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Introducing allergens and toxins to food

People are concerned about the potential of GMO food to cause allergies.however, the
technology used for making GMO crops does not necessarily make us more vulnerable than
conventional breeding. Comprehensive evaluation for market approval, food safety surveillance,
and adequate labeling could minimize the health risks of food allergies.

Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat.
In most cases, antibiotic-resistance infections require extended hospital stays, additional follow-
up doctor visits, and costly and toxic alternatives.

Antibiotic resistance does not mean the body is becoming resistant to antibiotics; it is that
bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotics designed to kill them.


Agricultural innovation has always involved new, science based products and processes that
have contributed reliable methods for increasing productivity and sustainability. Biotechnology
has introduced a new dimension to such innovation, offering efficient and cost effective means
to produce a diverse array of novel, value-added products and tools.


These GMO crops, and those that followed, gave farmers new tools to deploy against two of
their oldest foes: insects and weeds. The benefits were many, according to a 2016 study by a
PG Economics, an agriculture advisory and consultancy firm based in the United Kingdom, they
reduced the volume of pesticide sprays by over 8 percent and reduced greenhouse gas
emissions from agricultural equipment by over 500 kilograms in the United States alone. The
use of GMO crops also improved soil healthy by making no-till farming practical.

GMO technology has not come without controversy. Since the introduction of GMO crops,
consumers, policy makers and scientists alike have raised concerns over their potential
negative effects on the environment. Critics claim that GMO crops have caused the emergence
of herbicide resistance superweeds, the rise of secondary pest insects to fill the void left by
those decimated by BT toxin, and a reduction in biodiversity in areas surrounding agricultural

Introducing allergens and toxins to food

Antibiotic resistance

Within the frame of the EU-funded MARLON project, background data were reviewed to explore
the possibility of measuring health indicators during post-market monitoring for potential effects
of feeds, particularly genetically modified (GM) feeds, on livestock animal health, if applicable.
Four case studies (CSs) of potential health effects on livestock were framed and the current
knowledge of a possible effect of GM feed was reviewed. Concerning allergenicity (CS-1), there
are no case-reports of allergic reactions or immunotoxic effects resulting from GM feed
consumption as compared with non-GM feed. The likelihood of horizontal gene transfer (HGT;
CS-2) of GMO-related DNA to different species is not different from that for other DNA and is
unlikely to raise health concerns. Concerning mycotoxins (CS-3), insect-resistant GM maize
may reduce fumonisins contamination as a health benefit, yet other Fusarium toxins and
aflatoxins show inconclusive results. For nutritionally altered crops (CS-4), the genetic
modifications applied lead to compositional changes which require special considerations of
their nutritional impacts. No health indicators were thus identified except for possible beneficial
impacts of reduced mycotoxins and nutritional enhancement. More generally, veterinary health
data should ideally be linked with animal exposure information so as to be able to establish
cause-effect relationships.

Keywords: Allergenicity; Genetically modified -feed; Health indicators; Horizontal gene transfer;
Mycotoxin-reduction; Nutritionally altered genetically modified crops.


GMO Experiments
Updated April 25, 2017
By Charles Roe
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a controversial topic. Proponents claim that GMOs
are revolutionizing the way we grow food and will help decrease poverty worldwide. Opponents
believe that GMOs are dangerous not just for human consumption, but the effects they have on
non-GMO crops near the GMO fields are devastating. Furthermore, detractors claim that the big
GMO corporations are not interested in human health, but profits. The GMO argument is here to
stay; GMO products fill the shelves of supermarkets. GMO experiments are suitable for science
students at all levels; GMO is and will continue to be a part of their lives.
PCR Analysis of DNA Experiment
BioBus Educational Programs created this experiment for high-school science students. It
involves two distinct stages. The first has the students engage in a pre-laboratory electronic
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) study in which they use the online BLAST (Basic Local
Alignment Search Tool) program to create the primer sequences used during the actual lab
experiment. The first step helps the students better understand the general concepts of a PCR
reaction and identify the DNA sequence amplified with their PCR primers. The second stage
takes a minimum of two days, so sufficient class time is necessary. The students perform their
own PCR experiment with soy protein. The steps involve isolating DNA from the soy protein,
setting up a PCR reaction, amplifying the strands and observing.
Are We Eating Genetically Modified Papaya?
As of 2011, there are no labeling requirements in the United States for GMO products. So, a
suitable experiment for students is the testing of different foods to see if they are indeed GMO.
The experiment tests imported Hawaiian papaya seeds, though you can use any papaya. The
project is suitable for middle-school aged children and up. The student can study any number of
seeds, the more the better, but the length of the experiment will depend on actual class time
allowed. The student removes the papaya seeds, cuts them in half (use the seeds of one
papaya per petri dish to keep track of the ones that have GMO seeds and those that do not),
applies X-Gluc and phosphate buffer saline to the seeds. Over the next 24 hours, the X-Gluc
chromogenic substrate that will show color differences in the GMO versus non-GMO seeds.

Testing GMOs and DNA Extraction

The better a student or researcher can extract DNA from a specific product, the better
experiments they can perform. The DNA-extraction experiment uses a range of household
detergents to see which particular product extracts the most DNA from peas. The student can
use any common detergent, but it is best done with detergents that have different chemical
compounds such as X-14 cleaner, Ultra Joy and others with differing strengths. Blend the peas
with a solution of salt and warm water. Strain out the cell material, add two teaspoons of
detergent, one tablespoon of alcohol and a reactive enzyme to purify the DNA. Let the solution
sit for about 24 hours, observe and have the student record her results.

DNA Concentration in Plants

Different parts of plants yield more DNA samples than others due to their cell structures. This
experiment seeks to test which part of the plant will give a student researcher the most DNA
strands that they can later work with. The experiment requires a number of materials including a
hot plate, blender, thermometer, ice bucket, 95-percent ethanol alcohol, liquid dishwashing
detergent, protective plastic gloves, plant material (separated into distinct parts of the plant) and
more. The plant material is blended, separated, cooled and mixed with the DNA extraction
agents over the course of 24 hours. The experiment is most suited for high-school students due
to the complexity of the steps and required detail of observation. At the completion of the
project, the student will have a greater understanding of the best plant parts to use for DNA
extraction, enabling him to do further work in GMO and other plant-based research more
What Are Some Good DNA Science Projects?
Deoxyribonucleic acid is an instruction or how-to manual for any genetic individual, including the
human body. A complete set of these instructions for any organism is known as the genome,
and DNA is not just found in humans. All living things including plants and bacteria contain DNA.
Whether a student chooses to examine various aspects of human or animal examples of this
material or discover more about plant and food DNA, the subject of deoxyribonucleic acid has
enough variety and complexity to make it great for science projects.

What Makes a DNA Fingerprint Unique?

Human DNA is about 99.9 percent identical between any two people. It is also nearly identical to
the DNA of chimpanzees. Even though the differences in human DNA are small, they are
enough to give each person unique fingerprints. Testing unique DNA sequences to determine if
they can make unique, individual fingerprints can be a good science project for fourth- to sixth-
graders. Using an online random sequence generator, students can make or simulate DNA.
They will use another online program to make fingerprints for each piece of DNA they have
created. From these pieces of created DNA, students will be able to determine if DNA
sequences are the same or unique.

Extracting Onion DNA

DNA is not found in humans or animals only, but in all organic tissue. Foods, like onions, have
DNA as well. Getting DNA from an onion is a science project that has a difficulty level
appropriate for fifth-graders. The procedure is relatively simple, making use of many items
already in the house such as a blender, alcohol and a kitchen timer. Students will place
chopped onion in a solution of table salt, distilled water, alcohol and dish-washing liquid or
shampoo. Put this solution into hot water followed by cold water to reveal onion DNA. Because
onions contain very little starch, the student will be able to clearly see the DNA they have

Build a DNA-Identifying Tool

Building a tool to identify DNA is a science project more attuned to seventh- through ninth-grade
level study. The project involves building a gel electrophoresis chamber to compare molecules
in food-coloring dye. Electrophoresis is the method scientists use to separate and see
macromolecules such as DNA. Students will need stainless steel wire, nine-volt batteries,
plastic foam and other supplies to build the chamber. Baking soda, food coloring, Agarose gel
and other supplies will be needed to conduct the experiment. Students will place gel and food
coloring in the chamber to determine how many macromolecules are in the dye and which dye
goes through the gel fastest.


The genetic modification of organisms for food use has raised serious concern about the
potential for adverse effects on the environment, ecosystems and on the health of humans and
animals. As a relatively new technology, its impacts remain uncertain but could range from
disturbances to the genetic functioning of individual organisms to a reduction in the biodiversity
of farmland. As a result, the question of how to monitor for potential impacts is beset with
problems. The fact that genetic modification can be used on a range of organisms for a variety
of purposes means that those developing monitoring systems will need to be as imaginative as
those developing GMOs. In the case of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for food use,
concern has focussed on the transfer of genes to other organisms, the potential for effects on
non-target organisms, or on the health of humans and animals, and the likelihood of adverse
effects on wildlife due to changes in farming practice. As with other new and unfamiliar
technologies, genetic modification is also plagued by the problem of uncertainty. Novel genes
are inserted randomly into the genome of the host organisms, and this leads to the possibility of
unexpected effects. Unanticipated environmental disasters, such as the concentration of
persistent organic pollutants in ecosystems at high latitudes, have highlighted the need for
monitoring despite the obvious difficulties inherent in monitoring for unexpected effects.

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