What Is It Like Living in A Historical Moment?

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due Thursday by 11:59pm

Personal Response - Living in the Historical Moment

What is it like living in a historical moment?

In this essay I will be going over what it’s like living in a historical moment, An example I will be using are
dictators. My purpose is to explain what it’s like living in history or the making of a new history.

As a young Mexican child growing up in the USA, I experienced many good, bad, historical, and amazing
experiences. Most of the experiences happened before I was even born and repeated throughout
history which really surprises me that the word “history always repeats itself” is true. When I thought
about it hit me very hard as most of the repeated stuff was very similar but just practiced differently.
One historical moment is dictators like Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-un which in their ways both corrupted
their own countries.

What are historical moments like each other in history?

A huge historical moment I am experiencing right now that is very similar to what has happened in the
past and what I call the big three which is known as Covid-19, BLM, and dictators. As for dictators, we
start with the most ionic which is Adolf Hitler whose most known as the leader of Nazi Germany and
both WW II and the Holocaust. A couple of years from that we have Fidel Castro whose most known for
being a Cuban nationalist and leading a guerrilla war against Batista. Which lead to Cuba having
deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, and more. Then we have now Kim Jong Un who's known as
a North Korean politician serving as the supreme leader of North Korea and violating human rights and
polluting the country. As I mention we see history repeating itself many times it may not be in the same
place or time but happens time and time again through different views

How are these events impacting you?

These events have not impacted me in a good or bad way but just as something that has happened. I
don’t live in the country where this corruption takes place and do but if I had to put myself in a spot of a
citation in living in North Korea I think I did not want to live in the country anymore or even have contact
with anyone. I say this because the rules over in Korea are very strict such as not including religion, cell
phones, windows, and being forced to join the army. So, if anything they would not impact me very well

How will you remember these times?

If I were to remember these events I probably do the same thing as the writer of Persepolis in which she
made events she experienced into a comic book style which is very detailed and shows the reader how
she and the people reacted to these events but more so, I would probably like to not remember these
events as they can make you feel depressed and effective the way you think but if I had to it would be a
manga book style.

In this paper, I answered the questions I provided and explained how history has repeated itself
throughout time and how it’s always going to be taken in a different time and place. In conclusion, I
believe that we are living in historical moments every day. In my opinion, it may not look like it but I
believe we are doing different historical things every day in our own way.

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