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NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Updated: September 2014


Your Name: Nichole Glaza School: Handley
Date Lesson will be Taught: November 13, 2019 Host Teacher: Mrs. Routledge-Kato & Mrs. Winter
Time Lesson will be Taught: 9:30-10:15 Grade Level: Kindergarten
Select Grouping: Whole Class & Small Group
Lesson Topic: Describe fair ways for groups to make decisions.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:

 Students should know how to get along with others.
 Students should have an understanding how to listen and associate with others.
 Students should be able to sit in one of the three ways throughout the story.
 Students should be able to participate to questions throughout the story.
 Students will have an understanding on the colors of the flag from the previous lesson, relating that blue represents
 Students will have an understanding on cooperation, citizenship, responsibility, and common good.

Lesson Objective(s):
 Given handouts all students will be able to correctly spell and write their names.
 Given the ability to have group discussions the students will participate within the discussion.
 Given handouts the students will be able to finish the sentence of “I think it is important to make fair group decisions” and
draw a picture to go along with their reasoning.
 Given handouts the students will be able to finish the sentence “When someone treats me unfairly, I feel...”
National and State Standards and Expectations:
National standards
*National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Strands:
 IV. Individual Development and Identity
 V. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
 VI. Power, Authority, and Governance
 X. Civic Ideals and Practices
*Common Core State Standards:
 Reading Standards for Informational Text K-5
o Key Ideas and Details
 With promoting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or
places of information in a text.
 Speaking and Listening Standards K-5
o Comprehension and Collaboration
 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
State Standards
*Michigan GLCEs for Social Studies:
 K-C2.0.3 Describe fair ways for groups to make decisions.

Levels of Thinking, Bloom’s Taxonomy:

 Remembering- The children will recall the pre-existing rules in the classroom.
 Understanding- Introduce the new topic of voting, and how it applies to their lives.
 Applying- Use the new information to apply to their lives.
 Analyzing- How the votes relate back to which topic has one.
 Evaluate- Realizing what topic won, and that if theirs didn’t that is okay.
 Creating- Producing new topics that can be voted upon.
NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Updated: September 2014

Materials, Equipment, Technology:

 Let’s Vote on It! By Janice Behrens
 White Board with Markers
 Crayons & Pencils
 Overhead projector
 Premade fair group discussion worksheets

Teacher Preparation:
 Knowledge about the book, read it before presenting it.
 Creating the fair group decisions worksheets.

 Vote- A fair way to make a decision with a group, with the popular choice winning
 Rules- Actions, procedures, or arrangements that have to be followed
 Ballot- A object to put votes in
 Elect- To choose by voting
 Leaders- People who make decisions who are in charge
 Common Good- The benefit or interest of all
 Responsibility- An obligation to behave correctly towards or in respect of
 Citizenship- The position of being a citizen of a particular location
 Cooperation- The process of working together for the same outcome

 Let’s Vote on It! By Janice Behrens
 Oxford Dictionary

Anticipatory Set/Launch:

 Gather all the students on the carpet, this allow them all to be able to see the skit that will be preformed by the teachers.
o Remind the students of their expectations and responsibilities while being on the carpet.
o Choose one of the three way to sit, remain quiet and pay attention, and raise to raise their hand if they would like
to participate.
 Act out a small skit with the other team teachers in the classroom to grab the attention of the students.
o This skit can be focused on any topic, if there is three different options.
 Example: One teacher may want to go to McDonalds, while the other teacher wants to go to Taco Bell,
and the other teacher wants Burger King.
 The teachers will discuss their choice that they want and then one will say “I don’t care that you
two want to go to those places, we are going to the place that I have chosen.
o Once the skit is finished then present the students with the question, “Was that fair”
 Allow the students to participate in a turn and talk discussion.
 Alert them that they have 2-3 minutes to complete the turn and talk activity.
 Make sure to tell them that they have only a few minutes to discuss the questions that they were
presented with.
 Once the turn and talk time is up, ask for volunteers that would like to share what their partner discussed.
 If they begin to start to share that is not related to the topic, thank them for participating, but
remind them of the topic and that they should’ve been talking about the questions being asked.
NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Updated: September 2014

Body of the Lesson/Main Lesson Activities/Tasks/Problems:

 Begin to read the book to them once they have refocused after having the class discussion.
o Remind them again the expectations of being on the carpet.
 Choose one of the three way to sit, remain quiet and pay attention, and raise to raise their hand if they
would like to participate.
 Throughout the reading make sure to keep it interactive and ask them questions that follow along with making group
decisions that are fair.
o Some sample questions-
 Does anyone know what it means to take a vote?
 What kinds of things do we tend to vote on?
 Who knows what a ballot is?
 Do you think that a ballot box is where we place our ballots?
 Did the group make a fair decision when they voted?
 What other types of things can we vote on?
o Make sure to remind them that their can only be one thing picked when voting, and it’s okay if their favorite thing
did not get picked. Remind them that there will be other opportunities for them to vote on what they like and their
favorite topics or ideas.
 Ask the students what they thought of the book, and it they like it, along if they think that voting is one way to make fair
group decisions. Allow for any volunteers to speak, but keep them on track, by keeping their responses short if they start to
get off topic.
 Voting Activity- After reading the voting book the children will then have an understanding on how voting works.
o Choose one girl and one boy that is sitting on the carpet behaving
 Have the two students each choose one book from the books that are offered in the classroom
 Once they have each chosen a book present the books to the students
 Announce that we will be voting on the two books but will only be reading one of them.
 Have the students cover their eyes and raise their hand for the book that they want to be read.
o This will prevent all the kids from raising their hands for the same book.
 Tally the responses on the board as a way to keep track.
 Once the book that won the vote is selected, they begin to read the book, asking questions
throughout the bookkeeping it interactive.
 Have all of the students return to their desk and prepare for the next step of the lesson.
o Use a dismal strategy to dismiss them-
 Shirt color
 By name
 Birthday Month
 Go over the “Why we should be fair” handout
o Read all of the prompts that are given and explain each sentence to the students.
o Ask the students why they think it voting is a good way to make fair group decisions.
 Explain the directions/Pass Out Papers:
o Use the overhead projector to present the worksheet that they students are given. (I am Fair)
 Show them an example of a completed worksheet so they have an awareness of how to complete their
 Explain the two prompts to them.
 Explain that they will complete the sentences and draw a picture to go along with their reasoning.
 They must use three different colors in their pictures.
NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Updated: September 2014
o Remind them that they must write their names in the lines that are provided for them.
o Make them aware that they will have 15 minutes to complete this activity.
 Allow the students to complete their worksheet.
o Walk around and assist the students, but allow them to work on their own
 If they need help spelling any words make sure to assist them in that way.
 If a child is stuck on one of the prompts, present them with other examples to get them thinking.
 Collect all the students work when they are completed, grade each response to the handouts, and record all grades into the
grade book.
 Worksheets: If a child finishes their worksheet before the other students have them flip their worksheet over and
create other sentences with pictures based on making fair group decisions.
o If they are able, they can even come up with some new class rules for their classmates to vote on.
 Overall Activity: Review the class rules and add any that the students feel need to be added at this part in the
o Be Respectful, Be Safe, and Have Fun

Closure/Summarize/Next Steps (e.g., looking back and looking forward):

 Briefly review why we have rules
 Review why voting is important when making fair group decisions.
 Look into other ways that the students can make fair group decisions.
 Go home and share what they learned about how voting is important to make group decisions, and how voting on what they
want will affect them.
 Have the students think of what we tend to vote on outside of the classroom.

Evaluation Plan:
 Objectives will be graded based on the rubric as follows-
Criteria 5 Points 2.5 Points 0 Points
Student has attempted to The student has attempted One of the sentences is The student was unable to
write a sentence to complete to complete both sentences attempted. attempt to complete the
the prompt. that were created for them. sentences. The lines were
left empty.
Student has drawn a picture There is a picture to go Pictures are drawn, but they There are no pictures drawn
for each question being along with their reasoning. do not correlate with their throughout the book.
asked. reasoning.
Student has used three Three or more colors are Different colors are being There is no color on the
different colors to explain being used in their pictures. used, but the student has page.
their picture. not used three.

 Record all grades into the grade book, also record any other issues or concerns that are presented when the student’s work
is completed.

Home/School Connections:
 For the closure of this lesson have the students discuss on how their families make group decisions at home. Have the
students share how we as a class voted to make fair group decisions.

Legal/Ethical Issues:
 No photography or videos of the students will be taken without parental/ guardian consent. Public domain materials are
cited in the sources section.
NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Updated: September 2014

I Am Fair
Name: ________________________

A time I was fair in making a decision was when I…


When someone treats me unfairly, I feel….


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