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Estefany Gallardo
Professor Suk
EDUC 230-01V Education Field Experience
Spring 2021
Rationale Statement-Standard # 3

Standard 3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-
motivation. (Professional Development in New Jersey, 2014, p.4)

Artifact: Welcome Letter

Date of Completion: 3/3/2021

Rationale Statement:
This artifact is a Welcome Letter that is to be set home to parents or guardians on the first day
of school or to students on the first day of school. This artifact related back to standard 3.iii.1
“The teacher is committed to working with learners ...” (Professional Development in New
Jersey, 2014, p.5). Standard 3.iii.1 focuses on the teacher being able to work with students,
families and communities to be able to establish a positive and learning environment. In the
Welcome Letter I introduce myself to my future students and or parents/guardians that I will be
working with during the school year and give an overview of what will be taught that school
year, and what is needed for the students to be ready to learn.

As a future teacher creating this letter was a challenge. I had to do more research on school
climate and a classroom community. I first recalled my notes on the classroom as a community
and realized that I wanted to create a classroom atmosphere that emphasizes thrust, care and
support. In doing this I also learned that being honest as possible in the Welcome Letter is a
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good start to build a relationship with my students and their parents.

In the future, I can refer back to my welcome Letter and reflect that I intend to create a safe
and truthful climate for my students to learn and grow. That the actions I take reflect who I am
and that the environment I create must be respectful, caring, orderly, and productive. That it
supports both academic learning and socio-emotional learning.

New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers Alignment with InTASC. (2014, August 4)
. Retrieved from New Jersey State Department of Education:

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