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The Treatment

It’s the summer holidays and overweight 10 year old Arnie spends nothing more but eating
and watching Television. In the morning till late at night he shouts laughs, screams cries at
the TV. As a result the tiny machine cowards and trembles at the sight of the young boy who
works him 24/7. Worn out and tired they boy garners complete control over it due to his
laziness and the power of the remote.

One day as Arnie enters the living room and catches the TV making a run for the opened
front door. They glance at each other Arnie daring the TV to move whilst it shakes
uncontrollably. Gathering up all its courage the TV makes another dash across the hallway.
Arnie drops his ice cream and chases after it. He manages to grip the TV’s cable and drag it
closer to him. The TV jumps on his toe with Arnie stomping around in pain. By the time
Arnie recovers the TV is nowhere in sight.

He runs frantically outside the front door. Blinded by the sun he opens his eyes to the
outside world. A clear blue sky, birds whistling through the air, and kids his age playing on
the pavement. Arnie takes a moment to absorb the world he hasn’t been in for quite a
while. He takes a few steps forwards and soon enough wonders into the world in awe. The
Television set peers from inside the house through the front door, and takes a well deserved
sign of relief. He crumbles to the side of the wall and begins to relax. Moments later The TV
opens its eyes suddenly to find a young girl peering at him in wonderment. Smiles from ear
to ear and drags the TV be its cable upstairs. It first is shocked by terror, then sighs in defeat
knowing that he will probably never be free. For he is a machine for entertainment and
nothing else.

Log Line
The TV desperate escape from a very lazy little boy.

The Premise
Fear is something that may never be conquered

Step Outline
 The little boy over works the Television watching it day and night, resulting in it
being terrified and fearful of him

 The TV plots to escape

 The TV makes a run for the open front door

 Arnie chases after him huffing and puffing, due to is unfit state

 Manages to grab the TV’s cable and pull it closer

 The TV jumps on his toe making Arnie scream out stomp around in agony
 Once Arnie recovers the TV is nowhere in sight, so Arnie runs to the front door

 The boy walks into the world with awe, finally discarding TV and ready to experience
what childhood should be like

 The TV signs in relief only to have Arnie’s little sister pick him up and drag him

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