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Bayburt University Testing in ELT, Week 1

ELT Programme Assoc. Prof. Dr. Müzeyyen Nazlı GÜNGÖR

Guidelines for Homework 1

A. Analyse the sample text and answer these questions:

1. What is the focus of each part?

It is exercise one we use the method of skimming to get a quick overview of the text. 2nd
example focuses on scanning that looking for formation. 3rd one focuses on scanning and
skimming which is answering the multiple-choice question. also, fourth one example
focuses on scan that is matching question, so we understand that needs to carefully in order
to detect some feature. On the other hand, 5th example focuses on skimming that wants ask
to follow the main idea. The 6th one is based on scanning because we need to read as a
following instruction, and we can match the correct heading to each paragraph. 7th one is
also based on scanning that is multiple choice task for finding main idea and we need to
look for detail. 8th one has two steps, and first part is about ordering task and second one is
based on specific information. In addition, exercise nine focuses on specific information
from the text. Finally, 10 and 11 exercise focused on bottom up and top down that covers
both general ideas and specific ideas by using matching, multiple choice question,
organizing opinion.

2. What are the underlying teaching reading theories?

Teaching reading has four theories such as:

 Skimming
 Scanning
 Top down
 Bottle up.

3. Do you think the test adheres to validity & reliability principles?

My opinion that reliable and validity are key an aspect of a test and this test has both of
4. Are items de/contextualized?

The items are contextualizing and suitable for testing theories.

5. Are items authentic? How do you understand?

Yes, items are authentic because authentic means that close the real life and on the test are
reliable to the real life sources.

6. How can a teacher give feedback on this test? What would you do if you were the test-

I think that the test is so suitable for terms and strategies that’s why we can apply test on the

B. Analyse the test in terms of practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity,

and washback (if used).

In these pages we see the method to help us to a question such as skimming and scanning. If
students desire to improve their solving skills, they need to learn importance of skimming and
scanning and they learn right way they can solve question easily.
Practicality in assessment means that the test is easy to design, easy to administer and easy to
score. The layout should be easy to follow and understand. It stays within appropriate time
constraints That’s why exercise 2 is a good example to that.

A reliable test means that it should give the same results for similar groups of students and
with different people marking. the instruction language simple and give an example. Test
Reliability which is caused by the nature of a test. Long tests can cause fatigue. If we look
exercise 7, we can understand that this is reliability example, and it is suitable for students.

Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. To make a valid test,
you must be clear about what you are testing. If questions don’t match up with the main idea
we want to give, that test can’t be valid for students learning process. Exercise 8 is a good
example for that. The topic and questions match with each other.

Authenticity: It contains language that is as natural as possible. It has real world tasks, and it
includes meaningful, relevant, and interesting topics. For instance, reading passages are
selected from real world sources and their topics are so understandable. . If students feel
connection between their life and the test, they will invest more time and interest on these


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