Sunday's Service:: 6 March 2011

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6 March 2011

Sunday’s Service:

1st of Lent
10.00 am - Prayer.
10.30 am - Communion.
Readings- Romans 5: 12-19 (p1132) & Matthew 4: 1-11 (p967)
Readers - Phil Atkinson & Dawn Gilkes.
Intercessor - Virginia Hashimi.

Wednesday’s Service
Lent 1

10.00 am - BCP Communion.

Readings- 2 Corinthians 6: 1-10 (p1161) & Matthew 4: 1-11 (p967)
Reader - Miss B Thomas.


Parish Weekend Heavenly Father,

This year the Parish Weekend is on 14th - 16th Your Son battled with the powers of darkness,
October, with speaker Rt Revd. Colin Buchanan, And grew closer to you in the desert:
who will be with us on Pentecost Sunday. Cost for Help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and
the over 65’s £60, 16-65 £82, 5-16 £25,under 5 prayer
free. If you would like to give more than the That we may witness to your saving love
published cost it will be appreciated as this will In Jesus Christ our Lord.
enable us to cover the cost for those who for a Amen.
variety of reasons cannot afford to go.
Guy & Jenny are running a savings scheme. PRAYER

Peace in Lybia
Victims of the Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan
Annual Parochial Meeting
The APM will be on Tuesday 12th April, would
everyone please have their group reports in to CONTACTS
Barbara as soon as possible.
Vicar: Revd. Don Gilkes
Vicar: Revd. Don Gilkes

Electoral Roll 01924 893100

The revision of the church electoral roll began last
07821 325350
Sunday until Sunday 20th March. Application
forms are on the welcome desk. If you are not on

the roll but wish to be then complete a form and

put it in the box provided. If you have changed
Youthworker: Gavin Budby
your name, address, telephone number etc in the
last year then please complete a form, mark it 01924 220868
amended, and put it in the box.
07969 089959

The PCC are asking for ideas about how we might
use the Olympics in 2012 as an opportunity for
reaching our community. If you have any thoughts Community Development officer:

let Don know.

Jenny Farrall-Bird

Women’s Weekend National Women’s 01924 892410

Conference 07872 551640

13-14 May 2011, Kingdom Faith Church,
Horsham. Girls, this is just for YOU!! Two days
of friendship, fun and dynamic God encounter
where you will hear God’s heartbeat for the lost
and be inspired to embrace the future! If you
would like to attend please see Rose for more Phil Atkinson: 07702 248 948

details as soon as possible. If we book before the

John Dracup: 07753 987 668
end of March we may be eligible for a reduction in

Church Office
Thank You
Admin: Barbara Teece
I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts,
prayers, visits and encouragement during my 01924 220868
recent hospitalisation and ongoing recovery.
Things are progressing well and I look forward to
being back among you all soon Derek.

Open weekdays 9.00am-3.00pm except Wednesday

Come and see what we’ve been up to at The
from 10.00am
We would really like to invite the Church Family to Call to book Parish rooms for Baptism and
Weddings: Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm Parish Room
be one of the first people to see the new art wall
we’ve been working on at the back of The Well
Project. Please come along to our official opening
on Thursday 17th March at 3.30 pm. For more
information please see Jenny.
John Dracup
John will be attend a Bishop’s Advisory Panel for
selection for training for ordination on 21st for
three days. Please pray for his and their guidance.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 16th, the
agendas and the minutes are in the pigeon holes.

Justice in a Changing Climate

Tearfund are encouraging everyone to take part in
their Carbon Fast during Lent, please take one of
the folded cards on the welcome desk to follow
the six week programme.

John Sayles
John is doing a skydive on 30th July please
sponsor him! After raising the minimum
sponsorship of £200.00 for the Air Ambulance all
further monies raised will go to The Well Project!
Sponsor forms are on the welcome desk every
penny counts. If you would prefer you can
sponsor him on line at

Diocese Appointment
The Diocese of Wakefield are looking to appoint a
Finance Officer, see notice board for details

The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir

Next concert in Wakefield Cathedral is on
Saturday evening 26th March at 7.30 pm and
features Brahm’s ‘Requiem’. Chilcott’s ‘Little Jazz
Mass’ and the rarely performed ‘Rio Grande’ by
Lambert. It promises to be an evening of great
and contrasting music which should appeal to a
wide variety of tastes. Tickets, priced at £12 with
Charity Number: 1135324
£10 concessions, are available from the Cathedral
Bookshop, the Tourist Information Centre, by
telephoning 01924 364862 or online at

Church Walks
Our next Saturday walk is 26th March. Weather
permitting, we will be walking 5 miles (with an
optional extension of a mile or so) from Digley
Reservoir near Holmfirth. Please let John & Kate
(tel:223893) know if you are planning to join us
and we will meet at the Parish Rooms for a 9am
start as usual. Our following Saturday walk will
now be on Easter Saturday, 23rd April. We have
not decided on our destination yet but on the basis
of calculations based on our recorded church
walks we will be clocking up our 1,000th mile!

Worship Rotas

Sunday 20th March

10.30 am - Morning Prayer & Baptism.
Readers - Ann Preston.
Intercessor - Denise Burgess.
Welcome/Coffee - Cathy Cook, Sally Dinsdale, Bill
& Joyce Robinson.
Counting - Rachel Budby, Janet Robinson, Shirley

Wednesday 23rd March

10.00 am - BCP Communion.
Reader - Mrs D Gilkes.

Weekly Action

Tues 7.00 pm - The Aftershock in Parish Rooms

Wed 10.00 am - Traditional Communion in church

1.00 pm - Mums, Dads and Tots in Parish Rooms

6.00 pm - Rock Solid High in Parish Rooms

7.30 pm - Freedom in Christ Youth in Parish


Thurs 4.00 pm - Rock Solid Junior in Parish


7.30 pm - Youthy in Well@Woodhouse

7.30 pm - Worship Team in Church

Sunday Morning Kid’s Groups

1st Sunday - Service of Thanksgiving-please sit

with your family

2nd Sunday - Meet in Church and sit together

with activities in Side Chapel

3rd Sunday - Meet in Parish Rooms from 10.00

am for Breakfast Club

4th Sunday - Meet in Church and sit together

with activities in Side Chapel

A Crèche for under 4’s is available at every

service under the East Window.

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Normanton, WF6 1NT

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