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NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Approved: June 29, 2011


Your Name: Nichole Glaza School:
Date Lesson will be Taught: February 24, 2020
Time Lesson will be Taught: 10:00-11:20 Grade Level: K-5
Select Grouping: Whole Class-Small Group
Lesson Topic: Teamwork and Cooperation

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: What do you know about the titanic? Skills: Cooperation
 Example: A big boat that sunk in the water
 Example: Working together as a team

Lesson Objective(s):
Affective: K.PS.02.01 Students will identify key behaviors which exemplify each of the personal/social character traits of
responsibility, best effort, cooperation, and compassion in isolated settings.
Cognitive: M.MC.02.01 Students will demonstrate selected space awareness movement concepts for location (e.g., self-space and
general space) in isolated settings.
Psychomotor: M.MS.02.02 Students will demonstrate mature form of locomotor skills of walk, run, leap, slide, gallop, hop, skip,
and flee in isolated settings.
Be aware of and respect everyone's personal space
Be aware of tripping hazards in groups
Make sure to keep hands to yourself in the hula hoops
EPEC Curriculum: Cooperation- Students will demonstrate cooperation while learning, practicing, and participating in physical

National and State Standards and Expectations:

Common Core State Standards CCSS.ELA -LITERACY.L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking

Materials, Handouts, Equipment, Technology: Hula Hoops, Titanic (step), A group of children, Timer (Optional)
Vocabulary: Titanic, Teamwork, Cooperation, Problem Solving
Anticipatory Set/Launch: Ask the students if they have ever heard of the Titanic? How did the people get to safety on the shore?
After hearing what they know about the Titanic we will tell the students to picture this, you are on a sinking ship and must get to
safety and no one can be left behind.

Body of the Lesson/Main Lesson Activities/Tasks/Problems:

 The object of the game is for all the students to escape
from the Titanic to the rescue ship, using the lifeboats (hula hoops) to cross the freezing
water (the gym floor).
 The only way to be in the freezing water is to be inside a lifeboat
and once there is someone inside a lifeboat, it cannot be moved.
 Students are not allowed to touch the freezing water outside of the lifeboats and anyone who does so is sent back to
the Titanic to start over again.
 This is all the information students should be given. To stimulate problem solving, students should be given the
opportunity to discover how to travel from the Titanic to the rescue ship.
 Students must travel in the lifeboats in a rotating fashion, therefore needing a minimum of 2
lifeboats to travel. To travel, an empty lifeboat must be placed in front. Without touching
the freezing water, students move forward and inside the front lifeboat. The rear lifeboat,
that should now be empty, is then picked up, passed, and moved to become the new front
lifeboat and the process in repeated.
 After giving all the instructions the teachers will model the activity for the students. Then the students who volunteer
to model the activity will model to show the rest of the children.

Closure/Summarize/Next Steps (e.g., looking back and looking forward):

NCATE Assessment #3: Lesson Plans Common Plan Format Approved: June 29, 2011
 Teacher will close out the lesson by having students join in a group and summarizing what the students did well in during
the lesson. The teacher will then ask questions to get students to think of other strategies they could use to complete this
task again.
o “What skills did we learn today?”
o “If we were to complete this activity again, what are some other ways we could get to the ‘shore’?”
o “How could you have done this faster?”
o “Thinking back, what are some things you would do differently?”
o “Do you think this would be easier or harder with more people?”

Evaluation Plan/ Assessment Tool: Evaluation of the students will be done by observation of their teamwork and the strategies
that they use to get to the other side of the gym.
 Affective Assessment: Each team will be rated on a scale of 1-4 based on their cooperation and teamwork.
 1- Minimal Cooperation
 2- Some Cooperation
 3- Good Cooperation
 4- Exceptional Cooperation

Lesson Diagram: Attach diagram of lesson as it is to be set up and taught within the gymnasium.

Diversity: Consider the students in your classroom

 This activity could be adapted to the desired accommodations that a child with disabilities would need
 Marcus has Cerebral Palsy and needs wheelchair assistance, instead of stepping inside of the hula hoop he can be pushed
beside the hoop and as long as he is next to the hoop he can be considered in the lifeboat.
 To gear down the lesson, if someone needs a reminder to stay on task, pair them with a partner
 To gear up the lesson, minimize the amount of hula hoops that is available to the students.

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