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March 8, 2021
Senator Jwan Moore
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Honorable Majority Leader Moore,

Upon your assignment of committees in this chamber, I write to you to request that I may
be placed on the committee on Environment and Public Works or committee on Armed Services.
These committees would provide me with a valuable opportunity to bring forth issues that my
constituency in Nevada holds of high importance. Not only would my placement in either
committee bring great opportunities for Nevada, I would also be a key participant, through my
skills as a team member and organization, in bringing forth legislation that is not only effective
but efficient as well.
The committee on Environment and Public Works serves to provide legislation that
works to preserve our environment as well as resource allocation and infrastructure. Las Vegas,
though it serves us well with its large contribution to our tourism industry, holds many issues
such as public waste and pollution. I hope to create solutions that may lessen the air pollution
that makes it a safer environment for tourists to enjoy and our residents to live. On a similar note,
with increased resources to battle public waste and build upon our recycling infrastructure, we
will be able to continue making Nevada a beautiful place to visit and live. This would also
extend to other areas in Nevada, such as our beautiful state parks that would greatly benefit
through the upkeep and preservation of the environment. My concern for my constituency
extends to our armed forces and especially our large veteran population, to which my position in
the committee on Armed Services would be greatly beneficial. The Senate committee on Armed
Services provides legislation to upkeep our military as well as benefiting our service members.
My placement on this committee helps my goal of allocating resources in order to serve my
constituents that have served our country.
To serve on these committees would be a privilege and I can ensure that I will serve to
work with my committee members in order to provide legislation that handles the concerns of
these committees. The legislation that results from our hard work would be in the best interest of
our party, the Democratic party. With either committee’s relevance and importance to not only
my constituents but to myself as a legislator as well, I would be a great addition as I come
bearing my experiences and expertise. I thank you for your time and consideration and I look
forward to hearing from you.
Senator Jessica Maninang
Senator of Nevada

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