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Recycled Concrete Aggregate as Alternative Pavement

Materials: Experimental and Parametric Study

Ali Alnedawi, Ph.D. 1; and M. A. Rahman, Ph.D. 2

Abstract: Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is one of the alternatives to virgin material that has engendered interest in recent years,
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especially as an alternative aggregate. There are limited available studies assessing the suitability of RCA as a base or subbase material
in pavements. Therefore, the present research describes different laboratory experiments to determine the possibility of using RCA as alter-
native subbase material for road pavement in order to conserve natural resources and reduce geoenvironmental effects. Modified compaction
tests, particle-size distribution, Los Angeles abrasion, Atterberg limits, specific gravity, California bearing ratio, and repeated load triaxial
tests were carried out for that purpose. RCA was also reinforced with both biaxial and triaxial geogrids for material optimization. Shakedown
analysis and parametric investigation using some constitutive models were conducted for further assessment. The physical and geotechnical
properties showed that RCA is strong enough and fulfills the local road authority requirements to be used as a subbase material. The resilient
modulus values of the reinforced RCA with geogrid was higher than the unreinforced RCA; in addition, the permanent deformation properties
of reinforced RCA with geogrid was found to be smaller than that of the unreinforced RCA. The shakedown ranges varied from A to B, which
indicates that RCA can be used as pavement subbase material when it is compacted with moisture content less than the optimum. The
parametric investigation showed that some constitutive models are capable for assessing the behavior of both reinforced and unreinforced
materials. DOI: 10.1061/JPEODX.0000231. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Flexible pavement; Recycled concrete aggregate; Geogrid; Resilient modulus; Permanent deformation shakedown

Introduction crushed rock (Huang et al. 2002; Bianchini et al. 2005; and Rao
et al. 2007), recycled crushed brick (CB) (Aatheesan et al. 2010;
Large quantities of natural virgin material are being consumed Arulrajah et al. 2011), reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) (Chen
every year to meet the requirements of various infrastructure proj- et al. 2013; Puppala et al. 2011; Ullah and Tanyu (2019)), recycled
ects in civil engineering applications such as pavement base and glass (Saberian et al. 2019; Ali et al. 2011; Imteaz et al. 2012) and
subbase, building and bridge construction, backfilling, general recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) (Debieb and Kenai 2008; Gabr
footpaths, and embankments (Rahman et al. 2014). In addition, and Cameron 2012; Saberian et al. 2018). Interestingly, Arisha et al.
large amounts of construction and demolition (C&D) waste mate- (2017) investigated several blends of C&D materials and found the
rials are currently disposed ofin landfills, which creates substantial predicted pavement performance of recycled materials was better
pressure on the geoenvironment (Gavilan and Bernold 1994; Hoyos than typical unbound granular materials (UGMs).
et al. 2011). Therefore, recycling of reusable C&D materials in civil Utilization of RCA as base and subbase material in flexible
engineering applications has been the focus of global research in pavements is a valuable option, as roads typically require a large
recent years in order to conserve natural quarry resources and re-
amount of crushed aggregate (Jayakody et al. 2019). Therefore,
duce the carbon footprint of projects (Arulrajah et al. 2012).
RCA characterization has been one of the main research interests
In 2017, around 6.6 million tons of C&D materials were dis-
in pavement engineering over the last decade. It has been found that
posed of in Australia (EPHC 2018). Most of these materials were
there is still a continuing call for more intensive research in this area
disposed of in landfills, which raises geoenvironmental concerns.
due to the wide range in RCA properties, which are directly related
Nevertheless, these concerns may be eliminated by recycling these
materials for sustainable engineering applications (Rahman et al. to the source of the demolished structure.
2013). Since the properties of the RCA material are not fully under-
Several researchers have investigated the feasibility of reusing stood compared to natural quarried material, RCA applications in
C&D materials in various infrastructure applications such as waste pavement construction require prerequisite guidelines. In Victoria,
Australia, the guidelines specified by the local road authority,
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built VicRoads (2011), permit the use of RCA material as pavement sub-
Environment, Deakin Univ., Locked Bag 20000, Geelong, VIC 3220, base and light duty base works subject to some requirements. The
Australia (corresponding author). ORCID: guidelines classify the RCA into three types (i.e., Class 2, Class 3,
-6696. Email: and Class 4) based on their engineering properties. These properties
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built include grading, Atterberg limits, California bearing ratio (CBR),
Environment, Deakin Univ., Locked Bag 20000, Geelong, VIC 3220, Los Angeles (LA) abrasion values, and flakiness index. However,
Australia. Email:
none of these tests reflect the field repeated load conditions
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 14, 2019; approved on
July 22, 2020; published online on October 24, 2020. Discussion period (El-Ashwah et al. 2020). Therefore, further research is needed to
open until March 24, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for in- investigate the mechanical properties of RCA under repeated loads,
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Transportation En- as limited research is available on this topic (Jayakody et al. 2019).
gineering, Part B: Pavements, © ASCE, ISSN 2573-5438. Determination of the deformation and stiffness characteristics of

© ASCE 04020076-1 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

base and subbase materials under repeated loads assists in rut pre- Table 1. Characteristics of the investigated geogrids
diction and better pavement design (Alnedawi et al. 2019a). This Tensile
could be achieved by performing a repeated load triaxial test (RLT), Geogrid Aperture strength Aperture
which has been acknowledged as one of the best laboratory tests for reinforcement shape (kN=m) Polymer type size (mm)
simulating field conditions (Alnedawi et al. 2019c). This test can Triaxial Triangular 32 Polypropylene 46 × 46 × 46
measure both resilient modulus (M R ) and permanent deformation Biaxial Square 20 Polypropylene 39 × 39
(PD) of the pavement materials at different stress conditions and
numbers of load cycles.
Generally, RCA material is expected to be weak and less durable
when compared with virgin and natural quarry material due to the namely biaxial and triaxial geogrids, were used for RCA reinforce-
existence of foreign material, nominal percentages of RAP and CB, ment. The characteristics of these commercial geogrids as provided
and additives which are usually nondurable or subject to appreci- by the supplier are listed in Table 1.
able breakdown. Therefore, improvement of the physical and Several physical and geotechnical tests were conducted on the
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geotechnical properties of the RCA is required to withstand and RCA including modified compaction test, particle-size distribution,
distribute the repeated traffic load to avoid damage to the subgrade. LA abrasion, Atterberg limits, specific gravity, and CBR. Sample
Several researchers reinforced virgin materials to increase their identification (ID) A was selected for the RLT test.
stiffness and deformation characteristics (Abu-Farsakh et al. 2007; The modified compaction tests were conducted according to
Tatlisoz et al. 1998). Chen et al. (2013) found that by incorporating ASTM D1557 (ASTM 2009) on RCA materials to determine
geogrids with virgin materials, M R increases and PD decreases. the maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content
Further, using geogrid-reinforced C&D materials increases the (OMC). According to the ASTM standard and the maximum par-
strength of the materials, which in turn provides internal frictional ticle size, a cylindrical mold with a diameter of 152.4 mm was used
and passive resistance from the transverse geogrid ribs (Liu et al. to compact each layer of sample by applying 56 blows with a 4.9 kg
2009a, b). Conversely, studies by Moghaddas-Nejad and Small rammer falling from 450 mm height. As a worst-case scenario,
(2003) and Nazzal (2007) showed that the inclusion of geogrid soaked CBR tests were undertaken according to ASTM D1883
reinforcement does not always improve the stiffness of aggregates. (ASTM 2007a), whereby modified Proctor compaction effort was
As there have been a limited number of studies investigating the used to compact the sample. Samples were compacted in five layers
behavior of reinforced RCA, any positive outcomes from reinforce- using a cylindrical mold with an internal diameter of 152 mm and a
ment will further increase the use of RCA material in various civil total effective sample height of 117 mm including the spacer disc.
applications. It may also enable RCA to be used as a base material. The sieve analysis for the RCA material was completed in accor-
The objective of this study is to investigate the suitability of dance with ASTM D422-63 (ASTM 2007b). Prior to the sieve
using geogrid-reinforced RCA as a subbase material in order to analysis, the samples were washed using distilled water on the
conserve the natural resources and reduce geoenvironmental im- 75 μm sieve, and the retained samples were used for further
pacts. This study commenced with an experimental investigation of particle-size distribution tests. The gradation curve of the RCA
the physical properties of several local samples of RCA. Secondly, samples was aimed to be between the lower and upper bound refer-
M R and PD were measured to evaluate the mechanical properties ence lines of the subbase specification in accordance with local
of the RCA under repeated loads. Thirdly, an attempt was made to road authority specifications (VicRoads 2011).
reinforce the RCA material with the inclusion of biaxial and tri- The LA abrasion tests on the RCA material were carried out in
axial geogrids to enhance the bearing capacity properties. For ad- accordance with ASTM C131 (ASTM 2006) to determine the resis-
ditional assessment, the extracted M R values from the results of tance value of the aggregates by abrasion and impact efforts. The spe-
the RLT were used to perform a parametric investigation using cific gravity of the RCA material was conducted according to ASTM
some constitutive-regression models. In addition, these parame- D3142 (ASTM 2011), and a 50 mL pycnometer bottle was used for
ters were used to estimate both M R and PD under different loading this study. The cone penetration method was applied to evaluate the
conditions. liquid limit values in accordance with ASTM D4318 (ASTM 2010).
The material passing through a 0.425 mm sieve was used to evaluate
the liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage limit values.
Materials The M R and PD tests of the RCA material were carried out using
an RLT apparatus to simulate the traffic loading condition on the
The RCA samples were produced by crushing demolished concrete
base/subbase layer by applying repeated loads. Due to the effect of
structures and removing the waste such as brick, glass, asphalt, and
the vertical stress pulse shape, loading frequency, and load rest
wood. The RCA material was collected from several concrete re-
period on the mechanical properties (Alnedawi et al. 2019b, e), a
cycling companies in Victoria, Australia. Representative disturbed
haversine-shaped wave loading pulse was selected and applied with
samples were collected and prepared according to Australian stan-
a resting period of 0.9 s and a loading period of 0.1 s, as per
dard (AS) AS1289.1.2.1 (AS 2013), which included packaging,
AASHTO T307 (AASHTO 2017). A moisture content less than
identification, and storage of the materials.
OMC was considered the target moisture content for the RLT to
focus on the effect of moisture history (Bodin and Kraft 2015).
Experimental Procedure The procedure included compacting the samples at OMC then con-
ducting a dry-back process to reach the target moisture content:
Various laboratory experiments were conducted on the RCA 90%, 80%, 70%, and 60% of OMC. This procedure was recom-
material to determine their physical and geotechnical properties. mended by Australian authority, Austroads. After compacting the
These tests are summarized in the following sections. Detailed pro- specimens at OMC/MDD, a dry-back process was performed. This
cedures can be found in the cited standards and specifications. included placing the unmolded samples in the lab at room temper-
The maximum particle size of the RCA was 19 mm. The ature. The drying-back period lasted between 1.5 and 2 h and
material was first oven dried at 60°C to prepare the samples was found to be slightly dependent on the material. The weight
for physical and geotechnical tests. Two different types of geogrid, of the specimen was measured every 30 min to monitor the target

© ASCE 04020076-2 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

moisture content (i.e., target moisture). Before reaching the target The particle-size distribution results of the chosen RCA materi-
weight, specimens were wrapped in plastic to prevent any excess als (Sample A) evaluated before and after modified compaction are
moisture loss. Practically, water must be added to the base and sub- shown in Fig. 1.
base material to assist in achieving the target density during the The results show the RCA material used for this study is a
compaction process. However, the pavement must then be allowed good quality aggregate, as minimal breakdown occurred during
to dry to a condition that resists premature failure of the base and the compaction efforts. Both gradations are consistent and
subbase materials due to traffic compaction. within the lower and upper boundary limits, as per local road
The lowest moisture content (60% of OMC) was selected to authority requirements. The coefficient parameters such as
compare with reinforced samples for their M R and PD values. coefficient of uniformity (Cu ) and coefficient of curvature
Based on Table 2, computer controlled stresses were applied for (Cc ) satisfied the local authority requirements (Cu > 4 and
different deviatoric stresses and a constant confining stress in accor- 1 < Cc < 3), which indicates the RCA material would be a suit-
dance with AG-PT/T053 (Austroads 2007). able alternative for virgin quarry material in pavement subbase
A cylindrical split mold with an internal diameter of 100 mm
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and a height of 200 mm was used to prepare the RLT testing sample. The LA abrasion and CBR results of the RCA indicate that the
For the reinforced specimens, the geogrid was placed in the middle materials are strong enough and satisfy the local road authority’s
of the specimen, as applied by Rahman et al. (2013). In addition, requirements for use as subbase and light duty base materials. The
placing the geogrid at 33%–50% of the granular base layer height minimum required CBR values are 100%, 80%, and 20% for
results in a reduction in the measured tensile strain at the bottom of Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4, respectively, which are recommended
the asphalt surface layer as well as the top of the subgrade layer for pavement subbase and light duty base materials (VicRoads
(Ibrahim et al. 2017). 2011). The Atterberg limit results show most of the RCA materials
The samples were mixed and compacted using modified com- are nonplastic due to inadequate clay content, and the specific grav-
paction efforts with the corresponding MDD and OMC. The sample ity of the RCA material is within the typical range (2.65–2.67) of
was also dried back at room temperature to the desired moisture con-
granular sandy materials.
tent (i.e., lower than OMC). Two saturated porous discs, a flexible
rubber membrane, and two O-rings were used to setup the sample on
the testing pedestal plate. Separate samples were prepared using the
same method to determine the M R and PD. Two replicates were pre-
pared to confirm the repeatability of the test result. RCA Before Test
RCA After Test
Upper Limit
Percentage passing (%)

Results and Discussion 70

Lower Limit
Physical and Geotechnical Properties 50

The physical and geotechnical properties of all recycled C&D 40

materials used in this study are presented in Table 3. 30


Table 2. Applied stresses for PD test 10

Confining Deviator 0
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00
Stage number stress (kPa) stress (kPa) Cycles Particle size (mm)
1 50 150 10,000
2 50 250 10,000 Fig. 1. Particle-size distribution of RCA (Sample A), before and after
3 50 350 10,000 compaction.

Table 3. Geotechnical properties of RCA materials

Sample ID LL (%) PL (%) PI (%) Shrinkage (%) LA (%) MDD (Mg=m3 ) OMC (%) Gs CBR (%) classification
A 19.00 17.50 1.50 1.20 27.50 1.90 13.50 2.65 175 A-1-a
B 0.00 28.55 0.00 0.40 30.80 1.95 13.20 2.65 190 A-1-a
C 0.00 26.46 0.00 0.00 29.30 1.96 13.20 2.65 200 A-1-a
D 0.00 29.71 0.00 0.00 33.60 1.91 12.20 2.55 190 A-1-a
E 28.63 23.94 5.00 2.40 36.10 1.97 12.30 2.65 190 A-1-a
F 0.00 23.82 0.00 0.00 29.00 2.06 11.20 2.70 220 A-1-a
G 0.00 23.12 0.00 0.00 29.90 2.05 10.80 2.70 260 A-1-a
H 22.76 20.92 2.00 0.80 34.60 1.97 11.20 2.60 240 A-1-a
I 22.28 17.03 5.00 2.00 37.60 2.21 8.80 2.80 280 A-1-a
J 0.00 26.00 0.00 0.00 33.10 1.97 12.50 2.65 185 A-1-a
K 23.24 21.37 2.00 0.80 36.90 1.98 11.70 2.60 190 A-1-a
L 0.00 30.92 0.00 0.00 28.70 2.06 10.50 2.75 185 A-1-a
M 26.60 8.01 9.00 2.80 35.10 1.98 11.00 2.60 205 A-2-4
N 0.00 29.12 0.00 0.00 35.60 2.00 10.40 2.60 210 A-1-a
Note: LL = liquid limit; PL = plastic limit; PI = plasticity index; LA = Los Angeles abrasion value; Gs = specific gravity; and CBR = California bearing ratio.

© ASCE 04020076-3 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

60%OMC 70%OMC 80%OMC 90%OMC

Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3:

250.0 Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa
Dynamic deviator stress = 150 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 250 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 350 kPa

Resilient Modulus (Mpa)


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0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Number of Cycles

Fig. 2. Resilient modulus of RCA at different moisture contents.

Resilient Modulus Characteristics In Fig. 4, the PD of RCA with varying moisture content were com-
pared. Moisture content showed a clear influence on the PD of the
The M R results of the unreinforced RCA material (Sample A) with
various moisture content and deviator stress are shown in Fig. 2. tested RCA. At the end of the test, the PD was found to be 4,398,
The results show that the M R value increased with the increase 6,840, and 8,733 μ€ for the specimens with moisture contents of
of deviator stress. The higher M R value was obtained at a deviator 60%, 70%, and 80%, respectively. A specimen prepared at 90% of
stress of 350 kPa when compared with lower deviator stress. The OMC had premature failure during Stage 2. This observation is
increase in M R values with increased deviator stress may be due to a consistent with previous studies such as Arnold (2004), Bodin
decrease in the internal voids of the material when subject to higher and Kraft (2015), and Alnedawi et al. (2018b).
stress resulting in the sample becoming denser and stiffer. This ob- It can be clearly seen that PD increased with an increase in de-
servation is in line with other studies conducted by Smith and Nair viator stresses, as reported by Uthus (2007), Li et al. (2013), and
(1973), Kolisoja (1997), Fang-Le and Jian-Zhong (2004), Puppala Alnedawi et al. (2017). After a certain number of loading cycles,
et al. (2011), Di Tullio (2015), and Alnedawi et al. (2018a). It was the PD curve flattened to a horizontal straight line at the first stage
also found that when the moisture content of RCA increased, the of stresses (deviator stresses of 150 kPa) with the exception of
M R decreased. This finding is also consistent with previous studies Stages 2 and 3 (250 and 350 kPa), in which the behavior started
(Laloui et al. 2009; Lekarp et al. 2000; Salour and Erlingsson to show a steeper upward curve. The flattened line could be because
2012). In Fig. 3, the M R values obtained from the RCA material the material response had become elastic with increasing load
reinforced with biaxial and triaxial geogrids are shown and are cycles at 150 kPa of deviator stress.
compared with the values from an unreinforced sample. Note all Arulrajah et al. (2011) observed a similar response in their study
three samples were prepared at 60% of OMC. on unreinforced recycled brick. It is also observed in Fig. 5 that the
The results also present an overall comparison between rein- PD for unreinforced RCA is higher than that of the reinforced RCA.
forced and unreinforced RCA material and different deviator and The triaxial RCA specimens reflected a lower PD compared to the
confining stress. It has been found that the highest M R was for biaxial and unreinforced RCA. This could be because the geogrids
triaxial-reinforced RCA material, followed by biaxial-reinforced increase the internal frictional and passive resistance from the trans-
RCA compared to the unreinforced specimens. The observation verse geogrid ribs.
of a higher MR for triaxial RCA compared with biaxial RCA could The PD results can be shown in terms of the relationship between
be due to the geogrid orientation pattern, stiffer ribs, and the tensile permanent strain rate and permanent strain as proposed by Dawson
strength capacity of the triaxial geogrid when compared with the and Wellner (1999). Permanent strain rate versus the accumulated
biaxial geogrid. Several researchers also found consistent M R re- permanent strain relationships of both unreinforced and geogrid-
sults obtained from unreinforced RCA and reinforced RCA spec- reinforced RCA are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively.
imens (Maher et al. 1997; MacGregor et al. 1999; Gnanendran and This way of presenting the accumulation of PD clearly shows that
Woodburn 2003). At the end of the RLT test, the M R obtained val- the behaviors of all tested samples were plastic in the first and second
ues for triaxial RCA and unreinforced RCA were 256 and 232 MPa, stages of the RLT test. However, after the postcompaction period was
respectively. completed, the response becomes entirely resilient, and no additional
permanent strain was observed. In Stage 3, the strain rate for all tested
samples continued to increase as shown by a steep PD increase.
Permanent Deformation Characteristics It is noted that there was no significant difference among the
The RLT apparatus was also used to determine the PD (irrecover- replicate specimens as they showed the same behavior for both
able strain) of both reinforced and unreinforced RCA material. M R and PD properties.

© ASCE 04020076-4 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3:
Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa
Dynamic deviator stress = 150 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 250 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 350 kPa

RCA RCA+Biaxial RCA+Triaxial


Resilient Modulus (Mpa)

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0 10000 20000 30000
Number of Cycles

Fig. 3. Resilient modulus of reinforced and unreinforced RCA.

60% MC 70% MC 80% MC 90% MC


Permanent Deformation (






Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3:

1000 Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa
Dynamic deviator stress = 150 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 250 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 350 kPa

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Number of Cycles

Fig. 4. Permanent deformation of RCA at different moisture contents. MC = moisture content.

Shakedown Behavior different ranges of PD response: plastic shakedown, creep shake-

down, and incremental collapse, which are Ranges A, B, and C,
The concept of shakedown behavior was derived from the plasticity respectively. Werkmeister et al. (2005) and Gu et al. (2017) pro-
theory that deals with the irreversible responses of materials (Yideti posed boundaries to identify the shakedown ranges as given in
et al. 2014). According to the shakedown theory, there are three Table 4.

© ASCE 04020076-5 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3:
Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa Static confining pressure = 50 kPa
Dynamic deviator stress = 150 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 250 kPa Dynamic deviator stress = 350 kPa

RCA RCA+Biaxial RCA+Triaxial

Permanent Deformation (


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0 10000 20000 30000
Number of Cycles

Fig. 5. Permanent deformation of reinforced and unreinforced RCA.

60% MC 70% MC 80% MC 90% MC

Permanent Strain Rate (% per cycle)




0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010
Permanent Strain

Fig. 6. Permanent strain rate of RCA at different moisture contents.

Alnedawi et al. (2019d) found that these boundaries are not be on the curve angle of the PD versus the log number of loading
applicable for the behavior of other materials, as earlier high- cycles, which was comprehensively described in their study. The
lighted by Gu et al. (2017). Therefore, they proposed different three approaches proposed by Werkmeister et al. (2005), Gu et al.
techniques to determine the shakedown ranges based on the (2017), and Alnedawi et al. (2019d) were used to evaluate

© ASCE 04020076-6 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

RCA RCA+Biaxial RCA+Triaxial

Permanent Strain Rate (% per Cycle)

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0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005
Permanent Strain

Fig. 7. Permanent strain rate of reinforced and unreinforced RCA.

loadings almost ceases at a constant level, and the response from

Table 4. The boundaries of the shakedown ranges then on is purely resilient. Nevertheless, according to the shake-
Shakedown down criteria by Alnedawi et al. (2019d), the RCA (80% of
criteria Ranges Boundaries of the shakedown ranges OMC) classified as Range B. Since Ranges A and B are permitted
Werkmeister A PD5000 − PD3000 < 4.5 × 10−5 in pavement design, we conclude that RCA can be used as pave-
et al. (2001) B 4.5 × 10−5 < PD5000 − PD3000 < 4.5 × 10−4 ment subbase material when the samples are dried back to a mois-
C PD5000 − PD3000 > 4.0 × 10−4 ture content less than the optimum. This finding aligns with
previous studies that show compaction at OMC leads to greater
Gu et al. (2017) A PD5000 − PD3000 < 6.0 × 10−5
B 6.0 × 10−5 < PD5000 − PD3000 < 6.0 × 10−4
PD than samples tested at lower moisture contents (Bodin and
C PD5000 − PD3000 > 6.0 × 10−4 Kraft 2015).
Note: PD5000 and PD3000 are the accumulated PDs at the 5,000th and
3,000th load cycle, respectively. Parametric Investigation
The use of constitutive models to predict the MR and PD character-
istics of UGMs has been extended in recent years. Estimating the
Table 5. Shakedown ranges for tested RCA M R and PD of UGMs using constitutive models is one of the guide-
lines of several mechanistic-empirical pavement design methods
Werkmeister Gu et al. Alnedawi
Variable et al. (2001) (2017) et al. (2019d) (Erlingsson and Rahman 2013). The constitutive modeling is gen-
erally used to predict the nonlinear behavior of granular materials
RCA (60% of OMC) A A A under repeated loads. Conducting RLT tests on a regular basis is not
RCA (70% of OMC) A A A
feasible, as it is a complex, costly, and time-consuming test. There-
RCA (80% of OMC) A A B
RCA (90% of OMC) C C C
fore, constitutive models have been introduced to predict both M R
Biaxial RCA (60% of OMC) A A A and PD. However, it is not known whether the existing constitutive
Triaxial RCA (60% of OMC) A A A models are suitable for RCA materials since these models are typ-
ically based on virgin UGMs. Moreover, the role of these models is
to predict the behavior of UGMs under different load cycles and
stresses (Gu et al. 2016), and the regression parameters of these
the shakedown behavior of the tested unreinforced and rein- models can be used for behavior evaluation as conducted by Qiao
forced RCA. et al. (2015), Gu et al. (2016), Romanoschi (2016), and Qamhia
It can be seen from Table 5 that only RCA (90% of OMC) was et al. (2017).
categorized as Range C based on the three shakedown criteria, In this study, the measured MR and PD values from the results of
which means the sample had an incremental collapse. the RLT tests were analyzed by nonlinear regression analysis to
Other samples were categorized as Range A of the shakedown develop correlations for the constitutive model parameters using
behavior, as the accumulated PD under a certain number of cyclic Eqs. (1)–(8) to provide a further assessment of the tested RCA.

© ASCE 04020076-7 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

For MR prediction, Seed et al. (1967), Uzan (1985), and AASHTO Table 6. Regression parameters of M R models
(2002) developed Eqs. (1)–(3), respectively Samples
θ 2 Parameters RCA Biaxial RCA Triaxial RCA (Equation no.)
M R ¼ k1 ð1Þ
Pa K1 2.938 10.296 11.145 Eq. (1)
K2 2.368 1.571 1.877
 k  k R2
θ 4 σd 5 0.852 0.781 0.870
M R ¼ k3 Pa ð2Þ K3 0.145 0.237 0.327 Eq. (2)
Pa Pa K4 0.138 0.161 0.767
 k  k K5 1.549 0.917 0.733
θ 7 τ oct 8 R2 0.989 0.876 0.914
M R ¼ k 6 Pa þ1 ð3Þ K6 0.062 0.200 0.159 Eq. (3)
Pa Pa
K7 0.144 0.041 0.706
where M R = resilient modulus; θ ¼ σ1 þ σ2 þ σ3 ; σd =pdeviator
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K8 2.872 1.886 1.458

stress; Pa = atmospheric pressure (101.5 kPa); τ oct ¼ 2σd =3; R2 0.992 0.905 0.922
σ3 = confining stress (kPa); and K 1 –K 8 = regression parameters.
Barksdale (1972), Sweere (1990), Wolff and Visser (1995),
Theyse et al. (1996), and Alnedawi et al. (2019d) proposed
Eqs. (4)–(8), respectively, for PD prediction Table 7. Regression parameters of PD models
PD ¼ a þ b logðNÞ ð4Þ Models
Parameters RCA Biaxial RCA Triaxial RCA (Equation no.)
PD ¼ aN b ð5Þ a −8.856 −9.021 −4.571 Eq. (4)
b 2.572 2.558 1.348
PD ¼ ðcN þ aÞð1 − e−bN Þ ð6Þ R2 0.728 0.809 0.842
a 3.878 × 10−5 2.473 × 10−5 2.56 × 10−4 Eq. (5)
b 1.101 1.135 0.853
PD ¼ e N ðe
c s Bσc
− 1Þ ð7Þ R2 0.931 0.959 0.960
a 0.027 −0.124 0.132 Eq. (6)
PD ¼ aebN þ ceDσd ð8Þ b 0.134 0.073 0.027
c 1.06 × 10−4 1.01 × 10−4 5.256 × 10−5
where PD = permanent deformation; N = number of loading cycles; R2 0.927 0.956 0.965
σc = vertical stress (kPa); and a, b, c, s, B, and D = regression c −2.188 −0.403 5.271 Eq. (7)
parameters. s 0.296 0.539 0.286
Calibration for the prediction models [Eqs. (1)–(8)] was con- B 0.002 4.632 × 10−5 1.241 × 10−6
ducted with the corresponding samples based on the M R and R2 0.985 0.995 0.994
a 0.114 0.151 0.158 Eq. (8)
PD data to establish the regression parameters. No boundary con-
b 8.139 × 10−5 6.780 × 10−5 5.349 × 10−5
ditions were applied in the regression process. The coefficient of c 0.217 0.136 0.122
determination (R2 ) was considered for each tested sample to assess D 0.006 0.007 0.006
the prediction accuracy. R2 0.996 0.969 0.966
In Table 6, Parameter K 1 of Eq. (1) showed a higher value for
triaxial RCA, followed by biaxial RCA and RCA with values of
11.145, 10.296, and 2.938, respectively. The same observation
was noted for Parameter K 3 in Eq. (2). This could be due to the was observed for RCA in comparison to both triaxial and biaxial
proportional relationship between K 1 and M R . RCA. An excellent fit was noted for Eqs. (7) and (8) with an R2 of
Lower values for K 2 were observed in comparison to K 1 , as more than 0.96. This could be attributed to the inclusion of the
found by Ba et al. (2011). The constitutive model by AASHTO stresses as a prediction factor in addition to the number of load cycles.
(2002) [Eq. (3)] showed an excellent fit for RCA, biaxial RCA, It was evident, as previously discussed, that constitutive models
and triaxial RCA, with an R2 of 0.992, 0.905, and 9.222, respec- can be used to predict the M R and PD of RCA at different load
tively. This high prediction accuracy could be related to the adop- cycles and stresses. In addition, some regression parameters show
tion of the octahedral shear stress in the model. that it is possible to assess the behavior of both reinforced and un-
Table 7 gives the regression parameters of PD models. Negative reinforced RCA based on their values.
values for Parameter a [Eq. (4)] were observed for the three tested
In contrast, Parameter b recorded positive values, which could Conclusions
mean that Parameter b is linked to the log number of loading cycles.
The positive values mean that the PD increased in relation to the The results show that the RCA material used in this research is a
increase in load cycles, as highlighted by Sweere (1990). In Eq. (5), good quality alternative aggregate for many reasons. First, minimal
Parameter a recorded 2.56 × 10−4 for triaxial RCA and 2.473 × breakdown occurred during the compaction efforts. Second, both
10−5 for biaxial RCA and indicates that the type of the geogrid gradations are consistent and within the lower and upper boundary
can be evaluated using Parameter a. The same observation was limits, as per local road authority requirements. Third, LA abrasion
noted for Parameter c in Eq. (6). Parameter B [Eq. (7)] was and CBR results of the RCA indicate that the materials are strong
1.241 × 10−6 , 4.632 × 10−5 , and 0.002 for triaxial RCA, biaxial enough and satisfy the local road authority requirements for use as
RCA, and RCA respectively. subbase and light duty base materials. Moreover, Atterberg limit
It can be concluded that Parameter B can be used to compare results show most of the RCA material is nonplastic due to inad-
between unreinforced and reinforced specimens, since a high value equate clay content.

© ASCE 04020076-8 J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements

J. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements, 2021, 147(1): 04020076

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