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T EiC Preparation

Park Hye Young
Jeon Ji Won

~ ,., 1 ,l
TOEIC Preparation LC + RC Volume 1 & Volume 2 are the right books
for you - those who are planning to take the TOEIC test in the near

It is important to understand that TOEIC is not the kind of general

English you have so far been familiar with. You must, therefore, know
the structure of the test, especially the new test format, to familiarize
yourself with the various kinds of questions and text types. Undoubtedly,
TOEIC Preparation LC + RC series will meet your demand. Firstly, both
listening and reading parts are presented in one book, which is very
convenient for users. Each section begins with an introduction to a
particular part of the TOEIC test, explaining what it is like and providing
an example. Secondly, a wide range of exercises together with actual
test practice throughout the book will enhance your test-taking skills,
which may result in great success in the coming test. Finally, it is
essential that you repeatedly do the practice tests in the book, check
your work to draw experience and refer to additional materials in the
same series.

TOEIC Preparation LC + RC series can be used in class with the assistance

of an instructor or for self-study.

Through th~ step-by-step approach to learning and using test-taking

skills, you n_pt only become comfortable with the TOEIC test but also
improve your overall English language ability.
About the Book

Pholo Descriptions

Unit 01 Photos of People Incomplete Sentences

Text Completion
Unit 02 Photos of Objects & Scenes
Reading Comprehension

Unii 01 Nouns & Pr9nouns

Question - Response
Uni! 02 Adjectives & Adverbs
Unil 03 Information Questions (1)
Unit 03 Verb Tenses
Uni! 04 Information Questions (2) Unil 04 Active Voice & Passive
Unit 05 Yes/No Questions Voice
Unit 06 Other Types of Questions Uni! 05 To-infinitives
Uni! 06 Gerunds

Conversations Unit 07 Participles

Uni! 07 Business Activities Unit 08 Conjunctions

Unit 08 Daily Activities Unit 09 Prepositions

Unit 09 At Public Places Unit 10 Relative Pronouns &

Relative Adverbs
Unit 1'I Subjunctive Mood
Unit '12 Agreement
Unit 10 Telephone Messages &
Public Announcements
Unit 11 Advertisements & Radio
Uni! 12 Speeches & Internal
Photo Descriptions
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Overview '""'""mC'~""-"'""""''""""'""''"""~"

This section briefly introduces the main features of Part 1 of the TOEIC
test and an illustrative example is shown. You will look at the photo,
read the four statements, listen carefully, and then choose the best
answer. Important phrases in the four statements are printed in bold
to draw your attention.

Two exercises in this section help you listen to typical descriptive
statements in Part 1 and at the same time, consolidate the lesson in
the previous section.
Exercise A asks you to listen and complete each statement with the
missing words. For exercise B, you will listen and complete each
statement with the missing words, then choose the best descriptive
statement for each photo.

@ Questions with WHO Question - Response

This section briefly introduces the maln features of Part 2 of the
TOEIC test and two illustrative examples are also shown.

Exercise A in this section asks you to listen and flll the four gapped
pairs of questions and responses with the missing words. You will
then choose the best response to each of the two questions after
completing the gaps ln exercise B.

Conversations ~ Bupiness Activities

This section briefly introduces the main features of Part 3 of the
TOEIC test and an illustrative example is given. Important words and
phrases in the conversation are printed in bold to draw your attention. ",,,.,.,.,._,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,""-
" "'~"'""'""-'-"••"-
Commonly used expressions are then listed for you to enlarge your
business-related vocabulary range.

There are three exercises in this section. Exercise A asks you to listen
and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete four sentences.
Next, you will listen and fill the gaps with the missing words in a
conversation, then choose the correct answer to a question given in
exercise B. Exercise C provides you with an opportunity to improve
your skill by listening to three conversations that are commonly found
on the actual test and choosing the best answer to each question.
Similar to the other parts, Part 4 starts each
lesson with an introduction to a pafticular talk
and an example is shown. You will read and
at the same time listen to the talk to become
famillar with the text type. Important words
and phrases are printed in bold and commonly
used expressions are then listed for you to
enlarge your business-related vocabulary range.

This section is quite similar to that in Part 3.
You have an opportunity to practice listening to
typical talks and chOoS[ng the correct answers.

fl> Future Si'mple & Future Perfect

Grammar Points ~"'"""'•"''~" fom~ "~" ·•~'""'~" '"'"'""'"-~·'"'"""" ~'

Each unit in these parts presents a

brief explanation about a particular ~,-~,.,_,_,,~ ..
'~'"""'"""" ''""~"" ""''
'''"" "''"'"'"'"''""'""'"'"~"' '"""""""""~"""'"
grammar point which is frequently .,,.,~··'~'"'"""'"'

given on the TOEIC Reading test

There are two exercises below each
grammar lesson. Different types
- '-'"'"~'"""'''·'=""""
'"'"'~• '""""°'"""m"'-

of exercises in section A help you ' <~'"'~"

"'"' "~-~- """"'"""""' ·~~· ,.-~~Q~~· '"'""
(B)'""''"' '""~'"'•""' (~"''~""""m"
consolidate the grammar points
you have just learnt, whereas
questions in section B have the
same format as the ones in Part 5
of the TOEIC Reading test.

Practice with Actual ,,,,,~~ '"'~'""· '"" '""'"""""~'"'"'"'"'"'""~""" ,~

"'"' r;,1-"''"' ''"r"
"'''' '"'""'
"'~~"'"~"'""'' '"'"'"m~< "'""'''

This section throughout the book ,,,~ ,~,·~ 00 """~ "~~''"'~''"
'"' '""""""'""'

provides you with various parts on

an actual TOEIC test. Doing this
repeatedly will, without doubt,
strengthen your test-taking ability.
TOEIC ls short tor Test of English for International Communication. It is an English language test
to measure the everyday business English skills of non-native people working in an international
environment. Employers may use the results to make hiring decisions, promotions, or transfers
depending on job seekers' English ability.

45 minutes 495

Talks 30
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 6 Text Completion
Single Passages 75 minutes 495
Part 7

TOTAL 7 Parts 200 120 minutes 990

The TOElC test measur~ test takers' listening and reading skills in daily work situations and activities,
such as General businecss. (sales, marketing, presentations, negotiations, etc.), Office (meetings,
telephone, work procedures, etc.), Eating out (restaurants, making reservations, etc.), Health (hospitals,
visiting doctors, etc.), Travel (schedules, transport, announcements, etc.), Entertainment (music, art,
museums, etc.) and many more.
In the first part of the TOEIC test, you will see six photos. Then, you will hear four statements
about each one. You must choose the statement that best describes what you see in it. The
statements will not be shown in your test book and you will hear them only once.

Remember! 42
Look at the photo carefully.

Predict possible verbs and nouns that may be heard.

Think of the present tenses that will be used - present simple, present
continuous, or present perfect.

Listen to the statements and choose

the one that best describes the photo
,. (The present continuous tense is mostly
·used in the des~riptive statements.).
For the photos of one person, the four subjects in the statements are alike but the verbs in them
are different. You should therefore listen carefully to the verbs.

(A) A woman is wearing gloves.

(8) A woman is using a shovel.

(C) A woman is watering a plant.

(D) A woman is arranging flowers.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words. "01-02

l;. A man
2 A woman is ________________ _
3 He is
4 She is ___________ _
5 He is

listen and complete each statement with the missing words, then choose the
best description for each photo. .(\, 01-03

1 2

(A) A man is ______________ a pair of shoes. (A) She is _____ a document.

(8) A man is _______________ . (8) She is ____ _
(C) A man is ___ _ (C) She is __________ a laptop.

Photos of Two People
For the photos of two people, the subjects in the statements may be different because each
person may be doing a different action.

Correct answer choices generally describe what the people in the photos are doing together
or what each ol them is doing. You should thus listen to both the subjects and the verbs in the
descriptive statements.


(A) They are sitting next to each other.

(B) They are signing their names.

(C) They are fixing a computer.

(D) They are looking at a laptop.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words. .(), 01-05

1 They _ __ _into a truck.

2 They ... _______ a microphone.
3 The women ----·-· to a sink.
4 The men
5 The people

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words, then choose the
best description for each photo. ,(), 01-06

(A) They _ _ _ _ _ .... some vegetables. (A) The men .. _ _ _ __ horses.

(B) They _____ _ (B) The men _ __
(C) They .... (C) The men ----··-·····-···· .... a picture of the

(A) They are sitting at an outdoor table.

(B) The people are hiking in a park.

(C) One of the women is holding a basket.

(D) Some women are having a picnic.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words. ,(\ 01-08

______________ ar~ moving

2 ----- ----------- is a painting.
3 .. _ __ ,_ a newspaper.
4 ____________ is taking a book
5 _______________ carts.

listen and complete each statement With the missing words, then choose the
best description for each photo. ,(\ 01-09

(A) _ _ _ _ _ _ are (A) A man_ _________________ to a ______ _

the (B) Some people are ___ __ at
(B) __ _ __ __ _____ under a tree. a ______ ,
(C) _ _ _ _ _ looking ______________ . (C) . __ food on her plate.

Read the following to familiarize yourself with some action verbs
that are frequently found in descriptive statements.

0 The man is installing a projector.

6 The doctor is examining a patient.

@ The woman is lying on the grass.

0 The men are facing each other.

0 The man is leafing through his notebook.

@ Some men are unloading packages.

@ The man is wheeling the cart into the room.

(:) He is vacuuming the stairs.

0 A lot of people are boarding a train.

(Ji) The woman is watering the flowers.

1. 2.

Generally, photos of objects in such places as bookstores, libraries, stores, restaurants, kitchens,
bedrooms, and living rooms are usually taken in close-up. The vocabulary items that are not
related to the photos are mostly incorrect answer choices.

(A) The curtains are closed.

(B) Lamps are standing on the floor.

(C) A table is surrounded by chairs.

(D) Some pictures are being hung on the wall.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words. r. 02-02
! Cars _________ on the _
2 Flowers ___________ _ in a
3 Food _ on a_
4 Some suitcases ___ in the lobby.
5 A projector ___ _ the __

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words, then choose the
best description for each photo. ,(\.02-03

1 2

(A) A personal trainer___ __ _____________ _ (A) Trees _________ _________

(B) Some ___ in a row. (B) People__ _ ___ a road.
(C) A TV from the (C) Cars _______ _ _______ of the road.
Photos of Scenes
Photos of scenes such as roads, parks, lakes, beaches, airports, train stations, junctions, outdoor
cafeterias, and department stores are most commonly shown in Part 1 of the test. Generally,
photos describing scenes may mention objects involved. So, you should observe the photo
carefully and predict some vocabulary items that may be heard.

•.Listen. and·· cnoose the be:st. answer.

(A) Some passengers are boarding a train.

(B) A train has slopped at a station.

(C) Some buildings are located near a bridge.

(D) Trees have been planted near the trairi tracks.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words. .(), 02-05

A door _________ open.

2 Some boxes ____________ next to a chair.
3 Labels _____________ to clothes .
4 Some people _________ _ .. in front of a building.
5 A truck ______________ at an intersection.

Listen and complete each statement with the missing words, then choose the
best description for each photo. ,(i.02-06

(A) Beach towels on a chair. (A) under the bridge.

(B) Parasols _________ in a ___ . (B) The houses ______________ _
(C) A group of people________ on the (C) There are some trees ________________ _

Read the following to familiarize yourself with descriptive
statements that are related to objects and scenes.

0 The tourists are holding on to the railing.

@ The waiter is sweeping the floor.

@ A worker is painting the pavement.

6 A car is parked next to a curb.

0 Kelly is learning flower arranging.

6 Tim is trimming the lawn around the flowers.

fj There is a grocery store next to the post office.

0 Some flowers have been planted in a pot.

0 The man is painting the ceiling blue.

@ All the seats are occupied at an outdoor cafe.


Part 2 of the TOEIC test consists of 25 items numbered from 7 to 31. Each test item consists
of a question or a statement followed by three possible responses. Your job is to choose the
best response to each question or statement.

There will be no written questions/statements and responses but the statement Mark your
answer on your answer sheet. Therefore, to find a correct answer, you have to pay close
attention to the question or statement and the speaker's intention.

You should listen carefully and remember the question word.

Statements that have words or expressions similar to those in the

questions are very likely to be incorrect answers.

You should often practice questions of this kind so that you can be more
successful in actual test.
Questions with WHO
Questions with the question word Who are used to ask about who is the subject or object of an
action. Most correct answers will mention a person's name, a profession, a title, a position, or a
company's name.

tisten i!nd .choose· the hes! responsefo the question:

1. Who=
Who did you meet al the seminar?
(A) Sam will go to the seminar. • The division head.

(B) I don't know who he is. • Mr. Thompson.

(C) Our vice president.

2. Who = SulJje>GI

Who is in charge of the Accounting Department?

(A) Our new manager.
~ I have no idea.
(B) He is a very responsible person.
(C) She will be an assistant director.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. ,(), 03-02

1 Q: will be the A: Mr. Cooper, of the

7 Accounting Department.
2 0: ___ should I _________ the problem? A: You should -----------------··-
3 Q: . will _______________? A: ________________ will do that.
40: _did you ____ _ from? A: The

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. ,(\, 03-03

_____________________ the news first? 2 _______ did you decide to 7

(A) We (A)We _ _ __ yet.

(B) ______ Ms. Jimenez (B) Jack wasn't ___________________ the team.
(C) _ _ _ _ _ _ the news. (C) The_

Questions with WHAT
Questions with the question word What are used to ask about costs, time, opinions, colors,
weather, etc., and it is also used as an adjective when a certain noun follows it. When What is
used as an adjective, the noun coming after it is very important because it will decide on different
types of responses. Therefore, you must listen carefully to the noun that follows What.

Listen and choose the. b_est response to the question.

What seems to be wrong with this photocopier?

(A) I have no idea. • It has run out of paper.

(B) Yes, I pressed the wrong button. •· T~ere is a paper jam.

(C) We need to get a new coffee machine.

(JuestkH1 vvith VVhat +noun

What time should we meet?
(A) The meeting is postponed. • How about 11 o'clock?
• Anytime you want.
(B) Let's meet at 3 o'clock.
(C) That would be nice.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. .(), 03-05

1 Q: ___ are you ___________ do after work' A: I don't have anything planned yet.
2 Q: ______ will you be arriving? A: Probably _____ in the morning.
3 Q: _______ with this package? A: Please
4 Q: _____ are you looking for' A: I would like to do promotional work.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. ,(),03-06

_____________ do you usually __________ _ ? 2 ______________________ the new manager?

(A)----- 8 in the morning. (A) He _______________ a

(8) I (B) I met him
(C) I am going to _ (C) _________ this is the _______________ _

' -> ",-: :,<

··.Q~~s.ti(Jf1s w;ifM<W·~·l~H
There are two types of questions starting with Which: Which + noun and Which of the + plural
noun. You must listen carefully to the noun following Which to be able to choose the correct

1. Whfch ,,,. noun

Which computer is yours?
(A) The one next to the copy machine. • The one that Sarah is using.
• Mine is in the other office.
(B) I didn't buy it yet.
(C) You can have it fixed here.

2. Wh~ch of the + noun

Which of the monitors would you like to purchase?
(A) The cheapest one. • The newest one.

(B) These monitors are in such demand. • It's hard to decide.

(C) We can't afford two.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. {), 03-08

1 Q: ______ would you _____? A: _ _ _ _ _ very much about ____ _

2 Q: has more A: _________ from Missouri.

3 Q: __ . is going to write the memo? A: _ _ _ _ __
4 Q: __ .. _________ . __ do you prefer? A: The one __

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response to
each question. .(\. 03-09

1 _____ .... are you going to hire to do 2 _ _ _ __

research? (A) I___ _ . _ the HR manager.
(A) . ____ we usually__ with. (B) The one with the _________
(B) They have a __ _____ _ (C) He doesn't have _ _ _ __
(C) I have been ____..

Read the following to familiarize yourself with typical expressions
indicating departments or positions.

0 The board of directors will make the final decision.

@ The marketing division is over there.

@ Mr. Johnson is my supervisor.

0 Sales representatives are going to attend it.

0 The vice president will give a speech.

@ There are three candidates for this position.

@ Where is the Personnel Department?

(i) He will join the Purchasing Department next month.

0 The new editor wanted us to have a meeting.

@ Mr. Tilman, the Marketing director, is going to leave the company.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.. (A) (B) (C)

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)


The question word When is used to ask about time, such as parts of day, times of day, days,
dates, years, and decades. Phrases of time such as at 7:30, in the afternoon, 3 days ago, and last
month are certainly the correct answer choices. Other correct responses will depend on the verb
tense coming after When.

l 11Nhen + a form of to be +
When is the deadline for the project?
(A) Next Friday. • Actually, it was yesterday.
(B) We are behind schedule. • In two weeks.

(C) We will figure it out.

verb+ sw:i1e>c< +verb

When will the closing ceremony be held?

(A) It is tomorrow at 10. • It has been canceled.
(B) The case has been closed. • It was already held.

(C) I will attend it for sure.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. ,(\,04-02

1 Q: _____ do you __ __ leave> A: -

2 Q: ________ you ______ the laundry> A: _ _ __
3 Q: When do we ______ --· ______ the supplier? A: After the _ _ _ _ _ _ the
4 Q: _ _ _ do you think Jennifer . ? A: _ _ _ this Saturday.

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response to
each question. ,(\,04-03

__ is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 2 ___ do you think you can ..

_______________ ?
(A) It is _____ Thursday.
(B) I _____________ soon. (A) It __ . Mr. Lee.
(C) At ______ . (B) _ _ _ _ hasn't been ______ ._______ yet.
(C) You ___ _

Questions with WHERE
The question word Where is used to ask about the location, place, and direction of people
or things. Most correct responses are phrases ol place, location or direction such as abroad,
downtown, or in/into the meeting room.
When a modal verb like will, can, or should is given in the question, you have to listen to the
subject and the main verb in order to choose the correct response.

Where can I find the quarterly report?

(A) In the filing cabinet. , • Ask the secretary.
(B) I can't find it. • I have no idea.

(C) To the seminar.

2. Where (d1rer:ticm)
Where are we heading?
(A) At the bus terminal. • We are going to the banquet.

(B) To the convention center. • It's up to you.

(C) I had it before.

Listen and choose the best response to the question. "'04-05 .

1 Q: ------------ . for more information? . A: Go to the

2 Q: _____ you to stay? A: I near here.
3 Q: Mr. Hampton ? A: He is Boston
4 Q: the brochure? A:Tom

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response to
each question. .{).04-06

______ I __ this printer? 2

(A) It ran _ _ _ __ (A) I a table at an _ _ _ _ __
(B) I _______ I got ii. (B) I already __ _
(C) Over there _ _ _ _ the desk. (C) We should _ _ _ _ __

The question word Why asks about the reason for an event, a condition, a problem, or a change
of something. Responses to this question type certainly provide a reason or cause. You must
pay attention to the question starting with Why don't you/we+ verb ... ? because it does not
ask about a reason but is an invitation or a suggestion. You should listen carefully to the bare

Why did you quit your job?

(A) I was not satisfied with the salary. • I found a better one.
• I had to work overtime all the time.
(B) I decided to quit my job.
(C) I believe I did.

2. don'! you+ verb (sciggieslirni)

Why don't you postpone the meeting?
(A) Because I didn't attend it. • How about just canceling it?
• We need to ask the manager first.
(B) That's a good idea.
(C) I didn't get the agenda.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. (). 04-08

1 Q: . ··- .... enjoy your new job' A: I had -·-·---·-----------------

2 Q: ------·-----leave a little early? A: Sounds good.
3 Q: -···-··--·- ··-··-·-·for the presentation? A: I . ··-·-------------·
4 Q: --·---- did you-·-·-·-----------' A: I just wanted to-··

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. .(), 04-09

weren't this time? 2 _ . ---··----to the director>

(A) _. ----···-----·--····--was not that good. (A) I didn't .... ··------it.

(B) He ___ _ (B) I .
(C) The _____ was _ _ _ __ (C) He was ---·

Questions with HOW
There are two types of questions with How: 1) How+ be/auxiliary verb+ subject+ main verb .. .?
asks about the condition of somebody/something or methods/means of transport. 2) How+
adjective/adverb asks about frequency, a quantity, a distance, etc. You, therefore, have to listen
carefully to the main verb, adjective or adverb to be able to choose the correct response.

t Ho1N + oe; a11x111a1y verb

How were you able to contact him?
(A) I called his coworker. • I found his phone number.
(B) He couldn't locate the position. •.He contacted me first.

(C) They were able to get it.

How often do we have those computers checked?

(A) Every two months. • Only when there is a problem.
(B) We contacted the technician. • I am not really sure about it.

(C) I haven't seen them for quite a long time.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. ,(), 04· 11

1 Q: .......... is the in the _ _ _ _ __ ? A: He is--·---···· his job.

2 Q: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the nearest station? A: You can _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Q: ............................... have you _ _ _ _ this company? A:·--------
40: _ _ _ can I the results ? A: _____ this Friday.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. ,(\,Q4·12

... can we __________________? 2 ....................... did we get last week?

(A) We need. (A) I didn't.

(B) The ____ are CB) _ _ _ _ _ I had expected.
(C) _ __ (C) We should .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it.

Read the following to familiarize yourself with typical expressions
that are related to traffic and transport.

0 The police officer is directing traffic.

6 His car broke down.

@ How long does it take to commute?

6 I couldn't find a direct flight.

0 Check your belongings before we get to our destination.

0 Jack is going to give me a ride.

0 We need to call a mechanic right away.

0 We are heading for the bus terminal.

0 I will drop you off at the train station.

{!]) You should turn right at the intersection.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (8) (C)

Questions with a form of the verb be (is/are/was/were) or with an auxiliary verb (do/does/
did) are called Yes/No questions. Correct responses usually start with Yes/No and are followed
by an explanation. In some cases, Yes/No may be omitted. You, therefore, do not have to pay
too much attention to the forms of responses but should first listen carefully to understand the

t Verb Be: !s +
Is Mr. Ito in charge ol customer service?
(A) Yes, he is managing it. • Yes, is there a problem?
(B) The survey will be done. • No, Ms. Taylor is.

(C) No, everybody is busy.

+bare infinitive
Did Tim call someone to repair the copy machine?
(A) To upgrade the machine. • I don't think so.
(B) Yes, a technician is on the way here. • Yes, that's what he told me.

(C) No, I said three copies.

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. r..05-02

1 Q: ____ any ______ ...... ________ to Boston? A: No, they

2 Q:. _______ any mobile phones _______ .... ? A: ..... the_
3 Q: ________ the staff dinner last night? A: Yes, it was a lot _ _ _ _ __
4 Q: _______ you the ___ . _report? A: I'm not, but Chris is.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response to
each question. .(\,05-03

Mr. Cox _____________ on Monday> 2 Jane to the bank ______ _ the

(A) He is the__ __ _ checks?

(B) No, he _____ _ (A) _ _ _ _ one ____ City Hall.

(C) Yes, he _ (B) Yes, that this morning.
(C) The bank _______ 4 o'clock.

Questions with Modal Verbs
Questions starting with a modal verb (can/could, should, will/would) are also called Yes/No
questions. Those beginning with Can/Could/Will/Would you express requests and those with
Should+ subject+ verb ... ? indicate suggestions or advice.

Listen.•and choose the be$t response to. the.questioJ'l.

Could you help Usa organize the client files?

(A) Sure, as soon as I finish this report. • I'm afraid I can't.
(B) You helped me a lot. • Of <:;ourse. No problem.

(C) Yes, they are on their way here.

Shou~d + sulJJG·ct + bare ~nflnit!ve?

Should we make a new company logo?

(A) Next to the main entrance. • Yes, I personally think so.
(B) No, I majored in art. • Let's ask the PR team.

(C) I think the current one is fine.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. .{), 05-05

1 Q: _ _ you_____ _Mr. White_ . the invoice? A: I'll ________ right away.

2 Q: we online advertising? A: _____________ it in the meeting.
3 Q: ______ we __ the new Italian restaurant tonight? A: I'm sorry, but I _____ there
4Q: _ _ _ you ______ to the sales team? A: Sure, ..

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. .{), 05-06

you ____ this before 2 _____________ the press conference?

- it' (A) No, I don't have a __________ .
(A) .. _____ so much. (B) Yes, it was _______ .
(B) The __ has (C) Yes, Friday
(C) ____ ______ , I'd--··

- ' •> ', - ·.,-, , .- · •;':
:P~rfect• .•ac-

Passive Voice
Questions in the present perfect tense (have/has+ past participle) are used to ask about
completed actions or experiences. Questions with the structure is/are/was/were+ subject+
past participle are in the passive form. With such questions, you have to listen carefully to both
the tense and the subject to be able to choose the correct answer.

1. Present nP!rfrnct
Have you seen my laptop anywhere?
(A) I have seen him a few times. • Yes, it was on the chair.
(B) Where did you last use it? • Didn't you use it an.hour ago?

(C) Sorry. It is sold out.

Was the meeting agenda printed out yesterday?
(A) Yes, Kelly did it. • Ask Mr. Park.

(B) The printer is on the second floor. • No, Lena is doing it now.

(C) The meeting was productive.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. ,(), 05-08

1 Q: -··--· you .. those packages _________ ? A: Yes,

2 Q: ____ High Street _______ now> A: Yes, it's __________..
3 0: .. the books . _____? A: Yes, they . .. ......___________ _
4 Q: Janet ................._____ the training program? A: I am ________ _

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. ,(), 05-09

you ............... the French restaurant 2 _____ the registration forms -· ?

on Broadway?
(A) ____..__ .. all the ·---------·
(A) I . a busy street. (B) No, I ·--·------.. . your mail.
(B) Yes, ______ _ (C) They ______ yesterday.
(C) Friday is _________ .

Read the following to familiarize yourself with typical expressions
that are related to accounting and investment.

O Once you sign the contract, you cannot cancel it.

6 The annual audit will be coming this Thursday.

@ Ms. Williams has invested in Chinese stocks.

8 The advertising campaign turned out to be very profitable.

0 The article explained the benefits of online training;programs.

0 The quarterly report will be released this afternoon.

@ The new accountant deals with tax returns.

(j) Can you fill out the evaluation form by tomorrow?

0 Surprisingly, the budget proposal for next quarter was rejected.

Gi) There were approximately 40 investors there in total.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.. (A) (B) (C)

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)


Neg~tiv~ Questions & Tag Questions
A negative question starts with a contracted negative form of the verb be/have, a modal verb, or
an auxiliary verb do/does/did to express surprise.
A tag question consists of an affirmative statement with a negative tag or a negative statement
with an affirmative tag. You should not be confused by these two forms of this question type: just
respond according to what is true to the fact.

Haven't you already booked a flight ticket?

(A) No, I was too busy. • Yes, a few days ago.
(B) Yes, all the tickets were sold out. . lwilldothatthisevening.
(C) My suitcases are full.

The dental clinic is open on Saturdays, isn't it?

(A) The dentist was excellent. • Yes, but it closes quite early.

(8) Yes, until 2 P.M. • It used to be.

(C) The doctor's office is closed now.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. {), 06-02

1 0: __ you ____ the new software? A: me.

2 Q: You ______ to the staff,_____ ? A: No, Andrew did.
3 0: you_____ the company banquet? A: Yes, Mr. Simpson and I __ _
4 Q: The fax machine on the second floor___ , _______ ' A:___ , it is ____ ..

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response to
each question. (), 06-03

____ be sunny today? 2 The _____ was very __ ·----' ___ ?

(A) That's (A) Yes, I _____ a lot.
(8) Yes, it is ___ _ (8) I _____ . it was
(()We are (C) _ _, it was ____ _

Requests & Indirect Questions
Questions starting with Would/Can you are used to ask the second speaker to do something,
while questions with How/What about/Why don't you ... ? imply suggestions.
Indirect questions such as Do you know/Can you tell me+ subject+ verb ... ? are often used to
ask in a polite way.

Usten and. choose Jhe .best respqnse toJhe.qu~stiop. n.o.6-Q4

Would you like to lead the marketing seminar next week?

(A) Sure, I'd be happy to. • 1would, but I can't.
(B) The marketing strategies were weak. · _Sor_ry. I'll be on vacation.
(C) Yes, I attended the seminar.

Do you know who this briefcase belongs to?

(A) No, it is mine. • That looks like mine.
(B) Why don't you ask the receptionist? • Leave it with the receptionist.

(C) Yes, at the department store.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. i"\06-05

1 Q: ----·-··· __ ..... led the budget presentation? A: Yes, Ms. Lopez __ .

2 Q: __________ the new employees this Friday? A: That·-···-···· ....... _ really
3 Q: -------·--··----·· they will announce A: 30 minutes.
the contest winner?
4 Q: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the concert A: I'd ___, but I will be
on Saturday evening?

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. "06-06

the new product on TV' 2 __________ when Dr. Morgan is ?

(A) Because the (A) _______ this Friday.

(B) He .. ______ at all. (B) I need to
(C) It is ____ the marketing plan. (C) Is the still - ______ ?

C' -, <<>-_,,-,'--:

1 Or questions ask the second speaker to choose one out of two (sometimes three) options. They
I always contain the conjunction or.
Responses to this question type usually name one of the options or neither of them.
j Statements are the most difficult question type in Part 2 because they may be responded in
· ! different ways according to each particular situation.

t 'Or' qw2st1ion
Do you like the blue jacket or the brown one?
(A) I prefer the blue one. • Neither of them.

(B) Sam is going to buy it. • How about the red one?

(C) I haven't worn it yet.

2. Staternent
The quarterly business report will be released this week.
(A) I have no time. • I'm interested in seeing it.

(B) Because of the contract.

It should have been released last
(C) I can't wait to read it.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words. ,(), 06-08

1 O:The ____ is ________ properly. A: It was okay

2 Q: Are you _________ in November_ December> A:We _____
3 Q: Will you _____ Ms. Williams, or it? A: I ___________ already.
4 Q: I think we should on the deadline. A: I think we can

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the best response
to each question. "06-09

1 _________________ _ __ __ take the subway 2 The manager has _ the

to the stadium ? product _ _ __

(A) Either one is fine with me. (A) _ _ did he ____ here>
(B) I ____________________ this morning. (B). -~--"' ________ ?
(C) No, I _________ . (C)I _ _ _ __

Read the following to familiarize yourself with typical expressions that are
related to business and marketing.

0 The company launched a new product onto the market.

@ Nick works at an insurance company as a sales representative.

@ Nowadays, most companies advertise on the Internet.

6 The workshop will include a demonstration of the new accounting


0 The hotel provides complimentary movie service.

@ The company conducts customer surveys on a regular basis.

@ There was a man distributing leaflets to pedestrians.

«]) The business course was organized by a famous entrepreneur.

@ Gift certificates are becoming a popular gift among young people.

@ Mr. Morris is planning to put his house on the market.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet . (A) (B) (C)

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A) (B) (C)



® e

Part 3 of the TOEIC test consists of 39 questions numbered from 32 to 70. You will hear some
short conversations between two (sometimes three) people. You then read three questions
about each conversation in your test book. There are four possible answer choices for each
of the questions. Your job is to choose the best answer and mark the correct letter on your
answer sheet. The common topics in this part involve business activities and daily life.

Preview questions and their answer choices before listening
Before listening, you should preview each set of three questions about each conversation
to predict what you are going to hear.

Look the words in the questions

While previewing the questions, you should identify the key words in each of them so
that you will later focus on the right parts of each conversation while listening.

Identify rephrased words

Most correct answer choices use paraphrasing, so you should be able to recognize
irephrased statemeRts.

Timing is very important. You must decide on the right answer choices al once. For any
question that you are not sure about the answer, just guess and choose one, then move
on to the next question.
Business Activities
Part 3 consists of short conversations in business-related context. You will not see them in your
test book except a set of three questions about each conversation together with four answer
choices. Your job is to choose the best answer to each question and mark the correct letter on
your answer sheet.
Before listening, you should preview the set of questions to predict what you are going to hear.
Also, you should identify their key words to focus more on the right parts while listening.

f\ead and listen to th~ ~onver5ation below, paying clos.e {\07-01

.attention to the words and phrases in. boljJ.

M Can I talk to the assistant manager?

W He is in a meeting at the moment.
M It's urgent. I have a lot of things to talk about the sales report.
W All right. I will see what I can do.

be in a meeting hand in (= submit) last quarter

on sick leave an increase in sales out of order

get promoted a decrease in sales sales report

sales figures promotional campaign audit report

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. ,(\. 07-02

1 Did you __________ _ the sales report already?

2 Mr. Welder is on

3 The copy machine is _

4 Why don't we discuss _______________________________ for next year'

Listen and !ill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer
to the question. .(), 07-03

ill! Are you currently _____________ on your '?

W Not at this moment I have other things to ______________ _

Q Why aren't the woman doing her repor\7

(A) She is busy with other work.

(B) She has to take care of her baby.

listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. ,{), 07-04

Why does the man say, "I am not sure"? 3 Whal is going to happen this afternoon'
(A) He is very busy doing some other work. (A) They are going to write up a report.
(B) He is new to the company. (B) They are going to meet to discuss a
(C) Someone else is working on the report. problem.
(C) They are goi~g to ask the sales ,.
Vocabulary .~ -~
representatives to go over a report.
be busy with (:= be tied up) Vocabulary
had better go over
be in trouble sales report
hand in awful
have a meeting

2 What does the woman suggest doing?

(A) Calling a technician again

(B) Getting a new copy machine
(C) Keeping the copier for a long time

keep -ing
break down
take a look at
for too long

Some other common topics in Part 3 include seminars, presentations, training, welcoming and
farewell parties. If you know the vocabulary that is commonly found in these topics, you can
easily understand the conversations of these types to choose correct answers. You should apply
the same strategies as previously mentioned.

M You remember the workshop is taking place next Friday, don't you?
W Is everyone required to attend?
M I think so.
W But I am afraid I can't make it to the workshop. I am supposed to give a presentation in San

take place/be held a keynote speaker make it to

be scheduled to give a presentation/speech trainer/trainee

farewell party Q&A session organizer

trainf\ig session give an award participant

Listen and !ill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. .no?-06

1 When is the next annual conference going to _______________ ?

2 I am afraid I can't the seminar.

3 How many_ ____ are expected?

4 A Q&A session __________ _

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer
to the question. "07-07

M Are you going to attend the ·------··········-·········· _ ·-····next month?

W I am afraid not. I may have to _ . -·--·-··-- ·----·----··· ·-·· ____ around that time.

Q Why isn't the woman joining the training session>

(A) She is not interested in the topic.

(B) She has another event to go to.

Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. ,(), 07-08

What does the woman suggest the man do? 3 What is the woman preparing?
(A) Organize a conference (A) A retirement party for a colleague
(B) Give a speech at a conference (B) A welcome party for a new employee
(C) Find some good public speakers (C) A training ~ourse for managers

Vocabulary \/OS'
give a speech retire
how about a farewell party
be good at sometime next week

2 What are the speakers mainly discussing?

(A) A training schedule
(B) An upcoming meeting
(C) Preparing for a conference

training session
check with

Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to office equipment and events.

0 We need to replace the cartridge.

@ Where can I purchase some office equipment?

@ The technicians are installing new software.

0 The paper shredder is not working well.

0 The printer is out of paper.

6 Where are the supplies that we ordered yesterday'

8 I couldn't make it to the reception.

0 There is going to be a farewell party for the director.

0 When is the company awards banquet scheduled to happen?

1111 You are not supposed to use your cell phone during the
training session.

1. What problem does the woman have? 4. Why does the woman say, "I can't say for
(A) She can't print handouts in the office.
(A) She is not the only one working on the
(B) She is not ready to give a
(B) She is not familiar with the
(C) The copy store is not open yet.
promotional campaign.
(D) She doesn't have time for lunch.
(C) She hasn't talked to Jennifer for
2. Where is the copy store located? (D) She has no idea what is going on at
(A) Across from their building the company.' .•

(B) Next to the bakery

(C) Near the restaurant 5. What is the woman's presentation about?

(D) On the corner (A) Sales plans for next year

(B) Next year's promotion plans

3. What will the woman do after lunch? (C) Presentation skills

(A) Go to the bakery to get a refund (D) Management solutions

(B) Schedule a workshop for tomorrow

• morning 6. What does the man want the women to
(C) Have her handouts printed at the copy do?
(A) Send the materials to the manager
(D) Call a technician to get the printer
(B) Copy the materials for the participants
(C) Send the materials to him

(D) Finish the preparation as soon as


At the Shop
Some conversations related to shops include buying something, asking where a certain item
is, and exchanging or returning items that have been bought. If you are familiar with the
expressions that are related to shops, you can easily understand the conversations and.will be
able to choose correct answers. You should also apply the strategies mentioned in the overview.

~~~9•~.n~li~ten toth~\cbnvers<1~ihn.b~Lo\fi{,.paylngdg~e· .AOS-01

•· att<intiPn.·tot~eword.s ~nd.phras~s . in ho!q. ..
M Hello. I would like to place an order for some notepads and pens.
W How many do you need'
M I need 50 of each. And I want them no later than next Thursday.
W I can do that. Do you want me to have them delivered to your office?

have something delivered make a payment get a discount

- - ----- - - - - - - - - - -

on sale
place an order exchange
for sale
out of stock
pay a bill promotional coupon
in stock
newly released get a refund new arrivals

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. .n os-02
1 on are on sale.

2 I am sorry, but _______ is

3 I didn't the

4 Sorry, but it is _________________________ _

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. .(\. 08-03

M I am sorry to say this, but I am here to ____ ----············· --········ ________ _

I would like a __ ___ _ --···········

No problem. We have ___ ____ ___ ___ you can choose from.

ll Why does the man want to exchange the dress?

(A) He would prefer a different color.

(B) He wants a bigger size.

listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. .(\. 08-04

Where is this conversation taking place?

(A) At a store
I Car Repair Shop I
(B) At a customer service office
(C) At a print shop
(D) At a station


2 What does the woman want to do? 3 Look at the graphic. Where does the man
want to go next?
(A) Exchange an item
(B) Get a refund (A) 1

(C) Have an item fixed (B) 2

(D) Get a new pair of shoes (C) 3

(D) 4

drop by
get worse

M I booked a table for three. The reservation is under the name of Sarah Chang.
W Sorry, but your table isn't quite ready yet. Would you mind waiting at the bar?
M Of course not. We are not in a hurry.

have a meal make a- reservation appetizer

main course beverage refreshment

cafeteria book a table steamed/grilled

dine grab a bite to eat party

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words lo complete each sentence below. ,(). 08-06

1 We're ____________________ at the moment.

2 Where should we _ ............. our clients'

3 I would like the .............. _ and ___________ _

4 Let's go and to eat.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. .(), 08-07

M Hello. This is Sam Anderson. _ _ __ .. at your restaurant the other night,

and I think I - - · - · · - · · - · - - there.

W You did?----~.... _ _ _ _ that night?

M - - - - - - - - - - - - - · i n a booth in the back.

0 Why is the man calling?

(A) He wanted to make a reservation.

(B) He left one of his belongings in the restaurant.

Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. (). 08-08

Where is the conversation taking place' 3 What is the man complaining about?

(A) At a grocery store (A) Overcooked food

(B) At a restaurant (B) Loud music
(C) At a doctor's office (C) A dirty table
(D) At a cooking class (D) Too many people

Vol:abu!i:try Vo¢abt.ilarY
today's special turn down music
grilled have a conversation
grocery store annoying
cooking class a bit


2 3 4

STARTER I Soup of the day

-r- 1

I fob
Burger I
r Tomato
ILamb Stew
~'+---f-- ! I

Milkshake I
Cake ii Chocolate


2 Look at the graphic. What is the woman

going to order?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to shops and restaurants.

0 Can you recommend a good clothing shop?

f) Do you offer a cash discount?

@ What are your opening hours?

6 You can get a refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt.

0 We provide free alterations.

0 The product comes with a two-year warranty.

@ We would like separate bills, please.

@ I think this steak is overdone.

0 For the main course, I would like to have roast beef.

~ For starters, I will have the soup.

4. What is the purpose of the man's call?

(A) To complain about the service

(B) To confirm an order

(C) To cancel an order

(D) To reschedule a meeting

5. Why does the man need food?

1. Who most likely is the man?
(A) For a compan·y banquet
(A) A bank teller ,,
(B) For a luncheon
(B) A salesclerk
(C) For a retirement party
(C) A customer
(D) For a reception
(D) A travel agent

6. Where will the woman leave the food?

2. Where did the woman get her clothes?
(A) In a lobby
(A) From a department store
(B) In an office
(B) From another clothing store
(C) In a meeting room
(C) From her coworker
(D) In a cafeteria
(D) From her friend

3. Look at the graphic. Where is the woman

going to go next?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Most conversations taking place at the hotel are between a receptionist and guests. They involve
hotel booking, checking in, checking out, using hotel facilities, etc.
Before each conversation is played, you should make use of this short time to read the questions
and also identify the key words to guess what the conversation is about. Then you should listen
carefully and choose the best answers to each set of questions .

.M I have a reservation. It's under the name ol Mark Nelson.

W Hold on a second. You booked a single room with a city view for three nights. Breakfast is
included, and your room is equipped with a smartphone which provides unlimited local and
international calls and Internet access.
M That will be very handy. What is not included then?
W If you consume anything from the minibar, it will be charged to your credit card.

have a reservation accommodations book a room

be equipped with mini bar be charged

rese~ve under the name of continental breakfast

canc;elation within walking distance public transportation

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. .{). 09-02
........ ____________ are _____ .. _______________ a smart TV.

2 Is Hong Kong Park ________________________ _?

3 A hundred dollars ______ my credit card.

4 Seoul has a ____

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. .{), 09-03

W Good morning. How _______ _ ?

M _____ rny room _ _ _. I am sure I __________ a nonsmoking room.
Can you _____ _,please?

W I'm so sorry. Let me ____________ . Hmm ... __________________ , all the rooms -----~-

now. However, if you can we will _____ -~------· It's _____

and it has a king-sized bed.

Q What problem did the man mention'

(A) The room smells terrible.

(B) The room is noisy.

listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. .(\, 09-04

How often does the shuttle bus run? 3 What will the wopian most likely do next'
(A) Every 10 minutes (A) Go to the nearest bank
(B) Every 20 minutes (B) Walk to a tourist sight
(C) Every 30 minutes (C) Buy a transportation pass

Vci~abulafy \idC'i1hiiMH'{
fantastic map
catch a plane on the other side of
run within walking distance
every 20 minutes far
minibar public transportation
receipt around the corner

2 What does the man want to do?

(A) Reserve a room
(B) Cancel a reservation
(C) Pay for breakfast

in luck
harbor view
including tax
continental breakfast

Typical conversations taking place at the airport are about checking in, looking for lost baggage,
going through customs, using in-flight facilities, etc. If you are familiar with commonly
used phrases like baggage claim, boarding pass, airline counters, and jet lag, you can easily
understand the conversations and will be able to choose correct answers.

W Please put your bags on the conveyor belt and your shoes in the basket.
M Do I need to take my laptop out of my backpack?
W Yes, you do. Do you have anything like keys or coins in your pockets?
M I don't think so.
W Then you're set. Now you can walk through the metal detector.

1;.1.i!..l.l,!fiifo§·'4'"1'4+i'·J,~j ----------- ,,_ ~~-----

passport passenger final destination

be set boarding pass baggage claim

metal detector check in bags immigration

pick Up luggage conveyor belt connecting flight

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. .(). 09-06
11 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ my·------·

2 Where can I ?

3 Can you ____ _ your _______ , please?

4 He will call us

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. ,(). 09-07

M Excuse me. I __ --·-- for this flight. But I have a---------------------···-···

W I'm sorry. There must have been _________ _ ___ .lwill
again and __________
-_ a vegetarian meal.

Q What did the man complain about?

(A) The cost of a meal

(B) A food order

Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question. ,(), 09-08

Whal does the woman offer to do? 3 What problem does the man mention?
(A) Lend the man a pen (A) A flight cancelalion
(B) Give the man a souvenir (B) Missing bag!Sage
(C) Serve the man an in-flight meal (C) Overweight.suitcases

Vocabulary Vp:cab_ulary
arrival card baggage claim
immigration luggage
lend missing luggage report
in capital letters sorry for the inconvenience
fill out

2 How many suitcases does the man check in?

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three

check in
pick up
boarding pass

Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to hotels and airports.

0 Additional fees will apply to overweight baggage.

6 We highly recommend choosing a room with a city view.

0 The hotel receptionist reserved a taxi to the airport for us.

0 The waiter guided us to the dining room.

0 We would like to order room service, please.

@ Mr. Shin had a layover in San Francisco.

fJ Each room is equipped with a kitchenette.

6 There are not any vacancies in this hotel.
0 The hotel amenities include a gym, a convenience store, and a sauna.

~ Kennedy International Airport provides handicapped facilities for

disabled travelers.

i. What is the woman's problem? 4. Where most likely does the conversation
take place?
(A) Her flight is delayed.

(B) Her bags are oversized. (A) At a clothing shop

(C) Her flight is canceled. (B) At a dry-cleaner's

(D) Her luggage is missing. (C) At a ceremony

(D) At a hotel reception desk

2. What does the man mean when he says,

"Don't worry too much though"? 5. What is mention.l'd about a rental service?
(A) The staff is helpful. (A) It is not offered.

(B) The problem can happen to anybody. (B) It is highly recommended.

(C) The problem can be resolved. (C) The service is closed.

(D) The problem has already been (D) It is the quickest in the area.

6. What will the woman probably do next?

3. What will the woman probably do next?
(A) Make up a room
(A) Call a travel agency (B) Rent some formal clothes
(8) Reserve a hotel room (C) Give the man a ride to a ceremony
(C) Speak to an airline employee (D) Get a shirt dry-cleaned
(D) Go to a different terminal

In Part 4 of the TOEIC test, you will hear 10 talks (reports, announcements, messages,
advertisements, speeches, etc.) from the recording. There is a set of three questions about
each talk shown in the test book. This part consists of thirty questions numbered from 71
to 100. You have to choose the best answers to the questions based on the information you
hear in the talks.

Remember! {z

Quickly preview all the questions to predict which information you have
to listen to in the talk.

Carefully listen to the introductory statement at the beginning of each

talk to generally know what you are going to hear (an announcement, a
phone message, etc.).

Do not panic ii you miss some information. Continue to on the rest

of the talk since there may be some hints for the answers.

learn a large a!flOUnt vocabulary and regularly practice listening to

m1>rr"'" your comprehension
, ' ' '

These are recorded messages by callers when telephone owners or companies cannot receive
the calls. They usually provide the setting, the audience, and some important details in the talk.
A typical message usually starts with greetings or self-introduction, then comes the topic or
purpose of the talk and some major information. The talk will end with a request or suggestion.

M Hello, Ms. Fisher. This is Mark Freeman from Dr. Gibson's office. I am calling about your
appointment at 11:00 A.M. on Thursday. Unfortunately, Dr. Gibson has a conference to attend
in Chicago from Wednesday to Friday. If you are available next Monday, please call us at 252-
6377. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

This is -/My name is - be calling about/to-V have a conference to attend

be available We are sorry to inform you - sorry for the inconvenience

Let us know. at your earliest convenience contact me

reach me Leave a message. call us at 000

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. fl, 10-02

1 Please _____________ _ at your

2 11 you on Thursday, please call me.

31 am _your hotel _______ _

4 You can _________ by - - - 555-5965.

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. .n. 10-03

W Hi. Rachel Harrison _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I-~-----

___ to Hong Kong. You will in the Hong Kong branch
office - - . - -~-------• so I _ a document for a work visa.
I _____ with the document attached to you. Please -~-•--------·
If you have any questions, _ ·--~----..·-~-------------· Thank you.

Q What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To help a person move to a different place

(B) To announce a promotion

Listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. ,(!. 10-04

What is the listener asked to do? 3 Why can't the list~ner return the dress?
(A) Cancel an order (A) It was worn once. ,
(B) Pay for a delivery (B) The original re"ceipt was damaged 1'
(C) Contact a company (C) It has been more than 30 days since it
was purchased.
be supposed to Vocabulary
ship staff
order return (something) for a refund
cancel unfortunately
reach purchase
return policy

2 What is the message about?

(A) Returning a device
(B) Making a presentation
(C) Booking a conference room

contact information

Public Annou nce,ments
These are brief messages with some information to groups of people in public places. The most
common ones are announcements on an airplane, at the airport, in a museum, at a shop, etc.
Once you get a feel for the style of announcements, you will be able to answer the questions

W Attention, please. Due to the inclement weather in Florida, flights from New York to Florida
may be affected. Passengers are advised to contact their airlines or to check the flight
information screens for the latest updates. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

13.u,1,ne1,1;;:H¥·i4'·''4+1 101 '~'

Attention, please. due to (the) inclement weather the latest updates

be advised to contact Please note that - mechanical problem

- - - - - - - - · -.. -~--·-

in a few minutes make sure to check be delayed

Welcome aboard - welcome to - tour guide


Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. (), 10-06

1 the new gate information.

2 You the office now.

3 Hello and ____ the Diamond Mountain Tour.

4. -a ________ ,the train is ________ _

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. A 10-07

W Attention, G-Mart shoppers. The store 15 minutes. Please _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to purchase them. And I. that
we will ____, not 8, starting tomorrow morning. ____ . __________ at
G-Mart and have a _ _ _ _ _ __

Q Where does this announcement take place?

(A) At a store
(B) At a library

Listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. " ' 10-08

What is said about the audio player? 3 What are the listeners asked not to do on
the ship?
(A) It includes an introduction.
(B) It can be purchased on the first floor. (A) Smoke

(C) It is only available for foreign tourists. (B) Eat

(D) It can be rented at the entrance. (C) Stand

(D) Drink
welcome Vocabulary
audio guide welcome aboard
description sailing
gallery in a few minutes
press str'ictly
arrow prohibit

2 Where most likely does this talk take place?

(A) At a flower shop
(B) At a construction site
(C) At a travel agency
(D) At a tourist attraction

tour guide
go around
take photos

Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to business trips and sightseeing.

0 The travel agency gave us a holiday brochure.

fj We arrived at the Harrison Hotel an hour ahead of schedule.

@ I bought a model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa as a souvenir of Italy.

0 Please proceed to Gate 48 immediately.

0 The next place on the itinerary was Cambridge.

0 Ms. Choi will help you to move overseas.

0 The flight will be taking off in approximately 10 minutes.

0 Sam is leaving for New York this Saturday.

0 Mr. Johnson is on a business trip at the moment.

~ He tried some local food and went sightseeing.

1. Where does the speaker most likely work? 4. Where most likely does the announcement
take place?
(A) At a hotel
(A) At an airport
(B) At a restaurant

(C) At a travel agency (B) At a public library

(D) At a book cafe (C) At a post office

(D) At a department store

2. What does the speaker want to confirm?

5. Where does the ~peaker ask the listeners
(A) An arrival time
to go? 'jc

(B) A breakfast menu

(A) To an office
(C) A hotel reservation
(B) To an agency
(D) A payment method
(C) To a gate

(D) To a station
3. How can the listener receive a discount on
the breakfast buffet?
6. What will happen in 10 minutes?
(A) By booking online

(8) By calling the restaurant (A) The door of the aircraft will be closed.

(B) The captain will make an

(C) By mailing a form
(D) By talking to the manager
(C) Some food will be served.

(D) Passengers will start boarding.

These are the advertisements that you hear on radio or television. The purpose of such
commercial talks is to sell goods like cars, soap, washing powder, shampoos, and shoes to the
people who are listening. They also mention services such as house cleaning, computer repair,
and legal advice.

M Are you interested in promoting your products? Have you launched a new product recently?
We can help you find effective and inexpensive ways to promote your product launch. Having
good marketing strategies will appeal to potential customers. And we can make that happen
for sure.

promote products launch a new product appeal to

a product launch marketing strategy chain store

discount coupon cash refund offer advertising agency

---------------- ------
retailer wholesaler

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. n 11-02

1 They recently ____ _

2 This advertisement won't _ _ ___ our customers.

3 There is going to be a

4 We need to _____ anew

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. fl, 11-03

M Do you _____________? Do you have trouble finding the time to _____

____ ..____? Then worry no more. We are here to help you. If you are having a
hard time ... ----------- and clean, just _ _ Red Sun

Q What is the advertisement about?

(A) An office cleaning service

(B) Office supply delivery

Listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. .(), 11-04

Who will be the participants in this event? 3 What is being advertised?

(A) Job interviewers (A) A hardware store
(B) Job seekers (B) The opening of a health center
(C) School teachers (C) A grand operling sale
(D) Company managers (D) A special ceremony

Vocabulary, -vocabtifary
dream of celebrate
have difficulty -ing hardware center
provide ceremony
job seeker

2 What is a requirement for the job?

(A) A license
(B) Overseas experience
(C) A college degree
(D) A master's degree


Radio Broadcasts
These are pieces of news, broadcasts on traffic situations, or weather reports that you might
hear on radio or television. They usually involve common settings or situations with similar
formats. On the TOEIC test, radio broadcasts are more frequently given than TV broadcasts.

M Here is the weather report for today. After a cloudy and damp start in the morning, the clouds
will soon break up across the nation. A good sunny spell will follow. But tomorrow, showers are
expected in some regions, so you may want to bring your umbrella just in case.

weather report just in case traffic jam

damp chilly intersection

(boiling/steaming) hot speed limit

stay tuned
(freezing) cold speeding
----------~ -----

showers lane crash


Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. (), 11-06

1 Make sure you __________ _

21t's _ _ _ __ _You'd better

3 There is a the roadwork.

4 _ __ may result in ____ and deaths.

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. ,{). 11-07

W The _ __ _________ _will steadily ease. In other parts of the country, the
____ , and the _______ _ will a __________________ than usual, so you
may want to put on a sweater before you go out.

Q What is the weather like in other parts of the country?

(A) Clear and chilly

(B) Cloudy and rainy

listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. .{). 11-08

What happened on the city expressway? 3 What are listeners advised to do?
(A) There was an accident. (A) Leave their cars at home
(B) Some vehicles were missing. (B) Take a different route
(C) There was some roadwork. (C) Drive slowly ·•
(D) New lanes were being made. (D) Fasten their seatbelts

Vocabulary VocabUf_ary
traffic report at least
car crash construction site
injury recommend
westbound expressway

2 What will the weather be like?

(A) Rainy
(B) Snowy
(C) Cloudy
(D) Sunny


Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to weather and traffic reports.

8 There is a speed limit in this area.

@ The temperature is below freezing now.

@ It has started to drizzle.

0 It is an overcast day.

0 Thunder and lightning are natural phenomenons.

0 You should slow down in residential areas.

fj The heat wave lasted for almost a month.

0 You should turn right at the intersection.

0 A car collided with a taxi.

EID The drought lasted for too long.

1. What was the weather like on 4. What is the news report about?
(A) The relocation of a library
(A) It was steaming hot. (B) The closing of a library
(B) It was cold. (C) A plan to set up a library
(C) There was a blizzard. (D) New programs at a library
(D) There were showers.

5. Where will the library be located?

2. What does the woman recommend
(A) Downtown
listeners do? 'ii

(B) Near a university

(A) Stay warm at home
(C) Near City Hall
(B) Take an umbrella
(D) Near an art center
(C) Enjoy outdoor activities

(D) Take good care of their health

6. What is the purpose of the programs at
the library?
3. What will come after the weather
(A) To help children enjoy reading
(B) To raise awareness about the
(A) An interview environment
(B) A news program (C) To enable parents to access different
(C) A traffic report information

(D) A commercial (D) To give tips on educating children

Most are speeches delivered at social events or business-context meetings, for instance:
introducing new staff members, or presenting an award to somebody. Sometimes, there are also
talks about organizations or somebody's work. Questions about these talks often focus on the
location, the title or position of the speaker or the audience and some important details.

M Thank you for the opportunity to speak at this event. On behalf of the entire staff, I would like
to welcome all of you to our company. I hope our relationship will be pleasant, profitable, and
mutually beneficial.

I am pleased to - I am here to tell you - welcome to -

I am honored to - I want to remind you - on behalf of -

Thank you for the opportunity

give a big hand to - I would like to thank you for -
to -

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. .n 12-02
give this speech.

2 let's all .. ·····--···-·- those who are here.

3 ... ______ about the reception.

4 the Promotions Department.

listen and fill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. "· 12-03

M Good evening, everyone. I am Robert Nathan, the of Foodland. Since

its foundation in 1998, Foodland ·------------- . _one of the biggest food
distributers in the nation. I all of you Foodland. _______ _
you _ _ __ us to contribute to our success!

Q Who are the audience of the talk?

(A) New employees at Foodland

(B) Customers at Foodland

Listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. ,(), 12-04

Sales by Month 2 What is the woman's concern?

(A) People don't care about the

environment. .;;
(B) Wild animals are dangerous.
(C) Wild animals are dying out.
(D) The association is no longer interested
in animals.
1 Look at the graphic. Which month does the vocafri.ila:ry
speaker talk about? opportunity
give a speech
(A) January
(B) February be in danger of
(C) March
(D) April in the near future
die out
travel a long way
3 What will happen after the author's
come up with
recommendation speech?
boost sales
(A) An autograph session
sales figure (B) A Q&A session
(C) A free giveaway
(D) A workshop

autograph session

----- -,,»-- ' -
·:_»-' -<»"-:::·-,,--\

These are brief informational messages given to employees within a company. They are similar
to those given to groups of people in public places. You must listen caretully to the topic or the
purpose of the announcement and important details or some requests given to the listeners .

.M We regret to inform you that we will close our London office permanently on Thursday,
December 15. Due to a decline in sales in that market, it has been extremely difficult to justify
keeping the business open. Please be advised that we will make every effort to keep you
employed at this organization.

May I have your attention? I apologize for - Please join us for -

I am pleased to announce - I'd like to remind you that - I have a note about -

Please note that -

I am delighted to tell you -
Please be advised that -

Listen and fill the gaps with the missing words to complete each sentence below. H 12-06

1 I ----- the inconvenie-nce.

21 a change in a schedule.

3 I ____________________ _ we have some free snacks prepared for you.

4 _ _ _ _ __ this service is no longer available.

Listen and !ill the gaps with the missing words, then choose the correct answer to
the question. .{), 12·07

W ············~ for a short session on . This

course was designed to familiarize employees with the new features of the system
and . It in the conference
hall on Friday, October 15, at 4:30 P.M.

0 What is the purpose of the talk'

(A) To announce a training session
(B) To inform listeners of a change in a schedule

Listen to three talks and choose the best answer to each question. .{), 12·08

Who is most likely speaking? 3 What is being announced?

(A) A sales representative (A) A change in a:speaker
(B) A research assistant (B) The cancelaticin of a lecture
(C) An HR manager (C) The change of a venue
(D) A job counselor (D) The confirmation of a schedule

Vocabtilaty Vocabu!ciry
training session be advised that
performance evaluation presentation
establish family emergency
constructive make it

2 Who is Jennifer Jonas?

(A) The company president
(B) The winner of a sales contest
(C) A new sales manager
(D) A new employee

be delighted to announce
sales contest

Read the following to familiarize yourself with the typical expressions
that are related to corporate departments and training,

0 The administrative office is right around the corner.

@ The HR manager is going to give an orientation.

@ There is a new program for trainees,

0 You should directly contact the Payroll Department

0 You should leave your phones off during the training session.

{i) If you have any questions, you can always refer to the handbook.

0 I will distribute handouts for more information.

{i) You will be eligible for a pay raise the next time.

0 Can you give me a raise?

(ID My coworker finally got a promotion.

Market Share in Different Regions 3. What is the reason for the company's

(A) An increase in the cost of materials

(B) A lack of funds

(C) Increased competition in the region

(D) A strike by regional managers

Bluefield St. Jones Grandville Northern

1. Look at the graphic. Which region is 4. Where most likely;is the speaker?
mainly being discussed?
(A) At a job fair
(A) Bluefield
(B) At a medical conference
(B) St. Jones
(C) At a retirement party
(C) Grandville
(D) At a welcoming party
(D) Northern

5. How long did Dr. Joyce work as a director?

2. What has the company decided to do?
(A) For 10 years
(A) Shut down the operations in a certain
(B) For 20 years
(C) For 30 years
(B) Lay off employees in the St. Jones
region (D) For 40 years

(C) Start a new promotion in the

Grandville region 6. What is Dr. Joyce planning to do?
(D) Move the operations to a different
(A) Publish a book
(B) Work al another hospital

(C) Establish a medical center

(D) Work at a college



In Part 5, there are 30 gapped sentences. Below each sentence are four words
PART 5 or phrases related to word forms and grammatical points. Your job is to decide
which of these four choices makes a complete, grammatical, and logical
sentence when it is put into the gap.

This part has four short reading passages in the form of emails, advertisements,
PART articles, etc. Each has four gaps and four answer choices are provided for each
gap. You must choose the correct options to complete the passage.

Part 7 is the longest part with 54 questions altogether. It includes 10 single

PART 7 reading passages with 29 questions, and some paired reading passages with 10
questions. For the new TOEIC version, some triple passages have been added
with 15 questions. There are four possible answer choices for each question and
you must choose the correct answer based on the information in the passage.
Part 7 includes business-related passages like business letters, announcements,
advertisements, articles, etc.

Read each gapped sentence and four answer choices, then
PART 5 use the context of the sentence to choose correct answer

any grammar can help leave out

<11••nrl too much time on any item as you have only

15 minutes 30
PART 6 through the passage to what the is

at gapped sentences and try to select the

answer out of the answer given,

questions, You should mad

each numbered gap to see
one given in the answer

Do not spend too much time working on any one item as

you no more than 5 minutes for Rf!Ssage,

Regularly improve your reading increase your

knowledge of grammar and enlarge business-related

Look at the questions first, then read the passage to choose

PART the correct answers,

For double and triple passages, also read the questions first,
then scan the related passage to look for the answers,

Do not spend too much time on any one item; you can
come back to it if you still have time.
01 Nouns
A noun is a word used to name a person (teacher), a thing (apple), an
animal (dog), a place (hotel), etc.

02 of nouns
Nouns are divided into common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns,
mass nouns, and collective nouns .. There are also countable nouns and
uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns: student, orange, idea, suggestion, suitcase ...
Uncountable nouns: machinery, furniture, information, luggage ...

03 Pronouns
A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun or a noun phrase. There are
personal pronouns (he, she, it, etc.), possessive pronouns (his, hers, etc.),
reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, etc.), and demonstrative pronouns (this,
that, these, those).

Sam loves Kelly, but she is not interested in him.

noun noun pronoun pronoun
Functions of Nouns
A noun can function as the subject, object, complement, or object of a preposition in a

Subject The cust_omer wanted to get a refund.

Object You must submit your resume by Friday.

Complement The man over there is my coll~cig_ue.

Object of a preposition Some people are not interested in policies.

The architect/has designed/buildings and bridges/in San Francisco.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence, then write its function in brackets.

1 Mr. Ross is very well qualified for the (position/positioned). ( )

2 The manager is reviewing the (apply/applications) at the moment.
3 The two friends became (competitors/ compete) in the end. I

4 The (prepare/preparations) for the workshop are progressing well.

5 The (patient/patiently) arrived thirty minutes before her appointment.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The bank building will undergo ___ to improve the teller counters.
(A) renovate (8) renovations (C) renovates (D) renovated

2 We apologize for the·-- and thank you for choosing KLY Airlines.
(A) delay (8) delaying (C) to delay (D) delayed

A noun comes after an article, an adjective or a possessive adjective. When a noun is modified
by an adjective, the adjective stands before the noun, so the word order is as follows: [article/
possessive adjective+ adjective + noun].

Article+ noun the profit an article the contract

Possessive adjective
my furniture his office thek periormance

adjective+ adjective expensive products a productive meeting our annual report

Did you receive/thee-mail/that my assistant/sent you/yesterday?

Choose the correct words to fill the gap in each sentence.

my passport high apartment the rent contract an

1 What happens if I lose_____ 7

2. He needs some help to finalize ________ _

3" Susan is looking for __________ with three bedrooms.

4 They will move to a different place because of the
Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
Mr. Howard called the Service Department to tell them about the television's
(A) defectively (B) defective (C) defected (D) defect

2 Two major airlines will offer cheap ______ to Hong Kong next month.
(A) flights (B) fly (C) to fly (D) was flown

Countable & Uncountable Nouns
There are two types of nouns: countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns are
people or things that can be counted. A countable noun comes after a(n), the, many, a lew, etc.
A countable noun has the plural form that usually ends with -s or -es. Uncountable nouns are
people or things that cannot be counted. An uncountable noun has no -s or -es ending form.
Both plural nouns and uncountable nouns can stand alone without an article or a possessive
adjective in complete sentences.

! Plural : a(n) : the

: form

Countable the desk the desks many a few

desks [ v'] a desk [v'] desk [x]
noun (desk) [ v'] [ /] desks desks

Uncountable moneys a money the money the moneys money much a little
noun (money) [x] [x] [ /] [x] [ /] money money

They/are now conducting/research/on the effects/al stress. j;

Choose the correct option in brackets lor each sentence.

1 All the (furniture/furnitures) at Living Space Co. is affordable.

2 Fast Pizza has received (complaint/ complaints) about its late delivery.

3 Mr. Jeff Slim does not spend (many/much) money on office decorations.
4 I have a few (relative/relatives) who live nearby.
5 The agency offered (information/informations) about the city's tourism industry.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

There was ______ traffic downtown this morning.

(A) a few (B) a little (C) many (D) a

2 High Fashion, Inc. on Broadway will have a sale to clear out holiday ____ _
(A) merchandises (B) merchandise (C) merchants (D) merchandising

A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing. There are subject pronouns and object
pronouns. The subject pronoun starts a sentence and comes before the main verb in the
sentence. The object pronoun comes right after a verb or a preposition in the sentence.
A possessive pronoun is used to substitute a noun phrase that indicates a possession relation.
A reflexive pronoun is formed by adding the suffix -sell (or -selves in the plural form) to an
object pronoun or a possessive adjective. It is used to show that the object of a certain verb is
the same person or thing as the subject of a sentence. It is also used to emphasize the subject
who does/did the action.

Persohal pronoun~ ; Possessive Reflexive

Number Person ' Gender
Subject Object ; pronouns pronouns
i 1st ; male/female me mine myself

2nd j male/female you you yours yourself

Singular 3
rd ! male he him his himself
; female she her hers herself
; neuter it it
j -1st ; male/female we us ours ourselves

Plural : 2."d \ male/female you you yours yourselves

3rd i male/female/neuter they them theirs themselves

Welrare looking forwarcl/to reading/his latest novel, Destiny.

Choose the correct options in brackets for each sentence.

1 Ms. Kelly called (him/he) this morning, but (he/himself) was out of town.

2 (We/Us) are so delighted that you have agreed to work with (us/ours).
3 If you contact (ours/us), (we/us) will send you the new brochure.
4 (I/mine) am sure my grades are worse than (yourself /yours).

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 If this project goes smoothly, we will have more work with ___ in the future.
(A) they (B) them (C) themselves (D) theirs

2 We regret to tell _______ that we cannot deliver your recent orders.

(A) you (B) us (C) yours (D) yourself

1. Because of some _ _ about the noise, 5. We shall finally have what is rightfully _____
they had to stop the outdoor performance. (A) we
(A) complain (B) us
(B) complaints (C) his
(C) complaining (D) ours
(D) being complained
6. A few ___ wrote positive reviews about
2. The of maintenance has to be the new dessert menu.
reduced during the economic crisis. (A) critic
(A) cost (B) critics
(B) costly (C) critical
(C) costing (D) criticize
(D) more costly
7. Kelly Smith is a prospective candidate for an
3. Ms. Page in the Marketing Department is upcoming ____
excellent at (A) promote
(A) present (B) promotes
(B) presenting (C) promotion
(C) presented (D) promoting
(D) presentations
8. The ___ at the FAL Language Institute
4. Airport security staff will search ______ for should have more than three years of
any illegal items. experience.
(A) luggage (A) instructors
(B) luggages (B) instructions
(C) a luggage (C) instructing
(D) some luggages (D) instructive

Questions 9-12 refer to the following letter. .

March 19

Dear Ms. Graham,

I am writing this letter to confirm that Elizabeth Owens _ _ at Giga Engineer for the
last 8 years. In addition, I will state that she has performed an exceptional job while working
at Giga Engineering. Last year, ___ was promoted to technical supervisor and received a
performance bonus for her excellent work. _ _ She has always _ _ our expectations
11. 12.
and has never been late or absent from work since she started working here. If you have
any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (055) 987-0987.


JG.he Dunn
Director, Engineering'pepartment
Giga Engineering

9. (A) has worked 11. (A) Therefore, she has been a great
(B) have worked communicator.
(C) works (B) In addition, she has displayed great work
(D) used to work ethics.
(C) It is my pleasure to provide this letter of
10. (A) she recommendation.

(B) her (D) Last summer, she took a year off from work.

(C) hers
(D) herself 12. (A) exceeded
(B) overlooked
(C) exaggerated
(D) disregarded

Questions 13-14 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Customer Service <>

From: Marlin Russell <>
Date: July 14
Subject: Inquiry

Hi, Customer Service Staff.

I have a question about the bill from the Shin Hill Hotel. I stayed there from July 5 to July f1

during the Agriculture & Food Conference. I looked at the bill closely before I subtnitted it
to the Finance Department, and I think you have overcharged me. The details are as follows.

First of alJ, I do not understand why I was charged for the Internet. I definitely used the
Internet service. However, I clearly remember that the Wi-Fi service is free of charge. In
addition, I did not order any food to my hotel room. I used the cafe downstairs with my co-
workers. Can you please review the charges and get back to me this week?
Martin Russell

13. Why did Mr. Russell write the e-mail? 14. What is suggested about Mr. Russell?
(A) To dispute some charges (A) He went on a business trip.
(B) To complain about some food (B) He ordered room service.
(C) To give feedback (C) He stayed al the hotel for 3 nights.
(D) To reserve a room (D) He did not use the Internet.

01 Adjectives
An adjective is a word that gives information about a noun. It comes before
the noun it modifies (called a modifier) or functions as a complement after
a linking verb such as be or become.

He is an amazing actor.

He is considerate.

An adverb gives extra information about a verb, an adjective, another

adverb, a clause, or a whole sentence. It functions as a modifier.

She is extremely happy.

Functions & Positions of Adjectives
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. It can also function as the subject complement or
the object complement in a sentence.

Dr. Smith/performed/an innovative surgery/that challenged/the tradi}ional approach.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence, then circle its function.

1 It is (difficult/ difficultly) to change your on line order once it is submitted. [moMiec/rnmplemeotJ

2 Our flight was canceled because of the (heavy/heavily) rain. [modifiec/rnmplemeotJ
3 I think there is something (wrong/wrongly) with this cell phone. [modifiec/rnmplementJ

4 Some of us found the new copy machine (convenience/convenient) to use. [modifier/


5 The man became (anger I angry) when the manager of the store asked him to leave.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

ABC Office Supplies has to find a secure way to manage _ _ documents.

(A) confidence (8) confidential (C) confidentially (D) confidentiality

2 For your safety, it is _________ to follow the instructions when installing the electronic device.
(A) importance (8) to important (C) important (D) importantly

An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a clause, or a whole sentence. It
comes in different positions in a sentence but never stands between a verb and its object.

Fi.JnctionS : POsiticins j Examples

Modifying an adjective ' adverb+ adjective The product is surprisingly expensive.

Modifying an adverb I asked him a question very nicely.

Modifying a verb They finally reached a firm decision.

He insisted strongly.

Modifying a whole sentence Eventually, the flight was delayed.

of a sentence I'm learning French as well.

The drivers/must return/the trucks/immediately/to the company/after completing/the


Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence, then underline the part that it

1 The city council has demolished the old town center (complete/completely).

~;(Final/Finally), the,two companies agreed on the terms of the contract.

3 Officer workers sh6uld exercise (regular/regularly) to stay in shape.
4 There is a vending machine (convenient/ conveniently) placed in the lobby.
5 Mr. Thomson is working (real/really) hard on the software development project.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The air quality gauge is ______ accurate in measuring the level of the micro dust in the air.
(A) amazing (B) amaze (C) amazed (D) amazingly

2 BRICO Co. holds a fundraising event__ __ at the Lincoln Center.

(A) annual (B) annually (C) an annual (D) annuals

Special Adjectives & Adverbs
There are some special cases about adjectives and adverbs you should pay attention to.
Firstly, an adverb is usually formed by adding -ly to an adjective but not all words ending in
-ly are adverbs. Some adjectives also end in -ly, for example: lovely, friendly. Secondly, some
adjectives and adverbs have the same form, for example: hard, fast, late. Finally, there are
some adverbs that may cause misunderstanding about their meanings, like lately and hardly.

Adjectives ending in -ly friendly /lovely people costly trip timely manner

Adjectives and adverbs hard exam fast runner late lunch

having the same form work hard run fast work late

Confusing adverbs She is hardly late to work.

Have you heard from Mr. Park lately'

lately,/the Personnel Department/has requested/that all staff membe~s/update/their

profiles/for the company's records.

Decide whether the underlined word in each sentence is right or wrong, then in brackets,
provide the correct word if it is wrong and put a tick ( v') if it is right.

1 Korean music has been popular in foreign countries late. (

2 Mr. Kaiser hard eats anything before speaking in public.
3 It is said that leaving the EU will be a cost procedure. (
4 All the employees have been working late for the last two months. (
5 Hundreds of commuters were lately to work because of the lateness of the train.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

We hope to settle the disagreement over the contract in a manner.
(A) time (B) times (C) timing (D) timely

2 All the people were so shocked that they could _ _ say anything.
(A) hardly (B) to hardly (C) hard (D) hardness

Forms .of Compa;rative &
Superlative Adjectives & Adverbs
For one-syllable adjectives/adverbs and a few two-syllable adjectives, we add -er to the
adjectives/adverbs to form the comparative and add -est to form the superlative.
For two-syllable adjectives that end in a consonant+ -y, we change -y into -i and add -er to
form the comparative and add -est to form the superlative.
For more-than-one-syllable adjectives/adverbs, before the adjectives/adverbs, we add more
to form the comparative and add most to form the superlative.
Besides, some adjectives and adverbs have irregular forms.

· Adjectives/Adverbs i-Comparative ! Superlative

One-syllable adjectives young younger youngest

More-than-one-syllable comfortable more comfortable most comfortable


Two-syllable adjectives easy easier easiest

ending in a consonant+ -y

Adverbs ending in -ly slowly more slowly most slowly

Irregular adjectives/adverbs good/well better • best

bad/badly worse worst
many/much more most
little less least

Unfortunately,/the financial crisis/is more serious/than we thought/at first.

Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 Sending the invoices by fax is ----·-----(quick) than delivering them by mail.

2 You are advised to book your tickets two months in advance to get the---··--··- (cheap)
3 The ballet performance featured the·----- (good) ballerina in Russia.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The company will become --·---·-- when the new product is released in March.
(A) profitably (B) more profitable (C) profit (D) more profitably

2 We are considering hiring the . candidate to handle this project.

(A) most experienced (B) experiences (C) experiencing (D) has experienced

Uses of Comparisons of Adjectives
& Adverbs
1. The comparisons of equality with the structure as+ adjective/adverb+ as is used to say that
two people or things are equal in some quality or some way.
2. The comparative is used to compare only two people or things.
3. The superlative is used to compare more than two people or things.

Comparisons of equality Mr. Carter is as successful as Mr. Gates.

Comparative Mr. Carter is more successful than Mr. Mars.

Superlative + in/of Mr. Thomson is the most successful businessman in America.

The Capital Visa Agency/will help you/complete/the visa process/as efficiently as possible.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 Sea levels are increasing (laster /fastest) than ever because of global warming.
2 Mr. Li is known to be the (more/most) innovative architect in Europe.

3 Taking the highway took (long/longer) than riding on the bus.

4 The interviewee answered the questions as (well/best) as he could.
5 The (more/most) memorable day of my life is the day when I opened my own restaurant.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 Mr. Yamamoto received the _____ performance review in the Customer Service Department.
(A) poorest (B) poorer (C) most poor (D) more poor

2 Customers' dissatisfaction about the design of the phone is _____ than complaints about
the bad sound quality.
(A) big (B) bigger (C) biggest (D) being big

1. The newly released computers from Cozy 5. The two companies agreed ---·· on the
Electronics are ···- than the previous increase in the price of the raw materials.
models. (A) mutual
(A) fast (8) mutually
(8) faster (C) mutuality
(C) fastest (D) mutualness
(D) more fast
6. Some people prefer working from home
2. Nature Food is advertising its .. because they think it is-··- than working
processed food in the local newspaper. in an office.
(A) nature (A) efficient
(8) natural (8) most efficient
(C) natured (C) more efficiently
(D) naturally (D) more efficient

3. Mr. Donetti believes that the purchase of 7. It is impossible to get a refund without the
real estate is a investment for the ___ receipt from the store.
future. (A) origin
CA4 safe (8) original
(BJ safety (C) originally
(C) safely (D) originated
(D) safeness
8. I could believe that Ms. Porter was
4. The Georgetown Festival has become one of appointed as the new vice president of the
the .. annual events in the city. company.
(A) good (A) hard
(8) well (B) hardly
(C) best (C) harder
(D) better (D) more hardly

Questions 9-12 refer to the following notice.

To: Kitchenhelp Staff Members

From: Technical Support Team
Subject: Website Renewal
Date: November 21

We are happy to announce that Kitchenhelp is about to present its _____ website.
The engineering team is going to make the ____ to the new site at midnight on
Sunday, August 29. _______ Please keep in mind that problems might occur while we
process the change. We will try our best to resolve any problems as _ _ as possible.
Contact Mr. Evans on the Technical Support team at (025) 234-5566 if you have any
questions or feedback about the new website.

9. (A) update 11. (A) The reason is that website traffic is

(B) updater usually low at night.
(C) updates (B) In fact, the process might be delayed.
(D) updated (C) Online transactions will increase soon.
(D) The technicians will get a big bonus
10. (A) transition after the renewal.
(B) collection
(C) demonstration 12. (A) quick

(D) disruption (B) quicker

(C) quickly
(D) quickest

Questions 13-14 refer to the following text message chain.

Dan Macdonald 11:10A.M.

I just landed and am walking to the
immigration counter.

Julie Sullivan 11:13A.M.

You made good time today. I am waiting
at the arrival gate, so you will see me as
soon as you get out

Dan Macdonald 11:17 A.M.

Cool. ... Oh, no. The immigration lines
are unbelievably long. I think it will take
another half an hour.

Julie Sullivan 11:20 A.M.

Good thing you arrived early. Your
appointment with Mr. Park is at 3 o'clock.
You have plenty of time.

Dan Macdonald 11:24A.M.

Okay. Hope ! can grab a bite before
meeting with him.

13. At 11:20 A.M., what does Ms. Sullivan 14. When does Mr. Macdonald expect to get
mean when she writes, "Good thing you through immigration?
arrived early"? (A) Around 11:20 A.M.
(A) She agrees to postpone the scheduled (B) Around 11:50 A.M.
plan. (C) Around 2:30 P.M.
(B) She is glad that the landing was (D) Around 3:00 P.M.
(C) She expected a long line at the airport.
(D) She feels that Mr. Macdonald won't be
late for his appointment.

The time of an action or a condition will decide the form of the verb in a
sentence. In English, the verb forms show different tenses: simple tenses,
continuous tenses, and perfect tenses.

Present Past Future

I, you, we, they+ V Subject+ V (past) will + bare infinitive
He, she, it+ V-s/-es be going to + bare
Subject+ am/is/are + Subject+ was/ Subject+ will be+
V-ing were+ V-ing V-ing
Subject + have/has + Subject + had + Subject+ will have
past participle past participle + past participle
Present Simple & Past Si.mple
The present simple tense is used to express habits, general truths, repeated actions, unchanging
situations, emotions, and wishes.
Adverbs usually go with this tense include every day, often, usually, and always.
The past simple tense is used lo talk about a completed action at a lime before now.
Adverbs that usually go with this tense include last week/month/year; in (a year in the past), a
few days/weeks/months/years ago, many years ago; yesterday, in the past, just now, at that
time, then, and the other day.

Present simple Past simple

························ ··································
My secretary is at her desk. Past state We were busy at that time.

Repeated I usually leav.e for work at 7. They starte.d the project a few
Past action
actions The store closes at 9 P.M. months ago.

This contract/contains/all the terms and conditions/necessary for the transaction.

Last month,/ Mr. Lee broke his sales record/and became the employee of the month.

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 I _ with my clients every two months. (meet)

2 It ____ all the necessary information. (include)
3 They _____ there 3 days ago. (arrive)
4 The company _____ to promote me. (decide)

5 The board of directors ·-··- .. to discuss it. (gather)

6 He _______ to me what the problem was. (describe)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The traffic lights _ _ working last night because of the heavy snow.
(A) stop (8) stops (C) stopped (D) to stop

2 The department usually _ _ with customer complaints related to our products.

(A) deal (8) deals (C) dealt (D) will deal

Continuous tenses are formed by a form of be + V-ing. Different forms of the verb be produce
different tenses and uses: present continuous, past continuous, and future continuous.

Forms Uses
Present continuous ! am/are/is+ V-ing To describe an action that is happening at present

Past continuous ! was/were + V-ing To describe activities that lasted for some time in the

Future continuous will be + V-ing To describe activities which will be taking place at
some time in the future.

I am responding/to your request/for unpaid vacation.

Customers/were complaining/about the service.
I/will be interviewing/the marketing director of MTW, Inc.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 He (will be distributing/was distributing) handouts when I entered the room.
'!! We (will be closing/were closing) the store in 15 minutes.
3 To attract more c~stomers, we (will be offering/were offering) an express delivery service
from next month.
4 The manager and the staff (are having/were having) a discussion at the moment.
5 I (am looking/was looking) forward to meeting with you next week.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The community center_ for donations to help the disabled and the elderly.
(A) ask (B) is asking (C) to asking (D) have asked

2 Small business owners _____ for chances to increase their profits all the time.
(A) looks (B) looked (C) looking (D) are looking

Present Perfect
The present perfect tense is formed by have/has + past participle and has different meanings
or uses, as follows:

Continuation I have worked in this department for 10 years.

(An action or state started in the past and
continues to the present. Adverbs: for, since)

Past experience Have you ever worked overseas?

(An action happened without a specific past time.
Adverbs: ever, once, before)

Completion The R&D Department has just finished

(An action began in the past and has already working on the project.
finished. Adverbs: just, already)

We still haven't foundout the cause of the,.
(An action happened in the past but still has an problem.
effect in the present. Adverbs: still, yet, once)

A specific past time marker such as yesterday, ago, last/week/month/year, or in the past
is used with the past simple tense but for the past/last 10 weeks must go with the present
perfect tense.
We have had a lot of difficulties for the past two weeks. (Present perfect)
They decided to cut down on overtime two weeks ago. (Past simple)

Put the verb in brackets in the present perfect tense.

1 I (just finish) the outline of my presentation.

2 You (ever consider) looking for a better-paid job'

3 We (experience) a lot of trouble with this new software program.

4 They (have) several meetings with the Technical Support Department to sort this out.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

This commercial a lot of new customers since its release last January.
(A) attracts (B) will attract (C) have attracted (D) has attracted

2 The number of complaints ____ drastically since we adopted the new programs.
(A) decrease (B) decreased (C) has decreased (D) have decreased

The future simple tense is formed by will + bare infinitive and used for an action that will occur
in the future.
Note that the structure be going to + bare infinitive is used to express a prediction or a future
The future perfect tense is formed by will have + past participle and expresses an action that
will be completed before another future action or a certain time in the future. It often goes with
such phrases as by next..., by the end of..., and by the time+ clause.

Future simple
will + bare infinitive I willgo and check if everything is all right.
Structure be going to+ bare infinitive He i_~ _ gqir)gJ_q___b_~ late for the sales meeting.

Future perfect
will have + past participle By that time, we "Y_ill_h~ye___l_~Y_D_~-h~_g a new product.

The future perfect tense usually goes with the phrase by that time or by the time. Note that by
that time is an adverb phrase and can stand alone, while by the time is a conjunction and must
be followed by a clause (subject+ verb).
By the time/the new project is completed,/ Marc/will have left/the company.

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.

1 Our clients _______________ in 30 minutes. (arrive)

2 By that time, the presentation ____________________________ . (start)

3 They ______ _ something about customer complaints. (do)
4 After more workers are hired, the factory's capacity _____________ . (double)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

By the time more large printers are set up, demand for publications _ _ twofold.
(A) increase (B) increases (C) have increased (D) will have increased

2 Due to a decrease in interest rates, more people _____ to buy their own houses.
(A) tries (B) try (C) will try (D) has tried

1. For the last few months, oil prices. 5. The number of tourists visiting this city
drastically. ___ for the past few months.

(A) increases (A) rises

(B) increasing (B) risen
(C) will increase (C) has risen
(D) have increased (D) have risen

2. Most of the stores downtown at 10 in 6. By the time the new computer system is
the morning and close at 9 P.M. installed, all the problems _ themselves
(A) open out.

(B) opens (A) work


(C) have opened (B) worked

(D) will open (C) have worked
(D) will have worked
3. Many of the employees in this factory
__ .. to leave after the huge salary cut 7. The new person in the Accounting
three weeks ago. Department ___ in a proposal last week.

(A) decide (A) turns

(B) decides (B) turned
(C) decided (C) has turned
(D) have decided (D) will turn

4. The only grocery store in this town is 8. Competent employees constantly·---

temporarily closed because it .. a for chances to develop themselves
renovation. professionally.

(A) undergo (A) look

(B) is undergoing (B) looked
(C) have undergone (C) have looked
(D) will have undergone (D) looking

Questions 9-12 refer to the following letter.

April 20
Mr. Jack Peterson
2342 Elm Street
New York, New York 10032

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I _________ your invitation to your company's 10th anniversary the other day. I ______ your
a 10.
thoughtful invitation. Unfortunately, I already have another engagement that afternoon, so
I won't be able to attend the party. __ Otherwise, I would surely be there.
I'm sure it ____ a great occasion. Please convey my regrets to your manager and
extend my congratulations on your 10th anniversary.

M~y you enjoy a woncferful celebration'

Sincerely yours,
Agnes Davis

9. (A) receive 11. (A) I am in charge of a fundraiser that

(8) receives requires my attention that night.
(C) received (8) I am not interested in attending the
(D) am receiving celebration.
(C) I am sorry to tell you that you are not

10. (A) apologize invited to the event.

(8) appreciate (D) I am not sure about the invitation.

(C) disagree
12. (A) is
(D) regret
(8) was
(C) will be
(D) has been

Questions 13-15 refer to the following announcement.

) I have an important reminder about the annual gala event. You are welcome to bring your
) family or friends to this event.. The event will be taking place at 6 in the afternoon on the 6" (
of March on Friday. The place where the gala will be held is 5639 Kaneohe Street. If you
) (
can't attend this event, you will have to talk with your boss and get his or her approval since
) this event is mandatory for all full-time employees. Please register to the event by following (
the registration link on our company website. I hope to see you all there.
) (

13. What is the purpose of this announcemenP 14. How often is the event held7
(A) To confirm that an event has been (A) Once a month
arranged (B) Every three months
(B) To remind readers that there is an (C) Once a year
important event (D) Twice a year
(C) To encourage employees to prepare for
a gala
15. How can readers sign up for the event7
(D) To invite people to a party
(A) By visiting the office
(B) By talking to their supervisors
(C) By visiting a website
(D) By picking up an invitation

01 Active Voice & Passive Voice
When a person or a thing does an action, we use the active voice. When we
want to emphasize the action, not the doer, we use the passive voice. (Note
that only transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice.)

+be+ past

I broke the window. The window was broken.

02 How to change an active sentence into a passive sentence

To form a passive sentence, CD firstly we change the object of the active
sentence into the subject. Ql Then, we change the verb into its past
participle after adding an appropriate form of the verb be. @ Last, we add
by+ the subject of the active sentence (if necessary).

· Lan played the piano. (Active)

The piano was played by Lan. (Passive)

03 Passive voice in different tenses

The passive voice fs formed by a form of be+ past participle. Depending on

the tenses, the verb be is conjugated differently.

Present The product is made in this factory.

Past was made
FutLfft will be made

Present Pt:{"fE:ct The product has been made in this factory.

f\/\oda! Verb~; The product should be made in this factory.

Active Voice & Passive Voice
The active voice is formed by Subject+ verb +object. It emphasizes the doer (who or what that
does the action). The structure of the passive voice is (a form of) be + past participle (p.p.). Its
focus is on the action itself, not the doer.

Active: He+ p'ost_s +a notice +on the board.

Subj. Verb Obj.

Passive: A notice+ is posted +on the board + by him.

Subj. Verb by+ doer

Note that in the passive sentence, the verb be must agree with its subject in number and has
the same verb tense as that in the active one.

Passive in Past Simple Passive in Present Simple Passive in Future Simple

was/were+ p.p. am/is/are+ p.p. will be+ p.p.

-~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -~~~~~-

All the computers/in the office/are maintained carefully.

Thee-mail/was sent to you/a few days ago.
More information/will be provided.

Put the verb in brackets in the correct verb form (Active or Passive).
1 They ____ me last week. (promote)

2 I to manager last week. (promote)

3 Richard ____________ the report yesterday. (write)

4 The computer __ tomorrow morning. (fix)

5 The report__ _ ____ by Richard months ago. (write)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The idea for the new commercial at the staff meeting.
(A) suggest (B) suggested (C) was suggested (D) were suggested

2 The company __ me a job as a customer representative.

(A) offer (B) will offer (C) is offered (D) will be offered

Modal Verbs
Passive voice of the present perfect tense
Structure: Subject+ have/has been + p.p.

Passive voice of modal verbs

Structure: Subject+ modal verb+ be+ p.p.

Note that after a modal verb, the verb be is always in the form of a bare infinitive (be).
The office/has been renovated.
Customer complaints/should be handled/by the Customer Service Department.

Fill the gap in the second sentence with the correct verb form.

We have made a lot of effort to keep the building clean.

->A lot of effort _____________ to keep the building clean.

2 You should turn off all the lights before going out.
->All the lights ____ __ __ off before you go out.

3' They cannot make .the decision right now.

~ The decision ______________ right now.

4 The manager has signed the contract.

-> The contract _____ by the manager.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Mr. Davis has already__ ____ about the meeting next week.
(A) told (B) been told (C) tell (D) been

2 All the necessary documents should _____ by the end of the month.
(A) submit (B) submitted (C) have submitted (D) be submitted

Common Passive Expressions
Below are some expressions with a passive form, which are commonly used. The past participle
functions as an adjective and is followed by a certain preposition. You should learn them by
heart because they are fixed expressions.

be surprised at be pleased with

be shocked at/by be excited about

be amazed by I at be delighted with

be worried about be accustomed to

be concerned about be involved in

be satisfied with be engaged in

be dissatisfied with be located in/at

I/am engaged in/the tourism industry.

We/are very worried/about a huge decline/in our turnover.

Fill the gap with a correct expression, using the suggestion in brackets.

1 A large number of people are ......................... the scandal. (involve)

2 Most of the customers were not _ _ _ _ __ the new product line. (satisfy)

3 lam · - - - - the opportunity to work with you. (excite)

4 They are solving technical problems. (ergage)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Not everybody is _ _ with the change in the hiring procedure.

(A) please (B) pleases (C) pleasing (D) pleased

2 The accountant seems to be accustomed _ _ handling his clients' complaints.

(A) at (B) with (C) to (D) by

1. The door _____ last week right after the 5. Mr. Holmes was when he heard the
director's visit to the office. news that the company had offered him a
(A) repaired job.

(8) is repaired (A) surprise

(C) was repaired (B) surprises
(D) will be repaired (C) surprising
(D) surprised
2. Air pollution has to no matter how
much money is spent. 6. Investors are concerned the recent
(A) reduce recession in China.
(8) is reduced (A) in
(C) be reduced (8) from
(D) been reduced (C) about
(D) to
3. They have to the welcoming party,
but they decided not to go there. 7. Your package will _ immediately after

(A) invite we confirm your payment.

(8) invited (A) deliver

(C)ibe invited (8) delivered
(D) been invited (C) be delivered
(D) been delivered
4. If you are interested ________ the position,
please submit your application no later than 8. If all the information has correctly,
this Tuesday. you will then be directed to the payment
(A) at site.

(B) in (A) entered

(C) with (B) entering
(D) by (C) be entered
(D) been entered

Questions 9-12 refer to the following advertisement.

------ - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The technical support division has a(n) for a technical support representative.
This position _________ a B.S. in computer science and at least three years of experience
in the industry. _ Along with an application, a resume and a cover letter should
in no later than July 11. Technical support representatives provide online
assistance to users of our software products. Duties include

- dealing with telephone inquiries

- answering online questions

If you have any further questions concerning this position, you can contact Jonathan
Hampton in Human Resources at extension 2424.

9. (A) introduction 11. (A) You are not supposed to apply tor this
(B) position position.
(C) seat (B) If you are interested, please submit an
(D) opening application.
(C) Your application will be reviewed
10. (A) require
(D) We are short-staffed these days.
(B) requires
(C) is required
12. (A) turn
(D) been required
(B) turns
(C) turned
(D) be turned

Questions 13-15 refer to the following announcement.

13. What is being announced? 15. What is advised for those who cannot
(A) A company event participate in the event?

(8) A party for trainees (A) To submit a letter

(C) An annual conference (B) To contact Marisol
(D) The release of a new product (C) To write an e-mail
(D) To visit the HR Department
14. What can be inferred about last year's
(A) It was not that successful.
(8) Families were not invited.
(C) There were no meetings.
(D) It lasted for 2 days.

01 Forms Infinitives

An infinitive is the base form of a verb; an infinitive without to is called a

bare infinitive, and a to-infinitive is formed by to + bare infinitive.

I want go to lunch. [x]

I want to go to lunch. [,fJ

Main V. To-Infinitive

02 Uses of Infinitives with 'to'

A to-infinitive may function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

As a noun, a to-infinitive may become the subject, object, or complement in
a sentence.
As an adjective, a to-infinitive modifies a noun.
As an adverb, a to-infinitive is used to express a purpose.

To study English, he moved to England.

Expressing purpose

, She has a lot of work to do today.

Modifying the
noun work
When functioning as a noun, a to-infinitive may come in the position of a subject, an object, a
subject complement, or an object complement. When it is the subject, the verb after it is in the
singular form.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --·-----
Subject To organize a meeting is not easy.

Object We hope to complete the proposal soon.

Subject complement His job is to train new employees.

Object complement I expect you to linish the report today.

We all/agreed/lo hire/the top two candidates/for the new project.

Choose the correct option in brackets !or each sentence, then write its function in brackets.

1 They decided (to renew /to renewing) the contract. (

2 The new project allows her (to visit/for visiting) other countries very often.

3 (To being/To be) a competent manager is not easy. (

4 His job is (ran/to run) an advertisement in the local paper.

5 Mark failed (to schedule/scheduling) the appointment with his boss. )

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Sally wants ____ at a cosmetics company as a sales representative.

(A) to work (B) working (C) work (D) works

2 The experts advised the company ___ its benefits programs for the employees.
(A) for improving (B) to improve (C) improving (D) to improving

A to-infinitive can follow a noun and function as an adjective modifying that noun. Look at the
following phrases with a to-infinitive modifying the noun before it.

work to finish chance to travel opportunity to meet time to go way to solve

decision to sell plan to hire effort to save ability to achieve right to speak

All the employees/will have/an opportunity/to meet with the CEO/in person.

Put the words in brackets in the right order, then fill the gap to complete
the sentence.

1 They'd like to have--------·· the headquarters in London. (an, to, visit, opportunity)

3 Morris Ltd. has made _ _ _ _ ... _______ with Freeman Industries. (to, a, merge, decision)

3 All people have _ _ _ __ . ··--out against their country. (to, speak, right, the)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The city council has been discussing ways the old school into a museum.
~- (A) convert (B) converted (C) to converting (D) to convert

2 Shopping malls in:i\orea will be holding a sale in an effort ___ more tourists.
(A) to attract (B) to attracting (C) attracting (D) attraction

A to-infinitive can function as an adverb modifying a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or
expressing a purpose.

Modifying an
glad to hear pleased to meet surprised to pass disappointed to fail

Expressing a
To succeed in business, he worked late every night.(= in order to succeed)

We/are very pleased/to announce/that our sales figures/have increased.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 (For providing/To provide) better service, the hotel receives feedback from its guests.

2 We are very pleased (announcing/to announce) the best salesman of the year.
3 The old office equipment should be replaced (to increase/for increasing) work efficiency.
4 (In order to attract/To attracting) investors, a new facility is needed.

5 We are glad (offer /to offer) you a job as a customer service representative.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

its new product launch, Jim's Electronics will be having a special sale this month.
(A) Celebrated (B) To celebrating (C) For celebrating (D) To celebrate

2 Avon Imports will trade with any distributor _ _ its customers.

(A) satisfy (B) has satisfied (C) to satisfy (D) to satisfying

Below are some common verbs followed by a to-infinitive functioning as their object (obj.) or
object complement.

Object : want to refuse to need to agree to

'fail to hope to offer to plan to

decide to attempt to expect to promise to

afford to would like to aim to

Object complement want +obj. +to ask+obj.+to tell+obj.+to invite+obj.+to

, encourage+obj.+to expect+obj.+to allow+obj.+to advise+obj.+to

They/have asked/the city council/to reconsider/building a multiplex movie theater/in town.

Write the correct phrase in place of the underlined part in each sentence.

The National Museum promised_[lrovidi_ng the museum staff with better benefits.

2 The government wants increase taxes on alcohol and unhealthy foods.


3 We encourage all thestaH mem.bers taking a course on basic economics.

"' -

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 This year, we expect ______ thousands of people at the classic car show in Chicago.
(A) to see (B) seeing (C) see (D) to be seen

2 PK Bank has requested its customers _______ their passwords for online banking regularly.
(A) changes (B) to change (C) changing (D) has changed

1. IHD laid off more than 20 employees last 5. We expect the old building-·-·--·-· by the
month in an effort .... the company. end of April.
(A) are reorganized (A) demolishing
(B) to reorganize (B) being demolished
(C) reorganizing (C) to demolish
(D) to be reorganized (D) to be demolished

2. In spite of his great qualifications, he failed 6. We are pleased _ _ that JK

..... ··-·· by the law firm. Manufacturing has been chosen as the best
(A) to be hired business partner of the year.

(B) to hire (A) announce

(C) hiring (B) announcement
(D) to be hiring (C) to announce
(D) to be announced
3. The consultant advised us the
designs of the products. 7. I need my GJA Golf Club Membership,
(A) to improve which expires on June 17.

(B) to be improved (A) renew

(C) improving (B) renewing
(D) improves (C) to be renewed
(D) to renew
4. At Comfy Sofas, our goal is the most
comfortable chairs and sofas. 8. _ _ target customers in their 20s,

(A) designed Ashley's Dinning has changed its marketing

(B) to design
(C) to be designed (A) In order to
(D) designs (B) In spite of
(C) Therefore
(D) Because

Questions 9-12 refer to the following e-mail.

To: David Millington <>

From: Susan Davis <>
Subject: Personnel documents

Dear Mr. Millington,

We are pleased ___ with you at World Top Travel Agency. For your first day of work,
March 15, we need you _ _ three forms of documents and bring them with you.
First, you must complete the personal information form, which you can download from our
website. A copy of your passport or driver's license and proof of your address, ___ an
electric bill, are also needed ...

We are looking forward to working with you at World Top Travel Agency.

Susan Davis
Manager, Human Resources Department

9. (A) to work 11. (A) with

(B) to working (B) such as
(C) for working (C) in addition to
(D) has worked (D) despite

10. (A) prepares 12. (A) There are a few important documents
(B) preparing you must fill out.
(C) to prepare (B) A training course for new employees
(D) preparation will be held this month.
(C) Don't forget to fill out the documents
on your first day of work.
(D) Please make sure you bring them all
so that we can quickly process your
Questions 13-14 refer to the following web page.


Black Swan Hotel

Our hotel offers:

+ Situated in Shakespeare's birthplace
+ Free Wi-Fi Internet access in the lobby
+ Recently renovated and modernized while maintaining its historical value
+Traditional pub on the ground floor that opens until 11 o'clock ' l.•
+ Vouchers for discounted admission to Shakespeare's birthplace and Holy Trinity

To make a reservation, click he.Le or call us at +44 1789 290009.

Black Swan Hotel, River Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire

13. What is NOT true about Black Swan Hotel> 14. According to the web page, what is offered
(A) There is a pub in the hotel building. at a reduced price?
(B) The Internet is available in its rooms. (A) Tickets for a Shakespearean play
(C) Reservations can be done by phone. (B) Tour bus fares
(D) It was recently renovated. (C) Drinks
(D) Tourist attractions

01 Geru11ds

A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing and functions as a noun.

Some particular verbs are followed by a gerund, a to-infinitive, or both as
their object.

I quit smoking. [v]

The verb quit must be followed by a gerund.

I quit to smoke. [x]

A gerund has the characteristics of both a noun and a verb; that is it can
come in the position of a subject, an object, or a complement and may
have its own object or modifier, whereas nouns have no objects.

I am interested in studying foreign languages.

Obj. of prep. Obj. of gerund
A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing and !unctions as a noun that can be the subject or object of
a verb, the complement, or the object of a preposition. It may have its own object or modifier.

Subject _C_ondLJcti_11_g a customer satisfaction survey is necessary.

Object of a verb We recommend bo()ki_l_Jg your flight tickets on line.

Object of a preposition Who is responsible f_or_,,r,T!~i_ntair1i11_g the office equipment?

Complement His hobby is going mountain biking on weeke_nds.

Reading/the manual/carefully /will help you/to understand/the device.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence, then circle the correct function.

1 (Study /Studying) a foreign language requires a lot of patience. (Subject/Complement)

2 His main hobby is (collecting/ collects) old comic books. (Object/Complement)

3 Why don't you use your working hours efficiently instead of (to work/working) overtime?
(Object of a verb/Object of a preposition)

4 ACC, Inc. is considering (funding/to fund) nonprofit organizations. (Object/Complement)

5 Ms. Kim in the Customer Service Department is fed up with (get/ getting) complaints.
(Subject/Object of a preposition)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The counselor suggested _ _ into the artificial intelligence market.
(A) expand (B) to expand . (C) expanding (D) expanded

2 ___ bank loans to small business owners is extremely important.

(A) Provide (B) Providing (C) Provides (D) For providing

Below are some verbs followed by a gerund which functions as the object of the verbs.

enjoy finish stop quit

discontinue recommend suggest avoid + gerund (V-ing)

consider postpone deny mind

·,, Verbs followed by either a gerund or a to-infinitive with meanings unchanged:

+gerund (V-ing)
start/begin love like continue
+ to-infinitive (to V)

Verbs followed by either a gerund or a to-infinitive with meanings changed:

remember + to V (future) forget + to V (future)

+ V-ing (past) + V-ing (past)

The city government/has decided/to discontinue/running/the number 1002 bus.

Put the word in brackets in the right form to complete the sentence.
1 Most elderly peop1e in Korea want to continue _______ after they retire. (work)

2 Mr. Anderson has-just begun_____ the new software training course. (take)

3 The director has decided to postpone__ _ more staff members. (h"ire)

4 I remember to the job fair in my final year of college. (go)

5 Brian likes _ in the country because of the fresh air. (live)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The marketing director enjoys ________ talks with potential clients to understand their needs.
(A) having (B) to have (C) had (D) for having

2 Do not forget _ _____ the attendance form before submitting it to Mr. Chang.
(A) signed (B) signing (C) signature (D) to sign

Common Expressions Followed by
a Gerund
Below are some common expressions followed by a gerund, which are useful not only on the
TOEIC test but also in daily life. You should learn them by heart.
Note that in the phrase look forward to, to is the preposition which must be followed by an
-Ing form.

have trouble/difficulty -ing go -ing

spend time -ing be capable of -ing

prevent - from -ing be busy -ing

be used to -ing look forward to -ing

be devoted to -ing object to -ing

The government/is having trouble/making plans/to reduce/air pollutioe.

Put the word in brackets in the right form to complete the sentence.
1 Ms. White is used to _____ long hours at her job. (work)
2 The executive officers spend a lot of time _ __ business management classes. (take)
3 Star Co. is capable of _ __ _big orders. (handle)
4 The reporter is busy ______ a video recording for the news program. (prepare)

Choose the correct option to complete each se_ntence.

We are looking forward to _ on the beach this summer vacation.
(A) relax (B) to relax (C) relaxed (D) relaxing

2 The technician spent hours _ _ the errors in the new accounting program.
(A) to fix (B) have fixed (C) fixing (D) fix

1. Barun Technologies went bankrupt last 5. Mr. Moore enjoyed _ _ by the flight
month after~----- too much money from a attendants in business class.
bank. (A) serve
(A) borrow (B) serving
(B) borrows (C) to service
(C) to borrow (D) being served
(D) borrowing
6. City planners will start the parks into
2. The new union policy will prevent the staff shopping centers.
from _________ fired easily.
(A) conversion
(A) get (B) converting
(B) got (C) being converted
(C) getting (D) to converting
(D) being gotten
7. I forgot ___ the signed contract back to
3. a medium-sized heater is a better the real estate office.
idea since bigger models consume more (A) send
(8) to send
(A), Choice (C) to sending

(B)''Chose (D) have sent
(C) Chooses
(D) Choosing 8. The suspect tried to avoid _____ questions,
which annoyed the investigator.
4. The factory supervisor suggested ________ the (A) answers
old cutting machines as soon as possible.
(B) to answer
(A) upgraded (C) answering
(B) upgrading (D) for answering
(C) to upgrade
(D) being upgraded

Questions 9-12 refer to the following letter.

City Council
345 Best Road, Second Floor
Warwick DV35, Kl 23001

Dear City Council Staff,

I am writing this letter to request more parking spaces downtown. The of the
shopping complex on Stanly Avenue has attracted more people into tbe downtown area.
However, people are having difficulty _ _ places to park their cars. :!"his has
been causing a lot of inconvenience to shoppers and individuals living downtown. In fact,
there was a news article mentioning this issue in the Warwick Times last month. It pointed
out the serious ____ of parking spots. _ _
11. 12.
I hope you understand how serious this problem is and start planning more parking places

Thank you.

Henry Hudson

9. (A) develop 1t (A) sales

(B) develops (8) lack
(C) developing (C) fear
(D) development (D) decrease

10. (A) find 12. (A) Indeed, the city council has plans for
(8) finding the expansion of parking lots.
(C) to find (8) The news reporter has not been to the
shopping complex.
(D) have found
(C) It also mentioned possible places for a
new parking garage.
(D) The construction of the building will
take more than two years.

Questions 13-14 refer to the following instructions.

To clean the exterior of the dishwasher, simply use a soft, damp cloth with a mild detergent.
Before you clean the inside of your dishwasher, please wait until it has cooled to prevent
burns. - [1] - The reason is that it might damage the inside surface. - [2] - To keep it
looking clean and nice, rub gently with a damp sponge using dishwasher detergent. Make
sure to run a normal cycle after cleaning the interior. - [3] - It will make your dishwasher
'' ready for normal use. - [4] -

13. For whom is the instructions intended? 14. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3],
(A) Appliance users and [ 4] does the following sentence best
(B) Restaurant owners belong?

(C) Marketing planners "Do not use any type of cleansing products
(D) Hotel chefs other than dishwasher detergent."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

There are present participles (formed by V-ing) and past participles (formed
by V-ed or a form of irregular verbs).

Present participles: breaking, interesting, boring

Past participles: baked, planted, written

02 Difference between Present & Past Participles

A present participle indicates an active meaning, while a past participle

expresses a completed action or a passive meaning.

Present participles: Look at the people working under the bridge.

Past participles: The technician came to check the brokencomputer.
In a sentence, the participle may be part of a verb tense (continuous, perfect), be used as an
adjective, or function as a complement.

Subject complement The copy machine is l:iroke_n.

Object complement The mechanic had my car fixe_d.

I heard them arguing about the matter.

Adjective You need a written confirmation.

They are one of the _l_eading companies in the business.

Postmodifier Please refer to the information p_rese_nted in the handbook.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 I received a letter (offered/ offering) me a job.

2 Did you read the report (writing/written) by me?

3 This is the decision (mak·1ng/ made) at the board meeting.

4 Teaching is the most (rewarding/rewarded) job I've ever had.

5 His presentation is well (organized/organizing).

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The presentation _ _ in Room 305 will describe a recent change in employee evaluation
(A) shows (B) showing (C) be shown (D) shown

2 After _ _ complaints from customers, we decided to cancel the campaign.

(A) repeat (B) repeated (C) repeating (D) to repeat

•. ,. ,· •. ·y... < , .•• j; ,/ •....

· · ·~·•/: · · • · ·• · .·•.· •· ·~~~~,·~i;~Ll~·.····~•r·fi>~~t
....... ... i · .~· ····<•.•··•:;]( -~·;tI'.{j :i~; iii'!i ;;; / •
P(l.ttit.ipt1s . ..
The present participle is formed by adding -ing to the base form of a verb, expressing an active
The past participle of a regular verb ends in -ed and that of an irregular verb is the word in the
third column of the irregular verb list. It indicates a completed action or a passive meaning.

a fast-growi_ng industry
Present participle Active meaning a !-~~_q_j~g manufacturer
long-lasti_ng results

!r~_i_r:i_~_Q employees
Past participle Passive meaning a chosen field
actions tak~l:1- by the manager

Here is/some information for those/planning a vacation abroad.

I/am not completely opposed/to the idea/suggested at the meeting.

Put the word in brackets in the right form to complete the sentence.

1' Please refer to the.information _ _____ in the manual. (provide)

2 Fast & Co. is looking for ______ workers for its Biltmore Branch. (experience)
3 The workshop ________ _ __ by the team turned out to be very successful. (prepare)
4 This is a good money-_______ ______ opportunity. (make)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The number of employees _______ in foreign countries is expected to increase.

(A) work (B) worked (C) working (D) being worked

2 The order three days ago has not been processed yet.
(A) pliice (B) placing (C) to placing (D) placed

Participles as Adjectives
Like an adjective, a participle modifies a noun. The past participle (ending in -ed) is used to
talk about how someone feels and the present participle (ending in -ing) is used to talk about
the person, thing, or situation which causes the feeling. Participles are also called participial

Common participial adjectives

boring disappointing
bored disappointed

pleasing depressing
pleased depressed

exciting interesting
excited interested

confusing fascinating
confused fascinated

tiring surprising
tired surprised

The news/that they are going to hire/a new marketing director/was so surprising.
Even though we were tired/after the business trip,/we were glad/that a lot of progress was

Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 He seemed to be a little (confusing/ confused) when he heard about it.
2 The news was so (depressing/depressed) that everyone in the office left early.

3 We are (exciting/ excited) about the change in our working schedule.

4 They were (disappointing/ disappointed) when the management decided not to give any

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

It is ___ to see how the new employees get used to the company environment.
(A) interests (B) interesting (C) interested (D) to interest

2 We are _____ to announce that the new cafeteria is opening next Friday.
(A) please (B) pleases (C) pleased (D) pleasing

Two clauses that share the same subject can be shortened by using participial phrases to avoid
A present participial phrase is formed from an adverb clause of time, reason, etc. and describes
an action that is secondary to the main action of the sentence.
A clause with a passive verb is reduced to a past participial phrase and is placed directly alter (but
sometimes before) the noun it modifies.

Becausejlelt tired, I didn't want to work overtime.

~feeling tired, I didn't want to work over time.
Because thedpcu111enl1Nas llVritten inJapanese, it couldn't be read by most employees.
~ (Being)11Vritle_ninJ~p_a11~s_e, the document couldn't be read by most employees.

Examples of participial phrases

Giving reasons Having_n_ojQJ:>, Krista couldn't pay her bills.

Two simultaneous I~~y-~_H-~_g__ ~_r9_y_~g___ ~_l:l_rQ_R~. I met a lot of interesting people.


One action after (After) Talkingtomy boss, I decided to transfer to the Sales Department.
the other f:la_vingf.i11ish_~cl the write-up of the report, we wanted to take a day off.

Spending so much money/on a recent commercial,/we/cannot afford/another one.

Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 (Moving/Moved) to London, he couldn't find any time to hang out with his friends.

2 (Translated/Translating) into German, the book is not likely to be popular.

3 Not (understanding/understood) the regulations, we made a terrible mistake.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

______ the team report, we all went out for dinner.

(A) Complete (B) To complete (C) Completed (D) Completing

2 Alter ___ the security system, experts concluded that passwords should be changed on
a regular basis.
(A) examine (B) examined (C) examining (D) have examined

1. The book ____ last year impressed a lot of 5. The number of people __ ____ public
readers. transportation is increasing.

(A) publish (A) uses

(B) publishes (B) used
(C) published (C) using
(D) being published (D) to use

2. To repair the ___ equipment will cost 6. ________ unemployed, Jessica is having a hard
much more money than we expected. time making ends meet.

(A) exist (A) Being

(B) exists (B) ls
(C) existing (C) Be
(D) existed (D) To be

3. There has been a concern about 7. Workers are expected to wear newly _ _
adopting a new system. protective clothing.

(A) grow (A) purchase

(B) grew (B) purchases
(C) growing (C) purchasing
(D) grown (D) purchased

4. For detailed information on the location, 8. After about the increase in the
please see the _ _ map. minimum wage, Brown, Inc. laid off 30
percent of its entire workforce.
(A) enclose
(B) enclosure (A) hearing
(C) enclosing (B) to hear
(D) enclosed (C) heard
(D) been heard

Questions 9-12 refer to the following announcement.

We are ____ to announce the appointment of Ms. Katarina Louis as our new CEO.
_____ her entire career in business development and marketing, she is joining us with
extensive experience in all areas of business.

joining our company, she worked for ESCO, Inc. as a vice president for 10 years,
where she actively expanded its business development. She was successful in

managing multiple departments and teams and had a strong commitment to positive

I am pretty sure she will lead our company successfully by presenting us with new visions
for the future of our company.

Ple~se join me in welco'ming Katarina Louis.
_ _ _ [

9. (A) please 11. (A) Concerning

(B) pleasure (B) Prior to
(C) pleased (C) After
(D) pleasing (D) As soon as

10. (A) Spent 12. (A) Ms. Louis has proven her ability to
(B) To spend develop new business models.
(C) Having spent (B) After 20 years of dedication, Ms. Louis
(D) Being spent is leaving us.
(C) Ms. Louis would like to join our
(D) Ms. Louis's academic background is in
the area of computer engineering.

Questions 13-14 refer to the following form.

Name Jennifer Brown

Phone number 808-555-2234
Date of stay January 1-3
Room number 307

purpose of your stay:

II pleasure D business D meeting I conference

Please indicate how you are satisfied with the following services.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
pleasant greeting [] D D

waiting time at check-in D D


" D
" [J

room amenities

D D 0
" •

room service meals
" D

restaurants & bars D D

13. Why did Ms. Brown visit the hotel> 14. What is indicated about the hotel
(A) For vacation restaurants and bars?
(B) For business (A) They were not satisfactory.
(C) For academic activities (B) The service there was great.
(D) For a charity event (C) They were reasonable.
(D) They were beyond her expectations.

01 Conjunctions

A conjunction is a word or group of words that connects words with words,

phrases with phrases, or clauses with clauses.

There are two kinds of conjunction:

CD Coordinating conjunctions (including correlative conjunctions) are used
to join two sentences or two parts of a sentence that are grammatically

ClJ Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a main clause to a noun

clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause.

02 Conjunctions in noun clauses & in adverb clauses

The conjunction that, if or whether starts a noun clause that functions as

a noun in a complex sentence, whereas a conjunction like when, after, if,
or because starts an adverb clause functioning as an adverb in a complex

It is necessary that you wear a protective helmet.

Noun clause

When you hea& the news, you will be surprised.

Adverb clause
Coo.rdinatlng ConJun€:'t.ions. &
Correlative ··.conJu.nctions
A coordinating conjunction joins words, phrases, or independent clauses that are grammatically
equal or similar.
A correlative conjunction is a kind of coordinating conjunction which goes in pairs, joining
sentence elements that are grammatically equal.

and both A and B

but either A or B
Coordinating conjunctions Correlative- conjunctions
or neither A nor B

so not only A but also B

He left the office and went to the cafeteria.

I had to apply for the job, .but I didn't.
You can either visit the office or call this number.
Susan wanted to get not only a pay raise b.ut. also a bonus.

Fill the gap with a correct conjunction to complete the sentence.

1 I was in a hurry, ______ I left without saying goodbye.

2 my boss ____ my coworkers liked the idea.

3 You can send this ____ by fax _ _ by mail.

4 This is information that is useful for ______________ managers __________ __ staff.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

You can pick up the brochure _____ ask me for one.

(A) and (B) or (C) but (D) so

2 He accepted ____ Jenny's proposal nor mine.

(A) and (B) neither (C) both (D) not only

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',_, < /'.'-, ,-< ,' ,_,' -,-,

c ···ofi~uiF:t·~tf();n~.i'm··llog;ri,! ~i~l~ise:~··
.(t11attii/wf1~i~~r5r> ·· ·· · · · · · · ·· ·· · ·
A noun clause starts with the conjunction that, ii or whether.

The conjunction that starting a noun clause connects the noun clause to a main clause or to the
verb of the main clause. In a sentence, the noun clause can function as the subject, object, or

If & whether
Both the conjunctions whether and if can be used when a noun clause is formed from a Yes/
No question. In a sentence, the noun clause starting with whether can function as the subject,
object, or complement, while the one starting with if can only function as the object or
complement, not as the subject.

Subject That you get to work right on time is important

The reality is that we can't afford another employee.

My question is whether he wants to quit the job or not

Object I think that he had enough qualifications for the position.

Choose the correct conjunction in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 It is surprising ______ the company cafeteria menu has been improved. (that, if, whether)
2 I wonder ____ the new system will meet our customers' needs. (that, if, whether)

3 ______ you come here or not doesn't matter to me. (That, If, Whether)
4 _____ time is money is widely known. (That, If, Whether)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

We are not sure .. he will be able to prove his managerial skills or not.
(A) whether (B) that (C) and (D) which

2 I completely forgot _____ I submitted the application.

(A) which (B) what (C) but (D) that

(Ti·me and····concHtidol
An adverb clause is a group of words that functions as an adverb. It begins with a subordinating
conjunction and contains a subject and a verb. Below are conjunctions in adverb clauses of time
and condition.

when while by the time

as before until
of time
as soon as after since

Conjunctions if provided that = if once

of condition unless providing that= if as iong as

As soon as I talked to my boss, I decided to leave the company.

When we called the museum, we found out that it doesn't have any spaoe to display the iterf)s.
If(= Provided that/Providingthat) you don't have any further questions, we will move on to the
next item on the agenda.

Choose the correct conjunction in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 (After/Before) Mr. Johnson left school, he started working as an accountant.

2 (As/Since) I was walking down the street, I ran across my old friend from school.

3 Our sales have dramatically increased (when/since) the new commercial was aired on TV.
4 (Providing that/ As soon as) we meet the deadline, we will be able to take paid vacation.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

_____ you have further questions, we will wrap up the session.

(A) When (B) If (C) Since (D) Unless

2 I knew nothing about the recent change in the hiring procedures·--- you told me.
(A) when (B) provided that (C) until (D) as long as

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(Reasp. n, Cq.ncession,••··~~r.@~;ser/"~no.Resu. .t't.)··
Below are the conjunctions of reason, concession, purpose, and result:

Conjunction~ of because Conjunctions of in order that

reason as purpose so that

Conjunctions of though Conjunctions of so - that

concession although result such - that
even though

Because nobody wanted to work overtime, we couldn't get it done before the deadline.
Although Tim doesn't enjoy his marketing job, he works hard.

qhoose the correct conjunction in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 We need to cut ba~k on our spending (since/that) we are short of money this month.
2 (Though/So that) it's a national holiday, most of the convenience stores in this area are
open for 24 hours.
3 The team will start a new promotion (so that/whether) the company can make more
profits next month.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 _______ the number of staff members has grown, Mr. Brown still takes care of all the small
(A) As (B) So that (C) Providing (D) Although

2 ____ companies started utilizing robot technology, security guards are in danger of losing
their jobs.
(A) While (B) In order that (C) Because (D) If

1. The orders that we placed last week are 5. It is necessary to understand ...... most
likely to arrive-·· on Wednesday or customers have high expectations about
Thursday. expensive products.

(A) both (A) that

(B) either (B) what
(C) not only (C) whether
(D) neither (D) because

2. Almost all companies want to know 6. the company is based in Asia. most
·--··-··· a newly hired person can adjust to of its products are exported to countries
their environment. around the world.~

(A) whether (A) If

(B) when (B) When
(C) that (C) That
(D) in order that (D) Although

3. Employees have the option of taking a day 7. ____ you understand the rules and
off getting extra pay. regulations in this place, you will feel a lot

(A) or more comfortable.

(B) and (A) So that

(C) but (B) Whether
(D) both (C) In case of
(D) Once
4. Please refer to the enclosed manual
you have a problem with your device. 8. 11 you ___ personal assistance, you

(A) if can directly contact the Customer Service

(B) unless
(C) as long as (A) need
(D) as (B) needs
(C) needed
(D) will need

Questions 9-12 refer to the following letter.

Blue Bear Travel Agency

342 Remington Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Dear Mr. Christopher Lee,

I am sorry to inform you __ we have filled the travel agent position you recently
applied for. ______ we thoroughly reviewed your qualifications, we found out your
experience and career goals are not ________ with the direction of our company.

Unfortunately, we offered the position to a candidate who is more appropriate for us.

We wish you success in your career.

Yours truly,

Deborah Parker
HR manager

9. (A) that 11. (A) flexible

(B) when (B) compatible
(C) which (C) familiar
(D) whether (D) comfortable

10. (A) Before 12. (A) Thank you so much for your interest in
(B) As long as us.
(C) After (B) I am sorry about the inconvenience.
(D) In order that (C) I appreciate your concern regarding
this matter.
(D) You are always welcome to visit us.

Questions 13-14 refer to the following text message chain.

Christina 2:05 P.M.

It was a very productive meeting. I am so
glad that everybody agreed with the new
marketing strategy.

Joseph 2:10 P.M.

You can say that again. I am sure the
new strategy wrn help boost our sales
next year.

Christina 2:12 P.M.

What ls your e-mail address? l will send
you the meeting minutes.

Joseph 2:14 P.M.

It's on the business card l gave you the
other day.

Christina 2:15 P.M.

Okay. I will send them right away.
Anyway, I hope to see you at the. next
meeting. -

13. At 2:10 P.M. what does Joseph mean when 14. Why did Christina ask for Joseph's e-mail?
he writes, "You can say that again"? (A) To get his business card
(A) He wants the woman to repeat herself. (B) To ask about the meeting
(8) He thinks the woman is correct. (C) To send him the meeting notes
(C) He does not agree with the woman. (D) To schedule the next meeting
(D) He will take care of the problem.

A preposition shows the relationship between nouns, pronouns, and
other words in a sentence. Most often, a preposition comes before a
noun, a noun phrase, or a gerund. Based on their meanings, prepositions
are divided into prepositions of time, place, purpose, reason, manner,

There are no rules to tell you clearly when to use which preposition.
The only way to learn prepositions is by looking them up in a dictionary,
reading a lot in English and learning useful phrases by heart.
Prepositions of Time

in Used with years, months, seasons, century, parts of day (morning, afternoon, evening)

on Used with dates, days, specific days

al Used with specific times, times of day (night, midnight, midday)

Confusing prepositions of time

until Meaning: Up to a particular wait until Friday

by point of time submit by Friday

for Used to describe a period of live in New York for 20 years

during time of an action/event sleep during the rrovie

The annual audit/of the company/is expected/to be conducted/in March.

Choose the correct preposition in brackets to complete the sentence.

1 The art exhibition will be held tomorrow afternoon (in/on/at) 4:00.

2 The safety inspection has been postponed (until/by) next month.
3 Nelson's Book Cafe has not made a profit (for I during) six months.

4 They will be back from their business trip (in/on/at) Sunday.

5 Mr. Morris was promoted to chief financial officer (in/ on/ at) 2010.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The food choices for the banquet next Saturday must be sent to the caterer . this
(A) at (8) on (C) by (D) until

2 He visits ---· noon every day except Saturday and Sunday.

(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) for

Prepositions of. Place/Position/

in+ inside a space

(a country, a city, a in Australia, in London, in the village, in the room
place, an area)

on + a surface
(a street, a floor, a on Pine Street, on the second floor, on the menu, on the list
menu, a list)

at+ a specific position

(an airport, a station, at the airport, at the station, at the wedding
an event)

Other prepositions of place/position/direction

to between in front of

out of by 0= next to, beside) along

into throughout behind

The faculty members/will be given/parking spaces/on the second floor.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 There are a few spacious conference rooms (on/in) the hotel.

2 The disease spread fast (throughout/at) the country.

3 To register for the program, please complete an application form (at/ on) the BC Learning

4 Mr. Morris is busy preparing for the quarterly seminar (in/at) Seattle.
5 You can find the safe (next to/out of) the printer.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence .

The new branch office is located . _____ Maple Street across from the library.
(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) for

2 Mr. King got out of the taxi and walked ______ the main building.
(A) into (B) between (C) as (D) at

Other Prepositions
Means of
by train

Means of
by mail as the
by communication as Capacity

Passive voice by James

Approximation by 4 percent

about, on, Topic on/about/regarding with Means/Tool/ with a key

regarding the issue Companion with Tom

Even/when you are away on business,/you/can contact us/by e-mail.

Fill the gap with a correct preposition to complete each sentence.

1 My salary has been increased __ _ __ 5 percent.

2 We can send the quote ____________ either e-mail or fax.

3 The brave woman hit the burglar over the head _______ _ a baseball bat.
4 The newest camera model from Digital World comes __________________ an extra lens.
5 Ms. Evans resigned ___________ the senior marketing manager last Tuesday.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

During the last quarter, Dream Furniture's profits rose ____ 9 percent.
(A) by (B) at .(C) with (D) on

2 You are only allowed to enter the factory __________ proper safety gear.
(A) without (B) with (C) by (D) as

Both prepositions and conjunctions join some elements in a sentence. However, there is a big
difference: A conjunction is followed by a clause (subject+ verb), while a preposition is followed
by a noun/noun phrase or a gerund.

Meanings Prepositions Examples Conjunctions Examples

(Prep. + noun) (Conj. +.subj. + V)
Indicating because of because of the because Because it was noisy,
reason due to noise since
owing to as

Indicating in spite of In spite of ihe rain although Although it rained,

concession despite though

Indicating During the game while While I was playing the

duration game

Because of/the deteriorating weather conditions,/ all the flights/have been canceled.

Fill the gap with a correct word (preposition/conjunction) based on the suggestion in
brackets to complete each sentence.

1 (Indicating concession)
·' "'. ( ) all his efforts, he failed to win the championship by 5 seconds.
"* ( ) he made an effort, he failed to win the championship by 5 seconds.
2 (Indicating duration)
"* Make sure you read the questions carefully ( ) you are taking the test.
"*Make sure you read the questions carefully ( ) the test.

3 (Indicating reason)
"" The outdoor event might be postponed ( ) the weather is awful.
"" The outdoor event might be postponed ( ) the awful weather.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 ________ his debts, he stopped spending money on luxury goods.

(A) Because (8) Because of (C) Since (D) Until

2 ____ she was in poor health, she continued to do her job.

(A) Despite (8) As (C) While (D) Although

1. Evan's Restaurant will close 9 o'clock 5. Toby's Surfing is located Great Beach
starting next week. Road next to the police station.
(A) at (A) in
(B) in (B) on
(C) on (C) at
(D) to (D) by

2. Employees who would like to take their 6. The UNESE is a large organization with a lot
summer vacations must inform Mr. Wilson of offices .. ___ the world.
in the HR Department October 21. (A) on
(A) by (B) at
(B) until (C) along
(C) for (D) throughout
(D) as
7. - ...... construction delays on Lake Street, it
3. The CEO will not be coming to the office takes 15 more minutes to get to work.
__ next week. (A) Because of
(A) with (B) Since
(B) at (C) As
(C) until (D) In spite of
(D) on
8. Walk ___ the street to Apple Street and
4. The packages were shipped from the turn left.
warehouse . ___ Thursday. (A) along
(A) in (B) by
(B) into (C) as
(C) at (D) about
(D) on

Questions 9-12 refer to the following advertisement

Homemade Furniture Co. is pleased to announce that we have completed the renovations
and will reopen__ Thursday, February 20. We promise ______ providing
9. 10. I
the best quality furniture in town with affordable prices.

To celebrate our reopening, we invite you to our special sale. In the months of February and
March, all sofas and beds are 30 percent off. In addition, if your _______ is over

$300, you will get an additional 5 percent off. Call us now at (818) 987-0008. ___ _
-- ,, ------------

9. (A) to 11. (A) purchase

(8) in (8) purchases
(C) at (C) purchasing
(D) on (D) purchased

10. (A) continue 12. (A) Please make sure you order before
(8) to continue April.
(C) continuing (8) Don't forget that the special gifts are
(D) continuous limited.
(C) We are sorry for the inconvenience.
(D) We will be happy to answer any
questions you may have.

Questions 13-16 refer to the following article.

International Gentle Art Award

September 15 - Gentle Art is a nonprofit organization and has been hosting

an international design contest for the last 8 years. This contest is to encourage
young designers to be creative and to show their talent.

This year, participants will design a poster that represents the following concept:
"We respect one another." The top ten finalists \vill be awarded a Q-entle Art
Award certificate, and the winner will be awarded 10,000 dollars. l:he contest is
open to all individuals and groups. Entries must be submitted online. Visit the
official website at

13. What does this article discuss? 15. What will the participants design'
(A) An annual art exhibition (A) A logo
(B) A new style of architecture (B) A poster
(C) An art competition (C) A book cover
(D) A business contract (D) A stamp

14. For whom is the article most likely 16. What should people do if they want to
intended' participate in the event?
(A) Art students (A) Send an e-mail
(B) Travel agencies (B) Fax an application form
(C) Ad.vertisers (C) Phone the organization
(D) Gallery owners (D) Register on the website

In English, an adjective modifying a noun mostly stands before the noun,
for example: a beautiful girl. However, a clause modifying a noun will come
after it, for example: the girl whohasbeautifulhair. Who is known as a
relative pronoun and the clause starting with who is called a relative/an
adjective clause.

I met a man who works at the bank.

Relative clause modifying man

02 Relative
The relative adverb where, when, why or how is used in place of the relative
pronoun who. It starts a relative clause modifying a noun indicating a place,
time, reason, or method.

This is the place where I got married.

ml> Relative clause modifying place
Subject Relative Pronouns
A relative pronoun functions as both a pronoun and a conjunction because it joins a subordinate
clause to a main clause.
A subject relative pronoun starts a relative clause (an adjective clause) that modifies a preceding
noun (called the antecedent).
When the antecedent is a human, we use who or that, for example: the friend who called me.
When the antecedent is a thing or an animal, we use which or that, for example: the company
which sells computers.

Subject relative pronoun

Mr. Garcia's duty is to supervise workers. + Jh_ey build power plants.

* Mr. Garcia's duty is to supervise p

workers wh_o build power plants.
Antecedent Subject (= that)

These periodicals/are very useful/for anyone/who is interested/in economics.

Choose the appropriate relative pronoun for each sentence.

1 We need to hire someone (who/which) has excellent public speaking skills.

2 Geology is the study of the rocks and solids (who/that) make up the Earth.
3 A lot of the products (who/which) are traded online are cheaper than their regular prices.
4 John Cox is one of the managers (who/which) is interested in leading the upcoming

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 Katie enjoys listening to radio programs deal with serious political issues.
(A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) where

2 John Davis is a linguist developed an innovative approach to language teaching.

(A) who (B) in which (C) whom (D) which

The word that replaces the object of a sentence and starts a relative clause is called an object
relative pronoun.
When the antecedent is a human, we use who, whom, or that.
When the antecedent is a thing or an animal, we use which or that.

Object Relative Pronoun

The senior analyst was happy with the report. I submitted th_ereport.

'*The senior analyst was happy with the report v;hich_ I submitted.
Antecedent Object (= that)
---------~------------------ --------
The decision/which the vice president made/caused/serious financial troubles.

Put a tick (<) if the word in bold is correct and if it is wrong, write the correct relative
pronoun in brackets.

1 The black suit who you ordered is currently out of stock. (

2 Ellis Morris was one of the best researchers that I have ever worked with.
3, The guest speaker whom I saw at the forum spoke both English and French fluently.
~ ~

4' European Dining carefully chooses fresh vegetables whom are organically grown.
5 The engineers whicn I used to work with were exceptionally talented.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

These are the perfect marketing plans ______ the management has been looking for.
(A) who (B) that (C) how (D) whom

2 This building was designed by an architect ______ I studied with in Italy.

(A) who (B) which (C) he (D) him


Possessive. ••.IJelatiYe•-.Pte·~{l~n&
Relative····Prono1.1•n What
Whose is the only possessive relative pronoun in English. The antecedent of whose can be a
human, a thing, or an animal.
Whal is also a relative pronoun which means 'the thing or things which'. It does not refer to the
noun that comes before it.

Possessive Relative Pronoun Whose

The company is looking for people. Their first language is Chinese.

<+The company is looking for people whose first language is Chinese.

Antecedent Possessive

Relative Pronoun Whal

The staff member did not understand what the manager said.
=the thing that(= which) the manager said

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

What was the name of the photographer (who/whose/which) photos are displayed in City

2 A misunderstanding is (that/what/whose) caused a lot of tension in the office.

3 I met the writer (who/whose/whom) book won the American Literature Award for best

4 (That/What/Which) she said at the press conference was true.

5 The company is hiring an accountant (which/who/whose) responsibilities will include

budget management.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

_____ the consultant told us was the best advice for our company.
(A) What (8) Who (C) Which (D) That

2 Employees names are not on the list must contact Mr. Perry in the Accounting
(A) who (8) whose (C) whom (D) their

A relative adverb can function as both an adverb and a conjunction. It starts a relative clause
modifying an antecedent. It replaces the more formal structure preposition + relative pronoun
in a relative clause.

Relative adverbs

where the house where I was born why the reason vv.hY I quit the job

when the day vvhe_n we first met how the way I run my business
-~Q"'!: I run my business

*(When how is used, there is no antecedent (e.g.

the way, the method) as how is a conjunction
which is used like a relative adverb.)

The reason/why I am resigning/is/that the company/needs new leadership.

Fill the gap with a correct relative adverb to complete each sentence.

1 I applied to the company _ _ _ _ _ I once worked as an intern.

2 That was _ _ _ __ Mr. Garcia handled the financial crisis.

3 The last time I saw Mr. Kim was the day--····················-······ ____ we attended the conference about the
ii, Chinese market.

4 We are curious aboQt the reason _________________ you made that decision.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The place we went for the company dinner served a great seafood buffet.
(A) when (B) where (C) why (D) how

2 Smartphones are changing ______ people interact with one another.

(A) when (B) where (C) why (D) how

1. Applicants __ applications have passed 5. The Smart Process Management Software is
the screening process will receive an e-mail ______ our company needs to improve work
from the HR Department. efficiency.

(A) whose (A) which

(B) who (B) that
(C) whom (C) what
(D) their (D) whose

2. Ann Lewinski is an accomplished figure 6. I want to work for a company _________ _

skater __ won the world championship specializes in the iJ11porting business.
three years in a row. (A) who
(A) which (B) which
(B) who (C) whose
(C) her (D) what
(D) she
7. The magazines _ you are looking for
3. During intermission, please visit the lounge, are available for free on the Internet.
you can purchase refreshments. (A) which
(A) when (B) who
(B) where (C) when
(C) that (D) where
(D) why
8. They have finally reached an agreement
4. Many people visit the place____ the both of them are very pleased with.
founder of IBS Co. was born. (A) that
(A) where (B) whose
(B) it (C) what
(C) that (D) where
(D) its

Questions 9-12 refer to the following memo.

Dear all employees,

I would like to let you know that management has decided to postpone the company
workshop, which was scheduled for 3. As you know, we are dealing with the
biggest order _____ we have ever received. It will be too difficult _____ the event into
~ 1Q

our schedule at this busy time. ___ Mr. Lee in the HR Department will e-mail you as
soon as the date is set. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Lee at
(055) 343-6655.

9. (A) who 11. (A) It is best to cancel the workshop.

(B) that (B) A new date has not been arranged yet.
(C) whose (C) The workshop is only for new
(D$ where employees.
-- (D) This postponement will cause a serious
10. (A) to fit loss.
(B) fitting
(C) fit 12. (A) far
(D) being fit (B) further
(C) farther
(D) furthest

Questions 13-14 refer to the following information.

M:iliki Cmmmmity Center Preschool

MCC Preschool provides children with a quality education and care in a
safe environment. We accept children from 8 months of age to preschool
age. We have been licensed by the state of Hawaii for the past 30 years
and have been trying our best to promote children's development and
education. MCC is trying to meet the needs of in-state workl,ng parents by
taking good care of their children while they are at work.

We are also open to out-of-state families who want to continue their

children's education while they are still on vacation. MCC allows families
to enjoy their vacation in Hawaii while their children engage in cultural and
educational opportunities. For more information about us, please call us
at (808) 223-2223.

13. What is this information mainly about? 14. What can be inferred about out-of-state
(A) Educational opportunities for children families>
(B) Vacation programs for parents (A) They are mainly interested in cultural
(C) Volunteer programs for seniors activities.

(D) Cultural experiences in Hawaii (B) They don't want to be educated in

(C) They are trying to move to Hawaii.
(D) They usually visit Hawaii for vacation.

The subjunctive mood is used to express importance, hypotheses, wishes,
and emotions. There are two basic types of subjunctive mood, which are
the past subjunctive (frequently used in the second conditional) and pas!
perfect subjunctive (frequently used in the third conditional).

If I were you, I wouldn't say that to her. (Past subjunctive)

If I had had more time, I would have been able to help you. (Past pertect

02 First Conditional & Past Subjunctive

111 find your watch, I will let you know.

""'>This is known as the first conditional: what is said in
the condition is possible.

Past If I found your watch, I would let you know.

,'e> This is known as the second conditional: what is said
in the condition is unreal/impossible.
First Conditional·& .Past Subj.t1n~tive
There are two kinds of conditional sentences: real and unreal. Ql The real conditional (known
as the first conditional) describes real-life situations. (JJ The unreal conditionals (known as the
second and third conditional) describe unreal or imaginary situations.
A present real conditional includes the present tense in the if-clause and a future modal in the
main clause.
A present unreal conditional includes the past subjunctive in the if-clause and would/could/
might+ bare infinitive in the main clause.
First conditional If I meet him in person, I will discuss the matter.

Past subjunctive If I met him in person, I would discuss the matter.

If/I see Maria/this afternoon,/I/ will set up a meeting/for next Friday.

If/I were a manager,/l/would give you/a raise.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms to complete each sentence.
1 If I ______ _ __ where he is, I ______ _ _to meet him right away. (know, go)

2 If it tomorrow, the retreat ___ _ _______, and we will be on regular duty.

(rain, be canceled)

3 If l _______ _ ___ in your position, l ____ _ ____ for the position advertised in the paper.
(be, apply)

4 If you ____ ____________ your computer on a regular basis, you ___________ important data.
(back up, not lose)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

11 your injury gets worse, you ______ have to see a doctor immediately.
(A) will (B) should (C) would (D) might

2 11 I were you, I to serve as an assistant coordinator.

(A) continues (8) continued (C) will continue (D) would continue

The past subjunctive is used in the if-clause and expresses a situation that is contrary to fact at
The past perfect subjunctive is used in the if-clause and expresses a situation that is contrary
to fact in the past.

Past If-clause [subject + verb (past)] Main clause (subject +would + bare
subjunctive infinitive)
If I had the right tools, I would repair my bike.

Past perfect If-clause (subject + had + past Main clause (subject+ would have+
subjunctive participle) past participle)

If I had had the right tools, I would have repaired my bike.

If /you applied/for the job,/you would get ii.

If/you had ordered the item/in advance,/you would already have gotten it.

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form to complete each sentence.

1. If sales weren't so bad, we_____ _______ a few days off. (take)

2 If I had known about your difficulty, I _________ _ to help you. (try)

3 111 _ you, I would return the dress. (be)

4 If he had been elected chairman, things _________________ differently. (go)

5 If you me to your party, I would gladly have gone to it (invite)

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

If the merchandiser had attended the auction, she ____ a better deal.
(A) would find (B) found (C) would have found (D) would be founded

2 If you ______ closer to your workplace, you would use your car a lot less.
(A) live (B) living (C) lives (D) lived

Mixed Subjun.ctive
The mixed subjunctive is used when the time relations between the if-clause and main clause
are different. The past perfect subjunctive in the if-clause expresses an unreal past situation,
whereas the past subjunctive in the main clause expresses an unreal present situation. There
are usually adverbs of time such as today or now in the main clause.

If-clause Main clause

If I had not stayed up all night, I would not be so tired now.
Mixed we wouldn't be having difficulty
subjunctive If we had spent more money on
attracting more customers at the

If/the company had gotten a loan/from the bank,/it/wouldn't be/suffering a financial crisis/

Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 If the train had left a little earlier, we (wouldn't be/hadn't been) late for the meeting now.

2 If you (hadn't helped/ didn't help) me with this project, I wouldn't be finished with it today.

3 If the railroad workers (hadn't had/had) a pay raise, they would possibly go on strike.

4 If Mr. Bruno had not made that big mistake, he (will be/would be) eligible for a promotion.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

If the landlord a lower rent, I would be a tenant here in this apartment.
(A) offer (B) offered (C) has offered (D) had offered

2 If Danny had not had your assistance, he _____ not be finished with the course now.
(A) will (B) would (C) would have (D) had

1. If you ____ any help, I will be willing to 5. If they had checked the package properly,
assist you. the food wouldn't _bad.
(A) need (A) goes
(8) needed (8) going
(C) be needed (C) to go
(D) had needed (D) have gone

2. I ___ my job more if it was closer to my 6. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we _ _

place. able to host an open-air concert.

(A) enjoy (A) were

(8) will enjoy (8) will be
(C) would enjoy (C) would be
(D) would have enjoyed (D) would have been

3. If I were in your position, I a closer 7. If the company _____ a survey, it would

look at the situation. have a better understanding of what its

(A) took customers want.

(8) will take (A) conducts
(C)')/vould take (8) conducting
(D) would have taken ' (C) has conducted
(D) had conducted
4. If Maria had not given me information about
the area, I __ lost. 8. The clients wouldn't so confused
(A) will get now if the travel agency had posted travel
information on its website.
(8) would be getting
(C) get (A) be
(D) would have gotten (8) being
(C) have been
(D) to be

Questions 9-12 refer to the following memo.

To: Department Heads

From: Jessica Parker
Date: December 15
Subject: Employees' Bonus Leave

On January 1, we are going to start a new company policy ---·--- employees' annual
leave. Every year, one employee from each department will receive bohus leave if
he /she _ _ outstanding performance. The eligible employees will r~ceive an

additional three days of annual leave. We are going to have a meeting to finalize the list
of employees eligible for bonus leave. _ _ I - - · .. grateful if you could give me a
n. 12.

list of eligible employees before the meeting.

I hope to see you all at the meeting.

9. (A) despite 11. (A) We might cancel the meeting because

(B) with regard to of it.
(C) as long as (B) The meeting is going to be tomorrow
(D) in contrast to morning at 10.
(C) No one in your department is eligible
for a bonus.
10. (A) do
(D) The meeting room is occupied at the
(B) does
(C) doing
(D) did
12. (A) will be
(B) would be
(C) would have been
(D) have been

Questions 13-17 refer to the following online form and e-mail.

Tlmm:!er Internet Service

Required fields are marked with an asterisk(').

IN~~e* Katherine Turner

Date* April 20
Phone Number* (065) 332-5544
Subject* Internet disconnection

I have been using your Internet service for the last two years, and 1. have not had a single
problem with you so far. In fact, I personally think you are the best Internet service provider
in the country. However, yesterday, I started to have trouble with my Internet connection,
and today I can't get any service at all. Of course, as soon as the problem occurred,
I contacted the Customer Service Department to complain and talked to one of your
technicians, Paul Taylor. Unfortunately, the problem has not been resolved yet. I would like
to know when I can get Internet back.

Dear Ms. Turner,

I am terribly sorry that you are dissatisfied with our service. Thunder Internet Service is
proud of providing the best quality service to its custon1ers. Therefore, we will settle this
issue in a prompt manner.
I have talked to the technical tea1n, and t11ey assume that so1ne of your equipn1ent n1ust
have suffered a 1nechanical inalfunction. We would like to dispatch a technician to your
ho1ne to check your equiptnent to1norrow. The technician you talked to will give you a call
first thing tomorrow inorni11g to schedule a visit. His phone number is (312) 667-2211. You
can call hini_ directly if you do not hear fro1n hiin early ton1orrow.
Jane l)avis

13. What information is NOT included on the 16. In the e·mail, the word "assume" in
form7 paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) An e·mail address (A) concur
(B) A telephone number (B) suppose
(C) A home's location (C) present
(D) The service problem (D) allow

14. On which date did the interruption of the 17. What is suggested about Paul Taylor7
service begin? (A) He visited Ms. Turner.
(A) April 19 (B) He will be cal)jng Ms. Turner.
(B) April 20 (C) He is on vacal'ion.
(C) April 21 (D) Ms. Turner has not talked to him.
(D) April 22

15. What is the purpose of the e·mail?

(A) To inform a person of a technician's
(B) To give a customer a refund
(C) To apologize for a late shipment
(D) To complain about a product

in tense

Agreement in tense means that the tenses in the main clause and
subordinate clause must agree with each other.

··I was convinced that he robbed the bank. ( v')

I was convinced that he had robbed the bank. ( v')
I was convinced that he robs the bank. (X)

At the same time, the subject and its verb must agree with each other in
number (singular or plural):
A singular subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject takes a plural
When the subject is an indefinite pronoun or a noun with a quantifier, you
have to carefully decide whether to use a singular or a plural verb.
When the subjects is modified by a prepositional phrase, a participial phrase
or a relative clause, you have to use the verb form that agrees with its
4 corresponding noun.
The lecturer hascgone on to the next topic.
The guest speakers at the conference have distributed handouts.
Agreement ini Tense
When the main clause is in present tenses, the subordinate clause may be in various tenses.
When the main clause is in past tenses, the subordinate clause must be in past tenses.

Basic rules of agreement in tense:

Main clause Subordinate clause

Present simple, I am aware that Present, future, past tenses

present perfect tenses he is/was/will be involved in that

Past tense The man told me that Past tenses

he joined/had joined/would join the
team a few months ago.


Main clause Subordinate'tlause ;~ ..

When the event is a The management told the Present tenses
truth/general fact staff members that the company is having financial

When the event is a The professor says Past tenses

historical data that the Second World War started in

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 The president said that he (laid/would lay) off some of the employees.
2 Jack told me that he (enjoys/will enjoy) his current job very much now.

3 The newspaper says that Furnish & Co. (went/had gone) bankrupt a few days ago.
4 The doctor said that washing your hands frequently (prevents/will prevent) infection.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The driver told me that I . train tickets at any station.

(A) purchase (8) will purchase (C) could purchase (D) has purchased

2 Everybody knows that this company in the 1920s.

(A) is established (8) was established
(C) has been established (D) would be established

The basic rule is that a singular subject goes with a singular verb, while a plural subject goes
with a plural verb.

Subjects Examples

Singular/plural ' T.h.e flowers (ar.~) supposed to arrive in 10 minutes.

nouns plural N plural V

The flower beautifully placed on the balcony.

singular N singular V

Subject+ Th_f!_ _ f-?_r_9_f~~-~_Q!? at my university '~~-~~) mostly from the United States.
prepositional plural N plural V

Subject+ The letter offering me a job (Qa?J finally arrived.

singular N singular V

Th~ _stud~nts whom-I met at the seminar interested in my research.

clause plural N plural V

Many of the employees/in this office/are not satisfied with/their salaries.

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 Most senior citizens in developed countries (are/is) enjoying a lot of social benefits.

2 The staff members at this hotel (are/is) willing to help you during your stay.
3 Factory workers who are suffering from backaches (need/needs) to see a company doctor.

4 A small-business owner seeking promotional ideas (has/have) visited the PR agency,

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Most of the classes on politics taught by professor Chang ___ difficult to understand.
(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) be

2 People driving long distances ___ often reported to be more tired at work.
(A) is (B) are (C) being (D) to be

Agreement<in Number (2)
(Uncountable Nouns, To-infinitives,
Gerunds, Clauses Introduced by that)
Besides, you must use singular verbs in the following cases:
When the subject is an uncountable noun
When the subject is a to-infinitive or a gerund
When the subject is a noun clause introduced by that

Types of subjects Examples

Uncountable nouns Your satisfaction is our priority.

My luggage .i.s missing again.

To-infinitives To meet you_r needs -'is. our priority.

Gerunds Working out regularly ·keep~: your heart healthy,

Noun clauses That she (should)be atthe meeting essential.

introduced by !hat = lt:isi essential she (should)be atthe meeting.

Advertising/is absolutely necessary /when/you launch a new product

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 The damage to the car (were/was) worse than we thought

2 Working with parents (is/ are) so stressful for teachers.

3 There (has/have) been an increasing demand for solar energy.

4 To hire a sales representative with a lot of experience (is/are) crucial now.

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Experiencing a high level of stress often serious diseases.

(A) cause (B) causes (C) causing (D) have caused

2 It extremely difficult to find a qualified candidate for this position.

(A) is (B) be (C) are (D) were

(l\10.uns. wit.ha· Qua.ntifiE}r)
The table below shows the verb forms that agree with their subjects indicating quantities.

most/all/some/any/half/many of Most of the participants (were :satisfied with the

the + plural noun + plural verb presentation.

most/all/some/any/half/much of Some of the equipment (t~l·~~fil) to that department

the+ singular/uncountable noun+
singular verb

every I each + singular noun + Every product labeled with a price.

singular verb

each of the + plural noun + singular Each of the seat_s (~~9) a headset.

a number of+ plural noun + plural A__ i::i!Jmber of peop_I__~ .:_~_r~_! traveling abroad nowadays.

the number of + plural noun + T~e nlJ!ll_i:?~_r_Qf__R_~_op_le traveling abroad increasing.

singular verb

There exists the possibility /that the new printer is not compatible/with our computers .

Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1 Most of the details in this brochure (is/are) considered wrong.

2 Hall of this money (have/has) to be spent on purchasing office supplies.

3 The number of applicants (is/ are) not known to us.

4 Every computer (are/is) carefully maintained by the Technical Department

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

A number of athletes from Europe ________ in the tournament every year.

(A) participate (B) participates (C) participating (D) participated

2 The number of children using smartphones been growing for the past few years.
(A) is (B) has (C) have (D) are

1. Sales receipts given to customers 5. The people doing jobs with heavy workloads
sometimes credit card information. already ready to quit.

(A) contain (A) is

(B) contains (B) are
(C) containing (C) being
(D) to contain (D) am

2. The housekeeper claimed that she 6. Each of the hotel guests given a free
every sink in the house last week. beach bag and towel after arriving.

(A) clean (A) to be

(B) cleans (B) was
(C) cleaned (C) are
(D) have cleaned (D) were

3. Some of the workers in this plant __ to 7. The number of patients reporting side
improve their working environment. effects from this medicine been
(A) want increasing since last month.

(B) wants (A) has

(C) has wanted (B) have
(D) wanting (C) had
(D) having
4. A number of tourists visiting Korea ______
that the purpose of their visit is shopping. 8. Most of the workers at the construction site
(A) say ______ exhausted from the extra work.

(B) says (A) was

(C) saying (B) were
(D) be said (C) has
(D) have

Questions 9-12 refer to the following Letter.

Dear Sir I Madam,

I have been a member of your fitness center for the past 3 years. And I have been enjoying
working out there. However, recently, going to the spa _ _ something
I want to avoid. I find it so unpleasant. Most of the shower rooms--·· so dirty. The

floors are always littered with paper.

I would like to _ _ my membership at the center. . .. I hope these conditions can .

12. - I
be improved for the benefit of all concerned.
~·--·· --------,--,~~~

9. (A) have become 11. (A) reserve

(El) had become (B) stay
(C) has become ~
(C) maintain
(D) having become (D) go on

10. (A) is 12. (A) And I want to cancel my registration.

(B) are (B) But I want to get good value for my
(C) am money.
(D) being (C) And I am sorry about the
(D) But I would like a full refund.

Questions 13-17 refer to the following notice and e-mails.

Notice: Convention Center

Elevators to Be out of Service

Please be advised that all the elevators in the convention

center will be out of service for upgrades during the
period of June 20-25 next week. If you have a concern
related to this upcoming service interruption, please

I just found out that there is going to be elevator inaintenance next week. I am writing this
e~mail to ask you if you could reschedule the work. I ain lill1dly asking this because there is an
important event planned for 2 days starting on the 21s•. The event is an annual convention
for people with disabilities. A nu1nher of people with disabilities, their representative
organizations, and policymakers are expected to participate in this event. Therefore, I am
pretty sure that this maintenance schedule will cause a huge problem and will be extremely
inconvenient for those who are in wheelchairs.

I am sorry I couldn't notify you of this event earlier, but I feel that rescheduling the elevator
1naintenance is inevitable.


l'hank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I had no idea about what is scheduled
to be happening on those dates when I \Vas organizing this maintenance. Rescheduling is
not what I can decide on n1y own. I need to talk with the maintenance company to see if I
can change the dates. After I talk with them, I will see what I can do about your request.


13. What is the purpose of the notice? 16. What was Brian NOT aware of'
(A) To notify readers of a change in the (A) The fact that there is a convention
maintenance schedule planned
(B) To announce the opening of a (B) The fact that people with disabilities
convention center often visit the building
(C) To announce the malfunctioning of the (C) The fact that the elevators are not
elevators working
(D) To inform readers about maintenance (D) The fact that elevator maintenance
on the elevators costs a lot

14. In the first e-mail, the word "inevitable" in 17. How will Brian take care of Julia's concern'
paragraph 2, line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) He will cancel the maintenance
(A) unavoidable schedule.
(B) complicated (B) He will contact the maintenance
(C) describable company.
(D) optional (C) He will talk to his manager.
(D) He will reschedule the maintenance
15. What is Julia's concern' right away.

(A) People with disabilities won't be

interested in the conference.
(B) Participants at the conference will be
(C) The maintenance schedule has not
been fixed yet.
(D) The maintenance work was not

TOEIC Preparation
LC + RC (Volume 1)

Park Hye Young

Jeon Ji Won

Chju trach nhi~m xua'.t biin

Ghim Mc - Tbng Bien ti)p
Dinh Tht Thanh Thuy

Bien ti)p Nguyen Van suang

Trinh bily sach Cong ty Nhiln Tri Vi~t
SU'a biin in Nguyen Nguyen


62 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai-Q.1- TP.HCM
'if 38225340 - 38296764 - 38247225 Fax: 38222726
E-mail: Sach online:

Th\fc hi~n lien kilt:

Cong ty TNHH Nhan Tri Vi~t
83n Tril.n Dinh Xu, P. Nguy@n Cti Trinh, Qu:j.n 1
Thanh phil HJ Chi Minh
11it 38379344 Fax: 38302417

In 1.000 cu6n kh6 18,8 x 25,7cm t~i Cong ty TNHH MTV ITAXA - 126 Nguyfo Thi Minh Khai
Qu:j.n 3 - Tp. HJ Chi Minh. XNBKXB s6: 4349-2018/CXBIPH/09-359/THTPHCM ngay 23-11-2018.
QBXB sil: 1390/Qfl-THTPHCM-2018 ngay 4-12-2018. ISBN: 978-604-58-8495-9. In xong va rn)p
ltiu chigu thang 1-2019.

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