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Chapter 12: Personal Care

Multiple Choice.​ Choose the correct answer.

1. Hygiene is:
(A) Practices like fingernail, foot, and hair care
(B) Methods of keeping the body clean
(C) Activities of daily living, such as eating, drinking, and elimination
(D) A.M. care and P.M. care
2. One way to promote dignity and independence with personal care is to:
(A) Encourage residents to perform tasks independently even if it takes longer
(B) Choose which clothes and cosmetics the resident will wear
(C) Encourage residents to do their ADLs quickly
(D) Leave residents alone while bathing
3. Ms. Martin is an elderly resident with very dry skin. What kind of bath would be appropriate for her?
(​A) Partial bath
(B) Shower
(C) Tub bath
(D) Complete bed bath
4. Mr. Reynosa has a doctor’s order for epsom salt additives during bathing. What kind of bath would be
most appropriate for him?
(A) Partial bath
(B) Shower
(C) Tub bath
(D) Complete bed bath
5. Ms. Reid is unable to get out of bed due to recent surgery. She is very concerned with cleanliness and
wants to bathe every day. Which kind of bath is most appropriate for her?
(A) Partial bath
(B) Shower
(C) Tub bath
(D) Complete bed bath
6. The decision on which bath to give a resident is made by:
(A) The physical therapist
(B) The nursing assistant
(C) The doctor and the resident
(D) The resident’s family
7. Observing residents’ skin during personal care and bathing is especially important in the prevention
(A) Depression
(B) Abuse
(C) Pressure ulcers
(D) Diabetes

8.The highest priority when bathing residents is:

(A) Speed
(B) Safety
(C) Making sure every resident has a bath every day
(D) Observing for mobility
9. A nursing assistant can make bathing safer for residents by:
(A) Asking for help if she cannot safely handle the task alone
(B) Gathering all needed equipment after entering the bath/shower area
(C) Making sure the water temperature is not over 120°F
(D) Leaving residents alone while bathing or showering
10. A general rule for bathing a person is:
(A) Wash from dirtiest to cleanest
(B) Wash from cleanest to dirtiest
(C) Wash body parts in whatever order the resident prefers
(D) Wash body parts in whatever order the nursing assistant prefers
11. The part of the body that should be washed first is:
(A) Face
(B) Neck
(C) Eyes
(D) Hands
12. Which of the following should be washed every day?
(A) Hair
(B) Knees
(C) Chest
(D) Perineum
13. To shampoo the hair of a resident on a stretcher, the nursing assistant should:
(A) Transfer the resident to a bed
(B) Transfer the resident to a chair near the sink
(C) Bring the stretcher to the sink and adjust height to be even with the sink
(D) Transfer the resident to the tub
14. If the nursing assistant notices redness around bony areas during a massage, she should:
(A) Massage around these areas
(B) Massage these areas
(C) Discontinue the massage
(D) Apply extra lotion to these areas
15. How often must oral care be provided for residents?
(A) Once a day
(B) At least twice a day
(C) Only when the resident requests it
(D) Every other day
16. A resident who is edentulous:
(A) Lacks teeth
(B) Has bad-smelling breath
(C) Is wearing dentures
(D) Has tartar deposits on the teeth
17. Which of the following is true about oral care?
(A) Residents without teeth will not require any oral care.
(B) Residents who are unconscious and do not eat do not require any oral care.
(C) Oral care is not just care of the teeth, but also the mouth, tongue and gums.
(D) Residents who wear dentures do not require oral care.
18. Which of the following is the proper temperature for rinsing and storing dentures?
(A) Cold
(B) Lukewarm
(C) Hot
(D) Boiling
19. The primary risk for unconscious residents is:
(A) Mouth dryness
(B) Aspiration
(C) Gingivitis
(D) Mouth sores
20. In which of the following procedures must a nursing assistant always wear gloves?
(A) Shaving a resident
(B) Combing or brushing hair
(C) Dressing a resident
(D) Turning a resident
21. Ways to prevent aspiration during oral care of unconscious residents include:
(A) Pouring mouthwash slowly into the resident’s mouth
(B) Turning residents on their backs when giving oral care
(C) Avoid performing oral care on unconscious residents
(D) Using as little liquid as possible when giving oral care
22. A nursing assistant should give nail care:
(A) Whenever she has time
(B) When she is bathing a resident
(C) When she notices a resident’s nails are getting long
(D) When the resident’s nail polish wears off
23. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Residents’ hair should be handled gently because hair can be pulled out when combing or
brushing it.
(B) Residents’ hair should be combed or brushed into childish hairstyles.
(C) Nursing assistants should cut residents’ hair if it is getting long.
(D) Pediculosis (lice) cannot spread quickly.
24. When assisting a resident who has one weak side with dressing:
(A) Clothing should be put on the weak side first
(B) Clothing should be put on the strong side first
(C) The weak side should be referred to as the “bad side”
(D) It does not matter which side clothing is put on first

Chapter 18: The Integumentary System

Multiple Choice.​ Choose the correct answer.

1. The ______ is the outer layer of the skin which is composed of dead cells.
(A) Integument
(B) Epidermis
(C) Dermis
(D) Melanocyte
2. The largest organ in the human body is the:
(A) Heart
(B) Lungs
(C) Skin
(D) Kidneys
3. Which of the following is a function of the integumentary system?
(A) Regulates hormone levels in the body
(B) Prevents the loss of too much water
(C) Allows the body to move
(D) Provides an environment for the development of a fetus
4. Which of the following is a normal age-related change for the integumentary system?
(A) Amount of fat and collagen increases
(B) Pressure ulcers occur
(C) Hair thickens
(D) Skin becomes thinner and more fragile
5. A burn that affects the epidermis and causes redness and pain is a:
(A) First-degree (superficial) burn
(B) Second-degree (partial-thickness) burn
(C) Third-degree (full-thickness) burn
(D) Scald
6. Which of the following is true of scabies?
(A) It is caused by a build-up of bacteria in the skin.
(B) Symptoms include rash, intense itching, and sores that may become infected.
(C) It is not contagious.
(D) Teenage children and young adults are at a higher risk of acquiring scabies.
7. Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes _______ and can occur in anyone
who has had it.
(A) Scabies
(B) Herpes
(C) Chickenpox
(D) Eczema

8. Skin that is not intact is considered a(n):

(A) Open wound
(B) Closed wound
(C) Contusion
(D) Bruise
9. One of the nursing assistant’s responsibilities regarding eczema is:
(A) Prescribing topical lotions
(B) Reporting signs of infection
(C) Draining any oozing fluid from the skin
(D) Administering medications
10. In which part of the body do fungal infections often occur?
(A) The groin
(B) The head
(C) The arms
(D) The cheeks
11. The first sign of skin breakdown is:
(A) Muscle damage
(B) Blackened skin with pressure ulcers
(C) Shallow crater
(D) Pale, white, reddened, or purple skin
12. A pressure ulcer with partial-thickness skin loss that looks like a blister or shallow crater is a stage
______ pressure ulcer.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
13. Which of the following is a condition that increases the risk of pressure ulcers?
(A) Resident flexibility
(B) Cold air
(C) Good circulation
(D) Restricted mobility
14. Which of the following statements is true of pressure ulcers?
(A) When skin begins to break down, it first turns black.
(B) Pressure ulcers are difficult to heal but do not hurt much.
(C) Pressure ulcers are impossible to prevent.
(D) Pressure ulcers can lead to life-threatening infections.
15. Benefits of applying heat to the body include:
(A) Heat helps stop bleeding
(B) Heat increases muscular tension
(C) Heat decreases blood flow due to constriction of blood vessels
(D) Heat increases movement of oxygen and nutrients into the tissues
16. How does moisture affect warm and cold applications?
(A) It strengthens their effects.
(B) It reduces their effects.
(C) It makes applications less likely to cause injury.
(D) It allows applications to be applied for a longer time.
17. Warm or cold applications should generally be applied for:
(A) 10 minutes
(B) 20 minutes
(C) 30 minutes
(D) 40 minutes
18. A sitz bath is used to:
(A) Relax the resident
(B) Encourage slow, deep breathing
(C) Measure a resident’s pulse
(D) Increase blood flow to pelvic area
19. Non-sterile dressings are applied to:
(A) Open wounds
(B) Draining wounds
(C) Dry wounds that have less chance of infection
(D) New wounds

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