Chondrichthyes Dan Osteichthyes

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Oleh: Fajar Okta Widarta, S.Pd., M.Pd.
 Chordata merupakan hewan-hewan yang
memiliki penegak tubuh dalam berupa tali/
tongkat (chordate).
 Filum Chordata Terbagi ke dalam beberapa
Subfilum, yakni:
 Subfilum Urochordata;
 Subfilum Hemichordata;
 Subfilum Cephalochordata;
 Subfilum Vertebrata;
 Subfilum Urochordata
Chordate terdapat pada bagian ekor.
Contoh: Tunicata/ molgula

 Subfilum Hemichordata
Chordate terdapat pada masa larva saja, ketika dewasa chordate menghilang.
Contoh: Saccoglossus

 Subfilum Cephalochordata
Chordate terdapat pada bagian dekat kepala (cepal).
Contoh : Amphioxus/ Ikan lanchet.

 Subfilum Vertebrata
Chordate mulai dari kepala sampai ekor, telah memiliki cranium.
Contoh : Kucing, Anjing, dll
Subfilum Vertebrata

Superkelas Pisces Superkelas Tetrapoda

1. Kelas Agnata 1. Kelas Amphibia

2. Kelas Placodermata 2. Kelas Reptilia
3. Kelas Chondricthyes 3. Kelas Aves
4. Kelas Osteicthyes 4. Kelas Mammalia
Filum Chordata
Chondrichthyes dan Osteichthyes
Kelas Chondrichthyes

Ciri Umum:
1. Ikan bertulang rawan;
2. Kerangka bertulang rawan;
3. Memiliki rahang;
4. Respirasi melalui insang;
5. Pembuahan internal;
6. Bisa bertelur atau melahirkan anak;
7. Indera yang tajam;
8. Contoh: Hiu, ikan pari.
Class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish)

 Chondrichthyes fish have a cartilaginous skeleton.

 Chondrichthyes fish have placoid scales, which are similar in shape and
composition to their teeth.
 Chondrichthyes fish have a j-shaped stomach and a spiral-valved intestine.
 Chondrichthyes fish have exposed gill slits with no operculum (protective
gill plate that covers the gills).
 Chondrichthyes fish do not have a swim bladder.
 For buoyancy they have an oily liver filled with a low-density substance
called squalene.
 Most Chondrichthyes fish reproduce by way of internal fertilization.
Placoid Scales and External Gill Slits
Class Chondrichthyes and Subclass Elasmobranchii
(Sharks and Rays)

 Most fish in the class Chondrichthyes are in the subclass

Elasmobranchii and about half of the members of this subclass are
 Sharks typically are predators with 5-7 pairs of gills and external gill
 Sharks have a spiracle behind each eye that is used to bring more
water into the gills.
 Sharks are heavier than water, so they must continue to swim
forward or they will sink.
Shark Anatomy
Subclass Elasmobranchii

 Sharks have an assymetrical heterocercal tail.

 The heterocercal tail provides lift and thrust.
 The broad head and pectoral fins also help to provide lift in the
 The placoid scales of the shark reduce turbulence. The teeth of a
shark resemble the placoid scales and the teeth are replaceable.
 The placoid scales, like teeth, are made of dentine and enamel.
Heterocercal Tail of a Shark
Subclass Elasmobranchii

 Sharks have an extremely good sense of smell and a system of

canals on the sides of the body, called a lateral line, that can detect
 At close range, the shark relies on vision and special sensory
receptors, called the ampullary organs of Lorenzini to help detect
their prey.
 The ampullary organs of Lorenzini can detect bioelectric fields that
surround all animals.
 Male sharks have claspers on their pelvic fins that transfer sperm
internally to the female.
Ampullary organs of Lorenzini
Shark Claspers
Subclass Elasmobranchii

 Some sharks and skates are oviparous, and lay their eggs after
 Some sharks are viviparous, meaning the young are not in an
egg, but a placenta, and the young are born live after
 But most sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning fertilization is
internal, eggs are developed and hatched internally. The young
receive nourishment from a yolk sac rather than a placenta.
Young are born live.
Subclass Elasmobranchii

 The other half of elasmobranchii fish are rays.

 Rays are a group of fish that includes skates, stingrays, electric
rays and manta rays.
 Rays have dorsoventrally flattened bodies and enlarged pectoral
fins, which they move in a wave-like motion to swim.
 Rays have large spiracles on top of their head because they often
bury their mouth in the sand while hunting. This prevents clogging
of the gills with sand and debris while hunting.
Subclass Elasmobranchii
6'' stingray tail barb
 Stingrays have a long, slender,
whip-like tail that is armed with
saw-toothed spines and can
inflict serious wounds.
 Electric rays have muscles on
the side of their head that can
produce powerful electrical fields
in order to shock and stun their
Kelas Osteichthyes

Ciri Umum:
1. Ikan bertulang keras;
2. Kerangka dan rahang bertulang;
3. Sebagian besar spesies melakukan
pembuahan eksternal dan mengeluarkan
telur dalam jumlah banyak;
4. Pernapasan terutama melalui insang;
5. Banyak di antaranya memiliki kantung
6. Hidup di laut atau air tawar;
7. Contoh: Bandeng, kakap, tuna.
The Bony Fishes (Osteichthyes)
 Bony fish have a skeleton made of bone.
 Most bony fish have a homocercal tail.
 Scales of bony fish are either cycloid , ctenoid, or occasionally
ganoid (like gar).
 Bony fish have a hard protective covering over the gills called
the operculum.
 Bony fish have a swim bladder that allows them to achieve
neutral buoyancy.
Scales Types
The Bony Fish (Osteichthyes)

 There are two main subclasses of bony fish; the ray-finned fishes
(Actinopterygii), and the lobe-finned fishes (Sarcopterygii).
 One advantage of the bony fishes, is they have an operculum,
which not only protects the gills, but also increases efficiency by
allowing the fish to actively pump water across the gills.
 some bony fishes can use other organs, like the swim bladder in
combination with their gills to aid them in respiration.
The Operculum
 Gills in bony fish have a protective operculum and four gill
arches that support the gills.
 Gill rakers project forward on the gill arches and strain out
food and debris.
 Gill filaments project back from the gill arches.
 Gill filaments are made up of fine delicate plate-like
structures called lamellae.
 The lamellae are richly supplied with blood vessels
Anatomy of the Gills

 The blood vessels in the lamellae run in the opposite direction

that water flows over the gills.
 This is an adaptation of fish that allows up to 85% or more
oxygen saturation.
 This adaptation is called countercurrent flow.
 If blood flowed in the same direction as water, the maximum
amount of oxygen saturation could never be more than 50%.
Countercurrent Flow
 Freshwater fish are hyperosmotic regulators, because they
live in an environment with low concentrations of salt. Salt-
absorbing cells in their gills actively pump salt into their
bodies and their kidneys produce dilute urine.
 Marine fish are hypoosmotic regulators, because they live in
an environment with a high concentration of salt. Salt-
secreting cells in their gills actively pump salt out of their
bodies and their kidneys produce concentrated urine.
 We already discussed reproduction in the Elasmobranchs
(Sharks and Rays).
 Bony fish are almost all oviparous, which means they lay
and fertilize their eggs externally and the young develop
 There are some examples of ovoviviparous bony fish like
mollies and guppies.
 The reproductive strategy of most bony fish is to produce as
many eggs as possible because the mortality rate is high.
 Many pelagic fish like halibut, release their eggs directly into
the open water. Their eggs are buoyant and float with the
ocean currents.
 Many freshwater, near shore, and benthic fish release eggs
that are non-buoyant and adhesive, so the eggs will stick to
the bottom substrate in order to prevent them from drifting
 After eggs are released and fertilized, the eggs eventually
hatch into alevin.
 Alevin are the developing embryos of fish that have a yolk
sac that provides nourishment.
Eggs and Alevin

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