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Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

Synthesis and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Cellulose/

β‑Cyclodextrin/Chitosan Hydrogels and Investigating the Effect
of Magnetic Nanoparticles ­(Fe3O4) on a Novel Carrier for a Controlled
Release of Methotrexate as Drug Delivery
Zahra Naderi1 · Javad Azizian1 · Elham Moniri2 · Nazanin Farhadyar2

Received: 29 May 2019 / Accepted: 26 August 2019

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

In this paper, pH-sensitive magnetic hydrogels were prepared from carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)
and chitosan (CS) without a toxic agent by a simple method as a new carrier for a controlled drug release. Magnetic ­(Fe3O4)
nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical co-precipitation via in situ method under the presence of N ­ 2 gas. The effect of
magnetic ­(Fe3O4) nanoparticles amounts on CMC, β-CD and CS hydrogel for drug delivery of Methotrexate (MTX) was
investigated. The stability of hydrogel was evaluated using TGA, XRD, VSM, FT-IR, and FE-SEM measurements. The
SEM images demonstrated the ­Fe3O4 distribution in the hydrogel, while XRD patterns confirmed the cubic crystalline
phase of ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The hysteresis loop of low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/
CS hydrogel is 6.32 and 11.6 emug−1, respectively. The swelling manner of the CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels was studied at
a varied pH range 2–11. CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel demonstrated slightly higher swelling amount as compared to magnetic
CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. The prepared hydrogel showed a pH-sensitive swelling manner with great water-absorbing at pH
9. The maximum capacity of swelling in CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel, low and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels were
obtained 8.8, 6.7 and 4.6 g g−1 respectively. In vitro, MTX release experiment was performed to attain the success of this
new method of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel for drug delivery progress. The results showed that the release percent of
CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was more significant than the other prepared hydrogel. The maximum drug release in CMC/β-CD/
CS hydrogel, low and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels were obtained 92.7, 80.4 and 58.3% at pH 7.4, respectively.
Also, the MTX release investigated under an external alternating magnetic field (AMF). The studies illustrated that the
response of hydrogel nanocomposite to external stimulants could be used for novel drug delivery systems.

Keywords  Carboxymethyl cellulose · Fe3O4 nanoparticle · Drug delivery · β-Cyclodextrin · Chitosan · Hydrogel

1 Introduction properties, as non-toxicity, biocompatibility and eco-

friendly have extensive usage in protein and drug delivery
Biopolymers contain monomeric biomolecules count that [4–6]. Cyclodextrin (CDs) hydrogels are an excellent mate-
is covalently bonded to form macromolecules. Improve rial for the enhanced swelling ability and completed load-
bio macromolecular polymers are applied in a broad field ing drug progress [7, 8]. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
such as water treatment, sensor, catalyst, drug delivery is abiotic cellulose ether with water-solubility produced
[1–3]. Therefore, these polymers due to their exceptional from the reaction of ­ClCH2COOH with anhydroglucose as
a sugar polymer of cellulose. Because of its high physico-
chemical properties and low immunogenicity, CMC was
* Javad Azizian used in the drug delivery procedures [9, 10]. Chitosan,
as biological macromolecules, has excellent features for
Department of Chemistry, Science and Research Branch, different applications in pharmaceutical and  biomedi-
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
cal fields such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, and
Department of Chemistry, Varamin‑Pishva Branch, Islamic gene delivery [11–13]. Hydrogels are polymeric material
Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

with hydrophilicity properties is suitable for use in human 2 Materials and Methods

tissues due to physicochemical characteristics [14, 15].
Intelligent hydrogels or stimuli-responsive hydrogels are a All the chemical compounds were procured from sigma
group of polymers that change by ambient conditions such Aldrich Ltd, USA.
as temperature, pH, light, ionic strength, magnetic field,
and electrical signal. Hydrogels usually respond to changes
in the external environment by increasing or decreasing 2.1 Preparation of Carboxymethyl Cellulose/
swelling [16–19]. The use of hydrogels is limited due to β‑Cyclodextrin (CMC/β‑CD)
poor mechanical properties. The mechanical and physical
properties of hydrogels have been improved by the addi- Carboxymethyl cellulose (­ Mw = 250,000) (1 g) was added
tion of filler nano-structures (such as carbon, silica, inor- in 1 wt% NaOH solution and stirred. The epichlorohydrin
ganic, semiconductors, metal and metal oxide) into the (300 µL) was added slowly to the mixture. β-Cyclodextrin
hydrogels and production of nanocomposite hydrogels. (0.5 g) was dispersed in deionized water and was added to
Nano-composite hydrogels are widely used in tissue engi- the above mixture and stirred for 1 h. The reaction solution
neering, gene therapy, drug delivery, chemical and bio- was finalized with the methanol solution. Then, the CMC/
logical sensing [20–24]. However, some disadvantages are β-CD was washed with methanol three times and dried in
still related to hydrogels, when applied for drug delivery vacuum at 40 °C.
progress, such as reduced drug compound loading strength
for hydrophobic drugs [25]. Therefore, to resolve all these
disadvantages, β-cyclodextrin, carboxymethyl cellulose, 2.2 Preparation of Magnetic Carboxymethyl
chitosan hydrogels have been produced. Hanna and Saad Cellulose/β‑Cyclodextrin/Chitosan (CMC/β‑CD/
[26] studied the synthesis of xanthan gum- chitosan-based CS)
hydrogel was employing to the drug delivery of ciprofloxa-
cin. Craciun et al. [27] synthesized Nitrosalicyl-imine-chi- The magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS was prepared by using the
tosan hydrogels based and studied its drug delivery activ- precipitation chemical method of F ­ e3+/Fe2+. CMC/β-CD
ity using Diclofenac sodium as the model drug. Zhang (1  g) was dispersed in deionized water (100  mL) and
et al. [28] prepared supramolecular hydrogel formation stirred until to homogenous solution. Then, the 10 mL of
between chitosan and hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin and ­FeCl3/FeSO4 ­(Fe3+/Fe2+) solution (Table 1) was appended
studied the drug delivery. Javanbakht et al. [29] synthe- to the above solution and stirred for 20 min at 40 °C and
sized Carboxymethyl cellulose-Cu-organic compound for vigorously stirred for 30 min under the presence of ­N 2
ibuprofen oral delivery application. Carvalho et al. [30] gas. The ammonia (3 M) was added as dropwise in the
synthesized cellulose hydrogel for the drug delivery of mixture to pH reach 11 and stirred for 60 min at 60 °C.
doxorubicin. Ghorpade et al. [31] prepared Citric acid- The product was washed to pH reach 7. The magnetic
β-cyclodextrin/carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel that CMC/β-CD was appended in 50 mL of deionized water
exhibited enhanced drug delivery activities of ketocon- under ultrasonic irradiation (SJIA-2000 W) for 10 min
azole. Jeong et al. [32] reported that the preparation of and stirred at 60 °C. Then, the Chitosan (0.5 g) appended
Carboxymethyl cellulose-containing β-cyclodextrin leads in 50 mL of acetic acid (1 wt%), and the NaOH (0.1 M)
to excellent drug delivery efficiency. Nakagawa et al. [33] added to pH reaches 5.7. The magnetic CMC/β-CD sus-
produced hydrogels to control curcumin using the triple pension was added slowly to chitosan solution under
system of chitosan, kappa carrageenan and carboxymethyl vigorous stirring for 20  min at 60  °C. The product
cellulose. Machín et al. [34] synthesized β-Cyclodextrin was washed to pH reach 7. The magnetic CMC/β-CD/
hydrogels and studied the drug delivery process using CS was washed and dried overnight at 40 °C. Also, the
naproxen, nabumetone, naftifine, and terbinafine as the
model drugs. In this project, we prepared a pH-sensitive Table 1  The required amount of starting materials for the preparation
hydrogel from carboxymethyl cellulose, β-cyclodextrin, of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
and chitosan and F ­ e3O4 nanoparticles as a novel carrier
High magnetic Low magnetic CMC/β-CD/
and applied in the Controlled release of MTX. Therefore, CMC/β-CD/CS CMC/β-CD/CS CS hydrogel
the behaviour of MTX release from hydrogel at the various hydrogel hydrogel
pHs (1.2, 5.3 and 7.4) was investigated. This work focuses
CMC–CD(g) 1 1 1
on the effect of a different amount of F­ e3O4 nanoparticles
CS(g) 0.5 0.5 0.5
in hydrogel for evaluation of the swelling and MTX release
FeCl3(g) 2.35 1.17 0
properties. The structural features and morphological of
FeSO4(g) 1.2 0.6 0
the synthesized hydrogels were evaluated.

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

CMC/β-CD/CS (non-magnetic) hydrogel sample prepared 2.5 Characterization Devices

without the presence of iron ions and ammonia solution
with the same method. The morphology of the surface of the magnetic CMC/β-CD/
CS hydrogel or CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was performed by
the field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM;
2.3 Swelling Test MIRA3 TSCAN) equipped with EDS. The crystalline phase
of ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles was obtained using X-ray diffractom-
To evaluate the swelling manner of prepared hydrogels, we eter (XRD) Philips X’Pert at the wavelength of λ = 1.54 A°
applied the previous studies [9]. Regularly, 0.1 g of mag- with Cu-Kα radiation (30 kV, 30 mA) in the 2θ range from
netic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel or CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel 5° to 80°. FT-IR spectroscopy analysis was distinguished
was appended in various pH buffer solutions (20 mL) at between 400–4000 cm−1 by a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100.
25 °C for 24 h. The swelling measurement determined via Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) study was performed
Eq. (1). The test was carried out in triplicate [35]. using STA-1500 Scientific Rheometric Thermogravimetric
Analyzer at from 20 to 500 °C temperature range and with
a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 in an atmosphere of nitrogen.
( ) ( )
g W2 − W1
Swelling = (1)
g W1 Spectroscopy analysis of Ultraviolet–visible was determined
using (UV240 Shimadzu UV–Vis spectrophotometer) in the
where ­W1 and ­W2 are the initial hydrogel weight and hydro- wavelength of 200–800 nm. The magnetization of synthe-
gel weight of after swelling test, respectively. sized hydrogels was performed with VSM (vibrating sample
magnetometer, 550) at room temperature.

2.4 MTX Loading and Release Tests

Regularly, 0.1  g magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel or 3 Results and Discussion

CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was equilibrated in 100 mL aque-
ous MTX solution containing (100 ppm) for 24 h to MTX 3.1 Synthesis of Magnetic CMC/β‑CD/CS Hydrogel
loading in the hydrogel (27 °C). The content of Metho- or CMC/β‑CD/CS Hydrogel
trexate solution was filtered and measured using UV–Vis
spectroscopy (λm = 305 nm) [35] by using the Eq. (2). This project was carried out for the synthesis of the novel
hydrogel as a carrier for controlled release of MTX. Figure 1
demonstrates a simple scheme of the preparation process
( )
C0 − Ct
Drug loading (%) = × 100 (2) of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. The magnetic CMC/
β-CD/CS hydrogels prepared by a simple method without
where ­C0 is the initial concentration of MTX in the solution a toxic agent. In the first step (A), the CMC/β-CD was pre-
and ­Ct is the concentration of MTX remained in the media. pared from carboxymethyl cellulose and β-cyclodextrin by
The 0.1 g of MTX loaded hydrogel was appended into using epichlorohydrin (ECH) as the cross-linker in a basic
20 ml buffer solution (pH 1.2, pH 5.3, and pH 7.4) while media. Magnetic CMC/β-CD was produced from dissolv-
shaking on a rotary at 37 °C (90 rpm). Regularly, removed ing a mixture of F ­ eCl3 and F
­ eSO4 salts in CMC/β-CD solu-
1  ml of the solution and replaced the same amount of tion and then, adding ammonia solution, by co-precipitation
fresh buffer to keep the volume of the medium constant. method (step B). Chitosan contains cationic (­ NH3+) groups
The percentage of MTX released was determined using in acidic media. Anionic groups ­(COO−) in CMC can have
UV–vis spectroscopy analysis (UV240 Shimadzu UV–Vis electrostatic interactions with the cationic group (­ NH3+) in
spectrophotometer) by Eq. (3). the CS. These electrostatic interactions lead to gel formation
∑ (step C). The dried hydrogels were immersed in various pHs
20Cn + Cn − 1
Percentage drug release % = × 100 (2–11) for 24 h to confirm the stability and pH-sensitivity of
m◦ the hydrogels. The amount of swollen hydrogels at different
(3) pH indicates that the hydrogels are pH-sensitive. To check
where ­Cn and ­Cn−1 are concentrations of the MTX released their stability, swollen hydrogels were dried and re-weighed.
at times n and n−1, respectively. Also, n indicates the Their weight was not significantly reduced (6  wt% decrease
time of withdrawing the solution, and ­m0 is the content of of CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and fewer than 4 wt% decrease
MTX loaded on the hydrogels, mg [36, 37]. All tests were of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels), which hints the high
performed in triplicate, and the mean of data is shown in stability of the hydrogels. The main scope is the evaluation
figures. of ­Fe3O4 effect on loading and releases MTX drug.

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

Fig. 1  A simple scheme showing the preparation of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel

3.2 X‑Ray Diffraction

Figure 2 demonstrates the XRD pattern of the magnetic

CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel in the different 2θ range. The XRD
profile of ­Fe3O4 showed characteristic peaks related to the
planes (220), (311), (400), (422), (511), (440) and (533) at
2θ = 30.2°, 35.6°, 43.4°, 53.7°, 57.3°, and 62.9°, respectively
[38]. The peak plane of F ­ e3O4 showed the cubic phase crys-
tal structure. Clearly, by enhancing the ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles
to the amorphous phase of CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel, the
crystallinity of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS is enhanced. The
crystallite size was computed as Scherer formula [39–48]
value of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was calculated
to be 10.4 nm.

3.3 FTIR‑Analysis

To band formation of CMC, β-CD, CS, magnetic CMC/

Fig. 2  X-ray diffraction analysis of low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS
hydrogel (a), and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (b) β-CD/CS, MTX and MTX loaded hydrogel was identified
with FTIR spectroscopy (Fig. 3). Figure 3a demonstrates
the FTIR spectrum of CMC, which shows the wideband at
3444 cm−1 that can be corresponded to the hydroxyl groups
and ­H+ interactions. The C–H stretching asymmetrical

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

Fig. 3  FTIR spectra of CMC

(a), β-CD (b), CMC/β-CD (c),
CS (d)

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

bands observed at 2911 cm−1 [49]. The band at 1422 and The amount of Fe in low and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/
1609 cm−1 demonstrated the asymmetrical and symmetri- CS hydrogel was 23.93 and 50.75 wt%, respectively. These
cal of ­RCOO− groups stretching vibrations, respectively. results were in agreement with original materials for the
The peak bands found in the 1015 cm−1 were ascribed to preparation of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel applied
the C–O stretching of the polysaccharide structure [49, in the synthesis process.
50]. The FTIR of β-CD (Fig.  3b) showed the different
absorption peaks at 1030, 1429, 2922, and 3407 cm−1 due 3.5 Magnetic Measurements
to C–O stretching vibrations, –CH2 Bending vibrations,
CH– aliphatic and hydroxyl group. A peak band was found The Magnetic properties of low magnetic CMC/β-CD/
at 937.04 cm−1 demonstrates the vibration of α-(1 → 4) glu- CS hydrogel and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
copyranose ring of β-CD, which that shows the β-CD was were evaluated with an applied magnetic field at 25 °C.
grafted onto CMC [51]. The FTIR spectrum of CS (Fig. 3d) The vibrating sample magnetometer was used for mag-
suggests that the bands at 1597, 1658 and 3453 cm−1 due to netic properties study. The hysteresis loop of low magnetic
the ­NH2 Bending vibrations, C=O and NH stretching vibra- CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/
tions, respectively [38]. It can be observed from the FTIR CS hydrogel is 6.32 and 11.6 emug−1, respectively [52, 53].
spectrum of CMC/β-CD/CS; the absorption peaks shift to Figure 6 suggests the magnetic properties are excellent for
high wavelength and show the CMC modified with β-CD. the drug release process.
The FTIR spectrum of the magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydro-
gel indicates the peak bands Compared to the CMC/β-CD/ 3.6 Thermal Manner Analysis
CS spectra can be found to shift to higher wavenumber,
which can be due to the low hydrogen bond’s number [38]. The thermal manner of the CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and
Moreover, the bands observed in the 578 and 621 cm−1 were magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was studied using TGA
ascribed to the Fe–O stretching (Fig. 4a). The FTIR spectra (Fig. 7). The CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel displays two steps at
of MTX (Fig. 4b), the peaks at 3154 cm−1 and 3300 cm−1 35–130 °C and 200–320 °C, which showed the removal of
demonstrated the OH and NH stretching vibrations [50]. adsorbed ­H2O molecules and decomposition of polysaccha-
The peaks at 1402 and 1605 cm−1 suggests C=C and C=N ride, respectively. The second step of magnetic CMC/β-CD/
aromatic. In the FTIR spectrum of MTX-loaded, magnetic CS hydrogel was performed at 240–350 °C. The difference
CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (Fig. 4c), the absorption peak at in mass from CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and magnetic CMC/
1459 and 1544 cm−1 ascribed the NH and N ­ H3+ stretch- β-CD/CS hydrogel at 500 °C is about 7 wt%. The results
ing vibration, respectively. The other characteristic peaks suggested that the thermal stability of magnetic CMC/β-CD/
were observed to shift higher wavenumber and demonstrated CS is higher than CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel due to the pres-
loading process was carried out completely [50, 51]. ence of ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles [54, 55].

3.4 Structural Morphology 3.7 Swelling Test

The surface structural morphology of dried CMC/β-CD, The investigation of swelling ability for drug delivery system
CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel, low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS of the hydrogel is a crucial factor. The swelling efficiency
hydrogel and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel were regularly controls the MTX release from the CMC/β-CD/
evaluated by using FE-SEM technique (Fig. 5a–c). It can be CS hydrogel and magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. The
seen, the SEM image of CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel indicates swelling test of the hydrogel was analyzed in the pH of
the rough and rugged shape of particles (Fig. 5a). The SEM 2–11 to evaluate the pH sensitivity of the hydrogel [48, 49].
images of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel demonstrated It was found that the swelling percent of CMC/β-CD/CS
that the dispersion of ­Fe3O4 on CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. hydrogel and magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel at pH 9
Figure 5b shows the low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel, was more significant than another pH. It can be seen, the
which the number of nanoparticles was relatively small. The prepared hydrogels were stable in different media due to
high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel indicates more num- the weight of hydrogels changes about 10% after swelling
bers of nanoparticles and the F­ e3O4 agglomerated particles test [56]. In the high pH condition (6.8 and 7.4), COOH of
due to magnetic bipolar interaction’s properties (Fig. 5c). the CMC ­(pka = 4.7) and the amine group of CS ­(pka = 6.5)
The elemental structure of the hydrogel samples was ana- dissociated and converted to negatively charged ions, which
lyzed by EDS. The EDS of CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel, low making electrostatic repulsion and water penetrating in the
and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel is demon- hydrogel [56]. In pH < 6.5, the amine group was protonated
strated in Fig. 5a–c respectively. The particular peaks of Fe and convert to N­ H3+, and in pH > 4.7, the acidic group was
illustrated in the EDS spectra of both magnetic hydrogels. ionized and caused the electrostatic interaction between the

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

Fig. 4  FTIR spectra of magnetic

CMC/β-CD/CS (a), MTX (b)
and MTX loaded magnetic
CMC/β-CD/CS (c)

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

◂Fig. 5  SEM/EDS images of, CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (a1, a2), low of hydrogel in an acidic environment. Additionally, the low
magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (b1, b2) and high magnetic CMC/ release of MTX under acidic media is arisen from the low
β-CD/CS hydrogel (c1, c2)
solubility of MTX. The low solubility of MTX at pH 1.2
is originated from the presence of weak carboxylic acid on
negative and positive charge ion and the swelling percentage drug with ­pKa of about 4.8 [62]. The results obtained show
was decreased. The influence of the ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles on that the amount of MTX released for non-magnetic hydro-
swelling degree was also evaluated. It is obvious (Fig. 8), gel is higher than the magnetic hydrogel. High swelling of
the swelling degree of magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel hydrogel leads to an increase in the pore size in the hydrogel
was reduced as compared with CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. and thus makes the MTX release easier. The rapid release of
This decrease in swelling capacity can be attributed to the MTX in the first hours is due to the dissolution and release
existence of F ­ e3O4. The presence of F ­ e3O4 nanoparticles of the drug absorbed on the surface of the hydrogel. The
restricts the development of polymer chains. The interac- release of MTX at pH 5.3 was slower than 7.4. The results
tions between F ­ e3O4 and the biopolymer chains can increase can be explained by the pKa amounts of functional groups in
the points of connection and thus reduce the swelling capac- the drug and biopolymer. At pH 7.4, the carboxylate groups
ity [57, 58]. In addition, by increasing the amount of F
­ e 3O 4, in the CMC with pKa 4.7 are negatively charged (­ COO−),
the swelling percentage of hydrogel gradually decreased and the amine groups in the CS with pKa 6.5, are as amine
[59]. ­(NH2) form (non-ionic). Due to different amounts of pKa,
hydrogels can exhibit amphoteric properties. The MTX con-
3.8 Drug Loading Study tains the two carboxylate groups (pKa 3.8 and 4.8) and the
amine group (pKa 5.6) [62]. Thus, MTX is dominated at pH
The drug loading efficiency was studied to explore the 7.4 ­(NH2, ­CO2−), and at pH 5.3 ­(NH3+, ­CO2−). At pH 7.4,
capacity of magnetic hydrogels as new carriers. The MTX electrostatic repulsion forces between the MTX and anionic
loaded hydrogels were prepared by a simple mixing method. groups of carrier lead to a rapid release of methotrexate from
The content of MTX loading was evaluated using UV–Vis hydrogels. Whereas, at pH 5.3, the attractive electrostatic
spectra. The MTX loading percentage was determined for force between the protonated amine groups of MTX and
three samples. The MTX loading amount of CMC/β-CD/CS the anionic carboxylate groups of the biopolymer and also,
hydrogel, low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and high ­NH3+ groups of the biopolymer and COO– groups of MTX
magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel were 51, 74 and 85%, ­(NH3+…COO−), leads to the slow release of MTX from the
respectively. The percentage of drug loading in the magnetic hydrogel. Finally, the effect of an external alternating mag-
hydrogel increased with increasing magnetite content. This netic field (AMF) was investigated on the behaviour of the
increase can be due to the high surface area of nanoparti- release from magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (Fig. 9d).
cles. The interaction between the hydroxyl group of ­Fe3O4 The results showed that, with the use of external AMF,
in magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and MTX agent group the amount of released drug was increased from magnetic
causes the significant MTX loading compared to pure CMC/ CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel. The use of AMF may be assigned
β-CD/CS hydrogel samples [60, 61]. to the alignment of magnetic nanoparticles ­(Fe3O4), which
leads to an increase in the release of the drug. Due to the
3.9 Drug Release Studies constant movement of magnetic nanoparticles, the oscilla-
tion of applied AMF can operate as an incentive to stimulate
The cumulative release of MTX from hydrogels was per- magnetic nanoparticles. This motion of magnetic nanopar-
formed to evaluate the suitability of CMC/β-CD/CS hydro- ticles can lead to the relaxation of polymer chains [63, 64].
gel, low and high magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel as drug Figure 9 showed the release of MTX from high magnetic
delivery. The dried hydrogels containing the MTX drug were CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels was more elevated than low mag-
used to study the in vitro release of drugs. The drug will netic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogels under external AMF.
be released by the swelling of the hydrogel in a solution
and until it reaches the equilibrium state. The release of
MTX from hydrogels is a pH-related behaviour; therefore 4 Conclusion
the release of MTX from hydrogels and magnetic hydrogels
was investigated at pH 1.2, 5.3 and 7.4 at 37 °C (Fig. 9). The new pH-sensitive CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel and mag-
The content of the drug released at pH 1.2 was low, and netic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was successfully prepared
this event could be assigned to the low swelling capacity of via a straightforward method. Structural data were evalu-
the hydrogel. At higher pH (5.3, 7.4), the amount of drug ated by TGA, FT-IR, SEM, XRD, and VSM studies. SEM
released was increased significantly for all hydrogels as analysis indicated that the F
­ e3O4 nanoparticles had affected
compared at pH 1.2, primarily due to the partial swelling the morphology structure of the CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel.

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

15 12
A CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
Low magnecCMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
10 10
High magnec CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel

Magnezaon (emu/g)

Swelling (g/g)



-15 2 3 5 7 9 11
-20000 -15000 -10000 -5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 pH
Applied field (Oe)

Fig. 8  The swelling behaviors of hydrogel at different pH, results are

Fig. 6  Magnetization curve as a function of applied magnetic field for expressed as the three independent experiments
low magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (a), and high magnetic CMC/
β-CD/CS hydrogel (b)
Moreover, the ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles effect on the swelling
and MTX release manner of the CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
was evaluated. The swelling percent of the CMC/β-CD/CS
hydrogel was higher than of the magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS
80 hydrogel, which pertained on the pore size of the hydro-
gel. Enhancing the ­Fe3O4 nanoparticles on CMC/β-CD/CS
hydrogel led to a rise in thermal stability of the CMC/β-CD/
WT Loss (%)

CS hydrogel. Moreover, the swelling manner of CMC/β-CD/
CS hydrogel and magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel was
40 evaluated in a different medium, and it was found that the
A swelling capacity of prepared hydrogels was enhanced at
high pH value. The MTX released study suggests that the
20 prepared magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel not only was
affected by the pH of media but also a magnetic sensitivity to
an external AMF. The result showed the synthesized CMC/
0 100 200 300 400 500 β-CD/CS hydrogel and magnetic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel
Temperature (°C) could be used as an oral MTX delivery system.

Fig. 7  TGA thermograms of CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (a), low mag-

netic CMC/β-CD/CS hydrogel (b)

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

A 20
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Drug released (%)

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