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Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

Laura Medrano
2143 Judy Rd SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105

April 30, 2021

Wayne Canon
Water Rights District
5550 San Antonio Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109-4127

Dear Mr. Canon,

In the following text, it is a summary and recommendation of the groundwater contamination

that is affecting Albuquerque, NM. In this recommendation report, I discuss the causes and
effects of the groundwater contamination that has been occurring for years now. I also included
multiple methods in how to fic this issue and potentially not let it happen again.

Many of the information included was found in the internet. I will include all the resources I used
to acquire this information.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email and or call

Lastly, thank you for taking your time to view this recommendation report.

Thank you,

Laura Medrano
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

Contaminated Groundwater:
Saving the Water In New
By: Laura Medrano
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

Table of Contents:

Problem Statement…………………………………………...…………2-3

Issue Recommendation Statement………..…………………………..4

Analyzing Recommendations…………………………………………5-6


Work Cited…………………………………………………………………..8
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

The purpose of this report is to discuss the health hazards the ground water contamination in
New Mexico is causing. The cause and affects will first be discusses. It will explain how having
toxic chemicals in the groundwater won’t just affect the ecosystem but it also affects the
population ins New Mexico. I will recommend a few helpful suggestions that will help the issue
and then these suggestions will be examine in depth with background information to back up my
statement. This is a very important issue that must be discussed and fixed as soon as possible
before it continues to get worse. This recommendations report will overall cover everything that
has to do with the issue occurring and how to fix it.
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

Problem Statement

In the 1980s, the Air Force ignored that there was a problem going on with the underground fuel
system. It wasn’t until 1999 when it started it become very obvious the fuel was leaking. There
has now been 1100 of New Mexico’s water systems that receive safety violation between 2004
in 2006. Even now the Air Force has not yet fully described why they have not done anything
since the 1980s to stop the problem from growing and or to even make any actions now.

“The state environment department ground water quality bureau reports more
than 60 ongoing cleanups of water contamination from chemicals including
diesel, nitrate and volatile organic compounds” - EDF

Since this problem has been occurring for many years now, there has been up to 24,000,000
gallons of jet fuel and oil spilled. The leak came from the pipes at the Kirtland Air Force Base
and has traveled into the aquifers near Albuquerque. The contaminated ground water is traveling
down Albuquerque and almost a mile away from the drinking water wells. These toxic chemicals
contain benzene, toluene and various aliphatic hydrocarbons with ethylene dibromide. All of
these compounds that are carried by theses toxic chemicals can trigger cancers if the drinking
water is contaminated.

Since 2015 the Air Force has been working with the Environment Department to start cleaning
the contamination in the underground water. They are also monitoring the waters near the closest
drinking wells to ensure the drinking water has not been contaminated.
Although there has been an effort in cleaning up all the toxic chemicals that were released, this
problem has been going on for 20 years and just recent six years of cleaning it will not help the
contamination to get cleaned any time soon. Yet, what about the water that is used at homes and
workplaces to help clean our hands, etc. There has yet not been an assurance that the population
is using contaminated water to clean clothes, wash hands, etc. More has to be done to assure that
the groundwater is
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

This is a map that shows where the contaminated water has reached along with were each wells in Albuquerque is
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico

Issue Recommendation Statement

 Manage Toxic Waste

At locations such as the Air Force Base and anywhere else where toxic waste is
disposed constantly, the city should build hazardous waste tanks and drip pads
nearby that work properly and are check constantly for any leaks by the city.

 Modeling the Contaminant Plume

By using well data the hydrologist will use a computer program that contains
information of the aquifer and the direction and rate flow of groundwater. This
will model the plume and predict contaminations through the water.

 Bioremediation
Bioengineered microorganisms are injected into the plume that is contaminated to
consume the toxins.

 Chemical Remediation
A chemical inserted into the aquifer so the contamination can be destroyed. These
acids can neutralize contamination and cause pollution to precipitate from the

 Regular Checks
Continuing on checking and doing clean ups in the wells are good, but this should
be done constantly anywhere there is potentially chemical waste being leaked.
Contaminated Groundwater: Saving the Water In New Mexico 6

Analyzing Recommendations
1. Manage Toxic Waste:
Creating a hazardous waste tanks nearby will help keep toxic chemicals stored properly. The
best way to create these tanks is to use sealable containers that will prevent the release of any
2. Modeling the Contaminant Plume
3. Bioremediation
4. Chemical Remediation
5. Regular Checks

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