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Willoughby 1

Roster # 28

Bailey Willoughby

Professor Shkorupa

EDU 214

23 November 2018

Field Observation #1

1. Observe and Record

A.) Each teacher is assigned a duty. Some teachers help children out of their cars, mainly

the kindergarten students, to ensure they get to their class safely. During playground duty

the teachers make sure that the students are playing safe. Tag is not allowed, and they

cannot run on the blacktop.

B.) When the children are in the hallways they hav etheir arms crossed, and have their

voices off, it is so that they do not disrupt any other ongoing classes. In the lunchroom

the students are expected to be seated at all times and to raise their hand when they need

something or to use the restroom.

C.) There are special needs assistants, and they have multiple offices/rooms. One is

across from the kindergarten classrooms. The other two are located in two seperate

classroom pods.

2. Record Information:

A.) The front office makes sure to check the individual’s ID, and sign the child out on a

computer that us set aside specifically for the parents and authorized personnel. The office then
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calls the student’s teacher to notify them that the child is going home for the day. The teacher

tells the students to gather their belongings, then sends them to the office.

B.) When the fire alarm goes off the teacher has the students quietly line up against the

wall awat from the door. This is because of all the recent shootings that have been

occurring,where the person falsely pulls the alarm to get everyone out of the classrooms in a

bunch. therefore is a safety precaution. The teacher will then wait 3 minutes before going

outside. After the 3 minutes the class walks outside and goes to the farthest part of the field.

Once the class is outside the teacher counts the children, and if someone is missing they will hold

up a red card to notify other teachers that someone is missing from their class.

C.) For the shelter in place the teacher will lock their door, and continue with their lesson.

D.) The teachers have the basic band-aids, and disinfectant wipes. One of the universal

precautions is to check the “wound”.

E.) One thing that I found interesting about the employee handbook was the rules

regarding pregnancies. Personally, I did not realize the extent of how the rules would go. It made

sense the more I thought about it. However, I did not know you had to request for the maternity

leaves 60 days prior to the expected delivery date.

3. Schools are considered part of the community:

A.) Some of the extra curricular activities include, but are not limited to, spanish, and

choir. The school also holds Fall Festivals, and Father/Daughter dances.

B.) One of the fundraisers that the school has had this year was at Chuck E. Cheese. I

know that other schools hold fundraisers at Zupas, and Yourtland.

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C.) Parents participate by donating school materials to the classrooms. They also stay connected

with teachers through Class Dojo, and Google Classroom.

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