarawan sa mga kabanata ng nobela.
Ang pamagat ng "Noli Me Tangere" ay salitang Latin na ang ibig sabihin sa Tagalog ay
"Huwag Mo Akong Salingin" na hango sa Ebanghelyo ni San Juan Bautista. Itinulad
niya ito sa isang bulok sa lipunan na nagpapahirap sa buhay ng isang tao.
Mga Tauhan:
Crisostomo Ibarra
Binatang nag-aral sa Europa; nangarap na makapagpatayo ng paaralan upang matiyak
ang magandang kinabukasan ng mga kabataan ng San Diego.

Piloto at magsasakang tumulong kay Ibarra para makilala ang kanyang bayan at ang
mga suliranin nito.

Kapitan Tiyago
Mangangalakal na tiga-Binondo; ama-amahan ni Maria Clara.

Padre Damaso
Isang kurang Pransiskano na napalipat ng ibang parokya matapos maglingkod ng
matagal na panahon sa San Diego.

Padre Salvi
Kurang pumalit kay Padre Damaso, nagkaroon ng lihim na pagtatangi kay Maria Clara.

Maria Clara
Mayuming kasintahan ni Crisostomo; mutya ng San Diego na inihimatong anak ng
kanyang ina na si Doña Pia Alba kay Padre Damaso

Pilosopo Tasyo
Maalam na matandang tagapayo ng marurunong na mamamayan ng San Diego.

Isang masintahing ina na ang tanging kasalanan ay ang pagkakaroon ng asawang
pabaya at malupit.

Basilio at Crispin
Magkapatid na anak ni Sisa; sakristan at tagatugtog ng kampana sa simbahan ng San

Matalik na kaagaw ng kura sa kapangyarihan sa San Diego
Donya Victorina
Babaing nagpapanggap na mestisang Kastila kung kaya abut-abot ang kolorete sa
mukha at maling pangangastila.
Donya Consolacion
Napangasawa ng alperes; dating labandera na may malaswang bibig at pag-uugali.

Don Tiburcio de Espadaña

Isang pilay at bungal na Kastilang napadpad sa Pilipinas sa paghahanap ng
magandang kapalaran; napangasawa ni Donya Victorina.

Malayong pamangkin ni Don Tiburcio at pinsan ng inaanak ni Padre Damaso na napili
niya para
mapangasawa ni Maria Clara.

Don Filipo
Tinyente mayor na mahilig magbasa na Latin; ama ni Sinang

Señor Nol Juan

Namahala ng mga gawain sa pagpapatayo ng paaralan.

Taong madilaw na gumawa ng kalong ginamit sa di-natuloy na pagpatay kay Ibarra.

Tarsilo at Bruno
Magkapatid na ang ama ay napatay sa palo ng mga Kastila.

Tiya Isabel
Hipag ni Kapitan Tiago na tumulong sa pagpapalaki kay Maria Clara.

Donya Pia
Masimbahing ina ni Maria Clara na namatay matapos na kaagad na siya'y maisilang. 

Iday, Sinang, Victoria, at Andeng

Mga kaibigan ni Maria Clara sa San Diego

Pinakamakapangyarihan sa Pilipinas; lumakad na maalisan ng pagka-ekskomunyon si

Don Rafael Ibarra

Ama ni Crisostomo; nakainggitan nang labis ni Padre Damaso dahilan sa yaman kung
kaya nataguriang erehe.
Don Saturnino
Nuno ni Crisostomo; naging dahilan ng kasawian ng nuno ni Elias.

Mang Pablo
Pinuno ng mga tulisan na ibig tulungan ni Elias.

Kapitan Basilio
Ilan sa mga kapitan ng bayan sa San Diego Kapitan Tinong at Kapitan Valentin

Tinyente Guevarra
Isang matapat na tinyente ng mga guwardiya sibil na nagsalaysay kay Ibarra ng tungkol
sa kasawiang sinapit ng kanyang ama.
Kapitana Maria
Tanging babaing makabayan na pumapanig sa pagtatanggol ni Ibarra sa alaala ng

Padre Sibyla
Paring Agustino na lihim na sumusubaybay sa mga kilos ni Ibarra.

dating seminarista na nakasama sa piknik sa lawa.
El Filibusterismo, the novel
The word "filibustero" wrote Rizal to his friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt, is very little
known in the Philippines. The masses do not know it yet. Jose Alejandro, one of the
new Filipinos who had been quite intimate with Rizal, said, "In writing the Noli Rizal
signed his own death warrant." Subsequent events, after the fate of the Noli was sealed
by the Spanish authorities, prompted Rizal to write the continuation of his first novel. He
confessed, however, that regretted very much having killed Elias instead of Ibarra,
reasoning that when he published the Noli his health was very much broken, and was
very unsure of being able to write the continuation and speak of a revolution.
Explaining to Marcelo H. del Pilar his inability to contribute articles to the La Solidaridad,
Rizal said that he was haunted by certain sad presentiments, and that he had been
dreaming almost every night of dead relatives and friends a few days before his 29th
birthday, that is why he wanted to finish the second part of the Noli at all costs.

Consequently, as expected of a determined character, Rizal apparently went in writing,

for to his friend, Blumentritt, he wrote on March 29, 1891: "I have finished my book. Ah!
I’ve not written it with any idea of vengeance against my enemies, but only for the good
of those who suffer and for the rights of Tagalog humanity, although brown and not

To a Filipino friend in Hong Kong, Jose Basa, Rizal likewise eagerly announced the
completion of his second novel. Having moved to Ghent to have the book published at
cheaper cost, Rizal once more wrote his friend, Basa, in Hong Kong on July 9, 1891: "I
am not sailing at once, because I am now printing the second part of the Noli here, as
you may see from the enclosed pages. I prefer to publish it in some other way before
leaving Europe, for it seemed to me a pity not to do so. For the past three months I have
not received a single centavo, so I have pawned all that I have in order to publish this
book. I will continue publishing it as long as I can; and when there is nothing to pawn I
will stop and return to be at your side."

Inevitably, Rizal’s next letter to Basa contained the tragic news of the suspension of the
printing of the sequel to his first novel due to lack of funds, forcing him to stop and leave
the book half-way. "It is a pity," he wrote Basa, "because it seems to me that this
second part is more important than the first, and if I do not finish it here, it will never be

Fortunately, Rizal was not to remain in despair for long. A compatriot, Valentin

Ventura, learned of Rizal’s predicament. He offered him financial assistance. Even then
Rizal’s was forced to shorten the novel quite drastically, leaving only thirty-eight
chapters compared to the sixty-four chapters of the first novel.

Rizal moved to Ghent, and writes Jose Alejandro. The sequel to Rizal’s Noli came off
the press by the middle of September, 1891.On the 18th he sent Basa two copies, and
Valentin Ventura the original manuscript and an autographed printed copy.

Inspired by what the word filibustero connoted in relation to the circumstances obtaining
in his time, and his spirits dampened by the tragic execution of the three martyred
priests, Rizal aptly titled the second part of the Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo. In
veneration of the three priests, he dedicated the book to them.

"To the memory of the priests, Don Mariano Gomez (85 years old), Don Jose
Burgos (30 years old), and Don Jacinto Zamora (35 years old). Executed in the
Bagumbayan Field on the 28th of February, 1872."

"The church, by refusing to degrade you, has placed in doubt the crime that has been
imputed to you; the Government, by surrounding your trials with mystery and shadows
causes the belief that there was some error, committed in fatal moments; and all the
Philippines, by worshipping your memory and calling you martyrs, in no sense
recognizes your culpability. In so far, therefore, as your complicity in the Cavite Mutiny
is not clearly proved, as you may or may not have been patriots, and as you may or
may not cherished sentiments for justice and for liberty, I have the right to dedicate my
work to you as victims of the evil which I undertake to combat. And while we await
expectantly upon Spain someday to restore your good name and cease to be
answerable for your death, let these pages serve as a tardy wreath of dried leaves over
one who without clear proofs attacks your memory stains his hands in your blood."

Rizal’s memory seemed to have failed him, though, for Father Gomez was then 73 not
85, Father Burgos 35 not 30 Father Zamora 37 not 35; and the date of execution 17th
not 28th.

The FOREWORD of the Fili was addressed to his beloved countrymen, thus:


El Filibusterismo: Mga Tauhan
Ang nobelang "El Filibusterismo" ay isinulat ng ating magiting na bayaning si Dr. Jose
Rizal na buong pusong inalay sa tatlong paring martir, na lalong kilala sa bansag na
GOMBURZA - Gomez, Burgos, Zamora.

Tulad ng "Noli Me Tangere", ang may-akda ay dumanas ng hirap habang isinusulat ito.
Sinimulan niyang isulat ito sa London, Inglatera noong 1890 at ang malaking bahagi
nito ay naisulat niya sa Bruselas, Belgica. Natapos ang kanyang akda noong Marso 29,
1891. Isang Nagngangalang Valentin Viola na isa niyang kaibigan ang nagpahiram ng
pera sa kanya upang maipalimbag ang aklat noong Setyembre 22, 1891.        
Ang nasabing nobela ay pampulitika na nagpapadama, nagpapahiwatig at
nagpapagising pang lalo sa maalab na hangaring makapagtamo ng tunay na kalayaan
at karapatan ang bayan.
Mga Tauhan:   

Ang mapagpanggap na mag-aalahas na nakasalaming may kulay

Ang makatang kasintahan ni Paulita
Ang mag-aaral ng medisina at kasintahan ni Juli

Kabesang Tales
Ang naghahangad ng karapatan sa pagmamay- ari ng lupang sinasaka na inaangkin ng
mga prayle

Tandang Selo
Ama ni Kabesang Tales na nabaril ng kanyang sariling apo

Ginoong Pasta
Ang tagapayo ng mga prayle sa mga suliraning legal

Ang mamamahayag sa pahayagan

Placido Penitente
Ang mag-aaral na nawalan ng ganang mag-aral sanhi ng suliraning pampaaralan

Padre Camorra
Ang mukhang artilyerong pari

Padre Fernandez
Ang paring Dominikong may malayang paninindigan

Padre Florentino
Ang amain ni Isagani

Don Custodio
Ang kilala sa tawag na Buena Tinta
Padre Irene
Ang kaanib ng mga kabataan sa pagtatatag ng Akademya ng Wikang Kastila

Juanito Pelaez
Ang mag-aaral na kinagigiliwan ng mga propesor; nabibilang sa kilalang angkang may
dugong Kastila
Ang mayamang mag-aaral na masigasig na nakikipaglaban para sa pagtatatag ng
Akademya ng Wikang Kastila ngunit biglang nawala sa oras ng kagipitan.

Ang kawaning Kastila na sang-ayon o panig sa ipinaglalaban ng mga mag-aaral

Donya Victorina
Ang mapagpanggap na isang Europea ngunit isa namang Pilipina; tiyahin ni Paulita

Paulita Gomez
Kasintahan ni Isagani ngunit nagpakasal kay Juanito Pelaez

Isang mangangalakal na Intsik na nais magkaroon ng konsulado sa Pilipinas

Anak ni Kabesang Tales at katipan naman ni Basilio

Hermana Bali
Naghimok kay Juli upang humingi ng tulong kay Padre Camorra

Hermana Penchang
Ang mayaman at madasaling babae na pinaglilingkuran ni Juli

Ginoong Leeds
Ang misteryosong Amerikanong nagtatanghal sa perya

Ang mahiwagang ulo sa palabas ni G. Leeds
Here are your latest answers:

Question 1
the course taken by Rizal in abroad and became a professional?

Response: medicine

Correct answer: medicine

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 2
Jose Rizal is considered as the hope of the fatherland?

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 3
One of the personalities of Rizal whom he is very friendly from among his friends and

Response: ambassador of goodwill

Correct answer: ambassador of goodwill

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 4
The place where Jose Rizal is known as the father of community worker?

Response: Dapitan

Correct answer: Dapitan

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 5
the true love of Rizal whom he dedicated his whole life?

Response: Leonor Rivera

Correct answer: Leonor Rivera

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 6
one of the personalities of Rizal wherein he had a good shell collection?

Response: concologist

Correct answer: concologist

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 7
The quest for something in the life of Jose Rizal means?

Response: He should seek for economic prosperity

Correct answer: He should seek the truth through education

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 8
the pen name used Jose Rizal when he wrote an article while in abroad?

Response: laong laan

Correct answer: laong laan

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 9
The main reason why Jose Rizal left the Philippines for the second time was due to his
failed marriage proposal?

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 10
the novel written by Rizal that deals with revolution?

Response: el filibusterismo

Correct answer: el filibusterismo

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 11
The main reason of the first homecoming of Jose Rizal is?

Response: he wants to cure and diagnose his mother

Correct answer: he wants to know the impact of his two novels

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 12
at age three (3), Jose Rizal is alrady sure he would become a hero?

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 13
the person who found and condemned the novel noli me tangere as heretical, impious,
scandalous, unpatriotic and subversive of public order?

Response: Pedro Payo

Correct answer: Pedro Payo

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 14
To Jose Rizal, what is the most important contribution of every Filipino to his country's

Response: to promote the welfare of the people

Correct answer: to be a good citizen and help his country's progress

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 15
The patriotic mission of Jose Rizal in Spain was to specialize in Ophthalmology.

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 16
the Japanese name for painting whom Rizal learned while he was in Japan?

Response: sumie

Correct answer: sumie

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 17
the person who said that the appearance of Rizal in this world is like an appearance of
a rare comet?

Response: Ferdinand Blumentritt

Correct answer: Ferdinand Blumentritt

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 18
The monument of Rizal in Luneta was created in a foreign land?

Response: False

Correct answer: True

Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 19
Leonor Rivera is the live-in partner of Jose Rizal in Dapitan?

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 20
known as the puppy love of Jose Rizal as a romantic person?

Response: Segunda Katigbak

Correct answer: Segunda Katigbak

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 21
one of the personalities of Rizal wherein he practice the art of self discipline wherever
he went?

Response: ascetic

Correct answer: ascetic

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 22
medicine was the course taken by Jose Rizal in order to?

Response: restore the eyesight of his mother

Correct answer: restore the eyesight of his mother

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 23
Segunda katigbak is the first love of Jose Rizal?

Response: False

Correct answer: True

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 24
Jose Rizal always practice the art of persuasion and public speaking?

Response: True

Correct answer: True

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 25
the name of the true love of Jose Rizal?
Response: Leonor Rivera

Correct answer: Leonor Rivera

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 26
Why should Jose Rizal deserved to be a national hero?

Response: All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 27
To live life for Jose Rizal is a life with a sense, with a purpose and with definite

Response: True

Correct answer: True

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 28
Jose Rizal uncle is Valentin Ventura who taught him that healthy mind with a healthy
Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 29
the main character in the novel noli me tangere whose main objective is the welfare of
the youth as the hope of the fatherland?

Response: Crisostomo Ibarra

Correct answer: Crisostomo Ibarra

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 30
Why is Jose Rizal our national hero?

Response: he gave his life for the country by fighting the foreign invaders.

Correct answer: he gave his life for the country by fighting the foreign invaders.

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 31
the meeting place of the circulo hispano filipino in Madrid, Spain?
Response: residence of pablo ortega

Correct answer: residence of pablo ortega

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 32
the name of person who said that by reading the novel noli me tangere commits mortal

Response: Fr. Jose Rodriguez

Correct answer: Fr. Jose Rodriguez

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 33
the live-in partner of Jose Rizal in Dapitan?

Response: Josephine Bracken

Correct answer: Josephine Bracken

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 34
Jose Rizal taught in his special school in Dapitan?

Response: educator
Correct answer: educator

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 35
Jose Rizal is the Philippine national hero because of his large contribution to
independence, What was his main weapon against the Spanish government in the

Response: pen and pencil

Correct answer: pen and pencil

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 36
Dapitan is the place where Jose Rizal was detained prior to his death sentence?

Response: True

Correct answer: True

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 37
the book that deals with the racial discrimination of people?

Response: Uncle tom's cabin

Correct answer: Uncle tom's cabin

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 38
The person who extended financial support to Rizal for the publication of El

Response: Maximo Viola

Correct answer: Valentin Ventura

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 39
The big head of an infant Jose Rizal is a sign of his being intelligent and bright?

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 40
Why did Jose Rizal leave japan when he was happy in that beautiful country?

Response: He was deeply in love with the Japanese people

Correct answer: he was dedicated to his noble mission

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 41
the person whom Jose Rizal dedicated his novel El filibusterismo except?

Response: Fr. Mariano Gil

Correct answer: Fr. Mariano Gil

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 42
One of the personality of Jose Rizal is that he studied the Philippine social problem?

Response: True

Correct answer: True

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 43
the main character in the novel El filibusterismo?

Response: Simoun

Correct answer: Simoun

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 44
the name of vessel when Jose Rizal left the Philippines for Spain during his first foreign

Response: Salvadora

Correct answer: Salvadora

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 45
the novel noli me tangere predicted the outbreak of a revolution?

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 46
Jose Rizal ancestry and his ability to speak in Chinese?

Response: sinologist

Correct answer: sinologist

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 47
the main objective of Jose Rizal to study abroad is?

Response: to seek solution to the problem of his people

Correct answer: to seek solution to the problem of his people

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 48
the place where Jose Rizal finished writing half of the novel noli me tangere?

Response: madrid, Spain

Correct answer: madrid, Spain

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 49
The term which means subversive?

Response: touch me not

Correct answer: filibustero

Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 50
A happy life means power and wealth?

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 51
El filibusterismo means that the Spanish in the Philippines are untouchable?

Response: False

Correct answer: False

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 52
Medicine was Jose Rizal choice as a degree?

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 53
the poem written by Rizal dedicated to the German people?

Response: a las flores de hendelberg

Correct answer: a las flores de hendelberg

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 54
The name in the passport used by Rizal during his first travel abroad?

Response: Jose Mercado

Correct answer: Jose Mercado

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 55
the place where Jose Rizal finished writing the novel el filibusterismo?

Response: brussels, Belgium

Correct answer: brussels, Belgium

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 56
the name of person whom Consuelo Ortega married?

Response: Eduardo de Lete

Correct answer: Eduardo de Lete

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 57
Jose Rizal was not in favor of the revolution planned by the katipunan due to the
following reason?

Response: preparedness of the katipunero’s for an armed struggle

Correct answer: willingness of the wealthy filipinos to support the struggle

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 58
She died broken hearted due to his failure of marriage with Jose Rizal?

Response: Nelly boustead

Correct answer: Leonor Rivera

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 59
the person whom Consuelo Ortega married instead of Jose Rizal?
Response: Eduardo de lete

Correct answer: Eduardo de lete

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 60
the biological mother of Maria Clara in the novel noli me tangere?

Response: dona pia

Correct answer: dona pia

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 61
Generally, Jose Rizal is known as a revolutionist and is therefore in favor of a

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 62
one of the personalities of Rizal wherein he researched the physiology, classification
and habits of pets and animals?
Response: zoologist

Correct answer: zoologist

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 63
the name of the academic institution where Jose Rizal enrolled and finished his

Response: Universidad central de madrid

Correct answer: Universidad central de madrid

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 64
the famous eye clinic in Hendelberg, Germany where Jose Rizal gain more experience
as a medical practitioner?

Response: Otto Becker

Correct answer: Otto Becker

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 65
the last poem written by Jose Rizal before his death and execution?
Response: Mi Ultimo Adios

Correct answer: Mi Ultimo Adios

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 66
Jose Rizal accomplishment in his five year stay in Madrid were the following except,

Response: he was able to meet his brother Paciano

Correct answer: he was able to meet his brother Paciano

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 67
the name of vessel Jose Rizal boarded from Singapore to Spain?

Response: Djemnah

Correct answer: Djemnah

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 68
The oldest university in the Philippines is the University of Santo Thomas?
Response: True

Correct answer: True

Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 69
A doctorate degree is a requirement for Jose Rizal to practice his medical profession?

Response: True

Correct answer: False

Score: 0 out of 1 No

Question 70
the first article written by Jose Rizal in abroad?

Response: diarong tagalog

Correct answer: a las dudas

Score: 0 out of 1
Question 1
Jose Rizal drew maps of dapitan and other places he visited?
Correct answer: cartographer
Question 2
Rizal had a shell collection in dapitan as part of his personality?
Correct answer: concologist
Question 3
Rizal is known for his jokes in the noli and fili as part of the novel?
Correct answer: humorist
Question 4
In Germany, Jose Rizal was a laboratory worker in the famous eye clinic of Karl
Correct answer: False
Question 5
Jose Rizal delivered his toasting speech in Spain in the presence of circulo hispano
Correct answer: True
Question 6
it was Trinidad the sister of Rizal whom he had a dream while traveling that a snake
blocked along their pathways?
Correct answer: False
Question 7
the first article written by Rizal in abroad was laong-lann published in diarong tagalog?
Correct answer: False
Question 8
Rizal considered the millennials as the hope of the fatherland?
Correct answer: youth leader
Question 9
Rizal's friend who said, Rizal is the greatest product of the country and his coming to
the world was like the appearance of a rare comet?
Correct answer: Ferdinand Blumentritt
Question 10
Rizal spent most of his time in the family garden which was planted with fruit trees?
Correct answer: plant lover
Question 11
The purpose of the first travel of Rizal in abroad is to discover and see beautiful
Correct answer: False
Question 12
Rizal's ancestry and his ability to speak Chinese as well his roots in china?
Correct answer: sinologist
Question 13
Jose Rizal wrote the poem " a las flores de hendelberg" dedicated to the German
Correct answer: True
Question 14
Medicine is the course of interest of Jose Rizal since childhood?
Correct answer: False
Question 15
Jose Rizal was employed in the famous eye clinic of Dr. louis de Weckert in Paris?
Correct answer: True
Question 16
Rizal was employed after getting his license as a medical practitioner in the clinic of
Loius de Weckert in Paris?
Correct answer: laboratory worker
Question 17
Jose Rizal described the women in Germany as studious, serious and very much
attached to their work?
Correct answer: True
Question 18
Rizal taught in his special school in dapitan as part of his personality?
Correct answer: educator
Question 19
Rizal always practiced the art of persuasion and impressive public speaking and
Correct answer: rhetorician
Question 20
the residence of Pablo Ortega in Spain is the meeting place of circulo hispano filipino?
Correct answer: True

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