University Forum 4-4

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University Forum #4

Ronnie Warren

On September 24 DSU held their 4th annual university forum. This university semester

was less about the university and more the students. It was mostly about secual assault and how

to go about filing a report.I n the forum it was said that 90% of sexual assault vitums knows their

attacker. The school informed us students that the schools staff must report a sexual assault

within 24 hours. When the information is received safe havens, such as health service, chaplain,

or counseling will be available for the victim. Which still applies even if sexual assault isn’t

reported. Usually before sexual assault happens alcohol is involved. Alcohol is the number 1

rape drug. A person who is intoxicated, incapacitated, disoriented, helpess, asleep, or a minor

cannot give consent for saexual activity. When out it’s said that having bystanders present it

reduces sexual assaults by 50%. As it was said in the presentation “Group up… Safety in

numbers”. DSU is a “Start By Believing” Police Department. They consider the information of

the victim first. This means that if you are involved in a sexual misconduct and receive a no

trespass from the university you will need to leave the campus within 24 hours. DSU has taken

on new procedures when it comes to seexual assault. The school is to receive information about a

complaint from anyone including judicial, RA’s, police, coach, or professor. The school will then

send supportive measures and read the victim their rights and explain to them what their options

are. Both parties will be offered the opportunity to present their own advisor, or if not they'll be

assigned an advisor for the panelist. Both parties will be given 10 days to review the evidence

and thee investigate report submission. A hearing will be scheduled which will now present

remotely because of COVID-19.

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