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Microsoft HoloLens 2 

Trevor Cockburn 
Classroom Technology Services, JMU Libraries 
880 Madison Drive 
Harrisonburg, VA 22807 



Overview 2 
Project Charter 3 
Project Definition 3 
Request For Proposal  4 
Goals and Objectives 5 
SMART Goals  5 
Objectives 5 
Success Criteria  6 
Project Life Cycle 7 
Milestones  7 
Phase Chart 8 
Project Roles and Responsibilities  9 
Project Roles  9 
Responsibility Matrix 10 
Task Timeline Graphic 11 
Communication Plan 12 
Communication Audit 12 
Communication Plan 13 
Risk Management  14 
Evaluation  17 
Sample User Survey 17 
Sample Student Survey  17 
Project Manager Reporting  18 
Project Log 18 
Change Request Form  19 
Project Notebook 20 




Classroom Technology Services (CTS) at James Madison University will provide a Microsoft 
HoloLens 2 to support the remote instruction for the Department of Engineering at James 
Madison University. The HoloLens 2 will be primarily used for remote lab and other 
hands-on instruction for students who are unable to attend the lesson in person. The 
ability to teach remotely is critical to the academic success at James Madison University, 
and the HoloLens 2 is a tool to help expand that success. 
Augmented Reality glasses have potential in being an exceptional tool for virtual and 
recorded hands-on instruction. As James Madison University continues to strive for a 
remote instructional presence, the Microsoft HoloLens 2 can prove to be beneficial to 
bridge the gap between in-person learning and remote instruction, benefiting both the 
students and the instructors. Through the use of the HoloLens 2, professors will be able to 
record, or stream, lab (hands-on) instruction virtually for students who are unable to attend 
the lesson.  
The purpose of this project is to introduce the use of AR glasses as a tool for instruction 
and to train faculty in ways to effectively integrate the Microsoft HoloLens 2 into their 
lesson. To ensure the success of this project, it is crucial that CTS provides the proper 
training and technical support for those that will be using the Microsoft HoloLens 2. Due to 
current events, the ability to remotely teach, both for the professors and students, is even 
more critical to JMU academic success.  



Project Charter  

Project Definition  



Request For Proposal  






Goals and Objectives 

SMART Goal  
T​ime bound 
S​- Provide HoloLens for faculty at JMU to teach lab and hands-on instruction virtually so 
that students can learn remotely. 
M​- Provide HoloLens so that faculty can successfully record lectures, or hold virtual lessons. 
A​- Provide HoloLens, technical support and training for faculty.  
R​- CTS will provide HoloLens as it would be considered an educational tool. As the 
university places an emphasis on remote learning, HoloLens would help professors teach 
specific topics virtually. 
T​- HoloLens purchase, training and support will be ready for the fall semester. 
Classroom Technology Services will provide a Microsoft HoloLens 2 for faculty to 
successfully use for instructional video capture and remote instruction in the 2021 spring 
semester. Additionally, CTS will provide training and technical support to ensure the 
success of the HoloLens 2 as an educational tool for remote hands-on instruction. Under 
the guidance of CTS, the HoloLens 2 will support the University’s mission to enhance virtual 
learning and help ensure academic success. 
All engineering faculty will be trained by December 14th, 2020 to use the Microsoft 
HoloLens 2 hardware and software by January 4th, 2021 so that they will be prepared to 
virtually instruct students hands-on material (if needed) in the 2021 spring semester. 

1. Purchase the Microsoft HoloLens 2  
a. CTS will secure funds to obtain a Microsoft HoloLens 2. 
b. Explore the various purchase options of the Microsoft HoloLens 2. 
c. Create a line of communication with Microsoft to ensure the success of 
purchasing the HoloLens, as well as technical support. 
2. Identify appropriate software and train users (professors) on how to use the 
Microsoft HoloLens 2 for their instruction. 


a. Instructors will be able to identify the appropriate software for the Microsoft 
HoloLens 2.  
b. Instructors will be able to make a Point of View (POV) recording of hands-on 
c. Using the appropriate software, instructors will be able to use the HoloLens 2 
to hold virtual meetings with students. 
d. Users will be able to upload recordings into their course in Canvas, or their 
application of choice. 
3. Create a checkout system, maintained by CTS, to ensure fair use amongst 
professors in the Engineering department. 
a. CTS will manage the checkout system used to loan the Microsoft HoloLens 2. 
b. Providing instructions for the HoloLens 2 at checkout to prevent potential 
4. Provide technical support (CTS) for stakeholders. 
a. CTS will provide in-person and remote support for technical issues that a 
user may encounter while using the Microsoft HoloLens 2. The goal is to 
prevent these issues by offering the appropriate training for the HoloLens 2. 

Success Criteria  
The success of the project will be determined by evaluations of the lecture outcomes and 
surveys of those who use the HoloLens 2.  
Success will be dependent on: 
● Ability to acquire the Microsoft HoloLens 2  
● Ability to properly train faculty. 
● Ability to provide technical support to assist users with the HoloLens 2. 
● Ability to identify the roles to continue supporting the HoloLens 2. 



Project Life Cycle 

The Project Life Cycle is the time frame in which the project will be completed. The Milestones graphic 
is divided into four phases, each of which provide a list of the major checkpoints for the project. The 
Phase Chart provides a breakdown of the four different phases and the major checkpoints in each 




Phase Chart 


Phase 1 8/17-9/11  Kick-off and initial  ● Collect funding  

planning of the project.   ● Contact Microsoft  
● Obtain Microsoft HoloLens 2  

Phase 2 9/14-10/23  Identify software,  ● Identify appropriate software that will 

hardware and support  assist with attaining educational goals  
needs for the project  ● Identify technical support roles that 
as well as develop  will support the HoloLens 2  
training material. 
○ Technical support with 
“hands-on” troubleshooting - 
○ Checkout - CTS  
○ Training - CTS  
○ Canvas - Learning Technology 
○ Network - JMU Central IT  
● Develop training to appropriately 
teach users (faculty) 

Phase 3 10/26-12/14  Training and testing  ● Train users on how to use the 
stage.  Microsoft HoloLens 2  
● Beta testing  

Phase 4 1/4  Launch.  ● Implement HoloLens 2 into class 

● Evaluation  
● Continued support  



Project Roles and Responsibilities   

This section outlines the project’s personnel and their responsibilities throughout the life of the 
project. The Responsibility Matrix lists critical projects tasks, who is responsible for them and when 
these tasks need to be completed. Below the Responsibility Matrix is a Task Timeline Graphic which 
displays the timeline for each task. 

Project Roles  

Trevor  Classroom  Project  Project manager  Oversee the 

Cockburn  Technology  Manager  and oversees the  project and ensure 
Services  entire course of the  that expectations for 
project.  the project are met. 

Jim West  Director  Director  Director of CTS  He will identify the 
Classroom  of CTS,  and will be leading  most beneficial 
Technology  support for  the usage of the  software applications 
Services  managing  HoloLens 2.  for the HoloLens 2 
staff in  and will also 
support  determine what 
roles and  training will be 
check-out   required for users. 

Jeff  Inventory,  Check-out  In charge of  Create a checkout 

Roadcap  Classroom  system  inventory for CTS and  system for users to 
Technology  support  will oversee the  check out device. 
Services  checkout system for 
the Microsoft 
HoloLens 2. 

Jason  Assistant  Funding  Acquire funding  Provide funds that 

McClain  Vice President,  for the Microsoft  will cover the cost of 
Academic  HoloLens 2.  the entire project. 

Eric  Head of  Canvas  Head of Learning  Train his staff to 
Hansen  Learning  support  Technology Services  make them aware 
Technology  and will assist with  and knowledgeable in 
Services  providing guidance  Canvas support for 
for faculty on how to  the Microsoft 
use Canvas.  HoloLens 2. 

Responsibility Matrix 

Kick-Off Meeting  Trevor Cockburn  8/17  8/18  1  Not started 

Plan Objectives   Trevor Cockburn  8/18  8/24  6  Not started 

Request for Proposal   CTS - Jim West  8/24  8/28  4  Not started 

Contact Microsoft   Trevor Cockburn  8/31  9/4  4  Not started 

Acquire Funding   Jason McClain  9/7  9/9  2  Not started 

Purchase HoloLens 2   Jim West   9/10  9/11  1  Not started 

Identify Appropriate Software   CTS - Jim West  9/14  9/25  11  Not started 

Identify Hardware Requirements   CTS - Jim West  9/14  9/25  11  Not started 

Define Support Staff Roles   Trevor Cockburn  9/28  10/2  4  Not started 

Create Check-out System   CTS - Jeff Roadcap  10/1  10/9  8  Not started 

Develop Training Materials   Instructional Design/CTS  10/1  10/23  22  Not started 

Provide Training for users   Instructional Design/CTS  10/26  11/6  11  Not started 

Beta Testing   Trevor Cockburn  11/9  12/4  25  Not started 

Review Testing Feedback   Trevor Cockburn  12/7  12/11  4  Not started 

Make Changes (if needed)  Trevor Cockburn  12/14  12/16  2  Not started 

Launch  1/4  1/4  0 


Task Timeline Graphic 



Communication Plan 
The Communication Audit reviews the current forms of communication that the department 
responsible for the project uses. The Communication Audit provides insight on how the department 
communicates and what tools are commonly used for communication. The Project Plan carefully 
outlines the expected forms of communication and how they will be used to communicate critical 
information throughout the life of the project. 

Communication Audit  


Communication Plan 

Meetings  Kick-off meeting  Participants meet in a  In-person  One time for  Trevor C.  Project team 
defining objectives,  conference room  Kick-off meeting 
goals and project  (as needed, to be 
roles   determined by 
team members) 

Virtual Meetings  Updates, check-in  Check-in, updates and  Virtual  As needed   Team  Project team 
and questions   questions. Primarily used on an  (WebEx,  members 
"as needed" basis. Project  Microsoft 
members can schedule their  Teams or 
own meetings   Zoom) 

Telephone  Updates, check-in  Often used when face-to-face  Over the  As needed   Team  Project team 
and questions   isn’t an option but used when a  phone  members 
quick response is desired or if  communicati
the message is too lengthy for  on 
an instant message. The 
telephone is an easy way to 
reach someone when a quick 
question needs an answer. 

Electronic Mail   Weekly updates   Used primarily as an official  Online   Weekly updates  Trevor C.  Project team 
form of communicating with 
both internal and external 
personnel regarding the 
project. Often used to keep 
written documentation of what 
is said and to provide official 
updates on the project. 

Instant Messaging   Updates, check-in  A form of communication that  Online   As needed   Team  Project team 
and questions  allows team members to ask  members 
questions, provide updates and 
other information quickly 

Microsoft SharePoint  Central hub for  A place for team members to  Online   As needed   Team  Project team 
shared documents   share documents related to the  members 
project. Other team members 
can view, and edit, these 
documents as needed. 


Risk Management  
Risk Assessment Matrix

Risk Level

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Unlikely Somewhat Likely Likely


Risk Assessment Chart

Risk  Description  Response  Preventative  Risk Level 


Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 

User Error Users run into  Mitigate: If user  To avoid potential      

issues due to a  error occurs,  user error, it is   
lack of  CTS will be  critical to provide 
understanding of 
how the 
available to 
assist the user 
the proper 
training and make 
equipment works.  through  sure it is available 
face-to-face,  for everyone to 
phone or virtual  access. 

Hardware Issue  An error occurs  Acceptance: If  The HoloLens 2      

due to a  user  will be inspected   
malfunction with  encounters  before and after 
the hardware of 
the Microsoft 
issues with the 
every check-out to 
ensure that it is 
HoloLens 2.  device, CTS will  functional and 
provide  lacking any 
assistance and,  physical damage. 
if needed, 
repair (or send 
off to be 

Software Issue  An error occurs  Acceptance: CTS  Keep track of    

due to a software  will provide  software issues     
application (i.e.  assistance to  and troubleshoot 
network or 
application issue). 
encountering a 
issues between 
software issue. 
Record and 
keep track of 

Issue at check-out  An issue occurs  Monitor: If a  Develop a back-up      

while a user is  user is unable  plan for the   
trying to check-out  to check-out the  check-out system. 
the Microsoft 
HoloLens and is 
device, the 
back-up plan 
therefore unable  would be 
to use the device  implemented 
(i.e. check-out  (hand written 
system is down or  check-out). 
bar scan is 

Loss/theft   The Microsoft  Avoidance:  To avoid loss or      

HoloLens 2 is  There will only  theft, make   
either misplaced  be one  improvements to 
or stolen and no 
longer able to be 
HoloLens 2 for 
this trial project, 
the check-out 
system by adding 
used.  avoiding this  time limits and 
risk is key.  provide 
that keeps track of 
the device. 


The success of the project will be based on three items: documentation, user surveys and student 
surveys. Documentation will cover information regarding how often the Microsoft HoloLens 2 is 
checkout, how often support is needed for software or hardware issues, and other issues that might 
arise through the use of the device. The user survey will ask questions specific to the usage of the 
HoloLens 2 (see sample user survey below). The student survey will allow students to provide feedback 
about their thoughts on the usefulness of the HoloLens 2 for instruction (see sample survey below). 

Sample User Survey   Sample Student Survey 

How useful was the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for teaching  Did you feel as if you benefited from the use of the 
your course?  Microsoft HoloLens 2? 

[ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5  [ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5 

Not Useful Useful  Not Very Very 

After receiving training, how confident do you feel  Did you feel as if the instructor was able to successfully 
using the Microsoft HoloLens 2?  use the Microsoft HoloLens 2? 

[ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5  [ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5 

Not Confident Extremely  Not Very Very 

Did you encounter an issue while using the Microsoft  Compared to other classes who do not use the 
HoloLens 2? (please describe)  HoloLens 2, did you feel like you understood the 
content better because of it? 
[ ] Yes  [ ] No   
[ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5 

Did you call for support?  No Difference Significantly 

[ ] Yes  [ ] No   
Would you like to see more of your classes use the 
Microsoft HoloLens 2 solution? 
Was the issue resolved? 
[ ] Yes  [ ] No 
[ ] Yes  [ ] No   

How likely are you to continue using the Microsoft 
HoloLens 2 in your instruction? 

[ ] 1  [ ] 2  [ ] 3  [ ] 4  [ ] 5 

Not Likely Likely 


Project Manager Reporting  

Project Log  

Log 1: (7/8/29)  Log 7: (7/14/20) 

-Begin working on the overall first draft of the project.  Explored other possible applications that can be used with 
-Listed out a rough idea of the project's  the Microsoft HoloLens 2. Unfortunately, as of right now, 
"Introduction/Purpose", "Goal and Objectives", "Success  only Microsoft Teams (no longer Skype) can really be used 
Criteria", and "Project Delivery and Life Cycle"  "easily" with the HoloLens 2. I have read some information 
about people using Zoom, but they are having to find a 
work around for it and it will be too complicated to do. 
Perhaps Microsoft will add Zoom and/or WebEx support in 
the future. 
One major issue I have encountered is the fact 
that there is little information out there from 
users because of how new Mixed Reality glasses 
are. I need to further investigate more uses of the 
HoloLens 2, besides lecture capture and virtual 
meetings. There is a great deal of potential out 
there to use the HoloLens 2 in an academic 

Log 2: (7/9/20)  Log 8: (7/15/20) 

-Began working on the Trello board  Worked on Gantt chart and stakeholders list  
-Filled out various cards with basic information (more to 
come later today) 

Log 3: (7/10/20)  Log 9: (7/20/20) 

Continued working on project first draft  Continued to work on Gantt chart  
Specific attention to the project schedule and creating a 
visual for it  

Log 4: (7/12/20)  Log 10: (7/21/20) 

Continued working on the First Draft, specifically the project  Worked on project staff roles. Compiled graph with project 
timeline and communication plan  roles and tasks for each individual. Will include this in the 
final project plan. 

Log 5: (7/13/20)  Log 11: (7/22/20) 

Errors needed to be addressed:  Continued editing Gantt chart, project roles and 
-Mixed reality instead of AR   communication plan. Began outlining the final project plan 
-Microsoft Teams instead of Skype  and started to organize that various pieces and completed 

Log 6: (7/14/20)  Log 12: (7/23/20) 

Added the communication audit to communication plan  Began to review "evaluation" 


Change Request Form 



Project Notebook 

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