Social Studies Prairie Unit Plan

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Unit Planning Organizer

Subject: Social Studies Grade: 2

Unit/Topic: Physical Geography and economic characteristics of Saskatoon

Date and Unit Duration: 6 weeks (18 classes) March 8 – April 22

1. Unit Overview – Critical Inquiry Question

What does Saskatoon look like and what can someone do in Saskatoon for leisure and
work? How is it similar or different to Lethbridge?

2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit

2.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography,

culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s

3. Focusing Questions for Unit (Related Questions)

1. What community are we studying?

2. Where is Saskatoon?
3. What is the weather like in Saskatoon?
4. What does Saskatoon look like?
5. What can we do in Saskatoon for fun?
6. What types of natural resources and jobs are in Saskatoon?
7. How did Indigenous people use our natural resources?
8. Why was Saskatoon created where it is?
9. What are the differences and similarities between Saskatoon and Lethbridge?
10. What cultural groups make up Saskatoon?
11. What Indigenous groups are present in Saskatoon?
12. What kinds of traditions and festivals are there in Saskatoon?
13. What kinds of Indigenous traditions and festivals are in Saskatoon?
14. What languages are spoken in Saskatoon?
15. How do these groups contribute to Canada’s identity?

4. Key Concepts for Unit

 Physical Geography
 Resources
 Climate
 Industry

 Goods and Services

 Culture
 Linguistics

5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit

2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community
in Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for inquiry: • Where are
the Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities located in Canada? (LPP) • How are the
geographic regions different from where we live? (LPP) • What are the major
geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in each community? (LPP) • What
are the main differences in climate among these communities? (LPP) • What geographic
factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g., soil, water and climate)?
(LPP, TCC) • How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity?
(CC, I) • What is daily life like for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities
(e.g., recreation, school)? (CC, I, LPP) • How does the vastness of Canada affect how we
connect to other Canadian communities? (C, I, LPP)

2.1.3 investigate the cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, an Acadian and a
prairie community in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions
for inquiry: • What are the cultural characteristics of the communities (e.g., special
symbols, landmarks, languages spoken, shared stories or traditions, monuments, schools,
churches)? (CC, LPP, TCC) • What are the traditions and celebrations in the communities
that connect the people to the past and to each other? (CC, LPP, TCC) • How are the
communities strengthened by their stories, traditions and events of the past? (CC, TCC) •
What are the linguistic roots and practices in the communities? (CC) • What individuals
and groups contributed to the development of the communities? (CC) • How do these
communities connect with one another (e.g., cultural exchanges, languages, traditions,
music)? (CC) • How do the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the communities
studied contribute to Canada’s identity? (CC, I)

2.1.4 investigate the economic characteristics of communities in Canada by exploring and

reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry: • What kinds of natural resources
exist in the communities (e.g., fishing, agriculture, mining)? (ER, LPP) • What are the
occupations in each of the communities? (ER) • What kinds of goods and services are
available in the communities? (ER) • What impact does industry have on the
communities (i.e., agriculture, manufacturing)? (ER, LPP)

2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied: •
appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP) • appreciate
the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP) • value oral history

and stories as ways to learn about the land (LPP, TCC) • acknowledge, explore and
respect historic sites and monuments (CC, LPP, TCC) • demonstrate care and concern for
the environment (C, ER, LPP)
2.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking.

2.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking.

2.S.7 apply the research process.

2.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy.

Performance Assessment Task and Evaluation Tool


Travel Log

Saskatoon: It is called "the city of bridges" for the many spans across the South Saskatchewan
River and its memorable name is borrowed from a local wild berry. Saskatoon is placed along the
scenic river and filled with wide streets and green parks

What is the weather in Saskatoon today?

Saskatoon Lethbridge

Draw a picture of you wearing the clothes you would need in each
season and what it would look like outside.
Spring Summer

Fall Winter



Draw a picture of what you see


Things to do in Saskatoon
Explain your activity then draw a picture of it





Cut out the words and glue them under the job that creates them

Farming Oil and Gas Mining



Grain Gold

Canola Coal


Write down what we learned about Saskatoon under

Saskatoon. Write down what we know about Lethbridge
under Lethbridge.

Saskatoon Lethbridge

Draw an image from the book we just read about Cree culture.

What do Ukrainians do for Easter? (3 things) Then draw and colour

a Pysanka.

Think about the meanings behind each of the poles in the Tipi that
we just talked about, which of the poles means the most to you? Tell
me why it means the most and draw a picture.

Create a poster about powwows! Your job is to educate people

about what a powwow is and why it is important.

Your poster must have:

 Drawings
 Colour
 Convince people to attend a pow wow
 Say why it is important for Indigenous people
 Tell me the events that are part of a pow wow

Ask our friends new words!

Ukrainian words: Hi: Pry-veet

One: o-dyn Thank you: Day-ku-yu
Two: dva Goodbye: doh po-ba-che-nya
Three: tre
Four: cho-ty-ry

Cree words:
Hello: tansi
Thank you: hiy hiy
Friend: niciwakan
Lets play: metawitan
I love you: ki sakihitin

Make sure you ask as many people as you can! It’s ok to mess up,
we are all learning.

Saskatchewan's Flag: This flag represents the Northern forested areas and the southern grain field areas. The
Western Red Lily, is on the fly end. The shield displays a royal red lion and three wheat bundles symbolizing
the province's agricultural resources.

Grain Elevators: For many Canadians, wherever they live, one of the enduring national
symbols is the image of a wooden grain elevator on the Prairies. The super-sized landmarks stand
on flat land, signalling a prairie town somewhere off in the distance.


 Successfully locates Saskatoon and Yes Somewhat No

Lethbridge on Canadian map.

 Draws appropriate clothing for each season. Yes Somewhat No

 Is able to accurately describe the geography Yes Somewhat No

of Saskatoon.

 Accurately identifies activities that could be Yes Somewhat No

done in Saskatoon.

 Accurately matches resources with the Yes Somewhat No

job that produces them.

 Accurately identifies early groups in Yes Somewhat No


 Is able to identify what we learned about Yes Somewhat No

Saskatoon and Lethbridge. Can orally decipher
differences and similarities.

 Accurately identifies important Indigenous Yes Somewhat No

images from a picture book.

 Identifies three traditions Ukrainians have Yes Somewhat No

for Easter

 Accurately represents meaning of Teepee Poles Yes Somewhat No

 Poster depicts importance of Powwow to Yes Somewhat No

Cree people



1 = does not understand

2 = somewhat understands
3 = clearly understands
4 = comprehensive understanding

Think about the question

Talk quietly with your table partner about what you think

Share your ideas with the class

Lesson One – What community are we studying?
Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials Assessment Questions
Objectives of Procedure and
Lesson Resources 

SWBAT One 30 Introduce that Google What students Do we live in a

minute prairie

identify block the community images on say for what a community?

items/pictures we are studying slide show. prairie
that are will be a prairie community is, Do we know a
associated with community. Saskatoon gives a sense community that
the community Travel of what they
being studied. Pull up images Guide - Best currently like what’s seen
that are of things to do associate in these
2.1.1 Saskatoon, in Saskatoon prairies with pictures?
appreciate the throw in some Canada - as a pre
physical and that look like YouTube assessment.
human they could be
geography of from
the Lethbridge. Travel log
studied Have students
guess what
these images
could be from.

show new
pictures to have
them guess
more, maybe tell
me what some
of the pictures
might be
associated with.

Once they have

guessed the city
we are
‘traveling’ to
show them this
YouTube video
about it:
Travel Guide -
Best things to do
in Saskatoon
Canada -

Ask what they

want to know

about the
community and
some of that into
the future.

Have them
colour the intro
page for the
travel log.

Lesson 2 – Where is Saksatoon?

Outcomes Length Lesson Procedure Materials and Assessment Questions

and of Resources 
Objectives Lesson

SWBAT label One 30 I use visual and Hundal, Nancy. Check over Do you notice
Saskatoon minute audio teaching (1999) Prairie the maps that any
and block strategies to Summer. students fill in similarities in
Lethbridge on reach my Fitzhenry & as a location of
a map. students. Whiteside.  formative Saskatoon
assessment.  and
SWBAT Start the class by Travel log page Lethbridge?
describe the introducing that of Canadian
location of we will be map How is the
Saskatoon.  learning about location of
Saskatoon which Saskatoon, Saskatoon
2.1.1 is in Saskatchewan different than
appreciate the Saskatchewan.  to Our Lady of the other
physical and the Assumption communities
human Ask if anyone has School - you have
been there Google Maps studied. 
geography of
Did the story
communities Put map of make you
studied Canada on the want to go to
board. Have them Saskatoon?
2.1.2 tell me what
investigate province
the physical Lethbridge is in, if
geography of it's southern or
an Inuit, an northern and have
Acadian, and a student come
a prairie put a dot where it
is on the map. 
community in

Repeat above
2.S.3 develop step for
skills of Saskatoon but tell
geographic them where it is
and have a
volunteer come
put a dot where
Saskatoon is.

Determine how
long it will take us
to get there using
google maps.

To make students
excited about the
unit read them a
bit from the
picture book
“Prairie Summer”
by Nancy

End class by
having them fill
out the map of
Canada in their
travel log by
Lethbridge and

If extra time have

students colour in
the front page of
the travel log. 

Lesson Three – What is the weather like in Saskatoon?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

I use visual
SWBAT describe One and audio Saskatoon, SK The answers What clothes
the weather in 30 strategies to - 7 Day students would you
Saskatoon  minute reach my Forecast - give me to want to wear
block students. Environment the in the
SWBAT  determine Canada questions Spring?
appropriate clothing ( will help me
Start lesson
they would need if assess how What clothes
by having
they were going to Lethbridge, AB well they would you
Saskatoon.  - 7 Day understand want to wear
open the
Forecast - the content.  in the
weather page
SWBAT compare that has both Environment Summer?
the climate of Lethbridge Canada Looking over
Saskatoon to and ( their What clothes
Lethbridge.  Saskatoon. seasons would you
Travel log page in the want to wear
2.1.2 investigate the passport will in the Fall?
 Explain that
physical geography tell me if my
we will be
students What clothes
of an Inuit, an keeping track
fully would you
Acadian, and a of the
understood want to wear
prairie community weather in
Saskatoons in the
in Canada. Saskatoon
climate.  Winter?
2.S.1 develop skills Do these
during this
of critical thinking pictures look
unit. Open up
and creative Weather like you
thinking. Canada for would
Saskatoon, expect? Are
record they similar
temperature to what we
with students see in the
and do the same
same for season
Lethbridge. here?

Describe the Do you think

weather in you would
each season like
to students. Saskatoon’s
And show climate
them pictures better then
for each ours?
Summers are
really hot and
winters are
really cold.

Ask students
what clothes
they want to
pack for their
trip in each of
the seasons.

Explain that
their weather
really fast,
just like ours.

students fill
out the
page in the
travel log.
Explain that
they will draw
a picture of
wearing the
clothes they
would need
in each
season in
and what it
would look
like outside in

If they finish
the page
early there
are colouring
pages at the
back they
can colour.   

Lesson Four – What is the land like?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Procedure Materials and Assessment Questions


Objectives of Resources 

I use visual,
SWBAT One 30 collaborative and Travel log “While in What do you
explain the min audio strategies to Saskatoon I see in the
physical block reach my students. landing in see” video? Is is
geography of Saskatoon - worksheet in flat? Are
Saskatoon. Start by checking YouTube passport. there
the weather the mountains,
2.1.1 same as the day Think Pair Share Think Pair rivers, lakes,
appreciate the before.  sheet Share trees? 
physical and
human Hand out plane Saskatoon, SK -
geography of tickets for our ‘trip’ 7 Day Forecast -
the to saskatoon.  Environment
communities Canada
Play the YouTube (
video (link under
material) and ask Lethbridge, AB -
2.S.1 develop
students to pay 7 Day Forecast -
skills of
attention to what it Environment
critical Canada
looks like (flat, is
thinking and (
there mountains,
creative lakes, rivers etc.) 
Explain that
 2.1.2 Saskatoon is flat,
investigate the has many bodies
physical of water like the
geography of South
an Inuit, an Saskatchewan
Acadian, and river. Explain that
a prairie Saskatoon is in
the prairies and
community in
prairies are flat. 
Have students fill
out the travel log
page “While in
Saskatoon I see”
walk around room
to assess student

Do the Think Pair

Share with
students. Give
them 2 minutes to

think of how
Saskatoon is
similar to
Lethbridge, 5 min
to share with a
partner and
another 3-5
minutes of sharing
with the class. 

Lesson 5 – What can we do for fun in Saskatoon?

Outcomes Length Lesson Procedure Materials and Assessment Questions

and of Resources 
Objectives Lesson

SWBAT One 30 I use audio, visual Travel log “Things to What is

explain minute and collaborative do in Saskatoon
activities block strategies. The City of saskatoon” known as?
that they can Saskatoon - worksheet
Start class by YouTube What can we
do in
checking the do while we
Saskatoon.  weather in Google are in
Saskatoon and Saskatoon?
2.S.1 Lethbridge and Saskatoon, SK -
develop recording it in the Are the
7 Day Forecast -
skills of passport.  things we
critical Canada can do
thinking and We are going to ( similar to
creative learn about the what we can
thinking. different things Lethbridge, AB - do in
people in Saskatoon 7 Day Forecast - Lethbridge?
2.1.2 can do.  Environment
investigate Canada What other
Show them the ( activities do
the physical
YouTube video you think we
geography of under the Materials can do in
an Inuit, an section and get Saskatoon?
Acadian, and students to pay
a prairie attention to what
community kinds of stores there
in Canada. are and what
activities people can

2.S.7 apply
the research After the video, get
process. students to tell me
what there is to do
in Saskatoon and if
they are similar to
what we can do in

Have students
brainstorm ideas
about what they can
do in Saskatoon
then research is as
a class on the smart
board. Introduces
them to the
research process.

Fill out the “Things

to do in Saskatoon”
worksheet in travel

Lesson 6 – What resources are in Saskatoon?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

One 30 I use audio, Travel log Listening to Why is

minute visual, and what farming
SWBAT list block collaborative Kleitsch, C. students say important to
resources that strategies. (2005). Land when they this
are produced and Sea: A share what community?
in Saskatoon.  Start class by Question and they learned
checking the Answer Book when they Why is
weather in about Natural read their mining
SWBAT Saskatoon and section of the
Resources. important to
classify which Lethbridge and textbook.  this
jobs create recording it in the Education community? 
which passport.  Canada. The
resources in worksheet on Do we see

Saskatoon. Saskatoon, SK - natural any

7 Day Forecast - resources similarities to
2.1.4 I will start by Environment and jobs.  our
investigate the explaining what a Canada community?
natural resource ( Getting
is to students to thumbs up
make sure they Lethbridge, AB - about
of understand what 7 Day Forecast - confidence in
communities we are looking at Environment which
in Canada in this class. Canada resources
( relate to
2.S.1 develop I will put students which job. 
skills of into pairs and
critical have half of the
thinking and pairs read pg 12-
creative 13 in Land and
thinking Sea which is
about farming.
The other half will
read pg 14-15
which is about
mining. I will
explain that
students are to
read their section
with their group
and discuss what
they learned so
that they can then
teach the other
half of the room
about what they

I will also talk to

them about oil
and gas in
Saskatchewan as
that is important.

We will come up
with resources
that each of the
main job sectors
(farming, oil and
gas and mining)

They will then cut


out the resources

from the
worksheet in the
travel log on job
sectors and glue
the resource
under the sector
that produces it. 

If there is
remaining time
they will finish any
worksheets not
done and colour
one of the

Lesson 7 – How do Indigenous groups use the land?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT One 30 I use audio, Travel log Formative Why do you

identify how minute visual, and through think the
Indigenous block collaborative conversations people in
people have strategies. Saskatoon, SK - as a class and the story
used the land. 7 Day Forecast - individually. used land
Start class by Environment differently
checking the Canada
2.1.4 weather in Think pair then we do
investigate the Saskatoon and share. today?
economic Lethbridge and Lethbridge, AB -
characteristics recording it in 7 Day Forecast -
of communities the passport.  Environment
in Canada sheets. Canada
2.S.1 develop Start by
skills of critical explaining that
“Mwakwa talks
people used the
thinking and to the loon: a
land differently
creative cree story for
then we do
thinking today in the children” by
past and that Dale Auger.
2.1.1 appreciate different groups
the physical have different Looking at
and human relationships Places pg 30-31
geography of with the land.   

communities Explain that the
studied Indigenous
group in
Saskatoon is
Cree and that
they have many
different stories
like the
Blackfoot here
do. Read pg 30-
31 of People
and Places

Explain that we
are going to
read a picture
book together
and look for
what the people
in the story use
the land for.

“Mwakwa talks
to the loon: a
cree story for
children” by
Dale Auger.

Do a think pair
share and talk
about how they
used the land in
the story and
compare it to
how we use the
land today.

Lesson 8 – Why was Saskatoon created there?


Outcomes Length Lesson Procedure Materials and Assessment Questions

and of Resources 
Objectives Lesson

SWBAT One 30 Start class by Travel log Brainstorm What

explain what minute checking the ideas on what geographic
features lead block weather in Saskatoon, SK - you would features
to Saskatoon’s Saskatoon and 7 Day Forecast - need if you made
Lethbridge and Environment
creation. were a settler people want
recording it in the Canada to the land. to settle this
travel log.  (
2.1.2 land?
investigate the “Early Days”
Ask students to Lethbridge, AB -
physical worksheet Why is the
pretend that they 7 Day Forecast -
geography of river an
are explorers Environment
an Inuit, an Canada important
looking for a new
Acadian, and ( feature?
place to create a
a prairie
town that follows
community. Saskatoon | The
their beliefs (like
the people who Canadian
2.1.1 Encyclopedia
appreciate the
Saskatoon) What
physical and Looking at
would you need to
human places pg 28-29
be able to settle
geography of
the land? Point out
the physical
geography that is
present in
Saskatoon. Write
down what they
say then apply it
to what we know
about Saskatoons
geography and

Have students
complete the
“Early Days”
worksheet in
travel log.

Lesson 9 – What are some differences and similarities between Lethbridge and Saskatoon?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT One 30 I use audio, Travel log Class What

organize minute visual and discussion similarities
similarities and block collaborative Saskatoon, SK - did you see
differences strategies. 7 Day Forecast - Passport between
Environment Lethbridge
Start class by Canada and
Lethbridge and checking the ( Saskatoon
Saskatoon into a weather in on our ‘trip’.
chart. Saskatoon and Lethbridge, AB -
Lethbridge and 7 Day Forecast - What
SWBAT discuss recording it in Environment differences
how Lethbridge the passport. Canada did you see
and Saskatoon ( between
are similar and I will ask Lethbridge
different.  students what and
we learned Saskatoon
2.1.2 investigate about on our ‘trip’.
Saskatoon and
the physical
write down
geography of an everything on
Inuit, an the board.
Acadian, and a
prairie I will then ask
community in students what
Canada. we know about
Lethbridge and
2.1.4 investigate write down all
the economic the answers on
characteristics the board. 
of communities
in Canada. As a class we
will compare the
2 communities.
2.1.1 appreciate After we do our
the physical and comparison I will
human have students fill
geography of out the
the communities Saskatoon/
studied. Lethbridge t
2.S.1 develop
skills of critical
thinking and


Lesson 10 – What cultural groups are in Saskatoon?

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT One 30 Start class by Discussion How do

describe various minute checking the Saskatoon, SK - on what we different
cultural groups block weather in 7 Day Forecast - learned cultural
present in Saskatoon and Environment from the groups change
Saskatoon. Lethbridge and Canada textbook. a society?
recording it in (
2.1.3 investigate the travel log.  What cultural
the cultural and Lethbridge, AB groups are
linguistic Read pages 12- - 7 Day Forecast within our
characteristics 13 of “Looking - Environment classroom?
of an Inuit, an at People” Canada Are we
Acadian and a ( multicultural
prairie Discuss what we like
community in learned from the “Looking at Saskatoon?
Canada. textbook. People” 12-13
and 27 Is there lots of
2.1.1 appreciate Ukrainians were different
the physical and a large cultures in
human immigrant group Lethbridge?
geography of in Saskatoon.
the They were a
communities farming group so
studied. farmed the
fertile land,

Look at
Ukrainian easter

Explain that
Saskatoon is a

city and has lots
of different
cultures like:
German, Irish,
Chinese, and
groups (looking
at people pg 27).

Lesson 11 – Indigenous Groups

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT identify One 30 Start class by Saskatoon, SK - Take note of What

Indigenous minute checking the 7 Day Forecast - areas that Indigenous
groups present in block weather in Environment students groups are
Saskatoon. Saskatoon and Canada understood in
Lethbridge and ( (formative Saskatoon?
SWBAT express recording it in assessment)
things that are the travel log. Lethbridge, AB well and What did we
important to - 7 Day Forecast expand on learn about
Cree people. Ask students if - Environment what they did the Cree
they remember Canada not grasp. from this
2.1.3 investigate what ( story?
the cultural and Indigenous Picture that
linguistic groups are in “The Drum students draw What do you
characteristics of Saskatoon and Calls Softly” in their travel still want to
an Inuit, an if they see any log based on learn more
Acadian and a similarities to Travel log the picture about?
prairie Indigenous book.
community in groups in What is
Canada. Lethbridge. important to
the Cree
2.1.1 appreciate Read them people based

the physical and “The Drum on what we

human Calls Softly” just read?
geography of the
communities Discuss what
studied. we learned in
the book and
what the book
told us is
Have students
draw a scene
described in
the book.

Lesson 12 – Traditions and festivals, non-Indigenous

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT identify One 30 Start class by Saskatoon, SK - 7 Ukrainian What

an explain non- minute checking the Day Forecast - Easter traditions
Indigenous block weather in Environment worksheet. do you
traditions. Saskatoon and Canada have?
Lethbridge and (
2.1.3 investigate recording it in
the cultural and the travel log. Lethbridge, AB -
linguistic 7 Day Forecast -
characteristics of Environment
an Inuit, an Talk to students Canada
Acadian and a about what a (
prairie community tradition is and
in Canada what traditions Travel log
they have.
2.1.1 appreciate Ukrainian Easter
the physical and Show students - YouTube
human geography YouTube
of the video:
communities Ukrainian
studied Easter -

Think pair
share about the

traditions in the
video. Ask
what traditions
they noticed
that Ukrainians
do from the

Have students
do Ukrainian
worksheet in
travel log.

Lesson 13 – Indigenous culture

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Resources  Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure

SWBAT One Start class Saskatoon, SK - 7 Day Worksheet Which of

determine 30 by checking Forecast - Environment on tipi the pole
meanings minute the weather Canada ( poles meanings
behind block in speaks to
cultural Saskatoon Lethbridge, AB - 7 Day you?
activities and and Forecast - Environment
apply it to Lethbridge Canada (
their lives. and
recording it Cree Teaching -
in the travel
2.1.3 log.
investigate the
cultural and Look at
linguistic tipi’s and
characteristics discuss
of an Inuit, an their
Acadian and a importance,
prairie what they
community in are, what
Canada they are
made of.

appreciate the Worksheet

physical and where you
human say which
geography of pole means
the the most to
communities you.

Lesson 14 and 15 – Traditions and festivals, Indigenous

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT two 30 Start class by Travel log Make poster Why do you
describe Cree minute checking the about pow think the
traditions. block weather in Saskatoon, SK - wow to teach powwow is
Saskatoon 7 Day Forecast - others about so important
SWBAT design and Environment its importance to the Cree
a informational Lethbridge Canada to the culture people?
poster about cree and recording ( and what its
powwows. it in the travel purpose is. Do you have
log. Lethbridge, AB - any
2.1.3 investigate 7 Day Forecast -Poster will be celebrations
the cultural and Read book Environment created on a like this in
linguistic about Canada piece of white your culture?
characteristics of powwow and ( paper, and
an Inuit, an explain its evaluated for
Acadian and a importance Native American information
prairie Female Hoop on it.
community in Play a Dancer -
Canada selection of YouTube
the videos in
2.1.1 appreciate resource Pow Wow
the physical and section, based Women's Jingle
human on what I Dress Dance
geography of the discover are High Quality -
communities interests in YouTube
studied the class.
Powwow |
Have Native American
students celebration |
make a poster Britannica

and why they
are important
to the culture.

Next class is
also a work
period on the
posters if

Lesson 16 - Linguistics

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT identify One 30 Start class by Travel Log Formative Do you

languages minute checking the during the speak
present in block weather in Saskatoon, SK - practicing another
Saskatoon. Saskatoon and 7 Day Forecast - words. Maybe language?
Lethbridge and Environment I say some What is it?
recording it in Canada words and
2.1.3 investigate the travel log. ( they have to
the cultural and tell me what
linguistic Talk about the Lethbridge, AB - language it is
characteristics of different 7 Day Forecast - from?
an Inuit, an languages that Environment
Acadian and a cultural groups Canada
prairie have in (
community in Saskatoon and
Canada. how language is Mini Cree lesson
important to with Randy
2.1.1 appreciate keep a sense of Morin -
the physical and community and YouTube
human traditions going
geography of the strong. Basic Ukrainian
communities phrases -
studied. Show the cree YouTube
lesson. Practice

saying the

language video.
Practice saying
the words.

Have students
walk around the
room and ask
friends words
we just learned,
the student
asked the word
has to say it in
Ukrainian or

Lesson 17 – how do these groups contribute to Canada’s identity

Outcomes and Length Lesson Materials and Assessment Questions

Objectives of Procedure Resources 

SWBAT create 2-3 30 Start class by Travel Log Poster What is

a poster that minute checking the about how special about
demonstrates block weather in Saskatoon, SK - Saskatoon Saskatoon
what they have Saskatoon and 7 Day Forecast - contributes compared to
learned in this Lethbridge and Environment to Canada’s other
unit. recording it in Canada identity communities
the travel log. ( we have
2.S.1 develop looked at?
skills of critical Review what Lethbridge, AB
thinking and we learned - 7 Day Forecast How is
creative during this unit - Environment Saskatoon
thinking. and write main Canada similar or
topics or ideas ( different from
2.S.8 on the board. our

demonstrate community?
skills of oral, Make a poster
written and about how What groups
visual literacy. Saskatoon of people are
contributes to important in
Canada’s Saskatoon?
2.1.1 appreciate identity. What
the physical and is special, what What
human features are traditions are
geography of unique from important?
the communities other
studied communities What kinds of
we have learned things can
2.1.3 investigate about. people do
the cultural and Poster needs to here?
linguistic show both
characteristics cultural groups What is the
of an Inuit, an we looked at land like?
Acadian and a and their
prairie traditions.
community in
Canada Take at least 2
classes for the

Rubric for final poster in lesson 17

Category 4 3 2 1

Information is Information is Information is Information is not

Information accurate and mostly accurate. mostly not accurate accurate or
complete. complete.

Pictures and Pictures relate to Pictures mostly Pictures mostly do Pictures do not
text what we learned relate to what we not relate to what relate to what we
and help support learned and kind we learned and do learned and do
the text of support the text not support the not support the

text. text

Presentation Poster is very Poster is mostly Poster is not very Poster is messy
neat neat neat and illegible.

Lesson Plans:

Lesson Date Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Title/Focus Lesson One: What
community are we

Subject/Grade Grade 2 Social Time 30 min

Level Duratio

General Learning Outcomes: 2.1 Students will demonstrate an

understanding and appreciation of
how geography, culture, language,
heritage, economics and resources
shape and change Canada’s

Specific Learning Outcomes: 2.1.1 appreciate the physical and

human geography of the
communities studied


Students will:
SWBAT identify items/pictures that are associated with the community being studied.

What my students already know

 Already studied the Acadian and Inuit community.

What my students need to learn

 In this lesson, what community we are studying, what a prairie community is.

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

 What students say for what a prairie community is, gives a sense of what they
currently associate prairies with as a pre assessment.

Differentiation options

 Describe pictures for those that might have trouble seeing.

 If sensory breaks are needed, make sure student(s) are caught up and know what we are
working on when they return.


 Create slide show of pictures  Smart board

 Get Travel log ready for students
 Slide show of pictures
 Open YouTube video Saskatoon Travel Guide
- Best things to do in Saskatoon Canada -  YouTube Video


Introduction Assessment

 TIME 5 min 

 Introduce that we are going to study a prairie

community that is very similar to ours.
 We are going to pretend to travel to this
community while we study it.
 To figure out what community we are studying
I’m going to show you pictures and we are
going to guess what community it is.
 “Do we live in a prairie community”

Body Assessment/Differentiation

 Activity 1 – Slide show of pictures  What students say for what a

 TIME 15min prairie community is, gives a
 Point out the land forms that are in the pictures sense of what they currently
and important things that we will be learning associate prairies with as a
about during the unit. pre assessment.
 Have students point out what they notice about
each of the pictures.
 Do we know a community that has
characteristics like what’s seen in these

 Activity 2- Video  Answers to questions based

 Time 5 min on the travel video tells me
 After students guess the community, or I tell how much they retained from

them I will show them the video on Saskatoon

 Saskatoon Travel Guide - Best things to do in
Saskatoon Canada - YouTube
 After we watch the video ask students
 Does this look like Lethbridge?
 What do you notice about the city?
 What is different then Lethbridge?

 Activity 3 – Colouring page 

 TIME 5 min
 Hand out duotangs to each student
 Have them colour the first page of the travel
 Explain that we will be using the travel log
throughout the unit to keep track of our

Closure Assessment

 Time 
 Tell students we will be learning more about
Saskatoon in the next class.
 Collect duotangs and put them away

Sponge: What can students work on if done

 Colouring pages at the back of the travel log.


Lesson Date Thursday March 11, 2021

Title/Focus Lesson Two: Where is

Subject/Grade Grade 2 social Time 30 min

Level Duratio

General Learning Outcomes: 2.1 Students will demonstrate

an understanding and
appreciation of how geography,
culture, language, heritage,
economics and resources shape
and change Canada’s

Specific Learning Outcomes: 2.1.2 investigate the physical

geography of an Inuit, an
Acadian, and a prairie
community in Canada.
2.S.3 develop skills of
geographic thinking.


Students will:
 SWBAT label Saskatoon and Lethbridge on a map.
 SWBAT describe the location of Saskatoon

What my students already know

 That we are studying Saskatoon

What my students need to learn

 Where Saskatoon is

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

 Map assignment in travel log

Differentiation options

 Have students who need to describe the locations on the map to me.



 Get map of Canada onto a file for the smart board  Smart board
 Open up Google Maps link
 “Prairie Summer” by
 Have picture book ready
Nancy Hundal


Introduction Assessment

 TIME 3 min 

 Tell them expectations for class: raise hand to talk,

sit quietly, pay attention, ask questions if confused or
need help
 Ask students which community we are studying as a
refresher from last class.
 Today we will learn where Saskatoon is in Canada.
 Ask if anyone has been to Saskatoon

Body Assessment/Differentiation

 Activity 1 – Finding Saskatoon on the map  Students answers to the

 TIME 10 min questions
 Have google map of Saskatoon on the board  If everyone agrees with
 What province is Saskatoon in? the location we have
 Is Saskatoon in northern or Southern Saskatchewan? given Saskatoon on the
 What province do we live in? map.
 Show them how long it takes to drive, walk, bike bus
fly etc. to get to Saskatoon from our school
 Pull up map of Canada and have a student volunteer
to come and point to where Saskatoon is on the map
 Do same as above for Lethbridge.
 How is the location of Saskatoon and Lethbridge
similar or different?
 How is the location of Saskatoon different then the
location of other communities we have studied?

 Activity 2- Read book 

 Time 10 min

 To prepare for our trip we are going to read a picture

book together.
 Ask students if parts of the story are familiar
 What have you noticed in the book?
 Did the book make you want to go to Saskatoon?

 Activity 3 – Mapping  Where the students

 TIME 5 min place the communities
 Hand out travel logs and have students label the map on the map will help me
of Canada, placing Saskatoon and Lethbridge on the determine how well
map. they understand the
 Walk around and help students who need help or to placement of Saskatoon
clarify anything. and Lethbridge

Closure Assessment

 Time 2 min  Take a look at all of the

 Collect the travel logs maps in the travel logs
 As students travel logs are collected send them to to get a better sense of
wash their hands for nutrition break. how each individual

Sponge: What can students work on if done

 The colouring sheet from last class or ones at the back of the travel log.


Annotated list of Resources

Amundson, J. (2013, August 12). Landing in Saskatoon [Video]. YouTube.

This video provides an overview of what the physical geography of Saskatoon looks like. It is a
video of an airplane landing in Saskatoon. This will help students understand what Saskatoon
looks like because you can see much of the city and surrounding area.

Auger, D. (2006). Mwakwa: Talks to the loon: A cree story for children. Heritage Horse

This book shows students Cree relations to the land through their hunting. It also Cree so
students can learn about the language through reading the book. This book will help teach
students about the Indigenous groups that call the Saskatoon area home.

Bouchard, D., & Willier, S. (2008). The drum calls softly. Red Deer Press.

This book will be used to help introduce students to the Cree people of Saskatoon. We will use it
to look for traditions that are found within this book.

Browner, T. (2016, March 14). Powwow. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved March 4, 2021

This website provides an overview of what a powwow and gives me more information about
them so that I can accurately teach what a powwow is to my students.

Century 21 Fusion Saskatoon. (2013 November, 6). The city of Saskatoon [Video]. YouTube.

This video provides an overview of services in Saskatoon. It also gives students a visual to relate
what they learn about what Saskatoon has to offer. The visual will also help demonstrate
physical geography again for my students.

Communities in Canada: Looking at people. (2005). Pearson Education Canada.

This is the textbook for grade 2 social studies. It provides an overview of the people who live in
the communities being studied.

Communities in Canada: Looking at places. (2005). Pearson Education Canada.

This is the textbook for grade 2 social studies. It gives students an overview of the communities
being studied including Saskatoon.

Google. (2021). Google maps. Retrieved February 28, 2021, from,+Saskatchewan/Our+Lady+of+the+Assu
3295772690!2m2!1d 106.6701577!2d52.157902!1m5!1m1!
1s0x536e86412705399d:0x2182d4d4ec5e73b!2m !1d-112.8079851!2d49.6786445!3e0

Google maps will help my students gain an understanding of where Saskatoon is in comparison
to Lethbridge. It will also help them understand how far away it is from us and what methods of
transportation will get them there.

Government of Alberta. (2009). Social studies literature connections (K-12). Retrieved February
26, 2021, from

This is an online collection of literature that relates to each grade level. There is a PDF for each
grade that lists many books that can be used to help teach the outcomes in the Program of
Studies. It provides a brief description of the book as well as publication information, if it is
Canadian and how much it costs.

Government of Canada. (2021). Saskatoon seven day forecast. Retrieved February 28, 2021,

This seven day forecast is an excellent resource to help my students understand the weather and
climate of Saskatoon. Not only does it offer the current temperature and seven day forecast but it
also gives historical stats for weather. This will help students understand the weather of another

Government of Canada. (2021). Lethbridge seven day forecast. Retrieved February 28, 2021,

This seven day forecast is excellent for my students to use to compare their communities weather
with another communities weather. It will also help my students understand their own
communities’ weather better. Comparing the two prairie communities will be an interesting
comparison for students as they are similar in many ways.

Hundal, Nancy. (1999) Prairie summer. Fitzhenry & Whiteside. 

This picture book will be used to help get my class excited and oriented for the unit. It is about
young cousins exploring the prairies. This will give my students an idea of what it is like on a
prairie and prepare them for learning about Saskatoon.

Kleitsch, C. (2005). Land and sea: A Question and answer book about natural resources.
Pearson Education Canada.

This resource provides information about resources in three communities. For this unit I focus on
the section on Saskatchewan. It tells students about farming and mining in Saskatchewan both of
which are incredibly important in the job and resource sectors. By having students read from this
I am helping them learn how to read from a textbook and comprehend it.

Lee, M. Four directions teaching. Four Directions Teaching. Retrieved March 4, 2021, from

This website is a resource about tipi’s that gives the symbolic meaning behind every aspect of a
tipi. It will be very useful when I teach my students about what a tipi is and why it is important.

Marino, S. (2011, November 7). Native American female hoop dancer [Video]. YouTube.

This video is of a Cree hoop dancer. This will give my students the ability to see what hoop
dancing looks like so that they can understand the culture better.

Mummabell. (2015). Springtime in Saskatoon.

This source gives a great outline of how the unit can be completed and was given to me by my
PS2 Teacher Associate. I used it to help find resources such as YouTube videos that supported
the program of studies.

Petti, W. (2013, April 18). Pow wow women’s jingle dress dance high quality [Video]. YouTube.

This video demonstrates the jingle dance which is part of cree culture. This will go with my
lesson on Cree culture.

Reznikova, O. (2016, January 2). Basic Ukrainian phrases [Video]. YouTube.

This video teaches a few Ukrainian phrases. Students will better understand one of the languages
present in Saskatoon and will have spoken some words which will help them process what we
learned during the lesson better.

Sarjeant, A. M. Sarjeant, W. A.S. & Kerr, D. (November 14, 2012). Saskatoon. The Canadian
Encyclopedia. https://www.

This source is a resource for me that gives an overview of Saskatoon. The website discuses
settlement, development, the city itself, economy, transportation, and culture.

Semenyuk, A. (2013, May 13). Ukrainian Easter [Video]. YouTube.

This YouTube video goes over traditions that Ukrainians have for Easter and shows how to do
each of the traditions. This will help my students understand their traditions and be able to
compare them to our own traditions.

StarPhoenix, S. (2017, November 16). Mini cree lesson with Randy Morin [Video]. YouTube.

This video teaches students how to say some Cree words. It exposes them to one of the many
languages present in Saskatoon.

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