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fm Page 649 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM


Current Concepts Review

Bone Grafts and Bone Graft Substitutes
in Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery
A Critical Analysis
By William G. De Long Jr., MD, Thomas A. Einhorn, MD, Kenneth Koval, MD,
Michael McKee, MD, Wade Smith, MD, Roy Sanders, MD, and Tracy Watson, MD
Investigation performed at Temple University School of Medicine, Marlton, New Jersey

➤ Osteoinduction is a process that supports the mitogenesis of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, leading to
the formation of osteoprogenitor cells that form new bone.

➤ The human skeleton has the ability to regenerate itself as part of the repair process.

➤ Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein has osteoinductive properties, the effectiveness of which is sup-
ported by Level-I evidence from current literature sources.

➤ Osteoconduction is a property of a matrix that supports the attachment of bone-forming cells for subsequent
bone formation.

➤ Osteogenic property is a relatively new term that can be defined as the generation of bone from bone-
forming cells.

Orthopaedic trauma surgery requires the regular use of bone substitutes require multicenter prospective randomized stud-
grafts to help provide timely healing of musculoskeletal injuries. ies. These are extremely difficult to design and execute, with the
The iliac crest autologous graft remains the gold standard. The cost being the most onerous obstacle. Industrial funding has
morbidity associated with the harvest of bone graft has caused been one of the ways to get this type of work completed. The
practitioners to seek methods of enhancing healing with bone full details of all of the requirements for making a project of this
graft substitutes. The term bone graft substitute describes a spec- magnitude successful is beyond the scope of this project. The
trum of products that have various effects on bone-healing. Un- authors are all members of the Orthopaedic Trauma Associa-
fortunately, there is little information in the literature about tion Orthobiologics Committee. Because of their expertise, they
when and where to use these devices. In general, we categorize were charged by the President of the organization to provide
the properties of bone graft substitutes as osteoinductive, osteo- this brief summary for use by the orthopaedic community. The
conductive, or osteogenic. Going through the operating room opinions stated here are based on the literature, and the recom-
storage areas in our institutions, we find many of these products mendations are based on the levels of evidence supporting
available, with various trade names that can be misleading and claims from this body of information.
confusing. The purpose of this review is to give the practicing
surgeon a basic fund of knowledge on the topic of bone graft Osteoinductive Bone Substitutes
substitutes as well as an opinion on the levels of evidence in the One of the unique aspects of the human skeleton is its ability
current literature supporting the use of the various materials. to regenerate itself as part of a repair process. Skeletal repair
The answers to the most difficult questions regarding bone graft involves a series of events that parallel embryological develop-

Disclosure: In support of their research for or preparation of this work, one or more of the authors received, in any one year, outside funding or
grants in excess of $10,000 from Stryker Biotech. In addition, one or more of the authors or a member of his or her immediate family received, in
any one year, payments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits from commercial entities (DePuy and Osteotech
[less than $10,000] and Stryker Biotech [in excess of $10,000]). Also, a commercial entity (Stryker Biotech and Osteotech) paid or directed in any
one year, or agreed to pay or direct, benefits in excess of $10,000 to a research fund, foundation, division, center, clinical practice, or other chari-
table or nonprofit organization with which the authors, or a member of their immediate families, are affiliated or associated. Page 650 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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ment. As all skeletal tissues evolve from mesenchyme, undif- Grades of Recommendation
ferentiated mesenchymal cells make a genetic commitment to A. Good evidence (Level-I studies with consistent findings)
a particular cellular lineage early in the developmental or re- for or against recommending intervention.
pair process. In the case of repair, some stimulus must signal B. Fair evidence (Level-II or III studies with consistent find-
the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to differentiate along a ings) for or against recommending intervention.
chondro-osteogenic pathway. This phenomenon, known as C. Poor-quality evidence (Level-IV or V studies with consis-
osteoinduction, is defined as “a process that supports the mito- tent findings) for or against recommending intervention.
genesis of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells leading to the I. There is insufficient or conflicting evidence not allowing a
formation of osteoprogenitor cells with the capacity to form recommendation for or against intervention.
new bone.”1 Thus, any material that induces this process could
be considered to be osteoinductive. Use of Demineralized Bone Matrix
The concept of osteoinduction was introduced by Mar- To our knowledge, there have been no studies in which the in-
shall R. Urist at the time of his discovery of the so-called bone vestigators carefully evaluated the osteoinductive properties of
induction principle in the 1960s2. The initial understanding allograft bone per se. However, there have been studies on
was that bone matrix—demineralized bone matrix in particu- demineralized bone matrix as a source of osteoinductive pro-
lar—contains some property that can induce new bone for- teins and, while most of the structural aspects of an allograft
mation when implanted into an extraskeletal site. Urist and are eliminated by an extensive demineralization process, dem-
his colleagues soon identified a protein that they named bone ineralized bone matrix is, strictly speaking, allogeneic bone
morphogenetic protein (BMP); this led to a program of investi- tissue. Since the true test of osteoinductivity is whether a ma-
gation to identify and characterize an entire family of osteoin- terial that has been implanted in a nonosseous site forms
ductive molecules3. By the mid-1990s, it had become clear that bone, the inability of allograft bone to do this in patients ar-
this family included at least fifteen BMPs and was part of the gues against its having substantial osteoinductive activity.
larger transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily of Demineralized bone matrix has been shown to produce this
molecules. Today, orthopaedic surgeons seek guidance on the effect in animal studies, but it too has never demonstrated this
use of materials that may possess some of these properties and effect in patients. In addition, different demineralized bone
could be therapeutically useful in the management of skeletal matrix products have been found to vary with regard to their
injuries such as fractures or nonunions. In particular, the role osteogenic response in animal models.
of osteoinductive factors synthesized by recombinant gene Demineralized bone matrix is produced by acid extrac-
technology or derived from autologous bone, allogeneic bone, tion of allograft. It contains type-1 collagen, non-collagenous
or demineralized bone matrix requires clarification. proteins, and osteoinductive growth factors5. As noted above,
the TGF-β superfamily includes a number of factors in addition
Use of Levels of Evidence in the to the BMPs. The factors that are known to be osteoinductive
Assessment of Scientific Information are the BMPs, GDFs (growth differentiation factors), and possi-
In order to assess the quality of evidence supporting scientific bly TGF-β 1, 2, and 3. Thus, when demineralized bone matrix is
knowledge regarding a therapeutic intervention, a hierarchical implanted in an animal, all of these factors potentially work in
rating system was established to place a published report into combination to produce the observed osteogenic response.
proper context for the reader. Recently introduced into this However, while studies of animals have documented the os-
journal, this rating system requires authors to classify their teoinductive effects of demineralized bone matrix6,7, there is a
study as therapeutic, prognostic, diagnostic, or economic/deci- paucity of clinical studies with similar findings. Isolated case
sion analysis and to provide a level-of-evidence rating4. Studies reports and uncontrolled retrospective reviews (Level-IV
with higher levels of evidence are more valuable to surgeons evidence) have suggested potential therapeutic effects of dem-
attempting to resolve clinical dilemmas. For example, a well- ineralized bone matrix in the treatment of phalangeal cysts8 and
conducted, randomized controlled trial (Level I) provides ex- maxillocraniofacial deformities9. Tiedeman et al.10 reported on
cellent information to help a clinician evaluate a treatment, an uncontrolled case series of forty-eight patients in whom
whereas a review article, while helpful, is essentially based on an demineralized bone matrix had been used in conjunction with
expert’s personal opinion (Level V). While the answer to a clini- bone marrow for the treatment of skeletal injuries. Thirty-nine
cal question must be based on a composite assessment of all patients were available for follow-up, and thirty of them showed
evidence of all types and no one study should be considered de- healing. The most common diagnosis for the patients who did
finitive, reports with higher levels of evidence are generally con- not have healing was recalcitrant nonunion. However, since
sidered more appropriate for clinical decision-making. there was no control group, the role of demineralized bone ma-
Level-of-evidence ratings for multiple studies address- trix in the thirty patients who had healing remains unknown.
ing a clinical care recommendation can be summarized with There are numerous demineralized bone matrix formu-
use of a grades-of-recommendation table. This requires that lations based on refinements of the manufacturing process.
authors not only rate the quality of the evidence reported but They are available as freeze-dried powder, granules, gel, putty,
also provide the quality of a clinical care recommendation or strips. They have also been developed as combination prod-
based on the evidence to support it. ucts with other materials such as allogeneic bone chips and Page 651 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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calcium sulfate granules. All have been shown to have osteoin- three months prior to the patient’s enrollment in the study. All
ductive effects in animals, but we are not aware of any Level-I patients were treated with reamed intramedullary nailing of
studies of the use of demineralized bone matrix alone in hu- the nonunion and were then randomized to have either au-
mans. One prospective controlled study showed equivalent tograft bone or OP-1 implanted at the nonunion site. Despite
rates of spinal fusion between sides in patients who had been randomization, there were more smokers in the OP-1 group.
treated with autograft on one side and a 2:1-ratio composite Nine months after the surgery, 81% of the sixty-three non-
of Grafton DBM (gel) and autograft on the other, suggesting a unions treated with OP-1 and 85% of the sixty-one treated
potential use of Grafton DBM as a bone-graft extender11. Only with autograft had clinical evidence of union. Radiographic
anecdotal information is available regarding similar applica- assessments suggested healing of 75% and 84% of these non-
tions in patients with long-bone fractures and nonunions. unions, respectively. As statistical analysis of these results
There is now evidence of differential potencies of dem- showed equivalent efficacy between OP-1 and autograft, the
ineralized bone matrix preparations based on the manufac- authors concluded that OP-1 was a safe and effective alterna-
turer and manufacturing process12. Because these materials tive to bone graft in the treatment of tibial nonunions. A limi-
were originally developed as reprocessed human tissues, clear- tation of the study was that the investigators could not control
ance for marketing was achieved without the need for ran- for the potential healing effects produced by reamed in-
domized controlled trials comparing their efficacy with that of tramedullary nailing of tibial nonunions. It is noteworthy that
autologous bone. However, as currently marketed formula- half of the nonunions treated in this study were of fractures
tions of these products include carrier substances such as glyc- that had failed to heal following reamed nailing as primary
erol, starch, and hyaluronic acid, the United States Food and treatment. Another positive effect of the use of OP-1 was that
Drug Administration (FDA) now plans to regulate demineral- there was a reduction in the rate of infections compared with
ized bone matrix products as Class-II medical devices. Cur- that in the control group.
rently marketed demineralized bone matrix products will More recently, the BMP-2 Evaluation in Surgery for Tibial
most likely be reclassified with use of the 510K pathway, which Trauma (BESTT) Study Group reported the results of a large
requires demonstration of substantial equivalence to a predi- multinational, prospective, randomized, controlled study of the
cate device but still not does not require demonstration of ef- effects of INFUSE (rhBMP-2 on an absorbable type-1 collagen
ficacy comparable with that of autologous bone graft. sponge; Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, Tennessee) in
the treatment of open tibial fractures15. Four hundred and fifty
Use of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins patients with such an injury were initially managed with irriga-
To our knowledge, the first reports on the use of BMP to treat tion, débridement, and intramedullary nail fixation. At the time
clinical conditions came from the Department of Orthopaedic of definitive wound closure, the patients were randomized to
Surgery at the University of California at Los Angeles. Urist pu- one of three groups: standard closure, standard closure and the
rified the protein in his laboratory, and Johnson and colleagues addition of 6 mg of rhBMP-2 to the fracture site, or standard
used the protein in clinical settings13. These uncontrolled retro- closure and the addition of 12 mg of rhBMP-2 to the fracture
spective series (Level-IV evidence) had encouraging results and site. The primary outcome measure in this study was the rate of
stimulated further investigation in this area. Because extraction secondary interventions (returns to the operating rooms for ad-
of purified human BMP from cadaver bone provided small ditional treatment). The group treated with the higher dose of
yields, the ability to produce it in large quantities was limited. rhBMP-2 (1.5 mg/kg) had fewer secondary interventions. Inter-
Therefore, companies turned to the use of recombinant gene estingly, although not used as primary outcome measures, an
technology to develop individual BMPs and to focus on those accelerated time to union, improved wound-healing, and a re-
that have the greatest potential for bone induction in patients. duced infection rate were also found in the patients treated with
Because the use of this technology is viewed by the FDA as being the high dose of rhBMP-2.
associated with risk, recombinant BMPs are classified as Class- In a similar study, McKee et al.16 investigated the use of
III devices. OP-1 in the treatment of open tibial fractures. The fracture
At the present time, two recombinant BMPs, rhBMP-2 was treated initially with irrigation, débridement, and locked
and rhBMP-7 (also known as osteogenic protein-1 [OP-1]) intramedullary nailing and, at the time of definitive wound
are available for clinical use. Each has been evaluated in ran- closure, the patient was randomized to be managed with ei-
domized controlled trials involving trauma patients, and those ther standard closure or standard closure and the addition of
studies provided data that qualify as Level-I evidence. In a 3.4 mg of OP-1 to the fracture site. One hundred and twenty-
large prospective, randomized, controlled, partially blinded, two patients with a total of 124 tibial fractures were enrolled in
multicenter study, Friedlaender et al.14 assessed the efficacy of the study. There was a significant decrease in the rate of sec-
the OP-1 Device (3.5 mg of rhBMP-7 in a bovine bone- ondary interventions for delayed unions and nonunions (the
derived type-1 collagen-particle delivery vehicle; Stryker Bio- primary outcome measure) in the OP-1-treated group (p =
tech, Hopkinton, Massachusetts) in comparison with that of 0.02). There was a corresponding improvement in patient
autografting in the treatment of 122 patients with a total of function, with 80% of the OP-1 group having no or mild pain
124 tibial nonunions. All of the nonunions were at least nine with activity at twelve months postinjury compared with 65%
months old and had shown no progress toward healing for the of the control group (p = 0.04). Page 652 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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Osteoconductive Bone Graft Substitutes mation is then further stimulated through osteoinduction.
Allograft Incorporation of allograft bone differs according to the type of
Approximately one-third of the bone grafts used in North graft that is used. Cortical strut grafts are incorporated by
America are allografts17. Allograft bone is an attractive alterna- creeping substitution through the process of intramembranous
tive to autogenous bone as it avoids donor site morbidity, is rel- bone formation at the cortical junctions18,19. Cortical graft ends
atively abundant, and can be used off the shelf. Fresh allograft with an exposed medullary canal are incorporated by enchon-
bone is less frequently used than processed allograft because of dral ossification. This process involves weakening of the initial
an inadequate time for disease screening. Disease transmis- structural strength of the cortical graft as it is resorbed. Strength
sion is the major risk and disadvantage of the use of allograft is recovered as new bone formation occurs20. In contrast, cancel-
materials, and the risk is increased when fresh allografts are lous allograft chips or powders are incorporated solely by en-
used. However, one must keep in mind that, although there is a chondral bone formation along the osteoconductive framework
risk of bacterial and viral infection transmission, there have of the graft, which strengthens the construct over time20.
been relatively few reported cases considering the large number The use of allograft has become widespread. Potential ap-
of allograft procedures done each year. plications in the trauma setting include reconstruction of skele-
Frozen allografts are stored at temperatures below −60°C, tal defects, augmentation of fracture repair, and treatment of
which decreases enzyme degradation and host immune re- nonunion. The primary application of allografts in trauma sur-
sponse. Freeze-drying involves removal of water from the tissue gery consists of use of cancellous or corticocancellous chips as
with subsequent vacuum packing and storage at room tempera- an osteoconductive filler for metaphyseal defects such as occur
ture. This destroys all osteogenic cells and leaves only limited with tibial plateau fractures. Assessment of their efficacy in this
osteoinductive capability. The host immune response is less ro- application is extremely difficult. Van Houwelingen and McKee
bust than the response to fresh or fresh-frozen allograft. Al- reported on a case series of six humeral nonunions treated with
lografts can be processed as a powder, cancellous or cortical a combination of compression plate fixation and cortical onlay
chips, wedges, pegs, dowels, or struts. In addition, they can be allografts21. All six nonunions had united at a mean of 3.4
machined into shapes, such as screws, for specific situations. months. Hornicek et al. reported on a series of nine humeral
Sterility is a major concern with the use of allografts, nonunions treated in a similar fashion; union was achieved in
highlighting the need for aseptic tissue retrieval and adequate all patients at an average of 2.9 months22.
donor screening. However, even those safeguards do not elim- Haddad et al. reported on a retrospective case series of
inate the risk of infection. Therefore, serological testing must forty patients in whom a femoral fracture around a well-fixed
be performed. The FDA requires testing for HIV-1 (human prosthetic femoral stem was treated with cortical onlay strut
immunodeficiency-1), HIV-2, and HCV (hepatitis-C virus) allografts, with or without plate fixation and without revision
antibody. Many states also require testing for hepatitis-B core of the femoral component23. Thirty-nine of the forty fractures
antibody. The AATB (American Association of Tissue Banks) united. Wang and Weng reported the results of a retrospective
requires additional testing for HTLV-I (human T-cell lympho- study of nine patients in whom a distal femoral shaft non-
tropic virus-I) and HTLV-II antibodies. Additional testing for union had been treated with internal fixation combined with
HIV with use of polymerase chain reaction and for hepatitis cortical allograft strut grafts24. All fractures united at an aver-
with use of nucleic acid amplification as well as testing for cy- age of five months.
tomegalovirus and syphilis antibodies is frequently done. Herrera et al. reported the results of a retrospective study
Grafts may be processed or terminally sterilized. Terminal of unstable distal radial fractures treated with cancellous al-
sterilization involves the treatment of the tissue with a single lograft augmentation of both internal and external fixation25.
modality at the completion of the harvest and processing to None of seventeen patients evaluated after treatment with this
provide sterility. This is commonly done with techniques such protocol had a poor result. The authors concluded that cancel-
as gamma irradiation or ethylene oxide sterilization. Ethylene lous allograft was a useful adjunct for treatment of unstable dis-
oxide sterilization is more cost-efficient, but it may negatively tal radial fractures with metaphyseal comminution.
affect the mechanical strength or biologic activity of the graft. There is Level-IV evidence supporting the use of cortical
Terminal sterilization with gamma radiation has been found to and cancellous allografts in reconstructive trauma surgery21,24,25.
have greater effects on the mechanical properties of allografts, Additional research is needed to determine the ideal material
whereas ethylene oxide affects the osteoinductive properties. for encouraging bone formation with these applications.
The risk of disease transmission with fresh allografts and
the difficulty with storage and distribution of these grafts have Calcium Phosphate Synthetic Substitutes
led to the predominant use of fresh-frozen and freeze-dried al- Calcium phosphate synthetic substitutes (Table I) are consid-
lografts. These allografts are primarily osteoconductive, but ered to be medical devices by the FDA. To market a medical
they retain a variable number of osteoinductive proteins. The device, a Premarket Notification must be submitted to show
osteoinductive properties vary according to the type of allograft that the device is essentially equivalent to a legally marketed
and the processing methods used to prepare, sterilize, and store device26. Calcium phosphate substitutes are osteoconductive,
the allograft material prior to implantation. Incorporation of but they are not osteoinductive unless growth factors, BMPs,
allograft bone begins with passive osteoconduction. Bone for- or other osteoinductive substances are added to create a com- Page 653 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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TABLE I Commercially Available Calcium Phosphate Products

Calcium Phosphate Product Company Type

SRS (Skeletal Repair System) Synthes/Norian Calcium phosphate injectable cement
BoneSource Howmedica Calcium phosphate cement
Alpha-BSM DePuy Calcium phosphate cement
Biobon Biomet/Merck Calcium phosphate putty
Mimix Biomet Synthetic tricalcium phosphate
Cerasorb Curasan, CryoLife Beta-tricalcium phosphate
ChronOS Synthes Beta-tricalcium phosphate
Vitoss Orthovita Beta-tricalcium phosphate
Pro Osteon Interpore Cross Coralline hydroxyapatite
Endobon Biomet/Merck Cancellous hydroxyapatite
Composite grafts
Collagraft Zimmer Bovine collagen, hydroxyapatite, and tricalcium phosphate
Healos Orquest Hydroxyapatite-coated bovine collagen

posite graft. They do not provide a high level of structural ness, which have caused clinicians to be concerned about slow
support because they are brittle and have little tensile bone formation, hydroxyapatite is not commonly used alone as
strength27. They increase bone formation by providing an os- an osteoconductive bone substitute. Tricalcium phosphate is
teoconductive matrix for host osteogenic cells to create bone less brittle and has a faster resorption rate than hydroxyapatite.
under the influence of host osteoinductive factors27. Animal studies have demonstrated that 95% of calcium phos-
Calcium phosphate is available in a variety of forms and phate is resorbed in twenty-six to eighty-six weeks32,33. Trical-
products, including ceramics, powders, and cements. Ceram- cium phosphate and hydroxyapatite have been combined into a
ics are highly crystalline structures created by heating non- biphasic calcium phosphate composite that has a faster resorp-
metallic mineral salts at temperatures greater than 1000°C, a tion rate than pure hydroxyapatite.
process known as sintering. These phosphate materials have Calcium phosphate can also be manufactured as a ce-
variable rates of osteointegration based on their crystalline ment, by adding an aqueous solution to dissolve the calcium,
size and stoichiometry. They have the advantage of incorpo- which is followed by a precipitation reaction in which the cal-
rating at a slower rate than calcium sulfate materials. cium phosphate crystals grow and the cement hardens. The
One of the commonly available resorbable ceramics is primary advantage of cements over blocks, granules, or pow-
tricalcium phosphate. These ceramics can be obtained in ders is the ability to custom-fill defects and increased com-
block, granular, powder, or putty form. Coralline ceramics are pressive strength. However, cement can be extruded beyond
formed by thermochemically treating coral with ammonium the boundaries of the fracture, potentially damaging the sur-
phosphate, leaving tricalcium phosphate with a structure and rounding tissue. This presents a potential disadvantage of
porosity that are similar to those of cancellous bone. Pore size these phosphate materials, as they will not dissolve if they
and porosity are important characteristics of bone graft sub- happen to migrate into the joint.
stitutes. No osseous ingrowth occurs with pore sizes of 15 to The ability of calcium phosphate bone substitutes to act
40 µm. Osteoid formation requires minimum pore sizes of as a bone-void filler has been documented in animal studies and
100 µm, with pore sizes of 300 to 500 µm reported to be ideal human case series34-36. Cameron evaluated the incorporation
for osseous ingrowth28. Some authors, however, have reported time of tricalcium phosphate by placing an 8.5 by 3-mm disk of
that pore size may be less critical than the presence of inter- the material into the cut surface of tibiae in a series of twenty
connecting pores for osseous ingrowth. Interconnecting pores patients undergoing total knee replacement37. The disks of tri-
prevent the formation of blind alleys, which are associated calcium phosphate could not be detected radiographically at six
with low oxygen tension; low oxygen tension prevents os- months, and the authors concluded that tricalcium phosphate
teoprogenitor cells from differentiating into osteoblasts29. was a useful resorbable bone-filler material. In a retrospective
Synthetic hydroxyapatite is a crystalline calcium phos- case series, forty-three patients with traumatic bone defects or
phate osteoconductive bone substitute that is also manufac- nonunion of the femur, tibia, calcaneus, humerus, ulna, or ra-
tured as a ceramic through a sintering process. Animal studies dius had treatment augmented with tricalcium phosphate38.
have suggested that hydroxyapatite may have some osteoinduc- Ninety percent of the fractures and 85% of the nonunions had
tive properties in addition to its osteoconductive capabilities30,31. united at the time of follow-up, at an average of twelve months
However, because of slow in vivo resorption and a high brittle- (minimum duration, six months). The authors concluded that Page 654 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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tricalcium phosphate was a useful substitute for cancellous oped in smokers, and histological evaluation of tissue from those
bone. In a prospective randomized study of forty closed tibial patients demonstrated no giant cells or eosinophils to suggest a
plateau fractures with metaphyseal defects conducted by Bu- foreign body or allergic reaction. Although this infection rate is
cholz et al.39, patients were randomized to have the defect filled an important outcome to consider, the authors concluded that
with either autogenous bone or porous hydroxyapatite. At an cement augmentation of internal fixation of joint-depression-
average of 15.4 months postoperatively, no significant radio- type calcaneal fractures allowed earlier weight-bearing with no
graphic or clinical differences were appreciated between the change in postoperative outcomes.
two groups. Early results have demonstrated that augmentation of
The more recent availability of calcium phosphate as a femoral neck and intertrochanteric hip fractures with calcium
cement has increased the applications of this osteoconductive phosphate cement is feasible, with no substantial increase in
material because of its increased compression strength and complications47. A randomized prospective study showed that
improved custom-filling of bone defects. Investigators have femoral neck fractures treated with cannulated screws aug-
evaluated the use of calcium phosphate cement products for mented with calcium phosphate cement had less postopera-
augmentation of the repair of fractures of the distal radial tive displacement than those treated with cannulated screws
metaphysis, tibial plateau, calcaneus, hip, and spine. Several alone48. The magnitude of this difference in displacement was
randomized studies40, including one multicenter randomized decreased at six weeks after the surgery compared with the av-
controlled trial involving forty patients with a distal radial erage difference at one week after the surgery.
fracture41, have shown that patients treated with cement aug- No authors of human studies have been able to clearly
mentation and immobilization had a faster regain of grip demonstrate the resorption rate of calcium phosphate cement.
strength and range of motion than did patients treated with Animal studies have shown that up to 80% of the cement is re-
external fixation. Zimmermann et al. performed a prospective sorbed at ten weeks, with resorption and replacement with
study of fifty-two postmenopausal, osteoporotic women in bone continuing for as long as thirty weeks49,50. This process
whom a distal radial fracture had been treated with either occurs by dissolution as well as by osteoclast resorption.
percutaneous pinning alone or percutaneous pinning supple- The lack of osteoprogenitor cells and osteoinductive po-
mented by injection of calcium phosphate cement42. The patie- tential of calcium-based bone substitutes has led to the develop-
nts treated with cement augmentation had superior functional ment of composite grafts in an attempt to accelerate bone
outcomes at two years after the surgery. In a randomized study formation. A composite graft is created by adding an osteoin-
of 323 distal radial fractures treated with closed reduction and a ductive factor to an osteoconductive calcium phosphate matrix
cast or with percutaneous pinning, augmentation with calcium to theoretically increase bone formation. A prospective, ran-
phosphate cement was compared with treatment without such domized, multicenter trial of 249 long-bone fractures in pa-
augmentation43. At the time of early follow-up, the patients with tients followed for a minimum of two years was conducted to
cement augmentation were found to have improved grip compare autogenous bone graft with a composite graft consist-
strength, range of motion, and social functioning and decreased ing of biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic mixed with bovine
swelling. However, by one year, no clinical differences between collagen and autogenous bone marrow51. No significant differ-
the groups were detected. ences in union rates, functional outcomes, or complications
In a prospective study of twenty-six patients in whom a were found between the two groups. The authors concluded
tibial plateau fracture had been treated with open reduction that a calcium phosphate composite graft was as effective as an
and internal fixation with injection of calcium phosphate ce- autogenous iliac crest bone graft for the treatment of long-bone
ment into the residual bone defect, only two patients had ra- fractures requiring bone graft augmentation (Level-I evidence).
diographic evidence of loss of reduction at a mean of 19.7 Table I lists some of the commercially available osteo-
months44. In another series, of fourteen patients in whom a conductive products that are commonly used.
lateral tibial plateau fracture with a metaphyseal defect had
been treated with open reduction and internal fixation and Materials with Osteogenic Properties
filling of the defect with calcium phosphate cement, only one Humans require three elements for bone-healing: extracellular
patient had had an altered fracture reduction at an average of matrix, growth factors, and cells. The results of healing are
thirty months45. usually quite remarkable, but when it fails the biology must be
Schildhauer et al. reported on a series of thirty-six joint- reestablished to reflect the injury condition or embryological
depression-type calcaneal fractures that had been treated with development such that healing may once again begin. There is
internal fixation augmented by calcium phosphate cement46. no formal definition of materials with osteogenic properties.
They found that patients who had been allowed to bear weight The term has evolved as the entire field of tissue engineering
as early as three weeks after the surgery had no radiographic ev- has expanded into the musculoskeletal system52. For the pur-
idence of loss of reduction, and there was no significant differ- pose of this paper, the working definition of osteogenesis is the
ence in functional outcome scores between patients who had generation of bone from bone-forming cells. Thus, the pres-
been allowed to begin bearing weight before six weeks and those ence of adult mesenchymal stem cells in an autograft helps to
who began it after six weeks. However, the authors did note an prepare a bone to respond to injury. Orthopaedic surgeons
11% infection rate. Seventy-five percent of the infections devel- have employed this approach for decades through the use of Page 655 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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autologous bone and bone marrow grafts. The critical compo- of demineralized bone matrix and marrow (the composite
nent necessary to all bone formation is the ability to provide graft) yielded results that were superior to those in the single-
viable osteoprogenitor cells. agent groups and similar to those in the autograft group.
Bruder et al.61 evaluated bone marrow combined with a po-
Bone Morphogenesis Cascade rous tricalcium phosphate cylinder in a canine nonunion
Osteogenesis begins with a stem cell that gives rise to progeni- model stabilized with plates. Use of the composite graft pro-
tor cells. These progenitors then advance to preosteoblasts and vided results that were superior to those of treatment with the
then to osteoblasts. These cells have a more limited life span, ceramic cylinders alone, which resulted in only modest bone
of about forty days. Eventually the osteoblast provides matrix formation. Lane et al.62 investigated the potential of combining
for new bone tissue as well as bone-lining cells and osteocytes. bone marrow cells with rhBMP-2 in a rat femoral defect
An osteocyte’s life expectancy may be as long as twenty years. model. This combination was superior to either rhBMP-2 or
Bone marrow is a plentiful source of musculoskeletal stem marrow cells by themselves as well as to treatment with synge-
cells, but the cells can also be found in periosteum, cartilage, neic bone-grafting. The authors believed that this represented
muscle, fat, and vascular pericytes53. Connective tissue progen- a synergistic effect of the two materials and emphasized the
itors describe the population of stem cells and progenitors importance of growth factors being present.
that are actively engaging in proliferation and differentiation A sheep tibial defect model was used to evaluate hy-
into connective tissue. A bone marrow aspirate has a high droxyapatite combined with either rhBMP-7 or bone mar-
concentration of connective tissue progenitors. One milliliter row63. Treatment with the composite grafts yielded results that
of iliac aspirate contains approximately 40 million nucleated were as good as those in an autograft control group and were
cells, 1500 of which are connective tissue progenitors54. superior to those in either a void group or a group treated
with hydroxyapatite alone. Muschler et al.64 reported on the
Historic Perspective use of a selective cell-retention method of enriching allograft
The first attempt at tissue engineering took place in 1668 by (Cellect) in a canine spine fusion model. The selective cell
the Dutch surgeon Job van Meek’ren55. This was the first docu- process allows the concentration of connective tissue progeni-
mented bone-grafting procedure in the literature. In 1980, tors to be increased three to fourfold. A union score, quantita-
Lindholm and Urist56 were the first to try adding bone marrow tive computed tomography, and mechanical testing were used
to bone matrix to enhance healing in a study that quantified to measure the results, and all three showed the use of the
new bone formation. Connolly and Shindell reported the suc- selective-retention-enriched bone matrix and bone-marrow
cessful clinical use of percutaneous bone marrow injection for clot to be superior to the use of bone matrix alone or non-
treatment of a nonunion of the tibia in 198657. This was fol- enriched bone matrix and bone-marrow clot.
lowed in 1991 with the successful treatment of eighteen of The results from animal studies provide a compelling
twenty tibial nonunions with injections combined with either sense that application of bone marrow is effective for the pro-
the use of a cast (ten patients) or a Lottes nail (ten patients)58. motion of bone-healing. The combination of cells with a ce-
The two failures were in the cast treatment group. ramic substance seems to work very well. When bone marrow
Bone marrow aspirate often is diluted twenty to forty- is mixed with matrix and BMP there seems to be a strong syn-
fold with blood elements. The aspiration technique is very ergistic effect, as one would expect because all three elements
specific in order to maximize the number of effective progeni- necessary for bone-healing are plentiful. Despite these find-
tor cells per unit volume. Muschler et al.54 studied this issue ings, history has shown that positive results in animals do not
and reported that no more than 2 mL of blood should be aspi- guarantee the same in humans.
rated from any given area in the iliac crest to avoid dilution
with peripheral blood. On the basis of these data, a selective Clinical Application of Autologous Bone Marrow
retention system was developed that has the ability to concen- Historically, autograft has been the material of choice used
trate progenitor cells three to four times and load them onto by orthopaedic surgeons to enhance and supplement bone-
an allograft substrate for delivery. healing. Autograft is considered osteogenic because it con-
tains connective tissue progenitors. The matrix and growth
Substantiation by In Vitro and Animal Models factors contained therein provide osteoconductive and osteoin-
Many reports of enhanced bone-healing through the use of ductive properties, respectively. The concentration of connec-
cell-based strategies are based on in vitro and animal studies. tive tissue progenitors is affected by the volume of cancellous
Connolly et al.59 investigated the effects of concentrating mar- bone harvested. There is also a morbidity associated with
row by centrifugation in a rabbit nonunion model. The results this procedure65 (reported to range from 25% to 30% when
with centrifugation were superior to those with unprocessed pain and wound drainage are included), which caused many
marrow. In a similar study, performed with use of a canine surgeons to seek alternatives to autograft for bone growth
tibial nonunion model, distraction gaps held with external fix- enhancement.
ation were filled with bone marrow aspirate, demineralized Using a bone marrow aspirate is another way to apply
bone matrix, or a composite graft of both materials60. A con- connective tissue progenitors to enhance bone growth and re-
trol group was treated with autograft. Use of the combination pair. This is done intraoperatively with ease and is associated Page 656 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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with a low morbidity rate. To our knowledge, Connolly et al. tribute to the early stages of bone repair and thus initiate the en-
were the first surgeons to report on the use of bone marrow tire fracture-healing cascade. Several strategies for platelet
aspirate as a clinical alternative to autograft57,66. However, their concentration and delivery have been developed on the basis of
work represents Level-IV evidence at best. this assumption, but we are not aware of any published pro-
Garg et al.67 reported good results in their series of twenty spective comparative studies of these strategies. Current indica-
patients in whom a nonunion had been treated with bone mar- tions are based only on multiple case reports, longitudinal
row injection. This was a single-surgeon experience with no his- series, and abstracts documenting the effectiveness of platelet
toric or case-matched controls (Level IV). Similarly, Healey et gels and concentrates74. This material appears to function best as
al.68 successfully treated nonunions in a group of children with a physiologic carrier for other autogenous, allogeneic, or allo-
cancer by simply injecting a bone marrow aspirate. Wientroub plastic graft materials.
et al.69 also reported on the use of autologous marrow to im-
prove the effectiveness of allografts in children. Goel et al.70 re- Overview
ported that they employed bone marrow injections, with use of The use of autologous bone, the so-called gold standard for
local anesthesia, for patients who were on waiting lists for open augmentation of bone-healing, is actually supported by very
repair of a nonunion. They used the procedure in an attempt to little direct clinical evidence. We are not aware of any studies
provide a low-cost alternative treatment, and they claimed suc- in the literature in which the effectiveness of autograft was
cess in fifteen of twenty patients; however, no control group was compared with that of no graft. That is not to say that au-
evaluated. In summary, to our knowledge, there currently is no tograft is not an efficacious material. Indeed, surgeons have
Level-I evidence documenting the effectiveness of bone marrow used it for over a century with great success. As such, it re-
for the enhancement of bone-healing. mains the standard against which all bone substitutes are mea-
Recently, Hernigou et al. reported on sixty patients with sured. Clinical evidence for the use of currently available bone
a noninfected nonunion who had undergone bone marrow graft substitutes ranges from Level I to Level IV. The Ortho-
aspiration from both iliac crests followed by injection into the paedic Trauma Association Orthobiologics Committee pro-
nonunion site71. Each nonunion site received a relatively con- vided a summary of the levels of recommendation regarding
stant volume of 20 mL of concentrated bone marrow. The various bone graft substitutes, which can be found in Table II.
number of progenitor cells that was transplanted was esti- The osteoinductive effects of rhBMP-2 and 7 are well docu-
mated by counting the fibroblast colony-forming units. The mented, and Level-I evidence supports their clinical use.
volume of mineralized bone formation was determined by There is less documentation for many of the osteoconductive
comparing preoperative computerized tomography scans with bone substitutes. Some are supported by Level-I evidence,
scans made four months following the injection. The results whereas others made their way into the marketplace simply by
showed union in fifty-three of the sixty patients, with positive showing equivalent efficacy to a predicate medical device and
correlations between the volume of mineralized callus at four have not been subjected to clinical analysis. At least one such
months and the number and concentration of colony-forming
units. The seven patients in whom the fracture did not unite TABLE II Bone Graft Substitutes
had lower numbers and concentrations of colony-forming
units. This study provided Level-III evidence for the use of au- Grade of
tologous bone marrow, which seems to be the best evidence Bone Graft Substitute Recommendation
thus far for the potential efficacy of this osteogenic material. Osteoinductive
Allograft bone I
Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Demineralized bone matrix C
Related Peripheral Blood Concentrates Purified human BMP C
Following an acute fracture or an operative intervention, (not commercially available)
platelets are activated by thrombin and subendothelial col- OP-1 device A
lagen with the subsequent release of their granules into the INFUSE A
wound environment. This fracture or wound hematoma con- Osteoconductive
tains a pool of platelet-derived factors released from the plate- CaPO4 B
lets, which can stimulate the formation of blood vessels; the A
invasion of pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells, mono- CaSO4 B
cytes, and macrophages; and the further aggregation of plate- C
lets. As a result, these molecules do not directly stimulate bone Allograft C
formation, but they have been referred to as osteopromotive Hydroxyapatite A
factors72,73. They act as signaling agents to these cells and affect Osteogenic and osteopromotive
critical repair functions such as cell migration, proliferation, Selective cellular retention (Cellect) I
differentiation, and angiogenesis. Bone marrow aspirate injection/implantation B
It would seem intuitive that, in orthopaedic surgery, the
Platelet-rich plasma and blood concentrates I
ability to deliver a concentrated amount of platelets would con- Page 657 Friday, February 9, 2007 2:16 PM

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osteoconductive material, when used as a composite with au- 720 Harrison Avenue, Suite 808, Boston, MA 02118
tologous bone, has shown efficacy equivalent to that of au-
tograft. Data regarding the use of autologous bone marrow are Kenneth Koval, MD
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon,
inconsistent. Recent information suggests that methods to in- NH 03756
crease the number and concentration of osteoprogenitor cells
may lead to an effective bone marrow graft material. Informa- Michael McKee, MD
tion regarding the clinical efficacy of autologous blood con- St. Michael’s Hospital, 55 Queen Street East, Suite 800, Toronto, ON
centrates such as platelet gels is still lacking. Similarly, there M5C 1R6, Canada
are few studies in the literature in which one type of bone graft
Wade Smith, MD
substitute was measured against another substitute for a spe-
Denver Health Medical Center, 777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204
cific indication. There remains a great need for controlled,
prospective, randomized studies to provide reliable informa- Roy Sanders, MD
tion regarding the use of these materials. Florida Orthopaedic Institute, 4 Columbia Drive, Suite 710, Tampa,
FL 33606-3568

William G. De Long Jr., MD Tracy Watson, MD

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Temple University, One Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Louis University
Greentree Centre, Suite 104, Marlton, NJ 08053. E-mail address: Health Science Center, 3635 Vista Avenue, 7th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63110-0250

Thomas A. Einhorn, MD
Department of Orthopaedics, Boston University Medical Center, doi:10.2106/JBJS.F.00465

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